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view on githubraw file Latest commit ba0b0470 on 2021-04-08 01:06:32 UTC
9944d6f836 Jean*0001 C     *==========================================================*
                0002 C     | ATMVARS.h Declare arrays for holding data on the atmos.
                0003 C     |           grid. Arrays may need adding or removing
                0004 C     |           different couplings.
                0005 C     *==========================================================*
e68f0e3375 Jean*0006 
128d77e532 Jean*0007 C     landMask_atm   :: Atmosphere land mask (=1 : full land grid-point;
                0008 C                       =0 : full ocean grid-point);
df704bd4eb Jean*0009 
                0010 C--   fields send to ATM:
9944d6f836 Jean*0011 C     OcMxlD_atm     :: Ocean mixed-layer depths on atmos. grid (m)
                0012 C     SST_atm        :: Sea surface temperature on atmos. grid ( oC).
ba0b047096 Mart*0013 C     SSS_atm        :: Sea surface salinity on atmos. grid (g/kg).
9944d6f836 Jean*0014 C     vSq_atm        :: Sea surface velocity square on atmos. grid (m2/s2)
df704bd4eb Jean*0015 C-    optionally sent:
9944d6f836 Jean*0016 C     fluxCO2_atm    :: flux of CO2 from ocn->Atm on atmos. grid (mol/m2/s)
df704bd4eb Jean*0017 
                0018 C--   fields received from ATM:
9944d6f836 Jean*0019 C     atmSLPr_atm    :: Sea Level atmos. pressure on atmos. grid (Pa)
                0020 C     HeatFlux_atm   :: net Heat flux on atmos. grid (W/m2, +=upward)
                0021 C     qShortWave_atm :: net shortwave radiation on atmos. grid (W/m2, +=upward)
                0022 C     TauX_atm       :: Zonal momentum flux on atmos. grid ( N/m^2, same
                0023 C                       sign as the wind ; positive wind == westward flow)
                0024 C     TauY_atm       :: Meridional momentum flux on atmos. grid ( N/m^2, same
                0025 C                       sign as the wind ; positive wind == northward flow)
                0026 C     EvMPr_atm      :: Fresh water flux (=Evap-Precip) on atmos. grid
e68f0e3375 Jean*0027 C                       ( kg/m2/s, positive into atmosphere).
df704bd4eb Jean*0028 C-    optionally received:
9944d6f836 Jean*0029 C     RunOff_atm     :: Fresh water flux (=RunOff) on atmos. grid
e68f0e3375 Jean*0030 C                       ( kg/m2/s, positive is leaving the land bucket)
9944d6f836 Jean*0031 C     ROEnFx_atm     :: Energy carried by RunOff on atmos. grid
                0032 C                       ( W/m2, +=leaving land bucket)
df704bd4eb Jean*0033 C     SaltFlx_atm    :: salt flux from seaice compon. on atmos. grid
e68f0e3375 Jean*0034 C                       ( g/m2/s, +=upward=leaving the ocean)
df704bd4eb Jean*0035 C     sIceMass_atm   :: seaice mass  on atmos. grid (kg/m2)
                0036 C     saltPlmFlx_atm :: salt-plume flux on atmos. grid, for salt_plume pkg
9944d6f836 Jean*0037 C     aCO2_atm       :: atmos CO2 on atmos. grid (parts by volume)
                0038 C     wSpeed_atm     :: surface windspeed on atmos. grid (m/s)
df704bd4eb Jean*0039 
                0040 C--   fields used for multiple purpose:
                0041 C     sIceFrac_atm   :: seaice fraction on atmos. grid
                0043 C--   fields sent to & received from ATM:
                0044 C     sIceThick_atm  :: seaice thickness [m]                  on atmos. grid
                0045 C     sIceSnowH_atm  :: snow thickness over seaice  [m]       on atmos. grid
                0046 C     sIceQ1_atm     :: seaice enthalpy of ice layer 1 [J/kg] on atmos. grid
                0047 C     sIceQ2_atm     :: seaice enthalpy of ice layer 2 [J/kg] on atmos. grid
7f58e89433 Jean*0048 
                0049       COMMON /ATMVARS_R/
128d77e532 Jean*0050      &       landMask_atm,
df704bd4eb Jean*0051      &       OcMxlD_atm, SST_atm, SSS_atm, vSq_atm,
                0052      &       fluxCO2_atm,
7f58e89433 Jean*0053      &       atmSLPr_atm, HeatFlux_atm, qShortWave_atm,
df704bd4eb Jean*0054      &       TauX_atm, TauY_atm, EvMPr_atm,
                0055      &       RunOff_atm, ROEnFx_atm,
                0056      &       SaltFlx_atm, sIceMass_atm, saltPlmFlx_atm,
                0057      &       aCO2_atm, wSpeed_atm,
                0058      &       sIceFrac_atm,
                0059      &       sIceThick_atm, sIceSnowH_atm, sIceQ1_atm, sIceQ2_atm
7f58e89433 Jean*0060 
128d77e532 Jean*0061       _RL landMask_atm   (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
df704bd4eb Jean*0062 
7f58e89433 Jean*0063       _RL OcMxlD_atm     (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0064       _RL SST_atm        (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0065       _RL SSS_atm        (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0066       _RL vSq_atm        (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
9944d6f836 Jean*0067       _RL fluxCO2_atm    (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
df704bd4eb Jean*0068 
7f58e89433 Jean*0069       _RL atmSLPr_atm    (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0070       _RL HeatFlux_atm   (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0071       _RL qShortWave_atm (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0072       _RL TauX_atm       (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0073       _RL TauY_atm       (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0074       _RL EvMPr_atm      (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
df704bd4eb Jean*0075 
7f58e89433 Jean*0076       _RL RunOff_atm     (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0077       _RL ROEnFx_atm     (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0078       _RL SaltFlx_atm    (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0079       _RL sIceMass_atm   (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
df704bd4eb Jean*0080       _RL saltPlmFlx_atm (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
9944d6f836 Jean*0081       _RL aCO2_atm       (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0082       _RL wSpeed_atm     (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
df704bd4eb Jean*0083 
9944d6f836 Jean*0084       _RL sIceFrac_atm   (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
df704bd4eb Jean*0085       _RL sIceThick_atm  (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0086       _RL sIceSnowH_atm  (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0087       _RL sIceQ1_atm     (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0088       _RL sIceQ2_atm     (Nx_atm,Ny_atm)
                0090 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|