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09a6f3668a Jeff*0001 #include "ATM2D_OPTIONS.h"
                0002 #ifdef ATM2D_MPI_ON
                0004 CStartOfInterface
                0005       SUBROUTINE CPL_REGISTER_OCN
                0006 C     /==========================================================\
                0007 C     | SUBROUTINE CPL_REGISTER_OCN                              |
                0008 C     | o Routine for registration of ocean config. with coupler |
                0009 C     |   layer.                                                 |
                0010 C     |==========================================================|
                0011 C     | This version talks to the MITgcm general circulation     |
                0012 C     | model. For now just get the models depth map.            |
                0013 C     \==========================================================/
                0014       IMPLICIT NONE
                0016 C     == Global variables ==
                0017 #include "OCNSIZE.h"
                0018 #include "OCNVARS.h"
                0019 #include "OCNIDS.h"
                0021 C     == Routine arguments ==
                0023 C     == Local variables ==
                0025 CEndOfInterface
                0027 C     Call MIT Coupler registration acceptance procedure.  Make sure that nobody
                0028 C     who registers for ocnCompName has a sub-domain that exceeds the bounds
                0029 C     Nx_ocn, Ny_ocn.
                0030 C     The first argument to MITCOUPLER_tile_register gives the name of the
                0031 C     component whose attributes will be collected by the particular call
                0032 C     to MITCOUPLER_tile_register.
                0033 C     The second and third arguments to MITCOUPLER_tile_register are used
                0034 C     for an internal error check. This check makes sure that the sub-domain
                0035 C     sizes reported by each of the component processes for a given component
                0036 C     fall within the global domain size the coupler is expecting.
                0037       CALL MITCOUPLER_TILE_REGISTER( ocnCompName, Nx_ocn, Ny_ocn )
                0039       RETURN
                0040       END
                0041 #endif