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09a6f3668a Jeff*0001 #include "ctrparam.h"
                0002 C
                0003       SUBROUTINE ATM2D_INIT_VARS(myThid)
                0004 C     |==========================================================|
                0005 C     | Initialization steps which depend on pickups loading.    |
                0006 C     \==========================================================/
                0007       IMPLICIT NONE
                0009 #include "ATMSIZE.h"
                0010 #include "DRIVER.h"
                0012 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0013 C     == Routine arguments ==
                0014 C     myThid - thread number for this instance of the routine.
                0015       INTEGER myThid
                0017 C     === Local variables ===
4175e90c01 Jeff*0018 
d09f90e9d3 Jeff*0019 #ifdef PREDICTED_AEROSOL
260186e531 Jeff*0020       PRINT *,' Before eppaemission'
4175e90c01 Jeff*0021       CALL eppaemission (0)
7bd86c8b05 Jeff*0022 #endif
09a6f3668a Jeff*0023 
9274434acc Jean*0024 #ifdef CLM
260186e531 Jeff*0025 #  ifndef CLM35 
                0026       CALL atmosphere(0,0)     ! initialize the atmospheric model
                0027 #  endif
09a6f3668a Jeff*0028       CALL clm4mit2d           ! initialize CLM
260186e531 Jeff*0029 #  ifdef CLM35 
                0030       PRINT *,'After clm4mit2d  initialization'
                0031       PRINT *,'orbfix=',orbfix,' dyn_pft=',dyn_pft
                0032       PRINT *,'orbyr=',orbyr,' rampyr_dynpft=',rampyr_dynpft
42b245533d Jeff*0033 #    ifndef ORBITAL_FOR 
260186e531 Jeff*0034       IF ( THEN
                0035          PRINT *,'Wrong orbyr for CLM3.5'
                0036          STOP
                0037       ENDIF
                0038 #    endif
                0039       CALL atmosphere(0,0)
                0040 #  endif
                0041 #else
                0042       CALL atmosphere(0,0)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0043 #endif
9274434acc Jean*0045 #ifdef ML_2D
09a6f3668a Jeff*0046 C    2D mixed layer model  initialization
f1778e48d4 Jeff*0047       CALL ocean_ml(dtocn*3600.,dtatm*3600.)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0048 #  ifdef CPL_OCEANCO2
                0049       CALL zerogary
                0050 #  endif
                0051 #endif
9274434acc Jean*0052 
                0053 #ifdef CPL_TEM
09a6f3668a Jeff*0054       PRINT *,' Start of tem_init'
                0055       aocuav=0.0
                0056       nepav=0.0
                0057 #  ifdef DATA4TEM
                0058       nfile=1
                0059 #  endif
260186e531 Jeff*0060 c      call tem_init(inyear,lyear)
9a05518332 Jeff*0061       CALL climate2tem(0,0)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0062       CALL temclm_init
                0063       CALL lcluc_init
                0064       CALL updatelcluc(0)
                0065       CALL tem_init
                0066       adupt=0.0
                0067       PRINT *,' TEM initialization finished'
                0068 #endif
                0070 #ifdef OCEAN_3D
                0071       CALL ATM2D_READ_PICKUP(myThid)
                0072 #endif
                0074       RETURN
                0075       END