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09a6f3668a Jeff*0001 #include "ATM2D_OPTIONS.h"
                0002 #ifdef ATM2D_MPI_ON
                0004 CStartOfInterface
                0006 C     /==========================================================\
                0007 C     | SUBROUTINE ACCEPT_COMPONENT_REGISTRATIONS                |
                0008 C     | o Routine to coordinate registration of component other  |
                0009 C     |   component processes.                                   |
                0010 C     |==========================================================|
                0011 C     | During registration each component process sends its     |
                0012 C     | attributes. Currently attributes are the layout of tiles |
                0013 C     | that the process owns. The 'Coupler' component (i.e. this|
                0014 C     | process) stores these attributes. Subsequent transfers   |
                0015 C     | to/from the 'Coupler' process implicitly assume these    |
                0016 C     | gridding attributes. Only one set of attributes is       |
                0017 C     | allowed per process. The dimension arguments in the      |
                0018 C     | 'Coupler' process calls to the registration routine are  |
                0019 C     | used to check consistency. The tile interior extents     |
                0020 C     | registered by a component have to lie within the global  |
                0021 C     | extents set in the 'Coupler' process for that component. |
                0022 C     \==========================================================/
                0023       IMPLICIT NONE
                0024 C     === GLobal variables ==
                0025 #include "CPLIDS.h"
                0026 #include "OCNSIZE.h"
                0027 #include "OCNIDS.h"
                0029 CEndOfInterface
                0031 C     === Local variables ===
9274434acc Jean*0033 C     During registration the coupler process collects attributes from each
                0034 C     of the "component" participants. It collects the attributes from each
                0035 C     participating component in turn. Individual components comprise of one
                0036 C     or more processes. Each component process does its own registration call
09a6f3668a Jeff*0037 C     to report its attributes. The attributes that are collected
                0038 C     include information on the grid region that a particular process "owns"
                0039 C     and sends out information from.
                0041 C     Get attributes for ocean component.
                0042       CALL CPL_REGISTER_OCN
                0045       RETURN
                0046       END
                0048 #endif