** Warning **

Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of DBD::mysql::db handle dbname=MITgcm at /usr/local/share/lxr/lib/LXR/Common.pm line 1224.

Last-Modified: Sat, 17 Jan 2025 06:12:15 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 MITgcm/MITgcm/pkg/aim_v23/com_forcing.h
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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
d676f916b2 Jean*0001 #ifdef ALLOW_AIM
2a80e4d00e Jean*0003 C-- Note: Variables which do not need to stay in common block (local var)
                0004 C         are declare locally in each S/R that use them (commented with "cL");
                0005 C         Some variables are not needed at all (commented with single "c").
d676f916b2 Jean*0007 C--   COMMON /LSMASK/ land-sea masks (initial. in INFORC)
b3097ed02d Jean*0008 C     fmask1 - fractional land / sea / sea-ice mask
                0009 C     1:land fraction ; 2:ice-free ocean ; 3:sea-ice frac.; (1)+(2)+(3)=1.
d676f916b2 Jean*0010 c_FM  COMMON /LSMASK/ fmask1, fmask0, fmasko1, fmaskl1
                0011       COMMON /LSMASK/ fmask1
b3097ed02d Jean*0012       _RL fmask1(NGP,3,MAX_NO_THREADS)
d676f916b2 Jean*0013 c     _RL fmask0(NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
                0014 c     _RL fmasko1(NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
                0015 c     _RL fmaskl1(NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
2a80e4d00e Jean*0017 C--   COMMON /FORFIX/ Time invariant forcing fields
d676f916b2 Jean*0018 C              (initial. in INFORC, except for phis0 initial. in INVARS)
                0019 C     phi0   - surface geopotential
                0020 C     phis0  - ?
                0021 C     alb0   - land-surface albedo
                0022 c_FM  COMMON /FORFIX/ phi0, phis0, alb0
2a80e4d00e Jean*0023 cL    _RL phi0   (NGP)
d676f916b2 Jean*0024 c     _RL phis0  (NGP)
                0025 c     _RL alb0   (NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
                0027 C--   COMMON /FORMON/ Monthly-mean forcing fields (initial. in INFORC)
                0028 c     common /FORMON/ sst12(ix,il,12),
                0029 c    &                oice12(ix,il,12),
                0030 c    &                stl12(ix,il,12),
                0031 c    &                snow12(ix,il,12),
                0032 c    &                soilw12(ix,il,12)
                0034 C--   COMMON /FORDAY/ Daily forcing fields (updated in FORDATE)
                0035 C     sst1   - SST
                0036 C     oice1  - sea ice fraction
b3097ed02d Jean*0037 C     sti1   - sea-ice surface temperature [K]
                0038 C     stl1   - land-surface temperature    [K]
d676f916b2 Jean*0039 C     snow1  - snow depth (mm water)
                0040 C     soilw1 - soil wetness (mm water)
b3097ed02d Jean*0041 C     alb1   - surface albedo (1:land, 2:ocean, 3:sea-ice, 0:average)
35a1a2d964 Jean*0042 C     dTsurf - surface temperature changes form 1 it to the next one
65007c221b Jean*0043 c     COMMON /FORDAY/ sst1, oice1, stl1, snow1, soilw1, alb1
e749d70ece Jean*0044       COMMON /FORDAY/ sst1, sti1, stl1, soilw1, alb1, dTsurf
d676f916b2 Jean*0045       _RL sst1   (NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
2a80e4d00e Jean*0046 cL    _RL oice1  (NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
b3097ed02d Jean*0047       _RL sti1   (NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
d676f916b2 Jean*0048       _RL stl1   (NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
2a80e4d00e Jean*0049 cL    _RL snow1  (NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
d676f916b2 Jean*0050       _RL soilw1 (NGP,MAX_NO_THREADS)
b3097ed02d Jean*0051       _RL alb1   (NGP,0:3,MAX_NO_THREADS)
e749d70ece Jean*0052       _RL dTsurf (NGP,3,MAX_NO_THREADS)
d676f916b2 Jean*0053 
                0054 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
2a80e4d00e Jean*0055 #endif /* ALLOW_AIM */