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Warning, /optim/to_do.txt is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 4cee17c1 on 2002-11-15 04:03:25 UTC
4cee17c1be Patr*0001 
                0002 Steps towards finishing up the offline optim. interface to ECCO
                0003 ###############################################################
                0004 (Patrick Heimbach 00/06/08)
                0006 - split into single subroutines
                0007 - according to package structure, 
                0008   call those optim_... (or ctrl_...?)
                0009 - harmonise all routines with data.ctrl 
                0010   (especially file names that are specified in data.ctrl)
                0011 - create CPP options file for various flags
                0012 - get rid of read block in numbmod
                0013 - make sure unit no.'s are ok
                0014 - make sure all necesarry files are read/written
                0015   (may have to extend ctrl_pack/ctrl_unpack)