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view on githubraw file Latest commit 4cee17c1 on 2002-11-15 04:03:25 UTC4cee17c1be Patr*0001 0002 c ================================================================== 0003 c 0004 c prgopti.F: Routines for doing an off-line optimization after the 0005 c ECCO forward and adjoint model have been run. 0006 c 0007 c main - Driver routine. 0008 c opti - Mid-level routine to do the spin up and spin down. 0009 c optimum - Routine that calls the minimization. 0010 c 0011 c Documentation: 0012 c 0013 c The collection of these routines originated mainly from Ralf 0014 c Giering. Patrick Heimbach improved and corrected considerable 0015 c parts of the original code. Christian Eckert contributed the 0016 c interface to the ECCO release of the MITgcmUV in order to get 0017 c the offline version going. 0018 c 0019 c How to use the off-line optimization. 0020 c 0021 c Doing an off-line optimization means that one alternately 0022 c calls the adjoint model and the optimization routines. 0023 c 0024 c The adjoint model yields at iteration i the cost function 0025 c value and the gradient of the cost function with respect to 0026 c the control variables. The optimization routines then use 0027 c this information to reduce the cost function and give a 0028 c new estimate of the control variables which can then be used 0029 c in the next cycle to yield a new cost function and the 0030 c corresponding gradient. 0031 c 0032 c started: Ralf Giering (lsoptv1) 0033 c 0034 c Patrick Heimbach heimbach@mit.edu 28-Feb-2000 0035 c 0036 c - Corrected and restructured the original lsoptv1 0037 c code. 0038 c 0039 c Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 15-Feb-2000 0040 c 0041 c - Off-line capability and some cosmetic changes 0042 c of the optimization wrapper. 0043 c 0044 c changed: 0045 c 0046 c ================================================================== 0047 0048 0049 program optim_main 0050 0051 c ================================================================== 0052 c PROGRAM optim_main 0053 c ================================================================== 0054 c 0055 c o Driver routine for the ECCO optimization package. 0056 c 0057 c started: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 15-Feb-2000 0058 c 0059 c changed: Christian Eckert eckert@mit.edu 10-Mar-2000 0060 c 0061 c - Added ECCO layout. 0062 c 0063 c ================================================================== 0064 c SUBROUTINE 0065 c ================================================================== 0066 0067 implicit none 0068 0069 c == global variables == 0070 0071 #include "blas1.h" 0072 0073 c == routine arguments == 0074 0075 c == local variables == 0076 0077 integer nn 0078 0079 c == end of interface == 0080 0081 c-- Headline. 0082 print* 0083 print*,' ==================================================' 0084 print*,' Large Scale Optimization with off-line capability.' 0085 print*,' ==================================================' 0086 print* 0087 print*,' Version 2.1.0' 0088 print* 0089 0090 c-- Get the number of control variables. 0091 call optim_numbmod( nn ) 0092 0093 cph( 0094 print *, 'pathei: vor optim_sub' 0095 cph) 0096 c-- Call the subroutine. 0097 call optim_sub( nn ) 0098 0099 c-- Succesful termination. 0100 print* 0101 print*,' ======================================' 0102 print*,' Large Scale Optimization run finished.' 0103 print*,' ======================================' 0104 print* 0105 0106 end 0107 0108 CStartOfInterface 0109 INTEGER FUNCTION IFNBLNK( string ) 0110 C /==========================================================\ 0111 C | FUNCTION IFNBLNK | 0112 C | o Find first non-blank in character string. | 0113 C \==========================================================/ 0114 IMPLICIT NONE 0115 C 0116 CHARACTER*(*) string 0117 CEndOfInterface 0118 C 0119 INTEGER L, LS 0120 C 0121 LS = LEN(string) 0122 IFNBLNK = 0 0123 DO 10 L = 1, LS 0124 IF ( string(L:L) .EQ. ' ' ) GOTO 10 0125 IFNBLNK = L 0126 GOTO 11 0127 10 CONTINUE 0128 11 CONTINUE 0129 C 0130 RETURN 0131 END 0132 0133 CStartOfInterface 0134 INTEGER FUNCTION ILNBLNK( string ) 0135 C /==========================================================\ 0136 C | FUNCTION ILNBLNK | 0137 C | o Find last non-blank in character string. | 0138 C \==========================================================/ 0139 IMPLICIT NONE 0140 CHARACTER*(*) string 0141 CEndOfInterface 0142 INTEGER L, LS 0143 C 0144 LS = LEN(string) 0145 ILNBLNK = LS 0146 DO 10 L = LS, 1, -1 0147 IF ( string(L:L) .EQ. ' ' ) GOTO 10 0148 ILNBLNK = L 0149 GOTO 11 0150 10 CONTINUE 0151 11 CONTINUE 0152 C 0153 RETURN 0154 END 0155
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