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view on githubraw file Latest commit 65754df4 on 2023-11-04 17:55:24 UTC
4cee17c1be Patr*0001 c     ==================================================================
                0002 c     HEADER OPTIMIZATION
                0003 c     ==================================================================
                0004 c
                0005 c     o Header for the large scale optimization.
                0006 c
                0007 c       This header file contains those parameters that are monitoring
                0008 c       the state of the off-line optimization procedure. One
                0009 c       optimization cycle is considered to consist of a forward/adjoint
                0010 c       model run followed by a cost function minimization that then
                0011 c       yields a new guess for the control vector:
                0012 c
                0013 c       optimcycle i:   xx(i) --> fc(i) adxx(i) --> xx(i+1)
                0014 c
                0015 c
                0016 c     started: Christian Eckert  30-Jun-1999
                0017 c
                0018 c     changed: Christian Eckert  24-Feb-2000
                0019 c
                0020 c
                0021 c     ==================================================================
                0022 c     HEADER OPTIMIZATION
                0023 c     ==================================================================
                0025 c     Optimization version:
                0026 c     =====================
                0027 c
                0028 c     lsoptversion - Version of the large scale optimization.
                0030       character*(5)  lsoptversion
                0031       parameter    ( lsoptversion = '2.1.0' )
65754df434 Mart*0033       character*(5)  optimversion
                0035       parameter    ( optimversion = '0.1.1' )
4cee17c1be Patr*0036 
                0037 c     The off-line optimization part:
                0038 c     ===============================
                0039 c
                0040 c     Starting an optimization experiment implies setting optimcycle to
                0041 c     zero. During cycle number I the model is called first, then the
                0042 c     offline optimization is run. The latter provides a new guess for
                0043 c     the vector of control variables for the next cycle I+1.
                0044 c
                0045 c     optimcycle - cycle number of the off-line optimization.
                0047       common /optiparm_i/
                0048      &                    optimcycle,
                0049      &                    nvars,
                0050      &                    numiter,
                0051      &                    nfunc,
                0052      &                    iprint,
                0053      &                    nupdate
                0054       integer optimcycle
                0055       integer nvars
                0056       integer numiter
                0057       integer nfunc
                0058       integer iprint
                0059       integer nupdate
                0061       common /optiparm_r/
                0062      &                    fmin,
                0063      &                    epsf,
                0064      &                    epsx,
                0065      &                    epsg,
                0066      &                    eps
                0067       _RL epsf
                0068       _RL epsx
                0069       _RL fmin
                0070       _RL epsg
                0071       _RL eps
                0073       common /optiparm_l/
                0074      &                    nondimcontrol
                0075       logical nondimcontrol
                0077 c     ==================================================================
                0078 c     END OF HEADER OPTIMIZATION
                0079 c     ==================================================================