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9fafc42509 Jean*0001 CBOP
                0002 C     !ROUTINE: RESTART.h
                0003 C     !INTERFACE:
                0004 C     include "RESTART.h"
                0005 C
                0006 C     !DESCRIPTION:
                0007 C     \bv
                0008 C     *==========================================================*
                0009 C     | RESTART.h
                0010 C     | o Holds internal parameters related to restart process
                0011 C     *==========================================================*
                0012 C     | Model internal parameters/variables related to writing
                0013 C     |  or reading pickup for a restart.
                0014 C     | Note: external parameters (read from parameter file "data")
                0015 C     |  stay in PARAMS.h and should not appear in RESTART.h ;
                0016 C     |  therefore, this header file should not be included
                0017 C     |  in S/R INI_PARMS.
                0018 C     *==========================================================*
                0019 C     \ev
                0020 CEOP
                0022 C     Alternating pickup
                0023       INTEGER maxNoChkptLev
                0024       PARAMETER ( maxNoChkptLev = 2 )
                0026 C--   COMMON / RESTART_I / Integer   valued parameters used for restart
                0027 C     nCheckLev     :: Holds current checkpoint level (alternating pickup)
6251e2ce9d Jean*0028 C     tempStartAB   :: number of previous gT/Temp time levels which are
                0029 C                      available to start (or restart) Adams-Bashforth.
                0030 C     saltStartAB   :: number of previous gS/Salt time levels which are
                0031 C                      available to start (or restart) Adams-Bashforth.
                0032 C     mom_StartAB   :: number of previous gU,gV   time levels which are
                0033 C                      available to start (or restart) Adams-Bashforth.
                0034 C     nHydStartAB   :: number of previous gW      time levels which are
                0035 C                      available to start (or restart) Adams-Bashforth.
fdf5fb6af0 Jean*0036 C     qHydStartAB   :: number of previous QH accel. time levels which are
                0037 C                      available to start (or restart) Adams-Bashforth.
6251e2ce9d Jean*0038 C     dPhiNHstatus  :: status of field dPhiNH: 1= loaded from pickup
                0039 C                      0= not available in pickup
9fafc42509 Jean*0040       COMMON / RESTART_I /
                0041      &  nCheckLev,
                0042      &  tempStartAB, saltStartAB,
fdf5fb6af0 Jean*0043      &  mom_StartAB, nHydStartAB, qHydStartAB,
6251e2ce9d Jean*0044      &  dPhiNHstatus
9fafc42509 Jean*0045       INTEGER nCheckLev
                0046       INTEGER tempStartAB
                0047       INTEGER saltStartAB
                0048       INTEGER mom_StartAB
                0049       INTEGER nHydStartAB
fdf5fb6af0 Jean*0050       INTEGER qHydStartAB
6251e2ce9d Jean*0051       INTEGER dPhiNHstatus
9fafc42509 Jean*0052 
                0053 C--   COMMON / RESTART_C / Character valued parameters used for restart
                0054 C     checkPtSuff   :: List of checkpoint file suffices
                0055       COMMON / RESTART_C /
                0056      &  checkPtSuff
                0057       CHARACTER*(5) checkPtSuff(maxNoChkptLev)