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Warning, /jobs/run_mitgcm_gfdl.csh is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit c00939f0 on 2003-11-06 21:59:59 UTC
c00939f069 Patr*0001 # run on 6 cpu's for 2 hours
                0002 # lsc.windf stands for large scale computing
                0003 # ac.windf stands for analysis cluster
                0004 #
                0005 #$ -pe lsc.windf 60 -l h_cpu=8:00:00
                0006 #
                0007 # if using with DIVA, FTMPDIR must not be deleted,
                0008 # or costfinal, divided.ctrl, snapshot* need to be
                0009 # saved and re-copied
                0010 #if (-e $FTMPDIR ) then
                0011 #  rm -f $FTMPDIR/*
                0012 #endif
                0013 #
                0014 cd $FTMPDIR
                0015 pwd
                0016 #
                0017 \cp -f ~/ecco/ecco-branch/exe/mitgcmuv .
                0018 \cp -f ~/ecco/ecco-branch/verification/global1x1_tot/input/* .
                0019 dmget /archive/psh/data/UV_1x1/*
                0020 \cp -f /archive/psh/data/UV_1x1/* .
                0021 #
                0022 mpirun -np 60 mitgcmuv
                0023 #
                0024 mv STD* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0025 mv cost* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0026 mv ecco_* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0027 mv ?.00000* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0028 mv adxx_* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0029 mv xx_* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0030 mv pickup* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0031 mv snapshot* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0032 mv divided* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0033 mv tapelev3_1_* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.
                0034 mv tapelev2_2_* /archive/psh/ecco/ecco-branch/res/.