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Warning, /jobs/run_mitgcm_aer.csh is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit c00939f0 on 2003-11-06 21:59:59 UTC
c00939f069 Patr*0001 
                0002 #!/bin/csh
                0003 # invoking mpirun at AERs Linux cluster beehive
                0004 #
                0006 echo node$node
                0007 rsh -n beehive$node mkdir /client/scratch/heimbach
                0008 rsh -n beehive$node rm -rf /client/scratch/heimbach/exe
                0009 rsh -n beehive$node mkdir /client/scratch/heimbach/exe
                0010 end
                0011 #
                0012 # the default dir is globally visible.
                0013 # all ctrl related output is written to this dir.
                0014 # the mdsioLocalDir is /client/scratch/...
                0015 #
                0016 rm -rf /cluster/scratch/month01/ecco-exe/
                0017 mkdir /cluster/scratch/month01/ecco-exe/
                0018 cd /cluster/scratch/month01/ecco-exe/
                0019 cp -f /cluster/scratch/month01/heimbach/ecco-branch/verification/global2x2_tot/input/* .
                0020 ln -s /cluster/scratch/month01/ponte/UV_2x2/* .
                0021 #
                0022 # the local scratch dir /client/scratch/...
                0023 # is specified in the "data" file, variable mdsioLocalDir
                0024 #
                0025 set exec = /cluster/scratch/month01/heimbach/ecco-branch/exe/mitgcmuv
                0026 /opt/mpich/bin/mpirun.ch_gm -np 6 --gm-kill 7 --gm-v $exec
                0027 exit