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Warning, /eesupp/src/exch1_rx_cube.template is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit aa6b2555 on 2021-06-06 02:50:10 UTC
efef5241b2 Jean*0001 #include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h"
                0003 CBOP
                0004 C     !ROUTINE: EXCH1_RX_CUBE
                0006 C     !INTERFACE:
                0007       SUBROUTINE EXCH1_RX_CUBE(
                0008      U                 array,
                0009      I                 withSigns,
                0010      I                 myOLw, myOLe, myOLs, myOLn, myNz,
                0011      I                 exchWidthX, exchWidthY,
                0012      I                 cornerMode, myThid )
                0014 C     !DESCRIPTION:
aa6b2555c8 Jean*0015 C     *==============================================================*
efef5241b2 Jean*0016 C     | SUBROUTINE EXCH1_RX_CUBE
                0017 C     | o Forward-mode edge exchanges for RX array on CS config.
aa6b2555c8 Jean*0018 C     *==============================================================*
efef5241b2 Jean*0019 C     | Controlling routine for exchange of XY edges of an array
aa6b2555c8 Jean*0020 C     | distributed in X and Y.
                0021 C     | This is a preliminary (exch1), simpler version with few
                0022 C     | limitations (no MPI, 1 tile per face, regular 6 squared faces,
                0023 C     | multi-threads only on shared arrays, i.e., in commom block)
                0024 C     | that are fixed in generalised pkg/exch2 implementation.
                0025 C     *==============================================================*
efef5241b2 Jean*0026 
                0027 C     !USES:
                0028       IMPLICIT NONE
                0030 C     == Global data ==
                0031 #include "SIZE.h"
                0032 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0034 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0035 C     == Routine arguments ==
                0036 C     array       :: Array with edges to exchange.
                0037 C     withSigns   :: Flag controlling whether field sign depends on orientation
                0038 C                 :: (signOption not yet implemented but needed for SM exch)
                0039 C     myOLw,myOLe :: West  and East  overlap region sizes.
                0040 C     myOLs,myOLn :: South and North overlap region sizes.
                0041 C     exchWidthX  :: Width of data region exchanged in X.
                0042 C     exchWidthY  :: Width of data region exchanged in Y.
                0043 C                    Note --
                0044 C                    1. In theory one could have a send width and
                0045 C                    a receive width for each face of each tile. The only
                0046 C                    restriction would be that the send width of one
                0047 C                    face should equal the receive width of the sent to
                0048 C                    tile face. Dont know if this would be useful. I
                0049 C                    have left it out for now as it requires additional
                0050 C                    bookeeping.
                0051 C     cornerMode  :: Flag indicating whether corner updates are needed.
                0052 C     myThid      :: my Thread Id number
                0054       INTEGER myOLw, myOLe, myOLs, myOLn, myNz
                0055       _RX     array( 1-myOLw:sNx+myOLe,
                0056      &               1-myOLs:sNy+myOLn,
                0057      &               myNz, nSx, nSy )
                0058       LOGICAL withSigns
                0059       INTEGER exchWidthX
                0060       INTEGER exchWidthY
                0061       INTEGER cornerMode
                0062       INTEGER myThid
                0064 C     !LOCAL VARIABLES:
                0065 C     == Local variables ==
                0066 C     theSimulationMode :: Holds working copy of simulation mode
                0067 C     theCornerMode     :: Holds working copy of corner mode
                0068 C     I,J,K             :: Loop and index counters
                0069 C     bl,bt,bn,bs,be,bw :: tile indices
                0070 c     INTEGER theSimulationMode
                0071 c     INTEGER theCornerMode
                0072       INTEGER I,J,K
                0073       INTEGER bl,bt,bn,bs,be,bw
                0074       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf
                0076 C     == Statement function ==
                0077 C     tilemod :: Permutes indices to return neighboring tile index
                0078 C                on six face cube.
                0079       INTEGER tilemod
                0080       tilemod(I)=1+mod(I-1+6,6)
                0081 CEOP
                0083 c     theSimulationMode = FORWARD_SIMULATION
                0084 c     theCornerMode     = cornerMode
                0086 c     IF ( simulationMode.EQ.REVERSE_SIMULATION ) THEN
                0087 c       WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') 'EXCH1_RX_CUBE: AD mode not implemented'
                0088 c       CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0089 c       STOP 'ABNORMAL END: EXCH1_RX_CUBE: no AD code'
                0090 c     ENDIF
                0091       IF ( sNx.NE.sNy .OR.
                0092      &     nSx.NE.6 .OR. nSy.NE.1 .OR.
                0093      &     nPx.NE.1 .OR. nPy.NE.1 ) THEN
                0094         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'EXCH1_RX_CUBE: Wrong Tiling'
                0095         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0096         WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'EXCH1_RX_CUBE: ',
                0097      &   'works only with sNx=sNy & nSx=6 & nSy=nPx=nPy=1'
                0098         CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid )
                0099         STOP 'ABNORMAL END: EXCH1_RX_CUBE: Wrong Tiling'
                0100       ENDIF
                0102 C     For now tile<->tile exchanges are sequentialised through
                0103 C     thread 1. This is a temporary feature for preliminary testing until
                0104 C     general tile decomposistion is in place (CNH April 11, 2001)
                0105       CALL BAR2( myThid )
                0106       IF ( myThid .EQ. 1 ) THEN
                0108        DO bl = 1, 5, 2
                0110         bt = bl
                0111         bn=tilemod(bt+2)
                0112         bs=tilemod(bt-1)
                0113         be=tilemod(bt+1)
                0114         bw=tilemod(bt-2)
                0116         DO K = 1, myNz
                0117          DO J = 1, sNy
                0118           DO I = 1, exchWidthX
                0120 C          Tile Odd:Odd+2 [get] [North<-West]
                0121            array(J,sNy+I,K,bt,1) = array(I,sNy+1-J,K,bn,1)
                0122 C          Tile Odd:Odd-1 [get] [South<-North]
                0123            array(J,1-I,K,bt,1) = array(J,sNy+1-I,K,bs,1)
                0124 C          Tile Odd:Odd+1 [get] [East<-West]
                0125            array(sNx+I,J,K,bt,1) = array(I,J,K,be,1)
                0126 C          Tile Odd:Odd-2 [get] [West<-North]
                0127            array(1-I,J,K,bt,1) = array(sNx+1-J,sNy+1-I,K,bw,1)
                0129           ENDDO
                0130          ENDDO
                0131         ENDDO
                0133         bt = bl+1
                0134         bn=tilemod(bt+1)
                0135         bs=tilemod(bt-2)
                0136         be=tilemod(bt+2)
                0137         bw=tilemod(bt-1)
                0139         DO K = 1, myNz
                0140          DO J = 1, sNy
                0141           DO I = 1, exchWidthX
                0143 C          Tile Even:Even+1 [get] [North<-South]
                0144            array(J,sNy+I,K,bt,1) = array(J,I,K,bn,1)
                0145 C          Tile Even:Even-2 [get] [South<-East]
                0146            array(J,1-I,K,bt,1) = array(sNx+1-I,sNy+1-J,K,bs,1)
                0147 C          Tile Even:Even+2 [get] [East<-South]
                0148            array(sNx+I,J,K,bt,1) = array(sNx+1-J,I,K,be,1)
                0149 C          Tile Even:Even-1 [get] [West<-East]
                0150            array(1-I,J,K,bt,1) = array(sNx+1-I,J,K,bw,1)
                0152           ENDDO
                0153          ENDDO
                0154         ENDDO
                0156        ENDDO
                0158       ENDIF
                0159       CALL BAR2(myThid)
                0161       RETURN
                0162       END