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4c563c2ee9 Chri*0001 CBOP
                0002 C     !ROUTINE: MAIN_PDIRECTIVES1.h
                0003 C     !INTERFACE:
                0004 C     include "MAIN_PDIRECTIVES1.h"
                0005 C     !DESCRIPTION:
                0006 C     *==========================================================*
2b4c849245 Ed H*0007 C     | MAIN\_PDIRECTIVES1.h                                       
4c563c2ee9 Chri*0008 C     *==========================================================*
                0009 C     | Parallel directives to generate multithreaded code for    
                0010 C     | various different compilers. The master preprocessor      
2b4c849245 Ed H*0011 C     | file CPP\_OPTIONS is used to select which of these 
                0012 C     | options is included in the code.
4c563c2ee9 Chri*0013 C     *==========================================================*
                0014 CEOP
924557e60a Chri*0015 
                0016 #ifdef USE_SOLARIS_THREADING
                0017 C--
                0018 C--  Parallel directives for SUN/Pro compiler.
                0019 C--
                0020 C     Parallel compiler directives for Solaris
                0021 C$PAR  DOALL
                0022 C$PAR& SHARED(nThreads)
                0023 C$PAR& ,PRIVATE(myThid)
                0024 C$PAR& ,SCHEDTYPE(SELF(1))
                0025 C
                0026 #endif
a85d6ab24e Chri*0028 #define USE_KAP_THREADING
924557e60a Chri*0029 #ifdef USE_KAP_THREADING
                0030 C--
                0031 C--  Parallel directives for Kuck and Associates compiler.
                0032 C--  This is used to generate multi-threaded code on Digital 
                0033 C--  systems. It can also be used under NT.
                0034 C--
                0035 C      Parallel compiler directives for Digital with kap compiler.
                0036 C*KAP* PARALLEL REGION
                0037 C*KAP*& SHARED(nThreads,eeBootError,threadIsComplete)
                0038 C*KAP*& LOCAL(myThid,I)
                0039 C*KAP*  PARALLEL DO
                0040 C*KAP*& BLOCKED(1)
                0041 C
                0042 #endif
                0044 #ifdef USE_IRIX_THREADING
                0045 C--
                0046 C--  Parallel directives for MIPS Pro Fortran compiler
                0047 C--
                0048 C      Parallel compiler directives for SGI with IRIX
                0049 C$PAR  PARALLEL DO
                0050 C$PAR&  CHUNK=1,MP_SCHEDTYPE=INTERLEAVE,
                0051 C$PAR&  SHARE(nThreads),LOCAL(myThid,I)
                0052 C
                0053 #endif
                0055 #ifdef USE_EXEMPLAR_THREADING
                0056 C--
                0057 C--  Parallel directives for HP Exemplar Fortran compiler
                0058 C--
                0059 C      Parallel compiler directives for HP Exemplar
                0060 C$DIR loop_parallel
                0061 C$DIR loop_private (I,myThid)
                0062 #endif
                0064 #ifdef USE_C90_THREADING
                0065 C--
                0066 C--  Parallel directives for CRAY/SGI Fortan 90 compiler.
                0067 C--
                0068 CMIC$ DO ALL PRIVATE (I, myThid ) SHARED(nThreads)
                0069 CMIC$& SINGLE
                0070 #endif             
a6a74ff42f Chri*0072 
                0073 #ifdef USE_OMP_THREADING
                0074 C$OMP PARALLEL  SHARED(nThreads), PRIVATE(I,myThid)
                0075 #endif