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view on githubraw file Latest commit 5b531307 on 2025-02-26 01:55:18 UTC
addde852ed Chri*0001 Notes on tags used in MITgcmUV
0002 ==============================
5dda98cf07 Jean*0003
5b53130725 Ivan*0004 o tools:
0005 - changes to genmake2 to allow TAF to process F90 files with modules, for now
0006 only with "-ncad" option;
0007 - re-order list of src files sent to TAF (needed with current version of TAF);
0008 - add new scrip "f90mkdepend_taf" to add dependencies form TAF generated src
0009 code (Adjoint and Tang.Lin) in a file included into Makefile.
0010 - more logical and consistent ordering in Makefile target, *.F90 first then
0011 *.F77, *.c and *.h
0012 - add 2 new variables TAF_F77_FLAGS and TAF_F90_FLAGS (set from genmake_local
0013 or adjoint-optfile) to go into the TAF command.
701e10a905 Mart*0014 o model/src and forcing:
0015 - for TEOS10, add new S/R to convert model surface Conservative Temperature
0016 to in-situ Temperature (SST) and compute and store model SST in new model
0017 field (in FFIELDS.h) "gcmSST", just a copy of model Pot.Temp with other EOS.
0018 - use model SST to compute surface forcing over open ocean in pkg/exf and
0019 pkg/bulk_force ; for now, leave ice/seaice freezing/melting unchanged.
0020 - switch test exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.in_p to use TEOS10 + update lab_sea
0021 Tapenade ref. output (affected @ machine truncation level).
f955de4ba2 Jean*0022 o tools:
0023 - remove old backward compatibility feature, so that env.var ROOTDIR is no
0024 longer recognized by genamke2 ;
0025 - re-write "suggest_optfile_names" to use parts from "genmake2".
83a53713c2 Oliv*0026 o utils/python:
0027 - make MITgcmutils compatible with numpy 2.0.0 again.
c908a600ca Jean*0028 o testreport:
0029 - improve way of sending results tar file with "scp", now allowing to combine
0030 "ssh" then "scp".
efc7ba3160 Jean*0032 checkpoint69c (2024/12/06)
7bb5a8a109 Jean*0033 o pkg/mom_common,fluxform,vecinv:
0034 - remove ISOTROPIC_COS_SCALING code from pkg/mom_vecinv/mom_vi_hdissip.F (was
0035 not right); add warning (or stop if side-drag) if used with pkg/mom_vecinv.
0036 - move 2 Cos-Scaling CPP options from CPP_OPTIONS.h to MOM_COMMON_OPTIONS.h
0037 to be used in horizontal viscosity formulation; more consistent use of
0038 GAD_OPTIONS.h where these 2 CPP options are used for horizontal diffusion.
0039 - update all verification exp. customized version of CPP_OPTIONS.h,
4287557481 Jean*0041 o verification/atm_gray:
0042 - gray atmosphere test exp moved from "verification_other".
80fd556159 Ou W*0043 o model/src:
0044 - add few missing option header files (RBCS, SALT_PLUME, SHELFICE) in few
0045 src files ; also illustrate how to catch these (see SALT_PLUME.h and
0046 shelfice_ad_check_lev{1,2,3,4}_dir.h).
27ce1202c5 Jean*0047 o eesupp + model:
0048 - remove FAST_BYTESWAP code and option
0049 - remove empty file AUTODIFF_MYFIELDS.h
cb406db96c Ou W*0050 o pkg/ctrl:
0051 - add a STOP when ALLOW_CTRL_OBCSN/S/W/E is defined but corresponding
0052 ALLOW_OBCS_NORTH/SOUTH/EAST/WEST is undef ; and fix the code so that, in
0053 that case, it will compile and reach the stop before running 1rst time-step
0e6a4460e5 Ivan*0054 o model,pkg:
0055 - minor spell checking and formatting updates.
9edc0e3a85 aver*0056 o pkg/bling:
0057 - size-dependent phytoplankton growth code cleaned up and related parameters
0058 can now be specified in data.bling;
0059 - clean up OPTIONS in pkg/bling code ( SIZE_NUT_LIM merged with SIZE_DEP_LIM,
0060 MULT_NUT_LIM merged with MIN_NUT_LIM ) and switch USE_QSW to #undef ; this
0061 fixes FWD exp. global_oce_biogeo_bling which a) use default BLING_OPTIONS.h
0062 and b) since no short-wave is provided, light was zero with USE_QSW defined.
d3172737dc aver*0063 o pkg/profiles:
0064 - add option to write model-equivalent profiles in a netcdf file, thus
0065 removing the need for post-processing tiled output files.
9f85ea262e Mart*0066 o pkg/grdchk:
0067 - write either "grd_ratio_ad" or "grd_ratio_ftl" depending on type of run
0068 and remove limitation to "useSingleCpuIO=F" when writing 2D files ;
0069 - write "costfunction0000" only once, from pkg/ecco.
7a6b0d88e9 Jean*0071 checkpoint69b (2024/10/31)
8b7be8db08 Mart*0072 o pkg/autodiff:
0073 - TAF-store directives for saltFlux (needed for #define EXCLUDE_FFIELDS_LOAD)
0074 - little cleaning of ctrl_map_forcing.F (remove duplicated EXCH calls, ...).
71b7a3e5ac Mart*0075 o tools/genmake2:
0076 - remove step that generates *.flowdir
c9bf163375 Ivan*0077 o pkg/profiles:
0078 - fix missing pieces in this pkg for Tang-Lin model and get this tested in
0079 verification exp. global_oce_biogeo_bling.
ee480e7782 amc2*0080 o pkg/seaice:
0081 - if SEAICEaddSnowMass=T, include HSNOW in diagnostics "SIenph ".
58679b5a83 Esta*0082 o utils/python/MITgcmutils/:
0083 - augment (llc, examples, ...) and update python utils
c7a06a2c29 Mart*0084 o tools/build_options:
0085 - update darwin_arm64_gfortran to be able to compile free-format F90 files.
0086 o pkg/seaice:
5bb179ddc2 Mart*0087 - add new lateral drag parameterisation for landfast ice (Liu etal 2022, JGR)
3a00e4dea9 Jean*0088 o verification/*/results:
0089 - update 5 adm + 3 tlm ref. output affected by TAF new version 6.4.5 & 6.5.0
4c91ca28d5 Ou W*0090 o pkg/ecco:
0091 - implement sea-ice freeboard cost "m_freeboard".
f79ba37af1 Mart*0092 o tools/xmakedepend:
0093 - fix xmakedepend to accept suffix longer than 1.c and add dependencies to
0094 Makefile from included headers in F90 src files.
e6e223b277 Jean*0095 o model/src:
0096 - Add new param "cg3dTargetResWunit" to skip the normalization of cg3d RHS
0097 by specifying the CG3D target residual in term of vertical-velocity units ;
0098 - Remove header files SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE{3D}.h ; clean-up "post_cg3d.F" ;
0099 - switch test exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4 & short_surf_wave to use new
0100 param "cg3dTargetResWunit".
95cd2dedde Ivan*0101 o tools/f90mkdepend:
0102 - add arguments to f90mkdepend to specify alternative file suffix (e.g.,
0103 for MacOS) + minor improvement in error message.
b537eb461d Jean*0105 checkpoint69a (2024/09/08)
0524b7d1ff Mart*0106 o tools/genmake2:
0107 - list of src files to Differentiate: change from simply "*.list" to commonly
0108 adopted "*_ad_diff.list" (to avoid accidents).
0109 - change Makefile to enable TAF to generate Tangent-Linear code from a mix
0110 of fixed-form (.F) and free-form (.F90) src code.
0111 - test free format *.F90 code in hs94.1x64x5/code_ad/ exp. for AD and TLM.
ae2be6150b Jona*0112 o pkg/dic:
0113 - save 3D pH (for calcite saturation calculation, useCalciteSaturation=T)
0114 for next time-step and store it in pickup files (for restart).
5237154b93 Jean*0115 o eesupp/src:
0116 - new set of Global-Sum vector routines working with shared buffer
0117 (=> no needs for input/output to be in common block) and with
0118 GLOBAL_SUM_ORDER_TILES implemented ; and remove older versions.
ea893758ea Patr*0119 o tools/genmake2:
0120 - change Makefile to enable TAF to generate adjoint from a mix of fixed-form
0121 (.F) and free-form (.F90) src code. Also fix for alternative suffix (e.g.,
0122 used on MacOS) to work without -ncad.
6d7b0906cb Ivan*0123 o tools/adjoint_options:
0124 - allow to pass -f08 flag to TAF by setting TAF_FORTRAN_VERS to "F08".
a340904e5a Ou W*0125 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
0126 - add more 3-D momentum tendency diagnostics (originally from Helen Pillar)
0127 for harmonic/bi-harmonic dissipation and for bottom + top friction
0128 tendency (under new CPP option: ALLOW_MOM_TEND_EXTRA_DIAGS).
6519d60651 Jean*0130 checkpoint68z (2024/07/27)
acacc28f7f Jean*0131 o pkg/diagnostics:
0132 - to allow to use ADJ-diags in DIVA runs, change call sequence regarding
0133 TURNOFF_MODEL_IO and DIAGSTATS_INI_IO and simplify (fewer tests for
0134 "costfinal") the_model_main.F (+ shorten pkg/openad version) ;
0135 - restore the use of "diag_pkgStatus" (switch & check) in AD backward sweep
0136 with new small S/R for DIVA runs ;
0137 - turn on FWD and ADJ-diags in secondary lab_sea AD test "noseaice".
4dea327916 aver*0138 o pkg/bling:
0139 - clean-up "bling_light.F" (fix typo related to PHYTO_SELF_SHADING option,
0140 move k-loop outside) ; add CHL to bling_ad_check_lev{2,3,4}_dir.h and
0141 fix TAF storage directives ;
0142 - change "global_oce_biogeo_bling" AD test exp. (both TAF & Tapenade) to
0143 use PHYTO_SELF_SHADING (with #undef USE_QSW) and update ref. output.
0144 - also clean-up MDSIO_BUFF_WH.h (avoid common block that mixes r4 & r8 vars).
af61e5eb16 Mart*0145 o pkg/obcs:
0146 - Neumann boundary conditions for sea ice variables, activate by setting
0147 new runtime parameter useSeaiceNeumann=.TRUE. in data.obcs ;
0148 - fewer (hidden) recomputations and no recomputation warnings when
0149 both ALLOW_OBCS_BALANCE and ALLOW_OBCS_STEVENS are defined.
0150 o pkg/cost:
0151 - new runtime flag for pkg/cost "cost_mask_file", which can be used
0152 for flexible cost function definition.
976081d885 Jean*0154 checkpoint68y (2024/06/05)
6518e4ecc5 aver*0155 o pkg/bling:
0156 - fix bigR setting when option CARBONCHEM_TOTALPHSCALE is defined.
00f81e6785 Ou W*0157 o pkg/steep_icecavity + shelfice:
0158 - new package to be used together with pkg/shelfice to also account for
0159 melting at the vertical faces of a steep ice-shelf interface ;
0160 - allows to use non-zero (but constant) ice-shelf salinity ;
0161 - new FWD and (TAF) AD secondary test exp. (in isomip) using new pkg.
82e538d851 aver*0162 o pkg/bling:
0163 - fix/improve initialization of biomass for the 3 phytoplankton groups ;
0164 - add 2D diagnostics of optically integrated chlorophyll concentration
0165 within local-time window to be compared with satellite observation ;
0166 - improve TAF store directives (reduce recomputations).
672b822630 Jean*0167 o pkg/obcs (tides):
0168 - more efficient implementation of OB barotropic tidal velocity components,
0169 with both Cos & Sin of phase times Amplitude stored in common block ;
0170 - more flexible specification of OB tidal-components (only read-in components
0171 with non-zero tidal period) ;
0172 - allows to specify tangential component of barotropic tidal velocity at OB ;
0173 - rename all OBC tidal component input parameter (period, amplitude and
0174 phase of each OB barotropic tidal velocity component input files) ;
0175 - upgrade OB tidal example (in seaice_obcs/input.tides) with fewer tidal
0176 components (only 4) but including few tangential components.
0c90ef582a Jean*0177 o verification:
0178 - changing domain decomposition (more tiles) in global_with_exf experiment
0179 (both FWD & AD) and update ref. output ;
0180 - use correct CD-Scheme time-stepping in FWD exp. global_ocean_ebm and update
0181 ref. output ;
672b822630 Jean*0182 - simplify global_ocean.90x40x15/code_ad (undef ALLOW_GENTIM2D_CONTROL,
0c90ef582a Jean*0183 ALLOW_DIFFKR_CONTROL & ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR); remove kpp from global_oce_latlon
0184 (from both TAF & Tapenade code) ;
0185 - after adjusting new host experiment code, merge forward test:
0186 flt_example --> exp4.with_flt
0187 global_with_exf --> global_ocean_ebm.w_exf
0188 global_with_exf.yearly --> global_ocean_ebm.yearly
0189 natl_box --> lab_sea.natl_box
0190 natl_box.longstep --> lab_sea.longstep
0191 and TAF & Tapenade tests:
0192 global_with_exf --> global_oce_latlon.w_exf
0193 For now, keep original set-up in place and add symbolic links into new
0194 host exp. for input dir and ref. output to run these as secondary test.
9e0fdb4065 Garr*0195 o pkg/obcs:
0196 - fix unusual division by zero in all 4 (N,S,E,W) orlanski main S/R.
41c4545f8f Jean*0197 o pkg/diagnostics:
0198 - new header file "DIAGNOSTICS_P2SHARE.h" (for now, just for useDiag4AdjOutp),
0199 and remove DIAGNOSTICS.h in any src code outside pkg/diagnostics;
0200 - new params "diag_dBugLevel" (default = main model "debugLevel");
0202 and prevent "diagnostics_status" to be overwritten when using ADJ-diags.
5f2d22066e Jean*0204 checkpoint68x (2024/04/30)
8fabf86828 Jean*0205 o model/src:
0206 - more precise specific-volume anomaly expression for Ocean in P-coord;
0207 update reference output of all 3 Ocean in P test experiments.
598aebfcee Mart*0208 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
0209 - adjust 2 SOM (Prather advection) store directives to reduce memory overhead
0210 - include OS7MP (advScheme 7) in AD code ; switch AD test experiment
0211 isomip.htd to use this advection scheme for Temp and Salt.
720a211d38 Ou W*0212 o pkg/ecco, ctrl:
0213 - put active_read calls within #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF (missing in few places)
0214 and fall back to non-active read (from pkg/rw) if undef;
0215 - change argument order in few obcs related pkg/ecco S/R.
20e951135e Mart*0216 o pkg/seaice:
0217 - for seaice-dynamics, add missing mapping of (pkg/thsice) snowHeight to HSNOW
0218 - this affects results (unless SEAICEaddSnowMass=F); update seaice parameters
0219 in test global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn and update reference output.
7456fbd729 Jean*0221 checkpoint68w (2024/03/05)
5cf4364659 Mart*0222 o pkg/ctrl, grdchk & optim:
0223 - clean and improve list of ctrl-var settings (in common blocks) and update
0224 ctrl-pack header files:
0225 a) define new character fields "ncvartype" for ctrl-var shape type and
0226 save ctrl-var (file) name "ncvarfname" ;
0227 b) re-define "ncvarindex" to point directly to genArr index (according to
0228 ncvartype) or 1,2,3,4 for N,S,E,W obcs-ctrl ;
0229 so that map of index (and grdchkvarindex) to file name, array shape and
0230 genArr specification is direct, code is simpler, more robust and efficient.
0231 - allow to specify grdchk ctrl-var by name in "data.grdchk" (more robust) ;
0232 - write ncvartype list to ctrl-pack header files ;
0233 - simplify definition of maxcvars to get much shorter "ncvar"-field lists ;
0234 - remove unnecessary common blocks, rename ctrl_init.F -> ctrl_init_fixed.F,
0235 call TURNOFF_MODEL_IO only once ;
0236 - adjust optimisation utility optim and provide backward compatibility
0237 regarding changes to ctrl-pack files ; also improve build process ;
0238 - update all "data.grdchk" in verification experiments.
a4576c7cde Juli*0239 o pkg/gmredi:
0240 - add GEOMETRIC parameterization (Mak etal, JPO, 2018) for GM coefficient,
0241 under GM_GEOM_VARIABLE_K CPP-option, turned on with "GM_useGEOM=T" and
0242 tested in exp. ideal_2D_oce, secondary test "geom".
35c4fdc74b Emma*0243 o pkg/ecco:
0244 - add option ECCO_VARIABLE_AREAVOLGLOB to use the total time-varying volume
0245 to weight contributions to m_boxmean cost functions
285cda8c7b Jean*0247 checkpoint68v (2024/02/03)
427e24e121 Jean*0248 o model/src:
0249 - change param "metricTerms" to integer param "selectMetricTerms" and change
0250 param "use3dCoriolis" to integer param "select3dCoriScheme" but keep former
0251 parameters in namelist (backward compatible).
0252 - remove un-used param "writeStatePrec" + also in experiment param file "data"
0253 - rotateGrid: fix missing 3-D Coriolis term to gV ; adjust usage restriction.
d4b64b229a Jean*0254 o pkg/ecco:
0255 - remove call to ECCO_CHECK from ecco_cost_init_fixed.F (but keep the other
0256 call from packages_check.F) and move ECCO_SUMMARY call to ecco_check.F
005af54e38 Jean*0257 o pkg/shelfice:
0258 - put the update of kTopC code within "#ifdef ALLOW_SHELFICE_REMESHING/#endif"
0259 and add run-time switch "SHI_update_kTopC" to allow to turn it off.
0260 - Change the initial setting of "kTopC" to remain unaffected by machine
0261 truncation error and if using SHELFICEMassStepping, set it according to
0262 shelficeMassInit.
aef96ed361 Jean*0263 o verification/solid-body.cs-32x32x1:
0264 - update set up (faster flow, smaller planet ..) and fix initial Ps condition.
9af873c532 Hajo*0265 o pkg/ggl90:
0266 - revisit Langmuir Circulation (LC) mixing-length calculation: fix bugs in
0267 some "mxlMaxFlag" implementation and ensure it works with P-coordinate.
0268 Update vermix.gglLC ref. output and add new secondary AD test (with LC on)
0269 in global_oce_latlon experiment.
fca39df4c8 Jean*0271 checkpoint68u (2023/12/10)
143d9ce879 Dami*0272 o pkg/seaice:
0273 - new/improved LSR convergence criteria (CPP: SEAICE_ALLOW_LSR_FLEX, run-time:
0274 SEAICEuseLSRflex) accounting for both Non-Lin and Linear solver residual;
0275 tested in offline_exf_seaice.dyn_lsr; also add 2-D diagnostics for residual.
f0ff6e912a dngo*0276 o pkg/streamice:
0277 - rename STREAMICE_PETSC.h to STREAMICE_PETSC_MOD.h and rename
0278 STREAMICE_ARG_PETSC_mod code module to STREAMICE_PETSC_mod;
0279 - include STREAMICE_PETSC_MOD.h in src files rather than the module directly:
0280 this obviates the need for alphabetical order in names or serial compilation
15ec8028f7 aver*0281 o pkg/bling:
0282 - fix 2 small bugs in carbonate and aragonite saturation states: a) both Ksp
0283 coeff are fct of log of temperature (and not log10); b) add missing unit
0284 conversion factor to carbonate variable in OmegaC & OmegaAr calculation.
1052c30783 Jean*0285 o pkg/grdchk:
0286 - new S/R to get CTRL var/file name from grdchk-index ; use it to simplify
0287 (with new arguments) the 3 routines that handle CTRL var/file perturbations
0288 - rename grdchk_init to grdchk_get_mask ; move GRDCHK_SUMMARY call ;
0289 - report (in summary & in results section) CTRL var/file name used in grdchk.
51e381e9c9 Jean*0290 o pkg/dic:
0291 - fix loading of forcing file for the case DIC_forcingCycle = 0 ;
0292 - fix inconsistent timing params for loading initial surface-silica file ;
0293 - clean-up initialise-varia level S/R, now all called from dic_init_varia.F
0294 and move all forcing field initialisation to dic_ini_forcing.F ;
0295 - read and process pickup_dic meta file with error/warning (depending on
0296 pickupStrictlyMatch = T/F) if missing file or field.
65754df434 Mart*0297 o pkg/ctrl:
0298 - reduce pkg/ctrl/optim.h to just "optimcycle" and rename into OPTIMCYCLE.h ;
0299 - keep optim_readparms.F namelist unchanged and define variables locally.
ec9548c9e7 Jean*0301 checkpoint68t (2023/10/28)
a2c35952f2 Jona*0302 o pkg/dic:
0303 - improve carbonate dissolution options (new params: selectCalciteDissolution)
0304 and fix a minor bug in dissolution rates according to Keir et al (1980);
0305 - change exp. so_box_biogeo secondary tests caSat0/3 to test option 2 & 3.
f5509be190 Mart*0306 o pkg/gmredi:
0307 - fix setting of GM_ExtraDiag that was not (always) turned on with 3D Kappa
0308 read from file, with Bates-K3d or QG-Leith, therefore missing 2 terms in
0309 isopycnal diffusion tensor; update ref. output of MLAdjust.QGLthGM test ;
0310 - add more check and stop for the case #undef GM_NON_UNITY_DIAGONAL ;
0311 - add runtime parameter GM_isoFac_calcK to allow to scale dynamically computed
0312 Kappa contribution in the Redi-tensor (default = 1.).
018c28d301 Jean*0313 o pkg/autodiff:
0314 - adjust call to S/R DIAGNOSTICS_SWITCH_ONOFF in autodiff_inadmode_set_ad.F
0315 so that snap-shot Adjoint diagnostics are filled within the same time-step
0316 as they are written to output file.
4d72283393 Mart*0317 o pkg/ctrl:
edcd27be69 Mart*0318 - rename ctrl_dummy.h to CTRL_DUMMY.h, remove unused variables & common blocks
0319 - retire CPP-flag ALLOW_HFACC/HFACC3D_CONTROL and remove related code.
0320 o pkg/ctrl:
4d72283393 Mart*0321 - rename header file "ctrl.h" to "CTRL.h".
4ec37fd829 Jean*0322 o utils/matlab/cs_grid:
0323 - update some basic matlab-scripts for CS-grid (split_*_cub.m,
0324 rotate_uv2uvEN.m, mk_psiLine_CS.m & use_psiLine.m) to a) also work with
0325 compact-format input; and (b) always assume "long-vector" are stored one
0326 face after the other (compact-format compatible);
0327 - new script to generate broken-lines (for computing meridional transport
0328 stream-function), simpler than the previous version in cs_grid/bk_line/;
0329 - update RGB-dims in 2 latloncap/ scripts to match pkg/exch2 convention.
172933ad7e Mart*0330 o pkg/ctrl:
0331 - simplify file name handling in ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F to please TAF (fixes
0332 hs94.1x64x5 TL test) without upsetting Tapenade & OpenAD.
85c224e862 Ou W*0333 o pkg/autodiff + ecco:
0334 - fix a typo in AD-var output file name (addummy_in_stepping.F);
0335 - fix and improve weight output in pkg/ecco/cost_generic.F
96b006450c dngo*0336 o pkg/streamice:
0337 - implementation of parameterized depth-dependent ice-shelf melt rate ;
0338 - new subroutines added to accumulate misfit cost based on time-dependent
0339 surface elevation and velocity observations (+ calls in pkg/cost) ;
0340 - fix generic ctrl (ctrl_map_ini_{genarr,gentim2d}.F) for OpenAD and
0341 add mapping of STREAMICE arrays to generic controls ;
0342 - update exp. halfpipe_streamice OAD & Tap setup (remove customized *.F)
0343 and switch on new CPP option ALLOW_COST_STREAMICE (+adjust params files).
910e5c3e29 Mart*0344 o pkg/autodiff:
0346 - refine grad-check + update output for AD test "lab_sea.noseaicedyn".
26e63756eb Jean*0348 checkpoint68s (2023/09/11)
19ced9bf8f Mart*0349 o verification:
5a54dbbd56 Jean*0350 - change default ALLOW_IB_CORR (in pkg/ecco/ECCO_OPTIONS.h) to "#undef" and
0351 test that this code compiles in experiment global_oce_biogeo_bling ;
0352 - clean/update AD related CPP header files across all experiments and reduce
0353 differences with standard version in pkg autodiff, cost, ctrl and ecco.
0354 o verification:
19ced9bf8f Mart*0355 - change global_oce_latlon TAF set-up to multi-tiles (4 tiles, as in code_oad
0356 & code_tap) and add SIZE.h_mpi to enable MPI tests (in all 3 code_* dir).
7448700841 Mart*0357 o model/src & pkgs, TAF storage dir:
0358 - rearrange and add storing of variables to reduce number of (unwarned)
0359 recomp. in fluxform & vecinv pkgs and in model/src (e.g., calc_phi_hyd.F) ;
0360 - add store directives in solve_tri/pentadiagonal.F to avoid recomputation
0361 warnings with SOLVE_DIAGONAL_KINNER defined ;
0362 - add CPP condition inside GAD SOM advection S/R (-> empty ".f" file if
0363 neither GAD_ALLOW_TS_SOM_ADV nor PTRACERS_ALLOW_DYN_STATE is defined ) ;
0364 - clean-up/refine many unnecessary store directives -> less TAF warnings ;
0365 - remove unnecessary checkpointing code from pkg/smooth_diff2/3d.F
b038e3cc4f Mart*0366 o pkg/ggl90:
0367 - move computing the mixingLength to a dedicated routine ggl90_mixinglength.F
0368 - adjust/add TAF store directives to avoid hidden recomputations.
45315406aa Mart*0369 o pkg/seaice:
0370 - new option SEAICE_BGRID_DYNAMICS allows to remove/replace
0372 - exclude more code if SEAICE_CGRID is undefined and clean up/rearrange
0373 SEAICE.h to form more consistent groups and common-blocks ;
0374 - update SEAICE_OPTIONS.h in verification experiments.
57622776fd Jean*0375 o pkg/mdsio:
0376 - Add 2 new arguments (kLo & kHi) to pkg/mdsio Slice I/O routines that allow
0377 to select which levels in Slice-array to read-in or to write-out to file.
2a22bb531b Jean*0379 checkpoint68r (2023/08/02)
5bc996898d Mart*0380 o verification:
0381 - adjust amplitude of perturbation (grdchk_eps) to improve Fwd/Adj gradient
0382 check comparison in exp. global_ocean.90x40x15, global_with_exf & lab_sea ;
0383 - change location of grad-check (away from freezing Temp) in exp. OpenAD
0384 and rename experiment "OpenAD" to "global_oce_latlon".
444da61630 Mart*0385 o pkg/ctrl + pkg/grdchk:
0386 - define PARAMETER nobcs = 4 in CTRL_OBCS.h instead of SIZE.h ; update SIZE.h
0387 of all code_ad/oad/tap verification exp.
0388 - in pkg/grdchk, rename grdchk.h to GRDCHK.h and adjust src code to work
0389 without "nobcs" when OBCS_ALLOW_CONTROL is undefined.
44c9a33d03 Jean*0390 o verification:
0391 - Remove duplicated parameter files from input_tap/ dir and adjust prepare_run
0392 accordingly ; remove few untested additional files (in OpenAD/ & lab_sea/).
d73d15cdef antn*0393 o pkg/seaice:
8e32c48b8f Mart*0394 - rename ZMIN/ZMAX into SEAICE_ZMIN/ZMAX to avoid potential conflicts with kpp
0395 variables with the same name ; rename swfracb into SEAICE_SWFrac ;
0396 - fix a bug in computing SEAICE_SWFrac in pressure coordinates ; update exp.
0397 global_ocean.cs32x15.in_p reference output.
0398 o pkg/seaice:
d73d15cdef antn*0399 - SEAICE_USE_GROWTH_ADX: fix a bug related to flooding and fix budget closure
0400 for linear free-surface case.
025a9bb173 antn*0401 o pkg/ecco:
0402 - in cost_gencost_sshv4.F, enable to also process monthly data (previously,
0403 only daily) for SSH cost.
c61a47f63f Mart*0404 o pkg/ctrl:
0405 - remove left-over and unused code within ALLOW_NONDIMENSIONAL_CONTROL_IO
0406 (except in OBCS_CONTROL pack/unpack code); as a consequence, switch back
0407 ALLOW_PACKUNPACK_METHOD2 to #undef in exp. tutorial_global_oce_optim.
0408 o pkgs:
de57a2ec4b Mart*0409 - for local filenames, replace character*(80) by character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM)
0410 declaration, where possible, especially in pkgs: autodiff, ctrl, ecco,
0411 profiles, smooth & grdchk.
acbfbd3bbd Jean*0413 checkpoint68q (2023/06/29)
5b0716a6b3 Mart*0414 o pkg/ggl90:
0415 - non IDEMIX code: fix bug (missing hFac) in matrix coefficient computation ;
0416 - fix RI-Number calculation for IDEMIX ; new flag GGL90_IDEMIX_CVMIX_VERSION
0417 (defined by default) to update IDEMIX to CVMix version ;
0418 - add new diagnostics ;
0419 - update Fwd ref. output of exp. isomip.obcs, global_ocean.90x40x15.idemix
0420 and global_ocean.cs32x15.in_p.
b4daa24319 Shre*0421 o pkg/tapenade + other Tapenade addition:
0422 - add new capability to use Tapenade to generate Adjoint & Tang-Linear model:
0423 new package (pkg/tapenade), new tools (tools/TAP_support), update genmake2
0424 and testreport ; add some docs (in progress);
0425 - modify src code & packages to work with tapenade ; add new code_tap/ &
0426 input_tap/ dirs (+ ref output) in 9 verification experiments to get
0427 tested with tapenade.
8c2ab294fc Jean*0429 checkpoint68p (2023/05/07)
8377b8ee87 Mart*0430 o pkg/seaice:
0431 - fix compile error related to ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC/ALLOW_AUTODIFF mix-up
0432 in seaice_evp.F; also replace many ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC by ALLOW_AUTODIFF
0433 where code is not specific to TAF/TAMC;
0434 - call S/R seaice_get_dynforcing every timestep to always have valid TAUX/Y;
0435 - move most of routine body of seaice_dynsolver.F inside the
b0b45f2373 Ou W*0437 o pkg/ecco:
0438 - fix "sterGloH" output after a restart (issue related to Greatbatch
0439 correction) by writing & reading (small) new "pickup_ecco" files.
b938a3c63b antn*0440 o pkg/ctrl:
0441 - fix record number (mostly in ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F) in case of restart,
0442 using corresponding xx_gentim2d_startdate1/2 as specified from data.ctrl;
0443 this finalizes (+ fix) changes made in PR #260 and #380;
0444 - also add more debug print (+new CPP option ALLOW_CTRL_DEBUG);
0445 - improve generic-control documentation in Chap.10 (State Estimation).
ab47de63dc Mart*0446 o pkg/mom_common:
0447 - new expression for quadratic drag coefficient, function of cell thickness &
0448 roughness length (logarithmic law of the wall); for now, only for z-Coords.
0450 and run-time setting zRoughBot > 0 in data, PARMS01 namelist.
0451 Tested in exp. tutorial_plume_on_slope, new secondary test "roughBot".
cda1c18f72 Jean*0452 o model/src & pkgs:
0453 Finish to remove code within retired CPP options:
0454 - remove orphan code within (many) removed ALLOW_()_CONTROL (as listed in
0455 PR #689 comments); remove seaice_ctrl_map_ini.F;
0456 - remove code within retired CPP options, remove call to COST_TRANSPORT,
0457 remove ALLOW_ECCO_BARSTORES and the 4 "ecco_ad_check_lev?_dir.h" files;
0458 - remove (check & stop) "using_cost_bp" & "using_cost_scat" from "data.ecco";
0459 - avoid few unused variables; use default CTRL_OPTIONS.h in exp. hs94.1x64x5.
a4e168e012 antn*0460 o pkg/seaice:
0461 - SEAICE_USE_GROWTH_ADX: fix diagnostic SIatmFW and add diagnostic SIeprflx
0462 to close seaice mass and heat budgets.
a17ca5331e Jean*0463 o pkg/dic:
0464 - remove TAF storage dir for variable "OmegaC" (within wrong CPP option).
628b4a6c85 Jean*0466 checkpoint68o (2023/03/13)
d9efc637ba Mart*0467 o model/src:
0468 - salt/temp/ptracer_integrate.F: optimise store directives
0469 - add mising "obcs_seaice_sponge.f" to obcs_ad_diff.list
4890e8ebab antn*0470 o pkg/ecco:
0471 - smoothing in gencost_bpv4: allow to choose between a) call to smooth_basic2D
0472 (using a constant length, with run-time params replacing hard-coded values)
0473 or b) call to smooth_hetero2D (using a 2D field to be read in).
e99fa9b078 Mart*0474 o pkg/obcs:
0475 - update OBCS configuration summary.
806785c928 Jean*0476 o eesupp/inc, model/inc & pkgs:
0477 Clean CPP header files:
0478 - remove ALLOW_GENCOST_CONTRIBUTION from COST_OPTIONS.h (is already set in
0481 - set EXCLUDE_WHIO_GLOBUFF_2D in MDSIO_OPTIONS.h (found in some customized
0483 - list CPP options in pkg CPP header file (as undef) when used in any
0484 experiment local set-up;
0485 - fix typo in 2 CPP option names ; rename few (unused) pkg/fizhi CPP options;
0486 - update pkg dependence rule for pkg/bling ; avoid few unused variables.
28038c27d5 Lois*0487 o pkg/kl10:
0488 - get stratification from variable "SigmaR" (passed as argument) instead of
0489 recomputing locally in-situ density (less efficient and inaccurate when
0490 using Non-Linear EOS); update (kl10) ref output for internal_wave exp.
38d78826c7 Ciar*0491 o pkg/ecco:
0492 - add new generic integral cost function "m_boxmean_vol" (e.g. to track
0493 volume of isoycnal layer); add it to lab_sea secondary AD test "noseaice"
0494 and update ref. AD output file.
c26ad343d2 Jean*0495 o tools/build_options:
0496 - fix OpenMP option in ifort optfiles for modern intel compiler.
f6d206d1bd Jean*0498 checkpoint68n (2023/02/08)
2b959ba38e Mart*0499 o pkg/seaice:
0500 - make all seaice-cost code independent of pkg/ecco and remove few
0501 SEAICE_COST.h from pkg/ecco ;
0502 - remove unused code related to ALLOW_SEAICE_COST_SMR_AREA (formerly used
0503 with ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED, seaice_cost_driver.F and S/R called from there),
0505 and retire associated parameters.
2e3e8c330d Jona*0506 o pkg/dic:
0507 - rename CPP: CAR_DISS -> DIC_CALCITE_SAT and AD_SAFE -> DIC_AD_SAFE and put
0508 all carbonate-saturation code and 3D arrays inside #ifdef DIC_CALCITE_SAT
0509 block and time-ave arrays within #ifdef ALLOW_TIMEAVE ;
0510 - add run-time params: useCalciteSaturation, calcOmegaCalciteFreq, nIterCO3,
0511 selectCalciteBottomRemin, KierRateK, KierRateExp and WsinkPIC ;
0512 - switch order of arguments to "myTime, myIter, myThid" in few remaining
0513 pkg/dic S/R + S/R calls in pkg/gchem ;
0514 - update exp. so_box_biogeo (define CARBONCHEM_TOTALPHSCALE & DIC_CALCITE_SAT)
0515 + add 2 new secondary tests (caSat0 & caSat3) with useCalciteSaturation=T
0516 and using 3-D silicate input file.
edb6656069 Mart*0517 o TAF tape keys:
0518 - rename many local taf keys to use shorter and more consistent names ;
0519 - pkg/thsice: fix bug in key computations.
1d99daeaf6 Oliv*0520 o pkg/diagnostics (+doc):
0521 - fix index-loop range in diagnostics_sum_levels.F and document "fileFlags"
0522 and associated features (vertical interpolation & integral & hFac scaling).
5a6997640b Mart*0523 o pkg/gmredi:
1d99daeaf6 Oliv*0524 - in gmredi_slope_limit.F, fix tape keys by using local tapes.
9293d3c672 Hajo*0525 o pkg/ggl90:
1d99daeaf6 Oliv*0526 - cleaning: remove maskS multiplication in ggl90_calc_visc.F (no equivalent
0527 for KappaRU) and update "output_oadm.ggl90.txt" in OpenAD exp.
ea7679383f Jean*0528 o pkg/ggl90:
9293d3c672 Hajo*0529 - Add code in pkg/ggl90 to parameterize Langmuir Circulation (LC) effects on
0530 vertical mixing (useLANGMUIR=T); follows: Tak et al, Ocean Modelling, 2023;
0531 - Primary effect is to increase mixing length scale due to LC ; the stokes
0532 velocity term is also included in the momentum equation (Coriolis term);
0533 - Tested in new secondary test "gglLC" in exp. "vermix".
0a1233e81a Ou W*0534 o pkg/ecco:
0535 - fix out-of-bound array index issue in cost_gencost_sshv4.F;
0536 - fix a small bug in same S/R (skipping call to smooth_hetero2d(anom_slaobs, )
0537 if gencost_outputlevel(igen_lsc)=0.);
0538 - in same S/R, skip output of "_smooth" file when smoothing is not applied.
c69ccc91fb antn*0539 o pkg/ctrl:
0540 - enable initial sea ice area/heff controls with correct definition of control
0541 indices;
0542 - move condition on useSEAICE inside seaice_init_varia.F (always initialize to
0543 zero) when compiling pkg/autodiff. Similar changes to shelfice_init_varia.F;
0544 - fix out-of-bounds index issue in ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F (igen_shiCDrag=0).
a1d0e455fd Hann*0545 o pkg/dic:
0546 - enable to read in prescribed 3d silicate fields for calcite-saturation
0547 calculation and 3-D pH calculation (#define CAR_DISS).
0548 - add 5 new 3-D diagnostics related to calcite-saturation calculation.
0549 - fix 2-D silica input file from tutorial_global_oce_biogeo and add 3-D silica
0550 input file to so_box_biogeo exp. (currently unused).
af3e3bca65 Jean*0552 checkpoint68m (2022/12/05)
5b172de0d2 Jean*0553 o pkg/gmredi:
0554 - update Redi diffusion and GM (skew-flux or advective form) to also work with
0555 P-coordinates and most current tapering schemes ; change sign of sigmaR (for
0556 now, only within pkg/gmredi) to always be the same as stratification, i.e.,
0557 positive if stratified ; add 2 arguments to GMREDI_SLOPE_LIMIT for 'ldd97'.
0558 - with p-coord, keep sign of slope component unchanged (same as dSigmaX,Y)
0559 and flip sign (-gravitySign) of Redi-tensor extra-diagonal terms ; also keep
0560 stream-function components GM_PsiX & GM_PsiY unchanged and flip sign when
0561 computing bolus-transport (left handed coord).
a1d0e455fd Hann*0562 - add unit conversion factor between p and z coord. at level center, function
0563 of vertical profile of ref. density ; used inside slope-limiter and tapering
0564 function.
5b172de0d2 Jean*0565 - stop if trying to use P-coord with not yet updated gmredi pieces of code.
0566 - add a simple secondary test in front_relax exp. using GM and p-coord.
20dee61641 Mart*0567 o pkg/autodiff:
0568 - cleanup tamc.h: remove unused parameters and nthreads_chkpkt as it is (and
0569 should be) always one; update all verification exp. code_ad versions.
0570 - simplify tape-key dependence on tile indices (remove thread grouping).
f9d7cbfb72 Ou W*0571 o pkg/ctrl:
0572 - add run-time variable ctrlDir to specify a directory different from default
0573 current directory for I/O of controls adjustment and adjoint gradient (xx
0574 and adxx), and other active files; used (as example) in lab_sea experiment.
0575 o pkg/smooth:
0576 - add run-time variable smoothDir to specify a directory different from
0577 default current directory for I/O of smoothing operators.
1575dc0796 Jean*0579 checkpoint68l (2022/10/26)
cc9097e522 Oliv*0580 o pkg/longstep:
0581 - fix initialization of LS_fwFlux ;
0582 - move params report & check to new S/R LONGSTEP_CHECK.
dbb54b7d7a Jean*0583 o model/src:
0584 - fix ocean r-star pressure gradient in case model top is not uniformly at r=0
0585 - update ref output of secondary test "isomip.obcs".
d220271442 Oliv*0586 o tools/genmake2:
0587 - Remove unnecessary awk escape sequence ; this avoids a warning with recent
0588 GNU awk (5.0.1 and newer).
3924ebfa1b Mart*0589 o tools/adjoint_options:
0590 - merge five ad-optfiles into single one with compact list of generic control
0591 variables and obcs-control variables ;
0592 - to use divided adjoint (DIVA), in genmake_local, set new flag USE_DIVA=1
0593 (replacing "adjoint_diva");
0594 - select which Fortran version is sent to TAF by setting TAF_FORTRAN_VERS
0595 to either F77, F90, or F95 (replacing "adjoint_f95") ;
0596 - to replace "adjoint_tamc_compatibility", in genmake_local, set new flag
0598 - remove "-server fastopt.net" to use the default server (fastopt.de)
0599 - use the staf default server (currently "fastopt.de") instead of specific
0600 server "fastopt.net" ;
0601 - remove more commented lines (remove_comments_sed) in src code sent to TAF ;
0602 - remove obsolete "ad_taf_output.f.*" diff-patches in tools/ ;
0603 - remove "ad_optfile.local" files from some verification experiments ; keep
0604 example how to specify local optfile in verification/bottom_ctrl_5x5 ;
8a34959769 dngo*0605 o pkg/streamice:
0606 - changes related to PETc solver interface to be compatible with PETSc
0607 version 3.8 and above and also available without MPI;
0608 - also make sure PETSc is not used at runtime by default.
4cf519afc7 Jean*0610 checkpoint68k (2022/08/17)
cf705a6c8e Mart*0611 o pkg/ctrl, ecco, ... :
0612 Remove untested and obsolete ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED code: From now on it is
0613 only possible to specify control parameters through generic controls.
0614 - retire associated pkg/ctrl and pkg/autodiff flags, such as: ctrlUseGen,
0615 xx_hflux_file, xx_hflux_startdate1, ..., ctrlSmoothCorrel2D/3D,
0616 useSmoothCorrel2DinAdMode. Most of these did not have any effect with
0617 undefined ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED, but were still allowed in data.ctrl.
0618 Now specifying them is an error and stops the run.
0619 - remove code that assumes ctrlUseGen=F
0620 - remove empty and unused subroutines:
0621 * pkg/ctrl: ctrl_weights.h, ctrl_map_ini_gen.F, ctrl_smooth.F,
0622 ctrl_map_ini.F, ctrl_map_ini_ecco.F, ctrl_map_ini.F, ctrl_map_ini_ecco.F
0623 * pkg/ecco: cost_forcing.F, cost_hyd.F, cost_internal_params.F, cost_ssh.F
0624 ecco_cost_summary.F
0625 * pkg/smooth: smooth_correl2dw.F
0626 * pkg/seaice: seaice_cost_areasst.F
0627 - adjust parameters in verification experiment that still contained retired
0628 parameters
0629 - switch global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice to using generic control variables
0630 Note: some untested code (notably pkg/admtlm, which did not compile before)
0631 will be more difficult to resurrect without the ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED code.
f18a893d42 Mart*0632 o pkg/ggl90:
0633 - adjust code to also work under an ice-shelf (with pkg/shelfice); idemix
0634 under ice-shelf not fixed yet.
0635 - turn on ggl90 in isomip experiment secondary test "obcs" and update
0636 reference output file.
94a8024bbe Jean*0637 o pkg/gmredi:
0638 - allow to read-in 3-D background isopycnal (Redi) and thickness (GM)
0639 diffusivity without pkg/ctrl: new 3-D arrays, new CPP options:
0640 GM_READ_K3D_REDI & GM_READ_K3D_GM and new input files: GM_K3dRediFile &
0641 GM_K3dGMFile (replacing retired GM_isopycK3dFile & GM_background_K3dFile).
0642 - update code for ALLOW_KAPGM_CONTROL & ALLOW_KAPREDI_CONTROL to use
0643 these new 3-D arrays (from GMREDI.h) and move setting of 3-D control arrays
0644 from from ini_mixing.F to gmredi_init_varia.F (+ adjust call condition);
0645 Note: need to define new option GM_INPUT_K3D_GM and/or GM_INPUT_K3D_REDI
0647 - remove obsolete code & CPP option ALLOW_KAPGM/KAPREDI_CONTROL_OLD
f03a2f5e21 Jean*0649 checkpoint68j (2022/06/28)
cc60455fbb Mart*0650 o pkg/exf:
0651 - implement drag coefficient of Large and Yeager (2009), Climate Dynamics, 33,
0652 pages 341-364, within #ifdef ALLOW_DRAG_LARGEYEAGER09
fe1862e69b Mart*0653 o autodiff(TAF):
0654 - fix few taf recomputation and conflict warnings in: calc_3d_diffusivity.F
0655 (PCELL_MIX_CODE), pkg/bling & dwnslope_apply.F ; update reference AD output
0656 of exp. that use pkg/dwnslope (lab_sea).
f6de6620bc Mart*0657 o pkg/thsice:
0658 - fix bug in computation of ustar (case velocity=0) in thsice_calc_thickn.F;
0659 - introduce & document THSICE_REGULARIZE_CALC_THICKN flag.
20a156cdce Mart*0660 o pkg/generic_advdiff (TAF):
0661 - in gad_advection.F, replace global tapes "comlev1_bibj_k_gad" &
0662 "comlev1_bibj_k_gad" by local tapes; avoid unnecessary recomputations, but
0663 recompute full routine (only) once in ad-routine;
0664 - this affects results when useApproxAdvectionInAdMode=T, since now all tapes
0665 are computed using approximate Adv-Scheme (inAdMode=T); udate AD ref. output
0666 of exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice.
3bafcf6020 Timo*0667 o pkg/shelfice:
0668 - Remove ALLOW_SHIFWFLX_CONTROL and all xx_shifwflx related code in favor of
0669 already implemented gentim2d;
0670 - move update of shelficeLoadAnomaly inside shelfice_step_icemass.F (within
0671 IF (SHELFICEMassStepping) ...);
0672 - fix storage dir for SHELFICEMassStepping, allowing to realFreshWaterFlux=T
0673 with ALLOW_AUTODIFF defined (remove STOP there). Still not working with
0674 OpenAD (add a STOP in shelfice_check.F).
9bcb497701 Jean*0676 checkpoint68i (2022/04/27)
6b551785d1 Jean*0677 o eesupp/src:
0678 - simplify reading parameter file, using single scratch file (instead of 2).
2e7aec9951 dngo*0679 o verification, OpenAD:
0680 - make all OpenAD experiments use generic control variables, so that from now
0681 on, the ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED code is no longer tested in verification
0682 (neither in verification_other, where it never was tested), except for
0683 global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice (this is intentioal).
113b21cd45 Mart*0684 o autodiff(TAF):
0685 - avoid unnecessary local recomputations and associated warnings by storing to
0686 local tapes in: seaice/advect.F, gad_dst3fl_impl_r.F, gmredi_slope_limit.F,
0687 shap_filt_uv_s2.F, solve_pentadiagonal.F
a85293d087 Mart*0688 o pkg/thsice:
0689 - fix store directives + modify code of thsice_calc_thickn.F, thsice_extend.F
0690 and thsice_solve4temp.F to avoid 28 recomputation warnings and recomputing
0691 the state unnecessarily;
0692 - define new tape and retire two old thsice related tapes (commented out for
0693 now) in the_main_loop.F;
0694 - change offline_exf_seaice.thsice experiment to be more sensitive to changes;
0695 - fixing a bug leads to smaller gradient errors and correct TLM cost function
0696 values and requires updating (both ADM and TLM) offline_exf_seaice.thsice
0697 and global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice reference output;
07b7562e86 Ou W*0698 o pkg/ctrl:
0699 - fix issue in S/R CTRL_MAP_GENARR3D by explicitly set xx_gen to zero where
0700 wgenarr3d is zero ; also replacing 10^xx_gen with EXP(log(10)*xx_gen) for
0701 log10ctrl produces small differences at machine truncation level.
3d93c0a01e Ou W*0702 o eesupp & pkg/mdsio:
0703 - new (CPP) Macro to open read-only files with ACTION='read', added to
0704 most pkg/mdsio S/R (+ exf_interp_read.F); disable this in few old compiler
0705 optfiles (g77, pgf77) by adding EXCLUDE_OPEN_ACTION to DEFINES list.
51575f66de Mart*0706 o model:
0707 - new CPP option to exclude (= default) S/R CONVECTIVE_ADJUSTMENT_INI;
0708 to reproduce old results, define new option INCLUDE_CONVECT_INI_CALL in
0709 two verification experiments: exp2 and tutorial_tracer_adjsens.
0710 - add a check for INCLUDE_CONVECT_CALL if cAdjFreq <> 0.
fefbff5637 Mart*0711 o tools/build_options:
0712 - new optfile "darwin_arm64_gfortran" for Mac ARM 64-bit processor.
6514215240 Jean*0713 o pkg/gmredi:
0714 - add deep-factor to pkg/gmredi code to work with "deepAtmosphere=T".
a99d705983 Jean*0715 o verification/cpl_aim+ocn:
0716 - add secondary test set-up using seaice dynamics (pkg/seaice) as part of
0717 ocean component and update script to handle option to run multiple test.
adac922254 dngo*0718 o verification/halfpipe_streamice:
0719 - update OpenAD test by removing ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h (but, for now, keep local
0720 version: ctrl_map_gentim2d.F & ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F in code_oad).
64811cb024 Jean*0721 o pkg/mypackage:
0722 - improve description (for a coding style example).
7e00d7e8f9 Jean*0723 o model:
0724 - add option to apply a correction for net global fresh-water flux imbalance
0725 proportional to, fixed in time, 2-D weight field that is read-in from file ;
0726 - new integer selector "selectBalanceEmPmR" (=0: off, =1: uniform correction,
0727 =2: correction scaled by weight) that replaces logical switch "balanceEmPmR"
0728 with backward compatibility setting.
479cbc238b Jean*0730 checkpoint68h (2022/03/22)
aa93ca8e85 Ciar*0731 o pkg/ecco:
0cd0083da8 Ou W*0732 - new src files: ecco_init_fixed.F & ecco_diagnostics_init.F ;
0733 - new SSH diagnostics: SSH,SSHNOIBC (with & w-out Inv.Barometer corr.: SSHIBC)
0734 STERICHT (steric height anomaly); and Bottom-Pressure/Mass: OBP & OBPGMAP ;
0735 - add arg myTime & myIter to S/R ECCO_PHYS and adjust calls ; change to use
0736 model "rhoInSitu" (instead of recomputed rho) for Greatbatch correction ;
0737 this affects cost "m_eta".
0738 o pkg/ecco:
aa93ca8e85 Ciar*0739 - add new feature (within gencost) to evaluate cost-function contribution
0740 over specified density range (instead of depth range, see issue #483);
0741 - add few run-time parameters including logical switch: gencost_useDensityMask
0742 - test this new feature in lab_sea/input_ad.noseaice and update ref. output.
ef7fa68a19 Jean*0743 o pkg/ptracer (adjoint):
0744 - remove AUTODIFF_PTRACERS_SPLIT_FILES as it has no effect.
0745 o pkg/generic_advdiff & seaice (adjoint):
1574069d50 Mart*0746 - avoid recomputation in Second-Order Moment (SOM) advection S/R by using
0747 local tapes ; reduce local tapesize in seaice_solve4temp.F ;
479cbc238b Jean*0748 - fix key and size of tapes in multi-dimensional advection routines and adjust
1574069d50 Mart*0749 maxcube value (2 or 3 if using CubedSphereExchange) in few exp. "tamc.h".
30ad0459d6 Jean*0750 o pkg/mdsio:
0751 - retire all S/R from mdsio_rw_slice.F after replacing the last 2 calls to
0752 MDSWRITEFIELD{X,Y}Z in pkg/ctrl/ctrl_set_globfld_{x,y}z.F with calls to
0753 S/R WRITE_REC_{X,Y}Z_RL (from pkg/rw).
0754 - remove src file mdsio_rw_field.F & mdsio_rw_slice.F from NOOPTFILES list
0755 in few linux_amd64_ifort* optfiles.
0756 - move if statement out of "lengthBuff" loop in mdsio_{read,write}_whalos.F
16cc32c739 Mart*0757 o verification AD exp.:
0758 - remove ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h from global_ocean_ebm/ and halfpipe_streamice/
0759 code_ad/ dir and replace by appropriate AUTODIFF/CTRL/COST_OPTIONS.h ;
0760 - for halfpipe_streamice AD exp., make necessary adjustments in pkg/streamice
30ad0459d6 Jean*0761 and remove ALLOW_GENTIM2D_CONTROL from store directive header files
16cc32c739 Mart*0762 streamice_ad_check_lev?_dir.h ;
0763 - remove customized version of ctrl_map_gentim2d.F & ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F
0764 from halfpipe_streamice/code_ad/ and add corresponding code to pkg/ctrl.
ec9af22855 Jean*0766 checkpoint68g (2022/02/19)
0bad585a21 Navi*0767 o doc:
0768 - fix some math notation in docs.
385da9f3ec Jean*0769 o pkg/obcs:
0770 - avoid division by zero when useOBCStides=.True. and tidalPeriod=0.
8233d0ceb9 Jean*0771 o pkg/gmredi:
0772 - fix basic code to also work with dry grid cells near the top (e.g., under
0773 ice-shelf) and in this case, for now, stop if unsafe features are used ;
0774 - fix tapering 'ac02' and 'stableGmAdjTap' ;
0775 - add a secondary test, "input.top", in verification exp. front_relax to test
0776 GM with dry cells at the top (+ also 'ac02' tapering) ;
0777 - update few adm & tlm & oad ref. output from exp. global_ocean.90x40x15
0778 since adding better masking in gmredi_s{x,y}rtransport.F does affect AD &
0779 TLM gradient (@ machine truncation level).
3c775cbf98 Mart*0780 o pkg/autodiff:
0781 - new CPP-flags allow to turnoff (default) autodiff_store/restore entirely:
0783 turn on autodiff_store/restore, undefined by default ;
0784 * AUTODIFF_EXCLUDE_ADEXCH_RS to skip calls to some AD-exch (if missing).
0785 - improve comments in AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h, fix some store directives for new
0786 default, which are:
0791 and update local AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h files from verification experiments.
0792 - experiment specific setting:
0793 * define AUTODIFF_EXCLUDE_ADEXCH_RS in exp.: hs94.1x64x5, obcs_ctrl & OpenAD
0794 * increase "nWH" value in local MDSIO_BUFF_WH.h for exp.:
0795 global_oce_biogeo_bling, offline_exf_seaice & tutorial_dic_adjoffline
0796 - add a TAF "INCOMPLETE" directive for TICES and wVel to avoid a TAF bug.
0797 - fix a TAF store directive to avoid extra call of "load_fields_driver"
0798 with EXF_SEAICE_FRACTION defined.
f2389c73b0 Jean*0799 o pkg/gmredi:
0800 - rename S/R, CPP option (GM_BATES_K3D), on/off switch (GM_useBatesK3d),
0801 parameters (GM_Bates_*) and 3-D var (GM_BatesK3d) of Bates etal (JPO, 2014)
0802 scheme that computes 3-D field GM/Redi diffusivity (analog to Visbeck etal
0803 variable/option naming example).
65dd265852 Jean*0805 checkpoint68f (2022/01/14)
f2389c73b0 Jean*0806 o pkg/exf:
56d13a40ed Mart*0807 - clean-up relative wind implementation so that uwind and vwind are kept
0808 unchanged (always vanilla atmospheric winds after interpolation) while
0809 relative wind is computed locally; add diagnostics for relative wind.
0810 - adjust pkg/seaice relative-wind code (+ clean-up SEAICE_GREASE code).
0c240d16ef Jean*0811 o pkg/kpp:
0812 - avoid updating input argument "kmtj" in S/R BLDEPTH (in: kpp_routines.F);
0813 this also remove/avoid 3 recomputation warnings for kmtj in adm (TAF) built.
0fbff46b46 dngo*0814 o pkg/streamice:
0815 - fix regularised coulomb basal stress impl to avoid issues with adjoint ;
0816 - cancel metric terms in stress tensor for cartesian grid ;
0817 - allow (time-indep) velocities to be imposed from external file rather than
0818 solved for ;
0819 - allow for specification of log of controls as well as sqrt ;
0820 - allow termination of adjoint fixed point loop based on relative and absolute
0821 error ;
0822 - terminate adjoint fixed point loop when change between most recent iterates
0823 begins to increase (a sign of unstable growth from linear solve errors ?);
0824 update OAD output of exp. halfpipe_streamice (affected by this modif).
c704c5a1ef Mart*0825 o pkg/seaice:
0826 - replace hard-coded parameters for JNKF line search by new runtime parameters
0827 SEAICE_JFNK_lsGamma and SEAICE_JFNK_lsLmax ;
0828 - increment line search counter after reporting and fix an if statement, so
0829 that zeroth step is not counted for more consistent debugging output.
f397060a05 dfer*0830 o tools/build_options:
3ee2cce2f5 Jean*0831 - update pleiades optfile "linux_amd64_ifort+mpi_ice_nas"
f397060a05 dfer*0832 - rename/update optfile for UK HPC Archer2.
9f5240b52a Jean*0833 o pkgs:
0834 - remove/avoid unused variables from AD verification exp. built except from
0835 halfpipe_streamice (pkg/streamice); also clean-up a bit pkg/smooth.
3b6c79e4de Mart*0836 o pkg/autodiff:
0837 - introduce separate tapes for integer arrays: the corresponding routines
0838 just convert between integer and double precision arrays and call the
0839 original adread/adwrite routines.
934d981c17 Jean*0840 o pkg/atm_compon_interf:
0841 - only with Atm-Phys pkg, allow "regional coupling", i.e. coupled only where
0842 there is ocean, keeping Atm-Phys basic mixed-layer elsewhere.
d7c15ab3ba Jean*0844 checkpoint68e (2021/12/10)
ae17457769 Andr*0845 o lsopt & optim:
0846 - update Makefiles and README.
c7de4e3cb2 antn*0847 o pkg/ctrl:
37e373688b Mart*0848 - remove unused flag ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION and associated code, always save
0849 "fcloc" to gradient vector file and save fcloc=0 to initial ctrl vector file
0850 (which is never used); also remove it from any code*/CTRL_OPTIONS.h.
0851 o pkg/ctrl:
c7de4e3cb2 antn*0852 - replace few calls to MDS_READ/WRITE_FIELD with corresponding call to
0853 pkg/rw READ/WRITE_REC_3D_RL ; also clean-up: ctrl_map_ini_gen.F
7855a13227 Mart*0854 o tape related code (adjoint):
0855 - clean-up tape code in the init-phase, mainly in the_main_loop.F and in
0856 ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F ;
0857 - remove unused (ecco) cost_averages_bar_directives.h ;
0858 - adjust comments in (autodiff) adread_adwrite.F & in main_do_loop.F
c3d0b098ae Lars*0859 o eesupp:
0860 - fix scratch file names when using PDAF.
6e2befed03 Oliv*0861 o pkg/exf:
0862 - fix issue in interannual monthly forcing addition (case ${fld}period=0)
bb459eb78c Jean*0863 o model/src:
0864 - skip reading kapGM and kapRedi from ini_mixing.F when useGMRedi is .FALSE.
deacece587 Oliv*0865 o pkg/exf:
0866 - add option for interannual monthly forcing with pkg/cal by setting
0867 ${fld}_period=-1. (like -12. indicates climatological monthly forcing),
0868 available with or without useExfYearlyFields ; update exp. global_with_exf
0869 SST forcing to test this new option with and without useExfYearlyFields.
d68b36a485 Mart*0870 o model/src:
0871 - define local arrays cg2d_q/v/z without overlaps in all 4 cg2d*.F
0872 and skip initialisation of cg2d_q in cg2d.F
9d0c386f0c dngo*0873 o tools/genmake2:
0874 - new option to call OpenAD compiler in a singularity container (if provided);
0875 add option to testreport too and update OpenAD doc (in section 7.5).
4300da6d2c Jean*0877 checkpoint68d (2021/11/05)
71a2d60687 Jean*0878 o verification/*/results:
0879 - update few adm and tlm refence output to get closer agreement.
75c5b64bda Jean*0880 o verification/global_ocean.90x40x15:
0881 - no longer use old bug (fixed in Oct 2015) in KAPGM_CONTROL & KAPREDI_CONTROL
0882 code and update AD & TL ref. output for kapgm & kapredi tests ;
0883 - other small cleaning: finish removing OLD_THSICE_CALL_SEQUENCE code ; remove
0884 "cost_yftype" from experiments "data.ecco" ; move ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION
0885 to the right header file.
016b84c482 Mart*0886 o pkgs pp81, my82, opps & ggl90:
0887 - remove pkg/timeave and pkg/mnc output from these mixing packages (since
0888 this functionality is available with pkg diagnostics); add 1 diagnostics
0889 to pkg/opps (to replave TAVE output).
7ea6a3439c Jean*0890 o tools/build_options:
0892 in g77 optfile ; this allows to run set-up with AUTODIFF_WHTAPEIO and/or
0893 with pkg/profiles using g77 (with S/R MDSFINDUNITS) while other compilers
0894 continue to use local version with extended range of I/O units number.
ebcc29af97 Jean*0895 o pkg/ecco:
0896 - fix halo initialisation for argument "active_var" in cost_genread.F ;
0897 - change "facNum" expression in cost_gencost_transp.F, to be consistent with
0898 comment in src code, by adding missing factor "nSx"; also avoid division
0899 in PARAMETER statement.
1c2b1fa3bc Mart*0900 o model/inc:
0901 - move potentially time dependent grid variable from GRID_RS to new common
0902 block GRID_VAR_RS (hFacW/S/W, etc.) and split common block CG2D_I_R into
0903 a _RL and a _RS part ; adjust AD common block accordingly.
11c3150c71 Mart*0904 o verification AD experiments:
0905 Update TAF AD exp. so that none relies anymore on ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED code:
0906 - remove #define ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED from experiments: 1D_ocean_ice_column,
0907 bottom_ctrl_5x5, global_with_exf, lab_sea, OpenAD, tutorial_dic_adjoffline,
0908 tutorial_global_oce_biogeo & tutorial_global_oce_optim ; use instead generic
0909 control and generic cost.
0910 - for now, keep experiment global_ocean.cs32x15 with both ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED
0911 code and generic control + generic cost.
0912 - also remove ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h (use instead set of pkg specific OPTIONS
0913 header files) from these experiments above.
0914 - results unchanged except few digits in cost & ad-monitor for lab_sea &
0915 obcs_ctrl ; and few minor recomp. warnings count changes for
0916 tutorial_global_oce_biogeo (-4) and for tutorial_dic_adjoffline (+2).
0917 Update pkgs as needed:
0918 - pkg/ecco: fix field declarations for ecco_toolbox routines and cost_readgen,
0919 new toolbox routines ecco_offset, ecco_maskmindepth, make argument lists
0920 more consistent between ecco_toolbox routines and remove unused subroutines;
0921 - pkg/cost: fix ALLOW_COST_DEPTH contribution;
0922 - pkg/ctrl: add more "ifdef ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED" where necessary;
0923 - pkg/exf: add xx_snowprecip as generic control, adjust CPP-flags.
d97a730ee3 Jean*0924 o pkg/gmredi:
0925 - remove condition (ifdef GM_NON_UNITY_DIAGONAL) around 3-D arrays Kux & Kvy
0926 to simplify how GMREDI is applied (e.g., gmredi_x/ytransport); fill up these
0927 2 arrays with constant value (gmredi_calc_tensor.F & offline_get_diffus.F)
0928 when GM_NON_UNITY_DIAGONAL is undef (to reproduce old results).
0929 - also with GM_NON_UNITY_DIAGONAL undef, fix ALLOW_KAPREDI_CONTROL averaging.
c59dd234b1 Jean*0930 o tangent-linear:
0931 - fix few hand-written tangent-linear src code (in autodiff & ctrl pkgs);
0932 - add new target "ftlobj" to Makefile (similar to "obj" & "adobj" for forward
0933 and AD built) and corresponding switch in testreport ;
0934 - fix non-standard sed command (for Mac) in TLM testreport.
2ffc13e2be Jean*0936 checkpoint68c (2021/10/02)
dc26f158aa Mart*0937 o pkg/seaice:
0938 - update some dynamics solver default so that now:
0939 a) SEAICEuseEVPstar = .TRUE. ; b) SEAICEuseEVPrev = .TRUE. ;
0940 c) LSR_ERROR = 1.e-5 (previously was 1.e-4) ;
0941 - put back old default in exp. lab_sea (primary test);
0942 - modify (simplify?) logic in seaice_readparms.F and seaice_check.F.
cf8a0ac466 Jean*0943 o pkg/grdchk:
0944 - allow to use "recglo" to specify a particular control time record for
0945 gradient check (was previously inactive).
f4a4b4841b Jean*0946 o pkg/exf:
0947 - new parameters to reduce AD-exf monitor output:
0948 1) exf_adjMonFreq (def= adjMonitorFreq), = 0. suppresses all output
0949 2) exf_adjMonSelect: =1 (def): less output ; =3 as before, =0 : no output
0950 - fix some AD-common block name + content to match TAF directives (in
0951 common.flow) and TAF generated code.
0952 - skip monitor of model forcing AD-variables (unless monitorSelect=4).
44d3986245 Jean*0953 o pkg/ecco + other:
0954 - fix few non-standard syntax (+ repeated setting of "gencost_msk_is3d").
7fbec11c25 Jean*0955 o pkg/bling:
0956 - fix call to S/R BLING_BIO_NITROGEN when USE_SIBLING is defined.
13d362b8c1 Ou W*0957 o pkg/ecco:
0958 - put various dimensions related to gencost out of "ecco.h" into specific
0959 (new) header file "ECCO_SIZE.h" and rename "ecco.h" to "ECCO.h" ;
0960 - add gencost param "gencost_kLev_select" to select a vertical level (from 3-D
0961 array) to form 2-D gencost ; currently only used in drifter velocity cost ;
0962 - add a couple of costs based on 1) inverse barometer (IB) corrected model sea
0963 level for altimetry data comparison 2) OBP excluding contribution from
0964 global mean atmospheric pressure for comparisons with GRACE data.
7f5c807389 Jean*0965 o pkg/autodiff:
0966 - fix type (_RS vs_RL) of AD-vars in hand-written AD routine cg2d_mad.F and
0967 in adcommon.h, common block adgrid_rs.
042d2503e1 Jean*0968 o model/src:
0969 - fix missing initialisation of local working arrays that were previously
0970 in common block in CG2D.h (needed when using blank tiles).
6b3f5dbce1 Hann*0971 o pkg/dic:
0972 - fix calculation of carbonate saturation state (with CAR_DISS defined) when
0973 #define CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE ; no current test run with #define CAR_DISS.
aecc8b0f47 Mart*0974 o pkg/autodiff:
0975 - add code for Full-Adjoint of cg2d in renamed (from cg2d_sad.F) routine
0976 cg2d_mad.F (cg2d manual adjoint) ;
0977 - new runtime params cg2dFullAdjoint (data.autodiff), useNSACGSolver (data,
0978 default to "FALSE"), cg2dMinItersNSA (data, defaults to 0) ;
0979 - new sub-verification experiment bottom_ctrl_5x5.facg2d to test new
0980 Full-Adjoint capability ;
0981 - update primary test experiment bottom_ctrl_5x5 to always use a minimum
0982 number of 10 CG2D iterations (changes results but improves accuracy) ;
0983 - modify AD-experiment global_ocean.90x40x15.bottomdrag to use full nonlinear
0984 free surface (nonlinFreeSurf=4) and cg2dFullAdjoint=True.
042d2503e1 Jean*0985 - move CG2D working arrays out of CG2D.h common blocks (not necessary)
0986 to local arrays within each cg2d S/R.
aecc8b0f47 Mart*0987
93664352be Jean*0988 checkpoint68b (2021/08/24)
906a61c194 Ou W*0989 o pkg/ecco:
0990 - add time-series output of global mean steric height change at each time step
0991 (variable: sterGloH, with #define ALLOW_PSBAR_STERIC) ; turned on
0992 with run-time switch "ecco_output_sterGloH=T" ; add option to keep file open
0993 (+ single meta file writing) with "ecco_keepTSeriesOutp_open=T" switch.
31f96e9372 Jean*0994 o pkg/ggl90:
0995 - fix EXCH calls in pkg/ggl90 when IDEMIX is used: no additional EXCH when
0996 using zero horizontal diffusion of IDEMIX_E (IDEMIX_tau_h=0) but with
0997 IDEMIX_tau_h > 0, EXCH both IDEMIX_E and GGL90TKE ; this affects results
0998 of test experiment cs32.in_p and fix restart issue ;
0999 - more consistent/simpler idemix code: use model parameter value for PI,
1000 reduce number of IDEMIX global array, add TKE tendency from IDEMIX as output
1001 of S/R GGL90_IDEMIX ; use double product of IDEMIX_E instead of power of 2
1002 which affects results at machine truncation level ;
1003 - update some IDEMIX default param values (following Pollmann et al., 2017)
1004 but keep old default values in global_ocean.90x40x15.idemix ;
1005 - apply also option calcMeanVertShear to uStarSquare calculation (wind-stress
1006 magnitude) and switch on calcMeanVertShear in test experiment cs32.in_p.
0320e25227 Mart*1007 o model/src + pkgs ggl90, exf & seaice: ocean in P-coordinate
1008 - read geopotential anomaly directly into phi0surf instead of via pLoad (was
1009 a hack), specified with new input filename "geoPotAnomFile" in data&PARM05 ;
1010 - adjust MXLDEPTH diagnostic for pressure coordinates ; make sure sigmaR is
1011 computed the same way in P-coord as it is in Z-coord.
1012 - for penetrating Short-wave and geothermal heating as well as for exf forcing
1013 and seaice, use the correct P-coord vertical index for bottom and surface ;
1014 - add a flag sIceLoadFac (in "data", default=1.) to be able to turn off
1015 seaice surface pressure loading, mainly for Z-coord (since not currently
1016 supported in P-coord) ;
1017 - use diagnostics "phiHydLow" for seaice dynamics with P-coord ocean to get
1018 surface tilt term (instead of using ETAN as in Z-coord); fix restart by
1019 adding phiHydLow (only if useSEAICE and usingPCoords) to main pickup file ;
1020 - in pkg/ggl90, apply simple scaling to get mixing-length in meters (from
1021 pressure) so that no parameter changes are necessary ; significant code
1022 changes regarding surface & bottom index + direction of vertical k loop ;
1023 - add secondary test "in_p" to experiment global_ocean.cs32x15 (similar to
1024 Z-coord secondary test "seaice" but using pkg/ggl90 and without pkg/gmredi).
62748458e3 Jeff*1025 o tutorial_reentrant_channel:
1026 - add python notebook (for analysis), add python script to generate input
1027 files (+ update matlab version) and update this tutorial docs.
9c166ce5bb Jean*1028 o verification/vermix:
1029 - change ggl90 secondary test to use (pkg/ggl90) mxlMaxFlag=3 (instead of 2)
1030 and update reference output.
a78204c019 Mart*1031 o pkg/ctrl:
1032 - move S/R CTRL_MAP_GENARR2D/3D out of file "ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F" into
1033 a new file "ctrl_map_genarr.F" ;
1034 - clean-up local versions of ctrl_map_gentim2d.F and ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F
1035 from code_ad dirs (i.e., minimize diff with standard version from pkg/ctrl).
375581a429 Jean*1036 o model/src:
1037 - improve REMOVE_MEAN_RL/RS subroutines (address issues raised in issue #501)
1038 including results independent of tile to proc mapping, correction extended
1039 to overlap regions, improve accuracy of _RS version when RS is real*4 and
1040 and enable the use 2-D mask maskInC/W/S when applied to 3-D array. Change
1041 argument list (add myIter, flip order + change mask arg from 3-D to 2-D).
def7daa328 Jean*1042 o verification/global_ocean.90x40x15:
1043 - increase "grdchk_eps" from 1e-7 to 10 in AD test kapgm to improve
1044 accuracy of FD gradients ; update reference output.
ac8f9c9b75 Jean*1045 o verification/OpenAD:
1046 - add ggl90 pkg to code_ad/packages.conf to get it tested in one TAF-AD exp.
39fa6219cc Oliv*1047 o doc:
1048 - require sphinxcontrib-bibtex 2.0.0 or higher
073783ff30 Jean*1050 checkpoint68a (2021/07/16)
16b9a002a2 Mart*1051 o pkg/seaice:
bcc88b4b54 Jean*1052 - clean up and simplify TAF store directives in do_oceanic_phys.F
1053 for seaice_model to avoid unnecessary recomputations ;
1054 - in testreport, count and report number of times s/r seaice_model is called.
1055 o pkg/seaice:
16b9a002a2 Mart*1056 - fix (untested) multi-threading and recomputations in seaice_solve4temp.F
4e4ad91a39 Jean*1057 o files that include "tamc.h":
1058 - add missing declaration of local keys for TAF store-dir in pkg/obcs
1060 - add missing AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h in few places (e.g., in pkg/ebm), needed to
1061 get ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC defined ;
1063 - remove included "tamc.h" in few files from pkgs seaice, streamice, bling, +
1064 in exf_radiation, longstep_thermodynamics, obcs_sponge & pp81_ri_number S/R.
1065 - define ALLOW_OBCS_STEVENS in AD exp. obcs_ctrl (to check it compiles).
93de14eac5 Jean*1066 o pkg/ecco:
1067 - fix incorrect order of array indices for "objf_gencost" and "num_gencost"
1068 in 2 gencost v4 S/R (bpv4 & sstv4).
4351f9c554 Jean*1069 o eessup/inc & pkg/thsice:
1070 - Remove 2 CPP options for deprecated code and remove corresponding code:
1071 a) USE_OLD_MACROS_R4R8toRSRL (added in May 2009) and
1072 b) OLD_THSICE_CALL_SEQUENCE (added in Jan 2013).
dcd3df3e6a Ou W*1073 o pkg/shelfice:
4351f9c554 Jean*1074 - fix missing local keys declaration in shelfice_thermodynamics.F for TAF
dcd3df3e6a Ou W*1075 storge dir. with SHI_ALLOW_GAMMAFRICT defined ;
1076 - remove included PACKAGES_CONFIG.h in many verification exp. "tamc.h".
11d5e9fc04 Gael*1077 o tools/build_options:
1078 - update gfortran optfile for MacBook Pro "darwin_amd64_gfortran" to work with
1079 gfortran version 10 (or higher), similar to linux version update.
7c50f07931 Mart*1080 o pkg/ctrl & other:
dcd3df3e6a Ou W*1081 - cleanup: move declarations of local variables from header files ctrl.h and
7c50f07931 Mart*1082 AUTODIFF.h to the local variables section in the respective routines ;
dcd3df3e6a Ou W*1083 - move declaration of local keys and variables from header file tamc.h to
1084 subroutines where they are used.
1085 ==> IMPORTANT: This requires updating all customised versions of "tamc.h",
1086 from each and every TAF-AD setup.
7c50f07931 Mart*1087 - remove tamc_keys.h + remove tamc (+tamc_keys) from all "cb2mFiles" lists ;
1089 - remove unused variables where this is straightforward ;
1090 - remove a few i/jmin/max variables.
b7589390f2 Jean*1092 checkpoint67z (2021/06/12)
49a029e3de Mart*1093 o veritication:
1094 - make testreport count and report the number calls of S/R load_fields_driver
1095 and do_oceanic_phys in AD-code (similar to TAF error & warning count).
2b4c90c108 Mart*1096 o pkg/kpp:
1097 - add CPP-flags to turn off diffusivity matching at bottom of boundary layer ;
1098 - add CPP-flag to turn on taper shear mixing in the case of very small shear ;
1099 - add FLAG to turn on smooth regularisation of divisions by small numbers:
1100 1/(var+eps) instead of 1/MAX(var,eps) ;
1101 - fix a small masking error ;
1102 - fix some unfortunate loop ordering and spurious recomputations ;
1103 - add new diagnostics KPPshsq, KPPdVsq ;
1104 - update exp. vermix (which has KPP_ESTIMATE_UREF defined) reference output.
aa6b2555c8 Jean*1105 o model/src:
fb2c52cfd4 aver*1106 - in the main code, add option and code for sound speed calculation with
1107 corresponding diagnostics ; turned on in exp. global_oce_biogeo_bling.
1108 o model/src:
aa6b2555c8 Jean*1109 - fix few loop range to allow to run with OLx,y=1 when momStepping=F ;
1110 - add check and stop if momStepping=T and overlap-size is smaller than 2.
1111 o pkg/ggl90:
ce9abcce9d Jean*1112 - add 3 store directives for gg90tke in ggl90_calc.F and break some loops
1113 in two to help TAF without extra storage requirements.
2383f7d4e9 Mart*1114 o pkg/seaice:
1115 - adjust store directives in seaice_growth_adx.F:
1116 *) add store directives to avoid calling seaice_solve4temp in AD-mode
1117 *) adjust/remove/reorganise for good balance between storing and recomputing
1118 *) fix a small bug (full 4D arrays were stored instead of 2D for each bi,bj)
1119 *) local option "SEAICE_GROWTH_ADX_STORE_MORE" (not recommended)
1120 reduces the recomputations but increases the memory requirements.
1121 - update ref. AD output of experiment offline_exf_seaice (the only one using
1122 SEAICE_GROWTH_ADX): no Grad-Check changes but differences in AD-Monitor.
7b8b86ab99 Timo*1123 o pkg/ctrl & pkg/shelfice:
1124 - generalize masking procedure for control parameters, fixes procedure for
1125 ice-shelf controls ;
1126 - add ability to control base 10 logarithm in generic control arrays ;
1127 - add shiTransCoeffT, shiTransCoeffS, and shiCDrag as control variables ;
1128 - add ability to compute shelfice freshwater and heat fluxes through ecco
1129 package.
9c41af81f6 Timo*1130 o store directives (model/src, pkg/exf, ...):
1131 - By adding many store directives for variables after they have been computed
1132 the corresponding s/r load_fields_driver, oceanic_phys, solve_for_pressure
1133 no longer need to be called in the AD-routine forward_step_ad.
1134 A as a consequence the forward part of forward_step is not recomputed,
1135 and there are far fewer store statements in the AD-code.
1136 - Most of the new store directives and many of the old ones are collected in
1137 two new files "check_lev1_dir_forcing.h" and "check_lev1_dir_ocephys.h" to
1138 avoid clutter in forward_step.F
1139 - More store directives in pkg/exf allow it to store the forcing fields
1140 instead of the level0/1 (e.g. aqh instead of aqh0 and aqh1), thereby
1141 reducing the number of stored exf-forcing variables by about two. This is
1142 also necessary to avoid calling load_fields_driver from forward_step_ad.
1143 - Additional small tweaks of store directives in forward_step.F have the
1144 effect that the recomputations are kept to a minimum in all of the AD
1145 verification experiments (and in verification_other/global_oce_[llc/cs32])
1146 and calling potentially expensive forward routines are not called (e.g.
1147 do_stagger_fields_exchange, which involves unnecessary exchanges).
1148 - Remove storage of gchemTendency in all checkpoint levels.
1149 - Results unaffected except if using real*4 storage (isbyte=4, e.g., in
1150 offline_exf_seaice, small changes in AD-monitor).
2389d48735 Jean*1152 checkpoint67y (2021/05/05)
c96d63ff5a Jean*1153 o pkg/shelfice:
1154 - Update kTopC when using SHELFICEMassStepping if ice-shelf retreat completely
1155 from one column or advance to cover new grid-cell ; add 4 levels TAF storage
1156 of kTopC (to prevent major recomputations).
1157 - Also prevent ice-shelf mass to become negative.
70ceddf25f Timo*1158 o pkg/mom_common & gmredi:
1159 - Adjust Smag and Leith code for use in Adjoint:
1160 a) protect against derivative of SQRT(0) in mom_calc_visc.F and
1161 gmredi_calc_qgleith.F ;
1162 b) add GM-Redi QG Leith routines to ad_diff lists.
0a637c269e Ou W*1163 o pkg/gmredi:
1164 - fix/remove 2 TAF recomputations in GMREDI_WITH_STABLE_ADJOINT code.
6463ae49bb Jean*1165 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
1166 - improve "slope" calculation in DST2 Flux-Limiter advection scheme to avoid
1167 potential over-flow arithmetic in division by small slope (issue #459),
1168 similar to what has been done in gad_dst3fl_*.F routines.
e9b2d4871a Timo*1169 o pkg/diagnostics:
1170 - use Integer*8 conversion in diagnostics_out.F to get time-record to write
1171 in meta file (avoid integer overflow with large time & small diag-freq).
342b4ea43e Mart*1172 o pkg/mom_common:
1173 - initialise again hdiv in mom_calc_hdiv.F (in case it got dropped by TAF in
1174 calling S/R).
dd54a44307 Mart*1175 o model/src:
1176 - fix a bug in convective_adjustment.F AD code by adjusting store directives
1177 for theta and salt ; update experiment isomip reference AD output.
1178 - a little bit of cleanup: remove unnecessary store directives and options.
9f55dac2bf Jean*1179 o pkg/shelfice:
1180 - change expression of pLoc in shelfice_thermodynamics.F to be simply the
1181 weight of the ice-shelf (= shelficeMass * gravity) replacing inaccurate
1182 estimate from "R_shelfIce". Add TAF directive storage of prognostic
1183 variable "shelficeMass" in all 4 checkpointing levels. Update all reference
1184 output of experiments that use pkg/shelfice (isomip & shelfice_2d_remesh)
d81415648f Jean*1185 o verification/testreport
1186 - add ad-monitor of 3-D state variables to testreport summary output
638b7d19dd Jean*1187 o pkg/ggl90:
1188 - avoid division by zero in adjoint of S/R GGL90_CALC (sqrt related)
aa29a5fd58 Jean*1190 checkpoint67x (2021/04/12)
c512e371cc drin*1191 o pkg/seaice:
1192 - Addition to the sea ice package of 6 sea ice rheologies with different yield
1193 curves and flow rules ;
1194 - Add 4 new verification tests in offline_exf_seaice using new rheologies ;
1195 - Update documentation with description of new rheologies and how to use them.
ba0b047096 Mart*1196 o model, pkg & doc:
1197 - replace all occurrences of incorrect "psu" and "PSU" by "g/kg" in units and
1198 comments ; update the documentation accordingly.
698b6992ee Jean*1199 o pkg/ctrl:
1200 - move to pkg/ctrl the local copy of ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F from verification/
1201 global_oce_biogeo_bling/code_ad/ with ptracers generic control. Improve for
1202 general number of ptracers control.
1203 - add missing diagnostics fill for diagnostics 'Um_ImplD' & 'Vm_ImplD' in
1204 impldiff.F (otherwise not filled when pkg/autodiff is compiled).
9c8f6b90ac Jean*1205 o pkg/autodiff:
1206 Include TICES of pkg/seaice into StoreSEAICE:
1207 - split AUTODIFF.h into two to be able to use nITD in the new AUTODIFF_STORE.h
1208 - rearrange and cleanup declarations, add CPP flags ALLOW_SEAICE/OBCS/EXF ;
1209 - clean up seaice section of autodiff_store/restore.F to remove unused storage
1210 space ;
1211 - changes AD results of global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice & seaice_dynmix, lab_sea &
1212 lab_sea.noseaicedyn => output_adm updated.
cab62edf37 Ou W*1213 o model/src:
1214 - make sure the 3 recip_hFac{C,W,S} are reset after resetting the 3 hFac
1215 in ini_nlfs_vars.F when using Non-Lin FreeSurf with pkg/autodiff compiled
1216 (#define ALLOW_AUTODIFF): this fix problems in gradient-check if recip_hFac
1217 is used, e.g., in one {PKG}_INIT_VARIA S/R.
a10c595eb6 Timo*1218 o pkg/autodiff & diagnostics:
1219 - Add interface routines to write to binary file and fill diagnostics of
1220 single (or pair) of Adjoint variable.
1221 - Rewrite addummy_in_stepping.F using set of new interface S/R to make it
1222 more compact and easier to add new control variables.
1223 - Add all current adjoint variables in addummy_in_stepping, ptracers_ad_dump,
1224 seaice_ad_dump & exf_adjoint_snapshots_ad to work with diagnostics package.
1225 - turn on Adjoint-variable diagnostics in adjoint verification experiments:
1226 *) global_oce_biogeo_bling (with ptracers AD-var diagnostics) and
1227 *) global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice (with seaice and exf AD-var diagnostics).
84cf551a2a Jean*1228 o model/src + pkg/mom_common:
1229 Fix AB time-stepping of QuasiHydrostatic with staggerTimeStep.
1230 - involves new CPP option "ALLOW_QHYD_STAGGER_TS" for storage of previous
1231 time-step Quasi-Hydro tendency to enable AB extrapolation in time when
1232 using staggerTimeStep.
1233 - field added to pickup file for restart ; allows to restart (but not perfect
1234 restart) if field is missing and pickupStrictlyMatch=F.
1235 - switch to staggerTimeStep=T in experiment "global_ocean.90x40x15.dwnslp"
1236 that uses QuasiHydrostatic to test this code; update corresponding output
1237 (as well as primary test output due to machine truncation).
1238 o verification:
1239 In experiments: global_ocean.cs32x15, isomip, obcs_ctrl and offline_exf_seaice
1240 replace CPP flag ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED by the much nicer generic control
1241 variables GENARR/GENTIM2D variant.
1243 This required a number of changes to the general code to make the generic
1244 control variables work in a non-ecco context:
6b47d550f4 Mart*1245 - pkg/thsice: add AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h and COST_OPTIONS.h header files to
84cf551a2a Jean*1246 numerous routines ;
6b47d550f4 Mart*1247 - pkg/seaice: mask tendencies of HEFF/AREA/HSNOW in seaice_growth_adx.F to
84cf551a2a Jean*1248 reproduce cost function values ;
1249 - pkg/shelfice: enable GENARR/GENTIM2D methods ;
6b47d550f4 Mart*1250 - pkg/obcs: move reading control variable out of S/R obcs_prescribe_read into
1251 S/R obcs_calc to be independent of parameter values unrelated to the
84cf551a2a Jean*1252 adjoint ;
6b47d550f4 Mart*1253 - pkg/ctrl: make generic control variable work without pkg/cal (works only for
1254 time independent control variables), but issue a warning, bonus: make
84cf551a2a Jean*1255 ctrlprec a runtime parameter that defaults to 64 ;
6b47d550f4 Mart*1256 - pkg/ctrl: fix flow directives for S/R ctrl_bound_2d/3d and add tangent
84cf551a2a Jean*1257 linear versions of these subroutines ;
6b47d550f4 Mart*1258 - pkg/ecco: reorder CPP flags in ecco_cost_weights.F and remove unused
1259 variable 'wbaro', move calling S/R cost_obcs out of ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED
1260 code block in S/R ecco_cost_driver, reorganise CPP flags in
1261 cost_averagesinit.F, include CTRL_OPTIONS.h wherever ECCO_OPTIONS.h is
84cf551a2a Jean*1262 included, because ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED is now set in CTRL_OPTIONS.h ;
6b47d550f4 Mart*1263 - model/src/the_main_loop.F: fix tape initialisation, bonus: suppress a
84cf551a2a Jean*1264 benign warning ;
6b47d550f4 Mart*1265 - for each of the verification experiments remove ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h and
1266 replace by CTRL_OPTIONS.h, CTRL_SIZE.h, sometimes COST/ECCO_OPTIONS.h,
84cf551a2a Jean*1267 EXF_OPTIONS.h, adjust data.ctrl, data.grdchk, data.ecco ;
6b47d550f4 Mart*1268 - for global_ocean.cs32x15 compile both variants by keeping
1269 ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED in CTRL_OPTIONS.h and use runtime parameter ctrlUseGen
1270 to switch between methods (in global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice). This involves an
1271 extra (benign) recomputation warning in this verification experiment because
1272 of an if statement with ctrlUseGen in ctrl_init_variables.F
e856cdc61b Jean*1274 checkpoint67w (2021/03/06)
4b1d371a30 Jean*1275 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15:
1276 - fix Adjoint set-up by turning off CPP option "ALLOW_AUTODIFF_INIT_OLD" (that
1277 was intended to put back an old bug) and update all 4 ADM and all 4 TLM
1278 reference output files.
1e291a3f4c Jean*1279 o pkg/exf:
1280 - replace wrong CPP option EXF_SALTFLX with ALLOW_SALTFLX in exf_monitor.F.
a5ae6d70cb Jean*1281 o model/src:
1282 - Output dxF, dyF, dxV, and dyU fields to mdsio grid output files.
dc280143ed Oliv*1283 o tools/build_options:
1284 - improve intel optfile for engaging (linux_amd64_ifort+impi_engaging).
0d75a51072 Mart*1285 o pkg/autodiff:
1286 - Improve, extend & clean-up switch to a simpler advection-scheme in AD-Mode
1287 with new parameter "useApproxAdvectionInAdMode to replace inAdMode:
1288 * If useApproxAdvectionInAdMode is True and advection scheme is set to 33
1289 use advection scheme 30 in AD-model in seaice_advection, gad_advection
1290 and gad_calc_rsh ; model stops when parameters are set inconsistently.
1291 * Defaults to False, but is reset to True if inAdExact = False to be
1292 backwards compatible.
1293 - Important change in the meaning of variable inAdMode: now it is always true
1294 after calling S/R AUTODIFF_INADMODE_SET_AD and always false after calling
1296 The non-intuitive flags inAdTrue and inAdFalse, which could be T or F, have
1297 been removed from the code.
1298 - Remove unnecessary TAF related and inAdMode code from seaice_lsr.F, remove
1299 SOLV_MAX_TMP in LSR S/R and adjust SEAICElinearIterMax default accordingly.
1300 - Change AD exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice to test this new functionality;
1301 gradient checks necessarily are poorer because AD advection is approximated.
1e25bc2551 Jean*1302 o tools/build_options:
1303 - update standard optfile "linux_amd64_gfortran" to enable to be used with
1304 gfortran version 10 (or higher); update comments and clean-up for missing
1305 "nf-config".
2ac762dbee Jean*1306 o model/src & pkg/generic_advdiff:
1307 - Implement simple isotropic 3D Smagorinsky diffusivity:
1308 Smag diffusivity is assumed to be linearly dependent on 3D Smag viscosity
1309 (just scaled by inverse of a constant Prandtl number); setting involves:
1310 a) CPP Option: ALLOW_SMAG_3D_DIFFUSIVITY in CPP_OPTIONS.h (def. #undef)
1311 b) switching on 3D Smagorinsky by setting "useSmag3D = .TRUE." in first
1312 namelist of main parameter file "data" ; and, in the same namelist,
1313 c) setting smag coeff. "smag3D_diffCoeff" for diffusivity (similar to
1314 smag coeff. "smag3D_coeff" for viscosity), which results in constant
1315 Prandtl number = smag3D_coeff/smag3D_diffCoeff.
1316 Note: Since Smag3D_diffK is lagging by 1 time-step, needs to be stored
1317 in pickup files (for restart) when using synchronous time-stepping.
1318 - code is compiled in experiment tutorial_deep_convection and ready to use
1319 except smag3D_diffCoeff setting in input.smag3d/data is commented out.
1320 - also add few missing initialisations in "ini_dynvars.F" (just for
1321 consistency with coding practice but no practical side effect).
fef3c33926 Jean*1322 o pkg/ecco:
1323 - fix type of argument in S/R MDS_READVEC_LOC call inside cost_gencost_moc.F
9b38007ffc Jean*1324 o verification/lab_sea:
1325 - change lab_sea.hb87 from testing EVP to testing aEVP with some sensible
1326 parameters ; update reference output "output.hb87.txt"
df462307fb Timo*1327 o pkg/ecco:
1328 - Addition of meridional streamfunction maximum (MOC) as objective function
1329 within ecco/gencost code ;
1330 - MOC objective function tested in verification_other/global_oce_cs32.sens ;
1331 - allows to compute sensitivity to hflux/sflux with prescribed atmospheric
1332 state (not fluxes) with new flags CALC_HFLUX_SENS and CALC_SFLUX_SENS.
830e1a2c4c Jean*1334 checkpoint67v (2021/02/03)
66fe84e647 Oliv*1335 o tools/build_options:
1336 - add optfile for engaging similar to linux_amd64_ifort+impi but with -xAVX
d5254b4e3d Mart*1337 o pkg/seaice:
1338 - move store directives of uice/vice to after calling S/R SEAICE_DYNSOLVER to
1339 avoid calling this routine in S/R seaice_model_ad which may trigger
1340 potential recomputation problems (e.g., with non-exact AD) ;
1341 - move if statement inside S/R SEAICE_BOTTOMDRAG_COEFFS : this enables to
1342 remove storage of "CbotC" without triggering recomputations ; compile this
1343 code in the AD-experiments of global_ocean.cs32x15 ;
1344 - remove unnecessary store directives related to pkg/seaice ;
1345 - fix/extend diagnostic "SIenph " to work with all parameter configurations.
4240547d2d Mart*1346 o pkg/autodiff: fix/improve viscFacAdj
1347 - fix treatment of viscFacAdj in mom_vecinv.F by removing storage of 2D
1348 viscosities if new flag AUTODIFF_ALLOW_VISCFACADJ is defined ;
1349 - add a runtime parameter "viscFacInFw" in autodiff_inadmode_unset_ad.F to
1350 replace hard-coded one ;
1351 - apply viscFacAdj to both viscAh/4_D and _Z ;
1352 - test compiling this code in tutorial_global_oce_optim.
f92f728545 Jean*1353 o model/src:
1354 - move if statement out of i/j-loops in solve_tridiagnoal/pentadiagonal.F:
1355 *) this reduces TAF recomputation warnings by 4 ;
1356 *) potentially easier to optimise/vectorise for some compilers.
1357 o tools/build_options:
1358 - adjust floating point options in: linux_ia64_ifort_ollie:
32ce3e9e96 Mart*1359 o pkg/ctrl:
f92f728545 Jean*1360 - fix two bugs related to writing and reading control variables and
1361 corresponding gradients:
1362 a) replace too large loop range endrec by diffrec in ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F;
1363 b) skip writing meta-files in REVERSE_SIMULATION mode (active_file_control.F)
32ce3e9e96 Mart*1364
82ad7f2b88 Jean*1365 checkpoint67u (2020/12/30)
616d857f4a Mart*1366 o utils/python/MITgcmutils
f92f728545 Jean*1367 - add code to compute horizontal divergence of a vector field, gradient of a
1368 scalar field, and averages to c-points on an llc grid.
4a08d54d3a Mart*1369 o pkg/seaice:
f92f728545 Jean*1370 - fix bug in seaice_lsr, spotted by Martin Vancoppenolle, that lead to solving
1371 stationary momentum equations (du/dt -> 0) for SEAICEnonLinIterMax>2 ;
1372 - fix minor bug in seaice_bottomdrag_coeffs.F: replace OLy with correct OLx ;
1373 - changing ordering of addition (to FORCEX,FORCEY) in seaice_lsr.F results in
1374 output differences at machine truncation level: update referece output of
1375 several experiments that use LSR solver.
8fc117ecb7 Mart*1376 o pkg/autodiff: fix flow directives for self-adjoint cg2d
f92f728545 Jean*1377 - new self-adjoint cg2d routine cg2d_sad.F mimics AD-code, but neglects
1378 (purposefully) the proper sensitivity propagation
1379 - extra storage of cg2d solver coefficients and preconditioner is required
1380 - change 2 AD-verification experments (global_ocean.cs32x15 and
1381 global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice) to test this code a little better:
1382 use full NLFS and nchklev_1 = 2
8fc117ecb7 Mart*1383
8b41e6235c Jean*1384 checkpoint67t (2020/11/30)
a67734cba4 Mart*1385 o pkg/kpp:
1386 - with CPP-option KPP_ESTIMATE_UREF, fix compilation errors + fix mixed layer
1387 depth determination ;
1388 - define KPP_ESTIMATE_UREF in verification/vermix ;
1389 - a little bit of cleanup.
1390 o pkg/seaice:
4dd39c50d9 Mart*1391 - small modifications of seaice_growth_adx.F to avoid recomputation warnings
1392 and to avoid potentially inefficient code ;
1393 - remove duplicate version of seaice_solve4temp ;
1394 - exclude code of seaice_growth.F if ALLOW_SEAICE_GROWTH_ADX defined ;
1395 - switch on SEAICE_USE_GROWTH_ADX AD in experiment offline_exf_seaice and
1396 update "output_adm.txt".
76d0c749c4 Jean*1397 o eesupp/src:
1398 - add missing "stdio.h" in src code setdir.c
5dda98cf07 Jean*1399 o tools/do_tst_2+2 & tst_2+2:
08bbaa9f0f Mart*1400 - bug fix: replace some non-standard sed command with POSIX compatible syntax
5dda98cf07 Jean*1401 - remove second blank at beginning of 2 new lines in file "data".
dae83699f8 Jeff*1402 o doc:
1403 - add new SO channel tutorial
0a8794f5ee Mart*1404 - update pkg/shelfice documentation
7a4abe9124 Jean*1405 o optim:
1406 - fix a small bug by initialising myX/YglobalLo=1 in optim_nummod.F
44af98263c Jean*1407 o tools/do_tst_2+2:
1408 - for sending restart test output, add same hack in "send" option as in
1409 testreport, allowing to use "scp" (instead of an email).
1410 o model/src:
1411 - fix 2 missing TAF initialisation directives in file "the_main_loop.F";
1412 this allows to use TAF recent version 5.0.9 (that does check for missing
1413 initialisation).
6de16ba22c Jean*1414 o pkg/seaice:
1415 - fix diagnostics additions (from PR #348) for case _RS is real*4.
ede86f4989 Jean*1417 checkpoint67s (2020/07/30)
b9dadda204 Mart*1418 o eesupp/src:
1419 - Improve formatting of output for large grids and many processors:
1420 adjust formats to actual length of nPx*nPy or Nx and Ny but
1421 keep minimal lengths to avoid changing the format for smaller domains;
1422 - also increase number of digits for printing tile & proc number in pkg/exch2
1423 log files and report to STDOUT.
a284455135 Matt*1424 o pkg/bling:
1425 - cleaning: remove USE_QSW_Z code ;
1426 - few more CPP options (NEW_FRAC_EXP & SIZE_DEP_LIM defined, SIZE_NUT_LIM
1427 undef) related to phytoplankton size and sinking organic matter ;
1428 - fix tiled TAF storage directives (were not right for multi-tile per proc);
1429 update ADM reference output of experiment global_oce_biogeo_bling (now
1430 gradient check are identical whether run on 1 proc - 4 tiles or 4 procs
1431 1 tile each).
5867b94c2f Mart*1432 o pkg/seaice:
1433 - Replace hard-coded minimum for DWATN by runtime parameter "SEAICEdWatMin":
1434 * allows to have zero drag by setting both SEAICEdWatMin and
1435 SEAICE_waterDrag to zero. Non-zero drag had been implemented because
1436 previous LSR solver could not handle zero entries on the main diagonal.
1437 * this fixes a bug (unexpected behavior) reported at MITgcm-support by
1438 Kaley Shrestha, but also allows to modify the somewhat arbitrary
1439 default minimum value of SEAICEdWatMin = 0.25 ;
1440 * freedrift code still requires non-zero drag coefficients,
1441 S/R SEAICE_CHECK catches this case.
3770720c1f Jean*1442 o verification/*/packages.conf
1443 - Cleaning verification experiment "packages.conf":
1444 1) add a 1 line description at the top
1445 2) use pkg group "adjoint" in some experiments
1446 3) use similar ordering of pkgs in packages.conf:
1447 a) eesupp pkgs (e.g., exch2, coupler-pkgs)
1448 b) dyn-core pkgs (e.g., gfd pkgs, mom pkgs, cd_code, gad, obcs ...)
1449 c) SGS-scheme (+ atm physics) pkgs (filters, gmredi, vert.mixing ...)
1450 d) forcing pkgs (e.g., rbcs, exf, cal, ebm, cheapaml)
1451 e) other component pkgs (e.g., ice, land, ptracers, biogeo, flt)
1452 f) diagnostics pkgs (e.g., sbo, profiles, layers, diagnostics, timeave)
1453 g) I/O pkgs, e.g., mnc (+ mypackage at the end)
1454 -- blank line --
1455 h) adjoint related pkgs (e.g., autodiff, ctrl, cost ...)
1456 4) remove unused pkgs: kpp, sbo, timeave ; this results in reduced number of
1457 TAF recomputation warning for AD exp: bottom_ctrl_5x5 & global_ocean_ebm;
1458 o tools/build_options:
1459 - add a symbolic link for optfile "linux_amd64_ifort" to "linux_amd64_ifort11"
7deacd640c Jeff*1460 o doc:
1461 - fix link and plot in doc/examples/baroclinic_gyre
5fe78992ba Mart*1462 o pkg/seaice:
1463 - Add new mechanical energy diagnostics ;
1464 - Move computation of stress diagnostics to seaice_dynsolver.F ; this change
1465 affects diagnostics SIpress, SItensil, SIpress, SIzeta, SIdelta, SIshear,
1466 because they are now filled after the current time step update, when they
1467 are actually available. Note: previously, for the first time step, these
1468 variables (and diagnostics) were not properly defined (or zero).
2bc8ced27d Jean*1470 checkpoint67r (2020/06/04)
cd9df85f4a Jean*1471 o pkg/ecco:
1472 - fix character length when checking for m_trHeat, m_trSalt & m_horflux_vol.
04904a066e Timo*1473 o pkg/autodiff:
1474 - add active read and write routines for global 1D vectors, to be used for
1475 compressed cost function vectors (note: not used yet, example to come soon).
42032b6c9d Jean*1476 o model/src & pkg/exf:
1477 - Reference atmospheric pressure for seawater EOS was assumed but was not
1478 explicitly set. New constant "eosRefP0" is added to make this more clear ;
1479 - Add main model reference surface pressure (surf_pRef) so that pLoad
1480 is now defined as the atmospheric pressure anomaly relative to surf_pRef ;
1481 - Account for differences in 2 ref pressure in EOS S/R ;
1482 - Fix few EOS references (in comments) ; fix and simplify S/R EOS_CHECK ;
1483 - Keep exf "apressure" field unchanged (still full atmospheric surface
1484 pressure) but now initialised to "surf_pRef" and fill "pLoad" with atmos.
1485 pressure anomaly relative to surf_pRef.
07e785229e dngo*1486 o pkg/streamice:
1487 - add option to specify "regularised coulomb" sliding law to better reflect
1488 dependence on subglacial water pressure close to the grounding line ;
1489 - above requires CPP option (due to new arrays) STREAMICE_COULOMB_SLIDING
1490 and r/t param streamice_allow_reg_coulomb ;
1491 - add diagnostic for streamice melt rate (BDOT_SI )
1492 - add parameter STREAMICEAdotFile to specify surface mass balance ;
1493 - add parameter streamice_maxnliter_Petsc to specify maximum no. of
1494 linear solves using PETSc in a single time step (not incl. in doc
1495 since PETSc is not part of standard build) ;
1497 streamice_cg_solve_petsc.F; former seems to be deprecated in some versions
1498 of PETSc while latter is backward compatible ;
1499 - for BJACOBI (block jacobi) PETSc preconditioner, use PCICC (incomplete
1500 cholesky) rather than PCILU (incomplete LU) ;
1501 - for BJACOBI add parameter streamice_petsc_pcfactorlevels to control level
1502 of factor fill-in.
18fff58a99 Jean*1504 checkpoint67q (2020/03/19)
e1e000e69f Jean*1505 o pkg/shelfice, remeshing code:
1506 - simplify/clarify merging S/R call sequence: all done/called from main
1507 remeshing S/R SHELFICE_REMESHING :
1508 - remesh_c_mask : now only update geometry & surface fields at grid-cell
1509 center and compute merging remeshing weights for tracers;
1510 - remesh_uv_mask : now only update geometry & surface fields at grid-cell
1511 edges and prepare merging remeshing weights for velocity;
1512 also fix thin-wall setting without reading again thin-wall files ;
1513 - calls directly CALC_SURF_DR and UPDATE_SURF_DR
1514 - move adjustment of state variables into (new) dedicated
1515 S/R SHELFICE_REMESH_STATE and change loop range so that no further EXCH
1516 calls are needed ; also add missing code for ALLOW_ADAMSBASHFORTH_3 ;
1517 - move update of Rmin_surf (formerly in shelfice_remesh_rminsurf.F)
1518 before first call to S/R CALC_SURF_DR (where Rmin_surf is used)
1519 and in-line S/R SHELFICE_REMESH_RMINSURF into shelfice_remesh_uv_mask.F
1520 - add argument "wFld" and "myIter" to S/R SHELFICE_REMESH_CALC_W
1521 - fix so that it compiles and run when _RS is real*4 (#undef REAL4_IS_SLOW).
7d270b85fa Jean*1522 o model/src:
1523 - Fix for special value of R_low with pkg/shelfice:
1524 When bathymetry field value is just rF(k)+hFacMindrF(k)/2, R_low will
1525 deepen (by hFacMindrF(k)/2 ) to satisfy the hFacMin criteria. In this case:
1526 o if R_shelfIce value (from file) was exactly equal to initial bathymetry
1527 depth, original code would create a very thin grid cell of thickness
1528 factor hFacMin. Fix this problem by preventing deepening of R_low when
1529 initial R_low >= R_shelfIce.
1530 o if R_shelfIce value is deeper than original value, the problem does not
1531 show up for hFacC (column remains dry) but because of erroneous resetting
1532 of rSurfW/S (to be the MAX of rSurfW/S, rLowW/S) this could trigger the
1533 same type of artificial deepening at Western and Southern column edges
1534 (for hFacW and hFacS). Remove early resetting of rSurfW/S to fix this
1535 second issue (see issue #324).
1536 - Simplify correction for miss-match between Sum of level thickness at
1537 W & S edges and top minus bottom r-position: only adjust rSurfW/S
1538 (and not rLowW/S) as done previously for the case useMin4hFacEdges=T;
1539 - Non-lin free-surf in r coordinate: for consistency, use rSurfW & rSurfS
1540 (which account for adjustment, if any) instead of MIN of adjacent Ro_surf
1541 when calculating new thickness factor: hFac_surfW & hFac_surfS ;
1542 - Make thin-wall implementation available for sigma-coordinate ;
1543 - Record thin-wall position as kSurfW/S = Nr+2 (instead of = Nr+1 for
1544 a dry column).
1545 o tools/build_options:
1546 rename optfile "linux_amd64_ifort" to "linux_amd64_ifort10-"
9acfcdc58c Jeff*1547 o verification:
1548 - new reentrant channel tutorial experiment, doc will follow soon.
260efc476e Jean*1550 checkpoint67p (2020/02/12)
bdf98ce602 Edwa*1551 o model/src:
af65683301 Jean*1552 - rename array "surfaceForcingTice" to "adjustColdSST_diag" and change the
1553 description to better reflect what it is: a diagnostic for SST adjustment.
1554 - remove most of the TAF storage directive for "adjustColdSST_diag" that were
1555 not necessary once it's properly initialized.
bdf98ce602 Edwa*1556 o pkg/gmredi:
1557 - improve error handling
1558 - additional QGLeith config checks
1559 - standardise variable name capitalizations
af65683301 Jean*1560 o pkg/mom_common, mom_vecinv, mom_fluxform:
bdf98ce602 Edwa*1561 - protect QGLeith code with ifdefs
af65683301 Jean*1562 - additional QGLeith config checks (in model/src/config_check.F)
40933c9dd3 Jean*1563 o verification:
1564 - rename dir "rotating_tank" to "tutorial_rotating_tank".
7a05b40c01 Jeff*1565 o pkg/flt:
1566 - improve pkg/flt doc and CPP brackets
1c8cebb321 Jeff*1567 o doc:
1568 - new front-page to tutorial chapter, also listing all verif experiments ;
1569 - add new section in ch3 about input file format.
45ac9863cf Jean*1571 checkpoint67o (2019/12/23)
9952f046d7 dngo*1572 o pkg/shelfice:
75f34d1991 Jean*1573 - implement implicit ice-shelf drag, in the same way as implicit bottom drag,
1574 using the same run-time switch "selectImplicitDrag".
1575 - change 3-D diagnostics of ice-shelf drag tendency (SHIUDrag & SHIVDrag) to
1576 2-D diagnostics of ice-shelf drag stress (SHI_TauX & SHI_TauY).
1577 - update 4 forward reference output files of experiment "isomip".
1578 - switch on implicit drag in experiment shelfice_2d_remesh (to get it tested).
1579 o pkg/shelfice:
9952f046d7 dngo*1580 - addition of functionality described in Jordan et al (2017), "Ocean-Forced
1581 Ice-Shelf Thinning in a Synchronously Coupled Ice-Ocean Model";
1582 allows "remeshing" of grid-cells in vertical in response to changing free
1583 surface due to ice shelf mass change:
1584 At SHELFICEremeshFrequency interval, checks for cells that are too thick or
1585 too thin and adjusts R_surf & eta accordingly, and updates state variables ;
1586 - new main remeshing S/R SHELFICE_REMESHING calling additional S/R in files
1587 shelfice_remesh_c_mask.F, shelfice_remesh_uvmasks.F,
1588 shelfice_remesh_rminsurf.F and shelfice_remesh_calc_w.F
1589 and called directly from top of FORWARD_STEP ;
1590 - all new code and call protected under #define ALLOW_SHELFICE_REMESHING ;
1591 - add field "R_shelfice" to pkg/shelfice pickup files for restart ;
1592 - verification/shelfice_2d_remesh/*: new verification experiment
1593 to test remeshing functionality.
1594 - additional options to SHELFICEboundaryLayer:
1595 a) SHI_withBL_uStarTopDz, to compute uStar from uVel,vVel avergaged over
1596 top Dz thickness first and then average horizontally ;
1597 b) SHI_withBL_realFWflux, to use real Fresh-Water flux (and adjust
1598 advective surface flux) with SHELFICEboundaryLayer.
f4206cb08a Jean*1599 o pkg/ecco:
1600 - change S/R ECCO_READWEI to read in uncertainty file and compute weight
1601 as 1/sigma if nosumsq is provided as a preprocessing option, or 1/sigma^2
1602 if not. This is the expected behavior based on the "generic cost function"
1603 section of the documentation.
fb6db187ae Jean*1604 o verification:
1605 - new experiment "global_oce_biogeo_bling" move here from verification_other.
b62dee2337 Jean*1606 o pkg/cheapaml:
1607 - rewrite advection-diffusion of BL atmospheric variables to use Flux-Form
1608 formulation. Affects results (unless cartesian grid is used).
1609 - apply special treatment of diffusive flux at Northern & Southern boundaries
1610 only if .NOT.cheapamlYperiodic (previously unconditional, gad_diff_2d_y.F);
1611 - Skip calls to AB-2 when using "useFluxLimit=T" option since advection scheme
1612 used then is DST3FL which does not need AB at all. Affects results if
1613 useFluxLimit=T" is used.
1614 - clean-up (rename/remove all "gad_*.F" files) and simplify by using few more
1615 pkg/generic_advdiff S/R (instead of local copies).
1616 - update output of experiment "cheapAML_box" (and in separated PR, experiment
1617 "offline_cheapaml" in verification_other)
c8767af0b6 Timo*1618 o pkg/ctrl:
1619 - Tangent Linear mode: allows to initialise g_xx fields with user-provided
1620 g_xx file (default unchanged, i.e., initialised to zero).
6bdcb6b877 Jean*1622 checkpoint67n (2019/11/26)
9906b3fb84 Jean*1623 o pkg/ctrl:
1624 - add doc & storage dir for initial velocity control option.
788c57c2b5 owan*1625 o pkg/autodiff:
1626 - sort out checkpoint_lev1_dir header file for when pkg/ecco is used
1627 with #undef NONLIN_FRSURF ; similar update in pkg/cd_code & pkg/ptracers;
1628 this fixes issue #68.
1629 - clean-up and fix pkg/autodiff checkpoint_lev?_dir to be able to compile
1630 with #define EXCLUDE_FFIELDS_LOAD.
540437b870 Jean*1631 o model/src:
1632 - allows to specify time-dependent (periodic) geothermal heat-flux
1633 with "periodicExternalForcing".
6dfad62739 Jean*1634 o pkg/diagnostics:
1635 - add diagnostics for thickness factor hFacC, hFacW & hFacS.
8dfb9d9b4c Jean*1636 o pkg/dic:
1637 - Fix carbonate chemistry coefficient issues (#269). This affects results when
1639 Update output of verification experiment "so_box_biogeo".
a435e833b1 Mart*1640 o doc:
1641 - fix description of zero-layer thermoydnamics
94f0474fee Jean*1642 o verification/*/results/output.txt:
1643 - update reference machine from baudelaire.mit.edu (running fc13)
1644 to villon.mit.edu (running Ubuntu 18 LTS) and update few output.txt
1645 - change travis Docker settings accordingly + update documentation.
5523dc659e Jean*1647 checkpoint67m (2019/10/16)
d67096e55c Jeff*1648 o doc/examples:
1649 - Convert remaining old doc tutorials from latex to rst files and add them
1650 to current MITgcm documentation.
18d2df1f7f Jean*1651 o pkg/ptracers:
1652 - new diagnostics Tp_gTr01, ... for ptracer total transport tendencies
1653 (before gchem_forcing_sep); this includes advection and diffusion terms,
1654 but also anything added in gchem_add_tendency.
94151a9b18 Jeff*1655 o doc & verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre:
1656 - split doc for tutorial experiments into separate files
1657 - update configuration for baroclinic gyre tutorial
1658 - update documentation for baroclinic gyre tutorial
1659 - formatting and font changes in algorithm chapter
5752d89cac Ed D*1660 o doc:
1661 - add rtfd config file to control build behaviour and options.
b6c7ea7cf3 Jean*1663 checkpoint67l (2019/08/29)
b90cc7fedb Ed D*1664 o QG-Leith viscosity:
1665 - pkg/mom_common: bug fix for QG Leith viscosity
1666 - pkg/gmredi: bug fix for QG Leith coefficient
1667 - update output of experiments MLAdjust.QGLeith & MLAdjust.QGLthGM
abfe198bce Mart*1668 o pkg/obcs:
1669 - new feature to balance surface flux of freshwater or ice shelf mass by
1670 outflow through open boundary conditions:
1671 * requires splitting S/R obcs_calc to move call to S/R obcs_balance and S/R
1672 obcs_add_tides after S/R external_forcing_surf call in do_oceanic_phys.F
1673 * add contribution for EmPmR of the current time step and the
1674 shelficeMassDynTendency (new S/R shelfice_netmassflux_surf).
1675 - add new secondary test exp. "isomip.obcs" to text this new feature.
a004e35329 Ed D*1676 o pkg/mom_common & model/src:
1677 - new S/R MOM_U/V_BOTDRAG_COEF used both for explicit and implicit bottom drag
1678 computation (thus replacing both MOM_U/V_BOTTOMDRAG in explicit case and
1679 MOM_U/V_BOTDRAG_IMPL in implicit case) to return a drag coefficient.
1680 This modification affects results at machine truncation level.
1681 - change diagnostics 'Um_dPHdx' & 'Vm_dPHdy' to 'Um_dPhiX' & 'Vm_dPhiY'
1682 for full pressure gradient tendencies (including surf & NH contribution);
1683 - remove bottom drag tendency diags (UBotDrag & VBotDrag); add bottom stress
1684 diagnostics and implicit viscous tendency diagnostics, both accurate also
1685 if using implicit bottom drag (selectImplicitDrag=2).
d7b89710f7 Oliv*1686 o pkg/exf:
1687 - re-arrange EXF interpolation header files: move setting of "MAX_LAT_INC"
1688 from EXF_PARAM.h to EXF_INTERP_SIZE.h (more logical place). But to avoid
1689 having to include EXF_INTERP_SIZE.h each time EXF_PARAM.h is included,
1690 move EXF interpolation parameters outside EXF_PARAM.h in new header file:
1692 - add S/R to define input grid setting (stored in EXF_INTERP_PARAM.h) to be
1693 used for EXF interpolated fields as default input grid.
ebbe8cf013 Jean*1694 o compon_interf pkgs:
1695 - fix bi loop range in few initialisation subroutines (2 in each pkg),
1696 fixing issue #270
02b4c39948 Jean*1698 checkpoint67k (2019/07/19)
80f7dda68b Jean*1699 o model/src:
1700 - fix format in printing 1 error message from S/R SET_PARMS
9d49c8b5d1 Matt*1701 o pkg/bling:
fbb6fdf8a5 mmaz*1702 - add missing components of SIBLING
1703 - add Manizza et al 2005 light attenuation. Enable with PHYTO_SELF_SHADING
c9238c91a3 Jean*1704 - Replace hard coding of max mixing depth with runtime parameter MLmix_max
fbb6fdf8a5 mmaz*1705 o pkg/ctrl:
796fd0e220 Jean*1706 - fix reccord number setting in S/R CTRL_GET_GEN_REC ("startrec" substracted
1707 for no reason).
bc74f5a574 Jean*1708 o doc:
1709 - add a sub-section about optim_m1qn3
6c44cdc71d Jean*1710 o pkg/ctrl:
1711 - fix in rescaling option for control vector ("doscaling/noscaling" option,
1712 S/R CTRL_MAP_INI_GENARR & CTRL_MAP_INI_GENTIM2D); proper counting of
1713 non-zero control vector when weight-mask is different from ocean-mask.
1714 Expect differences only when (a) weight-mask is different from ocean mask
1715 and (b) xx_genarr2d_preproc='noscaling' (doscaling=.false.).
899473f061 Jean*1716 o pkg/exf:
1717 - new run-time parameter "diags_opOceWeighted" (default=T) to weight some exf
1718 surface diagnostics (all net and upward fluxes) with open-ocean fraction.
1719 Option is turned off when no sea-ice pkg (seaice or thsice) is used.
1720 - new S/R EXF_WEIGHT_SFX_DIAGS to do some exf diags as open-ocean weighted
1721 according to input argument ice fraction. Called from the right location
1722 in time-stepping to get diagnostics that are consistent with wind-stress
1723 and buoyancy fluxes that ocean receive.
d1306ef812 Jean*1725 checkpoint67j (2019/06/18)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*1726 o pkg/bling:
1727 - Cleanly seperate NBLING (default), BLING_V1 (enabled with USE_BLING_V1),
1728 and also add Silica option (enabled with USE_SIBLING);
1729 - New algorithm for calculating mixed layer depth (old enabled with
1731 - Options for updated carbon chemistry (from J. Lauderdale) enabled with
1733 - And other minor spring cleaning changes;
1734 - update calls in pkg/gchem for BLING(V1) or NBLING (with Silica).
352c2064d4 antn*1735 o pkg/salt_plume:
1736 - fix calculation index range in salt_plume_apply.F (#ifdef SALT_PLUME_VOLUME)
3a78078268 Aras*1737 o pkg/ecco:
1738 - fix/simplify local file names in ecco_cost_init_barfiles.F (within
7843dde2de jm-c 1740 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
1741 - add 2 Coriolis schemes which satisfy: d/dt U = f V ; d/dt V = -f U
1742 (with U,V = vertically integrated flow).
1743 - add new run-time coriolis-scheme selector "selectCoriScheme" to replace
1744 "useJamartWetPoints" and "useEnergyConservingCoriolis"; but keep these 2
1745 in namelist (backward compatible) to set "selectCoriScheme" accordingly.
77f894c517 Timo*1746 o pkg/ctrl:
1747 - Fix bug in ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F regarding missing initialization of
1748 igen_uvel & igen_vvel (just like all the other variables).
6acab690ae Jona*1749 o pkg/dic:
1750 - Implement SolveSAPHE (Munhoven, 2013), a robust algorithm to calculate
1751 oceanic pH/pCO2 ; compiled when CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE is defined (in
1752 DIC_OPTIONS.h) and used when (in data.dic) selectPHsolver > 0 ;
1753 Add several options for selecting dissociation coefficients, available
1754 when CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE is defined.
1755 - Change experiment "so_box_biogeo" to compile with CARBONCHEM_SOLVESAPHE
1756 defined and add secondary test "saphe" (dir: input.saphe) to this experiment
1757 to test GENERAL pH solver (selectPHsolver=1).
dc54d31829 Ian *1758 o pkg/seaice:
1759 - add alternative version of seaice thermodynamics two routines that provide
1760 accurate adjoint. Switched by defining CPP option: ALLOW_SEAICE_GROWTH_ADX
66046ae6a1 Brun*1761 o pkg/mdsio:
1762 - in meta file, write number of records with longer format (10 digits vs 5
1763 previously) to accommodate large number of floats.
aa900cad7e Jean*1765 checkpoint67i (2019/05/08)
f2a88c9ff8 jm-c 1766 o autofdiff:
1767 - fix to avoid TAF recomputations in ggl90 & salt_plume pkgs
1768 and in model/src PCELL_MIX_CODE.
f59d76b0dd Ed D*1769 o pkg/mom_common & pkg/gmredi:
1770 - add quasi-geostrophic variant of Leith dynamic visocity
1771 - use the quasi-geostrophic Leith dynamic visocity as GM diffusivity
1772 - new verification experiment to test QG-Leith (variant of MLAdjust)
1773 - updated documentation about new option
39cd4ae623 Ed D*1774 o pkg/seaice:
1775 - add Hlimit to seaice namelist in data.seaice
1776 - use verification seaice_itd.thermo to test this feature with default
1777 values (experiment does not change)
1778 - clean up related output in seaice_init_fixed.F a little
aad71d9e67 Mart*1779 o verification/testreport:
1780 - for file run_ADM_DIVA, fix sed search syntax so that it works with BSD-sed
6b48f6d519 Mart*1781 o model/src:
1782 - fix small bug (wrong balanceEmPmR report) in config_summary.F, spotted by
1783 Christopher Wolfe ; add report of balancePrintMean to summary.
1f2be90d9e Ed D*1784 o verification/verification_parser.py
1785 - ensure Travis test suite fails when a build or a run fails.
fba140841d Jean*1787 checkpoint67h (2019/03/21)
db0c10dd53 jm-c 1788 o tools/genmake2:
1789 - fix option "-nocat4ad" for latest version of TAF: now needs to add TAF
1790 option "-fixed" to process *.flowdir files with newer (after 4.1.1) version
1791 of TAF (otherwise assumed now to be in free format).
b98355c8c5 jm-c 1792 o model/src:
dc54d31829 Ian *1793 - remove argument tFld & sFld from S/R CALC_PHI_HYD and from 2 related S/R
bcbb675387 jm-c 1794 o tools/genmake2:
1795 - allow to skip "check_fortran_compiler" part (as, e.g., in opt-file:
1796 tools/build_options/linux_ia64_cray_archer).
1c87316fba Jeff*1797 o verification/tutorial_barotropic_gyre:
1798 - add 1rst tutorial documentation to new manual and update corresponding setup
8b07a23c92 Jean*1799 o pkg/atm_phys:
1800 - add 3-D input file for stratospheric ozone
1801 - add code from Matt Kasoar for SW absorption by stratospheric ozone,
1802 based on following papers:
1803 Lacis and Hansen (JAS, 1974) and Forster and Shine (JGR, 1997).
1804 - turned on using 2 local run-time parameter: ozone_in_SW (downward)
1805 and two_stream_SW (also in upward); default are off.
1806 - clean up S/R "radiation_up": rename "net" to "flux_lw" (better name)
1807 and remove un-used local (dyn-allocated) arrays.
1808 - also avoid division by zero in Rel-Humid diagnostics (atm_phys_driver.F)
bfae2ee370 jm-c 1809 o pkg/seaice:
1810 - fix missing update of sIceLoad in the case usePW79thermodynamics=F.
80d7ca01bb Jona*1811 o pkg/dic:
1812 - Adjust unit conversions for dissociation coefficients aks, aksi, and akf
516b08a580 jm-c 1814 o tools/genmake2:
1815 - improve Fortran Compiler check, section: running MPI executable ; also
1816 refine the "conclusion" printed message.
29a542dcab Jean*1818 checkpoint67g (2019/01/03)
1819 o doc:
1820 - add documentation for pkg/streamice
148dd84005 jm-c 1821 o model/src:
1822 - change ordering of pkg calls in initialisation: streamice / shelfice and
1823 then seaice / salt_plume / thsice;
1824 - fix thin ice-shelf issue with pkg/seaice ; implemented by updating (recently
1825 added) seaice masks (requiring new ordering of calls).
c87895a3f5 jm-c 1826 o pkg/shelfice:
1827 - allow to include thin ice-shelf (i.e., such that hFacC(k=1) > 0 ) when
1828 using pkg/thsice, by preventing seaice to form where there is an ice-shelf.
1829 - prevent short-wave heating below an ice-shelf (previously still happening
1830 below thin ice-shelf); also fix Qnet there (but only for diagnostics).
ec0d7df165 Mart*1831 o pkg/seaice:
1832 - move initialisation of masks and metric coefficients and KGEO from
1833 seaice_init_varia.F to seaice_init_fixed.F
1834 - remove all reference to global masks maskC/maskW/maskS:
1835 * introduce new masks SIMaskU/V
1836 * initialise HEFFM/SIMaskU/V as copies of surface maskC/W/S
1837 * replace maskC/W/S with HEFFM/SIMaskU/SIMaskV; in some places this requires
1838 including SEAICE.h and as a consequence renaming a few local variables to
1839 avoid name overlap
1840 - remove TAF storage directives for "heffm" (no longer needed) and simplify
1841 seaice calls and TAF storage dir in do_oceanic_phys.F
73c0056d2e Oliv*1842 o pkg/monitor:
1843 - fix local array declaration in mon_stats_latbnd_rl.F
49fc9b4095 Oliv*1844 o tools/example_scripts:
1845 - remove all files in tools/example_scripts/
1846 (updated testing scripts are all in MITgcm_contrib/test_scripts)
1847 o verification:
1848 - remove un-tested experiments: cpl_atm2d+ocn, tidal_basin_2d and
1849 tutorial_offline
9636f5994f Jean*1851 checkpoint67f (2018/11/23)
83ddf5a6c6 Mart*1852 o pkg/seaice:
1853 - add advection ppm and pqm advection schemes ;
1854 - test new scheme in verification/offline_exf_seaice.dyn_lsr
1855 o pkg/generic_advection:
1856 - regularize ppm and pqm advection schemes:
1857 - replace unsafe division in the case of numerical underflows by
1858 regularized expression sign(max(abs(uCFL),1.d-20),uCFL) and similar,
1859 in anology to other advection routines, e.g. gad_os7mp_adv_x/y/z.F
1860 - affects verification/advect_xz at truncation level -> updated
1861 o eesupp & model:
1862 - add entry points for 2-way nesting pkgs.
95edbf0004 chri*1863 o pkg/dic:
1864 - fix out-of-bounds error in S/R CAR_FLUX_OMEGA_TOP (#define CAR_DISS)
68432e7ba3 dngo*1865 o pkg/streamice:
1866 - new implementation of grounding line smoothing by smoothing of basal
1867 traction in partly grounded cell, in streamice_upd_ffrac_uncoupled.F
1868 - rename CPP directives: previous smoothing functionality now enabled with
1869 STREAMICE_SMOOTH_FLOATATION2, new functionality enabled via
1871 - affects verification/halfpipe_streamice, FWD, TAF and OpenAD adjoint.
fcc5c8b844 jm-c 1872 o pkg/atm_phys:
1873 - change IR absorption formulation regarding the dependence on Water-Vapor
1874 in the case wv_exponent = -1 ; update results of experiment "atm_gray.ape"
1875 from verification_other repos.
e0fa1cecbf Mart*1876 o pkg/seaice: clean up advection and SEAICE_ITD
1877 - make SEAICEmultiDimAdvection a global variable that is set in
1878 seaice_readparams.F
1879 - do not allow SEAICE_ITD with old 2nd order advection scheme anymore
1880 - re-organize SEAICE_ITD code in seaice_advdiff.F
1881 - make it possible to compile pkg/seaice without pkg/generic_advdiff
52dd931a85 Timo*1882 o pkg/autodiff:
1883 - created addummy_for_etan.F to correctly print adjoint variable for etaN
901d0c4f7d Jean*1885 checkpoint67e (2018/10/16)
1886 o pkg/seaice:
1887 - fix possible division by zero if LSR_mixIniGuess > 0
85b328ee93 dngo*1888 o pkg/streamice:
1889 - fix bugs relating to ice front advance:
901d0c4f7d Jean*1890 streamice_advect_thickness.F -- overlap update of array passed to
85b328ee93 dngo*1891 streamice_adv_front which was leading to spurious ice area values
1892 streamice_init_varia.F -- proper initialisation of area_shelf_streamice
1893 which is used for ice front advance (only affects diagnostics)
1c882252b0 Ed D*1894 o verification/*/data
1895 - set "rhoConst" instead of "rhoNil" (unless using Linear EOS)
1896 - for net surface heat flux, set "surfQnetFile" instead of "surfQfile"
1897 (unless net surface shortwave is also specified).
1898 - fix OpenAD/input_oad.kpp set-up where net surface heat flux was used
1899 as net heat-flux minus short-wave and update the output.
2df144911f Jean*1901 checkpoint67d (2018/09/04)
dcaaa42497 Jeff*1902 o doc:
2df144911f Jean*1903 - update few pieces of documentation including addition (in "getting_started"
dcaaa42497 Jeff*1904 section) of main CPP OPTIONS description and main code full list of
1905 run-time parameters.
a60aeb96a0 Oliv*1906 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
1907 - move masking of (explicit) vertical diffusive flux to S/R that compute each
1908 contribution (pass maskUp as a new argument): This ensures that diagnostics
1909 of explicit vertical diffusive flux are properly masked.
faf4966244 jm-c 1910 o tools/do_tst_2+2
1911 - Fix up to use absolute paths for results directories.
b8665dacca Mart*1912 o pkg/seaice: some new and hopefully more sensible defaults:
1913 - SEAICEscaleSurfStress = .TRUE.
1914 - SEAICEaddSnowMass = .TRUE.
1915 - SEAICEadvScheme = 77
1916 - SEAICE_useMultDimSnow = .TRUE.
1917 - SEAICE_Olx/y = Olx/y - 2
1918 - SEAICEetaZmethod = 3
1919 - SEAICE_drag = 0.001
1920 - CPP-flag SEAICE_ZETA_SMOOTHREG defined by default
1921 - change SEAICE_waterDrag default to 5.5e-3 and add reference density
1922 rhoConst to scale it. Add a warning if SEAICE_waterDrag > 1.
1923 This change also involves a slight re-organization (= simplification)
1924 in seaice_oceandrag_coeffs.F
1925 - all verification experiments are affected, so that all but four
1926 data.seaice are adjusted to restore the old defaults. The four experiments
1927 that use the new defaults are
1928 + global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice
1929 + offline_exf_seaice
1930 + offline_exf_seaice.dyn_jfnk
1931 + offline_exf_seaice.dyn_lsr
1932 - updated documentation
b4d50d3323 Oliv*1933 o pkg/dic:
a60aeb96a0 Oliv*1934 - Promote constants in S/R CARBON_COEFFS_PRESSURE_DEP and
1935 S/R CAR_FLUX_OMEGA_TOP to double precision.
1cf5741c70 Jean*1936 o pkg/seaice:
1937 - fix bug in seaice B-grid code (call to seaice_advdiff, see issue #134);
1938 Note: B-grid code not tested in any verification exp. (only compiled in one)
1939 so no need to update any output.txt
a5ec81ed49 Timo*1940 o pkg/diagnostics:
1941 - Print adjoint variables for theta, salt, uvel, vvel, wvel, and etan
1942 through diagnostics package.
4f8baf0351 Kait*1943 o pkg/shelfice:
1944 - fix ice shelf mask for very-thin ice shelf case, when hFacMin
1945 and hFacMinDr criteria leave no room for ice (hFac(k=1)=1).
1946 Note: thin ice-shelf that results in 0< hFac(k=1) <1 still need
1947 to be fixed when using any seaice pkg.
736e27304c Timo*1948 o pkg/ecco:
1949 - Replace "mskTrVol" and "gencost_errfile" with "gencost_mask" in
1950 "cost_gencost_transp", mirroring "m_horflux_vol".
1951 - Document and warn user (via STDERR) of potential issues with using
1952 "cost_gencost_transp" to compute volume, heat, or salt transport.
00ab3a8557 Jean*1954 checkpoint67c (2018/06/26)
63eaf06b6a Jean*1955 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
1956 - Add per tracer run-time param to switch on/off Smolarkiewicz-Hack:
1957 Run-time switch for Temp & Salt are set from main param file "data"
1958 (default value = FALSE); and for pTracers, they are set from parameter
1959 file "data.ptracers" (default value = TRUE).
1960 - Add a test in verification exp. global_ocean.90x40x15.down_slope for
1961 Smolarkiewicz-Hack (switched on for Salt and pTracer(1)) but results
1962 remains unchanged since, in this exp., Salt & pTr(1) are well above 0.
f149b16d6e Jean*1963 o pkg/mdsio:
1964 - apply same substitution to remaining calls to MDSREADFIELD/MDSWRITEFIELD
1965 in pkg/ctrl and in pkg/seaice.
1966 - disable the use of obsolete MDSREADFIELD and MDSWRITEFIELD S/R (unless
1967 USE_OBSOLETE_MDS_RW_FIELD is defined).
f8e779c983 antn*1968 o pkg/ecco:
1969 - replace calls to (obsolete) MDSREADFIELD and MDSWRITEFIELD with calls to
1970 pkg/rw S/R: READ_REC_3D_RL and WRITE_REC_3D_RL ; this enable to use pkg/ecco
1971 without pkg/autodiff.
a51428376c jm-c 1972 o verification exp:
1973 - update few (10) adm & tlm output after latest TAF update, from version 3.9.0
1974 to version 3.9.6 on May 16-18.
9ba62b8274 Jean*1976 checkpoint67b (2018/05/05)
502f242cbd Mart*1977 o pkg/exf/exf_wind.F:
9ba62b8274 Jean*1978 - fix a bug detected by Stanislav Martyanov: replace wStress by SQRT(wStress)
1979 in computing ustar ; this bug does not appear to affect the verification
1980 experiments but has been around for a while (inherited from the ecco-branch)
210ee8461e jm-c 1981 o pkg/seaice:
1982 - new run-time parameter to skip the update of ocean surface stress ; could be
1983 useful for testing or when seaice-dynamics is off (add a warning otherwise).
411fbe7664 Jean*1985 checkpoint67a (2018/03/10)
1986 o pkg/layers
1987 - add Moist Static Energy coordinate in layers package
455d18a2e4 Jean*1988 o pkg/aim_v23:
1989 - change parameter "aim_abs_pCO2" default value (used if aim_select_pCO2=1,3)
1990 to calibrated value (from David Ferreira).
3ba991b895 chri*1991 o pkg/layers
210ee8461e jm-c 1992 - fixed up units reported in diagnostics for THETA and SALT term induced layer
3ba991b895 chri*1993 thickness changes.
17bd6b9422 jm-c 1994 o pkg/seaice:
1995 - move wind-stress over seaice out of SEAICE.h into local seaice_dynsolver.F
1996 common block ; move initialisation of TAUX & TAUY accordingly and add them
1997 to argument list of S/R SEAICE_OCEAN_STRESS (like SEAICE_GET_DYNFORCING).
1998 This enable to remove CPP option "SEAICE_EXCLUDE_WIND_STRESS" (hack from
1999 June 2016) in pkg/dic/dic_fields_update.F
034fdcf01f Jean*2000 o doc:
2001 - first addition of reST/sphinx documentation (formerly in
2002 https://github.com/altMITgcm/MITgcm/doc/), converted from original MITgcm
2003 LaTeX manual in: https://github.com/MITgcm/manual-archive with edits
2004 (including new sections) from @jrscott and @edoddridge ;
2005 - update section on Ocean State Estimation packages by @gaelforget ;
2006 - updated seaice pkg description by @mjlosch.
78abfc2fd0 Oliv*2008 checkpoint67 (2018/02/05)
2009 o add Sphinx configuration for documentation on https://mitgcm.readthedocs.io
2010 o add Travis configuration for testing pull requests
7c72f3fed9 Oliv*2011 o migrate from CVS to Git (2018/01/31)
e1a9cfe6da Jean*2013 checkpoint66o (2018/01/30)
2014 => Final CVS tag ; disable CVS check-in.
9f8d0cd292 Jean*2016 checkpoint66n (2018/01/18)
4dedbda92a Jean*2017 o pkg/seaice & down_slope:
2018 - remove few files from ${pkg}_ad_diff.list (when calling S/R is not in
2019 any *_ad_diff.list)
2020 o pkg/shelfice:
2021 - account for "shelficeLoadAnomaly" in computation of initial pressure
2022 that is used in EOS (case selectP_inEOS_Zc >= 2).
457ca81085 Jean*2023 o pkg/aim_v23:
2024 - merge namelist "AIM_PAR_CO2" into "AIM_PARAMS" and replace Aim_CO2_Flag=2
2025 option with aim_select_pCO2=2 (using #define ALLOW_AIM_CO2);
2026 - add option to derive LW absorption in CO2 band as function of pCO2,
2027 using either prescribed pCO2 (aim_select_pCO2=1), or computed pCO2
2028 from well-mixed atm-box (aim_select_pCO2=3).
a88d8cd2fb Jean*2029 o pkg/gchem, changes to enable to use several geo-chemistry pkgs together:
2030 - new CPP option GCHEM_ADD2TR_TENDENCY around definition of gchemTendency
2031 array (replacing #ifndef GCHEM_SEPARATE_FORCING) ;
2032 - in GCHEM_FIELDS.h, change dimension of array "gchemTendency"
2033 from PTRACERS_num to GCHEM_tendTr_num ; this later one is set in new header
2034 file: GCHEM_SIZE.h, to be included anytime GCHEM_FIELDS.h is included ;
2035 - new set of S/R, called from GCHEM_TR_REGISTER, to record rank (in pTracer
2036 array) and number of tracers for each geo-chemistry pkg ;
2037 - check that GCHEM tracers all fit in pTracer and gchemTendency arrays ;
2038 - initialise gchemTendency array in gchem_init_vari.F ;
2039 - fix storage directives for gchemTendency ;
2040 - add some entry points for new geo-chemistry pkg SPOIL.
b82264afff Jean*2041 o verification/isomip:
2042 - update secondary test (input.htd): a) drop cd_scheme, useJamartWetPoints=T
2043 and increase viscAh ; b) use ivdc_kappa with implicit Diff & Visc ;
2044 c) switch off SHELFICEboundaryLayer, turn on pCellMix_select (=20) and
2045 use SHELFICEselectDragQuadr=1 ; add new set of pickup files.
0ce06cdb80 Jean*2046 o pkg/shelfice:
2047 - Replace CPP option: SHI_USTAR_WETPOINT with run-time parameter:
2048 SHELFICE_oldCalcUStar (default=F <--> #define SHI_USTAR_WETPOINT)
2049 but keep only original (old) formula in SHELFICEboundaryLayer code.
e699be221d Jean*2051 checkpoint66m (2017/12/12)
40b8e0222d Mart*2052 o add another hook (S/R PDF_FINALIZE) for the Parallel Data Assimilation
2053 Framework PDAF (http://pdaf.awi.de/) in the_main_loop.F
d5d280a154 Jean*2054 o pkg/autodiff:
2055 - fix pkg/exf AD variable output (mainly ADJprecip), left from pkg/exf modif
2056 on Jan 27, 2017. Try also to fix ADJrunoff and TLM output (but less clear).
2057 o pkg/obcs:
2058 - add simpler setting (single value) of OB indices for the case where
2059 indices are uniform over the full section (Bruno Deremble contribution).
5421b78870 Jean*2060 o pkg/rbcs:
2061 - increase size of "relaxMaskFile" to read-in from namelist and save it
2062 (+check) into new (renamed) "relaxMaskTrFile" array.
fe8f61a7d2 Jean*2063 o model/src:
2064 - option (interViscAr_pCell, interDiffKr_pCell) to account for true vertical
2065 distance (including hFac) in vertical viscous flux and diffusive flux ;
2066 - add option to increase vertical mixing (for both momentum and tracers)
2067 near surface and/or bottom where partial cell is too thin ;
2068 - for now, both additions above are within: #ifndef EXCLUDE_PCELL_MIX_CODE ;
1a6d19a1b5 Jean*2070 checkpoint66l (2017/10/24)
408a6af91c Jean*2071 o pkg/kpp, ggl90 & ebm:
2072 - read namelist without IOSTAT=errIO to force to stop if there is an error
2073 in the parameter file namelist.
11fedddd87 Jean*2074 o pkg/cheapaml: major changes to relaxation coefficient setting:
2075 - rename parameters cheapaml_taurelax & cheapaml_taurelaxocean (in days)
2076 to cheap_tauRelax & cheap_tauRelaxOce (now in seconds);
2077 - if using cheapMaskFile, set relaxation coeff to: cheapMask/tauRelax
2078 (instead of 1/cheapMask over ocean and 1/tauRelax over land);
2079 - with cheapMaskFile unset: set relaxation coeff according to land/ocean mask
408a6af91c Jean*2080 (unchanged) but skip increase near domain edges for periodic domain (in X
11fedddd87 Jean*2081 or Y dir) when cheapamlX/Yperiodic=T ; also fix linear increase (over
2082 Cheapaml_mask_width grid points) of coeff towards domain edges (previously
2083 was increasing away from edges). Update output of experiment "cheapAML_box".
2084 o pkg/cheapaml:
2085 - move setting of (fixed in time) relaxation coefficient
2086 from cheapaml_init_varia.F to cheapaml_init_fixed.F
dc84b236da Jean*2087 o pkg/exf:
2088 - add specific forcing field for tides to feed model new geopotential anomaly
2089 forcing, for now within #ifdef EXF_ALLOW_TIDES.
2090 - remove from common block unused params: exf_inscal_sst & exf_inscal_sss.
1faed850cb Jean*2091 o model:
2092 - add new 2-d forcing field for time-dependent geopotential anomaly (e.g.,
2093 tidal forcing), in m^2/s^2 ; add run-time param to allow to turn it off.
2094 o eesupp/src:
7727ad69a9 Dimi*2095 - shift standardMessageUnit in eeboot.F and I/O units in mdsfindunit.F
2096 for coupling to GEOS AGCM: HACK_FOR_GMAO_CPL option in CPP_EEOPTIONS.h
3cac0e158e Jean*2098 checkpoint66k (2017/09/20)
2099 o model/src:
0442cf0340 Gael*2100 - add missing CPP brackets (ALLOW_COST, ALLOW_CTRL in load_fields_driver.F
2101 and the_model_main.F)
2102 o ctrl:
2103 - use zeroRL in place of fc when ALLOW_COST is not compiled (in ctrl_pack.F)
3cac0e158e Jean*2104 - call MDS_READ_FIELD / MDS_WRITE_FIELD instead of deprecated
0442cf0340 Gael*2105 mdsreadfield / mdswritefield (in ctrl_get_gen.F, ctrl_map_ini_gen.F,
2106 ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F, and ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F )
dd5f25c34f Jean*2107 o eesupp:
2108 - add CPP option to activate some pieces of code for coupling to GEOS AGCM;
2109 - shift commonly used IO unit (in eeboot.F) for coupling to GEOS AGCM.
59cd39d469 Matt*2110 o pkg/bling:
dd5f25c34f Jean*2111 - bling_production: Fix typo in calcium carbonate uptake. Also rearranging
2112 and cleaning
8880ed1f7d Jean*2113 o model/src:
2114 - move k loop inside correction_step.F (+ update calling S/R)
2115 - collect implicit pressure gradient tendencies in local 2-D array;
2116 affect results (at machine truncation level) when using 3-D solver; update
2117 output of exp.: exp4 (x1), global_ocean.cs32x15 (x2),hs94.cs-32x32x5.impIGW,
2118 rotating_tank, short_surf_wave,tutorial_deep_convection (x2)
2119 & tutorial_plume_on_slope.
32f5cbc73c Jean*2121 checkpoint66j (2017/08/15)
ba2a21739f Jean*2122 o pkg/ptracers:
2123 - fix surface forcing under ice-shelf (useShelfIce=T).
2124 o pkg/atm_phys:
2125 - use hFac weighted average when applying A-grid atm-phys momentum tendency
2126 to C-grid dynamics; this ensures wind-stress match mom tendency.
03aacdc90f Mart*2127 o eesupp/src:
157398927a Mart*2128 - change default for opening scratch files to avoid STATUS='SCRATCH'
4a3a90a659 Jean*2129 - close scratch files with STATUS='DELETE'
03aacdc90f Mart*2130 - changes affect eeset_parms.F and open_copy_data_file.F and many routines
2131 that read namelists (because they close the scratch files)
4a3a90a659 Jean*2132 - you can revert to old default by setting USE_FORTRAN_SCRATCH_FILES
2133 in CPP_EEOPTIONS.h (tested in ideal_2D_oce/code & lab_sea/code_ad)
d39315aba7 Jean*2134 o pkg/atm_phys:
2135 - fix unset arguments in (unused) S/R surface_flux_0d.
5261466e31 Jean*2136 o eesupp/src:
2137 - add argument "procId" to S/R EESET_PARMS to fix scratchFile1 & 2 setting
2138 (case TARGET_BGL or TARGET_CRAYXT) for early call (from eeboot_minimal.F):
2139 called with myProcId in eeboot.F and with mpiMyWId in eeboot_minimal.F
234f0840d6 Mart*2140 o pkg/streamice:
2141 - remove blank between _EXCH_XY_RL and "()", which my Apple Xcode
2142 preprocessor /usr/bin/cpp cannot interpret; 3 instances in total in
2143 streamice_driving_stress_fd.F and streamice_advect_2dtracer.F
7d973b58e2 Jean*2144 o pkg/diagnostics:
2145 - new option to allow to cumulate thickness-factor (hFac) weighted field
2146 (if field permitted); implemented by changing sign of "jdiag" pointer
2147 (> 0: cumlulate field, < 0: cumulate hFac weighted field).
2148 a) restricted to 3-d (Nr levels), level centered diagnostics at U,V or Cell
2149 center position (gcode(2)='U','V','M' & gcode(3,5,9:10)='R',' ','MR')
2150 b) for now, activated by setting fileFlags 3rd character to 'h'.
d0fc06a0a4 Jean*2152 checkpoint66i (2017/07/18)
2153 o pkg/cheapaml:
2154 - add parameter "useRelativeWind", default set to False; this change the
2155 previous setting which was always using relative wind.
036ec33ebd Mart*2156 o add hooks for the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework PDAF
d0fc06a0a4 Jean*2157 (http://pdaf.awi.de/) in eeboot_minimal.F and the_main_loop.F;
2158 to use set CPP-flag USE_PDAF in CPP_EEOPTIONS.h
fc55955988 Jean*2159 o pkg/exf:
2160 - interpolation of vector fields (exf_interp_uv.F): fix bug in calculation
a435e833b1 Mart*2161 of South-Pole mean value.
d0fc06a0a4 Jean*2162 - interpolation near the poles, case where second additional row is at the
04a6d3d2ba Jean*2163 pole (or beyond the pole and moved to the pole): change first addition row
d0fc06a0a4 Jean*2164 value to a linear interpolation between pole and 1rst (S.pole)/last (N.pole)
04a6d3d2ba Jean*2165 row (instead of just a copy of it).
fc55955988 Jean*2166 o pkg/seaice:
f720d02ca0 Mart*2167 - prevent JFNK and KRYLOV solvers from trying to reduce a residual of 0
fc55955988 Jean*2168 - add the option to compute no-slip du/dy, dv/dx (i.e.
2169 the offdiagonal strain rate e12) by a second order approximation
2170 on the boundary; works only with JFNK, KRYLOV, or EVP solvers, because
2171 it is too messy to implement for the implicit LSR matrix.
f720d02ca0 Mart*2172 SEAICE_2ndOrderBC = .FALSE. by default
50ab531fad Mart*2173
6a3f62c6cb Jean*2174 checkpoint66h (2017/06/02)
2175 o pkg/seaice:
2176 - add new routines to compute stress tensor components and stress tensor
e228c48bba Mart*2177 divergence to be reused in s/r seaice_lsr and s/r seaice_calc_lhs
2178 - change names of diagnostics SIsigI/II (commonly used for invariants)
2179 to SIsig1/sig2 (more common for principal components) to avoid confusion
5d66a6a2ec Jean*2180 o pkf/exf:
2181 - add a stop if useRelativeWind with un-updated uwind/vwind (e.g., constant);
2182 similarly, stop if rotateStressOnAgrid with constant wind-stress.
caa3182bae Jean*2183 o pkg/seaice:
2184 - remove (comment out) diagnostics SIuwind,SIvwind,SIfu,SIfv (duplicate of
2185 EXFuwind,EXFvwind,oceTAUX,oceTAUY) and point them to their equivalent.
2186 - add diagnostics of wind-stress over seaice (SItaux,SItauy) and seaice
2187 fraction weighted wind stress over ocean+seaice (SIatmTx,SIatmTy).
2188 o pkg/diagnostics:
2189 - small piece of code to rename (old) diagnostics, when namelist is processed.
e9ff366891 Jean*2190 o model/src:
2191 - new run-time param (useMin4hFacEdges) to select method for setting hFacW,S:
2192 originally, set as minimum of adjacent hFacC factor ; now (new default)
2193 computed from rSurfW,S and rLowW,S by applying same rules as for hFacC.
2194 Only matters when useShelfIce=T with particular ice-shelf cavity geometry.
caa3182bae Jean*2195 o pkg/seaice:
e9ff366891 Jean*2196 - add momemtum advection, off by default, still in test phase
2197 most of the momentum advection code is adapted and reused from mom_vecinv
caa3182bae Jean*2198 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
2199 - pass these runtime flags:
e9ff366891 Jean*2200 selectVortScheme, highOrderVorticity, upwindVorticity, useJamartMomAdv
caa3182bae Jean*2201 as formal parameters to s/r mom_vi_u/v_coriolis, mom_vi_u/v_coriolis_c4,
e9ff366891 Jean*2202 so that these routines can also be used in pkg/seaice.
fc0cb18620 Mart*2203
4207dc8bfb Jean*2204 checkpoint66g (2017/04/24)
d9c26da9d2 Jean*2205 o model/src:
2206 - more robust ordering of column thickness integral (=Sum_k(drF*hFac) )
2207 to get same expression (regarding machine truncation) in different places
2208 in ini_masks_etc.F (e.g., rSurfC,W,S is now exactly zero when it should).
2209 Update forward output of experiments: global_ocean.cs32x15 (all 5 except
2210 viscA4), isomip (x3), tutorial_global_oce_in_p & tutorial_plume_on_slope.
e3622e8a9f Jean*2211 o pkg/shelfice:
2212 - ALLOW_SHIFWFLX_CONTROL: move setting of maskSHI from shelfice_update_masks.F
2213 to shelfice_init_fixed.F
2214 - change S/R SHELFICE_UPDATE_MASKS to SHELFICE_INIT_DEPTHS (still called from
2215 ini_masks_etc.F for now) to update ocean upper boundary position according
2216 to ice-shelf topography (instead of directly updating hFacC).
559a8104ea Jean*2217 o model/src:
2218 - move call to CTRL_INIT & CTRL_ADMTLM from the middle to the bottom of
2219 packages_init_fixed.F to allow other pkgs to set mask and weight fields.
902eadea41 Jean*2221 checkpoint66f (2017/04/06)
4fcf953981 Jean*2222 o model/src:
2223 - add specific run-time param to select level of printed plot-field-maps,
2224 set by default to debugLevel. Remove internal param "printDomain".
2225 o pkg/seaice:
c854efd521 Mart*2226 - add flag to add snow mass to seaiceMassC/U/V, the default is
2227 SEAICEaddSnowMass=.FALSE., not to change previous results
7d18c8ad21 Matt*2228 o pkg/bling
2229 - Bug fix in bling_production regarding unit conversion for diagnostics
2230 being put in the wrong place
bc982d58e8 Jean*2231 o model/src:
2232 - add back recomputation of rSurfW & S to ensure consistent column thickness
2233 (needed for rStar) between Sum_k(hFac*drF) and rSurf-rLow, for now only
2234 when using pkg/shelfice; was initially added on 2012/06/01 (ini_masks_etc.F
2235 revision 1.51) but was removed accidentally on 2014/02/08 (v1.53).
fe1663a66d Jean*2236 o pkg/autodiff:
2237 - clean-up "checkpoint.flow"
2238 o pkg/rw (Contribution from Jody Klymak):
2239 option to set mds file suffix as function of time in simulation:
2240 *) new input parameter "rwSuffixType" (read from PARM03 namelist)
2241 to select file suffix format; by default (=0), use iteration number;
2242 *) add simple routine to return file suffix according to rwSuffixType;
2243 *) in model/src and in most pkgs (except: atm2d, fizhi, regrid & streamice),
2244 use new S/R to get file suffix, except for debug output file (diagFreq)
2245 and pkgs offline & rbcs input files.
2246 o pkg/rw:
2247 - uniform processing of "I10" suffix across writing fld routines; used to
2248 simplify debug writing of cg2/3d_b/x in solve_for_pressure.F & post_cg3d.F
2249 (similar to cg3d.F, cg3d_ex0.F)
a94e0175c9 Jean*2250 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
2251 - highOrderVorticity in selectVortScheme=2 case: fix c4 coeff in splitted
2252 vorticity flux (keep same sum in case vBarXm=vBaXp, uBarYm=uBarYp).
1906a8e7f8 Matt*2253 o pkg/bling:
a94e0175c9 Jean*2254 - Many small changes intended to clean the code.
2255 Unnecessary ADJOINT_SAFEs removed ;
2256 removed BLING_COST.h BLING_CTRL.h bling_cost.F ;
2257 diagnostics added.
1906a8e7f8 Matt*2258
a035b63002 Jean*2259 checkpoint66e (2017/03/14)
78a0667e15 Jean*2260 o pkg/exf:
2261 - interpolation with #undef EXF_INTERP_USE_DYNALLOC: move buffer size
2262 definition outside EXF_PARAM.h in new header file: EXF_INTERP_SIZE.h;
2263 use fixed size buffer (passed to S/R EXF_INTERP & EXF_INTERP_UV) to
728f4c76b4 Jean*2264 avoid any dynamic allocation ;
2265 - S/R EXF_CHECK: add new check & stop when file-name is defined but not
2266 read-in ; add warning when file is read-in but not used within pkg/exf ;
2267 + check for buffer-size (if #undef EXF_INTERP_USE_DYNALLOC).
2268 - update exf_summary.F (print {FLD}RepCycle).
78a0667e15 Jean*2269 o verification/global_with_exf:
2270 - switch on exf interpolation in AD test (just like the forward test)
52e8352d39 Gael*2271 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
2272 - add storage directives to avoid recomputations within mom_vecinv.F
78a0667e15 Jean*2273 which were generating seg. fault with gfortran -devel
52e8352d39 Gael*2274 o pkg/ctrl, pkg/smooth:
78a0667e15 Jean*2275 - initialize array halos which were generating seg. fault with
52e8352d39 Gael*2276 gfortran -devel in adjoint mode
df8491dd93 Jean*2277 o pkg/exf:
ab74fbfba7 Jean*2278 - for each input field, enable to specify a field specific repeat-cycle
2279 ({FLD}RepCycle) which defaults to pkg/exf main "repeatPeriod".
2280 o verification/lab_sea:
2281 - update AD results of primary test and noseaicedyn test after switching
2282 to new version of TAF (5.3.13 vs 5.3.2 before); agreement with gradient
2283 check stays about the same.
2284 o pkg/exf:
df8491dd93 Jean*2285 - fix bug in exf_zenithangle.F for cases select_ZenAlbedo > 0 with useCAL=T.
d1272ed847 Dimi*2286 - exf_check: MAX_LAT_INC need only be "loc_nlat-1", not equal to loc_nlat
1a68cdf63d Jean*2287 o pkg/bling, USE_EXFCO2 code:
2288 - add parameter "apco2RepCycle" (set to pkg/exf "repeatPeriod" by default);
2289 - update calls to EXF S/R (use new version: EXF_INIT_FLD & EXF_SET_FLD).
38dcf987c9 Jean*2290 o pkg/exf:
2291 - rename S/R EXF_INIT to EXF_INIT_VARIA ;
2292 - add arguments: fldName (for debug msg) and fldRepeatCycle (set to
2293 repeatPeriod) to S/R EXF_SET_UV and to S/R EXF_SET_GEN (renamed EXF_SET_FLD)
2294 and update calls in pkg/exf calling S/R (exf_getffields.F & exf_getclim.F) ;
2295 - add argument: fldName (for debug msg) to S/R EXF_INIT_GEN (renamed
2296 EXF_INIT_FLD) and update calls in exf_init_varia.F
2297 - For now, for backward compatibility, keep a simplified version of S/Rs
2298 EXF_SET_GEN & EXF_INIT_GEN in file exf_set_gen.F
2299 - add and pass new arguments: fldName (for debug msg) and fldRepeatCycle
2300 to S/R EXF_GetFFieldRec ; update calls in pkg/obcs/obcs_exf_load.F
2301 o tools/genmake2:
2302 - replace "bc -l" (only used once) by "expr" (already used).
0e208b4985 Jean*2303 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15:
2304 - turn off pkg/cal (useCAL=F) in secondary FWD exp. "icedyn".
2305 Note: exf setting (data.exf) can be compared to other exf secondary exp
2306 "seaice" (kept with useCAL=T) which has same time dependent forcing.
68b2841201 Jean*2308 checkpoint66d (2017/02/13)
2309 o pkg/exf:
2310 - remove setting of useCAL=T when using pkg/exf (useEXF=T); add warning
2311 early on (in packages_boot.F) to stress this change in pkg setting.
2312 - In (most) verification exp. that use pkg/exf, add useCAL=.TRUE. to data.pkg
e88a30daa9 Jean*2313 o model/src:
39fa77e8d0 Gael*2314 - move call to ecco_phys to end of time step; this may induce minor
2315 cost function changes by shifting time averages by one time step
2316 for some variables; this revision resulted in changed adjoint results
2317 in MITgcm_contrib/verification_other/global_oce_cs32
e88a30daa9 Jean*2318 o pkg/exf:
2319 - Change EXF_READ_EVAP to only activate code within #ifdef ALLOW_ATM_TEMP ;
2320 this prevents to read evap when ALLOW_ATM_TEMP is undef and other fields,
2321 e.g. precip, are not available.
2322 o pkg/flt:
2323 - flt_init_varia.F: use pickupSuff if specified
2324 - add code (within #ifdef DEVEL_FLT_EXCH2) and test case as a first,
2325 intermediate, step towards completing pkg/exch2 support within pkg/flt;
2326 ifdef DEVEL_FLT_EXCH2 then:
2327 - flt_init_fixed.F: comment out stop
2328 - flt_exch2.F: conserve ipart, jpart (grid coordinates)
2329 - exch2_recv_get_vec.F: transform ipart, jpart (grid coordinates)
2330 - flt_mapping.F: attempt to fix longitude diagnostic near date-line
2331 - flt_init_varia.F: hack initialization (for testing purposes w. LLC90)
ea11a19a76 Jean*2332 o tools/genmake2 & pkg/pkg_depend:
2333 - define new type of pkg dependency rule ("=pkg_x"), less strict than
2334 the "+" rule, that add the dependent pkg (pkg_x) unless it's disabled
2335 (-pkg_x in packages.conf).
2336 - change pkg/exf dependency rule from "exf +cal" to "exf =cal";
2337 - add "+cal" to dependency list of pkg/ecco (needed to compile).
2338 - simplify FWD experiment "offline_exf_seaice" by removing pkg/cal.
127047c0ca Dimi*2339 o utils/matlab:
2340 - adding ocean_basin routines for defining basin masks.
6a96fcda5d Jean*2341 o pkg/exf:
450d2d2f88 Jean*2342 - new S/R EXF_GETFFIELD_START replacing EXF_GETFIELD_START, but with more
2343 arguments, allowing to check (and stop) if parameter setting of
2344 {FLD}startdate1 & date2 and of {FLD}StartTime are consistent with
2345 useCAL= T or F. For now, kept a simplified version of EXF_GETFIELD_START
2346 for backward compatibility.
2347 - change accordingly calls in exf_init_fixed.F + default {FLD}StartTime in
2348 exf_readparms.F ; apply same changes to pkg/icefront (for SGRunOff field).
2349 o pkg/bling (USE_EXFCO2 code):
2350 - fix missing setting of apco2StartTime according to apco2startdate1 & date2
2351 by adding a call to S/R EXF_GETFFIELD_START.
2352 o pkg/exf:
40e5c4acf5 Jean*2353 - allows to compile without pkg/cal (but disabled by current dependency
2354 rules, i.e., default "pkg/pkg_depend"). Minimal changes to enable to
2355 run with useCAL=F ; this involves setting directly {FLD}StartTime instead
2356 of {FLD}startdate1 & date2 ; consistency check not yet coded.
2357 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15:
2358 - fix all data.exf for a shift of 1 day in all field startdate1 so that it now
2359 corresponds to middle of 1rst month; update outputs (2 fwd + 3 adm + 3 tlm).
2360 o pkg/exf:
2361 - allow to use EXF_ZENITHANGLE without pkg/cal + simplify (saving some
2362 calculations); change FWD experiment global_ocean.cs32x15
2363 (#define ALLOW_ZENITHANGLE) to test/check that this code compiles.
2364 o pkg/exf:
2365 - In preparation for addition to NAMELIST, rename internal (_RL) parameter
053dccd244 Jean*2366 {FIELD}startdate to {FIELD}StartTime
2367 Note: new name also fit better the content, i.e, a start time in second.
40e5c4acf5 Jean*2368 o eesupp/src:
2369 - add 1 argument to S/R EEBOOT & EEBOOT_MINIMAL for interface with ESMF
053dccd244 Jean*2370 o pkg/exf:
6a96fcda5d Jean*2371 - add option ALLOW_READ_TURBFLUXES (and corresponding set of parameters)
2372 to allow to read-in Sensible & Latent Heat flux ;
2373 - simplify pkg/exf main options:
2374 1) move small piece of code (case ALLOW_ATM_TEMP undef) out of
2375 exf_bulkformulae.F into exf_wind.F so that exf_bulkformulae.F is
2376 compiled only when both ALLOW_ATM_TEMP & ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE are defined;
2377 2) make call to EXF_RADIATION and to EXF_WIND independent of CPP option
2378 ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE which now only applies to S/R EXF_BULKFORMULAE ;
2379 3) improve options documentation in EXF_OPTIONS.h.
c63b11972e Gael*2380 o pkg/ecco:
6a96fcda5d Jean*2381 - cost_gencost_customize.F,ecco.h,ecco_phys.F,ecco_readparms.F, and
2382 ecco_summary.F: add passive tracer cost functions to gencost;
c63b11972e Gael*2383 m_ptracer and m_boxmean_ptracer
2384 o pkg/ctrl:
6a96fcda5d Jean*2385 - ctrl_map_forcing.F: pass myIter and myTime to ctrl_map_forcing as input
c63b11972e Gael*2386 parameters; move myIter .EQ. nIter0 inside ctrl_map_forcing; add to list
2387 of implemented gentim2d contol parameters: xx_qnet, xx_empmr, xx_qsw,
2388 xx_sst, xx_sss, xx_pload, xx_saltflux, xx_fu, xx_fv, xx_fe, xx_fn
2389 o model/src:
6a96fcda5d Jean*2390 - forward_step.F: pass myIter and myTime to ctrl_map_forcing as input
c63b11972e Gael*2391 parameters; move myIter .EQ. nIter0 inside ctrl_map_forcing
2392 o pkg/exf:
6a96fcda5d Jean*2393 - exf_getffields.F: add to list of implemented gentim2d contol parameters:
c63b11972e Gael*2394 xx_lwflux, xx_swflux, xx_evap, xx_apressure, xx_areamask
6b39d139af Jean*2396 checkpoint66c (2017/01/19)
8611775bfe Jean*2397 o verification:
2398 - add new option "-src" to testreport to only produce source code (*.f),
2399 including taf output src code (if using '-adm'/'-tlm' option).
66f021d63a Gael*2400 o pkg/exf:
2401 - add saltflx :: Net upward salt flux in psu.kg/m^2/s
2402 o pkg/diagnostics:
bd9df6a12d Jean*2403 - add run-time variable diagMdsDir to specify a subdirectory for
66f021d63a Gael*2404 diagnostic output when mds is being used and mdsioLocalDir is not.
c34b076d9e Gael*2405 o pkg/mnc:
9922871071 Gael*2406 - mnc_utils.F: edit stop message
c34b076d9e Gael*2407 o pkg/autodiff:
66f021d63a Gael*2408 - autodiff_ini_model_io.F: PRINT_MESSAGE, clean-up comments, add _*_MASTER,
2409 add HAVE_SYSTEM bracket around system call to mkdir
c34b076d9e Gael*2410 o pkg/profiles:
bd9df6a12d Jean*2411 - profiles_findunit.F, profiles_init_fixed.F, profiles_interp.F,
c34b076d9e Gael*2412 profiles_readparms.F: call ALL_PROC_DIE before 'stop'
66f021d63a Gael*2413 - profiles_ini_io.F: use PRINT_MESSAGE, clean-up comments, add _*_MASTER,
2414 add HAVE_SYSTEM bracket around system call to mkdir
c34b076d9e Gael*2415 o pkg/smooth:
2416 - smooth_filtervar2d.F, smooth_filtervar3d.F: call ALL_PROC_DIE before 'stop'
2417 - smooth_init2d.F, smooth_init3d.F: move print statements to readparms
2418 - smooth_readparms.F: add cleaner print statements from smooth_init?d.F
7b97f426d4 Jean*2419 o pkg/exf:
2420 - check: count errors and stop cleanly at the end (call to ALL_PROC_DIE);
bd9df6a12d Jean*2421 issue error message when climsst_interpMethod.GT.0 and climsst_lon_inc > 500
2422 generalize tests on interpMethod, nlat, and lon_inc to all exf variables.
7b97f426d4 Jean*2423 - summary: skip detailed field report if not used (empty file-name).
93424431c1 Jean*2424 o tools/xmakedepend:
2425 - In case line editor "ed" is missing, switch to "sed" command to clean-up
2426 Makefile from previous dependencies (anything after "# DO NOT DELETE" line).
5d59af6b6c Jean*2427 o pkg/exf:
2428 - change definition of "hflux" input file to always include Short-Wave;
93424431c1 Jean*2429 this is now consistent with hflux computation (if using bulk-formulae)
5d59af6b6c Jean*2430 and hflux diagnostic & documentation (in EXF_FIELDS.h).
cd57923099 Jean*2432 checkpoint66b (2016/12/01)
3706e6143e Jean*2433 o model & momentum pkgs:
2434 - implement fully implicit bottom friction combined with implicit surf.
2435 pressure, for now, only in hydrostic formulation:
2436 + to use: compile with #define ALLOW_SOLVE4_PS_AND_DRAG in CPP_OPTIONS.h
2437 and run with selectImplicitDrag=2 ;
2438 + currently missing diagnostics of bottom drag and vert. viscosity tendency;
2439 - partial implicit time-stepping (bot. friction + vert. visc first, then
2440 surf. press) corresponding to selectImplicitDrag=1 should be applicable
2441 to NH formulation but not available until we solve for surf. pressure
2442 increment (instead of full etaN).
499c3c4540 Jean*2443 - change exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice to test implicit bottom drag
2444 with implicit vertical viscosity.
ff74c947d1 Mart*2445 o pkg/seaice: add linear remapping scheme (Lipscomb 2001) to ITD model
2446 - this is a first version that includes many regularisations that may
2447 not all be necessary, to be sorted out,
2448 - turned on by runtime parameter SEAICEuseLinRemapITD (true by default)
2449 - change one verification experiment in seaice_itd to use and test new code
3706e6143e Jean*2450 - seaice_growth: catch a case where the argument of log can be zero
ff74c947d1 Mart*2451 or smaller (important for code stability)
c68e15e2a9 Jean*2452 o model/src:
2453 - modify SOLVE_DIAGONAL_LOWMEMORY version of solve_tridiagonal.F
2454 & solve_pentadiagonal.F to enable to re-used inverse matrix for solving
2455 similar A.X'=Y' system (with same matrix A) in subsequent calls;
2456 switch based on errCode (In/Out) argument value; in calling routines,
2457 initialise errCode before first call.
4a59b36843 Jean*2459 checkpoint66a (2016/10/18)
2661ed7c00 Matt*2460 o pkg/bling:
4a59b36843 Jean*2461 - BLING package now loads in atmospheric pCO2 file using exf package routines
2462 Enable with #define USE_EXFCO2 in BLING_OPTIONS.h
8372d9421d Jean*2463 o model/src & pkg/ptracers:
2464 - with INCLUDE_IMPLVERTADV_CODE defined, also call MOM_U,V_IMPLICIT_R &
2465 GAD_IMPLICIT_R (instead of IMPLDIFF) when just implicitViscosity and
2466 implicitDiffusion (respectively) are used (even without momImplVertAdv
2467 or temp,salt,PTRACERS_ImplVertAdv).
25215968c0 Jean*2468 o model/src & generic_advdiff:
2469 - add parenthesis in main diagonal calculation of implicit vertical
2470 diffusion matrix (impldiff.F & gad_implicit_r.F).
2471 This affects results at machine truncation level; update output of many
2472 verification experiments (31 fwd ; 10 adm ; 8 tlm ; 3 oad).
caec104026 Jean*2473 o pkg/mom_commom & generic_advdiff:
2474 - add deep atmosphere and anelastic scaling factor in implicit vertical
2475 advection routines (mom_u,v_implicit_r.F & gad*_impl*_r.F).
2476 o model/src:
2477 - remove few unnecessary temp array copies in solve_tridiagonal.F
2478 & solve_pentadiagonal.F
434f2a808d Jean*2480 checkpoint65z (2016/09/28)
2481 o pkg/seaice: fix multithreading for seaice_fgmres.F
4d686fb526 Mart*2482 - remove unecessary variables from common blocks
434f2a808d Jean*2483 - use extra dimension MAX_NO_THREADS for all variables of the Krylov space
2484 basis, that are stored in commom blocks (including integer variable i1)
2485 - clean up code a little by removing commented lines that refer to
4d686fb526 Mart*2486 original code
434f2a808d Jean*2487 - turn on multi-threaded test for experiment offline_exf_seaice.dyn_jfnk.
6c3fcd2d73 Gael*2488 o MITgcm manual:
caec104026 Jean*2489 - add uptodate pkg/ecco documentation to the manual (section 8.1; ecco.tex),
2490 preliminary documentation for generic controls (8.3; ctrl.tex),
2491 a placeholder for smooth (8.4; smooth.tex), and comment out the deprecated
2492 ecco_costfunction.tex
b3b78d9534 Gael*2493 o pkg/ecco:
caec104026 Jean*2494 - update and cleanup list of CCP options
2495 - re-assign gencost_mask to specify masks rather than gencost_errfile; 'c'
2496 is now always passed to cost_generic; gencost_mask is now MAX_LEN_FNAM
2497 - add checks that retired run-time options are not used, and in relation
2498 to gencost_mask and gencost_errfile
2499 - finish deprecating gencost_scalefile, gencost_smooth2Ddiffnbt, and
2500 gencost_nrecperiod
2501 - fix m_eta computation for virtual salt flux case
2502 - add m_horflux_vol case (selected via gencost_barfile) that computes
2503 transports via cost_gencost_boxmean (gencost_flag=-3)
2504 - use gencost_flag more systematically (i.e., avoid using gencost_name)
2505 for code switches (aside from physical variable selection)
290bbecc29 Mart*2506 o pkg/seaice: make seaice_fgmres.F fit for multithreading; this first
2507 attempt appears to be a bit of a hack and my need some repair down the road
423bece461 Jean*2508 o pkg/exf:
2509 - interpolation near South Pole: fix criteria on input field latitude.
772c88b829 Jean*2510 o pkg/icefront & pkg/exf:
2511 - move setting of icefront Sub-Glacial RunOff forcing (currently unused)
2512 from pkg/exf (read from data.exf) to pkg/icefront (read from data.icefront)
6708d8dfd2 Jean*2513 o pkg/exf:
2514 - replace CPP option ALLOW_EXF_OUTPUT_INTERP with run-time parameter
2515 "exf_output_interp" (in namelist: EXF_NML_04); change output file name
2516 (add suffix "_out" instead of a prefix); keep same record number as in
2517 input file but always write record 1 first (to avoid a STOP in I/O S/R).
2518 Change output file content by writing interpolated field before applying
2519 land-sea mask (helpful for debug).
2520 - 2 compon. vector interpolation with rotation: apply scaling factor on
2521 each compon. (Eastward and Northward) just before rotation.
7e2b7aaecb Matt*2522 o pkg/bling:
6708d8dfd2 Jean*2523 - Cleaned package. Removed not needed code and comments.
2524 - adjoint example now works
7e2b7aaecb Matt*2525 (MITgcm_contrib/verification_other/global_oce_biogeo_bling/code_ad)
33d60f0145 Jean*2526 o pkg/ptracers:
2527 - add Bruno Deremble's code to complete the linear surface correction
2528 for tracer conservation;
0aacb0e819 Oliv*2529 - enabled for individual ptracers by PTRACERS_linFSConserve(iTr)=.TRUE.
c16ff5b7c8 Mart*2530
94ff1e4393 Jean*2531 checkpoint65y (2016/07/29)
92de52e82f Jean*2532 o pkg/debug (stats):
2533 - change GLOBAL_SUM to GLOBAL_SUM_TILE (result independent of tile to
2534 proc/thread mapping);
2535 - fix Min & Max for case where 1 thread has only empty tiles;
2536 - use RL variable to count number of wet grid points (with big domain,
2537 can be too large to fit into integer*4).
c21a057aef Jean*2538 o pkg/monitor:
92de52e82f Jean*2539 - use RL variable to count number of wet grid points (but used only for del2)
c21a057aef Jean*2540 - add new routine to compute Advective CFL within tracer time-stepping with
2541 writing delayed until next monitor output.
880a06ccd8 Jean*2542 o pkg/obcs:
2543 - fix bug in OBCS_BALANCE_FLOW (OBCS_balanceFacN misspelled OBCS_balanceFacW)
33d60f0145 Jean*2544 o pkg/cal:
2545 - calandar-dump: treat case myTime < timePhase in the same way as in
2546 eesupp/src/diff_phase_multiple.F (when not using calandar-dump).
20bafebaa1 Jean*2547 o pkg/dic & seaice:
2548 - fix compilation of ocean component for coupled atm+ocn model with
2549 seaice dynamics & dic.
1fc3f67886 Jean*2551 checkpoint65x (2016/06/11)
2552 o add a license text file in main MITgcm tree.
dca45a136c Matt*2553 o added pkg/bling:
c721362620 Jean*2554 - intermediate complexity biogeochemical model
dca45a136c Matt*2555 - see bling_description.txt for details
c721362620 Jean*2556 - verification experiment is global_oce_biogeo_bling (for now, in
2557 Contrib/verification_other/); tested daily on baudelaire with gfortran.
2558 - add entry point in pkg/gchem for new pkg "bling".
dd56bd054f Mart*2559 o pkg/seaice: fix tensile stength computation
2560 - replace global field tensileStrength by tensileStrFac
2561 - tensileStrFac can be computed once in S/R seaice_init_varia
2562 - fortunately that does not affect any verification results
4973639fa7 Jean*2564 checkpoint65w (2016/05/12)
b509abd770 Mart*2565 o pkg/ctrl/ctrl.h: fix a comma in common block list, so that code compiles
2566 with ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED defined
9cecfd71bf Jean*2567 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15:
2568 - change secondary test "viscA4" to also test "selectP_inEOS_Zc=3"
2569 with "selectNHfreeSurf=1".
99dd8840a4 Jean*2570 o model/src (non-hydrostatic free-surface):
2571 - More "natural" expression of NH free-surface term (case selectNHfreeSurf=1):
2572 was: tmpSurf/(1+tmpSurf); changed to: 1/(1+Gamma) with Gamma=1/tmpSurf.
2573 - Calculate surface vertical velocity after 2-D solver adjustment (accounts
2574 for EmPmR if RealFreshWaterFlux); used in RHS (cg3d_b) if exactConserv
2575 and used to compute dPhiNH (in post_cg3d.F) if selectNHfreeSurf=1.
2576 This fixes EmPmR contribution when selectNHfreeSurf=1 & RealFreshWaterFlux.
2577 - Update output (changes at machine truncation level) of verification exp:
2578 exp4 (11 digits for cg2d), global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4 (11.d),
2579 short_surf_wave (13.d) and tutorial_deep_convection.smag3d (12.d).
ca41d54747 Mart*2580 o pkg/seaice: ITD code
99dd8840a4 Jean*2581 - fix picking up from a single category model by initialising
ca41d54747 Mart*2582 heff/area/hsnowITD = 0. in seaice_itd_pickup.F
2583 - split a long warning message in seaice_check_pickup.F into two lines,
2584 because NEC SX-ACE cannot deal with the long line.
8c8ba31314 Jean*2585 o model/src:
2586 - fix missing dPhiNH in pressure_for_eos.F (case: selectP_inEOS_Zc=3)
4ecb7ca1c7 Mart*2587 o pkg/seaice:
2588 - add missing checks for SEAICE_ALLOW_KRYLOV and SEAICE_ALLOW_BOTTOMDRAG
8c8ba31314 Jean*2589 o pkg/seaice:
02ecb7194f Mart*2590 - add basal stress as parameterisation for grounding ice
2591 following Lemieux et al. (2015)
8c8ba31314 Jean*2592 - turn on by setting new parameter SEAICEbasalDragK2 to a value
2593 larger than 0. Lemieux et al. (2015) recommend 15.
02ecb7194f Mart*2594 - The adjoint complains with extra recomputations so there is also a
2595 new cpp-flag SEAICE_ALLOW_BOTTOMDRAG that is undefined by default in
2596 order to postpone the problem
2597 - compile the new code in lab_sea
026b44969e Jean*2598 o verification/halfpipe_streamice:
2599 - update both TAF and OpenAD adm output (machine truncation differences)
8692139b79 Jean*2601 checkpoint65v (2016/04/08)
77f624c4e1 Jean*2602 o verification/advect_xz:
2603 - increase overlap size from 3 to 4 and add new secondary test for PQM
2604 advection scheme (with mono & wino limiter).
2605 - change main exp. to test PPM (with weno limiter) adv.scheme on Temp.
ef0910b248 Jean*2606 o model/src:
2607 - new parameters "top_Pres" & "seaLev_Z" (replacing Ro_SeaLevel and recently
2608 added phi0Ref) to set vertical axis origin and phiRef origin;
2609 keep Ro_SeaLevel for backward compatibility (with a warning).
2610 According to coordinate and fluid type:
2611 OCN in Z: top_Pres(Ref) (=rhoConst*PhiRef(1)), seaLev_Z (=rF(1), @ the top)
2612 ATM in Z: top_Pres(Ref) (=rhoConst*PhiRef(1)), seaLev_Z (=rF(Nr+1) @ bottom)
2613 OCN in P: top_Pres (=rF(Nr+1)), seaLev_Z (= PhiRef(Nr+1)/g, @ the top)
2614 ATM in P: top_Pres (=rF(Nr+1)), seaLev_Z (= PhiRef(1)/g, @ the bottom)
77f624c4e1 Jean*2615 - remove Ro_SeaLevel from ATM experiment parameter files;
2616 - in tutorial_global_oce_in_p, remove Ro_SeaLevel and set top_Pres to the
2617 complement; update output.txt (changes at machine truncation level).
9af9059269 Mart*2618 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp.F
2619 - simplify computation of deltaZ and zetaZ to simple averaging following
2620 Bouillon et al. (2013). This removes a lot of code, but also changes
2621 verification experiment lab_sea.hb87 -> updated
1ec3766700 Jean*2623 checkpoint65u (2016/03/14)
2c76214192 Jean*2624 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
2625 - from Darren: add PPM and PQM advection schemes (number 40-42 and 50-52)
2626 with 2 types of limiter (see: Engwirda & Kelley, submit. to JCP);
2627 Note (from Darren): unlimited PPM/PQM scheme (40 & 50) are just for
2628 testing and not for actual use.
fc40089cb1 Jean*2629 o model/src:
2630 - add parameter "phi0Ref" to specify reference [pressure/geo] potential at
2631 origin r = rF(1);
2632 - add options (parameter selectP_inEOS_Zc) to select which pressure to use
2633 in EOS for height coordinate: enable to include NH Pressure or to use
2634 more accurate pressure vertical profile; options not linked to EOS type
2635 (as previously, e.g., JMD95P/JMD95Z) but set default according to EOS type;
2636 - start to implement variable gravity (along vertical): for now, only with
2637 z-coords (not even z*).
2638 - add Ideal Gas equation of state for height coordinate.
2c76214192 Jean*2639 - update OpenAD output (affected at machine truncation level) of exp:
2640 global_ocean.90x40x15, OpenAD (std) and tutorial_global_oce_biogeo.
564694d02e Gael*2641 o pkg/exf:
2642 - add ALLOW_EXF_OUTPUT_INTERP cpp switch to output the result
fc40089cb1 Jean*2643 of exf interpolation (before any rescaling, rotation or interpolation
2644 to velocity point) for each field that gets loaded from file. This option
2645 identically mimics the input file organization (e.g. record numbers in year
2646 by year input files) besides the change in horizontal grid.
564694d02e Gael*2647 - add rotateStressOnAgrid run-time switch so that wind stress fields
fc40089cb1 Jean*2648 can be provided on the A-grid in zonal/meridional direction and
2649 rotated on the fly. This only applies to the case when the exf
2650 interpolation is off and rotateStressOnAgrid is false by default.
dc293ceb82 Jean*2651 o model/src:
2652 - rename internal parameter "useDynP_inEos_Zc" to "storePhiHyd4Phys" (since
2653 it's also used with pkg/atm_phys) and add few more parameters (but still
2654 inactive, src code yet to come)
388e260d1d Jean*2656 checkpoint65t (2016/02/10)
6eeba9ca6b Jean*2657 o pkg/atm_phys:
2658 - from Ruth Geen: add optical depth dependence on CO2 concentration.
74dbf591da Jean*2659 o model/src:
2660 - fix vertical inter/extra-polation of density factor rhoFacF (for anelastic)
2661 for the case setCenterDr=T (delRc set from "data"); add output of rhoFacC&F.
2662 Update output of exp. deep_anelastic (changes at truncation level).
42d6c3122b Jean*2663 o tools:
2664 - add a hack in "remove_comments_sed" (used only with TAF) for recent
2665 version of OpenMPI (shipped with FC.23): comment out the new header
2666 file "mpif-sizeof.h" which causes problems to TAF.
142f5afeb1 Mart*2667 o pkg/seaice:
c9f636aca9 Mart*2668 - change the termination criterion so that maxits (SEAICElinearIterMax)
2669 has an effect
142f5afeb1 Mart*2670 - unify iteration parameters for implicit solvers (JFNK and Picard)
2671 SEAICEnonLinIterMax replaces SEAICEnewtonIterMax/NPSEUDOTIMESTEPS
2672 SEAICElinearIterMax replaces SEAICEkrylovIterMax/SOLV_MAX_ITER
2673 SEAICEpreLinIterMax replaces SOLV_MAX_ITER in preconditioner
2674 SEAICEpreNL_IterMax replaces NPSEUDOTIMESTEPS in preconditioner
2675 SEAICEnonLinTol replaces JFNKgamma_nonlin
2676 - remove S/R SEAICE_FGMRES_DRIVER and put content into S/R SEAICE_JFKN
2677 - add new Picard-Krylov solver, compile with SEAICE_ALLOW_KRYLOV and
2678 use with SEAICEuseKrylov
2679 o pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr.F
42d6c3122b Jean*2680 fix small bug: replace zetaZ by zetaZloc in S/R seaice_lsr_rhsu/v; only
2681 relevant if SEAICEuseStrImpCpl=T, and even then it does not seem to have
2682 an effect.
e42d0c73e8 Mart*2683 o pkg/seaice: add two new parameters
42d6c3122b Jean*2684 - SEAICEuseLSR to simplify the logic in seaice_dynsolver (this
e42d0c73e8 Mart*2685 parameter is not in any namelist)
42d6c3122b Jean*2686 - SEAICEusrPicardAsPrecon to allow s/r seaice_lsr to be used as
2687 a preconditioner for the non-linear Newton iteration of the JFNK
e42d0c73e8 Mart*2688 solver
2d057da76f Mart*2689 o pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr.F: replace 1./SEAICE_deltaTdyn with recip_deltaT,
42d6c3122b Jean*2690 affects some experiments at truncation level:
2691 - global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn (11 digits),
2692 - global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice (11 digits),
2d057da76f Mart*2693 - seaice_itd (12 digits), seaice_itd.lipscomb07 (12 digits) -> update
2694 - also update global_ocean.cs32x15 adjoint and tangent-linear results
3d01549ccd Jean*2695 o pkg/salt_plume & pkg/thsice:
2696 - for coupled set-up with pkg/thsice in ATM and pkg/salt_plume in OCN,
2697 connect salt_plume flux to ATM-OCN coupling pkgs interface:
2698 a) in ATM: also cumulate salt-plume flux in S/R THSICE_SALT_PLUME (for
2699 export to coupler interface) even without compiling pkg/salt_plume ;
2700 b) in OCN: apply coupler salt-plume flux to pkg/salt_plume field
2701 (saltPlumeFlux) just before exch call, in S/R SALT_PLUME_DO_EXCH.
467753bb05 Jean*2702 o pkg/dic:
2703 - use the updated seaice fraction (from seaice pkgs) for DIC forcing
2704 instead of the previous time-step value ; done in new S/R DIC_FIELDS_UPDATE
2705 called from the top of dic_biotic_forcing.F (instead of in DIC_FIELDS_LOAD);
2706 - move also update with values from ATM-OCN Coupler in the same new S/R
2707 (previously done in ocn_apply_import.F).
2708 o tools/adjoint_options:
2709 - specify explicitly "-f77" or "-f90" in default ad-optfile since TAF (default)
2710 has been changed on Jan 14, 2016.
2711 o pkg/ggl90:
2712 - add alternative discretisation of vertical shear (off by default), to
2713 compute the mean (@ grid-cell center) of vertical shear compon instead of
2714 vertical shear of mean flow (@ grid-cell center).
2715 - add correct parenthesis in ALLOW_GGL90_SMOOTH code to get the same truncated
2716 results on adjacent faces of cubed-sphere grids; this fix the restart.
86104489ad Jean*2717 o pkg/atm_compon_interf:
467753bb05 Jean*2718 - skip time-ave over cpl_atmSendFrq of Sea-Level Pressure (atmSLPr) and just
86104489ad Jean*2719 pass last value, stored directly before export to CPL ;
2720 Note: this affects results of Coupled set-up where OCN uses useImportSLP=T
2721 - remove atmSLPr from pickup files (no longer needed for restart)
96ead4aa58 Jean*2723 checkpoint65s (2016/01/13)
9d1bad620f Jean*2724 o eesupp & genmake2:
2725 - first check for Function ETIME and, if it fails, then check for subroutine
2726 ETIME and consistent output; use the appropriate version in timers.F
0e1fe683c9 Jean*2727 o model/src:
2728 - to check restart test, add option to apply EXCH to U,V earlier, just before
2729 integr_continuity; turned off by default.
2730 o pkg/dic:
2731 - remove CPP option USE_ATMOSCO2 (not needed)
2732 o tools/tst_2+2:
2733 - try to ignore difference between +0 and -0 in binary file, causing test
2734 to fail for no good reason.
2735 o eesupp & genmake2:
2736 - put back modif from Jinxuan Zhu - change etime fct call to S/R call -
2737 but also check (in genmake2) that test runs and returns meaningful results.
a4406a661e Jean*2738 o coupler pkgs:
2739 Finish implementation of optionally-exchanged variable switches (started on
2740 Nov 12) with addition of few more exchanged fields, including 2-way exchange
2741 of pkg/thsice vars to allow to use seaice dynamics (from pkg/seaice) & seaice
2742 advection in OCN component; this requires sequential coupling.
2743 coupler (pkg/atm_ocn_coupler):
2744 - add argument msgUnit and iter number to CPL_SEND/RECV_ATM/OCN_FIELDS
2745 routines (useful for debug).
2746 - only export/import optionally exchanged fields (RunOff, seaice, Salt-Plume
2747 flux, DIC fields) if corresponding switch is ON.
2748 - add option to export RunOff to OCN (to use for DIC river input)
2749 - add 2-way thSIce vars exchange; check for consistent cpl_sequential setting.
2750 components (pkg/atm_ & ocn_compon_interf):
2751 - to save memory space in ATM & OCN comp: add some #ifdef ALLOW_${PKG} around
2752 optionally exchanged fields; add a check & stop in cpl_readparms.F.
2753 ATMCPL.h: ALLOW_LAND for RunOff, ALLOW_THSICE for seaice, ALLOW_AIM for CO2;
2755 - rename: fracIce -> sIceFrac_cpl (<- match coupler var name)
2756 + in ATM: fracIceTime -> sIceFracTime ; seaIceTime -> sIceMassTime.
2757 - add 2-way thSIce vars exchange ; add Salt-Plume flux ; add RunOff in OCN.
2758 - hold in common block coupler optionally-exchanged variable switch
2759 and set default "useImportXXX" accordingly; + check & stop if inconsistent.
2760 - add diagnostics for all imported fields from coupler (in both OCN & ATM);
2761 this is intended to replace the OCN cplFldtave.* output files (not updated
2762 to contain new additional exchanged fields).
826e3022ab Jean*2763 o pkg/dic:
2764 - fix an other bug (also from 2014/08/30) in dic_atmos.F, in dic_int1=3 code.
2765 o pkg/thsice:
2766 - when coupled to ATM (useCoupler) with thSIce_skipThermo=T, skip reading
2767 and writing of thsice pickup files.
2768 o pkg/atm_compon_interf:
2769 - move all field individual export-call out of cpl_export_import_data.F
2770 into new S/R ATM_EXPORT_FIELDS
df3ba02ef4 Jean*2771 o pkg/atm_compon_interf:
2772 - store state variables (for now, only thSIce fields) just before beeing
2773 exported (in cpl_export_import_data.F, like on ocean side) instead of from
2774 atm_store_my_data.F like all exported fluxes.
2775 - new version of pickup_cpl: write field names into meta file and read meta
2776 file to find field postion in pickup. Also only write/read fields meeded for
2777 restart (same logic as main pickup file ; also using pickupStrictlyMatch)
cc55ade87f Jean*2778 o pkg/dic:
2779 - fix bug (added on 2014/08/30) in dic_atmos.F for the case dic_int1= 2 or 3.
238b281666 Mart*2780 o pkg/seaice: add new parameter SEAICEpressReplFac to choose between
cc55ade87f Jean*2781 pressure replacement method (=1., default) or original Hibler (1979) (=0.)
2782 value can be from domain [0,1] to average between the two methods
8f2cc0ef18 Jean*2783 o pkg/atm_phys:
2784 - allow to provide 2-d map of albedo and mixed-layer depth from files (but
2785 hold fixed in time).
df5ab41a91 Jean*2787 checkpoint65r (2015/12/21)
2788 o pkg/seaice:
2789 fix bug in tridiagonal solvers for SEAICE_OLx/y>0, this affects the JFNK
2790 solver (offline.dyn_jfnk) and global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice -> updated
2791 o pkg/seaice:
2792 - fix a bug in computing areaS in (J-J -> J-1) that affects runs
d5321ae2f9 Mart*2793 when SEAICEscaleSurfStress=.TRUE.,
2794 - apply areaW and areaS in S/R seaice_calc_lhs
0b8d317bbe Jean*2795 o pkg/atm_phys:
2796 - add diagnostics for 3-D, Nr+1 levels diagnostics of radiative fluxes
2797 (shortwave & longwave, net & downward) and diagnostics of temp. tendency
2798 for individual contribution (convection, LSC cond, radiation)
8c8ba31314 Jean*2799 - add Ruth Geen etal, GRL 2016, radiation options (see paper supp.
0b8d317bbe Jean*2800 information); activated with: solar_exponent=0. and wv_exponent=-1.
2801 o pkg/ggl90:
e4d707b911 Mart*2802 - within IDEMIX add upper limit for horizontal group velocity to
2803 avoid instability problems in the explicit horizontal diffusion term for
2804 long time steps or high resolution
0602590031 Jean*2805 o pkg/diagnostics:
2806 - simplify setting of local-array size in diagstats_output.F: uses "numLevels"
2807 (from DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h) to allow to write out more than Nr levels.
2808 o testreport:
2809 - remove "-v" (verbose option) in default mpirun command.
c162643754 Mart*2810 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth:
0602590031 Jean*2811 - catch potential division by zero in ITD code, does not change
c162643754 Mart*2812 verification results
b8a0aa824d Gael*2813 o pkg/ecco:
0602590031 Jean*2814 - retire old codes to the Attic. The calls to retired functions are
2815 left in a commented form in case they ever need to be re-activated.
b8a0aa824d Gael*2816 - ecco_check.F: issue warning if any old CPP option is
2817 defined that corresponds to retired codes -- then stop.
4240d2d6ae Jean*2818 o pkg/atm_compon_interf:
2819 - change seaice fraction (use for OCN dic surf.flux) stored and sent to
2820 coupler: use last time-step value instead of average over cplSendFrq_iter
2821 time-step, similar to what is done for seaIceMass.
2822 This will affect results (pkg/dic) of coupled ATM-OCN+dic set-up.
f439370875 Jean*2823 o eesupp & genmake2:
4240d2d6ae Jean*2824 - from Jinxuan Zhu: change etime fct call to S/R call (fix gfortran ETIME);
2825 <= remove until a fix is found for some ifort version on ia32 machine.
8e20d992b4 Mart*2826 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp:
2827 - refine residual computation
4d2bb60bd2 Jean*2829 checkpoint65q (2015/11/18)
2830 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp:
acd0bab53d Mart*2831 - fix residual computations so that they no longer affect the actual
2832 simulation code
391b36ba77 Mart*2833 - fix seaice_readparams to be able to actually set new parameters
2834 SEAICEaEVPcStar and SEAICEaEVPalphaMin, also fix logic a little
fbe544c5ad Jean*2835 o model/src:
2836 - fix wrong truncation (single prec) from "FLOAT" function in expressions
2837 like: deltaT*FLOAT(myIter) when myIter is large:
2838 a) replaced by DFLOAT (if not seen by TAF);
2839 b) remove "FLOAT" and use implicit type conversion (if seen by TAF).
2840 o pkg/aim_v23:
2841 - write/read the expected CO2 pickups (from S/R AIM_DO_CO2): fix reading
2842 when pickupSuff is set ; do write rolling pickups + at the end of the run.
a90d2d6d41 Jean*2843 o pkg/atm_ocn_coupler + ocn_compon_interf:
2844 - in prep for using pkg/seaice Dyn in coupled set-up, implement sequential
2845 coupling option-1: ATM -(cpl)-> OCN and then OCN -(cpl)-> ATM ;
2846 add corresponding call in DO_OCEANIC_PHYS.
728fbdfa55 Jean*2847 o coupler pkgs:
2848 Start a new way to set-up optionally-exchanged variables (previously, only
2849 there for exchange_DIC): switch on/off from 1 place, at run-time, in coupler
2850 data.cpl (new) instead of at compile time in ATMIDS.h & OCNIDS.h ;
2851 send switch to ATM & OCN compon before reading their own "data.cpl" (so that
2852 compononent param default can be set accordingly).
2853 Note: this new switch (cpl_exchange_[xxx]) is not a per variable switch
2854 but rather applies to a group a fields (going both ways like for DIC)
2855 and corresponds to an option of coupling config.
2856 coupler (pkg/atm_ocn_coupler):
2857 - change parameter file from "data" to "data.cpl" (in cpl_read_params.F),
2858 and read namelist directly (without eessup S/R calls) instead of
2859 in the very un-flexible old way, 1 param per line, in fixed order;
2860 - add error-counter to track errors (e.g., missing "data.cpl") and to stop
2861 cleanly in CPL_CHECK_CPLCONFIG
2862 - add new coupling-exchange selectors (some not yet active) including
2863 cpl_exchange_DIC (to set to 3 to replace atmCpl_exchange_DIC=T in ATMIDS.h
2864 and ocnCpl_exchange_DIC=T in OCNIDS.h);
2865 - add 2 new S/R (CPL_SEND_ATM/OCN_CPLPARMS) to send coupler-params to each
2866 component ; called directly from coupler.F, after comp. registrations;
2867 - rename few variable-ID names (in ATMIDS.h & OCNIDS.h):
2868 atm/ocnSeaIceName --> atm/ocnSIceMassName ; atm/ocnFCO2Name ->
2869 -> atm/ocnCO2FluxName ; atm/ocnWSpdName --> atm/ocnWindSpdName
2870 components (pkg/atm_ & ocn_compon_interf):
2871 - add ATM/OCN_CPL_OPTIONS.h in component pkgs and include the corresponding
2872 CPP header file in all pkg source files.
2873 - move checking of comp. configs out of cpl_exch_configs.F into new S/R
2875 - add error-counter to track errors (e.g., in "data.cpl") and to stop
2876 cleanly in ATM/OCN_CHECK_CPLCONFIG;
2877 - add new S/R CPL_IMPORT_CPLPARMS to import coupling-exchange selectors
2878 from coupler ; called from initialise_fixed.F, after PACKAGES_BOOT and
2880 verification/cpl_aim+ocn/:
2881 - update ATMIDS.h & OCNIDS.h (in shared_code) and use new parameter file
2882 "data.cpl" for coupler (in input_cpl).
2f968f5f13 Jean*2883 o eesupp/inc:
2884 - change the MPI-global-sum default (in CPP_EEOPTIONS.h) to:
2885 #define GLOBAL_SUM_ORDER_TILES (only affects MPI built of global_sum_tile.F)
2886 to always cumulate tile local-sum in the same order (still uses
2887 MPI_Allreduce like standard code).
2888 - in verification experiment code, remove local CPP_EEOPTIONS.h_mpi files
2889 that are now identical to standard version (in eesupp/inc).
4014d9eb9b Dimi*2890 o pkg/shelfice:
2891 - add SHELFICETransCoeffTFile for initializing spatially varying
2892 heat and salt transfer coefficients
1f88340446 Jean*2893 o pkg/atm_compon_interf & ocn_compon_interf:
2894 - combine into 1 (new) S/R CPL_EXPORT_IMPORT_DATA the two previous
2896 - move bi,bj loops inside S/R OCN_STORE_MY_DATA
2897 o pkg/atm_ocn_coupler:
2898 - initialise to zero ATMVARS.h & OCNVARS.h arrays.
06e0575ae0 Jean*2899 o pkg/rbcs:
2900 - select RBCS-mask for Temp & Salt the same way as for pTracer ; this allows
2901 to compile with maskLEN=1 when all tracers use the same RBCS-mask.
2902 - add a short report (to STDOUT) about RBCS-mask settings.
87c2bed99f Jean*2904 checkpoint65p (2015/10/23)
53fe7f7443 Mart*2905 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp.F: fix store directives and key computations, since
87c2bed99f Jean*2906 there is no adjoint test for EVP, we don't know what it does to the adjoint
2907 solution, but at least there are no more recomputation warnings left
5790bd3152 Mart*2908 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp.F: slight modification of averaging so that EVP stands
87c2bed99f Jean*2909 a chance of giving the same results as a fully converged VP (JFNK) solver
8187002e7a Jean*2910 o tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_diva:
80f3898c9c Jean*2911 - fix bug (typo) in Tang-Linear FLAGS setting for MPI + DIVA
4323a006ce Dani*2912 o pkg/streamice:
8187002e7a Jean*2913 - spotted bug in streamice_driving_stress using dyG where should have been dxG
fcf4f25c01 Jean*2914 o pkg/exf:
2915 - remove STOP statement that prevented to use wind or (wind-)stress
2916 interpolation for constant-in-time forcing fields (wind/stress period = 0).
2917 o pkg/seaice:
31d3f56edc Mart*2918 - replace SEAICE_EVP_USE_ADAPTATION by run time parameters, requires
2919 5 additionals 2D fields and 6 new store directives
2920 - change logic in seaice_readparms.F: EVP code can now be turned on in
fcf4f25c01 Jean*2921 various ways, setting SEAICE_deltaTev is no longer required,
2922 alternatively set SEAICE_evpAlpha/Beta, SEAICEuseEVPstar, SEAICEuseEVPrev,
31d3f56edc Mart*2923 or SEAICEaEVPcoeff
443b4c77b9 Dimi*2924 o pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F
2925 - redefining uLoc/vLoc to u/v, instead of 2u/v
0a62312758 Mart*2926 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp.F: introduce "adaptive EVP" by Madlen Kimmritz
2927 - this is an intermediate state of a truely converging EVP that has
2928 the potential of outperforming implicit VP methods, I do not recommend
2929 using it yet.
2930 - for now, "adaptive EVP" is turned on by setting SEAICE_EVP_USE_ADAPTATION
2931 and all parameters are hardwired
2932 - for convergence it still requires very smooth regularisations, that means,
2933 if SEAICE_DELTA_SMOOTHREG is defined, deltaCreg=deltaC+deltaMin, which is
2934 different from the VP case with deltaCreg=sqrt(deltaC**2+deltaMin**2); also
2935 specific averaging appears to be required, still subject to tuning
2936 - still needs cleaning and I need to turn parameter into runtime parameters
2937 - add code to compute and print residuals of iteration, compile with
2938 defining ALLOW_SEAICE_EVP_RESIDUAL to enable it
912323e508 Mart*2939 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp.F: fix a bug (factor of four in front of e12Csq)
2940 that entered with r1.54 on Sep04, 2015, -> update results
40fe6f59c8 Jean*2942 checkpoint65o (2015/09/14)
4c3e5a1532 Jean*2943 o pkg/mom_vecinv & mom_common:
2944 - add deep-atmosphere geometry factor in mom_calc_visc.F + in routines
2945 called from there.
2946 - add anelastic and deep-atmosphere geometry factor in pkg/mom_vecinv ; this
2947 allows to use Vector-Invariant form in deep atmos and anelastic formulation
7d06cac49c Mart*2948 o pkg/seaice: introduce fast ice parameterisation following Itkin et al. (2015)
2949 and Koenig-Beatty+Holland (2012)
2950 - two new parameters SEAICE_tensilFac and SEAICE_tensilDepth
2951 - global 2D field tensileStrength, computed in seaice_calc_ice_strength
2952 - requires an extra input argument for S/R seaice_calc_viscosities
2953 - tensileStrength's depth dependence is different from Itkin et al. (2015)
2954 (to be changed and played with, for now exponential)
22864ea3d8 Mart*2955 o pkg/seaice: introduce new parameter SEAICEscaleSurfStress (default = .FALSE.)
2956 - if TRUE scale ice-ocean and ice-atmosphere stress acting on sea ice
2957 by AREA according to Connelly et al. (2004), JPO.
2958 - For EVP and the LSR solver, the implicit part of the drag term is
4c3e5a1532 Jean*2959 the only non-zero term in the denominator when there is no ice (which
22864ea3d8 Mart*2960 prevented running the model with zero ice-ocean drag). If
2961 SEAICEscaleSurfStress = .TRUE., this results in a division by zero
2962 (or zero main diagonals BU/BV) which need to be caught. A practical
2963 consequence is that for open water, the momentum equation reduce
4c3e5a1532 Jean*2964 to trivially 0 = 0 + 0 (for EVP). For LSR, BU/BV are reset to 1, if
22864ea3d8 Mart*2965 they happen to be zero, often leading to a non-zero solution over
2966 open water.
4c3e5a1532 Jean*2967 o pkg/seaice: revise EVP code (seaice_evp.F) in preparation for a more
eac2f17d92 Mart*2968 efficient EVP method.
4c3e5a1532 Jean*2969 - introduce area-weighted averages for e12 (analogously to
eac2f17d92 Mart*2970 seaice_calc_viscosities.F); this totally changes lab_sea.hb87 (2 digits
2971 remain, but also changing the order of terms in the previous average
2972 changed the results as much) -> update experiment
4c3e5a1532 Jean*2974 - disentangle computation of zetaC/deltaC and zetaZ/deltaZ, also for
eac2f17d92 Mart*2975 TEM-code
2976 - adjust loop bounds so that only required fields are computed
4c3e5a1532 Jean*2977 - add new averaging code for zetaZ/deltaZ (again similar to
eac2f17d92 Mart*2978 seaice_calc_viscosities.F), inactive by default for now (will change
2979 results again), but will replace old code eventually
4b86bb6ef3 Jean*2980 o eesupp/src:
2981 - add an other alternative for multi-proc GLOBAL_SUM (in global_sum_tile.F)
2982 to always cumulate tile local-sum in the same order
2983 (option #define GLOBAL_SUM_ORDER_TILES in CPP_EEOPTIONS.h).
2984 Still uses MPI_Allreduce (like standard code) but on array of tiles
2985 and should be faster than GLOBAL_SUM_SEND_RECV code.
2986 - switch almost all verification experiments that use GLOBAL_SUM_SEND_RECV
2987 (defined in CPP_EEOPTIONS.h_mpi) to GLOBAL_SUM_ORDER_TILES instead.
40fe6f59c8 Jean*2988 - add CPP_EEOPTIONS.h_mpi with GLOBAL_SUM_ORDER_TILES defined in 14 more exp.:
4b86bb6ef3 Jean*2989 aim.5l_cs, cheapAML_box, deep_anelastic, dome, fizhi-cs-32x32x40,
40fe6f59c8 Jean*2990 fizhi-cs-aqualev20, fizhi-gridalt-hs, global_ocean_ebm, matrix_example,
2991 natl_box, solid-body.cs-32x32x1, tutorial_advection_in_gyre,
2992 tutorial_baroclinic_gyre and tutorial_held_suarez_cs.
4b86bb6ef3 Jean*2993
1e127b2371 Jean*2994 checkpoint65n (2015/07/29)
2995 o pkg/thsice:
2996 - add a warning when used with pkg/aim but without updating SST
2997 (stepFwd_oceMxL=F & useCoupler=F & tauRelax_MxL<>-1 ).
d167cbe4e6 Jean*2998 o pkg/offline:
65bcd0f1ad Jean*2999 - change where Offline-Fields are loaded, from load_fields_driver.F to
3000 directly within FORWARD_STEP, just after updating iter number and time;
3001 - move setting of GM and KPP diffusivity out of OFFLINE_FIELDS_LOAD into new
3002 S/R OFFLINE_GET_DIFFUS that is called towards the end of DO_OCEANIC_PHYS;
3003 These changes allow:
3004 a) to recover exactly on-line results using deltaToffline=deltaTClock,
3005 tested (using offlineIter0= nIter0 -1 and offlineTimeOffset= -deltaT/2)
3006 both with Lin & Non-Lin Free-Surf, both with staggerTimeStep & synchronous
3007 time-step, both with GM & KPP files and with recomputing these fields;
3008 b) no needs to switch on staggerTimeStep anymore;
3009 c) simplify rescaling of offline horiz. velocity with Non-Lin Free-Surf.
56d308cb5a Jean*3010 - update output of experiment tutorial_dic_adjoffline (only 3 digits left).
65bcd0f1ad Jean*3011 o pkg/offline:
d167cbe4e6 Jean*3012 - change (rarely used) offset-iteration parameter to an offset time (in s):
3013 can easily recover previous offset-iter effect by setting offset-time
3014 (offlineTimeOffset) to offset-iter x deltaToffline;
3015 - do not turn-off Temp & Salinity surface relaxation when using KPP (used
3016 in KPP as part of surface buoyancy forcing) in offline run.
4a2e3073c9 Jean*3017 - fix ptracers KPP non-local term in the case where KPP is re-computed.
2a36d1b911 Patr*3018 o OpenAD
d167cbe4e6 Jean*3019 - Adding preliminary ggl90 test to OpenAD verification.
3020 Config. with ggl90 currently diverges after 64 time steps
3021 so will need more work to become more stable
3022 - Adding preliminary kpp test to OpenAD verification.
3023 required small tweakes in kpp_routines.F
3024 - Merge and update from Krishna Narayanan's contrib area:
3025 * Add one variable for preliminary OpenAD DIVA
3026 * Add replacement time-stepping for OpenAD DIVA
3027 * genmake2 flag -diva (but only for OpenAD; preliminary)
3028 * required modifs for OAD_support
3029 successful preliminary test for tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/
e81dec19cb Mart*3030 o pkg/seaice:
d167cbe4e6 Jean*3031 - initialise deltaC in seaice_lsr, cosmetic changes in seaice_lsr
3032 - add cpp-flag SEAICE_DELTA_SMOOTHREG for option of regularising
3033 delta with a smooth function in s/r seaice_calc_viscosity
3034 (no effect on EVP)
3035 - rename local suffix "sqr" into "sq" for more consistent variable names
3036 o pkg/seaice:
3037 add new parameter SEAICE_deltaMin that is used ***only***
3038 for regularizing Delta (and nothing else, like the parameter
3039 which is also used for all sorts of things SEAICE_EPS).
3040 Defaults to SEAICE_EPS for backward compatibility only.
c9fe27f0ce Mart*3041 o pkg/seaice: replace erroneously storing e12Csqr on the wrong tape with
d167cbe4e6 Jean*3042 the wrong key by inialising it before use -> fixes a recomputation
3043 problem but does not fix the gradient
abafc19a3b Jean*3044 o pkg/layers:
a3d5c99c9c Ryan*3045 - move resetting of flux arrays to outside the iLa loop
3046 (this caused layers_diapycnal to not work with more than one layer coord.)
3047 - fix bug in calculation of layers_recip_delta in layers_init_fixed.F
3048 o pkg/layers:
abafc19a3b Jean*3049 - remove from common block 3D layers fields (used to diagnose transport
3050 in tracer coords) and declare them as local arrays in layers_calc.F
d0a27699e8 Mart*3051 o pkg/seaice:
3053 in lab_sea forward experiment (changes results -> updated)
229dc91f74 Mart*3054 - update adjoint experiment lab_sea after cleaning up seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v
d167cbe4e6 Jean*3055 o pkg/seaice: modify seaice_lsr.F in order to improve the gradient
3056 computations; for SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR
d0a27699e8 Mart*3057 - move the loops over which the tridiagonal solvers (seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v)
abafc19a3b Jean*3058 sweep to the outside,
d0a27699e8 Mart*3059 - remove store directives and add "CADJ loop sequential" directives
3060 in analogy to model/src/solve_tridiagonal.F
3061 - replace many "#ifdef SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR_ZEBRA" by variable loop
3062 boundaries to yield more readable code. This has also the charming side
abafc19a3b Jean*3063 effect that your can use SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR_ZEBRA without
3064 SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR (i.e. adjoint without recomputations in
d0a27699e8 Mart*3065 seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v now requires either of these flags, vectorization
3067 an additional option)
abafc19a3b Jean*3068 The tridiagonal solvers are now completely analoguous to solve_tridiagonal.F
3069 but the adjoint gradients (which are affected by this change) still explode.
15da1f08b8 Jean*3070 o coupler (atm & ocn _compon_interf):
3071 - avoid using Exch2 IO mapping if not suitable.
30863fa6ad Jean*3073 checkpoint65m (2015/06/15)
7139ed4ee5 Ryan*3074 o pkg/layers:
18e9f37a89 Jean*3075 - clean-up old parameters setting (from Sep 2012):
3076 + remove old parameters setting from common block (declared locally);
3077 + stop if any old parameter is mixed with new parameters;
3078 + check for valid or consistent parameter setting (e.g., layers_name)
3079 - check that layers_bounds for Pot.Density are in the right range;
3080 this is supposed to catch un-updated setting after recently shifting
3081 potential density field "prho" by -1000 (now in "sigma" scale).
3082 o pkg/layers:
edd113ba3f Ryan*3083 - Added missing call to layers_fill for keeping track of tottend in
3084 pkg/diagnostics/diagnostics_fill_state.F
3085 o pkg/layers:
cdcbace143 Ryan*3086 - added CPP flux LAYERS_FINEGRID_DIAPYCNAL to disable fine-grid binning
3087 of diapycnal fluxes
3088 o pkg/layers:
f6012f0463 Ryan*3089 - reverted changes to interpolation to previous treatment; there
3090 was never actually a problem
3091 o pkg/layers:
7139ed4ee5 Ryan*3092 - fix interpolation of layers tracers in the presence of partial cells
3093 - add lots of new functionality to compute water mass transformation
3094 (enabled by CPP flag LAYERS_THERMODYNAMICS)
3095 - add new calls from main code (diags_oceanic_surf_flux.F,
3096 thermodynamics.F, impldiff.F) and gad to save the necessary fields
3097 for layers_thermodynamics calculations
152ce31913 Gael*3098 o pkg/ptracers:
18e9f37a89 Jean*3099 - add capability of stepping a passive tracer forward without advection
3100 by setting PTRACERS_advScheme to 0.
9152c0f425 Jean*3101 o pkg/diagnostics:
3102 - add few (threads) _BARRIER around any update of "diag_pkgStatus".
9cf13f2e40 Jean*3103 o pkg/layers:
eee4907c3b Jean*3104 - shift potential density field "prho" by -1000 for density layer averaging so
3105 that it corresponds to usual "sigma" definition (i.e., rho(p=const)-1000);
3106 Note that density bin boundaries (layers_bounds in data.layers) have
3107 to be set accordingly (i.e., shifted, in sigma scale).
3108 o pkg/layers:
9cf13f2e40 Jean*3109 - fix snap-shot output of layer thickness @ V.pt and output of pot.density
3110 - fix calculation of layer non-weighted velocity and layer probability
3111 - add diagnostics for pot.density used for layer averaging
3112 o pkg/seaice:
f81cc74571 Mart*3113 - seaice_calc_viscosity.F: change computation of deltaC**2 to ensure
9cf13f2e40 Jean*3114 positiveness, modify a few comments and improve variable names,
3115 - the changed computation of deltaC affects most seaice-related
3116 experiments at the truncation level.
f81cc74571 Mart*3117 seaice_itd.thermo is affected by far the most, with
3118 only 7 digits of agreement remaining; update experiments.
adc564fd15 Jean*3120 checkpoint65l (2015/05/04)
b357f162e4 Dani*3121 o pkg/shelfice:
adc564fd15 Jean*3122 - in shelfice_thermodynamics.F, if SHELFICEBoundaryLayer=.true., then set
3123 factor drKp1 to zero where it is negative (ie. do not use
b357f162e4 Dani*3124 SHELFICEBoundaryLayer if hFacC>1)
3125 - the same for factor drLoc in shelfice_forcing.F
307b498a12 Mart*3126 o tools/genmake2: move FEXTRAFLAGS from FFLAGS to FOPTIM to avoid a problem
adc564fd15 Jean*3127 with modules in ptracers, when using testreport option "-small_f"
36a331ccdf Mart*3128 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F (in case of SEAICE_ITD)
3129 - replace tmpscal1**1.36 by faster exp(1.36*log(tmpscal1))
43f4321b67 Mart*3130 o verification/testreport
3131 - add new option -small_f
3132 with this option testreport first makes the target small_f (*.f files)
adc564fd15 Jean*3133 before running make (all). This is useful for explicit inlining when
43f4321b67 Mart*3134 all sources need to be full available.
adc564fd15 Jean*3135 o pkg/exf/exf_interp.F:
3136 remove previous changes related to reverse (decreasing) input grids latitude
43f4321b67 Mart*3137
d4262ce583 Jean*3138 checkpoint65k (2015/04/01)
3139 o pkg/ecco:
3140 fix missing cosphi initialization; use eccoiter in place of optimcycle;
3141 if autodiff is not compiled then use READ_REC_XY_RL/READ_REC_XYZ_RL
3142 instead of active read/write
3143 o pkg/ctrl:
3144 if autodiff is not compiled then use READ_REC_XY_RL/READ_REC_XYZ_RL
3145 instead of active read/write.
3146 o pkg/autodiff: make autodiff_readparms.F and autodiff_whtapeio_sync.F
b905f133e5 Gael*3147 return if .NOT.useAUTODIFF
3148 o pkg/seaice: add CPP brackets (cost function related).
d4262ce583 Jean*3149 o model/src:
3150 add useAUTODIFF run time switch.
3151 o pkg/exf/exf_interp.F:
3152 add code to allow input grids with latitude starting in the north (i.e. when
3153 j=1 corresponds to northern edge of field); modify global_with_exf to test
3154 this feature.
0d0ef3b590 Mart*3155 o verification/testreport:
3156 - replace "grep -A3" with POSIX conformal sed command, because there are
3157 implementations of grep that cannot do contextual searches
3158 - replace "cat -n" by "nl" (two occurrences), because not all implementations
3159 of "cat" have the option "-n"
d4262ce583 Jean*3160 o model/src:
3161 add new file gsw_teos10.F that contains 3 functions, more or less a copy
3162 of the gsw_toolbox.f90 of the TEOS-10 fortran interface, that are used to
3163 convert from conservative to potential temperature. For now they are not
3164 called anywhere.
8686b61ec1 Mart*3165 o pkg/ggl90: make "useIDEMIX" useful
3166 - re-organize code in s/r ggl90_calc a little to move computations that
d4262ce583 Jean*3167 are different for idemix into separate loops (changes verification
8686b61ec1 Mart*3168 experiment idemix at truncation level, 12 digits remain -> updated)
3169 - requires 2 new 2D fields KappaM, verticalShear
3170 - make hFacI and recip_hFacI local 3D variables that are passed to
3171 s/r ggl90_idemix
3172 - fix and improve some comments
fec3c1643a Jean*3174 checkpoint65j (2015/02/25)
71e702ab4f Mart*3175 o pkg/openad
fec3c1643a Jean*3176 - synchronize seawater.F with version in model/src: replace routine
3177 body of sw_temp by calling sw_ptmp and fix/add a few comments.
2808e60b18 Jean*3178 o pkg/mnc:
3179 - change default value of pickup_read/write_mnc params to FALSE
3180 (since few features are missing in reading MNC pickup files).
3181 o model/src:
3182 - change default (background) vertical diffusivity for salt to be the
3183 temperature (background) vertical diffusivity.
3184 - change background vertical diffusivity in vertical mixing pkgs ggl90,
3185 kl10, my82 and pp81 from temperature diffusivity to salinity diffusivity.
3186 This makes ptracers default diffusivity (that uses salt diffKr) more
3187 consistent with vertical mixing schemes.
0948a11536 Jean*3188 o verification/testreport:
3189 - fix typo in "-pcls" option ;
3190 - put temp files in /tmp (instead of in local dir)
3191 - add option "-ncad" to use genmake2 new option "-nocat4ad"
3192 - allow to use "-j" option (for multi-procs make) for AD, OAD and TLM.
418827f27e Jean*3193 o pkg/ggl90 (idemix code):
3194 - apply few fixes ; add some missing "_d 0" ; update output of exp.
3195 global_ocean.90x40x15.idemix
c7c1da2019 Patr*3196 o OpenAD
3197 - enable active file I/O and begin removal of work-around code
3198 for OpenAD for handling control variables (memory vs. active files)
3199 - new CPP options file OPENAD_OPTIONS.h
ed1e2fbc34 Patr*3200 - revert to genarr2d gradient check for hs94.1x64x5
3201 - (genarr3d tested by tutorial_global_oce_biogeo, tutorial_tracer_adjsens)
3202 - gentim2d works for halfpipe_streamice but not yet hs94.1x64x5
7da87823d7 Jean*3203 o tools/genmake2:
3204 - add option for an alternative Makefile (from Martin) where multiple
3205 source files are sent to TAF (instead of all in one file).
689aab8014 Mart*3206 o pkg/ggl90: add IDEMIX (Olbers and Eden, 2013)
d4a41e9da2 Mart*3207 - code provided by Carsten Eden as an extension of ggl90
7da87823d7 Jean*3208 - so far the code is turned on within ggl90 by setting a CPP-flag at
d4a41e9da2 Mart*3209 compile time; a runtime flag implementation is not yet complete
3210 - tested in new verification experiment global_ocean.90x40x15.idemix
c9dca15fbe Jean*3211 o verification:
3212 - reduce length of the AD test run by half for experiments
3213 global_ocean.cs32x15 (std + thsice) and isomip
c7c1da2019 Patr*3214 - enable active file I/O for OpenAD, adjust verifications accordingly
3215 - halfpipe_streamice: change gradient check from genarr2d to gentim2d
58a2b24c42 Mart*3216 o verification/testreport:
3217 - fix two non-POSIX sed statements so that there are no error messages
c9dca15fbe Jean*3218 on Mac OS X
58a2b24c42 Mart*3219 - replace hostname -s with hostname | sed 's/\..*$//'
c9e57a3110 Mart*3220 o model/src/seawater.F:
3221 - simplify SW_TEMP to just calling SW_PTMP with P and PR exchanged
3222 (following the matlab code), which would have avoided the bug caught
3223 by Matt (see below) in the first place
a208a455d6 Jean*3224 o pkg/shelfice:
3225 - implement alternative discretisation of quadratic drag (selectBotDragQuadr)
3226 and true distance in no-slip BC (bottomVisc_pCell) similar to bottom-drag.
3227 - fix sign of friction tendency (no-slip BC) and fix u,v drag for thin
3228 ice-shelf case (i.e., within surface level).
c9e57a3110 Mart*3229 - add config summary in shelfice_check.F
3230 - remove global variable recip_SHELFICElatentHeat and replace by a local
3231 variable recip_latentHeat
3232 - introduce diagnostics for friction velocity uStar (in case of
c9dca15fbe Jean*3233 SHELFICEuseGammaFrict)
c9e57a3110 Mart*3234 - change verification experiment isomip.htd:
3235 + start from pickup (as input_ad at nIter0=8640)
3236 + start from SHELFICEmassFile instead of SHELFICEloadAnomaly file
3237 + test SHELFICEuseGammaFrict = .TRUE.
3238 + test SHELFICEadvDiffHeatFlux = .TRUE.
93bf9c0d32 Jean*3239 o model/src:
3240 - fix bug (Thanks to Matt) in function SW_TEMP (to convert Pot.Temp to
3241 in-situ Temp) and in routine SW_TEMP (in pkg/openad);
3242 update output of experiments global_with_exf.yearly and isomip (all 6).
ad3ad8f6cb Jean*3243 o pkg/shelfice:
3244 - change setting of kTopC to also be zero where there is no ice-shelf.
93bf9c0d32 Jean*3245 - zero out surface forcing arrays (for now, for T & S + EmPmR) where
e2b17d5756 Jean*3246 ice-shelf is.
3247 - first attempt to get RealFreshWaterFlux effects: for now, only without
3248 SHELFICEboundaryLayer ; not consistent if using synchronous time-stepping.
3d23c2b9e0 Mart*3249 o pkg/seaice: add the option to prescribe a fixed thickness PDF
3250 for thermodynamic calculations
ad3ad8f6cb Jean*3251 - because of divisions of the type 7/7 not exactly equal to 1, this change
3d23c2b9e0 Mart*3252 affects results of some verification experiments by up to 4 digits:
ad3ad8f6cb Jean*3253 global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice, lab_sea, lab_sea.fd, lab_sea.salt_plume,
3d23c2b9e0 Mart*3254 seaice_obcs, seaice_obcs.seaiceSponge, seaice_obcs.tides
3255 adjoint: lab_sea, lab_sea.noseaicedyn
3256 -> updated
982dd9a048 Jean*3258 checkpoint65i (2015/01/23)
f01a61ff96 Jean*3259 o model/src:
3260 - change units of frictionHeating field from W to W/m^2
3261 - fix bug in frictional heating from stratospheric drag in
982dd9a048 Jean*3263 - with synchronous time-stepping: move resetting to zero of frictionHeating
01d0a60981 Jean*3264 field from load_fields_driver.F to thermodynamics.F ;
3265 - add diagnostics for frictional heating.
172fd5e8fd Jean*3266 o model/src & gmredi K3D:
3267 - add frictionHeating field to pickup-files (for synchronous time-stepping)
3268 - move ALLOW_EDDYPSI block out of DYNVARS.h and merge it into FFIELDS.h
3269 - rename uMean,vMean --> uEulerMean,vEulerMean (+ change diagnostics name
3270 and name in pickup file).
3271 - fix arguments of few DIAGNOSTICS_FILL calls in gmredi_k3d.F
a55487f421 Jean*3272 o model/src:
3273 - move (from ini_forcing.F) initialisation of all arrays in header file
3274 FFIELDS.h into new S/R ini_ffields.F ; this fix broken restart
3275 (since Nov 2012) with option selectAddFluid=1.
376915f8ee Jean*3276 o pkg/shelfice:
3277 - change units (+ document) of newly added field "shelfIceMassDynTendency"
3278 - upgrade from _RS to _RL shelficeMass & shelficeLoadAnomaly arrays.
12e9160284 Mart*3279 o pkg/obcs: re-organize obcs_calc_stevens.F to prepare for passive tracers
376915f8ee Jean*3280 o pkg/seaice: two new runtime parameters:
3281 - SEAICE_cStar replaces the hard wired "20" in the strength formulation,
12e9160284 Mart*3282 long overdue
376915f8ee Jean*3283 - SEAICE_tensilFac: preparation for Koenig-Beatty+Holland (2012)
12e9160284 Mart*3284 parameterization of tensil stress for fast ice (does not do anything yet)
3285 o pkg/seaice/seaice_check.F: left over from restricted addtive Schwarz method
376915f8ee Jean*3286 for LSR: move checking overlaps out of JFNK-if-block
ff2a7562da Jean*3287 o pkg/atm_phys:
3288 - move copy of grid and dynamical fields out of atm_phys_driver.F into
3290 - fix level height for Linear Free-Surf case (to be consistent with
3291 fixed-in-time pressure levels).
5811c5042c Jean*3292 o pkg/mom_common (bottomdrag):
3293 - average bottomDragFld (ALLOW_BOTTOMDRAG_CONTROL) from grid-cell center
3294 to correct location (U & V point) in S/R MOM_U/V_BOTTOMDRAG;
3295 update output (adm & tlm) of experiment global_ocean.90x40x15.bottomdrag.
3296 o pkg/shelfice (u/v_drag):
3297 - add one argument (the other velocity component) to S/R SHELFICE_U/V_DRAG;
3298 - use SHELFICEDragLinear & SHELFICEDragQuadratic in shelfice_v_drag.F
3299 (now similar to shelfice_u_drag.F)
3300 - remove condition on bottomDragTerms when calling SHELFICE_U/V_DRAG
3301 from mom_vecinv.F (similar to mom_fluxform calls).
3302 o pkg/mom_common (bottomdrag):
3303 - add one argument (the other velocity component) to S/R MOM_U/V_BOTTOMDRAG;
3304 - add options for alternative discretisation of velocity norm in quadratic
3305 bottom drag: averaging of grid-cell-center KE to U.point and V.point
3306 (selectBotDragQuadr=0, original code) can produce noisy patterns; this
3307 improves when averaging only the other component (e.g. vVel for U bottom
3308 drag) using wet-point method (selectBotDragQuadr=2) or not (=1).
3309 - add options (bottomVisc_pCell) to account for partial-cell in bottom
3310 friction (no-slip BC) thus getting the true distance from the bottom;
3311 off by default since this also reduces model stability (explicit bottom
3312 friction). Changes produce different machine truncation with linear-drag
3313 + no-slip BC: update output of experiments exp4.stevens (10 digits) and
3314 front_relax (bvp & mxl, 10 & 11 digits).
cda18d4551 Jean*3315 o model/src & mom pkgs:
3316 - add one more level to vertical viscosity local arrays (Nr+1, previously Nr)
3317 since no-slip bottom BC uses viscosity @ k+1 to update velocity @ level k
3318 - for now and until vertical mixing scheme are updated to fill up level Nr+1,
3319 just copy level Nr value to level Nr+1.
3320 o doc:
3321 - add notes form Abhisek Chakraborty on how to close Heat & Salt budgets.
c721362620 Jean*3322 o pkg/shelfice:
07201d0927 Dani*3323 - shelfice_init_varia.F, shelfice_init_fixed.F, shelfice_readparms.F,
3324 SHELFICE.h: move array shelficemass to init_varia, initialise
3325 from array shelficemassinit, which is set in init_fixed and
3326 has option to be set from file; introduce array
3327 shelficeMassDynTend array, set thru file in init_fixed
3328 - NEW FILE: shelfice_step_icemass.F: update shelficemass from either
cda18d4551 Jean*3329 shelfIceFreshWaterFlux and shelficeMassDynTend or H_streamice in
07201d0927 Dani*3330 pkg/streamice
cda18d4551 Jean*3331 - shelfice_thermodynamics.F: call shelfice_step_icemass if
07201d0927 Dani*3332 SHELFICEMassStepping = .true.
cda18d4551 Jean*3333 - shelfice_ad_diff.list: add new subroutine shelfice_step_icemass.f
07201d0927 Dani*3334
eabebaa9d2 Jean*3335 checkpoint65h (2014/12/17)
83c35e2265 Gael*3336 o verification/global_ocean.90x40x15, global_ocean_ebm:
3337 - update to generic controls.
3338 o pkg/ctrl:
3339 - ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F: test for igen>0
3340 - ctrl_init_variables.F: add call to CTRL_MAP_INI_GENTIM2D.
eabebaa9d2 Jean*3341 - move gentim2d part of ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F to
83c35e2265 Gael*3342 new separate routine : ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F
3343 - ctrl_cost_driver.F,ctrl_init.F ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F:
eabebaa9d2 Jean*3344 add time variable weights and cyclic controls (time mean,
83c35e2265 Gael*3345 seasonal cycle, etc) capabilities to gentim2d
3346 o pkg/ecco:
3347 - move reading of error, conversion to weights from
3348 ecco_cost_init_fixed.F to ecco_toolbox.F (ecco_readwei)
3349 o global_oce_llc90, cs32:
3350 - activte sbo.
3351 - CTRL_SIZE.h : add maxCtrlProc.
3352 - activate the new genctrl capabilities.
a435e833b1 Mart*3353 - update following reorganization of global_oce_input_fields.tar.gz
83c35e2265 Gael*3354 o pkg/ctrl/ctrl_ad_diff.list:
3355 - add missing ctrl_init_rec.f
3356 o tools/OAD_support/keepOriginal:
3357 - add ctrl_init_rec.F
3358 o model/src/the_main_loop.F, pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F:
3359 - avoid recomputations of xx_gentim2d_dummy.
a3e6888a7e Jean*3360 o momentum diagnostics:
3361 - move filling of diagnostics Um_Diss & Vm_Diss from mom_fluxform.F and
3362 mom_vecinv.F to timestep.F (to include Smag-3D contribution).
3363 o pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr.F:
3364 - fix computation of BU/BV, make sure they are non-zero, only necessary
3365 for cubed sphere exchanges and SEAICE_OLx/y>0.
3366 This makes calling s/r fill_cs_corner_rl obsolete (removed).
07df50d3e2 Mart*3367 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input.seaice
3368 - add test for strong implicit coupling and restricted addtive Schwarz
3369 methods for LSR
3370 - update results/output.seaice.txt
e0b9102457 Jean*3371 o verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo:
171611a792 Jean*3372 - AD & OAD set-up: switch off ALLOW_OLD_VIRTUALFLUX (like in fwd set-up)
3373 and set PTRACERS_EvPrRn(1,2) to zero (for DIC & ALK);
3374 update output_adm,_oadm,_tlm.txt
3375 o pkg/dic:
3376 - change default to "#undef ALLOW_OLD_VIRTUALFLUX" in DIC_OPTIONS.h
3377 - add a stop when ALLOW_OLD_VIRTUALFLUX is defined and PTRACERS_EvPrRn
3378 for tracer 1 & 2 is set (to avoid double counting of dilution effect).
3379 o verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo:
e0b9102457 Jean*3380 - AD & OAD set-up: do not set PTRACERS_EvPrRn for tracer 1 & 2 since
3381 dilution is already added by pkg/dic ALLOW_OLD_VIRTUALFLUX ;
3382 update output_adm,_oadm,_tlm.txt
171611a792 Jean*3383 o eesupp/src:
3384 - add fill_cs_corner_rl.F (_RL-copy of fill_cs_corner_rs.F)
e0b9102457 Jean*3385 and call it in seaice_lsr when using nonzero SEAICE_OLx/y
1a814ccfcd Mart*3386 o pkg/seaice: introduce strongly implicit coupling, intended for stabilizing
3387 LSR (following Hutchings et al. 2004)
3388 - introduce zetaZ as a global variable (requires adjustments in
3389 seaice_evp.F and seaice_jfnk.F) and compute analoguously to etaZ
e0b9102457 Jean*3390 in seaice_calc_viscosities.F
1a814ccfcd Mart*3391 - new flag SEAICEuseStrImpCpl (default off)
3392 - add new terms zetaZ*du/dy and zetaZ*dv/dx on both sides of the
3393 momentum equations
3394 - JFNK-solver (preconditioner) adjusted to allow using this method
3395 (where it does not have any positive effect)
d6f9f4aeb9 Mart*3396 o pkg/seaice
3397 - add overlap for restrictive additive Schwartz method also to LSR, but
3398 turn it off by default (because it only seems to work for non-cubed
3399 sphere/llc topologies)
c8020f78c8 Mart*3400 o pkg/autodiff
3401 - add extra exchanges in addummy_in_steppging also for mnc output
3402 o pkg/seaice:
3403 - add extra exchanges before dumping adjoint fields in seaice_ad_dump.F
3404 to avoid stripes in the adjoint output (similar to addummy_in_stepping.F)
e87a86147c Jean*3405 o pkg/obcs:
3406 - add option to specify domain-connected piece Id along OB though files
3407 (for now, only used to diagnose PhiVel; default =1 -> global correction)
3408 - modify obcs_diag_balance.F to process each connected-part separately;
3409 exclude OB where Id = 0 but keep the full divergence there (-> constant
3410 Psi along this portion of OB and all inflow derived from grad(Phi))
3411 - add example of OB-conect files in verification/so_box_biogeo/input.
3412 o pkg/diagnostics:
88137b1de0 Jean*3413 - improve treatment of Open-Boundaries in Velocity-Potential calculation:
3414 a) use non zero matrix element across OB and solve for Phi 1 grid point
3415 outside OB (i.e, where tracer OBCS are applied).
3416 b) global imbalance of inFlow/outFlow across OB: instead of modifying
3417 velocity across OB, spread it uniformly along the OB in the RHS.
790de314fc Jean*3419 checkpoint65g (2014/11/19)
3420 o pkg/diagnostcis:
3421 - add preconditioner off-diagonal factor (diagCG_pcOffDFac) as run-time param
075f468e41 Jean*3422 o pkg/my82,pp81,kl10:
3423 - fix ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR implementation (previously had no effect): use 3-D
3424 field diffKr as background diffusivity to set minimum diffusivity value.
3425 o pkg/seaice:
3426 - add new parameter SEAICEuseEVPrev (for revisited EVP by
d6ef696f9b Mart*3427 Bouillon et al 2013)
3428 - add SEAICE_evpAlpha/Beta to namelist
075f468e41 Jean*3429 - modify seaice_evp code to able to use SEAICEuseEVPrev. These changes
d6ef696f9b Mart*3430 involve trivial re-ordering of divisions/multiplications that should not
3431 have any effects, but ... they do change the results of lab_sea.hb87 so
075f468e41 Jean*3432 that only 2 digits of agreement remain, in line with the general
d6ef696f9b Mart*3433 instability/fragility of the evp-code. For now, I do not care and just
3434 update the verification experiment
ce66b4105d Gael*3435 o pkg/ctrl : add generic pre-processing (xx_genarr2d_preproc etc)
075f468e41 Jean*3436 - remove xx_genarr2d_numsmooth etc
ce66b4105d Gael*3437 - use xx_genarr2d_preproc etc instead
075f468e41 Jean*3438 - carry out smooth_correl2D at initialization stage rather than during
3439 time stepping.
ce66b4105d Gael*3440 - get smoothOpNb from xx_gentim2d_preproc
3441 o global_oce_cs32 :
3442 - add test of generic ecco capabilities.
3443 o pkg/exf/exf_getsurfacefluxes.F :
3444 - add to tmpUE/tmpVN rather than re-initializing them (conventional behavior).
3445 o pkg/ctrl,ecco :
075f468e41 Jean*3446 - omit un-necessary arguments to ctrl_cost_gen.F unless ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED
3447 is defined.
efb8db572a Mart*3448 o pkg/seaice: add diagnostics for Delta (deformation parameter)
c604292c00 Jean*3449 o model/src:
075f468e41 Jean*3450 - when ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR is defined, add a Warning if any of the vertical
c604292c00 Jean*3451 diffusivity (background) is specified but ignored.
3452 o verification:
3453 - in testreport, convert hostname to lower case for default output dir name
bb3b849103 Gael*3454 o model, pkg : add useCTRL, useECCO parameters (on/off run time switch).
7c3a77b9ab Jean*3455 o pkg/dic: add modifications from Hajoon:
3456 - add iron sedimentation flux function of the flux of PO4 out of bottom layer
3457 - light attenuation: add self-shading effect by climatological Chlorophyll
3458 (read from file).
3459 o pkg/seaice/seaice_preconditioner.F : fix cpp flags, so that code also
3460 compiles when SEAICE_ALLOW_DYNAMICS is undefined
3461 o global_oce_llc90,cs32 : ecco_v4 verification exps now use separate
3463 ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h (i.e. replacing the deprecated, circumvoluted,
3464 approach where CPP_OPTIONS.h includes an omnipotent
3465 ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h that superseeds pkgs '_OPTIONS.h').
3466 o pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F : include GMREDI_OPTIONS.h where
3467 ALLOW_3D_KAPGM, ALLOW_3D_KAPREDI (to be added later) belong.
7c5e2c853b Gael*3468 o pkg/seaice/SEAICE_SIZE.h : replace ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC with ALLOW_AUTODIFF
7c3a77b9ab Jean*3469 to avoid needing AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h anytime SEAICE_SIZE.h is included
3470 (it seems that THSICE_SIZE.h, PTRACERS_SIZE.h have the same issue...)
7c5e2c853b Gael*3471 o model/src, pkg/smooth, profiles, salt_plume, seaice, exf, ecco, ctrl :
3473 - ECCO_OPTIONS.h is needed when including ecco_cost.h, ecco.h
3474 - AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h is needed when including tamc.h, tamc_keys.h
3475 - CTRL_OPTIONS.h is needed when including ctrl.h, optim.h, etc
7c3a77b9ab Jean*3476 o pkg/ctrl,ecco,exf :
3ae7845edf Gael*3477 - remove variables associated with NON-generic costs,
3478 unless ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED is defined.
7c3a77b9ab Jean*3479 - remove NON-generic NON-obcs controls,
3ae7845edf Gael*3480 unless ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED is defined.
3481 o pkg/ctrl : added ctrl_local_params.h
3482 o pkg/ecco : added ecco_local_params.h
7c3a77b9ab Jean*3483 o verification : added ECCO_CTRL_DEPRECATED to most as and oad
3484 experiments, which will progressively be removed once the
3485 experiments are revised to use only generic controls/costs.
3ae7845edf Gael*3486
f9e490a40b Jean*3487 checkpoint65f (2014/10/13)
e9cfc0e399 Gael*3488 o pkg/ctrl, ecco, seaice : minor changes in headers
edcd1bebe3 Gael*3489 o global_oce_llc90,cs32 : ecco_v4 verification exps now test generic
7c3a77b9ab Jean*3490 cost function and control capabilities added since checkpoint65c.
675cbb9806 Gael*3491 o pkg/ctrl: regroup all obcs ctrl variables in CTRL_OBCS.h.
f6a9bac81e Gael*3492 o pkg/ecco: increase modularity and improve logic
f0a41ddc00 Gael*3493 - ecco_toolbox.F (new) : basic operations that are often used,
3494 including ecco_zero, ecco_cp, ecco_cprsrl, ecco_diffmsk,
3495 ecco_addcost, ecco_add, ecco_div, ecco_readbar.
f6a9bac81e Gael*3496 - cost_gencal.F (new) : determine filnames and records.
f0a41ddc00 Gael*3497 - cost_genread.F, cost_generic.F : condense code using ecco_toolbox.
f6a9bac81e Gael*3498 - cost_generic.F : use spzeroloc rather than hard-coded -9999,
3499 and exploit the above functions leading to more compact code.
f0a41ddc00 Gael*3500 - cost_genread.F : rm un-necessary arguments, re-arrange args order.
f6a9bac81e Gael*3501 - ecco_check.F, ecco_readparms.F : bring logic up to date (using_tpj,
3502 using_ers, using_gfo, using_mdt is now only defined within gencost)
6a200487bb Gael*3503 o pkg/ecco: extend generic cost capabilities
3504 - pkg/ecco : added 3D gencost (ALLOW_GENCOST3D), added gencost
f9e490a40b Jean*3505 capabilities via gencost_preproc (+ _c,_i,_r related params),
45a442938f Gael*3506 gencost_posproc (+ _c,_i,_r related params), gencost_nrecperiod,
3507 gencost_outputlevel arguments to cost_generic
6a200487bb Gael*3508 - pkg/ecco/cost_genread.F (new) : interface between cost_generic
3509 and active_read, making room for gencost_preproc to take effect.
45a442938f Gael*3510 Added preproc code ('climmon') to replace GENERIC_BAR_MONTH.
6a200487bb Gael*3511 - pkg/ecco/cost_generic.F :
3512 compute and store misfit maks*(model-data) in localdif that is
3513 then used in cost and for output, output misfit if outlev.GT.0
3514 - pkg/ecco/cost_averagesfields.F : depend on gencost_barskip
3515 rather gencost_barfile for deciding whether to write barfile
3516 - pkg/ecco/ecco_cost_driver.F : extract call to cost_profiles from cost_hyd
3517 - pkg/ecco/ecco_cost_init_fixed.F : extract gencost weights from
3518 ecco_cost_weights, re-activate ecco_summary, determine gencost_barskip
3519 - pkg/ecco/ecco_summary.F : report gencost variables
f6a9bac81e Gael*3520 - pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_customize.F : treat case of scatterometer costs
6a200487bb Gael*3521 o pkg/sea/SEAICE_OPTIONS.h : add ALLOW_COST_ICE, ALLOW_SEAICE_COST_SMR_AREA
a883885bf1 Gael*3522 o pkg/ecco: internal re-organization
f9e490a40b Jean*3523 - resolve un-necessary dependancies within pkg/ecco and to pkg/ctrl
a883885bf1 Gael*3524 (rm includes of optim.h and ctrl.h, replace optimcycle with eccoiter,
f9e490a40b Jean*3525 mv relevant variables definition from ecco_cost.h to ecco.h,
a883885bf1 Gael*3526 make sure gencost routines only include ecco.h)
3527 - throughout : add missing CCP switches, rm unused variables,
3528 and rm un-necessary CPP switches
f9e490a40b Jean*3529 - throughout gencost routines : replace modelstartdate with
a883885bf1 Gael*3530 gencost_startdate when needed
3531 - cost_bp_read.F : use arguments, instead of common blocs
f9e490a40b Jean*3532 so that it can be used also by (new) cost_gencost_bpv4.F
a883885bf1 Gael*3533 - ecco_init_varia.F : initialize RHOsumGlob_0, VOLsumGlob_0
3534 - ecco_phys.F : compute etanFull
3535 - ecco_readparms.F : rename using_topex as using_tpj, add
3536 bpv4-grace to gencost list, initialize added parameters
3537 - ecco_summary.F : include SIZE.h needed for augmented ecco.h
82fee2871e Jean*3539 checkpoint65e (2014/09/28)
8d1168a02a Dimi*3540 o pkg/obcs:
432b2a4585 Dimi*3541 - replaced the just-added CPP options with run-time variables
3542 (see pkg/obcs/OBCS_PARAMS.h for details)
3543 o pkg/obcs:
3544 - add additional CPP options for sponge boundary layers
8d1168a02a Dimi*3545 (see pkg/obcs/OBCS_OPTIONS.h for details)
5de066abfb Jean*3546 o pkg/atm_phys:
3547 - implement simple (obliquity only, assuming circular planet orbit)
3548 seasonal cycle for incoming insolation ; used when run-time parameter
3549 "select_incSW" is set to 1 ; by default (=0), uses old unchanged formula.
ba60baccdb Gael*3550 o pkg/exf, pkg/ecco, pkg/ctrl:
82fee2871e Jean*3551 - add ctrlUseGen and .NOT.ctrlUseGen exclusive brackets
3552 - activate gentim2d for xx_atemp,xx_aqh,xx_swdown,xx_lwdown,xx_precip
3553 - implement gentim2d for xx_tauu, xx_tauv
3554 o pkg/ctrl, pkg/ecco :
3555 - fix and complement the generic controls implementation
f673b530c1 Gael*3556 o pkg/exf/exf_getclim.F, exf_getffields.F, exf_getsurfacefluxes.F,
5de066abfb Jean*3557 pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F,
3558 verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_ad/ctrl_map_gentim2d.F,
3559 verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_gentim2d.F :
3560 - add weight in CTRL_GET_GEN calls
f673b530c1 Gael*3561 o pkg/ctrl :
5de066abfb Jean*3562 - ctrl_get_gen.F : add weight as input parameter, and apply
3563 it directly rather than using smooth_correl2Dw (to be retired).
3564 - ctrl_map_gentim2d.F : add wgentim2d in CTRL_GET_GEN call
f673b530c1 Gael*3565 o pkg/ctrl :
5de066abfb Jean*3566 - introduce run time switch ctrlUseGen (in ctrl.h, ctrl_check.F,
3567 ctrl_init_variables.F, ctrl_readparms.F, ctrl_summary.F)
3568 - re-activate ctrl_summary (call in ctrl_init.F)
d797bbd6d6 Gael*3569 o pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_gen.F :
5de066abfb Jean*3570 - fix CCP brackets, remove un-necessary myiter, mytime
ba60baccdb Gael*3571 o pkg/ecco, pkg/ctrl :
5de066abfb Jean*3572 - remove cost_genctrl.F (now pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_driver.F)
3573 - remove cost_forcing_gen.F (now pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_gen2d.F)
3574 - add ctrl_cost_driver.F (replaces pkg/ecco/cost_genctrl.F)
3575 - add ctrl_cost_gen2d.F (replaces pkg/ecco/cost_forcing_gen.F)
5e10000fa1 Gael*3576
2334e86337 Jean*3577 checkpoint65d (2014/09/15)
139514ed64 Gael*3578 o pkg/ctrl/CTRL_GENARR.h, ctrl_readparms.F :
2334e86337 Jean*3579 - add xx_genarr2d_bounds,xx_genarr3d_bounds,
3580 xx_genarr2d_numsmooth, xx_genarr3d_numsmooth
139514ed64 Gael*3581 o pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F :
2334e86337 Jean*3582 - remove compilation failure
3583 - replace hard coded example
3584 - use ctrl_map_ini_gen2D, 3D
139514ed64 Gael*3585 o pkg/ctrl/ctrl_pack.F, ctrl_unpack.F :
2334e86337 Jean*3586 - on/off switch based upon xx_genarr2d_weight,3d
15e98114ad Gael*3587 o src/packages_init_variables.F :
3588 - regroup pkg/estimation calls
3590 (moved to ctrl_init_variables)
3591 o cost/cost_init_varia.F :
3592 - remove ecco_cost_init_varia
3593 (moved to ecco_init_varia)
3594 o ctrl/ctrl_init_variables.F :
3597 o ctrl/ctrl_map_ini.F :
3598 - remove ctrl_map_ini_genarr, seaice_ctrl_map_ini
3599 (moved to ctrl_init_variables)
3600 o ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_ecco.F :
3601 - remove ECCO_PHYS (mv to ecco_init_varia)
3602 - remove seaice_ctrl_map_ini (mv to ctrl_init_variables)
3603 o ecco/ecco_ad_diff.list :
3604 - add ecco_init_varia.f
3605 o ecco/ecco_init_varia.F
3606 - new routine
291ff6be85 Jean*3607 o pkg/streamice:
3608 - move call to STREAMICE_INITIALIZE_PETSC from the_model_main.F
3609 to streamice_init_fixed.F ; fix setting of STREAMICEisOn.
3610 - from model/src, only call pkg/streamice routines if useStreamIce is TRUE.
c4f4094732 Oliv*3611 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
3612 - fix bug causing negatives in GAD_SMOLARKIEWICZ_HACK, introduced 8/8/2014.
291ff6be85 Jean*3613 o pkg/exf:
3614 - exf_getffields.F : add xxg_atemp, xxg_aqh, xxg_swdown, xxg_lwdown,
3615 xxg_precip capability
f3207a5bb2 Gael*3616 - exf_wind.F : no need for ALLOW_WSPEED_CONTROL cpp switch
291ff6be85 Jean*3617 o pkg/ctrl:
f3207a5bb2 Gael*3618 - ctrl_pack.F, ctrl_unpack.F : omit (un)packing of undefined xx_gentim2d
291ff6be85 Jean*3619 o model/src/load_fields_driver.F :
f3207a5bb2 Gael*3620 - move call to CTRL_MAP_GENTIM2D ahead of BULKF_FIELDS_LOAD, EXF_GETFORCING
3621 so xx_gentim2d can be applied to e.g. exf fields in a timely manner.
43187e68ca Jean*3622 o OpenAD verification experiments:
3623 - Include explicitly AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h, COST_OPTIONS.h, and CTRL_OPTIONS.h
3624 in src files (to enable to skip the ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h);
3625 for now, only in pkgs used in OpenAD verification experiments.
3626 - Change all except one (halfpipe_streamice) OpenAD experiments to use pkg
3627 specific option file (AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h, COST_OPTIONS.h & CTRL_OPTIONS.h)
3628 instead of using ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h (with all relevant options in it).
3629 This applies to both TAF (*/code_ad/) and OpenAD (*/code_oad/) tests.
3630 o OpenAD verification tests:
3631 - finish removing ALLOW_AUTODIFF_OPENAD (replaced by ALLOW_OPENAD);
3632 - finish replacing ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC by ALLOW_AUTODIFF (except for
3633 tape/storage which are specific to TAF/TAMC) in pkgs used in OpenAD exp.
3634 - leave ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC undef in OpenAD verification tests (*/code_oad/)
3635 and remove local copy of "tamc.h" (needed only if ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC).
781c4efe3e Jean*3636 o model/src & generic_advdiff:
3637 - change hard-coded loop-range in S/R APPLY_FORCING_T/S to set T & S
3638 forcing over 0:sNx+1, 0:sNy=1 (instead of just 1:sNx,1:sNy): Model
3639 dynamics requires valid tracer forcing only over tile interior but, for
3640 some diagnostics, may need to extend it over 1 point in tile halo region.
3641 - in gad_calc_rhs.F, update calls to gmredi_x/ytransport to get valid
3642 tendency over i,j_Min,Max range. This allows to simplfy i,j_Min,Max
3643 setting in temp/salt/ptracer_integrate.F
8b57565bf5 Jean*3644 o pkg/dic:
3645 - multiply tracer tendencies by maskInC (if ussing OBCS) before updating
3646 gchem tracers: this allows to skip the 2nd call to OBCS_APPLY_PTRACER
3647 in gchem_forcing_sep.F
3648 o pkg/autodiff & obcs:
3649 - add storage of current OB values for U & V (was already done for T & S).
34ab325b96 Jean*3651 checkpoint65c (2014/08/30)
649425d785 Jean*3652 o pkg/dic:
3653 - take out of dic_atmos.F the initialisation part (corresponding to istate=0)
3654 and move it to new S/R DIC_INI_ATMOS ; also simplify the dependencies for
3655 AD compilers (but still a Pb with multi-threading and Ajoint dependencies).
4084975ddf Jean*3656 o verification:
649425d785 Jean*3657 - new experiment testing OBCS and DIC pkgs, using params & output from
3658 tutorial_global_oce_biogeo but limited to a sub-domain around Drake
3659 passage: take OBCS from the last year of a 2 yrs simulation and initial
4084975ddf Jean*3660 conditions from t=1.yr while keeping the same forcing.
e564aebabb Jean*3661 o model/src:
3662 - when allowFreezing=T, only reset below freezing initial Temp to Tfreezing
3663 (at any k) if checkIniTemp is not set to FALSE (default checkIniTemp=T).
a14051dc1f Jean*3664 o pkg/diagnostics (Stats-Diags):
3665 - re-write S/R DIAGSTATS_CALC (more similar to TARGET_NEC_SX part) to:
3666 a) refine region where stats are computed, excluding where arrhFac=0 ;
3667 b) fix missing interior mask (use with OBCS) in 3-D fields statistics;
3668 c) extend regional stats over the region edges (for U or V pt location).
ec7eae4c86 Jean*3669 o pkg/gchem:
3670 - add a (2nd) call to OBCS_APPLY_PTRACER in gchem_forcing_sep.F (needed since
3671 pkg/dic is currently changing/updating ptracers values beyond the OB).
cd979ff82b Jean*3672 o verification (hs94):
3673 - convert Held & Suarez external_forcing.F (from hs94.cs, with Sigma-coords
3674 bits) to apply_forcing.F and undef USE_OLD_EXTERNAL_FORCING in experiments
3675 hs94.cs-32x32x5 and tutorial_held_suarez_cs ; also use the same version of
3676 apply_forcing.F in 2D hs94 (fwd, ad & oad) but keep LatLon hs94 unchanged.
1097960fb8 Jean*3677 o pkg/ptracers:
3678 - implement Adams-Bashforth on pTracers (instead of on tracer tendency),
3679 switched on by setting PTRACERS_doAB_onGpTr=F (default set to doAB_onGtGs)
3680 - change exp4 secondary test (input.nlfs) to test AB on T & S & pTracer
3681 with AB-2 code (so that it get tested).
3682 o model/src:
3683 - allow to apply Adams-Bashforth on Temp & Salt (instead of on gT,gS)
3684 with AB-2 code (previously only available with AB-3 code).
3685 Also move the code (call to ADAMS_BASHFORTH S/R) form thermodynamics.F
3686 to temp/salt_integrate.F (since the 2nd part of gt/sNm1 update is done
3687 there, by calling CYCLE_AB_TRACER).
3688 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
3689 - change Tracer argument (drop bi,bj indices) in S/R GAD_CALC_RHS,
3691 + also in GMREDI_X/Y/RTRANSPORT ; and update corresponding calls in
3692 S/R temp/salt/ptracers_integrate.F
54809f081d Jean*3693 o model/src & pkg/ptracers:
1097960fb8 Jean*3694 - remove common block variables gT,gS (in DYNVARS.h), except when
3695 USE_OLD_EXTERNAL_FORCING is defined; update TAF storage accordingly.
54809f081d Jean*3696 - remove common block variable gPtr.
b613689ef8 Jean*3697 o model/src & pkgs:
3698 - change gTracer (and/or tracer) argument (drop bi,bj indices) in S/R
3702 + change accordingly all calling S/R.
3703 - use local temperature/salinity/ptracer tendency array (without bi,bj)
3704 in S/R temp/salt/ptracers_integrate.F
da10b40ad9 Mart*3705 o pkg/seaice:
b613689ef8 Jean*3706 - move computation of stress contributions to rhsU/V in s/r seaice_lsr
da10b40ad9 Mart*3707 to separate s/r seaice_lsr_rhsu/v in order to be able to re-use code
3708 - make u/vIceC local variables if SEAICE_CGRID is defined only to be used
b613689ef8 Jean*3709 in seaice_lsr
3710 - seaice_lsr.F: make local 4D arrays UXX, VYY, etc 2D
3711 in s/r seaice_lsr_calc_coeffs
3712 o pkg/mdsio:
3713 - in MDS_READ/WRITE_FIELD, stop if file-name (+prefix) is too long
3714 (e.g., > MAX_LEN_MBUF -90 ) or, in INI_MODEL_IO, if mdsioLocalDir is
3715 too long (e.g., > MAX_LEN_FNAM/2 )
da10b40ad9 Mart*3716
175cc7f2f5 Jean*3717 checkpoint65b (2014/08/12)
3a54eed890 Jean*3718 o pkg/matrix:
3719 - pass, as argument, updated tracer field to S/R MATRIX_STORE_TENDENCY_EXP
3720 o model/src:
3721 - fix initialisation of geothermalFile; compile geothermal-flux code in
3722 natl_box verification experiment.
09c3b72571 Jean*3723 o model/src & pkg/down_slope:
3724 - push the k loop inside S/R TIMESTEP_TRACER (now called outside the k loop).
3725 - in dwnslp_apply.F, update tracer tendency instead of the future tracer
3726 field and call S/R DWNSLP_APPLY before TIMESTEP_TRACER; this affects
3727 results at machine truncation level: update output of experiments
3728 global_ocean.90x40x15.dwnslp (FWD) and lab_sea.noseaicedyn (AD).
3729 o pkg/diagnostics (Stats-Diags):
3730 - do not cumulate the full volume when DIAGNOSTICS_FILL is
3731 called with bibjFlg < 0 (no increment of the counter for 2D/3D diag);
3732 This fix the mean statistics when DIAGNOSTICS_FILL is called multiple
3733 times (but Min,Max and StD are still wrong).
66f9b25d49 Jean*3734 o model/src:
597fa58847 Jean*3735 - add geothermal flux forcing: read in ini_forcing.F as time-constant
3736 field "geothermalFlux" applied in S/R APPLY_FORCING_T (apply_forcing.F)
3737 o model/src:
3738 - move CYCLE_TRACER calls from tracers_correction_step.F to temp/salt/ptracer
3739 _integrate.F so that, when leaving S/R THERMODYANMICS, theta,salt and pTrac
3740 arrays are already updated while adjustments (filters, conv.adjustment) are
3741 still applied later, in S/R TRACERS_CORRECTION_STEP.
3742 o model/src:
66f9b25d49 Jean*3743 - store in common bloc array "rhoInSitu" the virtual potential temperature
3744 anomaly that is used to compute geopotential: this make the atmos code
3745 more similar to ocean code which already uses rhoInSitu in calc_phi_hyd.F
549401e3a9 Mart*3746 o pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr.F
3747 - rename integer variable ilcall to ipass (that's what it is called
3748 in the residual diagnostics
3749 - change time stepping for NPSEUDOTIMESTEP > 2 (does not change the
66f9b25d49 Jean*3750 default) for improved non-linear convergence of the first few steps
2344d2d5a9 Mart*3751 - adjust a few comments and add new ones to explain some of the store
66f9b25d49 Jean*3752 directives
3753 o pkg/generic_advdiff (& ptracers):
3754 - re-work the code to check for valid advection scheme and for minimum
3755 size of overlap (now stored in local common bloc in gad_advscheme.F)
d192729d83 Mart*3756 o pkg/seaice: another attempt to make the adjoint work for sea ice dynamics
3757 - re-initialize more variables in seaice_lsr: u/vIceC, u/vIceNm1
3758 - add an auxilliary variable "bet" and fix store directives and keys in
3759 seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v, this seems to do the trick (i.e. more or
3760 less exact gradients in my tests); but there are still
3761 recomputation warning (although gradients are sort of OK), when
3762 SEAICE_LSR_VECTORIZE is not defined, so this flag and
3763 SEAICE_LSR_VECTORIZE_ZEBRA are recommended for efficiency.
66f9b25d49 Jean*3764 - update verification experiments lab_sea.
d192729d83 Mart*3765 - change some comments in S/R seaice_calc_viscosities
a25b59d486 Jean*3766 o model/src:
3767 - if staggerTimeStep=T, always apply exchange to velocity field in
3768 do_stagger_fields_exchanges.F instead of in do_fields_blocking_exchanges.F
3769 (independent of using multi-dim advection or not); no effect on FWD run
3770 but affects AD results (at machine truncation level): update output of
3771 experiment 1D_ocean_ice_column (ad: 12 digits), hs94.1x64x5 (ad,oad: 13.d)
3772 and isomip (oad: 12.d).
3773 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
3774 - stop if doAB_onGtGs is set to FALSE but ignored
3775 - refine warning related to stability of tracer time-stepping
3776 regarding internal wave dynamics.
3777 - setting of AdamsBashforth_T,S when doAB_onGtGs=F: remove condition
3778 on staggerTimeStep & implicitIntGravWave (will now get a warning
3779 if potentially unstable).
56bf0dc039 Jean*3780 o pkg/kl10:
3781 - add new pkg "kl10" for mixing due to internal wave breaking, from
3782 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1463500310000144
3783 (contribution from Jody Klymak), tested in verification experiment
3784 verification/internal_wave/input.kl10/
b4dd8aa52b Jean*3785 o isomip experiment:
3786 - test pkg/shelfice with Non-Lin Free-Surf in one of the FWD set-up
3787 (input.htd) and update the output.
3788 o cd_code experiments:
3789 - use default cd_code options (#undef CD_CODE_NO_AB_MOMENTUM &
3790 #undef CD_CODE_NO_AB_CORIOLIS) in experiments: cfc_example (fwd)
3791 global_ocean.90x40x15 (ad & oad) and OpenAD (ad & oad) and
3792 update the corresponding output.
3793 o pkg/seaice:
2a89c844fd Mart*3794 - reduce the number of include files and store directives in
3795 S/R seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v
3796 - change the order of loops in one case in S/R seaice_lsr_tridiagv
3797 (only for SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR_ZEBRA defined), which allows me to
b4dd8aa52b Jean*3798 get rid off one store directive (a TAF bug?)
2a89c844fd Mart*3799 - add one more instance of ifdef SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR_ZEBRA in
3800 S/R seaice_lsr_tridiagv to change the loop range for consistency
b4dd8aa52b Jean*3801 - remove ilcall, m from parameter list of S/R seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v
2a89c844fd Mart*3802 - fix a bug that affects the JFNK solver: replace sNx/y by i/jMax in
3803 S/R seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v (requires update of
b4dd8aa52b Jean*3804 offline_exf_seaice/input.dyn_jfnk)
2a89c844fd Mart*3805
391aedad50 Jean*3806 checkpoint65a (2014/07/27)
262a665438 Jean*3807 o model/src:
90ac475d2f Jean*3808 - Non-Lin Free-Surf in p/z coords: allows hFacW,S to be larger than
3809 surrounding hFacC=1 @ edge of a step with different kSurfC on either side
391aedad50 Jean*3810 (topo in p-coords, ice-shelf in z-coords); update output of experiments
3811 tutorial_global_oce_in_p and isomip (both AD and OpenAD output).
90ac475d2f Jean*3812 o model/src:
262a665438 Jean*3813 - collect momentum forcing tendency into local 2-D array (passed as argument
3814 to apply_forcing S/R); this simplifies mom. Forcing diagnostics and CD_CODE
3815 parts in timestep.F (without CD_CODE_NO_AB_MOMENTUM defined = the default);
3816 affects results at machine truncation level (e.g., if using OBCS_SPONGE).
3817 - collect T & S forcing tendency into local 2-D array (passed as argument to
3818 apply_forcing S/R); add 3-D diagnostics for temp & salt forcing tendency.
3819 affects results at machine truncation level (e.g., ocean: if using
34ab325b96 Jean*3820 SHORTWAVE_HEATING ; atmos: if using FrictionHeating or (atm_Rq<>0) moist
3821 correction due to vertical advection).
262a665438 Jean*3822 - update output of experiments: fizhi-cs-32x32x40 (13 digits),
3823 global_ocean.cs32x15 (fwd: icedyn, seaice, thsice, all 3 @ 11d; adm & tml:
3824 seaice_dynmix & thsice, fwd grd @ 3 & 8), hs94.1x64x5 (ad grd @ 13),
3825 obcs_ctrl (ad & fwd grd @ 12 & 7).
a991652077 Jean*3826 o pkg/ptracers & diagnostics:
3827 - use ptracers (short) name (instead of long one) to make ptracers diagnostics
3828 title (to avoid some unexpected truncation); sort out ptracers diags units.
262a665438 Jean*3829 - collect ptracer forcing tendency into local 2-D array (passed as argument
3830 to apply_forcing S/R); add 3-D diagnostics for ptracers forcing tendency.
a991652077 Jean*3831
77d0805fa2 Jean*3832 checkpoint65 (2014/07/18)
09aa940b92 Jean*3833 o pkg/fizhi:
3834 - add parenthesis around fizhi tendencies in fizhi_tendency_apply.F: this
3835 affects results at machine truncation level. Update output of experiments
3836 fizhi-cs-32x32x40 (12 digits for cg2d) & fizhi-cs-aqualev20 (13 digits).
48bef89a30 Mart*3837 o pkg/seaice: more clean up
3838 - rename TAF common block tapes to be more consistent and remove
3839 unnecessary duplicates
09aa940b92 Jean*3840 - add store directives to remove more recomputations, but use smaller
3841 tapes (and adjust keys) when SEAICE_LSR_ADJOINT_ITER is undefined.
3842 The idea behind this flag is to reduce the memory footprint when the
3843 adjoint of the LSR is not required. As of now, defining the flag
15c6e2792a Mart*3844 SEAICE_LSR_ADJOINT_ITER increases 4 common block tapes for 2D field by
09aa940b92 Jean*3845 a factor of SOLV_MAX_FIXED (=500 by default in SEAICE_SIZE.h).
3846 For experiment offline_exf_seaice, this means on a linux box with gfortran
3847 nearly a factor of 10 (but keep in mind there is mostly seaice code in
77d0805fa2 Jean*3848 this experiment):
15c6e2792a Mart*3849 > size mitgcmuv_ad
790de314fc Jean*3850 text data bss dec hex
3851 5100659 1216 220458952 225560827 d71c8fb
48bef89a30 Mart*3852 5339425 1200 1868783272 1874123897 6fb4dc79 (SEAICE_LSR_ADJOINT_ITER)
09aa940b92 Jean*3853 but only a moderate increase of 36% for global_ocean.cs32x15:
48bef89a30 Mart*3854 text data bss dec hex
3855 6695027 1648 1014578664 1021275339 3cdf6ccb
3856 6695203 1648 1382505320 1389202171 52cd8afb (SEAICE_LSR_ADJOINT_ITER)
3857 - note: there are still recomputations in global_ocean.cs32x15 and
15c6e2792a Mart*3858 offline_exf_seaice and the gradient agreement changes (gets a
3859 little worse) for global_ocean.cs32x15 (-> update output_adm.seaice.txt)
48bef89a30 Mart*3860 - in general, the AD gradients still are wrong
53bebe4a64 Patr*3861 o OpenAD
3862 - clean up code_oad/ directories somewhat by moving files
3863 dontCompile, dontTransform, keepOriginal to OAD_support/
f398288312 Jean*3864 o model/src:
930ff12251 Jean*3865 - using MOM fluxform and Non-Lin Free-Surf with momDissip_In_AB=F
3866 (not currently tested): add dissipation terms before NLFS rescaling of
3867 tendencies (previously done after).
3868 o pkg/diagnostics:
3869 - write stats-diags in ascii file with more digits (same as in monitor).
3870 o pkg/down_slope:
3871 - drop the bi,bj dimension of argument recip_hFac in S/R DWNSLP_APPLY; with
3872 NLFS (not tested), use new recip_hFac value in order to conserve tracer.
3873 o model/src:
f398288312 Jean*3874 - new file "apply_forcing.F" containing all the code previously in
3875 external_forcing.F, but with new argument list: pass, as new argument,
3876 the current level tendency array to update (instead of a direct update
3877 of the common bloc array). Change the corresponding calls.
3878 - add CPP option USE_OLD_EXTERNAL_FORCING (default is undef) to use
3879 EXTERNAL_FORCING_U,V,T,S subroutines (for backward compatibility).
5e1701d480 Mart*3880 o pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr, a little bit of clean up
3881 - rearrange some code blocks, so that now all calculations for
f398288312 Jean*3882 setting up the right-hand-sides done within one single block
5e1701d480 Mart*3883 (I find that easier to read and understand)
3884 - rearrange freedrift-code to reduce the number of ifdefs
3885 - adjust some indentations and comments
6544591561 Jean*3887 checkpoint64z (2014/07/10)
c1d95c335c Jean*3888 o model/src and several pkgs:
3889 - change argument list of all S/R called from external_forcing.F and
3890 called from ptracers_forcing.F (renamed to ptracers_apply_forcing.F)
3891 to pass, as argument, the current level tendency array to update
3892 (instead of a direct update of the common bloc array).
3893 - change also (in the same way) argument list of PTRACERS_APPLY_FORCING;
3894 - rename taueddy_external_forcing.f to taueddy_tendency_apply.F
a122714692 Mart*3895 o pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr.F
3896 - always initialize local arrays in seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v
3897 - add more local tapes to seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v
c1d95c335c Jean*3898 - move storing u/vice(:,:,bi,bj) out of seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v, but
a122714692 Mart*3899 keep it in bi/bj loop; this seems to be essential
3900 - gradients are still wrong but only by 4-7 orders of magnitude
3901 instead of 15 orders of magnitude, lab_sea improves a little
822f9de729 Mart*3902 o pkg/seaice
3903 - (pkg/autodiff) remove storing/restoring of seaiceMaskU/V that
3904 generates unnecessary code in seaice_lsr_ad
3905 - add more store directives in seaice_lsr to avoid unnecessary code
3906 in seaice_lsr_ad
3907 - exclude some residual computations in seaice_lsr when
3908 ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC is defined in order to avoid unnecessary code
c1d95c335c Jean*3909 in seaice_lsr_ad
822f9de729 Mart*3910 - add more storing, a new tape (model/src/the_main_loop.F) and
3911 another key for SEAICE_LSR_VECTORIZE_ZEBRA (the local keys ilockey
c1d95c335c Jean*3912 and klockey should be checked by a specialist)
822f9de729 Mart*3913 - modify ( define SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR and SEAICE_LSR_ADJOINT_ITER )
3914 and update lab_sea after previous changes in pkg/seaice below
c1d95c335c Jean*3915 o pkg/autodiff:
3916 - introduce useSmoothCorrel2DinAdMode, SEAICEapproxLevInAd, and
d572335125 Gael*3917 viscFacInAd : run time parameters allowing for adjoint switches
3918 note : logic for useSmoothCorrel2DinAdMode is in ctrl_readparms.F
c1d95c335c Jean*3919 o pkg/ecco:
3920 - introduce cost_gencost_boxmean.F that computes a box mean
d572335125 Gael*3921 temperature (for use in adjoint sensitivity studies).
3922 o model/src/set_defaults.F : initialize viscFacAdj to 1.
c1d95c335c Jean*3923 o pkg/mom_common/mom_calc_visc.F:
d572335125 Gael*3924 - ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF then include viscFacAdj factor.
c1d95c335c Jean*3925 o pkg/seaice/seaice_summary.F:
d572335125 Gael*3926 - statement for SEAICEadjMODE now in autodiff_readparms.F
c1d95c335c Jean*3927 o pkg/seaice:
1fa25402a0 Mart*3928 - remove some store directives and add new ones in an effort to get
3929 finally rid off the recomputation warnings. This is successful
1d0e5c687d Mart*3930 when SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR ***and*** SEAICE_LSR_ADJOINT_ITER are
3931 defined (i.e. no extensive recomputation warnings left), but there
3932 are still too many recomputations on the solver iteration level
0e792109e6 Mart*3933 - define SEAICE_VECTORISZE_LSR in offline_exf_seaice/code_ad/SEAICE_OPTIONS.h
e06bd90b00 Mart*3934 - move definition of MPSEUDOTIMESTEPS into TAMC-block in
3936 - add a store directive in S/R seaice_calc_viscosities
fdfdc49113 Jean*3937 o pkg/seaice (ITD code):
3938 - fix definition of Hlimit for multi-threaded case
3939 - use double precision arithmetic to compute Hlimit: this affects results;
3940 update output of experiment seaice_itd.
7f033dc113 Mart*3941 o replace content of verification/seaice_itd
3942 - instead of a 1D column use the configuration of offline_exf_seaice
3943 to test the ice thickness distribution code with ridging
3944 - this is a first shot at this experiment
3945 - change of some defaults of ridging parameters SEAICEhStar (from
3946 100 to 25) and SEAICEmuRidging (from 5 to 3) in seaice_readparms.F
fdfdc49113 Jean*3947 and lot of new comments.
7f033dc113 Mart*3948
4fddc18258 Jean*3949 checkpoint64y (2014/06/20)
3950 o pkg/seaice/seaice_reg_ridge.F:
3951 - modify the regularization of very small volumes of ice; only check
3952 total volume HEFF, and do not apply correction to individual ice
3953 classes because that leads to funny patterns in the heat and fw-fluxes
c7c86ceb32 Mart*3954 into the ocean. Adjust seaice_itd/results/output.txt
3955 - replace nITD by SEAICE_multDim in loop-ranges
0a1362090f Jean*3956 o pkg/exf:
3957 - add code to process the case field period = -12. with UV interpolation.
3958 - move debug print (formerly active when exf_verbose=T) from EXF_getFFieldRec
3959 into S/R that calls it (i.e., exf_set_gen.F, exf_set_uv.F & obcs_exf_load.F)
f893122504 Jean*3960 o verification/global_with_exf:
4fddc18258 Jean*3961 - switch all fields period to -12. (was previously untested) in input/data.exf
f893122504 Jean*3962 (but keep secondary test ".yearly" unchanged); update the reference output.
3963 o pkg/cal:
3964 - new calendar type "noLeapYear" for 365 days calendar without any leap year.
3965 o pkg/exf:
3966 - new integer parameter "exf_debugLev" (default set to main model debugLevel)
3967 to replace logical switch "exf_verbose"
4fddc18258 Jean*3968 - report in STDOUT when loading a new record (if exf_debugLev >= 3)
3d5a62f3cd Jean*3969 o pkg/sbo:
3970 - update from Katherine Quinn: evaluate mass directly from density and SSH
3971 (budget using Finite Volume method) instead of from bottom pressure.
8471337f5d Jean*3972 - allow testreport to collect few selected SBO output ; tested in exp.
3973 global_ocean.90x40x15 (after updating the results, to include SBO output).
3974 - fix some multi-threading issues (in output part).
39a405bbb4 Jean*3975 o model/src & most packages:
3976 - always call {PKG}_READPARMS even if corresponding use{PKG}=F;
3977 - in {PKG}_READPARMS, in case use{PKG}=F: add a call to new S/R
3978 PACKAGES_UNUSED_MSG to print a weak warning when parameter file
3979 "data.{pkg}" exist ; and leave the S/R (return) just after.
f459cc48d3 Jean*3980 - more standard LAND pkg interface (land_init_fixed.F, land_check.F).
3981 + call LAND_READPARMS from packages_readparms.F
39a405bbb4 Jean*3982 o pkg/seaice:
efc672bc35 Mart*3983 - remove code that resets useThSice in S/R seaice_readparms and
c7c86ceb32 Mart*3984 replace it by a warning in S/R seaice_check
efc672bc35 Mart*3985 - remove parameter MULTDIM, replace with nITD and runtime
3986 parameter SEAICE_multDim (still hard-wired to nITD if
3987 SEAICE_ITD is defined)
32263cf74c Jean*3989 checkpoint64x (2014/05/24)
bb8f3ffecf Patr*3990 o verification/lab_sea:
32263cf74c Jean*3991 - update adjoint and TLM output following changes to pkg/salt_plume
3992 - un-do the update after putting back local recip_Cp in few places.
bb8f3ffecf Patr*3993 o pkg/salt_plume: modifications by An Nguyen:
32263cf74c Jean*3994 - add capability to do brine rejection (salt-plume) as function of
bb8f3ffecf Patr*3995 volume+tracers (instead of only salinity tracer).
32263cf74c Jean*3996 - conserve volume by exchanging volume from each kLev to above to
bb8f3ffecf Patr*3997 accommodate in-coming brine volume
3998 - store surface and klev exchanged fraction + volume in 4 new 3-d arrays
32263cf74c Jean*3999 - switch KPP surf buoyancy due to brine forcing to 3-d
bb8f3ffecf Patr*4000 (3 more 3-d arrays, 2 for SPforcing[T,S], 1 for boplume)
4001 - add salt_plume_volfrac, salt_plume_apply, salt_plume_tendency_apply_t
32263cf74c Jean*4002 - unrelatedly, also add ad-hoc capability to vary salt_plume scheme
bb8f3ffecf Patr*4003 in East/West Arctic.
751362a27d Jean*4004 o pkg/sbo:
32263cf74c Jean*4005 - incorporate modifications from Katherine Quinn to enable the use of sbo
751362a27d Jean*4006 pkg in ECCO-v4 set-up ; remove SBO-TimeAve output ; add monitor-like
4007 output for future testreport verification (unfinished).
60958941f8 Jean*4008 o pkg/atm_phys:
4009 - change diagnostics (AtPh_Trf & AtPh_Qrf) of DARGAN_BETTSMILLER S/R:
4010 skip the reseting of t_ref & q_ref to initial t & q ; this preserve the
4011 output of S/R CAPECALCNEW (Parcel temp & q) for diagnostics.
0ad17fdd8c Mart*4012 o pkg/seaice
60958941f8 Jean*4013 seaice_calc_ice_strength.F: modify expression to avoid divisions
0ad17fdd8c Mart*4014 (affects truncation)
4015 seaice_do_ridging.F: clean up the insectarium
3fba0517c3 Mart*4016 - fix a bug that was compensated by areaScaling (-> remove areaScaling code)
4017 - added SEAICEsnowFracRidge to redistributed snow (2nd bug)
4018 - set closing/openingRate to zero where no extra iteration is need (3rd bug)
60958941f8 Jean*4019 - add some debugging information and error messages (warnings)
b062ea86d0 Jean*4020 o model/src: modifications relatd to atmosphere p*:
4021 - Switch to more accurate p* coordinate slope term (calc_grad_phi_hyd.F)
4022 - With p* or Sigma-P, use constant reference Pot.Temp (thetaConst) instead
4023 of vertical profile tRef in geopotential background and anomaly.
4024 - Acount for true p* correction in theta <-> T conversion in pkg/aim_v23
4025 and pkg/atm_phys.
4026 - Update FWD output of experiments: aim.5l_cs (x2), fizhi-cs-32x32x40,
4027 fizhi-cs-aqualev20, fizhi-gridalt-hs, tutorial_held_suarez_cs, cpl_aim+ocn.
419c1f0b27 Mart*4028 o pkg/seaice: fix a bug in seaice_prepare_ridging.F, forgot a sqrt
1c0e70142a Oliv*4029 o pkg/ptracers: compute ptracer source/sink due to linear free surface.
4030 not used right now, but can be used in BGC packages to fix conservation.
4031 o pkg/dic, pkg/gchem: move tracer_meanarea to gchem, so it can be used by
4032 other packages too.
b062ea86d0 Jean*4033 o pkg/seaice/seaice_calc_ice_strength.F: replace SEAICE_rhoSnow by
4034 SEAICE_rhoIce in the Rothrock (1975)-type strength calculations (bug fix)
728a44199c Jean*4035 o model/src:
4036 - since we have several heat capacity (even in model/src), define "recip_Cp"
4037 as local variable (no longer in common block) to avoid any confusion.
4038 - add thetaConst in PARAMS.h (to be used with pStar or sigma-P coords).
7bb11c2f45 Jean*4039 o pkg/exf:
4040 - from Jeff Scott: add option (#define EXF_CALC_ATMRHO) to calculate local
4041 air density as function of air Temp, Humidity and atm pressure.
80e9662843 Jean*4043 checkpoint64w (2014/05/02)
4faee70d47 Jean*4044 o verification:
4045 - update output_adm.txt files for experiment global_ocean.cs32x15 (seaice &
4046 seaice_dynmix) and lab_sea (primary test & noseaicedyn): moving/changing
4047 code from seaice_growth.F & seaice_advdiff.F to new ridging routines
b062ea86d0 Jean*4048 seaice_reg_ridge.F seaice_do_ridging.F affects AD gradient
419c1f0b27 Mart*4049 (down to 8-7 matching digits for global_ocean and 5-6 for lab_sea).
bcc533dbd4 Jean*4050 o model/src: for atmosphere in p* coords:
4051 - store factor rStarFacC**atm_kappa (= pStarFacK) in common block
4052 - implement more accurate p* coordinate slope term (in calc_grad_phi_hyd.F),
4053 but not yet activated.
cabb1e150c Mart*4054 o pkg/seaice: fix restart problem for ITD with new ice strength parameterisation:
4055 - move computation of opnWtrFrac = 1-AREA to before computing ice strength
bcc533dbd4 Jean*4056 - this changes the results (but not for any verification experiment, because
4057 none tests this), but avoids having an extra field in the restart files
97d542e805 Mart*4058 o pkg/seaice: remove global variable TICE (not needed)
bcc533dbd4 Jean*4059 - replace by TICES or local variable where necessary (cost_seaice_test,
97d542e805 Mart*4060 seaice_diagnostics_state)
4061 - move copying TICE to TICES from seaice_check_pickup to seaice_read_pickup
4062 - use specific read/write routines for reading and writing individual leves
4063 of a multilevel field
b1bf8777db Jean*4064 o pkg/ctrl & model/inc:
4065 - move additional anomaly fields of control vars (related to options:
4067 from DYNVARS.h into new header file: CTRL_FIELDS.h
cc5e1bc684 Mart*4068 o pkg/seaice: some small modifications to the ridging code
4069 - make fw2ObyRidge a global variable and add the freshwater flux to
4070 seaice_growth
b1bf8777db Jean*4071 - pass actual thickness from seaice_prepare_ridging, so that it is
cc5e1bc684 Mart*4072 computed only in one place and compute it in the same way as in
4073 seaice_growth
4074 - initialise more fields in seaice_do_ridging that where cause floating
4075 point exceptions over land
e990a77247 Mart*4076 o pkg/seaice: preparations for ridging code and first real ridging code
b1bf8777db Jean*4077 - move most of "PART 1" of S/R seaice_growth into a new and separate
e990a77247 Mart*4078 S/R seaice_reg_ridge that will both regularize the state variable after
4079 advection call the actual ridging routine;
b1bf8777db Jean*4080 - requires to make 5 fields global fields: d_HEFFbyNEG,d_HSNWbyNEG,
e990a77247 Mart*4081 d_AREAbyRLX,d_HEFFbyRLX,saltFluxAdjust;
4082 - remove ridging code from seaice_advdiff
b1bf8777db Jean*4083 - clean up remaining part 1 of seaice_growth in an attempt to make it
e990a77247 Mart*4084 more readable (this is probably subjective)
4085 - call seaice_itd_redist once in the initialisation phase to have the initial
4086 conditions in the correct category
4087 - finally: add new ridging routine for ITD code
e36f9ede36 Jean*4089 checkpoint64v (2014/04/11)
9994e4e8cb An T*4090 o pkg/ecco:
4091 - add runtime parameters mdt[start,end]date[1,2]
4092 - rename variable "tpmean" as "mdt" and "topexmeanfile" as "mdtdatfile"
e36f9ede36 Jean*4093 o pkg/seaice:
4094 - make deltaC a global variable, so that it can be used in ridging code
67f02628d2 Mart*4095 - first step towards ridging: introduce new routines that compute
4096 ice strength based on ridging parameters
79793b3c13 Mart*4097 - add diagnostic for HSNOWITD
4098 - add opnWtrFrac as a global variable (required for ridging scheme)
9994e4e8cb An T*4099 o pkg/salt_plume + pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F
4100 - add SALT_PLUME_IN_LEADS flag to activate pkg/salt_plume only when ice
4101 AREA exceeds a threshold (code contributed by I.Fenty in 2011)
684ea763ea Jean*4102 o verification/hs94.1x64x5:
4103 - leave ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC undefined in code_oad/AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h
4104 - do not use ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h anymore for TAF & OpenAD Adjoint tests.
4105 o autodiff:
4106 - Start to include explicitly AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h, COST_OPTIONS.h,
4107 and CTRL_OPTIONS.h in src files (to enable to skip the ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h)
4108 For now, only in pkgs used in verification/hs94.1x64x5.
4109 - Replace ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC by ALLOW_AUTODIFF (except for tape/storage
4110 which are specific to TAF/TAMC).
4112 since ALLOW_OPENAD is defined in PACKAGES_CONFIG.h (any time pkg/openad
4113 is compiled), this simplifies/reduces which *_OPTIONS.h file to include.
4114 - OpenAD: change Makefile to generate the appropriate AD_CONFIG.h when
4115 building mitgcmuv_ad (make adAll).
d85e4bb9df An T*4116 o pkg/ecco:
4117 - cost_gencost_seaicev4.F:
4118 reformulate proxy cost as function of sst and local param SEAICE_freeze
4119 change cost names from siv4-[sst,vol] to siv4-[deconc,exconc]
4120 - add stop statement if old names siv4-[sst,vol] are used
4121 - add snapshots + cost reports for atmospheric longwave
4122 - remove factor 0.1 in front of wtau[u,v]
4123 - replace never used flag ALLOW_TMI_COST_CONTRIBUTION with
684ea763ea Jean*4125 o pkg/atm_phys:
d68eb785a9 Jean*4126 - add some diagnostics for Short-wave and for convection S/R.
684ea763ea Jean*4127 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth:
ea66a54ac4 Mart*4128 - fix a bug in the lateral melt parameterization for SEAICE_ITD
4129 in seaice_growth; tempFrz needs to be computed inside the i/j-loop
4130 - rearrange loop order for better vector code in the same code block
4131 - rewrite the floeDiameter formula to have fewer divisions
4132 - (miraculously) none of this changes the results of seaice_itd
684ea763ea Jean*4133 o pkg/smooth:
4134 - move param smooth2Ddiffnbt to pkg/ecco
4135 o pkg/salt_plume:
4136 - salt_plume_frac.F:
4137 clean up local param names
4138 reformulate (1-frac) to frac; original 1-frac was based on swfrac code
6d2104f414 Jean*4139 o pkg/rw:
4140 - add RS version of S/R READ_MFLDS_LEV.
4141 o pkg/streamice:
4142 - fix the restart test by writing/reading pickup_streamice files.
4143 o pkg/seaice:
0e4bf54f91 Mart*4144 - refine checks for jfnk-related parameters
4145 - comment out if statement with SEAICEuseIMEX parameter as long as there
4146 is no IMEX code to avoid confusion and surprises
1b217122f8 Jean*4148 checkpoint64u (2014/03/07)
85157af967 Jean*4149 o verification/MLAdjust:
4150 - rename secondary test suffix:
4151 1.leith -> A4FlxF + switch to flux-form & add side-drag
4152 0.leithD -> AhFlxF + switch to flux-form
4153 0.smag -> AhVrDv (use Vorticity-Div. visc form) + add side-drag
4154 0.leith -> AhStTn (use Strain-Tension visc form) + add side-drag
f0b594ffe2 Jean*4155 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
4156 - remove unused arguments from S/R MOM_VI_HDISSIP & MOM_HDISSIP (as it used
4157 to be before mom_calc_visc.F)
4158 - skip the call to MOM_CALC_TENSION & MOM_CALC_STRAIN if not needed.
4159 - add 2nd copy of vort3 & strain that knows about lateral BC (free/no slip):
4160 this is simpler for the adjoint and for diagnostics.
7ab8a42a9d Jean*4161 o model/src + pkg/momentum:
4162 - add input files for 2-D additional Western and Southern cell-edge wall
4163 (e.g., to add "thin-wall" where it is =1).
4164 - fix sideDrag option for thin-walls with Non-Lin Free-Surf
4165 using 2nd hFacZ that is computed from initial (fix domain) hFac
4166 - known limitations of thin wall implementation: not yet coded for sigma
4167 coords; not working with CD-scheme neither.
21cfbf5d41 Jean*4168 o pkg/seaice:
65555308b7 Mart*4169 - rename recently introduced parameters from (wrong name) AB to
4170 BDF (backward difference time discretisation)
4171 - retire runtime parameters SEAICEuseAB2, SEAICE_abEps
21cfbf5d41 Jean*4172 o tools/adjoint_options:
4173 - remove setting of "OPENAD=true" (now set by command line "genmake2 -oad")
65555308b7 Mart*4174
0819a3aef8 Jean*4175 checkpoint64t (2014/02/01)
d85e4bb9df An T*4176 o pkg/ecco
4177 - add compile flag ALLOW_GENCOST_TIMEVARY_WEIGHT in ECCO_OPTIONS.h and
4178 runtime logical flag gencost_timevaryweight to read daily sea-ice sigma
4179 - replace hard-coded record number and period which only work for monthly
4180 with read-in runtime param that works for other periods (month,day,year)
a4e96d71ae Patr*4181 o pkg/thsice
4182 - corrected store directive fixes thsice adjoint gradient checks
c610335cdc Jean*4183 o genmake2 & testreport:
4184 - add genmake2 option "-oad" to generate a Makefile for OpenAD built and
4185 in this case, use tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_oad as default AD optfile.
4186 Update testreport accordingly. No need to set "export OPENAD=true"
4187 in adjoint_options/adjoint_oad anymore (will be removed later).
9a846a36d2 Jean*4188 o pkg/shelfice:
4189 - put T & S shelfice forcing into model surfaceForcing_T,_S (for now,
4190 only if SHELFICEboundaryLayer=F); Change model/src/external_forcing.F
4191 so that surface forcing applies to k=kSurf if using pkg/shelfice.
62997f5aad Patr*4192 o pkg/ctrl, pkg/grdchk, pkg/ecco:
9a846a36d2 Jean*4193 - Changes to make GENARR more modular (i.e. invisible if not used)
cde67b4ce1 Gael*4194 o model/src/temp_integrate.F and salt_integrate.F
9a846a36d2 Jean*4195 - re-include store directives that were removed on Dec 27th.
3dbdd94ad6 Gael*4196 o model/src/external_forcing_surf.F
9a846a36d2 Jean*4197 - add storage directives for EmPmR and PmEpR to avoid recomputation of
4198 seaice_model in the adjoint that is problematic when seaice_model is
4199 turned off in the adjoint. The resolved issue dated back to July when
4200 EXTERNAL_FORCING_SURF call was moved.
4201 Update global_ocean.cs32x15/*/output_adm.seaice_dynmix.txt accordingly.
20bd954105 Mart*4202 o pkg/exf/exf_check.F
9a846a36d2 Jean*4203 - fix a small bug again (originally found by Wentao Liu, now found again)
4204 - streamline error output
20bd954105 Mart*4205 o pkg/streamice and aim_v23:
9a846a36d2 Jean*4206 - replace a few "_EXCH_XY_RL (" with "_EXCH_XY_RL(", so that
4207 Apple's /usr/bin/cpp knows what to do:
4208 Apple LLVM version 5.0 (clang-500.2.79) (based on LLVM 3.3svn)
4209 Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.0.0
20bd954105 Mart*4210
f23338cc5b Jean*4211 checkpoint64s (2014/01/05)
ce5f09424a Jean*4212 o tools/adjoint_options:
4213 - switch to fastopt.net TAF server (instead of default fastopt.de) for
4214 AD optfiles adjoint_diva & adjoint_f95 (similar to adjoint_default).
4215 o model/src:
4216 - remove some unnecessary TAF storage directives in forward_step.F and
4217 in dynamics.F (note: not always removed by TAF, e.g., double storage
4218 of kappaRU,kappaRV in former version of dynamics.F).
f2a2ecef28 Jean*4219 o model/src & pkg/ptracers:
ce5f09424a Jean*4220 - call directly GAD_IMPLICIT_R & IMPLDIFF + DWNSLP_APPLY from temp_integrate.F
f2a2ecef28 Jean*4221 salt_integrate.F and ptracers_integrate.F (instead of from thermodynamics.F)
4222 and remove ptracers_dwnslp_apply.F & ptracers_implicit.F
4223 - call MATRIX_STORE_TENDENCY_EXP for each tracer (in ptracers_integrate.F)
4224 - add fZon & fMer as output argument of S/R GAD_CALC_RHS.
4225 - update TAF AD-output of experiments global_ocean.90x40x15 (13 for AD-grad).
e71dbcdc66 Jean*4226 o useSingleCpuInput separates single-CPU input from single-CPU output;
4227 for now only implemented for in exf_interp_read.F
4228 o verification/advect_xy:
4229 - fix missing EXCH call in local version of ini_salt.F and update output.
4230 o momentum diagnostics:
4231 - fix which deltaT is used in Total-Tendency diagnostics.
4232 - fix typo in diagnostics for momentum tendency from AB.
4233 o pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr.F: fix an initialisation bug for the
4234 SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR_ZEBRA option that lead to NaNs on a NEC-SX8
05b3bcee70 Mart*4235
49ba07ded8 Jean*4236 checkpoint64r (2013/12/08)
21fae43a0a Jean*4237 o verification/*/results:
4238 - Update reference output of experiments that were passing with just 13 digits
4239 (make it easier to detect future changes in results)
4175fa5a6c Jean*4240 o model/src & pkg/ptracers:
4241 - move calls to GAD_ADVECTION (Multi-Dim advection) from thermodynamics.F to
4242 inside temp_integrate.F and salt_integrate.F and from ptracers_advection.F
4243 to inside ptracers_integrate.F ; remove ptracers_advection.F
13e111d31a Jean*4244 o coupling interface pkgs:
4245 [atm_compon_interf, ocn_compon_interf & atm_ocn_coupler]
4246 - change the config check to test the agreement of Ocean Depth
4247 with ATM land/sea mask (instead of ATM orography);
4248 - send to coupler the number of coupler time-steps to do for this run:
4249 this allows to check for consistency and don't need anymore to be
4250 specified in parameter file "data";
4251 in coupler:
4252 - check consistency of RunOff map versus Ocean Depth and ATM land/sea mask.
4253 - improve report to log-file of config setting (pass log-file unit to few S/R)
4254 o pkg/compon_communic:
4255 - add coupling send/receive for non-tiled integer vector;
4256 - add S/R to check and stop if any proc has an error (similar to
4257 eesupp/src/stop_if_error.F but single thread and across Comm_World).
b7f9d4a417 Jean*4258 o pkg/exch2:
4259 - in exch2*_get_rx[1,2]: use new list "W2_tileIndex" to replace search
4260 through list of all tiles my proc owns.
4261 o model/src:
4262 - AUTODIFF only: in calc_adv_flow.F, recompute rTransKp (instead of copying
4263 from rTrans) to simplify dependencies (no need to store rTrans anymore in
4264 calling S/R); this affects AD results at machine truncation level:
4265 update AD-output (TAF) of experiments: 1D_ocean_ice_column,
4266 bottom_ctrl_5x5 & obcs_ctrl (12 digits for AD grad, same FWD grad).
1088379d6a Jean*4267 o tools/build_options:
4268 - simplify Warnings options (-ieee & -devel cases) in linux_amd64_gfortran
4269 o coupling interface pkgs:
4270 [compon_communic, atm_compon_interf & ocn_compon_interf]
4271 - move declaration of local array "ibuf" out of header file "CPLR_SIG.h"
4272 to each S/R that needs it; remove un-used variables.
4273 - change component tile registration (cpl_register.F in both compon_interf
4274 and mitcomponent_tile_register.F) to pass the full list of tiles
4275 information (including bi,bj) in 1 vector (instead of in a bi,bj matrix).
4276 - with pkg/exch2: adopt the same convention used for I/O to define mapping
4277 towards coupler global array (unless W2_useE2ioLayOut=F):
4278 a) can now use different tiling between atm & ocn comp.
4279 b) no needs to modify the run-Off map when changing tiling (was needed
4280 even if using the same tiling between atm & ocn).
4281 c) will allow to run with blank-tiles in 1 component (e.g., for ocean
4282 full land tiles); not yet tested.
4283 - check for valid mapping from comp. tile to coupler global array
4284 - improve report of tile registration results to log file.
4285 o pkg/exch2:
4286 - in eesupp/src/eeboot.F: move call to W2_EEBOOT before Coupler
4287 tile-registration (CPL_REGISTER);
4288 - activate (un-comment) definition and setting of "W2_tileIndex" list to
4289 store the local bi,bj indices of each tile;
4290 - also print bi,bj in local report to log file;
4291 - fix pkg/debug/debug_cs_corner_uv.F for the case nSy > 1 (left from
4292 Jun 2009 modif of pkg/exch2).
4293 o testing on baudelaire:
4294 - run 2 tests at a time: no significant slow down (since enough cpu) and
4295 get the full set of test done earlier
4296 - switch the ifort test to "-devel" ; run the OpenAD test everyday.
a9265de95a Jean*4297 o model/src/thermodynamics.F and routines called from it:
4298 - pkg/gmredi: gmredi_residual_flow.F (replacing gmredi_calc_uvflow.F &
4299 gmredi_calc_wflow.F) to update eulerian velocity (input) into residual
4300 velocity (outp) by adding bolus velocity.
4301 - model/src: calc_adv_flow.F (replacing calc_common_factors.F) to compute
4302 mass transport from velocity + lateral grid cell area
4303 - rename calc_gt.F to temp_integrate.F (includes call to TIMESTEP_TRACER)
4304 - rename calc_gs.F to salt_integrate.F (includes call to TIMESTEP_TRACER)
4305 in thermodynamics.F
4306 - remove k from thermodynamics.F and move it to temp_integrate.F
4307 salt_integrate.F and ptracers_integrate.F (now done inside the tracer
4308 loop).
4309 - compute locally (in thermodynamics.F) 3-D velocity field that is used to
4310 advect tracers; pass it as argument to GAD_ADVECTION, GAD_SOM_ADVECT,
4313 - update AD-output (TAF & OAD) of experiments: 1D_ocean_ice_column,
4314 global_ocean.90x40x15, tutorial_global_oce_biogeo and
4315 tutorial_tracer_adjsens (+ TLM output).
1088379d6a Jean*4316 o tools/OAD_support and (verification/*/) code_oad:
8f959368b3 Jean*4317 - OAD_support/cb2mGetModules.csh: add PACKAGES_CONFIG.h in header file to
4318 module conversion ; remove unneeded CPP_EEOPTIONS.h.
4319 - code_oad/CPP_OPTIONS.h: remove PACKAGES_CONFIG.h and use a more standard
1088379d6a Jean*4320 version (closer to model/inc/CPP_OPTIONS.h).
8f959368b3 Jean*4321 o model/src:
4322 - remove parameter "useOldFreezing" from PARAMS.h and push it to the
4323 retired list of parameters (routine FREEZE has been replace by surface
4324 freezing (10.yrs ago) and by pkg/frazil (interior freezing).
4325 o pkg/gmredi:
4326 - add option (GM_CALC_TRANSP_FROM_VEL) to compute transport directly from
4327 velocity (same scheme but affects machine truncation) for GM_AdvForm.
4328 - update output of FWD experiments: front_relax.bvp,
4329 global_ocean.90x40x15.dwnslp, global_ocean.cs32x15 and ideal_2D_oce.
ccabb03de3 Jean*4331 checkpoint64q (2013/11/17)
7669301999 Jean*4332 o verification:
4333 - generate new output on baudelaire (gfortran, -ieee) for OpenAD experiments
4334 tutorial_global_oce_biogeo and global_ocean.90x40x15.
4335 - generate new output (growth & melt) for seaice_itd experiment after
4336 updating the input pickup_seaice files (previously wrong).
d498609aae Jean*4337 o pkg/cost:
4338 - define a "final cost function" for each tile, and use GLOBAL_SUM_TILE_RL
4339 (instead of _GLOBAL_SUM_RL) to get the final cost from all procs & threads:
c610335cdc Jean*4340 o this fixes global-sum value if multi-threads (since GLOBAL_SUM_RL
d498609aae Jean*4341 cannot be applied to var in common block).
4342 o allows to get results independent of tile-per-proc setting (if using
4343 slower GLOBAL_SUM_SEND_RECV option).
4344 - update accordingly: seaice_cost_final.F, shelfice_cost_final.F,
4345 thsice_cost_final.F and ecco_cost_final.F (this one affects lab_sea
4346 forward gradients: update output).
4347 - update */code_oad/externalDummies.F by adding dummy GLOBAL_SUM_TILE_RL
4348 S/R and, for most exp., also comment out GLOBAL_SUM_R8.
586c949ecf Jean*4349 o pkg/mom_common:
4350 - move to pkg/mom_common and model/src (previously in tutorial_deep_convection
4351 code) 2nd version of isotropic 3-D Smagorinsky code interface: strain and
4352 viscosity are locally declared in dynmics.F and pass as argument to CALC_GW;
4353 ensure that all field value that are used are set.
4eccb07ab1 Jean*4354 o tutorial_deep_convection (smag3d):
4355 - add missing scaling in mom_calc_smag_3d.F;
4356 - set smag3D_coeff in input.smag3d such that results do not change.
4357 o pkg/dic:
4358 - change dic_cost.F to compute cost on each tile first and then apply
4359 GLOBAL_SUM_TILE_RL: this affects forward gradient of AD experiments
4360 tutorial_dic_adjoffline & tutorial_global_oce_biogeo; update output.
35050126c6 Oliv*4361 - remove kLev argument and use GLOBAL_SUM_TILE_RL in tracer_meanarea.
a5d44ed107 Jean*4362 o eesupp/src & pkg/mdsio:
4363 - remove gather/scatter_vector.F (from eesupp) and mdsio_read/writevector.F
4364 (from pkg/mdsio) since they are no longer used for tape IO.
4365 - move simple C subroutine "setdir.c" from pkg/compon_communic to eesupp/src
4366 (+ keep a copy in pkg/atm_ocn_coupler).
2e81182906 Jean*4367 o verification/isomip:
4368 - split domain in 8 squared tiles (instead of just 2) for FWD, AD & OAD tests.
4369 o tools/build_options:
4370 - optfile linux_amd64_ifort11, fast (no ieee) case:
4371 to get a working restart for all experiments, add "-fp-model source"
4372 to FOPTIM (also remove "-opt-streaming-stores auto" <- this is the default).
a01940b562 Jean*4374 checkpoint64p (2013/10/20)
5bfbd26026 Jean*4375 o pkg/autodiff:
4376 - adread_adwrite.F: when type and length do not match ALLOW_AUTODIFF_WHTAPEIO
4377 criteria, return to simple (default) tape IO format.
645a01b465 Jean*4378 o pkg/mdsio (+ eesupp/src):
4379 - rewrite/simplify tape-IO S/R (new S/R MDS_READ/WRITE_TAPE replace
4380 previous MDSREAD/WRITEVECTOR) with 2 array argument from each type (R4/R8);
4381 - fix globalFile and singleCpuIO options using simpler global mapping.
4382 - new pairs of scatter/gather vector S/R (one for each type, generated from
4383 template) corresponding to simpler global mapping.
4384 - adread_write.F: switch to new S/R (but leave old calls commented) and write
4385 to globalFile when parameter globalFiles is set to True.
4386 - switch on useSingleCpuIO in AD experiments: global_ocean.90x40x15 & isomip.
b798a7d810 Jean*4387 o pkg/autodiff:
5bfbd26026 Jean*4388 - adread_adwrite.F: add a hack for RS arrays (when RS=real*4);
4389 with ALLOW_AUTODIFF_WHTAPEIO defined, since corresponding (real*4) is
b798a7d810 Jean*4390 missing, just add a STOP if array type do not match.
dc136770de Jean*4391 o pkg/exf:
4392 - to allow to use seaice-fraction from pkg/exf in other pkgs than pkg/seaice:
4394 and rename array obsSIce to exf_iceFraction.
94e0cca872 Jean*4395 o tutorial_deep_convection:
4396 - add 1rst version of isotropic 3-D Smagorinsky code (from Louis-Philippe),
4397 for now all in this exp. code dir.
4398 - add secondary test using Smag-3D viscosity (keep very low backgroud visc for
4399 testing) and flux-limter advection scheme for Temp. (no explicit diffusion).
4400 o eesupp/src:
4401 - added SINGLE_DISK_IO option because reading of parameter files on
4402 very large number of processors did not work with existing set-up
cc89d07104 Jean*4404 checkpoint64o (2013/09/25)
4405 o pkg/atm_phys & atm_compon_interf:
4406 - allows for coupling of gray-atmosphere (atm_phys) with ocean.
6bd6f7be12 Jean*4407 o tools/build_options:
4408 - switch from "-fPIC" to "-mcmodel=medium" in optfiles: linux_amd64_gfortran
4409 & linux_amd64_ifort11 and in linux_amd64_g77 & linux_amd64_open64 also
4410 remove CPP setting (was identical to genmake2 default).
1115280ea7 Mich*4411 o pkg/gmredi & model/src: Some updating and work done on the residual model.
4412 - created new file model/src/calc_eddy_stress.F to calculate the eddy stress.
6bd6f7be12 Jean*4413 - fixed up the calculation of the eddy stress and how it is added to the
1115280ea7 Mich*4414 external forcing via taueddy_external_forcing.F
4415 - at the moment, it is very experimental and only works with the variable eddy
4416 diffusivity calculated in gmredi_k3d.F
6bd6f7be12 Jean*4417 o pkg/seaice/seaice_check.F: add a check to catch the case of specifying
4418 lw/swfluxfile instead of lw/swdownfile in data.exf together with pkg/seaice
4419 o testreport (& tools/do_tst_2+2):
4420 - for MPI test, set default COMMAND to 'mpirun -v -np TR_NPROC ./{executable}'
addfa94074 Jean*4421 o tools/build_options: linux_amd64_gfortran & linux_amd64_ifort11:
4422 - remove CPP='cpp -traditional -P' (this is genmake2 default)
4423 - add switch (for big setups) to use 'medium' memory-model (but leave it
4424 commented out for now). Note: needed with FC 19 to compile big setups.
3dca81485c Jean*4425 o pkg/atm_compon_interf:
4426 - regroup per field origin (model & pkgs) the coupling storage routines
4427 (which accumalate in time each coupling field)
addfa94074 Jean*4428 - move bi,bj loops inside atm_store_my_data.F and store also wind-stress;
3dca81485c Jean*4429 update accordingly + simplify aim_do_physics.F
8f1243bebb Jean*4431 checkpoint64n (2013/08/26)
5f5cc705f4 Dimi*4432 o pkg/bbl:
4433 - update formulation to reduce dispersion of tracer properties in bbl
4434 - replaced horizontal and vertical transport parameters with velocities
4435 - changes results for verification/global_with_exf.yearly
ffbb57e6f3 Dani*4436 o verification/halfpipe_streamice:
4437 - change to matrix construction; update both Fwd & AD output.
c91228a3b5 Jean*4438 o verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens:
4439 - OpenAD test: switch to vector-invariant momentum since fluxform with
4440 rStar causes problems with OpenAD; update output.
983705b2af Jean*4441 o tools:
c91228a3b5 Jean*4442 - genmake2: define a common prefix for all temp-file names ; move them
4443 to local /tmp disk (but would be easy to move them back);
4444 - xmakedepend: apply the same switch for temp-files.
983705b2af Jean*4445 o pkg/offline:
c91228a3b5 Jean*4446 - changes for use with rStar (NLFS): assume that we continue to provide
983705b2af Jean*4447 UVELMASS/hFacW_ini & VVELMASS/hFacS_ini (hFacWi,S_ini as written in grid
4448 output files) and apply r* scaling at each time-step (function of the time
4449 varying Eta field); use normal pickup files (needed for restart with NLFS).
28e8749e94 Oliv*4450 o adjoint with OpenAD:
4451 - move OpenAD-specific files from verification/OpenAD/code_oad_all to a new
4452 package openad. This package has to be compiled for all runs with OpenAD
4453 instead of specifying code_oad_all as a modification directory.
4454 - link the fortran templates from tools/OAD_support to the build directory
4455 for preprocessing to avoid conflicts between different setups compiled
4456 simultaneously and simplify cleanup.
96b2fd29af Jean*4457 o pkg/exf:
4458 - in exf_getforcing.F: comment out most of the EXCH calls (fields used by
4459 main model or other pkgs are exchanged in EXF_MAPFIELDS).
4460 o model/src:
4461 - do_stagger_fields_exchanges.F: skip EXCH calls when using pkg/offline
4462 (similar to do_fields_blocking_exchanges.F).
4463 o tools/genmake2:
4464 - remove TAF output src code just before calling staf (when not doing a fresh
4465 built, will stop if things go wrong with staf).
4466 - fix target "adobj" (left from TAF version-2 transition)
2cbfd59e75 Jean*4467 o pkg/diagnostics:
4468 - add a parameter to track the status of pkg/diagnostics activation;
4469 this replace/extend the use of logical param "settingDiags" (to check
4470 when adding diag to the list) to also check any DIAGNOSTICS_[]FILL* call.
4471 New S/R to print error message and stop when pkgStatus is not right.
4472 - to try: add a warning when "data.diagnostics" exist but useDiagnostics=F.
45d3f75a8f Jean*4474 checkpoint64m (2013/08/13)
ee9d1fdd8f Jean*4475 o model/inc:
4476 - move FCORI_MACROS.h from PARAMS(_MACROS).h to GRID_MACROS.h (left from
4477 8 yrs ago modif when Coriolis arrays were moved from PARAMS.h to GRID.h)
4478 o pkg/kpp & aim_v23:
4479 - only call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL when useDiagnostics=TRUE.
19c1d5675e Jean*4480 o pkg/seaice:
4481 - restore (last time on 2011/12/24) ability to compile pkg/seaice with
4482 undefined pkg/exf ALLOW_ATM_TEMP or ALLOW_RUNOFF CPP-options.
ee9d1fdd8f Jean*4483 - only call DIAGNOSTICS_FILL when useDiagnostics=TRUE.
4484 o eesupp/src:
4485 - fix check for overlap-size argument (myOLn.GT.MAX_OLY_EXCH)
4486 in exch1_rx[_ad].template (thanks to Francois Lefeuvre report).
51fc369eef Jean*4487 o switch to TAF version-2:
4488 - add flow directives to "freeze" naming convention for ad-routines that
4489 are used in I/O routines of adjoint state and associated common blocks
4490 that are used in adcommon.h (backward compatible with version-1)
4491 - update all ad-optfiles (in tools/adjoint_options + few local to some
4492 verification exp) to switch to latest TAF version (currently 2.5.5);
4493 merge "*_mpi" adoptfiles into the corresponding non-mpi (but commented
4494 out except for diva).
4495 - the major change with TAF version-2 is that both the differentiated
4496 routines and the forward routines (new) are returned as part of the TAF
4497 output source code. Update genmake2 accordingly.
4498 - new output for AD experiment tutorial_global_oce_biogeo (better AD gradient
4499 with version-2 when compared to TLM or FWD gradient); other experiments
4500 output show minor changes (machine truncation level); update the few AD &
4501 TLM output with 12 matching digits only (some prior to version-2 switch).
5ed109e8ff Jean*4503 checkpoint64l (2013/08/05)
f66939121e Jean*4504 o model/src:
4505 - in dynamics.F, skip the call to CALC_VISCOSITY if momViscosity=F
ea7e42c5a8 Jean*4506 - main_do_loop.F: no longer includes additional (AUTODIFF) header files
4507 when using TAF but only if using OpenAD.
c7389f7fae Jean*4508 o pkg/mom_common+fluxform+vecinv:
4509 - always set horiz. viscosity arrays to background value before calling
4511 only when using variable horiz. viscosity (useVariableVisc=T);
4512 - simplify mom_vecinv.F (only 1 block for momViscosity).
d9f9cc1105 Jean*4513 o pkg/mom_common: variable horiz. viscosity in NH code
4514 - move horiz-viscosity 3-D arrays viscAh_W & viscA4_W (used in calc_gw.F)
4515 from model/inc/NH_VARS.h to pkg/mom_common/MOM_VISC.h
4516 - store in common block (in MOM_VISC.h) logical parameters: useHarmonicVisc,
4517 useBiharmonicVisc & useVariableVisc.
4518 - fix old bug (already in 1rst implementation of variable horizontal viscosity
4519 in calc_gw.F, version 1.27, 2006/06/20):
4520 horizontal bi-harmonic viscosity in gW was missing when wiscA4W=0
4521 even if variable bi-harmonic viscosity (e.g., viscA4Grid) was non-zero.
4522 - change background horiz viscosity in vertical momentum (gW) to always be
4523 viscAhW,viscA4W (instead of switching to viscAhD, viscA4D when using
4524 any type of variable viscosity, e.g., viscAh/4Grid)
4525 - change default value of viscAhW,viscA4W to viscAhD,viscA4D (instead of
4526 viscAh,viscA4) which default to viscAh,viscA4 : this avoid missing
4527 horiz. viscosity in W eq when just setting viscAhD/Z,viscA4D/Z (since
4528 default viscAh,viscA4 is zero).
e636cf27b8 Jean*4529 o model/src:
4530 - extend length of drC & recip_drC from Nr to Nr+1.
e8ed922ed3 Jean*4531 o Divided Adjoint (DIVA) with MPI:
4532 - genmake2: do not create local ./mpi_headers dir when no file to copy into.
4534 and ALLOW_USE_MPI) from model/src code and from ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h.
8dca956637 Jean*4536 checkpoint64k (2013/07/23)
dee062a69c Jean*4537 o tools/OAD_support:
8dca956637 Jean*4538 - avoid the need for file "oadtempflile" in insertTemplateDir.bash
4539 and remove it from genmake2.
dee062a69c Jean*4540 o tools/build_options:
4541 - remove MPI_HEADER_FILES_INC setting (no longer used) and comment out
4542 MPI_HEADER_FILES list (let genmake2 find the missing headers)
4be02e3b08 Dani*4543 o verification/halfpipe_streamice:
dee062a69c Jean*4544 - change to driving stress formulation; update both Fwd & AD output.
4545 o tools/genmake2 and Divided Adjoint with MPI:
4546 - remove default setting of MPIINCLUDEDIR from $MPIHOME (always been broken);
4547 - only create local ./mpi_headers dir if using MPI and MPIINCLUDEDIR is set;
4548 - add new variable (LOCAL_MPI_HEADERS, replace MPI_HEADER_FILES_INC) in
4549 Makefile, which is set by genmake2, and check which mpi-headers are needed.
4550 Note: need to update adjoint_options/adjoint_diva_mpi accordingly.
4551 - update target "CLEAN" (to also remove ./mpi_headers/ dir).
bcf312c024 Jean*4552 o testreport:
4553 - changes for Divided Adjoint Run: when file "run_ADM_DIVA" is present,
4554 perform additional runs (number of additional runs is "add_DIVA_runs" taken
4555 from file run_ADM_DIVA ; should match "nchklev_3" in file "code_ad/tamc.h").
4556 o verification/lab_sea (AD test):
4557 - change to test Divided Adjoint Run in this set-up (both standard AD test
4558 and 2 secondary AD test: noseaice + noseaicedyn); drop the evp AD test.
0f31045802 Jean*4559 o pkg atm_ & ocn_compon_interf:
4560 - remove cpl_earlyExpImpCall=F option (was mainly a hack added for the old
4561 staggerTimeStep implementation) and disable (retired) corresponding
4562 parameter.
d761a6c43f Jean*4563 o pkg/offline:
4564 - comment out unused field-array: ICEM, ConvectCount, hflx[01], icem[01];
4565 - add S/R OFFLINE_CHECK to print offline parameter summary
4566 and stop if loading a file that is not used;
4567 - enable to calculate GMRedi tensor, KPP mixing and convective index
4568 when the corresponding file(s) is/are not specified (but pkg is used).
2bbc535596 Jean*4569 - comment out resetting of monitorFreq (to endTime) since it still useful
4570 for monitoring CFL numbers and checking offline fields.
e44d40886c Jean*4571 o OpenAD:
4572 - do not define OAD_DEBUG (in tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_oad) to get
4573 smaller standard output) and generate new (smaller) output (on baudelaire
4574 using gfortran with -ieee) for exp. tutorial_tracer_adjsens
5c3afaf8cf Jean*4575 o model/src:
4576 - call EXTERNAL_FORCING_SURF outside bi,bj loops (in do_oceanic_phys.F),
4577 (where external_forcing_adjust was called) and change list of arguments;
4578 - merge external_forcing_adjust.F into external_forcing_surf.F
4579 - put surface relaxation of SST & SSS in new S/R (forcing_surf_relax.F)
4580 which also contains balancing surface relaxation (ALLOW_BALANCE_RELAX,
4581 previously in file "balance_relax.F", now removed); remove corresponding
4582 arrays in FFIELDS.h.
4583 - EXTERNAL_FORCING_SURF is now called when using pkg/offline; implement
4584 a hack for getting back surfaceForcingS (loaded from file) when using
4585 ALLOW_OLD_VIRTUALFLUX (pkg/dic, in DIC_OPTIONS.h) in offline set-up.
4586 - update output of AD test experiment global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice_dynmix
4587 (was getting only 11 digits for AD-grad, due to different truncation
4588 error in AD code).
f15d0780a7 Jean*4590 checkpoint64j (2013/07/04)
b9ef6e0869 Jean*4591 o pkg/offline:
4592 - to enable the use of other features with pkg offline (e.g., obcs),
4593 also call S/R DO_OCEANIC_PHYS in offline run - more modifs to come.
4594 - comment out "allowFreezing" (now active) in 2 offline testing exp.
27ebbc08f6 Dimi*4595 o pkg/exf ALLOW_RUNOFTEMP
4596 - fix sign and make compatible with temp_EvPrRn .NE. UNSET_RL
5c3afaf8cf Jean*4597 - ahdded RUNOFTEMP test to verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input.seaice
684284fdda Dimi*4598 - changes verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/results/output.seaice.txt
d2e18b684b Jean*4599 o pkg/atm_phys:
4600 - allows to add some damping on uVel,vVel (strength only function of k).
978ac82129 Jean*4601 o verification, ad-tests:
4602 - reduce length of the simulation for AD test: global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice,
4603 global_ocean_ebm and offline_exf_seaice.thsice.
b8dffaf82f Dani*4604 o verification/halfpipe_streamice:
4605 - found a bug in s/r pkg/streamice/streamice_advect_thickness which caused
4606 flux input boundary conditions to be ignored; a fix for this bug changed
978ac82129 Jean*4607 verification results for forward test.
4608 - add adjoint test.
7ee27107e3 Jean*4609 o pkg/ptracers:
4610 - allow to restart without SOM pickup (resetting SOM to zero).
0d1e4b948d Mich*4611 o pkg/gmredi:
4612 - New parameterisation for the calculation of K and (GM_PsiX,GM_PsiY) added.
4613 - It uses mixing length theory and suppression by steering level effects to
4614 calculate a diffusivity used in the Redi tensor (see Bates et al., submitted
4615 to JPO, for more details).
4616 - It also uses the diffusivity to calculate an eddy induced streamfunction
4617 based on a PV closure (rather than a buoyancy closure as in GM).
7ee27107e3 Jean*4618 - New files added to pkg/gmredi:
0d1e4b948d Mich*4619 gmredi_k3d.F calculates the diffusivity for the Redi tensor and the eddy
4620 induced overturning streamfunction (called from gmredi_calc_tensor)
4621 gmredi_calc_eigs.F calculates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors required
4622 for use in gmredi_k3d
4623 gmredi_calc_urms.F calculates the the rms eddy velocity used to calculate
4624 the eddy diffusivity
ffc1393533 Mich*4625
fe0ec941c0 Jean*4626 checkpoint64i (2013/06/18)
e68ed13a81 Jean*4627 o pkg/cheapaml:
4628 - take src files from MITgcm_contrib/verification_other/offline_cheapaml/code
4629 that enable the use of seaice (pkg/thsice thermo & pkg/seaice dynamics)
4630 with pkg/cheapaml.
4631 o utils/python: add subpackage for cubed sphere function, first example is
4632 simple cs.pcol to plot 2D fields on a map
531678d622 Dani*4633 o pkg/streamice:
4634 - This is a new package in MITgcm, which solves dynamic equations for ice
4635 sheets and ice streams
e68ed13a81 Jean*4636 - At the moment it is independent of atmosphere/ocean dynamics, or any
531678d622 Dani*4637 other physical packages in MITgcm, even ShelfIce (although it is anticipat-
4638 ed that this will change)
e68ed13a81 Jean*4639 - There is a new verification exercise that tests it, halfpipe_streamice,
531678d622 Dani*4640 evolves a 40x80 km ice stream/ice shelf (at coarse resolution) in a
4641 rectangular embayment
4642 - halfpipe_streamice is forward-only for now, will have TAF test soon
4643 - for questions, email dgoldber@mit.edu
04cb5dc10d Jean*4644 o pkg/thsice:
4645 - fix filling of snow-precip diagnostic (SIsnwPrc) (left from the removing
4646 of snowPrc from common bloc, on May 2nd, thsice_step_fwd.F revision 1.40);
4647 - remove diagnostics 'SI_FrcFx' ( now identical to 'SI_Fract' with new
4648 call sequence: ice-Thermo(thsice),ice-Dyn,ice-Advect );
4649 - allow precip from pkg/cheapaml to make snow over seaice.
a5f3de150b Jean*4650 o pkg/cfc:
ac5b32ca4b Jean*4651 - move in separated header file (CFC_ATMOS.h) time-serie arrays of Atmos CFC
4652 - remove atmos CFC 2-D arrays from common bloc (now local variables)
4653 - change some hard-coded constant to run time parameter for reading and
4654 and interpolating atmospheric CFC ; keep same default as previously.
4655 - more flexible reading of Atmos CFC (number of records no longer hard-coded)
4656 - put arguments in standard order: myTime, myIter, myThid
4657 - use standard S/R GET_PERIODIC_INTERVAL for time interpolation of
4658 atmospheric CFC ; fix for the case myIter < PTRACERS_iter0.
4659 - fix calculation of surf tendencys for partial-cell and/or Non-Lin Free-Surf
4660 - new routine to print summary of CFC params and check for consistency.
7a8082e765 Mart*4661 o pkg/seaice: add uice/vice to the parameter list of s/r seaice_advdiff,
4662 similar to thsice_advdiff.
4663 Note that for the B-grid case the routine parameters uc/vc are overwritten.
ac5b32ca4b Jean*4664 o pkg/cfc:
a5f3de150b Jean*4665 - change time interpolation for atmospheric CFC-11 (now same as for CFC-12);
4666 update output (CFC-11) of experiment cfc_example and tutorial_cfc_offline.
ac5b32ca4b Jean*4667 - fix interpolation of atmphspheric CFC between Sorthern and Northern
4668 hemisphere value.
5dd9cc40ef Jean*4669 o pkg/seaice:
4670 - allow to use seaice dynamics without pkg/exf (e.g., using pkg/cheapaml)
a8ebf896c4 Mart*4671 o pkg/seaice: add Adams-Bashforth2 time discretization for ice dynamics;
4672 so far only for JFNK-solver, turn on with SEAICEuseAB2 = .TRUE.
4673 - requires an additional time level that is stored in the pickup
4674 - you can start with AB2 from a pickup without this time level with
4675 pickupStrictlyMatch = .false.
2d517edcde Jean*4677 checkpoint64h (2013/05/26)
06294f69b9 Jean*4678 o pkg/cheapaml:
4679 - replace one ()**.5 with SQRT + use temp var "cdu = tau/Du" (coare3_flux);
4680 affect machine truncation (but exp cheapAML_box still pass with 13 digits).
4681 - consistent treatment of uWind,vWind location: assume everywhere in
4682 pkg/cheapaml that they are on C-grid (@ uVel,vVel location)
4683 (Note: was already the case for Tair,Qair advection);
4684 add option (INCONSISTENT_WIND_LOCATION) to recover old results.
4685 - compute diabatic forcing only in the interior (excluding overlap regions)
4686 - fill in array "Qsw" (for short-wave heating);
4687 - add diagnostic for precip ; fill-in diagnostics for cheapAML state vars
4688 before any update (consistent with MITgcm state var diagnostics);
4689 - cheapaml_fields_load.F & cheapaml_init_varia.F : only fill outer edges if
4690 non periodic ; + adjusted for uWind,vWind (C-grid).
4691 o pkg/seaice:
4692 - remove dependence of pkg/seaice versus pkg/exf (file: pkg/pkg_depend) and
4693 add explicitly pkg/exf in experiments that currently use pkg/seaice.
4694 - allows to compile pkg/seaice without pkg/exf.
142cc892c8 Jean*4695 o tools/OAD_support:
4696 - use a local copy (ourRWCPinBd) to ensure index ourRWCP stays within bounds
4697 of array "ourStepOf" in function rvNextAction (revolve.F90).
723a22990a Jean*4698 o pkg/aim_compon_interf renamed to pkg/atm_compon_interf
4699 - change pkg name (to be used with other atmospheric physics pkg)
4700 but by-pass CVS when making the new pkg so that we keep the CVS history.
a280c86ad5 Jean*4701 o pkg/offline:
4702 - call OFFLINE_FIELDS_LOAD from pkg/offline/offline_init_varia.F
4703 (previously called from pkg/dic_surfforcing_init.F)
4704 o model/src:
4705 - re-order sequence of calls within packages_init_variables.F, using
4706 standard order, except for:
4708 CTRL_MAP_INI and OBCS_INIT_VARIABLES (called @ the bottom)
ac0d2c71f0 Jean*4709 o new pkg: atm_phys
2edfb1b43c Jean*4710 - add entry point and source code (previously in contrib
4711 verification_other/atm_gray/code_gray/) for new pkg "atm_phys"
4712 (atmospheric physics pkg from P. O'Gorman and T. Schneider, JCl, 2008).
ac0d2c71f0 Jean*4713 - re-order sequence of calls within packages_readparms.F,
4714 packages_init_fixed.F and packages_write_pickup.F
4715 (but skip packages_init_variables.F because of TAF issues).
2edfb1b43c Jean*4716 - update contrib/*/atm_gray/ experiment.
b7399a7436 Jean*4717 o pkg/seaice (ITD code):
76166139ef Jean*4718 - simplify and fix the writing of pickup-files for ITD case
4719 o pkg/seaice (ITD code):
b7399a7436 Jean*4720 - introduce floe size dependent lateral melt for ITD case;
4721 - cleaning (avoid division by zero, change to f77 syntax, remove tabs)
4722 - update seaice_itd experiment main output.
ffa44e5be9 Jean*4723 o pkg/thsice:
4724 - remove snowPrc from common block THSICE_FLUX, in THSICE_VARS.h and
4725 declared it locally (without bi,bj) in thsice_main.F & aim_do_physics.F;
4726 changed accordingly pkg/atm2d.
134aa64c5b Jean*4728 checkpoint64g (2013/05/01)
8f8fcb55e3 Dimi*4729 o pkg/exf ALLOW_RUNOFTEMP
4730 - if defined, river and glacier runoff temperature can be read-in from
4731 runoftempfile; runoftempfile needs to have same format as runofffile
a665b019b3 Jean*4732 o pkg/thsice (& pkg/bulk_force):
4733 - In case Energy-Reference-Level (ERL) is used (temp_EvPrRn=0), account
4734 for energy content of Precip + RunOff & Evap (like with pkg/exf).
4735 - change computation domain to always be the interior (without overlap).
4736 - fix bug (wrong overlap) when using EXF and stressReduction > 0.
690aeca19f Oliv*4737 o verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo:
4738 - add preliminary OpenAD setup (still has problems)
134aa64c5b Jean*4739 o pkg/seaice:
6c4c641ea1 Mart*4740 - turn some parameters for choosing the convergence criterion of
4741 the inexact Newton method (JFNK) into runtime parameters for convenience
134aa64c5b Jean*4742 - clean up seaice_calc_viscosities.F: remove/retire two options for
6c4c641ea1 Mart*4743 SEAICetaZmethod (1,2), introduce area weighting for method 3; this changes
4744 the results of lab_sea/input because a division has been replaced by
4745 a multiplication with the reciprocal (sumNorm)
4746 - modify offline_exf_seaice/input.dyn_jfnk/data.seaice to improve
134aa64c5b Jean*4747 convergence of solver (changes results, of course), and to test some
6c4c641ea1 Mart*4748 new features
14111182a7 Jean*4749 o model/src:
4750 - remove unused (since Aug 2006) S/R SET_WRITE_GLOBAL_PICKUP and its call.
4751 - remove unused forcing field "dQdT" and associated parameter "dQdTFile".
4752 - move forcing adjustment (balancing surface forcing) in specific S/R
4753 where might also be applied exchanges (if needed) to forcing arrays.
f63796dcfc Jean*4754 o pkg/shelfice:
4755 - allow to specify the Ice-Shelf mass per unit area (instead of
4756 shelficeLoadAnomaly) and do the conversion from one to the other
4757 - move loading from file of shelficeLoadAnomaly from SHELFICE_INIT_VARIA
4758 to SHELFICE_INIT_FIXED: (a) avoid some TAF recompution issues and
4759 (b) will be loaded in time (before calling INI_PRESSURE) in case it is
4760 needed in phi0surf for initial pressure calculation when useDynP_inEos_Zc
4761 - update isomip experiment forward output (get machine truncation error
4762 from conversion shelficeLoadAnomaly -> shelficeMass -> shelficeLoadAnomaly)
01fb631dba Jean*4763 o verification/offline_exf_seaice:
4764 revise data.seaice in input.thermo and input_ad and update results accordingly
b57d4b5259 Gael*4765 HO = 0.2, SEAICE_areaLossFormula = 2,
01fb631dba Jean*4766 SEAICE_growMeltByConv = .TRUE.,
b57d4b5259 Gael*4767 SEAICE_doOpenWaterMelt = .TRUE.,
01fb631dba Jean*4768 Improve consistency with input.thsice and fix the spurious 500m ice corners
4769 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15:
4770 - set Energy Reference Level to liq. water @ 0 degC: temp_EvPrRn=0.,
4771 in icedyn (thsice+seaice-dyn) test and update output.
4772 o verification/offline_exf_seaice:
4773 - adjust list of tested variables (with testreport) and update
4774 standard test output with better slection of monitored fields.
8fe5c1e95b Jean*4775 o pkg/cd_code:
4776 - swtich off Adams-Bashforth on the 1rst iteration. Update output of
4777 experiment lab_sea.hb87
9f4f698356 Jean*4778 o tools/genmake2:
4779 - change default makedepend from the system default to tools/xmakedepend:
4780 When no makedepend is specified, select tools/xmakedepend it the test pass,
4781 otherwise select the system default (if exist and pass the test) or
4782 try to build cyrus-makedepend ; stop if none of the 3 works.
329d560e65 Jean*4783 o pkg/exf & pkg/thsice:
4784 - In case Energy-Reference-Level (ERL) is used (temp_EvPrRn=0), account
9f4f698356 Jean*4785 for energy content of Precip + RunOff & Evap. Assumes:
329d560e65 Jean*4786 1) Rain has same temp as Air.
4787 2) Snow has no heat capacity (consistent with seaice & thsice pkgs)
4788 3) Run-Off comes at the temp of surface water (with same Cp)
4789 4) Evap over ocean is released to the Atmos @ surf-temp (=SST); should be
4790 put directly into Latent Heat flux & should use water-vapor heat capacity.
4791 5) Evap over snow/seaice (pkg/thsice) assumes constant Lf+Lv (consistent
4792 with snow having no Cp) => water vapor is released to Atmos @ 0^oC (=ERL).
f21dfbc609 Mart*4793 o pkg/seaice: simplify the use of CPP flags in JFNK-related files
4794 (compile when SEAICE_ALLOW_JFNK is defined)
47259ecf74 Jean*4795 o pkg/thsice:
4796 - fix oceanic flux diagnostics & timeave (left from new sequence of calls
4797 implementation): move THSICE_AVE call after the advection (called directly
4798 from thsice_do_advect.F).
0005dc42e3 Patr*4799 o verification/global_ocean.90x40x15 and OpenAD:
4800 New experiment for OpenAD is identical to the one in input_ad except that
4801 multiDimAdvection=.FALSE.,
4802 There is still an issue with this.
b105fb69b1 Jean*4803 o pkg/thsice:
4804 - account for ice velocity (ocean relative velocity) in turbulent heat flux
4805 at the base of the ice; update output of global_ocean.cs32x15 (icedyn)
4806 and offline_exf_seaice (main test).
490ead03b8 Jean*4808 checkpoint64f (2013/03/31)
4809 o verification/OpenAD:
4810 - new (smaller, without OAD_DEBUG) output_oadm.txt generated using gfortran.
4811 o verification/isomip, pkg/shelfice and OpenAD:
789efdf83c Patr*4812 - add OpenAD setup to this exp and make shelfice package work with OpenAD
490ead03b8 Jean*4813 o verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo:
4814 - update AD and TLM output after turning off ALLOW_FE (in DIC_OPTIONS.h)
4815 o verification/offline_exf_seaice:
4816 - replace adjoint experiment (now similar to fwd input.thermo/ setup).
ee82888721 Oliv*4817 o verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens, pkg/ptracers and OpenAD:
4818 - add OpenAD setup to this exp and make ptracers package work with OpenAD
490ead03b8 Jean*4819 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp.F:
4820 mask the asymmetric contribution of the ice-ocean stress (when
4821 the turningAngle is non-zero) over open water to avoid stripes
4822 in the EVP-solutions after many EVP-substeps. This does not change
4823 the verification experiment (because turningAngle=0 in that experiment),
4824 but will affect other EVP solutions with turningAngle.ne.0
d38c2a4135 Jean*4825 o verification, AD & TLM output:
4826 - new TAF version 2.3.10 (previously 2.3.8) add more parenthesis in multiple
4827 additions and multiplications which affect results at machine truncation
4828 level. Update few AD output (1D_ocean_ice_column, bottom_ctrl_5x5,
4829 lab_sea.noseaicedyn & offline_exf_seaice) and TLM output
4830 (1D_ocean_ice_column & tutorial_tracer_adjsens.som81) which had only 12
4831 digits of matching.
b3668e95f2 Mart*4832 o pkg/seaice:
d38c2a4135 Jean*4833 modify lsr-algorithm so that it vectorizes AND converges by using a
4834 "zebra" method: split vector loop into two with step size 2; this
4835 solves a general convergence problem for the JFNK solver on a vector
4836 computer. It has the potential to even improve convergence for
4837 non-vector machines, but it does change the results so it is turned
4838 off by default. To turn on define CPP-flags SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR and
b3668e95f2 Mart*4840
06b25f9a40 Jean*4841 checkpoint64e (2013/03/05)
59b6bd98c8 Patr*4842 o pkg/ecco and several verification experiments:
06b25f9a40 Jean*4843 Remove special versions of the_model_main.F, the_main_loop.F, forward_step.F
4844 from ecco package, and revert to unified routine in model/src/
4845 Adjust verification experiments accordingly, especially gloal_oce_llc90
4846 Should conclude long-standing work by Gael to reconsile the_main_loop with
4847 ECCO and will enable OpenAD's revolve loop in ECCO setup.
7c6b6a09d0 Jean*4848 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
ccf9e62cda Jean*4849 - implement compressible flow method for multi-dim advection (similar to
4850 gad_som_advect.F); add new option "GAD_MULTIDIM_COMPRESSIBLE" (since
4851 TAF generates many recomputations) to use it; no yet coded with implicit
4852 vertical advection.
4853 - change experiment advect_cs (new output) and advect_xy (same output)
4854 to test compressible flow multi-dim advection.
4855 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
7c6b6a09d0 Jean*4856 - fix SOM advection for unusual cases (linear Free-Surf in r*, other
4857 cases where linear Free-Surf is not @ k=1, e.g., useShelfIce)
4858 o pkg/seaice:
cfab924fcb Mart*4859 - fix bug in the no-slip implementation in seaice_calc_strainrates.F, this
7c6b6a09d0 Jean*4860 bug affects two verification experiments (lab_sea and lab_sea.hb87),
4861 recover old (wrong) results by setting noSlipFac = 2. in
cfab924fcb Mart*4862 seaice_calc_strainrates.F;
8c657eb247 Mart*4863 - add another averaging method for etaZ (etaZmethod=3), a mix of 2 and 0
7c6b6a09d0 Jean*4864 - add runtime parameter SEAICE_JFNKepsilon for that finite difference
8c657eb247 Mart*4865 gradient in the Jacobian times vector operation (s/r seaice_jacvec)
4866 - fix line search in seaice_jfnk.F (s/r seaice_jfnk_update)
c59d410006 Mart*4867 o pkg/seaice: reorganize seaice_lsr.F to be able to reuse more code:
4868 - new subroutines seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v
4869 - introduce loop bounds i/jmin/max to be able to use a restricted
4870 additive Schwarz method, but not used for now.
4872 - use new subroutines seaice_lsr_tridiagu/v in s/r seaice_preconditioner
9743b80f75 Patr*4873 o OpenAD support
06b25f9a40 Jean*4874 Reorganize S/R call for overall time-stepping loop to facilitate
4875 OpenAD revolve loop replacement
4876 (new S/R main_do_loop.F)
6dd77b4354 Jean*4877 o model/src:
4878 - add 3-D array 3rd dimension to argument list of S/R ADAMS_BASHFORTH2/3;
4879 - pkg/cheapaml: remove local S/R ADAMS2d and use instead standard S/R
7bfbef8b82 Jean*4881 o pkg/cheapaml:
4882 - add new parameter (default=F, same as before) to disable full domain
4883 (including land) periodicity in X & Y dir.
4884 - new S/R CHEAPAML_COPY_EDGES to copy relaxation field into edges of
4885 prognostics field ; merge the 2 S/R cycle_2d_tracer and timestep_2d_tracer
4886 into single S/R CHEAPAML_TIMESTEP.
544247e9eb Jean*4888 checkpoint64d (2013/02/17)
11fe9ae9a2 Jean*4889 o pkg/monitor (angular momentum):
4890 - do not add Eta contribution to the total AM if using rigid-lid;
4891 - correct for Adams-Bashforth in zonal-wind part (instead of in AM_eta).
4892 - horizontal discretisation: compute Zonal wind contribution separately for
4893 each component (instead of from cell centered averaged) and use the 4
4894 grid-cell corner averaged value of Omega*(R*cos_Phi)^2 in AM_eta part.
4895 - Check that AM is conserved with linear dynamics (momAdvection=F and linear
4896 FreeSurf) if using vectorInvariant momentum.
4897 o model/src (horizontal grid):
4898 - move initialisation of all horizontal grid arrays to null value
4899 from specific horizontal grid S/R to main S/R INI_GRID;
4900 - add 2 new arrays to project model C-grid velocity on to zonal direction
4901 (similar to AngleCosC & -AngleSinC but at U and V point location) and
4902 compute them in S/R CALC_GRID_ANGLES.
48a47574f9 Mart*4903 o pkg/seaice: replace a hard coded parameter by a runtime parameter
11fe9ae9a2 Jean*4904 SEAICE_JFNK_tolIter
a1321f078e Mart*4905 o pkg/seaice: introduce a restricted additive Schwarz (RAS) method in
4906 preconditioner for JFNK (run LSR into the overlaps as far as possible,
4907 i.e OLx/y-2, but overwrite the solution in the overlaps)
4908 - extend loop range in seaice_calc_viscosity
4909 - add new parameters SEAICE_OLx/y (default = OLx/y-2)
4910 - add flexible loop ranges to seaice_preconditioner, seaice_calc_lsr_coeffs
4911 - slightly modify loops in tridiagonal solver lsr-preconditioner
4912 - by default remove the extra exchange in seaice_preconditioner with a
4913 replacement of an undocumented CPP flag by SEAICE_PRECOND_EXTRA_EXCHANGE
4914 - modify offline_exf_seaice so that old results without RAS are reproduced
4915 for output.dyn_jfnk.txt
4916 in seaice_fgmres.F (unrelated to RAS)
4917 - add a cpp-flag option for a re-ordered mapping (potentially more
4918 efficient), but because this changes the results, turn it off by
4919 default
4920 - replace the save statement by local common blocks
4a6b51e826 Jean*4921 o utils/matlab:
4922 - fix tile-offset in rdmnc.m when output was produced using EXCH2.
4923 - update cs_grid/bk_line scripts to use load_grid.m (in utils/matlab)
4924 instead of local script "load_cs.m".
0d86f34c41 Mart*4925 o pkg/seaice:
4926 - fix a serious bug in seaice_fgmres.F, s/r seaice_scalprod, connected
4927 to the scalarProductMetric and the unrolling. By chance this does not
4a6b51e826 Jean*4928 change the verification experiment, because of the particular domain
0d86f34c41 Mart*4929 decomposition
4956a0134a Jean*4930 o pkg/diagnostics:
4931 - change default missing_value from UNSET_RL to -999.
b24144b856 Mart*4932 o pkg/layers: improve vectorization of layers_fluxcalc.F
4a6b51e826 Jean*4933 - step 1: split loops, make TatU/V 2D arrays. This alone reduces the cpu
b24144b856 Mart*4934 time spent in this routine by more than a factor of 3 on an NEC-SX8
4935 - step 2: replace search algorithm by a bisection algorithm found in
4a6b51e826 Jean*4936 Press et al. Numerical Recipes in Fortran. This algorithm can be
b24144b856 Mart*4937 vectorized and finds the correct bin in approx. log2(Nlayers) steps.
4938 For now, use this algorithm only for TARGET_NEC_SX defined.
4939 - moved the search algorithm into a separate subroutine, that is kept
4940 within the same file for automatic inlining.
4941 - modified catching potential errors
4956a0134a Jean*4942 o pkg/ecco:
27b515a5c9 Gael*4943 - add compile switches ALLOW_SHALLOW_ALTIMETRY and ALLOW_HIGHLAT_ALTIMETRY.
4956a0134a Jean*4944 o model/src, pkg/autodiff, pkg/ctrl, pkg/grdchk :
27b515a5c9 Gael*4945 - modifications for ALLOW_GENTIM2D_CONTROL
4946 -- forward_step.F, the_main_loop.F : pass options and arrays for adjoint tapes.
4947 -- load_fields_driver.F : add call to CTRL_MAP_GENTIM2D( myTime, myIter, myThid )
4948 -- add xx_gentim2d0/1 in ctrl_ad_check_lev1_dir.h checkpoint_lev1_directives.h etc
4949 -- use ctrl_swapffields.F (new) instead of exf_SwapFFields.F in ctrl_get_gen.F
f193ea8b76 Jean*4950 o model/src:
4951 - account for moist thermodynamics in (dry) potential temperature equation;
4952 update results of experiments: aim.5l_cs (x2), fizhi-cs (std + aqualev)
4953 and cpl_aim+ocn.
25fdd6d933 Jean*4954 - also switch to standard compiler (gfortran, was using ifort previously)
4955 for fizhi-cs experiments reference output.
f193ea8b76 Jean*4956 o pkg/ctrl:
93e42e1e05 Patr*4957 - 1st step toward generic time-varying control variable (2D) via CPP option
4959 - note new namelist ctrl_nml_genarr in data.ctrl
df3d2037ba Jean*4960 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15:
4961 - switch off OLD_THSICE_CALL_SEQUENCE (both forward and AD code) to use new
4962 thsice calling sequence and update "output.icedyn.txt" output file.
a618488a45 Jean*4963 o pkg/ptracers:
4964 - from Ryan A.: code to allow to restart a tracer at regular time interval
4965 specifying a reset frequency and a reset-phase (for each tracers).
8d7c0d8037 Jean*4966 o pkg/thsice:
b8ed299f9d Jean*4967 - implement new sequence of calls for thsice+seaice:
4968 previously: ice-Dyn,ice-Advect,ice-Thermo(thsice)
4969 new sequence: ice-Thermo(thsice),ice-Dyn,ice-Advect
4970 - allows (with temporary CPP option "#define OLD_THSICE_CALL_SEQUENCE"
4971 in CPP_OPTIONS.h) to recover old sequence;
4972 - update diagnostics for Intermediate State thsice diagnostics: now filled
4973 just before advection (instead of just after advection in old sequence);
4974 - update output of experiment offline_exf_seaice (standard test);
4975 - in global_ocean.cs32x15 exp., postpone output.icedyn.txt update
4976 by setting #define OLD_THSICE_CALL_SEQUENCE in CPP_OPTIONS.h
4977 o pkg/aim_v23:
4978 - use tiled array for aim_CO2 and surface wind speed for export to coupler;
4979 - use standard pkg/mdsio routines to read & write CO2 pickup file;
4980 - in-line S/R AIM_AIM2DYN_EXCHANGES in aim_do_physics.F;
4981 - Implement new sequence of calls for seaice advection (with thsice and
4982 seaice diffusion): do ice advection after ice-Thermodynamic (previously
4983 was done before); change aim_do_physics.F (split the bi,bj loops block);
4984 - use same CPP option (OLD_THSICE_CALL_SEQUENCE) to recover old sequence;
4985 o pkg/thsice:
8d7c0d8037 Jean*4986 - add a missing EXCH of sIceLoad in thsice_main.F (ocean set-up) for the case
4987 where just seaice diffusion is used without seaice-dynamics.
9f6899b968 Jean*4989 checkpoint64c (2013/01/18)
4990 o pkg/seaice:
4991 - add a parameter JFNKres_tFac that can replace JFNKres_t
9ebe58d4fa Mart*4992 (= JFNKres_tFac*JFNKresidual before JFNK solver)
4993 - add a line search option to the JFNK solver
9f6899b968 Jean*4994 - move update of u/vIce and computation of initial residual into a separate
c937d257c3 Mart*4995 routine (same file); makes the code a little easier to read (?)
4996 - the line search requires computation of the residual and for some reason
9f6899b968 Jean*4997 I cannot do the update of u/vIce at the beginning of the Newton loop
c937d257c3 Mart*4998 without changing the results, so we move computation of the new residual
4999 also to the end of the Newton loop, even without the line search
3b4e62adf7 Jean*5000 o pkg/mdsio:
5001 - write missing value (corresponding to undefined array value) to meta files;
9f6899b968 Jean*5002 skip this if missing value is one (UNSET_RL would be a better value for the
3b4e62adf7 Jean*5003 case of undefined missing value but it's current the default missing-value);
5004 Also update mdsio_read_meta.F (reading timeInterval & missing-value).
93ace0b1be Jean*5005 o pkg/exf & thsice:
9f6899b968 Jean*5006 - for diagnostics purpose, fill-up and update Qsw array (+ fill the
9ebe58d4fa Mart*5007 diagnostics) even when SHORTWAVE_HEATING is #undef;
93ace0b1be Jean*5008 o verification/cfc_example:
9f6899b968 Jean*5009 - turn on pkg/layers with pkg/diagnostics (to test pkg/layers and to
9ebe58d4fa Mart*5010 illustrate how to use it).
7f496449e0 Jean*5011 o verification/offline_exf_seaice:
5012 in input: add SEAICErestoreUnderIce=.TRUE., and reduce size of forcing
5013 files to only one time-record.
5014 in input.thermo: narrow the 2 bands of low initial ice-concentration near
5015 N & S edges; switch on SEAICErestoreUnderIce=T; use pkg/diagnostics for
9f6899b968 Jean*5016 snapshot output; same mcPheePiston value as in thsice with
9ebe58d4fa Mart*5017 surf-current=0.2m/s.
7f496449e0 Jean*5018 in input.thsice: similar set-up as in input.thermo (channel with same seaice
5019 initial conditions).
a504296e19 Jean*5020 o verification/cfc_example:
5021 - update file "data" with more standard choice (default rotationPeriod,
5022 exactConserv=T, reduce ivdc_kappa to 10, remove multiDimAdvection=F,
5023 set deltaTFreeSurf to deltaTtracer) and update the output.
5024 o pkg/layers:
5025 - fix bolus part so that it compiles with #undef GM_BOLUS_ADVEC;
5026 - ensure that "layers_bolus" is switched to False when useGMRedi=False.
5027 o verification/offline_exf_seaice:
5028 - set all {field}period to zero for constant-in-time forcing (not tested
5029 anywhere else).
bde2cd981d Jean*5030 o verification/offline_exf_seaice:
5031 - dyn_lsr : use pkg/seaice S/R (instead of pkg/thsice) to advect sea-ice;
5032 - dyn_jfnk : use pkg/thsice S/R (instead of pkg/seaice) to advect sea-ice.
a4ef5db77d Jean*5033 o model/src:
5034 - implement Finite-Volume method for (hydrostatic) presure gradient
5035 from S.-J. Lin (QJRMS 1997), for atmosphere using sigma-coordinate.
5036 o pkg/seaice: implement EVP* by Lemieux et al. (2012).
5037 - In order to be compatible with the default EVP code, this requires changing
5038 the EVP code around a little; and because any small change immediately
5039 breaks the lab_sea.hb87 verification experiment, the reference output is
5040 updated two times (each time the remaining aggrement was only 2 digits):
5041 - after replacing 1/dt by 1*recip_dt with a precomputed recip_dt
5042 - after replacing 1/(1+0.5*dt/tau) by a/(a+1), with a=2*tau/dt
5043 The adjoint test lab_sea.evp also needed to be updated.
5044 - Turn on EVP* by setting SEAICE_deltaTevp as before, and setting
5045 SEAICEuseEVPstar=.true.; for EVP* SEAICE_deltaTevp does not need to be
5046 a factor of SEAICE_deltaTdyn, and you can set the number of EVP steps
5047 explicitly with SEAICEnEVPstarSteps (thereby overriding the default of
5048 INT(SEAICE_deltaTdyn/SEAICE_deltaTevp)). Controlling EVP* is deliberately
5049 kept obscure, because I need to test it a little more.
9902b68429 Jean*5050 o pkg/cheapaml:
5051 - fix few incorrect type (_RL/_RS) in subroutine calls.
5052 o pkg/seaice:
5053 - new S/R SEAICE_MAP_RS2VEC (similar to SEAICE_MAP2VEC) to map _RS arrays
5054 to _RL vector; this fixes JFNK code when compiling with "-use_r4" option.
8ecbb13ed3 Jean*5055 o model/src:
5056 - add a warning if using select_rStar=2 with nonlinFreeSurf <> 4;
5057 change (in input_ad*/data) select_rStar from 2 to 1 for AD verification
5058 experiments global_ocean.cs32x15 & tutorial_tracer_adjsens (+ update output)
01e3fdb926 Jean*5059 o pkg/cheapaml:
5060 - replace "273.1 _d 0" by celsius2K in pkg/cheapaml/cheapaml.F and
5061 update output of experiment cheapAML_box.
d9f9739596 Jean*5062 - store in CHEAPAML.h coeffs ssq[0:2] for saturation specific humidity,
5063 and set them only in one place (cheapaml_readparms.F).
5064 - replace "273.16 _d 0" by celsius2K & replace "3.14159 _d 0" by constant "PI"
5065 - remove re-setting of main-model parameter "celsius2K" (in cheapaml_readparms)
5066 and re-setting of cheapAML params "lath" & "p0" (in cheapaml_init_varia).
69e136acfe Gael*5067 o model/src/the_main_loop.F:
5068 - fix revision 129 : need both ALLOW_ECCO and ALLOW_ECCO_EVOLUTION.
5069 o pkg/seaice:
5070 - remove legacy branch code.
5071 - retire SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY and SEAICE_CAP_HEFF accordingly.
5072 o verification/*/code*/SEAICE_OPTIONS.h:
d9f9739596 Jean*5073 - remove documentation for retired CPP flags (SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY,
01e3fdb926 Jean*5074 SEAICE_CAP_HEFF).
b4639cc807 Jean*5075 o pkg/cheapaml:
5076 - use standard routine (S/R GET_PERIODIC_INTERVAL) to decide when it is time
5077 to load new forcing fields.
5078 - add missing "_d 0" where it's needed; + some editing (improve indentation).
5079 - remove switch to "-r8" compiler option (no longer needed) in verification
5080 cheapAML_box, keep same output (small trucation error differences).
692e8490be Jean*5081 o verification/offline_exf_seaice:
54b88f0722 Gael*5082 - add thermodynamics only test.
692e8490be Jean*5083 o verification/cheapAML_box:
5084 - split the domain in 8 (2x4) tiles; add MPI and multi-threaded test;
5085 keep same output (same 14 digits for cg2d).
5086 - switch on "-r8" compiler option (some numerical values are missing
5087 the "_d 0") and update output (only 6 digits for cg2d were preserved).
54b88f0722 Gael*5088
026a4385c5 Jean*5089 checkpoint64b (2012/12/24)
51ad14de13 Jean*5090 o pkg/cheapaml:
5091 - remove un-used variables (Qnet,EmPmR) from pickup files.
5092 - store tendency of advected variables into cheapaml pickup file
5093 and fix the AB-2 restart.
0ef659ed72 Gael*5094 o verification/offline_exf_seaice and lab_sea adjoint:
51ad14de13 Jean*5095 - switch to new code (#undef SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY).
5096 - switch to 4 time steps in offline, consistent with lab_sea.
026a4385c5 Jean*5097 - match parameters from SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY branch in data.seaice.
51ad14de13 Jean*5098 - update results after change of experiment seaice.
026a4385c5 Jean*5099 o pkg/seaice:
5100 - remove option SEAICE_MULTICATEGORY; has been replaced with run-time
5101 parameter SEAICE_multDim. Issue a warning if SEAICE_MULTICATEGORY is
5102 still defined since SEAICE_multDim needs to be set to MULTDIM value (from
5103 SEAICE_SIZE.h) to recover previous #define SEAICE_MULTICATEGORY default.
7755429b93 Jean*5104 o model/src:
5105 - add run-time parameter to select CG2D solver minimum-residual solution
5106 (in case of a poor convergence).
262f1a37c5 Mart*5107 o pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr.F
7755429b93 Jean*5108 - move calculation of matrix coefficients into new
ed8217d1df Mart*5109 S/R SEAICE_CALC_LSR_COEFFS; for now this routine remains in the same
5110 file; the main purpose of this change is to be able to reuse the code
262f1a37c5 Mart*5112 - modify the computation of the residual so that the mass of sea-ice
026a4385c5 Jean*5113 is not used twice; this simplifies the calculations, but since
262f1a37c5 Mart*5114 the residual is never used except when LSR_mixIniGuess.ge.4---and this is
5115 not tested in testreport---this does not affect the testreport results.
adb13907c3 Dimi*5116 o verification/seaice_obcs:
5117 - disable SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY; reset input files to match those of
5118 verification/lab_sea/input.salt_plume; changes results/output.txt*
c178b9393a Jean*5119 o model/src:
5120 - adapt quasi-hydrostatic formulation to work with p or p* coordinate.
7e9893ac33 Mart*5121 o pkg/seaice:
5122 - improve description of parameters in seaice_fgmres.F and start
5123 cleaning up the code
c178b9393a Jean*5124 - change name of SCALPROD to SEAICE_SCALPROD and modify meaning of
7e9893ac33 Mart*5125 second argument
5126 - add a metric based on grid cell area to SEAICE_SCALPROD; update
5127 results of offline_exf_seaice.dyn_jfnk
5128 - compute initial residual norm in seaice_jfnk based on SEAICE_SCALPROD
e4684a75d6 Jean*5129 o pkg/aim_v23:
5130 - fix an other bug in dissipation heating (grid-cell area was missing).
2dc84f624e Jean*5131 o model/src + pkg/seaice:
5132 - add global (multi-tile) linear solver for pair of tri-diagonal system
5133 along X and Y lines, respectively for U and V component.
5134 Note: 1) MPI and cube-exchange not yet coded.
5135 2) probably not accurate for poorly conditioned / large size problem.
5136 - add option for SEAICE_LSR to use global (multi-tile) tri-diagonal solver;
5137 default: not compiled and not used.
88a8f1f812 Mart*5138 o pkg/seaice:
5139 - first attempt at a multi-threaded fgmres solver for the JFNK solver:
2dc84f624e Jean*5140 introduce bi/bj loops and use global_sum_tile_rl instead of
88a8f1f812 Mart*5141 mpi_allreduce in seaice_fgmres.F
5142 - improve diagnostics output for fgmres solver (seaice_fgmres.F)
5143 - replace a few unnecessary goto statements by if-blocks (seaice_fgmres.F)
5144 - add a verification experiment for JFNK in offline_exf_seaice
d5a9a292e9 Jean*5145 o verification:
6531f48833 Jean*5146 - change (for now, only fwd test) offline_exf_seaice experiment:
026a4385c5 Jean*5147 use a re-entrant channel with idealized coastline (trapezoidal shape)
6531f48833 Jean*5148 at southern boundary to explore seaice dynamics and thermodynamics
5149 with simple forcing. Main set-up has dynamics+thermo and SST relaxation;
5150 secondary test (input.thsice) use thermodynamics only with SST relaxation.
5151 - add seaice-dynamics only secondary test using LSR and pkg/thsice advection.
5152 o pkg/exf:
5153 - disable "sstExtrapol" when Nr=1
5154 o verification:
d5a9a292e9 Jean*5155 - add new experiment "cheapAML_box" (simple 1 layer set-up from Bruno Deremble)
5156 to test pkg/cheapaml.
46af042642 Jean*5157 o pkg/aim_v23 & pkg/shap_filt:
5158 - fix dissipation heating (erroneous gravity multiplication factor).
5159 o pkg/seaice:
7729ab9475 Mart*5160 - remove unused field pressPre from jfnk solver
5161 - rename two subroutines in seaice_preconditioner.F
e5a4e727cd Jean*5162 o eesupp/src:
5163 - S/R MDSFINDUNIT avoids reserved unit numbers (scrUnit1, eeDataUnit ...)
6ac4f1544e Mart*5164 o pkg/seaice/seaice_preconditioner.F: fix preconditioner once again
5165 - remove wrong parts of the rhs and the lhs (were in there
5166 because I did not understand the concept of this preconditioner)
5167 - add an exchange between u- and v-sweep. This increases communication
5168 by a factor of two but improves the convergence of jfnk. Ideally,
5169 one would like the u- and v-sweep to be independent. So far within
5170 undocumented ifdefs
5171 - reorganize the extra computations for printing the residuals
24fc5488c9 Jean*5172 o tools/genmake2:
5173 - comment out the "mpif.h" include in NetCDF test programm (for MPI built)
5174 since it's not necessary (and was preventing to use MNC in some cases).
3b68c5ef24 Jean*5176 checkpoint64a (2012/11/16)
0e1d0943d5 Jean*5177 o pkg/autodiff:
5178 - improve pkg-internal logical parameter switch (inAd/inFwd mode) so that
5179 autodiff_readparms.F no longer depends on calling order (within
5180 packages_readparms.F) and no longer requires to include ${PKG}_PARMS.h):
5181 rename param turnFreeDriftInAdMode to SEAICEuseFREEDRIFTswitchInAd
5182 and change param SEAICEuseDYNAMICSinAdMode to SEAICEuseDYNAMICSswitchInAd.
ed6db82373 Dimi*5183 o pkg/obcs:
5184 - adding tidal velocity forcing capability to obcs
5185 for usage example, see verification/seaice_obcs/input.tides
7972e6de33 Mart*5186 o pkg/seaice:
0e1d0943d5 Jean*5187 - turn the LSR-relaxation parameters WFAU/V into runtime parameters
7972e6de33 Mart*5188 SEAICE_LSRrelaxU/V
356e5485d1 Mart*5189 - introduce runtime parameter SEAICEetaZmethod (=0 by default)
be55e6379a Jean*5190 o pkg/aim_v23:
5191 - implement heating from friction (bottom friction and stratospheric drag).
5192 o pkg/shap_filt:
5193 - fix diagnostic "SHAP_dKE" (was 2 time smaller); implement heating from
5194 dissipation but only for Shap_funct=2, active when addFrictionHeating=T.
0c723af82e Jean*5195 o model/src:
5196 - move AddMass common block from DYNVARS.h to FFIELDS.h; allow to read-in
5197 time-constant addMass field from file (addMassFile);
5198 - support for heating due to friction (and Kinetic Energy dissipation):
5199 add option, run-time switch and 3-D field array + support code ; each pkg
5200 or S/R can add heating contribution (if there is a sink of KE); the sum is
5201 accounted for as a Temperature tendency term (EXTERNAL_FORCING_T).
93029454d2 Mart*5202 o pkg/seaice:
96c8307cd6 Patr*5203 - complete merge of ITD code into seaice_growth.F
5204 from MITgcm_contrib/torge/itd/code/
5205 no verification so far, but Torge Martin tested
5206 "1-D test case and Beaufort set up;
5207 deliver okay results after 1 model year."
5208 - complete merge of SEAICE_SIZE.h into all relevant routines
db6b283965 Mart*5209 - move computation of eta at Z-points into calc_viscosities
5210 + introduce global field etaZ
5211 + add different methods for computing etaZ, for now the old
5212 method (simple averages of eta to Z-points) is hardwired
0c723af82e Jean*5213 + replace etaMeanZ by etaZ in seaice_lsr, seaice_calc_residual,
db6b283965 Mart*5214 seaice_preconditioner
5215 - simplify computations for SEAICE_ZETA_SMOOTHREG
0c723af82e Jean*5216 - seaice_preconditioner:
773a0cee43 Mart*5217 + replace one remaining press by pressLoc (mistake)
5218 + adjust printing of residuals
54dc59c155 Mart*5219 - improve I/O of diagnostics of JFNK in seaice_jfnk.F:
0c723af82e Jean*5220 + add (SEAICE.h) and rename some counters (initiliased in
54dc59c155 Mart*5221 seaice_init_fixed.F)
5222 + add _BEGIN/END_MASTER (myThid) around print statements
5223 + print total number of iterations and failures over SEAICE_monFreq
5224 interval to STDOUT
5225 - move control over output-messages by fgmres to seaice_jfnk to save
5226 some operations
93029454d2 Mart*5227 - move resetting initial guess for fgmres outside of seaice_fgmres_driver
5228 in order to make restarts with sol .ne. zero (fgmres with restarts)
5229 (seaice_jfnk.F, seaice_fgmres.F)
5230 - seaice_calc_l/rhs.F: replace maskW/S by maskInW/S; this fixes
5231 a serious convergence problem when open boundaries are involved
0c723af82e Jean*5232 o pkg/ggl90: fix computation of control volumes for the case of
58e6249dd7 Mart*5233 ALLOW_GGL90_HORIZDIFF (probably not used very often): move control volumes
5234 up half a grid cell from C-centered to W-centered (pointed out by C. Eden)
8e17d76640 Mart*5235 o pkg/seaice: simplify seaice_evp by avoiding use of extra fields u/vIceC
48ffb9e808 Patr*5236 o pkg/autodiff
5237 - Add inAdMode switch for SEAICEuseDYNAMICS:
0c723af82e Jean*5238 SEAICEuseDYNAMICSinAdMode
48ffb9e808 Patr*5239 (extend logic in ADAUTODIFF_INADMODE_SET)
17353ce854 Patr*5240 o pkg/seaice
5241 - Step 1 of merging ice-thickness distribution (ITD) code from
5242 MITgcm_contrib/torge/itd/ (author: Torge Martin)
5243 The code implements concept laid out in Thorndike et al. (1975);
5244 code is enabled via CPP flag SEAICE_ITD
5245 nITD (in SEAICE_SIZE.h) defines number of ice thickness categories;
5246 code is not complete yet!!
48ffb9e808 Patr*5247 - SEAICE_SIZE.h now included in almost all seaice routines
d28bbf0830 Jean*5248 o verification (using seaice):
5249 - switch back seaice-dynamics (+ lower SOLV_MAX_ITERS) in ADM exp.
5250 global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice ; update results.
5251 - compile B-grid dynamics in FW test exp 1D_ocean_ice_column ;
5252 - compile C-grid dynamics with #define SEAICE_ALLOW_JFNK in FW test exp
5253 offline_exf_seaice (previously compiling B-grid).
b3a1d973db Jean*5254 o pkg/exf:
5255 - fix some STOP conditions in exf_check.F (from Aug 28, modifs did not allow
5256 to specify neither just 1 comp of wind or wind-stress, nor no surface momentum
5257 forcing): just replace CPP option ALLOW_ATM_WIND with run-time param useAtmWind.
c6bd7aced7 Jean*5258 o pkg/layers (adjust changes from Sept 19):
dfcf827164 Jean*5259 - do snap-shot output and fill diagnostics from inside iLa loop (layers_calc.F)
5260 this allows to remove "layers_maxNum" dimension from all layers arrays.
5261 o pkg/layers (adjust changes from Sept 19):
c6bd7aced7 Jean*5262 - remove ALLOW_LAYERS_OUTPUT ; fix snap-shot and time-ave output ;
5263 - snap-shot extended to all type of layers (not just the 1rst type);
5264 - remove layers variables when corresponding CPP option is undef.
5265 o pkg/layers:
5266 - rename pkg/layers variable and add new output (layer exist & un-weighted
5267 velocity in layer)
5268 o pkg/seaice:
2c43bfffcf Mart*5269 - simplify (?) ocean-drag coefficent computations by using
5270 the same routine in all three solvers (saves some code lines)
5271 - remove global fields DRAGA and DRAGS from C-grid code and
5272 declare them locally in lsr.F (the only place where they are
5273 still used)
0db5f1068d Jean*5274 - update AD output of lab_sea.evp (very sensitive anyway).
8c62e844bf Mart*5275 o pkg/seaice: add Jacobian-free Newton Krylov solver for ice dynamics
5276 (Lemieux et al. 2010, 2012). Turn on with the usual SEAICE_ALLOW_JFNK
5277 and SEAICEuseJFNK=.true. A few things to note:
5278 - involves a FGMRES, that is parallel but very inefficient,
5279 because of many scalar products (global sums) in the Gram-Schmidt
5280 orthogonalization method. Needs to be replaced. Original code
5281 from J.-F. Lemieux
5282 - preconditioner for FGMRES is a stripped down version of LSOR
c6bd7aced7 Jean*5283 - SOLV_MAX_ITERS is now used for LSOR as a solver and as a
8c62e844bf Mart*5284 preconditioner. For the preconditioner, the default is set to 10.
5285 - Jacobian times vector is computed with finite differences
5286 - marginally related to JFNK-solver: add a smooth regularization for
5287 zeta with tanh that will improve convergence (Lemieux and Tremblay,
5288 2009) for any implicit solver (not implemented for EVP because EVP
5289 does not need this regularization in the first place). Define
8e5804ab61 Jean*5291 o eesupp/src:
5292 - check in genmake2 that intrinsic S/R flush is available.
5293 - add S/R to flush IO unit (if intrinsic S/R flush is available)
5294 - flush standard & error msg unit before MPI termination
5295 - if debugMode, flush IO unit after printing msg
5296 o pkg/ctrl:
5297 - ctrl_unpack.F, ALLOW_GENARR3D_CONTROL code: fix missing argument in call
5298 to ctrl_set_unpack_xyz.
f9281bf7f3 Jean*5300 checkpoint64 (2012/10/09)
6ae30b06da Patr*5301 o pkg/shelfice
f9281bf7f3 Jean*5302 - in mom_fluxform.F, mom_vecinv.F:
5303 CALL SHELFICE_V_DRAG(bi,bj,k,vFld,KE,KappaRU,vF,myThid)
5304 Bug fix KappaRU -> KappaRV
5305 does not change verification/isomip but may change other setups
5306 (presumably constant KappaRU=KappaRV)
9574f2afeb Mart*5307 - fix diagnostics SHIU/Vdrag (thanks to Tom Millgate)
5e26aed318 Dimi*5308 o pkg/obcs:
5309 - fixed some indexing bugs in obcs_seaice_sponge.F
5310 - added obcs relaxation subroutines for HSALT and HSNOW
5311 - changes verification/seaice_obcs/results/obcs_seaice_sponge.F
78e0c35225 Mart*5312 o pkg/seaice:
5313 - add "multicategory" parameterization for snow in analogy to ice,
5314 default is off for now.
fd94cbb100 Jean*5315 o pkg/obcs:
c7c4b57180 Dimi*5316 - added obcs_seaice_sponge.F for obcs relaxation of seaice variables;
5317 see verification/seaice_obcs/input.seaiceSponge for example application.
fd94cbb100 Jean*5318 - remove local commom bloc "OBCS_GLOBAL" in obcs_readparms.F and do all the OB
5319 index setting by master-thread. This fix multi-threads Pb in previous modifs.
4d8bc9f16f Gael*5320 o pkg/layers :
fd94cbb100 Jean*5321 - add diagnostics to pkg/layers
5322 - move the meat of pkg/layers from layers_calc.F to layers_fluxcalc.F
5323 (from R.Tulloch). Layers_calc.F now calls layers_fluxcalc.F accordingly.
4d8bc9f16f Gael*5324 o pkg/generic_advdiff/gad_implicit_r.F :
fd94cbb100 Jean*5325 - fix ADVr diagnostics in case of both implicit vertical advection and diffusion.
5326 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F:
4d8bc9f16f Gael*5327 - fix SItflux diagnostics in virtual salt flux + balanceEmpmr case.
9bb13a83a0 Jean*5328 o pkg/obcs:
f9543ec2af Jean*5329 - change default setting of OBCS_UVICE_OLD from defined to undef;
5330 - use new parameter OB_indexNone for null index value (instead of hard-coded 0)
5331 in all pkg/obcs code and in other pkgs; remove k loop in obcs_check_depths.F;
5332 - pass OB_indexNone as (new) argument to S/R CTRL_MASK_SET_[X,Y]Z;
5333 - change OB null index value (OB_indexNone) to -99 ; this fix the problem
5334 with Southern & Western OB at a tile edge (at least in a simple set-up).
5335 o pkg/obcs:
9bb13a83a0 Jean*5336 - change settings of OB index in case OB coincides with tile edge (shared by
5337 2 tiles), so that common OB location is registered by both tiles (instead of
5338 only 1). However, for Southern and Western OB, index value = 0 is not
5339 recognized as valid OB index (=default null value) and needs to be fixed.
5340 - modify accordingly OBCS_BALANCE_FLOW and OBCS_MONITOR (avoid double counting)
f9543ec2af Jean*5341 - new parameter "OB_indexNone" for null index value (for now, still zero)
9bb13a83a0 Jean*5342 to replace hard-coded null index value of zero.
c783d09169 Jean*5343 o pkg/exch2:
5344 - improve W2_USE_E2_SAFEMODE (faster) and W2_E2_DEBUG_ON:
5345 always check buffer-size (but outside the loop); move checking for valid
5346 index from W2_USE_E2_SAFEMODE to W2_E2_DEBUG_ON; in W2_E2_DEBUG_ON,
5347 print each tile and point connection only if |W2_printMsg|>= 2 and 3.
307cef9ba4 Jean*5348 o pkg/ctrl (pack & unpack):
5349 - in ctrl_pack.F & ctrl_unpack.F, use the same local file-name variable
5350 (locally defined) for different variables (+ remove the variable-specific
5351 file name in CTRL_GENARR.h). For now, only implemented for GENARR2/3D_CONTROL
5352 (to be extended to other local file names in ctrl.h).
5353 o pkg/flt:
5354 - add a FLT_Iter0 option (similar to PTRACERS_Iter0).
31ef3766a3 Jean*5355 o pkg/mdsio:
5356 - fix missing STOP in mdsio_readvec_loc.F (case ioUnit=0) when file is missing
4308379183 Jean*5357 o tools/genmake2:
5358 - add similar dependences for target EXE_AD & EXE_FTL as we have for EXECUTABLE
5359 (added by Alistair in version 1.51 for building without make depend);
5360 - remove Header files list (H_SRC_FILES) from the dependence of targets
5361 ad_input_code.f & ftl_input_code.f (not clear why it was added in the first
5362 place in version 1.23): this save going through staf when unrelated header
5363 file has been modified.
5364 Note: for an intermediate target (e.g., ad_input_code.f or adtaf) without
5365 "make depend" step, still need to do "make links" before "make adtaf".
e4daa51e76 Jean*5366 o eesupp/src (+ few pkg src files) & genmake2:
5367 - finish to remove ALWAYS_USE_MPI in source code that TAF does not see;
5368 - no longer set ALWAYS_USE_MPI in Makefile (was done by genmake2).
4308379183 Jean*5369 - improve genmake2 checking for ALLOW_${PKG} in CPP_OPTIONS.h files (distinguish
e4daa51e76 Jean*5370 upper/lower case ; account for space between "#" and undef/define)
5371 o pkg/flt (with exch2):
5372 - cleaning: fix so that it compiles; move remaining MPI calls out of flt_exch2.F;
4308379183 Jean*5373 - simplify threads synchronisation; fix (many issues) multi-threaded with MPI.
e4daa51e76 Jean*5374
441c88984f Jean*5375 checkpoint63s (2012/09/05)
8de17d15ea Gael*5376 o pkg/ecco:
f1085458a2 Jean*5377 - remove #ifdef ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL3D brackets.
5378 - add more relevant #ifdef ALLOW_SMOOTH ones.
5379 - sort out useAtmWind, useSMOOTH, ctrlSmoothCorrel2D.
8de17d15ea Gael*5380 o pkg/ctrl:
5381 - CTRL_OPTIONS.h : document CPPs related to smoothing; ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL2D/3D,
f1085458a2 Jean*5383 - ctrl.h : document run time params doInitXX, doMainPack, doMainUnpack, doPackDiag,
5384 doSinglePrecTapelev (audodiff param!), ctrlSmoothCorrel2D (new) and
5385 ctrlSmoothCorrel3D (new).
8de17d15ea Gael*5386 The added ctrlSmoothCorrel2D/3D replace the old ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL2D/3D CPP.
5387 - ctrl_readparms.F : initialise ctrlSmoothCorrel2D/3D and read from namelist.
f1085458a2 Jean*5388 - ctrl_init.F ctrl_pack.F ctrl_unpack.F : switch off ustress/vstress
8de17d15ea Gael*5389 controls when useAtmWind, and vice versa.
5390 - ctrl_map_ini_ecco.F : UVEL0, VVEL0, edtaux, edtauy cannot be smoothed as tracers.
5391 - ctrl_get_gen.F : replace #ifdef ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL2D with
f1085458a2 Jean*5392 #ifdef ALLOW_SMOOTH, IF ctrlSmoothCorrel2D, IF useSMOOTH.
5393 - ctrl_map_ini_gen.F : replace #ifdef ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL3D with
5394 #ifdef ALLOW_SMOOTH, IF ctrlSmoothCorrel3D, IF useSMOOTH.
5395 - ctrl_set_pack_xy[z].F, ctrl_set_unpack_xy[z].F:
5396 replace ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL2D/3D brackets with ctrlSmoothCorrel2D/3D.
8de17d15ea Gael*5397 o pkg/smooth:
f1085458a2 Jean*5398 - remove un-necessary includes.
5399 - remove ALLOW_SMOOTH*D and ALLOW_SMOOTH_CORREL*D brakets.
5400 Those CPP options were never defined, and not necessary.
8de17d15ea Gael*5401 o model/src:
5402 - fix CPP brackets in ini_mixing.F (GM_background_K belongs to gmredi).
5403 - standard treatment of useSMOOTH.
5404 o pkg/autodiff:
f1085458a2 Jean*5405 - add LOGICAL useGGL90inAdMode, useGGL90inFwdMode, useSALT_PLUMEinAdMode,
5406 useSALT_PLUMEInFwdMode allowing to switch off ggl90 and salt_plume adjoint.
dace8652ae Jean*5407 o pkg/exch2:
5408 - add "if usingMPI" where it was missing (in exch2_rx?_cube*.template)
8de17d15ea Gael*5409 + start to remove ALWAYS_USE_MPI in source code that TAF does not see.
dace8652ae Jean*5410 - make new S/R W2_MAP_PROCS out of w2_eeboot.F to setup exch2 CommonFlag
5411 and tiles to process mapping.
5412 - re-arrange 3 header files (W2_EXCH2_PARAMS.h, _BUFFER.h & _TOPOLOGY.h)
5414 rename "exch2_tProc" to "W2_tileProc" and move seting of e2FillValue_RX
5415 from w2_eeboot.F to w2_readparms.F.
5416 o eesupp/src:
5417 - set exchNeedsMemsync & exchUsesBarrier according to "usingMPI" (instead of
5418 ALWAYS_USE_MPI) + moved from ini_communication_patterns.F to eeset_parms.F;
5419 also move setting of exchCollectStatistics from exch_init.F to eeset_parms.F
5420 - in eedie.F and all_proc_die.F, always call MPI_FINALIZE when ALLOW_USE_MPI
5421 is defined (remove condition on usingMPI) to match cases where MPI_INIT
5422 has been called.
5423 - fix bug I put in previous modif of exch_sm_3d_rx.template (not much used);
5424 - change default (non-MPI) value of myPid (from 1 to 0) to match MPI settings
5425 (so that on 1 proc, get same myPid independently of usingMPI)
5426 - add a stop if multi-procs but usingMPI=F ; stop also if usingMPI=T and
5427 useCubedSphereExchange with EXCH-1 (safer).
5428 - add "if usingMPI" where it was missing (+ start to remove ALWAYS_USE_MPI).
e2a9470322 Jean*5429 o pkg/ggl90:
5430 - fix bug in filling corner mask array "mskCor" (FILL_CS_CORNER_TR_RL call)
5431 used in ALLOW_GGL90_SMOOTH code.
5432 o pkg/flt:
5433 - fix typo in FLT_WITHOUT_Y_PERIODICITY (the effect was to ignore stopping
5434 floats at the Southern end of the domain).
5435 o eesupp/inc:
5436 - add a list of CPP-options which can be set by Makefile (DEF_IN_MAKEFILE.h);
5437 but not used (and not to be used) anywhere, just for documentation.
c7b36da2b3 Jean*5438 o pkg/autodiff, exf, ptracers & seaice (AD & TL output):
5439 - comment out the very nasty "writeBinaryPrec = writeStatePrec" line, since:
5440 a) can damage previously written records in any other multi-record files.
5441 b) if needed, can easily do it cleanly, by calling S/R WRITE_REC_3D_RL/S.
32c6b8e3e2 Jean*5442 o tools/genmake2:
5443 - define variable MAKE within Makefile and use it in place of 'make';
5444 - update AD_CONFIG.h (if needed) before building any of the executable
5445 (forward, adjoint or tangent-lin); this involves a 2nd invocation of make;
5446 and add the usual #ifndef/#define AD_CONFIG_H in AD_CONFIG.h;
5447 - always print usual warning comment 'this file is automatically generated'
5448 from script convert_cpp_cmd2defines (+ remove this warning from genmake2).
c7b36da2b3 Jean*5449 o pkg/cheapaml:
5450 - updated to correspond to the code used in accepted paper (Nico Wienders).
32c6b8e3e2 Jean*5451 o pkg/exf:
5452 added run time switch useAtmWind to replace ALLOW_ATM_WIND cpp switch.
5453 ALLOW_ATM_WIND now just sets the useAtmWind default (see exf_readparms.F)
5454 and force defines ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE (EXF_OPTIONS.h).
5455 o pkg/exf, autodiff, ctrl, ecco and seaice:
5456 remove ALLOW_ATM_WIND brackets, or replace them with useAtmWind ones.
5457 o pkg/ctrl, ecco:
5458 allow to compile both ALLOW_U/VSTRESS_CONTROL and ALLOW_U/VWIND_CONTROL.
5459 Depending on useAtmWind, one is inactive, and the other is active (see
5460 exf_getffields.F/exf_getsurfacefluxes.F).
4681beea4a Jean*5461 o tools/genmake2:
5462 - improve error msg when failing in 2nd test of check_for_broken_Ff
5463 - fix option '-makefile' short-name (-mf according to genmake2 -help)
5464 - source local config file "genmake_local" just after processing the genmake2
5465 command arguments (previously done before processing arg).
07c8ca60a9 Jean*5466 o pkg/grdchk:
5467 - add a call to TURNOFF_MODEL_IO for Tangent-Linear run (in this case, call
5468 to this routine from cost_final has been dropped in g_cost_final)
5469 - improve printed information (more explicit msg, no longer using "print *,"
5470 fix fcpertminus printed value).
0c39183c54 Jean*5471 o model/src:
5472 - move call to COST_INIT_VARIA out of packages_init_variables.F directly
5473 into initialise_varia.F (just after calling PACKAGES_INIT_VARIABLES):
5474 this prevents getting cost-funct reset in adinitialise_varia recomputations.
2b983d7243 Jean*5475 o pkg/dic:
5476 - move initialisation of "freefe" array from from dic_biotic_forcing.F to
5477 fe_chem.F: this prevents TAF from dropping this initialisation in TLM code.
5478 o pkg/grdchk:
c78fad8e88 Gael*5479 - grdchk_main.F : added CALL GLOBAL_SUM_INT( ierr , myThid )
2b983d7243 Jean*5480 - grdchk_getadxx.F etc. : omit I/O if ierr.EQ.0
5be1b702e4 Gael*5481 o pkg/autodiff/ctrl/grdchk :
2b983d7243 Jean*5482 - attempt to sort out what works and what does not,
5be1b702e4 Gael*5483 with regard to I/O, and to warn/stop accordingly.
2b983d7243 Jean*5484 o pkg/grdchk:
5be1b702e4 Gael*5485 - attempt to fix grdchk in the case of useSingleCpuIO.
5486 - "if ( myProcId .EQ. grdchkwhichproc .AND. ierr .EQ. 0 )"
5487 statements were moved from grdchk_main.F and into
5488 grdchk_getadxx.F grdchk_getxx.F grdchk_setxx.F.
5489 - a global sum is applied to record numbers icvrec/layer
5490 out of grdchk_loc so that they be passed to I/O routines.
2b983d7243 Jean*5491 o pkg/smooth:
5492 - fix recomputation that appeared with nlfs : use smooth_recip_hFacC,
5be1b702e4 Gael*5493 smooth_hFacW, smooth_hFacS (copied at init_fixed) in 3d case.
97ed0955b8 Jean*5494 o verification/testreport:
5495 - add option '-tlm' for Tangent-Linear test (-adm,-oad,-tlm are all exclusive);
5496 - can also use compressed (gzip) reference output file;
5497 - change format (in pkg/grdchk) of TLM output (+ add forward gradient)
5498 to be easier to collect by testreport.
5499 - update existing TLM output (half out-of-date by more than 3 yrs).
090e7aded7 Jean*5500 - report NETCDF & LAPACK settings (from genmake2) in output dir.
5501 - report run-time in each individual summary (previously only for AD test);
5502 for TLM test, add also TAF version.
5503 - add daily TLM test on (old) aces cluster + weekly test on baudelaire.
97ed0955b8 Jean*5504
5ea440c02d Jean*5505 checkpoint63r (2012/08/15)
5506 o tools/genmake2:
5507 - fix Makefile for target ftlall (+ update files to clean after make ftlall)
a7fab58b1c Gael*5508 o pkg/ecco/ecco_cost_final.F :
5ea440c02d Jean*5509 - fix fc print statements (to stdout and costfunction0000) so
a7fab58b1c Gael*5510 that the printed value is always after the global sum.
5511 o pkg/seaice/seaice_dynsolver.F :
5512 - fix ice strength assymptote at SEAICE_area_max<1
5513 (no change for the standard case of SEAICE_area_max=1)
f0c312b070 Jean*5514 o some cleaning:
5ea440c02d Jean*5515 - pkg source files: ensure that all *.F files from each pkg included the
f0c312b070 Jean*5516 corresponding ${PKG}_OPTIONS.h file (except stand-alone src file which
5ea440c02d Jean*5517 only includes CPP_EEOPTIONS.h); fix S/R CTRL_SMOOTH ; update AD experiment
f0c312b070 Jean*5518 code_ad/*.F src files; add new option-file in pkg/admtlm + corresponding
5ea440c02d Jean*5519 includes;
f0c312b070 Jean*5520 - model/src: add PACKAGES_CONFIG.h wherever ALLOW_AUTODIFF[_TAMC] is used.
5ea440c02d Jean*5521 - ALLOW_DIFFKR_CONTROL: add a stop in S/R CTRL_CHECK in case ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR
5522 is undef; also define /DYNVARS_DIFFKR/ common block in DYNVARS.h when
f0c312b070 Jean*5523 ALLOW_DIFFKR_CONTROL is defined, to allow to compile and reach this stop.
5524 - update option-file CPP_OPTIONS.h of all AD experiments:
5ea440c02d Jean*5525 * no longer include PACKAGES_CONFIG.h ;
5526 * includes ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h if PACKAGES_CONFIG.h has been included ;
5527 * def/undef ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR independently of ALLOW_DIFFKR_CONTROL (before
f0c312b070 Jean*5528 including ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h).
0185f8e796 Jean*5529 o pkg/cost, pkg/ctrl, pkg/ecco option-file:
5530 - clean-up and split content of old pkg/ecco/ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h file into
5531 separated pkg option-file (done according to old doc from ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h,
5532 not necessary accurate).
5533 - add a template for option-file ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h, mostly empty, in
5534 pkg/autodiff, i.e., the 1rst pkg to compile for adjoint built, with lines to
5535 deliberately break compilation (a remainder that it needs to be customized)
5536 - in pkg/ecco, includes ECCO_OPTIONS.h instead of COST_OPTIONS.h
5539 o tools/genamke2:
5540 - check for lapack.
53ea01923d Gael*5541 o pkg/cost and pkg/ecco : attempt to sort out some of the limiting intricacies.
0185f8e796 Jean*5542 - pkg/cost.cost_final.F : allow for use of pkg/ecco and pkg/cost cost functions
5543 jointly. The exclusive ifdefs were removed, to add costs terms (when defined)
5544 from both packages.
53ea01923d Gael*5545 - the fc global sum in pkg/ecco/ecco_cost_final.F was removed accordingly.
5546 - for objf_atl we use either the pkg/ecco or the pkg/cost term depending on CPPs.
0185f8e796 Jean*5547 - pkg/ecco and model/src : add CPP brackets around pkg/cost and pkg/ctrl includes
5548 of "CTRL_SIZE.h" "ctrl.h" "ctrl_dummy.h" "optim.h" / "cost.h" accordingly.
53ea01923d Gael*5549 o pkg/cost : add comments to explain special and/or untested setups.
6e25847946 Jean*5550 o pkg/exf:
5551 - use EXF_OPTIONS.h to set pkg/exf options except if done in ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h
5552 (previously, ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC was controling this switch).
5553 o verification/*/code_ad:
5554 mimimal cleaning of AD experiments ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h option-file:
5555 - reccord when this file is included (define ECCO_CPPOPTIONS_H)
5556 - remove the most obvious obsolete features (e.g., #define ALLOW_COST not
5557 allowed since Oct 2003 in any option-file except in PACKAGES_CONFIG.h)
c67a77c8bb Gael*5558 o pkg/seaice :
6e25847946 Jean*5559 - added possibility to change ice strength/PRESS0 relationship to
5560 HEFF, according to the following run time parameters
5561 SEAICEpresPow0 :: HEFF exponent for ice strength below SEAICEpresH0 (integer, >0)
5562 SEAICEpresPow1 :: HEFF exponent for ice strength above SEAICEpresH0 (integer, >0)
5563 SEAICEpresH0 :: HEFF threshold for ice strength (m)
c67a77c8bb Gael*5564 o pkg/ggl90 :
6e25847946 Jean*5565 - added run time flag mxlSurfFlag to include the code that ensure
c67a77c8bb Gael*5566 mixing between first and second level (previously included as a comment)
135650b823 Gael*5567 o verification/1D_ocean_ice_column/input_ad/data.autodiff :
6e25847946 Jean*5568 - add test of newly added dumpAdByRec=T option where
135650b823 Gael*5569 we write all records to one file per variable.
5570 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/code_ad/CPP_OPTIONS.h :
5572 to check that this code is ok with taf and compiles in adjoint.
5573 o pkg/autodiff :
5574 - added run time param dumpAdByRec : ad dump format switch.
6e25847946 Jean*5575 If true then write all records to one file per variable.
5576 Else write one file per record (remains the default).
135650b823 Gael*5577 - revise seaice_ad_dump.F and exf_adjoint_snapshots_ad.F accordingly.
e9b3a4dec3 Gael*5578 o pkg/seaice:
5579 - Added SEAICEuseTILT run time switch : if set to
6e25847946 Jean*5580 false then omit the tilt term in seaice dynamics.
e9b3a4dec3 Gael*5581 - Fix free drift calculation.
a8eec7f730 Patr*5582 o pkg/shelfice:
6e25847946 Jean*5583 When initializing SHELFICEDragQuadratic, set default to be
5584 consistent with shiCdrag in case SHELFICEuseGammaFrict is used,
a8eec7f730 Patr*5585 but retain option to set it independently
5586 (inconsistenty spotted by Veronique Dansereau)
fe9611ab7a Jean*5587 o eesupp/inc:
5588 - in EEPARAMS.h, add real-type constant for some frequently used simple number
5589 (0,1,2,1/2), with name explicitly referring to RS/RL type.
5590 o model/src:
5591 - move balancing of relaxation terms to new S/R balance_relax.F.
9eb8003f99 Jean*5592 o pkg/autodiff:
5593 re-write active I/O high-level (control) S/R:
5595 - add 1 more argument (useCurrentDir) to replace the "_LOC" 2nd set of S/R.
5596 - use standard pkg/mdsio I/O routines (MDS_READ/WRITE_SEC_XZ/YZ and
5597 MDS_READ/WRITE_FIELD); change loops to multi-threads.
5598 - update and merge active_file_control_slice.flow into active_file_control.flow
5599 - update the calls in lower level S/R (active_file.F, active_file_g.F and
5600 active_file_ad.F) keeping the argument list and function unchanged.
ee91acaaf9 Jean*5601 - also update lower-level "_LOC" version (call same S/R with "useCurrentDir
5602 =.TRUE.") and remove high-level (control) _loc version (not called anymore).
75bd0a9954 Jean*5603 - new low-level active I/O routines, one for each type (RL/RS), for active var
5604 of various (XY,XZ,YZ) shape and level number (arguments: arrShape, myNr);
5605 fix ctrl_init_wet.F & ecco_cost_weights.F by calling the new S/R with the
5606 right type.
9eb8003f99 Jean*5607 o autodiff and RS=real*4:
5608 - call the right type (_RS instead of _RL) of S/R in few output S/R (pkg/exf
5609 ad-monitor and snapshots); disable arrType='RS' in mdsio_gl*.F ;
5610 - change argument type of 3-D mask argument to _RS to match type in the call
5611 (in seaice_cost*.F, ctrl_*_gen.F and *ctrl_bound.F); to be continued.
4cdea015c1 Jean*5612 o pkg/thsice:
5613 - re-anable balanceEmPmR when useSEAICE=T with useThSIce=T.
5614 - option to correct ocean fresh-water flux for imbalance of Atmos+Land
5615 fresh-water flux: uniform correction or proportional to local precip.
10741bb907 Patr*5616 o pkg/ctrl:
5617 - new header file CTRL_SIZE.h for parameters maxCtrlArr2D, maxCtrlArr3D
5618 - redefine CPP option ALLOW_BOTTOMDRAG_CONTROL to
5620 - verification/hs94.1x64x5/ tests ALLOW_GENARR{2D,3D}_CONTROL
4cdea015c1 Jean*5621
5ba9855446 Jean*5622 checkpoint63q (2012/07/30)
09b7b7656d Jean*5623 o pkg/autodiff:
5624 note about monitor and snap-shot of ad-variables:
5625 a) need to apply ADEXCH before monitor or output of ad-vars to include
5626 overlap contributions (was done for adjDump but missing for monitor).
5627 b) since ADEXCH implies adding overlap values to interior array, machine
5628 truncation error is expected when adding an ADEXCH call in the middle of
5629 the time-stepping (although mathematically identical).
5630 modifs:
4d079479ad Jean*5631 - fix some incorrect type (RL/RS, UV/scalar) in ADEXCH calls and ad-vars
5632 declaration (adEddyPsiX,adEddyPsiY in adcommon.h).
09b7b7656d Jean*5633 - add new run-time params (dumpAdVarExch & mon_AdVarExch) to select how to
5634 apply ADEXCH before monitor or snap-shot of ad-variables:
5635 =0 : no ADEXCH ; =1 : do ADEXCH ; =2 : apply ADEXCH on a local copy.
5636 - implement new method (copy+adexch) for snap-shot and monitor of main model
4d079479ad Jean*5637 ad-vars (initially not used by default -> output unchanged).
5638 - change default (set to 2) to use new method and update few output_adm.txt
5639 with accurate ad-monitor (global_ocean.90x40x15, tutorial_global_oce_biogeo
5640 and both tutorial_tracer_adjsens tests).
5641 - switch 2 global_ocean.cs32x15 AD-tests to AB-2 (seaice_dynmix & thsice)
5642 and turn off momDissip_In_AB in the 2 other (needed for stable AB-3).
01d011442e Patr*5643 o pkg/ctrl:
5644 enable the use of a variable number (maxCtrlArr2D, maxCtrlArr3D) of
5645 generic control variables via
5647 Only required customization should be S/R ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F
5648 (routine in repository contains example)
7f14c670e9 Jean*5649 o pkg/exf:
5650 - fix and refine checking of surface-relaxation setting when using EXF
cda8c5ef00 Jean*5651 o verification (adjoint exp):
5652 - reduce length of simulation by half for experiment global_ocean.cs32x15
5653 (std, seaice & seaice_dynmix) and exp tutorial_dic_adjoffline; update output.
a2b6ec31fa Mart*5654 o pkg/mom_common (mom_u/v_bottomdrag), pkg/shelfice (shelfice_u/v_drag)
cda8c5ef00 Jean*5655 - replace if statements KE.ne.0 with KE.gt.0 to avoid sqrt of negative numbers
a2b6ec31fa Mart*5656 of KE that can occur with aggressive optimization
cda8c5ef00 Jean*5657 + put quadratic bottom drag calculation in separated loops (only done if
5658 using bottomDragQuadratic)
fb5ebe7993 Jean*5659 o model/src: CG2D_NSA
5660 - clean-up: stop if cg2dNormaliseRHS=T and AUTODIFF
5661 and replace GLOBAL_SUM calls with GLOBAL_SUM_TILE.
5662 - in test-exp that uses CG2D_NSA (bottom_ctrl & tutorial_tracer_adjsens),
5663 change cg2d residual target to be expressed in Wunits (=> do not normalise
5664 RHS ; this fix global_max Pb with TAF); update output.
04c0091821 Jean*5665 o verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens:
fb5ebe7993 Jean*5666 improve parameter consistency (and get rid of warnings):
04c0091821 Jean*5667 - use deltaTFreeSurf=deltaTtracer (better with NonLin FreeSurf);
5668 - switch Temp Adv Scheme from 81 to 80 (no limiter since theta < 0 is physical)
5669 - use staggerTimeStep (for stability) in som81; use default rotation period.
0288336348 Jean*5670 o pkg/exch2:
5671 - with empty facet: fix compact-format (W2_mapIO=1) definition (was previously
5672 reset to 0 = 1 long line in X)
5673 o pkg/mdsio:
5674 - fix reading of dimensions from meta file for large-size domain
02de2b8dd0 Jean*5675 o model/src:
5676 - fix saltIsActiveTr setting for IdealGas eosType (eosType is 6 character long);
5677 - to refine CS-grid check, add logical flag "hasWetCSCorners": true if using
5678 Cubed-Sphere Exch with CS-corners inside the domain;
5679 make new S/R INI_GLOBAL_DOMAIN from code in ini_linear_phisurf.F to calculate
5680 globalArea and to set hasWetCSCorners.
5681 - add warning if usingCurvilinearGrid and momAdvection in flux-form (missing
5682 metric terms); stop if hasWetCSCorners=T and momAdvection in flux-form.
5683 - re-activate the stop if useCDscheme and hasWetCSCorners=T (previously if
5684 useCDscheme and useCubedSphereExchange).
b1b02f4641 Gael*5685 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F :
02de2b8dd0 Jean*5686 - compute the SEAICE_DISABLE_HEATCONSFIX term accordingly
5687 for the (.NOT.useRealFreshWaterFlux).OR.(nonlinFreeSurf.EQ.0)
5688 when the previous code was not correct.
5689 - in all cases diagnoze the boundary condition mismatch to SIaaflux
5690 - in the case of useRealFreshWaterFlux.AND.(nonlinFreeSurf.GT.0) add
5691 that term to QNET (essentially to set the melt/freeze water to 0degC).
5692 when SEAICEheatConsFix is true, so that the ocean+ice budget heat is closed.
82e953e38c Gael*5693 o verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input.seaice :
02de2b8dd0 Jean*5694 - add SEAICEheatConsFix in data.seaice, ensuring closed ocean+ice heat budget.
5695 - add diagnostics (commented out) for budget test using my matlab codes (gcmfaces).
5696 - update results (output.seaice.txt) accordingly.
82e953e38c Gael*5697 o verification/lab_sea/input/data.seaice :
02de2b8dd0 Jean*5698 - remove SEAICEheatConsFix, which is now be tested
5699 in global_ocean.cs32x15. The presently coded fix
5700 is only consistent with real fresh water + nlfs.
5701 - update results (output.txt) accordingly.
b0139591bd Gael*5702 o pkg/salt_plume: added diagnotic for salt tendency (oceSPtnd).
81055d8424 Jean*5703 o AD_CONFIG.h file:
02de2b8dd0 Jean*5704 - in genmake2: remove "#undef ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION" from AD_CONFIG.h;
5705 - remove #include "AD_CONFIG.h" from all included OPTIONS files and
5706 add it explicitly in each fortran src file where it is needed.
5707 motivation: header file AD_CONFIG.h is generated/modified after "make depend"
5708 thus introducing potentially wrong dependency; therefore, better to include
5709 it only where it's really needed, and after any other included OPTIONS file
5710 (less tempting to bring conditional includes according to ALLOW_ADJOINT_RUN
81055d8424 Jean*5712
361210b820 Jean*5713 checkpoint63p (2012/07/06)
94af53ae23 Jean*5714 o pkg/autodiff:
5716 - create new header file "AUTODIFF_PARAMS.h" for pkg/autodiff parameters
5717 which are now read from new parameter file "data.autodiff" (inAdExact
5718 previously in "data", use{KPP/GMRedi/SEAICE}inAdMode previously in data.pkg)
5719 - add file "data.autodiff" in all verification/*/input_ad/ directories.
6101a96b98 Jean*5720 - add run-time parameter to turn On/Off SEAICEuseFREEDRIFT in adjoint/forward
5721 mode (used in global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice_dynmix test exp.)
aa94224112 Patr*5722 o verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/
5723 - add extra sub-verification which uses "SOM" advection scheme
5724 (2nd Order-Moment Advection Scheme, Prather Limiter) with
94af53ae23 Jean*5725 #define GAD_ALLOW_TS_SOM_ADV in GAD_OPTIONS.h
aa94224112 Patr*5726 and in data:
94af53ae23 Jean*5727 multiDimAdvection=.TRUE.,
5728 tempAdvScheme=81,
5729 saltAdvScheme=81,
d3350d435b Gael*5730 o model/src:
5731 - introduce ALLOW_BALANCE_RELAX which allow the removal
5732 of the global mean of relaxation terms by setting
5733 balanceThetaClimRelax and balanceSaltClimRelax
361210b820 Jean*5734 - disable balanceEmPmR and balanceQnet in the case when useSeaice.
d3350d435b Gael*5735 This case is now treated appropriately in seaice_growth.F
5736 o pkg/seaice:
361210b820 Jean*5737 - do balanceEmPmR and balanceQnet based on the net fluxes
5738 (SItflux) that enter the ocean+ice system rather than QNET
5739 and EMPMR. Works best in real fresh water.
5740 - SIatmFW, SIatmQnet, and SItflux computations had to be moved
5741 out of the diagnotics bloc, and stored in global arrays.
aa94224112 Patr*5742
e03d424aa5 Jean*5743 checkpoint63o (2012/06/29)
7ea3641d7d Jean*5744 o vertical mixing schemes:
5745 - remove unused S/R CALC_BUOYANCY (left from branch-atmos merging)
5746 - replace computation of density (in Function STATE1, opps_calc.F) by a call
5748 - pass sigmaR to S/R PP81_CALC, MY82_CALC (but not yet used) and to GGL90_CALC
5749 and use it for N^2 calculation in ggl90_calc.F (save 2 density computations);
5750 affects output (vermix.ggl90) at truncation level.
de24565c3d Jean*5751 o testreport:
5752 - change adjustment of SIZE.h for mpi+mth testing: preserve enough tiles
5753 (nSx,nSy) for the number of threads (from eedata.mth)
11491399e8 Jean*5754 o model/src:
5755 - remove 2nd set of calls at the top of initialise_varia.F (Adjoint part)
5756 related to Non_Lin Free-Surf or Bottom-Control (but not longer necessary).
f7139038cb Patr*5757 o verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/
5758 - compile with ALLOW_CG2D_NSA
5759 - run with nonlinFreeSurf=3
5760 - update reference output_adm.txt
69c15f0fc5 Jean*5761 o tools/genmake2:
5762 - add "-DHAVE_NETCDF" to the DEFINES list when NetCDF is available ;
5763 refine usePROFILES switching off (only when NetCDF is not available).
781a2dcf80 Jean*5764 o verification (atmospheric set-up):
5765 - change eosType='IDEALGAS' to eosType='IDEALG' to match variable declaration
89f2ec68ea Gael*5766 o pkg/profiles : refine profiles and files handling.
5767 o model/src and pkg/ecco : introduce run-time switch usePROFILES.
c8b7080413 Gael*5768 o model/src/the_main_loop.F, forward_step.F and pkg/exf/EXF_OPTIONS.h :
5769 - changes to use model/src/the_main_loop.F rather than the ecco version
5770 in ecco type adjoint runs.
18d45ae82f Jean*5771 o model/src:
781a2dcf80 Jean*5772 - move computation of recip of grid distance & area from INI_MASKS_ETC to INI_GRID
5773 - move setting of h0Fac[C,W,S] from INI_LINEAR_PHISURF to INI_MASKS_ETC
5774 - update_masks_etc.F: rename SMOOTH*_R4,R8 function to the corresponding type (RS,RL)
5775 o model/src:
5776 - fix S/R UPDATE_CG2D for ALLOW_DEPTH_CONTROL case (was empty before);
18d45ae82f Jean*5777 update output of test experiment bottom_ctrl_5x5.
d8428293bd Jean*5778 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
5779 - implement vertical bi-harmonic diffusion (for now, only for T & S and
5780 only explicitly).
1beab3301f Patr*5781 o verification/bottom_ctrl_5x5/
5782 update reference output (results changed quite some time ago,
5783 not sure when; but new reference results look ok in terms of grdchk)
2478d50aeb Patr*5784 o verification/1D_ocean_ice_column/
5785 For verification purposes, the exact adjoint rather than an approx.
5786 should be used (e.g., to comare against F.D. or TLM).
5787 removed autodiff_inadmode*_ad.F routines in code_ad/
5788 Update results/ accordingly.
2889362499 Jean*5789 o pkg/cal:
5790 - change cal_getdate.F so that output date is function of input time only
5791 (less ambiguous, not mixed up with input iteration number).
5792 - fix calendarDumps for non-zero phase-lag (S/R CAL_TIME2DUMP).
3078ffbadd Jean*5793 o pkg/diagnostics:
5794 - implement calendarDumps also for stats-diags
5795 - implement calendarDumps also for snap-shot output (negative freq)
5796 - for now, ignores calendarDumps if non-zero phase-lag.
fb29d0ce0b Jean*5798 checkpoint63n (2012/06/04)
e2c4129169 Jean*5799 o model/src:
5800 - recompute rSurfW & S to ensure consistent column thickness (needed for rStar)
5801 between Sum_k(hFac*drF) and rSurf-rLow, for now only when using pkg/shelfice;
95205589aa Jean*5802 - use h0FacC, W & S to compute hFac_surfC, W & S in calc_surf_dr.F (more
5803 similar to calc_r_star.F); update results of experiment internal_wave and
e2c4129169 Jean*5804 tutorial_global_oce_in_p (affected @ truncation level).
5805 o pkg/shelfice:
5806 - add parameterisation of advective-diffusive flux into the ice shelf
c1ef53a9f3 Mart*5807 according to Holland and Jenkins (1999), eq.22-33, as suggested by Jan De Ryd
5808 - simply eps3/3a computation
83625f7fb2 Jean*5809 o eesupp:
5810 - add new CPP option (DISCONNECTED_TILES) to disconnect tiles (no exchange
5811 between tiles, just fill-in edges assuming locally periodic subdomain) and
5812 add corresponding exchange subroutines (EXCH0);
5813 - new CG-solver version (_EX0) for disconnected-tiles special case.
30e5f8e0a0 Jean*5814 o model/src (CG-solvers):
5815 - modify Single-Reduction version (CG2D_SR) in case cg2dMaxIters is reached
5816 (similar final residual output and max-Iter number as with standard version);
5817 - allows to store and use lowest-residual solution (standard & _SR versions);
5818 - cleaning up (remove old, commented out code, LETS_MAKE_JAM ...).
5819 - by default, also compile CG2D_SR version (define ALLOW_SRCG in CPP_OPTIONS.h)
5820 o eesup/src:
5821 - global_vec_sum.F cleaning: add a BARRIER ; update comments ; remove ndef
5822 ALWAYS_USE_MPI (no longer needed after fixing usingMPI settings - March 2012)
0f5e9791d2 Patr*5823 o pkg/salt_plume added to lab_sea/input_ad.noseaicedyn
b4f2dc2460 Jean*5825 checkpoint63m (2012/04/27)
fa1b72b057 Jean*5826 o pkg/shelfice:
5827 - account for partical cells in surface level below ice-shelf for hydrostatic
5828 pressure calculion (set uniformFreeSurfLev to F); update isomip experiments.
f74931b354 Jean*5829 o ad test experiments:
5830 - update and rename to "ad_optfile.local" local AD-optfile specific to a
5831 particular adjoint verification experiment (in verification/*/code_ad/)
fb5f9f12be Patr*5832 o pkg/seaice & pkg/exf:
f74931b354 Jean*5833 - Part two of ECCO-CLIVAR code merges.
fb5f9f12be Patr*5834 Completes merge of seaice area relax. code.
5835 Requires unified CPP option EXF_ALLOW_SEAICE_RELAX
5836 to be set in EXF_OPTIONS.h since this pkg controls its I/O
5837 (and avoids second CPP option in SEAICE_OPTIONS.h)
f74931b354 Jean*5838 - change default value of costIceStart & costIceEnd to a valid date.
f053446eb2 Dimi*5839 - add snowPrecip to HSNOW in seaice_growth
2db9a89c59 Jean*5840 o pkg/ptracers:
5841 - move ptracers summary and setup check into separated S/R ; add a check for
5842 valid PTRACERS_Iter0 value (error+stop or just warning).
9afd0876bd Jean*5843 o pkg/cal (+ pkg/ecco):
5844 - avoid calling a S/R with 2 times the same arg (FWD: unless both are only used
5845 as input; and for AD, unless both are not differentiable (e.g., k index)).
546970fc27 Jean*5846 o model/src:
5847 - define internal flag "uniformFreeSurfLev" (=T when free-surface level-index
5848 is everywhere k=1) to speed-up some calculations (by pass kSurf reference);
5849 temporary set to usingZCoords value (to be changed to F when using shelfice).
5850 - hydrostatic pressure: implement partial cell near the surface also for
5851 Z-coordinates (for the case where uniformFreeSurfLev=F); replace test on
5852 usingZCoords with test on uniformFreeSurfLev where needed (in NonHyd code).
5853 o pkg/ctrl/ctrl_init.F:
5854 - add a formal parameter to s/r ctrl_init_rec to print
d993cf017d Mart*5855 xx_$(ctrl_valiable)_file for easier debugging
5856 - move call of cal_* routines into the if-block where they are really
546970fc27 Jean*5857 needed so that xx_$(ctrl_variable)_period can be 0 or -12 without having
d993cf017d Mart*5858 to specify a startdate
5b4194ac9e Jean*5859 o pkg/seaice:
5860 - update comments in SEAICE_OPTIONS.h (+ similar update of lab_sea/code and
5861 global_ocean.cs32x15/code versions).
5862 - turn on seaice Multi-category (in data.seaice, SEAICE_multDim=7) for
5863 verification experiment global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice and update results.
0c1f58d8ac Jean*5864 o pkg/exf:
5865 - new S/R EXF_GETFIELD_START to return starting-time of a forcing field
5866 (according to useExfYearlyFields).
e876af632a Jean*5867 o pkg/cal:
5868 - move calendar setting & summary (previously in cal_readparams.F) into new
5869 S/R CAL_INIT_FIXED to be called later in the initialisation process, once
5870 length of the simulation is set (after SET_PARMS call); This is an attempt
5871 to fix Pb when, e.g.: pkg/longstep, modifies the length of the run.
5872 - For safety: keep a record of pkg/cal parameter settings status
5873 to allow to STOP if one pkg/cal S/R is called too early.
0c1f58d8ac Jean*5874 - add a stop in all basic pkg/cal subroutines if called before setting is done.
5875 - modify cal_getdate.F: stop when nothing was returned;
5876 if called with myIter=-1, simply retrun modelBaseDate (1,2 = startDate_1,_2);
5877 this allows to remove "cal.h" from seaice_read_parms.F & init_mnc_vars.F.
e876af632a Jean*5878
c0d26944d6 Jean*5879 checkpoint63l (2012/04/04)
39e65f8d9e Jean*5880 o pkg/bbl:
5881 - fix call to FIND_RHO_2D in bbl_calc_rho.F (case multi-tiles per proc);
5882 update global_with_exf output.yearly.txt file.
ceea6e3706 Jean*5883 o pkg/cal:
5884 - start to clean-up cal_set.F ; fix for the case where baseTime is non-zero.
5885 - remove 2 unsused and very short (1 line only) functions ;
5886 - remove unsused subroutines from AD-Diff list.
e8bf169f85 Jean*5887 o model/src:
5888 - start to implement clean wait to stop in initialization S/R (config_check.F,
c0d26944d6 Jean*5889 packages_check.F, ini_parms.F and pkg/obcs/obcs_check.F + pkg/mypackage)
e8bf169f85 Jean*5890 o folowing PRINT_MESSAGE changes:
5891 - remove reminder multiple print to the same file (STDOUT) when multi-threads.
28ed837189 Dimi*5892 o pkg/bbl:
5893 - modification so it can work with z*
5894 - replace deltaT with dTtracerLev(k) for asynchronous time stepping
5895 - global_with_exf/input.yearly verification; changes output.yearly.txt
c064649ac0 Jean*5896 o eesupp/src:
5897 - PRINT_MESSAGE: use OpenMP critical instruction (similar to PRINT_ERROR);
5898 writing to unit 0 (if unit=errorMessageUnit) extended to the case myThid=1
5899 - CHECK_THREADS: specific code if using OpenMP threading: improve checking of
5900 # of threads across processors (e.g., different env OMP_NUM_THREADS setting)
5901 - improve special preliminary call to EESET_PARMS (if eedata is read 2 times).
5902 - when using MPI, always set usingMPI=T ; set default accordingly and stop
5903 if not consistent.
5904 - ALL_PROC_DIE: add a BARRIER after MPI_FINALIZE call ; skip this when thread
5905 argument is zero (in case called within single-thread section).
45e37a1efd Jean*5906 o pkg/fizhi:
5907 clean-up turbulence cold-start switch: decided in fizhi_init_vars.F, stored
5908 in common bloc (fizhi_coms.h) and then passed as argument up to S/R TURBIO.
12a35945df Jean*5909 o pkg/exch2:
5910 - add argument "updateCorners" to S/R exch2_get_uv_bounds (enable to
5911 activate EXCH_IGNORE_CORNERS in vector EXCH S/R).
5912 - switch 1rst EXCH call to IGNORE_CORNERS (instead of UPDATE_CORNERS)
5913 but keep the 2nd with UPDATE_CORNERS: this prevents overwriting good data
5914 with bad ones coming from a not-yet-updated halo.
5915 This should fix the problem when sNx <> sNy and GCD(sNx,sNy) < 2*Olx.
bb86b07795 Dimi*5916 o pkg/frazil:
12a35945df Jean*5917 move FrzForcT diag from frazil_diagnostics_state.F to frazil_calc_rhs.F
5918 http://mitgcm.org/pipermail/mitgcm-devel/2012-March/005384.html
16e5bb3e87 Mart*5919 o model/src/config_check.F: add a check for OLx>sNx/OLy>sNy
709f986fa5 Patr*5920 o verification/lab_sea
5923 * nTimeSteps 3 -> 4
5924 * changed reference output accordingly
5925 o pkg/ctrl:
5926 * fix ctrl_get_gen for xx_sst, xx_sss
0a88b6db42 Jean*5927 o pkg/fizhi:
5928 - fix 2 calls to S/R GRD2MSC (argument igrd) in update_earth_exports.F
5929 update results of exp. fizhi-cs-32x32x40 (fail with only 6 digits for cg2d)
6a018349c4 Jean*5930 - by default, use new version of S/R GETPWHERE (#define TRY_NEW_GETPWHERE);
5931 fix few out-of-bounds indices in referencing vars (initialise igrd to 1);
5932 clean-up fizhi_turb.F (remove unused & uninitialised qdiaglsm array).
4afb828a3b Jean*5933 o pkg/gmredi:
5934 - add diagnostic of Redi (main diagnonal) vertical diffusive flux of Temp
e39d8c1644 Jean*5935 o pkg/fizhi:
5936 - fix few initialisation and multi-tile Pb: aqualev & gridalt now pass the
5937 (old)aces open64 tuv test.
fe82383027 Dimi*5938 o pkg/icefront: fix bug and reorder loop in icefront_init_varia.F
55118a358d Jean*5939 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
5940 - fix 1 loop range in mom_vecinv.F to be like all the other loops which
5941 set/update gu,gv/Diss (fix Pb of uninitialised fVerUkp in admom_vecinv
5942 with non-lin free-surf).
5943 o model/src: move k-loop outside of i/j-loops when (re-)computing R_low
5944 in ini/update_masks_etc.F in order to avoid -O3 optimization problems with
a826ffe6b9 Mart*5945 some compilers (gfortran 4.6.0 on MacOS)
71f40693ee Jean*5946 o momentum:
5947 - separate fVer?(:,:,kUp) & fVer?(:,:,kDown) in argument list of MOM_FLUXFORM
5948 & MOM_VECINV subroutines (to help TAF). This fixes Pb of uninitialised
5949 fVer?(kUp) in admom_fluxform with non-lin free-surf or bottom control.
104669e183 Jean*5951 checkpoint63k (2012/03/17)
ecdd0492fa Jean*5952 o model/src:
5953 - selectAddFluid (ALLOW_ADDFLUID): add missing term in horizontal momentum
5954 flux-form (mom_fluxform.F) and vertical momentum (calc_gw.F) equations.
5955 - SOLVE_DIAGONAL: switch default to use adjoinable & vectorized version
5956 (#undef SOLVE_DIAGONAL_LOWMEMORY); update output of exp. front_relax.bvp.
20e7fd8d99 Jean*5957 o model/src: solve_*diagonal.F
5958 - replace division with multiplication by inverse (similar to original version)
de7acf9ff6 Jean*5959 update output of AD exp. global_ocean.90x40x15.
20e7fd8d99 Jean*5960 - fix pkg/gmredi/gmredi_calc_psi_bvp.F & pkg/ggl90/ggl90_calc.F
5961 to enable the use of the vectorized & differentiable solve_tridiagonal.F
de7acf9ff6 Jean*5962 - test exp. global_ocean.90x40x15/input_ad: switch to advection scheme 20 for
5963 vertical advection (to get solve_tridiagonal tested in AD mode).
20e7fd8d99 Jean*5964 o pkg/seaice: ECCO-CLIVAR merge:
5965 1. seaice AREA relaxation
65e93cc4f0 Patr*5966 * CPP option: SEAICE_ALLOW_AREA_RELAXATION
5967 * runtime flag: SEAICE_tauAreaObsRelax
20e7fd8d99 Jean*5968 2. modified global mean cost imbalance code: CPP option
b0f7f403cf Patr*5970 o another iteration on solve_*diagonal.F
20e7fd8d99 Jean*5971 Make choices independent of AUTODIFF
5972 Default will be the adjoinable vectorized version.
5973 Alternative choices are:
5974 * non-adjoinable original version with low memory footprint:
5976 * still adjoinable but does not vectorize (k as inner-most loop):
49c840e1d0 Jean*5978 o testreport
5979 - add option to use a home made wrapper around "make"
5980 - remove MITGCM_IEEE env. variable (no longer active)
fa18eab287 Mart*5981 o pkg/shelfice
5982 - improve computation of friction velocity for velocity dependent
5983 exchange coefficients: include velocities into SHELFICEBoundaryLayer
5984 block to average velocities vertically
5985 - add TAF store directives for SHI_ALLOW_GAMMAFRICT
ac52667c1a Patr*5986 o Modify diagonal solvers, now three versions (upon request):
5988 1. default version (dating back a while ago)
5989 #else /* def SOLVE_DIAGONAL_AUTODIFF */
5991 2. adjoinable version with k-innermost loop (G. Forget)
5992 # else
5993 3. adjoinable vectorized version of 2.
5994 # endif
5996 All flags are currently set within routines, but could/should be moved to CPP-options.
5997 Array bounds for 1. are as before, for 2.,3. cover the entire domain
5998 (could be changed for 1. too).
cc29266a93 Jean*5999 o verification/lab_sea (fwd):
6000 - update the 4 fwd lab_sea test experiment: no longer SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY,
6001 use 7 categories (except hb87), new solve4temp params (except salt_plume),
6002 constant salinity (=4) or variable salinity (salt_plume) done through
6003 SItracer.
05513da3da Jean*6004 o pkg/seaice:
6005 - rename parameters: SIsalFrac to SEAICE_saltFrac & SIsal0 to SEAICE_salt0;
6006 - remove old parameters ( SEAICE_freeze, SEAICEturbFluxFormula, SEAICE_gamma_t,
6007 SEAICE_gamma_t_frz, SEAICE_availHeatTaper & SEAICE_availHeatFracFrz)
6008 from SEAICE_PARMS.h ; still need to fix seaice_cost_sst.F (broken when
6009 SEAICE_freeze got retired) but already better than previously with
6010 SEAICE_freeze=123456.7 deg.C;
6011 - move setting of facOpenGrow/Melt from SEAICE_INIT_FIXED to SEAICE_READPARMS
6012 (safer multi-threaded setting); always set SEAICEuseEVP;
6013 - setting of ocean-ice turb. flux coeff: moved from SEAICE_CHECK to
6014 SEAICE_READPARMS & SEAICE_INIT_FIXED (this fixes wrong summary report);
6015 stop if multiple specifications for the same coeff; make sure default
6016 SEAICE_mcPheePiston is compatible with drF(1) & deltaT.
e6a9f2bf3c Jean*6017 o pkg/obcs:
6018 - allow to switch to upwind 1rst order advection scheme for the advective
6019 flux computation at the open-boundary; disabled for adjoint built.
e5a3138db8 Jean*6020 o pkg/ptracers:
6022 - rename ptracers_fields_blocking_exchanges.F -> ptracers_fields_blocking_exch.F
6023 - add parameter to decide when to start a tracer; use internal flag to
6024 know which tracer to step-forward; switch this internal flag at the top
6025 of forward_step.F (new S/R PTRACERS_SWITCH_ONOFF); for now, not enabled
6026 for adjoint built.
3e983913d2 Jean*6027 o pkg/seaice:
6028 - add SEAICE_SIZE.h anywhere in the code where SEAICE.h is included ;
6029 - move MULTDIM declaration and setting from SEAICE.h to SEAICE_SIZE.h ;
6030 - keep experiment offline_exf_seaice truly single category (set MULTDIM=1).
ecde946d49 Jean*6031 o pkg/ecco:
6032 - fix writing of output file DiagnosCost_ClimSalt/Theta
6033 and DiagnosCost_DriftSalt/Theta (if multi-tiles per proc).
3e983913d2 Jean*6034 o pkg/seaice:
e8787c77e2 Jean*6035 - add missing initialisation of COR_ICE array in dynsolver.F
6036 - merging SEAICE_MULTICATEGORY define and undef cases. Now the same code is
6037 compiled either way, and is tested in all exps (multidim was only tested
6038 in lab_sea ad before).
6039 - cosmetic change to prepare for future addition of ITD. no change to results.
6040 no defaults change.
4ed98c0a60 Gael*6041 - added run time param SEAICE_multDim (7 for SEAICE_MULTICATEGORY, 1 otherwise).
e8787c77e2 Jean*6042 - by lack of adequate verification experiments, I further used custom versions
6043 of global_ocean.cs32x15 to test multicat or not, with pickup or not. All
6044 should be correct.
4ed98c0a60 Gael*6045 - avoid recomputations in ad.
7c31770a0d Jean*6046 o array initialisation in adjoint mode:
6047 1) pkg/mom_common/mom_calc_ke.F:
6048 add full array initialisation of KE inside mom_calc_ke.F (ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC):
6049 The S/R which calls MOM_CALC_KE initialises KE but in some recomputation
6050 part this initialisation is gone, resulting in Floating Point Exception
6051 (caught by open64 compiler with debug option).
6052 2) model/src/convective_weights.F
6053 set output convectCount over the full array range (instead of doing
6054 an update): this fix a similar issue when called within recomputation (adjoint)
6055 which could by-pass the initialisation (normally done in the caller S/R).
6056 o pkg/seaice:
c5b170d8ca Gael*6057 - final version of turbulent flux params, as agreed at MIT ice meet:
6058 SEAICE_mcPheePiston (default is ~ 0.000875)
6059 SEAICE_mcPheeTaper (default is 0.)
6060 SEAICE_frazilFrac (defualt is 1.)
6061 SEAICE_mcPheeStepFunc (default is false)
610e3cd50d Dimi*6062 - changes results at trunction error level
6063 - ifdef SEAICE_EXTERNAL_FLUXES, disallow SEAICE_waterAlbedo
7c31770a0d Jean*6064 o added pkg/frazil:
6065 - see frazil_description.tex for details
a7657da9ef Dimi*6066 - verification experiment is global_with_exf/input.yearly; changes output.yearly.txt
bc661abca1 Mart*6067 o pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F
7c31770a0d Jean*6068 - fix exponents for velocity dependent exchange coefficients: change
bc661abca1 Mart*6069 from 2/3(=0) to 0.66666666666666667
7c31770a0d Jean*6070 - move computation of velocity dependent exchange coefficients into
bc661abca1 Mart*6071 separate loop, so that it applies to both thermodynamics
6072 - move some divisions by constants out of loops
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6074 checkpoint63j (2012/02/16)
6075 o pkg/seaice:
6076 - overhaul of seaice_summary.F after feb 2012 clean-up of seaice_growth.F etc.
6077 - SItracer: added run time params, and allow coupling to ocn salinity.
df0f758af6 Jean*6078 o pkg/seaice: remove (almost) all divisions by constants within loops
6079 in seaice_growth.F and seaice_solve4temp.F, this changes (only) the cg2d
a54a2ad240 Mart*6080 results of global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice from 16 to 11 digits (but only
df0f758af6 Jean*6081 those, caused by 1/QI -> recip_QI) -> update output.seaice.txt,
6082 output_adm.seaice_dynmix.txt and also lab_sea: output_adm.evp.txt
6083 o pkg/seaice :
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6084 - simplify McPhee tapering, and allow to use it with SEAICEturbFluxFormula
6085 = 1 or 2, using newly added run time parameter SEAICE_availHeatTaper.
84662a0e96 Gael*6086 - fix d_AREAbyATM, d_AREAbyOCN, d_AREAbyICE diags I broke in r1.148.
df0f758af6 Jean*6087 - add permanent SItflux diag that corresponds to TFLUX but includes
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6088 ice+snow. Hence SItflux-TFLUX should match the ice+snow heat budget.
df0f758af6 Jean*6089 - allow activation/testing of a fix for suspected missing term in
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6090 ocn-ice heat budget (to be confirmed). To test this, you want to
6091 undef SEAICE_DISABLE_HEATCONSFIX, and then set the run time param
6092 SEAICEheatConsFix to .TRUE. that also allows the 'SIaaflux' diagnostic.
84662a0e96 Gael*6093 - no change in results, fwd or ad.
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6094 o global_ocean.cs32x15/results: 3 changes following from the pkg/seaice commit below:
df0f758af6 Jean*6095 - switch to variable freezing point.
dbf649edf9 Gael*6096 Results change : cg2d -> 1 digits; ad -> 3-6-6 digits.
6097 - bug fix : the sublimation term that was missing is now activated.
6098 Results change : cg2d -> 2 digits; ad -> 8-6-6 digits.
df0f758af6 Jean*6099 - bug fix : flooding sign term for SIsal0.NE.0.
dbf649edf9 Gael*6100 Result change : cg2d -> 8 digits; ad -> 11-12-9 digits.
6101 o pkg/seaice:
6102 - unified freezing point treatment : the old SEAICE_VARIABLE_FREEZING_POINT
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6103 is now the default, and the old default constant freezing point is recovered
6104 with SEAICE_tempFrz0 = -1.96,
6105 SEAICE_dTempFrz_dS = 0.,
6106 - retire SEAICE_freeze (= the old way of specifycing the constant freezing point)
dbf649edf9 Gael*6107 - remove ALLOW_SEAICE_FLOODING brackets; run time switch is already there.
df0f758af6 Jean*6108 - bug fix (thanks to M. Losch) : the sublimation term that was missing is now
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6109 activated. To reproduce old results with this bug define SEAICE_DISABLE_SUBLIM.
df0f758af6 Jean*6110 - bug fix (silly me) : flooding sign term (seaice_growth.F r 1.149line 1211)
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6111 was wrong for SIsal0.NE.0. Changes cs32x15 results (see above item for detail).
df0f758af6 Jean*6112 - bug fix (thanks to O. Jahn) : area loss for melting got messed up in
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6113 seaice_growth r149 for legacy branch (no results change).
6114 - introduce SEAICE_CAP_SUBLIM : caps sublimation heat flux in solve4temp (code
6115 from I. Fenty).
6116 - results did not change except for global_ocean.cs32x15, mostly due to the
6117 switch to variable freezing point (see above item for detail).
74dd18420e Jean*6118 o pkg/thsice:
6119 - fix and simplify interface to salt_plume pkg ; diagnose directly amount of
6120 seawater freezing in thsice_calc_thickn (not used).
c2dec35684 Gael*6121 o pkg/seaice: turbulent flux term specification via run time params.
6122 - replace CPP switches with run time switches to facilitate testing
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6123 - retired CPPs : MCPHEE_OCEAN_ICE_HEAT_FLUX,
c2dec35684 Gael*6125 - added runtime parameter : SEAICEturbFluxFormula
6126 - move Mcphee constants to SEAICE_PARAMS.h
6127 - seaice_readparms.F : read turbulent flux term params (SEAICEturbFluxFormula;
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6128 SEAICE_availHeatFrac/Frz, or SEAICE_gamma_t/_frz if apply);
6129 remove seaice_summary call (moved to seaice_init_fixed)
74dd18420e Jean*6130 - seaice_init_fixed.F : set SEAICE_availHeatFrac/Frz depending on
6131 SEAICEturbFluxFormula, and seaice_summary call (moved from seaice_readparms)
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6132 - seaice_summary.F : add missing report of read turbulent flux term set up
6133 and SITRACER.
6134 - seaice_check.F : check range; inform and stop if retired CPPs are used
6135 (incl. SEAICE_AGE).
74dd18420e Jean*6136 - seaice_growth.F : unified use of SEAICE_availHeatFrac/Frz, without
3d1eabb9e3 Jean*6137 CPP switch, same computation as before for the different options.
c2dec35684 Gael*6138 - change results at the truncation level.
1a36f96c43 Jean*6139 o pkg/seaice:
6140 - remove un-used parameters LAD & MAX_TICE ; add new run-time parameters:
6141 useMaykutSatVapPoly (default=F), postSolvTempIter (default=2) and
6142 SEAICE_wetAlbTemp (default=-1e-3). Remove option SEAICE_SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY.
6143 - update verification/*/input*/data.seaice:
6144 to reproduce previous results with former #defined SEAICE_SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY
6145 code, set useMaykutSatVapPoly=T & postSolvTempIter=0 ;
6146 and to reproduce previous results with former non-SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY code,
6147 set SEAICE_wetAlbTemp=0 & SEAICE_snowThick=0.
5355c2bbd8 Jean*6148 o pkg/seaice/seaice_solve4temp.F (SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY):
6149 - remove LEGACY code for solving for tsurf (A1,A2,A3) but maintain the same
6150 algorithm (same choice: useMaykutPolySatVap=T, postSolvTempIter=0);
6151 difference in results only due to machine truncation.
6152 - remove MAX_TICE (tsurf is always =< TMELT anyway); keep MIN_TICE if using
6153 MaykutPolySatVap; keep MIN_LWDOWN.
6154 - adapt SEAICE_MODIFY_GROWTH_ADJ code (untested) to non-legacy formulation.
6155 - update output of verification exp. lab_sea (4 fwd: 11 cg2d digits except hb87,
6156 + 3 AD: 6 digits except evp) and offline_exf_seaice.seaice (12 digits).
f1369fd6d4 Jean*6157 o pkg/salt_plume:
5355c2bbd8 Jean*6158 - isolate saltPlumeFlux array exch into a specific S/R called from
6159 do_oceanic_phys.F
6160 - add interface to pkg/salt_plume (filling of saltPlumeFlux) in pkg/thsice.
f1369fd6d4 Jean*6161 o verification:
5355c2bbd8 Jean*6162 - move untested set-up to MITgcm_contrib/verification_other.
4a20d767d7 Jean*6163 o pkg/seaice:
ba96883e1a Gael*6164 - retire old way of SEAICE_AGE. Now replaced with ALLOW_SITRACER.
6165 o pkg/seaice:
4a20d767d7 Jean*6166 - seaice_solve4temp.F (keeping results unchanged):
6167 * add 2 future run-time params to select which saturation vapor pressure
6168 formula is used and how post-iteration fluxes are set.
6169 Temporary set these 2 params according to option SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY;
6170 * New piece of code (not used) to update surf. atmos. heat flux F_ia using
6171 the linearized expression to stay consistent with tsurf finding.
6172 - seaice_freedrift.F avoid floating exception in sqrt(y) since y=sqrt(x*x)-x
6173 can be < 0.
2953de52a5 Jean*6174 o pkg/seaice/seaice_solve4temp.F (SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY undef):
6175 - remove from F_ia (and from it's derivative dFiDTs1) the contribution of
6176 conductive heat flux F_c , and add it explicitly when updating tsurf as
6177 solution of: Fc = Fia + d/dT(Fia - Fc) *delta.tsurf
6178 so that now F_ia has a consistent meaning through the entire routine.
6179 This causes differences at truncation level: update output of fwd exp.
6180 global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice.
0c26ee70ab Jean*6181 o pkg/seaice:
c714f5b2dc Jean*6182 - lots of editing/cleaning in seaice_solve4temp.F + better documentation
6183 of arrays, sign/direction of fluxes; no effect on results.
6184 - replace hard coded 273.16 (=previous value of celsius2K) by celsius2K
6185 in seaice_budget_ocean.F & seaice_solve4temp.F (SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY part);
6186 note: this should have been done before changing celsius2K default.
6187 - to keep results unchanged, add back old value of celsius2K in verification
6188 exp. input*/data : lab_sea (AD), offline_exf_seaice (fwd+AD) & seaice_obcs
6189 - replace hard coded seawater freezing temp in seaice_solve4temp.F (part
6190 SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY) of 271.20 (=previous value of celsius2K + default
6191 value of SEAICE_freeze) by celsius2K+SEAICE_freeze so that seawater
6192 freezing temp is consistent with value in seaice_growth.F ; this causes
6193 differences at machine truncation level: update lab_sea AD output (3/4).
6194 o pkg/seaice:
0c26ee70ab Jean*6195 - mask (in exf_init_fixed.F) atemp,aqh,evap,precip,runoff,lwflx,areamask
6196 and climsst/sss even when using seaice (to prevent calculation that might
6197 use SST on land); does not affect any verification exp.
6198 - apply mask to taux,tauy (in seaice_get_dynforcing.F); update output
6199 of lab_sea.fd & lab_sea.hb87 and global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice_dynmix.
4091800f77 Mart*6200 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F: add mask to avoid non-zero ice thickness
6201 over land (non-legacy code)
0c26ee70ab Jean*6202 o vectorize salt_plume package:
d797683660 Mart*6203 - add extra code to salt_plume_frac and salt_plume_tendency_apply_s
6204 - this code computes plumebk everywhere (also over land), thus requires
6205 code to avoid divisions by zero and catch the case of kLev=Nr.
6206 - efficiency of salt_plume_frac is still sub-optimal
a355e8fb2b Jean*6207 o tools (genmake2):
6208 - fix makefile NAME specification (option: -makefile NAME) by adding
6209 "-f $MAKEFILE" in few places where it was missing including makedepend
6210 command (contribution from Paul).
6b11434b7a Jean*6212 checkpoint63i (2012/01/24)
fcc1645548 Jean*6213 o model/src:
6b11434b7a Jean*6214 - add factorized versions of some EOS code to find_rho.F,
23bdfc896d Mart*6215 define USE_FACTORIZED_EOS to turn it on (default for TARGET_NEC_SX)
6b11434b7a Jean*6216 o model/src:
fcc1645548 Jean*6217 - add celsius2K to namelist PARM01; remove unused recip_rhoNil from PARAMS.h;
6218 - change default celsius2K from 273.16 to 273.15
6219 - to keep results unchanged, add back old value of celsius2K in verification
6b11434b7a Jean*6220 exp. input*/data : aim.5l_cs, 1D_ocean_ice_column, lab_sea (fwd),
6221 global_ocean.cs32x15(seaice) & cpl_aim+ocn(input_atm).
b730078f53 Mart*6222 o model/src: add a little initialisation trick to find_rho.F and find_alpha.F
6223 to make TAF generate vectorizable code
6224 o pkg/seaice/seaice_evp.F: add code (copied from CICE) that avoids underflows.
6225 Turn on by defining SEAICE_EVP_ELIMINATE_UNDERFLOWS. Most compilers
6226 have flags that do this more efficiently.
70ade2cedc Mart*6227 o pkg/diagnostics/diagstats_calc.F
6228 - for TARGET_NEC_SX fix the treatment of the scaling factor tmpFac=scaleFact
bd19520b1a Jean*6229 o pkg/obcs (with exch2):
6230 - derive OB indices in overlap region from OB-InsideMask (in obcs_init_fixed.F)
6231 and remove code (in obcs_readparms.F) which was based on EXCH of indices
6232 (through buffer) and did not account for exch2 (e.g., CS-grid) topology.
5759772599 Jean*6233 o pkg/exf and seaice exp:
6234 - change offline_exf_seaice.seaicetd test exp. to use default DIFF1 value (=0)
6235 so that switching off area & heff advection flags does not affect results.
6236 - change default EXF_LWDOWN_WITH_EMISSIVITY to #define in EXF_OPTIONS.h
19182668ca Jean*6237 - keep exp. seaice_obcs & 1D_ocean_ice_column(ad) unchanged (using #undef
6238 EXF_LWDOWN_WITH_EMISSIVITY) and, using pkg/exf default emissivities, update
6239 results of verification experiments: 1D_ocean_ice_column(fwd),
6240 global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice(fwd+ad) & seaice_dynmix(ad), lab_sea (all 8)
6241 and offline_exf_seaice (all 4).
fac86b0a61 Jean*6242 o pkg/seaice:
6243 - remove array YNEG, RIVER, TMIX (replaced by local var) from common block;
6244 remove also areaNm1 & hEffNm1 when SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY is undef.
6245 - fix bug: areaNm1 & hEffNm1 are needed in seaice_growth (SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY)
6246 but were not filled when resp. SEAICEadvArea=F & SEAICEadvHeff=F and
6247 not multi-dim advection;
6248 - fix seaice_growth.F to compile with both SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY and
89b3de8a81 Mart*6250 o optim: make Makefile more robust (?)
7e9d85ac6b Patr*6251 o pkg/obcs:
6252 * fix treatment of obcs_read_pickup for TAF
fac86b0a61 Jean*6253 o pkg/shelfice:
7e9d85ac6b Patr*6254 * add missing initialisation of num_shifwflx
6255 * new adjoint verification exp. for isomip
6256 * change Prandtl and Schmidt numbers from generic formulations
fac86b0a61 Jean*6257 (in terms of model diffus. and visc.) to separate runtime
7e9d85ac6b Patr*6258 parameters, with Holland and Jenkins (1999) default values.
85fbbba158 Jean*6259 o pkg/exf (interpolation):
6260 - extended input field (2 rows) near the N & S poles:
6261 * fill in with the symetric value (when even Nb of data in longitude)
6262 * add average value at the poles only for scalar quantities ; for vector
6263 component interpolation, skip the averaging and keep duplicated values,
6264 unless the 2 components have same location (uvInterp=T) in which case
6265 interpolate the 2 components together using S/R EXF_INTERP_UV.
6266 - new S/R EXF_INTERP_UV to interpolate the 2 components of a vector field
6267 together: this allows to account properly for local orientation when
6268 averaging at N & S pole.
6269 - add CPP option EXF_USE_OLD_INTERP_POLE to recover old results regarding
6270 exf-interpolation near N & S poles. Undef by default.
6271 - add debug check/print on 1rst iter if debugLevel >=2.
45bd772f0f Jean*6272 o pkg/exf:
6273 - change masking flags definition (no longer "parameter"), put them in
6274 common block and set them in S/R EXF_INIT_FIXED.
6275 - change recognized masking flag from s,u,v to c,w,s since the mask
6276 to use (maskC,W,S) depends on position on model grid and has little to
6277 do with scalar/vector difference; fix masking if using P-coordinates.
6278 - fix masking of wind-stress (was wrong if interpolated or read on A-grid)
6279 and update results of exp. global_with_exf (x2).
6280 - fix setting of zenith-angle table when SHORTWAVE_HEATING is undef.
dd08a0bdad Mart*6281 o pkg/obcs
6282 - S/R obcs_calc_stevens: fix a small bug (gammat -> gammas where appropriate)
473f3cfaa4 Jean*6283 o pkg/exf (interpolation):
6284 - assume periodicity in X only if input field cover full longitude range.
6285 - improve search for lat. index (supposed to be faster, in ~log2(ny) steps,
6286 and should vectorise).
6287 - fix input lat of the 2 added row (in case we provide N.pole data).
afd13745c6 Jean*6289 checkpoint63h (2011/12/30)
d0a750d46b Jean*6290 o pkg/seaice:
6291 - change declaration of UVM from _RL to _RS in order to get B-grid
6292 uIce,vIce monitor when _RS = real*4
35af42145b Jean*6293 o pkg/offline:
6294 - new S/R OFFLINE_RESET_PARMS for resetting main-model params (switch off flags);
6295 - compute vertical velocity if not read from file (switch on exactConserv
6296 & staggerTimeStep);
6297 - fix output of ptracer monitor iter & time for default PTRACERS_monitorFreq.
02149d96ab Jean*6298 o verification:
6299 - update grid-files (in tutorial_held_suarez_cs/input and fizhi-cs-32x32x40/input)
6300 with grid-angle generated using "utils/matlab/cs_grid/cubeCalcAngle.m":
6301 fix Pb in yG definition @ 2 missing corners (previously yG was averaged);
6302 - update output of exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4 after changing
6303 grid-file angles (used here for coriolis-3d);
6304 - remove (or gzip) few files not needed to run fizhi-cs experiments.
473f3cfaa4 Jean*6305 o pkg/exf (vector interpolation):
4ee3919357 Jean*6306 - rotate vector component toward local grid-axis orientation using grid-angles
6307 (stored in GRID.h) instead of locally computed rotation angle; keep old code
6308 available with exf option EXF_USE_OLD_VEC_ROTATION (undef by default).
6309 o pkg/seaice:
6310 - allow to compile with exf options ALLOW_ATM_TEMP or ALLOW_DOWNWARD_RADIATION
6311 undefined. Fix and remove the stop when ALLOW_RUNOFF is undefined.
5803321947 Jean*6312 o pkg/PKG_OPTIONS.h files:
6313 - move #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" just after #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h",
6314 outside of the #ifdef ALLOW_THISPKG / #endif block.
6315 - update verification/*/code/PKG_OPTIONS.h files.
dd0bbd259d Mart*6316 o add a verification experiment (offline_exf_seaice/input.seaice) that test
6317 the B-grid LSOR solver
5d7b3caf45 Mart*6318 o pkg/seaice: sort out emissivity and long wave radiation step 2:
5803321947 Jean*6319 - add emissivity for snow and ice as new run-time parameters
6320 (unfortunately) that default to the corresponding exf values; this
5d7b3caf45 Mart*6321 changes results in most verification experiments so that for backward
6322 compatibility these parameter have to be set explicitly to inconsistent
5803321947 Jean*6323 values (ugly);
5d7b3caf45 Mart*6324 - the exf-flag EXF_LWDOWN_WITH_EMISSIVITY then gets rid off the hard-wired
6325 emissivities of 0.97 associated with lwdownloc in S/R seaice_solve4temp
6326 until we agree how to handle this bug properly
a2895221f1 Jean*6327 o pkg/exf (interpolation):
6328 - add a set of run-time param ({inputfield}_interpMethod), one for
6329 each interpolated input field, to select the interpolation method
6330 with a value of zero switching off the interpolation;
6331 - print interpolation parameters to standard output;
6332 - refine exf_check.F accordingly ; stop if USE_NO_INTERP_RUNOFF is defined
6333 (to use instead runoff_interpMethod=0 in data.exf).
f156ca0fb7 Jean*6334 - simplify default setting of interpolation parameters (for all fields,
6335 set position to match model grid cell-center position, leading to trivial
6336 interpolation in case of regular Lat-Lon grid) and fix for the case of
6337 non-uniform delY.
a2895221f1 Jean*6338 o pkg/exf/exf_radiation.F: add the factor ocean_emissivity to lwdown, for
1ca970e947 Mart*6339 within #ifdef EXF_LWDOWN_WITH_EMISSIVITY/#endif. Unless ocean_emissivity=1.
a2895221f1 Jean*6340 this factor is absolutely required, because the lw exitance (= out-going
6341 long wave radiation) is emissivity*stefanBoltzmann*T^4 + rho*lwdown,
1ca970e947 Mart*6342 where the reflectivity rho = 1-emissivity for conservation reasons. Once
6343 this is established, we can remove the CPP-Flag (if we want to).
a2895221f1 Jean*6344 o pkg/seaice:
31c8334354 Mart*6345 - qualify a stop statement in S/R seaice_check: EXF_READ_EVAP and
6346 ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE are only required if SEAICE_EXTERNAL_FLUXES is defined
3fa95d7893 Mart*6347 - sort out emissivity and long wave radiation, step 1: make SEAICE_emissivity
6348 what the name implies (and not emissivity*BoltzmannConstant), this means
a2895221f1 Jean*6349 the old default value of 5.5e-8 now means
6350 5.5e-8/5.670e-8 = 0.97001763668430343479 as ocean_emissivity in
3fa95d7893 Mart*6351 S/R exf_readparms
6352 - FV-discretization of the B-grid LSOR solver, turn on with
1ca970e947 Mart*6353 SEAICE_LSRBNEW. This new solver also involves a slight re-organization
6354 of the calling routine dynsolver, so that B and C-grid code look a
6355 little more alike.
31c8334354 Mart*6356 - fix index bugs in ostres.F (B-grid code)
03e90c79ad Mart*6357 o pkg/seaice/seaice_ocean_budget.F: change (unused) code to make it look better
b7727eb6f8 Mart*6358 o pkg/seaice/seaice_readparms.F: make ocean_emissivity*stefanBoltzmann the
6359 default for SEAICE_emissivity, if useEXF; requires setting a wrong
6360 parameter value in global_ocean.cs32x15/input.seaice/data.seaice for
6361 backward compatiblity
6362 o model/src: use sigmaR in calc_ivdc
b1b3dce3a2 Jean*6364 checkpoint63g (2011/12/16)
abaf70634e Gael*6365 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F:
6366 fix heat conservation of the coupled ocean-seaice system.
6367 when SEAICE_HEAT_CONSERV_FIX is defined, the mismatch of
6368 solid vs liquid water treatment is resolved via QNET.
6369 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F:
6370 add missing term for sublimation in saltFlux, which was breaking conservation.
6371 o pkg/seaice/seaice_model.F:
6372 Remove this patholigical case treatment in evolution branch,
6373 where it is un-necessary and breaks conservation.
a2895221f1 Jean*6374 Update global_ocean.cs32x15/results accordingly for
6375 output.seaice.txt output_adm.seaice.txt and output_adm.seaice_dynmix.txt
bf53796fe2 Jean*6376 o model/src:
6377 useRealFreshWaterFlux: remove masking of EmPmP (using maskInC) in
6378 external_forcing_surf.F and apply mask directly in S/R SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE.
6379 o pkg/obcs:
6380 modify Stevens boundary conditions so that S/R obcs_calc_stevens computes
6381 tendency for temperature and salinity that is then applied to update
6382 theta and salt in S/R obcs_apply_ts; this requires proper masking of all
6383 horizontal advection and diffusion contributions on the boundary (in
6384 S/Rs gad_advection, gad_calc_rhs, gmredi_rtransport, gmredi_calc_diff), and
6385 removing the mask in S/R timestep_tracer. The advantage of this approach is
6386 that the updated tracer values include contributions from the surface
6387 forcing and vertical diffusion.
c0f0db71ad Mart*6388 This modification changes exp4.stevens because of vertical diffusion.
c947c6ddc4 Jean*6389 o model/src:
c79ab16fdf Jean*6390 change non-curvilinear grid setting to also work with exch2 + blank tiles:
6391 - move delX,delY to new header file (SET_GRID.h) and adjust length to 1rst
6392 face dimensions.
6393 - new S/R INI_LOCAL_GRID to define model tile-local grid (using same units
6394 as delX,delY) and called from S/R INI_CARTESIAN_GRID, INI_CYLINDER_GRID
6396 change test-experiment global_ocean.90x40x15:
6397 - split the domain in many more tiles (9x4 tiles of 10x10 each);
6398 - switch to exch2 and remove 1 blank-tile (but only for MPI test).
6399 - update results of both test (std & dwnslp).
bf53796fe2 Jean*6400 o pkg/diagnostics/diagstat_calc.F: fix problem with non-initialised halos in
c0f0db71ad Mart*6401 tmp-fields for TARGET_NEC_SX at the cost of extra loops and less vectorisation
c79ab16fdf Jean*6402 o model/src:
f9a1d5f8b7 Jean*6403 - take sigma-coords related code out of update_etah.F into new S/R UPDATE_ETAWS
6404 and fix initialisation when using sigma-coords.
6405 o model/src:
6406 - improve Gael's changes from Jan 14, 2011 "addition of an 'update' of hfacc etc.
6407 to their current value at the beginning of forward_step.F": add a new run-time
c947c6ddc4 Jean*6408 switch "doResetHFactors" (default=false) and use it to do (or not) the resetting.
6409 - set doResetHFactors=T in the following test exp:
6410 global_ocean.90x40x15/input (rStar) & input.dwnslp (linFS),
6411 global_ocean.cs32x15/input.seaice (rStar), hs94.cs-32x32x5/input.impIGW (linFS)
6412 and tutorial_global_oce_in_p (nonLinFS in p)
64ea3e84ce Matt*6413 o pkg/ecco
6414 - added IES cost term
be6cb3adad Jean*6415 o verification/advect_xz
6416 - scale down the depth by 1/100 (from 200 km to just 2.km)
6417 - add secondary test using divergent flow, r-star and implicit vertical advection.
1bf7a90a0b Jean*6418 - add note (check_conserve_TS.txt) and matlab script to check global
6419 conservation of T & S with NonLin-FreeSurf and Adams-Bashforth.
be6cb3adad Jean*6420 o pkg/rbcs:
6421 - add missing relaxUFile & relaxVFile in namelist (in rbcs_readparms.F).
212c574d0b Mart*6422 o pkg/obcs (Stevens BCs):
be6cb3adad Jean*6423 - fix various problems in the phase speed computations of the Stevens
212c574d0b Mart*6424 boundary conditions:
6425 - sign error for western and southern boundaries,
be6cb3adad Jean*6426 - time tendencies were underestimated by factor of dTracerLev and some just
212c574d0b Mart*6427 zero (for multidim advection schemes) -> now estimate time tendencies
6428 from difference between previous (n) time level and the one before (n-1);
be6cb3adad Jean*6429 this requires storing a field per tracer per boundary, also in the pickup
212c574d0b Mart*6430 files.
6431 - replace deltaTmom in cflMer/Zon computation with dTracerLev
6432 - set default phase velocity to cflMer/Zon
6433 - update verification experiment exp4.stevens
2232bea0cd Jean*6434 o pkg/generic_advdiff (implicit_r):
6435 - fix implicit vertical advection conservation with AB and/or NonLin-FreeSurf
6436 (remove Tr*d/dz(w) in gad_implicit_r.F and add it in gad_calc_rhs.F);
6437 - fix implicit vertical diffusion or advection with NonLin FreeSurf
6438 (was using current recip_hFacC instead of future recip_hFacC): set future
6439 recip_hFac in thermodynamics.F and pass & use it in all vertical implicit
6440 solver S/R ;
6441 - fill diagnostics of vertical advective fluxes (computed from tendency)
6442 when using implicit vert. advection;
6443 - update output of exp that uses NonLin-FreeSurf & implicit vertical diffusion:
6444 global_ocean.90x40x15 (fwd+AD), global_ocean.cs32x15 (4 fwd +4 AD),
6445 tutorial_global_oce_in_p (fwd), tutorial_tracer_adjsens (AD)
6446 and cpl_aim+ocn (used in ocean); to be fixed: bottom_ctrl_5x5.
6447 o pkg/diagnostics:
6448 - add diags for T & S tendency which goes through Adams-Bashforth.
3cb41ba0ef Jean*6450 checkpoint63f (2011/11/30)
764028acbf Mart*6451 o pkg/obcs/obcs_calc_stevens.F:
5bef8326ad Mart*6452 - join some loops to reduce number of if-statements
764028acbf Mart*6453 - fix a bug in code for northern and southern boundaries.
564b34aefd Mart*6454 o pkg/seaice/seaice_init_varia.F
3cb41ba0ef Jean*6455 - undo resetting UVM=0 that has slipped in unnoticed in r1.49 and
564b34aefd Mart*6456 caused zero ice-velocities for the B-grid code
2876330f22 Mart*6457 o pkg/seaice/seaice_init_fixed.F
3cb41ba0ef Jean*6458 - fix a bug in the initialisation of the second metric terms
2876330f22 Mart*6459 k2AtC and k2AtZ: k2AtC was set to the value of k2AtZ and k2AtZ was 0.
6460 - this affects all seaice configurations with useCurviLinearGrid = .true.
6461 and SEAICEuseDynamics = .true. (default) and SEAICEuseMetricTerms
6462 = .true. (default)
6463 - the only verification experiment affected is global_ocean.cs32x15:
6464 icedyn, seaice, and seaice_dynmix (AD)
6465 o pkg/thsice/thsice_diagnostics_state.F
6466 - only for TARGET_NEC_SX: initialise all of tmpFld, so that overlap does
6467 not contain garbage that can lead to surprises in diagstats_calc.F
431cbbbe2d Jean*6468 o model/src:
6469 - move bi,bj loops inside INTEGR_CONTINUITY ;
6470 - call INTEGR_CONTINUITY directly from forward_step.F
6471 (previously called from momentum_correction_step.F)
6472 - call UPDATE_ETAH from integr_continuity.F and update initialise_varia.F,
6473 forward_step.F and pkg/ecco/the_main_loop.F
fbc9c53f7c Jean*6474 o model/src/do_oceanic_phys.F:
6475 - reset addMass to zero only if useICEFRONT ;
6476 - separated k-loop for rhoInSitu calculation ;
6477 - add 2 diagnostics for wVel*delta^k(Rho) at constant pressure (= WdRHO_P)
6478 and at constant T,S (= WdRHOdP);
6479 NOTE: change diagnostics WRHOMASS : this is now simply the Vertical transport
6480 of In-Situ Density (Anomaly) (=wVel*rho^bar-k) (previously was Vertical
6481 transport of locally-referenced potential density);
6482 to recover old diag: (WRHOMASS)_old = (WRHOMASS)_new -1/2 * (WdRHOdP)
f2d1e2a4fc Mart*6483 o gluemnc:
6484 - replace ncrcat with ncks when adding variables to *.glob.nc
6485 - change the way variables without record dimensions are handled so that
6486 files that have variables with and without record variables can be glued:
6487 add a record dimension with a new unique name to be able to differentiate
6488 between variable with and without a-prior record dimensions. Remove
6489 this record dimension before adding the variable to the *.glob.nc file.
6490 This procedure automatically works also for grid.*.nc files that do not
6491 have any record dimension.
7f71bb5257 Jean*6492 o verification/cpl_aim+ocn:
6493 - generate new reference output on baudelaire (gfortran, mpich2) (previously
6494 from old aces-grid cluster, ao + ifort) and update 'run_cpl_test' script.
6495 o pkg/obcs/obcs_calc_stevens.F:
b81f64aee3 Mart*6496 - add code for northern and southern boundaries.
6497 - reorder some loops to save some operations and so that drFBar can be scalar
12d8e73fbb Jean*6498 o model/src:
6499 - re-arrange extrapolation calculation in Adams-Bashforth S/R (affects machine
6500 truncation) and add diagnostics for Adams-Bashforth tendency increment.
6501 - update test-exp. AD output:
6502 1D_ocean_ice_column, bottom_ctrl_5x5, lab_sea.noseaicedyn, obcs_ctrl;
6503 and FWD output: exp4 (x3), fizhi-cs-32x32x40, fizhi-cs-aqualev20,
6504 front_relax (x3), global_ocean.90x40x15 (x2), global_ocean.cs32x15 (x5),
6505 global_ocean_ebm, ideal_2D_oce, internal_wave, isomip (x3), lab_sea (x4),
6506 matrix_example, MLAdjust (x5), natl_box (x2), tutorial_advection_in_gyre,
6507 tutorial_global_oce_in_p, tutorial_global_oce_latlon and
6508 tutorial_plume_on_slope.
b06a6ce7ab Mart*6509 o pkg/diagnostics/diagstats_calc.F: add special code for TARGET_NEC_SX
6510 that vectorises. This code uses 3 extra 2D fields, F90 array assignments
6511 and F90 intrinsic routines SUM, MINVAL, MAXVAL, but since TARGET_NEC_SX
6512 does not even come with an F77 compiler anymore, this should not be
6513 a limitation
34f1dd7af6 Jean*6515 checkpoint63e (2011/11/06)
16b186ab26 Patr*6516 o pkg/seaice adjoint of LSR:
6517 - substantially rework STORE dirs.
6518 - add new flag SEAICE_LSR_ADJOINT_ITER and parameter SOLV_MAX_FIXED
6519 this flag will do SOLV_MAX_ITERS but only store SOLV_MAX_FIXED fields
6520 and only perform SOLV_MAX_FIXED adjoint iters.
37e94e8cfb Patr*6521 If flag SEAICE_LSR_ADJOINT_ITER is undef-ined, the store in the iteration
6522 always goes to same record, meaning that the last forward field will be
6523 the one used in the adjoint - an approximation.
16b186ab26 Patr*6524 - now produces non-zero LSR-related gradients, and acceptable gradients for
6525 An's zonal (x-z) test case (to be checked in)
6526 - lab_sea: produces acceptable gradients for lab_sea with forward/backward LSR
6527 (but these are screwed up by the thermodynamics in the first place);
6528 reduce from 4 to 3 timesteps to avoid t.d. issue as temporary solution;
6529 output_adm.txt also reflects changes to seaice_lsr
34f1dd7af6 Jean*6530 - global_ocean.cs32x15:
16b186ab26 Patr*6531 * the "default" input_ad.seaice has been re-defined to always exclude dynamics
6532 (output_adm.seaice.txt was updated)
6533 * new input_ad.seaice_dynmix tests a forward LSR / backward free-drift
6534 (output_adm.seaice_dynmix.txt)
ca66b179c0 Jean*6535 o test-exp. exp4+stevens:
6536 - switch off pTracers and nonHydrostatic (restart problems with NH); update output
de0cda9935 Jean*6537 o pkg/seaice (lsr solver):
6538 - put coriolis term into FORCEX,Y (as in seaice_evp.F; previously in rhsU,V only);
6539 update output (change truncation) of FWD test exp lab_sea & global_ocean.cs32x15
6540 - fix SEAICEuseFREEDRIFT for new OBCS version (ndef OBCS_UVICE_OLD)
6541 - new parameter "LSR_mixIniGuess" allows (if=2,4) to mix free-drift solution
6542 into initial guess for linearised solver; use weight ~ (1/err)^2,4.
6543 - compute (with new S/R) and print initial (+ free-driff sol. if available)
6544 and final residual of linearised system.
8a3a83c787 Mart*6545 o pkg/pp81: add diagnostics for vertical eddy viscosity and diffusivity
6546 (requires new subroutines pp81_init_fixed.F/pp81_diagnostics_init.F)
383735f3ce Mart*6547 o pkg/obcs: Stevens BCs (still only for east and west)
6548 - fix Stevens BCs by using intermediate velocities of previous
6549 time step as "baroclinic" contribution rather velocity of one grid cell
6550 inside the boundaries; more consistent but makes the entire treatment
de0cda9935 Jean*6551 more complicated, requires new pickup files and two new S/Rs:
383735f3ce Mart*6552 obcs_copy_uv_n and obcs_save_uv_n
de0cda9935 Jean*6553 keep old version with flag OBCS_STEVENS_USE_INTERIOR_VELOCITY
383735f3ce Mart*6554 (undefined by default)
de0cda9935 Jean*6555 - silently move computation of some grid factors into separate loops to
383735f3ce Mart*6556 save some recomputations
6557 - add a hack for non-linear free surface
6558 - add a verification experiment to exp4 that tests this code
14398673cd Mart*6559 o make gluemnc/xplodemnc work with (moron) non-GNU shell tools
77e57aaf77 Jean*6561 checkpoint63d (2011/10/25)
ffb3679b95 Jean*6562 o pkg/obcs + seaice-dynamics:
6563 - new implementation calls OBCS_APPLY_UVICE (in seaice_dynsolver.F) before
6564 solving for uIce,vIce and prevent SEAICE_LSR or SEAICE_EVP to modify OB
6565 values (consistent with an implicit method).
6566 - add option OBCS_UVICE_OLD (in OBCS_OPTIONS.h, defined by default) to
6567 return to older implementation (same results as before); note that none of
6568 the "experimental" OBCS_SEAICE options are implemented in the new version.
2d58d55cc0 Jean*6569 - switch test exp. seaice_obcs to use new version (update output).
6b9597f12c Jean*6570 o pkg/seaice:
ffb3679b95 Jean*6571 - add few stop (B-grid & CS-exch, B-grid & obcs, AUTODIFF & SEAICE_maskRHS)
6572 - add parenthesis in Water-Ice drag calculations (evp & lsr);
6573 - in seaice_lsr.F, simplify and fix AA3 setting in case sNx or sNy=1;
6b9597f12c Jean*6574 and fix case SEAICE_waterDrag=0 (but unstable if no or little seaice)
6575 - update output of test exp lab_sea that uses evp or lsr (fwd+ad)
6576 and global_ocean.cs32x15 (icedyn & seaice fwd+ad).
026da5ed8a Davi*6577 o pkg/layers:
6578 - Include potential density as new coordinate (Thanks to David Munday)
6579 o pkg/dic:
6580 - Remove subroutine CALC_PCO2_APPROX_CO3 from carbon_chem.F and add
6581 carbonate computation/output to CALC_PCO2_APPROX
d1527a124d Mart*6582 o pkg/generic_advdiff
77e57aaf77 Jean*6583 - make TAF generate code that vectorizes:
d1527a124d Mart*6584 gad_dst3fl_adv_*.F, gad_u3c4_impl_r.F
77e57aaf77 Jean*6585 o model/src:
6586 - improve vectorization also for adjoint code of
713532b2ce Mart*6587 solve_tridiagonal and solve_pentadiagonal. As this requires up to
6588 5 new 3D-fields, this code is only turned on for the combination of
d1527a124d Mart*6589 ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC and TARGET_NEC_SX. Also remove error message
6590 for singular matrix check (only for TARGET_NEC_SX).
713532b2ce Mart*6591 - remove hard-wiring of CPP-flag ALLOW_SOLVERS_KLOOPINSIDE to
ffb3679b95 Jean*6592 ALLOW_AUTODIFF. This flag now needs to be set outside of
713532b2ce Mart*6593 solve_tri/pentadiagonal.F
6857319532 Jean*6594 o pkg/exf:
6595 - fix previous modif in exf_readparms.F (revision 1.66: treatment of
6596 optional namelist EXF_NML_OBCS).
6597 - add many debug-print (to trace down where pkg/cal error msg comes from)
71df2e2fe0 Mart*6598 o pkg/mom_vecinv/mom_vi_hdissip.F
6599 - rearrange loops so that vectorization is improved and in particular
6857319532 Jean*6600 the adjoint routine vectorizes. The code is a little longer now, but I
6601 think easier to read.
71df2e2fe0 Mart*6602 Note: CPP-flag MOM_VI_ORIGINAL_VISCA4 is not tested.
69771f84cc Jean*6603 o pkg/seaice:
6604 - allow to specify initial seaice velocity from files (uIceFile,vIceFile)
69238317a2 Jean*6605 o pkg/exch2:
6606 - alternative code (without tile x tile matrix) for cumulated (global) sum;
6607 used as default; keep using matrix version in adjustment.cs-32x32x1.
5f3dfa25b7 Jean*6608 o tools/build_options:
6609 - after merging some MPI and/or multi-threads specific optfiles so that
6610 the modified default optfile support both built (using genmake2 -mpi
6611 for the MPI built, using genmake2 -omp for OpenMP built),
6612 move now obsolete optfiles to tools/build_options/unsupported/
6613 (add copy of email sent to support list in doc/optfiles_changes.txt)
348beac9cc Jean*6615 checkpoint63c (2011/09/28)
b0522d7987 Jean*6616 o pkg/ebm:
348beac9cc Jean*6617 - fix ebm_zonalmean.F for several procs in Ydir (nPy > 1); update output of
b0522d7987 Jean*6618 test exp. global_ocean_ebm (affects machine truncation, 12 digits for cg2d)
f2b8a2f2ef Patr*6619 o pkg/seaice (SItracer pickup)
6620 * Simple code for pickup of SItracer fields (#define ALLOW_SITRACER)
6621 To be done:
6622 - thorough testing of missing fields in S/R seaice_read_pickup
6623 - thorough matching between generic tracers and specific fields used
6624 (e.g. volume-weighted age, area-weighted age, salinity, ...)
2475d1c482 Jean*6625 o pkg/grdchk:
6626 - all procs calculate and print finite-difference gradient (for testreport)
6627 - change description output used by testreport;
6628 - AD testing: also compare and report Finite-difference gradient;
6629 => update all output_adm*.txt
6630 o test exp. global_ocean_ebm:
6631 - switch back useRealFreshWaterFlux (no problem anymore with run-off);
6632 and turn on exactConserve; update (fwd) output.
22a5e4b7f8 Jean*6633 o pkg/seaice (LSR):
6634 - print to STDOUT number of solver iterations at SEAICE_monFreq interval.
6635 - modify solver to deal cleanly with u/v switch at face edges (CS-grid):
6636 * identical results with non-CS topology (but save up to half of EXCH calls)
6637 * no much changes in cs-32 verification tests since no ice at face edges
6638 (differences due to convergence criteria, since nb of iterations changed)
6639 * expect some differences on lat-lon-cap grid.
6640 update FWD results of global_ocean.cs32x15 test exp. (icedyn & seaice)
21773ac32d Jean*6641 o pkg/exch2:
6642 - add new CPP option to disable Cumul-Sum matrix (to save storage when using
6643 many tiles); until alternative coding is added, just add a stop.
7c74433c3f Jean*6644 o pkg/kpp:
6645 - move ptracer/salt correction to KPP diffusivity from calc_3d_diffusivity.F
6646 to S/R KPP_CALC_DIFF_PTR (+ add tracer-index to argument list).
6647 o optfiles:
6648 - merged few MPI specific (*+mpi*) and multi-threads specific (*+mth) optfiles
6649 into corresponding standard one, which now support different build:
6650 (when using "genmake2 -mpi" for MPI built, "genmake2 -omp" for OpenMP built)
6651 - add "darwin_amd64_gfortran" optfile (initially from Constantinos, tested by Gael)
a9fbe2edc0 Jean*6652 o pkg/obcs (seaice):
6653 - add missing EXCH for uIce,vIce after applying OBCS;
6654 - remove S/R EXF_SWAPFFIELDS_X/Y , disable S/R EXF_SET_OBCS_X/Y by adding
6655 argument = number of levels to S/R EXF_SWAPFFIELDS_XZ/YZ and S/R
6656 EXF_SET_OBCS_XZ/YZ ; update obcs_exf_load.F;
6657 - fix EXF_SET_OBCS_XZ/YZ for multi-threaded (assuming loaded arrays are shared)
6658 - verification exp. seaice_obcs: split domain in 2 tiles ; add SIZE.h_mpi
6659 and eedata.mth for MPI and mutlti-threaded testing.
ecd451586c Jean*6660 o pkg/flt:
6661 - make FLT EXCH working with multi-threads (and MPI + multi-threads);
6662 - use buffer for floats IO (trajectories & profiles); size set in FLT_SIZE.h;
6663 - fix pickup and trajectories + profiles output with multi-threads;
6664 - add parameter to select group of fields to write along trajectory and
6665 profile (default unchanged);
6666 - only call PORT_RAND* function when flt_noise <> 0;
6667 - add multi-threaded test for verification exp. flt_example.
6668 o eesupp/src:
6669 - fix S/R ALL_PROC_DIE for MPI+multi-threads.
6670 - USE_OMP_THREADING: check that number of threads (from eedata) matches
6671 actual number (from env.var. setting).
2e701c809e Jean*6672 o pkg/ebm:
6673 - fix multi-threading in ebm_area_t.F ; clean-up EBM.h header file.
6674 - add multi-threaded test for verification exp. global_ocean_ebm
a51afa12b8 Jean*6676 checkpoint63b (2011/08/29)
1554b54595 Jean*6677 o pkg/ebm:
6678 - fix sign of runoff;
6679 - update directly forcing fields (Qnet,EmPmR) to use standard
6680 external_forcing_surf.F (remove ebm_forcing_surf.F);
6681 - avoid loading forcing fields a 2nd time (1rst time from ini_forcing.F);
6682 - set either tauThetaClimRelax (in data) or tauThetaZonRelax (in data.ebm)
6683 and apply relaxation towards corresponding SST field (2-D map or ZonAver).
6684 - update global_ocean_ebm parameters file data and update output (fwd+ad).
753be3d4e2 Jean*6685 o verification/matrix_example:
fcfc72a991 Jean*6686 - split domain in 8 tiles (2x4); add SIZE.h_mpi and eedata.mth for
6687 MPI and mutlti-threaded testing.
6688 o pkg/matrix:
6689 - change name of S/R MATRIX_INIT to S/R MATRIX_INIT_VARIA ;
6690 - fix for multi-tiles (add bi,bj indices to exp/impMatrixCounter);
6691 - fix for multi-threaded (remove DATA statement);
6692 - use standard DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE function;
6693 - add MATRIX_OPTIONS.h
6694 o verification/matrix_example:
753be3d4e2 Jean*6695 To allow to split the domain in several tiles, change the domain size
6696 from 31x31 to 32x32 by adding 1 row (on Southern side) + 1 column (on
6697 Western side) of land points.
6698 o (*_)write_pickup:
6699 - fix few bugs in mypackage_read/write_pickup.F
6700 - in MDS_WR_METAFILES calls, replace "myTime" by a local copy into
6701 array of length 1 (was caught by compiler syntax-check).
6768a51e8b Jean*6702 o pkg/diagnostics (velocity potential solver):
6703 - fix initialisation of main diagonal matrix (for overlap values)
02665fe70b Jean*6704 o tools/build_options:
6705 - towards single optfile for MPI and non-MPI built: merge few +mpi optfile
6706 into previously non MPI one (linux_am64 pgf77,open64,pathf90,ifort11)
6707 - linux_amd64_gfortran: merge +mpi_generic version into standard optfile:
6708 * move IEEE flags to DEVEL section; take IEEE flags from +mpi_generic ;
6709 * FAST case: for now, keep -O3 with ini_masks_etc.F in NOOPTFILES list;
6710 and use "-devel" testreport option for standard testing on baudelaire.
b6649ac208 Jean*6711 o pkg/grdchk:
6712 - Assume that all gradient-check position are within the same tile
6713 corresponding to global indices (iGloTile,jGloTile) and that
6714 positions (i,j indices or nbeg) are local to this tile;
6715 - set tile local-indices and proc. number according to tile global-indices;
6716 - remove grdchkwhichproc from namelist (retired param);
6717 - send adjoint gradient to all procs so that all procs print it to STDOUT;
6718 - switch on MPI test for global_ocean.90x40x15 AD test experiment.
15338fa568 Dimi*6719 o adding package bbl (Bottom Boundary Layer)
6720 description in MITgcm/pkg/bbl/bbl_description.tex
6721 example/test experiment in MITgcm_contrib/bbl
50d533af19 Patr*6722 o adjoint verifications
1c8f7d3c14 Jean*6723 - changed 5 experiments to multi-tiles
50d533af19 Patr*6724 * global_ocean.90x40x15
6725 * obcs_ctrl
6726 * offline_exf_seaice
6727 * tutorial_dic_adjoffline
6728 * tutorial_tracer_adjsens
6729 changed reference output for those that crossed tile boundaries
6730 (changed choices of gradient check positions)
1c8f7d3c14 Jean*6731 - with same tiling, switch on MPI test for the last 4 (add SIZE.h_mpi)
50d533af19 Patr*6732 - temporary bug fix in grdchk_loc.F for obcs
d5826a2b12 Jean*6733 o genmake2 & testreport
6734 - add target "obj" (just for OBJFILES files) to Makefile;
6735 - add option to specify FEXTRAFLAGS on command line.
ea9625adec Jean*6736 o pkg/mypackage:
6737 - remove bi,bj arguments from argument list of S/R MYPACKAGE_CALC_RHS
975e02919b Jean*6739 checkpoint63a (2011/08/02)
ff219d41cf Jean*6740 o pkg/diagnostics (velocity potential):
6741 - fix velocity-potential calculation when using OBCS: balance net inflow
6742 at each level (new S/R OBCS_DIAG_BALANCE).
6743 - fix some of the problems with OBCS in stream-function calculation.
773313b0d2 Mart*6744 o pkg/exf/exf_readparms.F
ff219d41cf Jean*6745 - make treatment of optional namelists (EXF_NML_04, EXF_NML_SGRUNOFF,
773313b0d2 Mart*6746 EXF_NML_OBCS) more consistent, so that you need not have these lists
6747 in data.exf when they are not used.
45b245ccf5 Mart*6748 o optim/optim_readdata.F:
6749 - add some output about obcs variables that might help debugging
daab778156 Mart*6750 - add a check about nvarlength
d602d84af0 Mart*6751 o pkg/ctrl: once again, fix computation of endrec in s/r ctrl_init_rec
4750cf8833 Jean*6752 o pkg/diagnostics (velocity potential):
6753 - fix mask for OBCS (still problems in stream-function with OBCS);
6754 - add specific parameter (default = main code CG2D params) for solver;
6755 - in case of poor convergence, use solution corresponding to lowest residual.
a045c08a46 Mart*6756 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F: small changes that permit vectorizable
6757 adjoint code. In general statements like tmpscal=fld(i,j) are problematic
6758 and should be avoided where possible.
40639c975a Jean*6759 o model/src (rStar):
6760 - include r* effect on reference-state (PhiRef) in totPhiHyd
6761 (so that it's really the potential anomaly at the cell center);
6762 affect solution only if z* with full pressure in EOS.
6763 - test-exp global_ocean.90x40x15: reduce viscA4 (was not stable) and
6764 update output (because of z* in totPhiHyd and viscA4 changes);
6765 - keep the previous diagnostics as "PHIHYDcR" (closer to potential anomaly
6766 @ constant r) until interpolation at constant r is implemented.
6767 o pkg/diagnostics
6768 - fix RCENTER diagnostics in case cell center is not at interface middle
6a4d8594a7 Mart*6769 o add code for TEOS-10 (www.teos-10.org, McDougall et al. 2011). Use
6770 this eos with eosType = 'TEOS10', in data (PARM01). This eos implies
6771 that THETA and SALT are "conservative temperature" and "absolute
6772 salinity"
6773 o pkg/ctrl
6774 - fix computation of endrec in s/r ctrl_init_rec
6775 - ctrl_pack/unpack_*: remove unused variables and some obsolete code
aa222beea6 Mart*6776 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F
6777 - fix recomputation with FENTY_AREA_EXPANSION_CONTRACTION code,
6778 remove then obsolete STORE directives
6779 - fix STORE directives for tice and tices, so that only the
6780 appropriate part of the fields are stored (and not the entire
40639c975a Jean*6781 field); update global_ocean.cs32x15.seaice AD output.
aa222beea6 Mart*6782 - cosmetic changes: adjust CPP flags and indentation for better
6783 legibilty
6784 o pkg/autodiff: add mnc-output of adBottomDragFld (code contributed by
6785 Chris Wilson)
5c5b0c67fc Jean*6786 o pkg/gmredi:
6787 Add Sub-Meso Eddies parameterisation from Baylor (for now, disabled with TAF),
6788 and test it in verification exp. "front_relax.bvp" (update output.bvp.txt)
975e02919b Jean*6790 checkpoint63 (2011/07/11)
0efa36856a Jean*6791 o pkg/exch2:
6792 - rename+move: nTiles in W2_EXCH2_PARAMS.h --> exch2_nTiles in W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h
6793 - exch2 version of Cumul-Sum routine: S/R W2_SET_MAP_CUMSUM set up the
6794 (2*nTiles)x(nTiles) Cumul-Sum matrix and Master Proc collects all tiles X,Y
6795 increments, calculates Cumul-Sum @ tile origin and sends results to each tile.
9ec7daa021 Jean*6796 o pkg/diagnostics:
6797 - deal with pairs of post-processed diags which are computed together; in
6798 particular, re-order list of diags within 1 file to save 2nd computation.
6799 - add S/R to compute velocity stream-function (called after velocity-potential
6800 calculation) from divergence free transport -> new diagnostics "PsiVEL".
32f824cd14 Jean*6801 - add parameter to select grid-point location where PsiVEL == 0.
9ec7daa021 Jean*6802 o eesupp/src:
6803 new S/R to calculate cumulated sum on tiled array, corner grid-cell location
6804 (specific S/R needed with exch2 topology - for now, just print an error msg)
f3cfd88687 Patr*6805 o pkg/shelfice
6806 - Implement friction velocity-dependent transfer coefficients following
6807 Holland and Jenkins, JPO, 1999
6808 Original code by M. Losch with small modifs.
6809 Enable with CPP option SHI_ALLOW_GAMMAFRICT
6810 and runtime flag SHELFICEuseGammaFrict
a8b943f1d9 Jean*6811 o verification lab_sea & global_ocean.cs32x15:
6812 - use tools/xmakedepend (instead of cyrus_makedepend, in genmake_local):
6813 does not miss some dependencies (but is slower) and also works with many files
6814 (default makedepend limitation for AD built).
6815 - use cyrus_makedepend in adjustment.128x64x1 (so that it still tested).
c5e360349a Jean*6816 o pkg/diagnostics:
6817 - add run-time parameter "useMissingValue" (def=False) to fill land-point
6818 (i.e., where mask=0) with MissingValue ; used only in MNC output file.
6819 This replaces CPP-option DIAGNOSTICS_MISSING_VALUE.
6820 - Extend the use of "missing_value" setting from data.diagnostics for the case
6821 of counter-diagnostics (where fraction-weight is zero). This applies both to
6822 MNC and MDS output files.
f3bb97e385 Gael*6823 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F:
b7df5ca569 Ian *6824 - add 'a priori' cap of latent heat flux based on actual mass considerations
6825 when SEAICE_ADD_SUBLIMATION_TO_FWBUDGET is used in conjunction with the
6826 non-legacy seaice_solve4temp.
6827 - add diagnostic of the residual sublimation freshwater flux (the freshwater
9ec7daa021 Jean*6828 flux taken from the ocean if the total actual latent heat fluxes exceed
b7df5ca569 Ian *6829 the maximum)
f3bb97e385 Gael*6830 - remove the CPP switch around the *_FWbySublim unit change and move diagnostic
6831 fill for SIatmQnt, SIfwSubl, SIatmFW to the end of seaice_growth.F.
6832 - add diagnostic of the actual sublimation freshwater flux (that is 0. ifndef
6833 SEAICE_ADD_SUBLIMATION_TO_FWBUDGET) and of the latent heat flux (evap+sublim).
6834 - bug fix : frWtrAtm needs a_FWbySublim ifdef SEAICE_ADD_SUBLIMATION_TO_FWBUDGET.
6835 - bug fix : missing part to Martin's r_FWbySublim pathological case fix.
12f262973b Ian *6836 o verification 1D_ocean_ice_column:
6837 made model domain truly 1x1x23 instead of 5x5x23 with only center cell (3,3,:) wet
6838 update results
43043edca4 Jean*6839 o pkg/diagnostics:
6840 - Implement setting of "Post-Processed" diagnostics (corresponding to gdiag(5)='P')
6841 which are not filled-up but computed from other diags ; In this case, the mate
6842 diag points to the primary (filled-up) diag to used for post processing.
6843 - Update Velocity-potential computation using post-processed diag framework.
234bdec1fe Jean*6844 ==> Change the ordering of fields and time-periods in MDS output file
9b34d3ce48 Jean*6845 when using periodic averaging: now writes one time record with the full set
6846 of fields for this time period, then the next time reccord (it used to be
6847 one field with the full set of time records then the next field).
234bdec1fe Jean*6848 Note: this is now similar to NetCDF (MNC) output file. <==
43043edca4 Jean*6849
19985267f5 Jean*6850 checkpoint62z (2011/06/21)
fb247706a7 Patr*6851 o adjoint monitor:
6852 - Add adjoint monitor output for packages exf, seaice
a18fc746e5 Patr*6853 and update relevant testreport output
6de796d755 Gael*6854 o pkg/seaice:
6855 - re-order diags inits so that they appear in order in available_diagnostics.log
6856 - added diags: hsnow thermo. rates of change, area preceeding ridiging process,
6857 area/heff/hsnow preceeding thermodynamic growth/melt.
6858 - modified diag: SIdA; output actual effect, as the description states.
6859 - modified description: SIqneti, SIqneto, SIuheff, SIvheff, SIdAb*, HSNOW.
6860 - retired redundant diags: SIyneg, SIfice, SIsnwice, SIthdgrh.
3897a97e38 Jean*6861 (SIyneg->SIdHbOCN; SIfice->SIdHbATC; SIsnwice->SIdHbFLO;
6de796d755 Gael*6862 and SIthdgrh->SIdHbOCN+SIdHbATC+SIdHbATO)
6863 - modified diags (2) : switch all SIdA*, SIdH*, SIdS* from delta to rates.
3897a97e38 Jean*6864 - added diagnostics for seaice generic tracers (SItr*).
6de796d755 Gael*6865 - added SItrUnit and SItrNameLong run time param (for SItr* diags).
6866 - in diag names, replaced 'PrTh' abbrev. of 'preceeding thermo' with 'PT'.
d7d0e261c7 Patr*6867 I. Fenty: 18-Jun-2011:
6868 Minor changes to seaice package:
6869 1) Retired old variables (A22, SEAICE_lhsublim, areaMax, areaMin, hiceMin) and
6870 added some new ones (SEAICE_area_reg, SEAICE_hice_reg, SEAICE_area_floor)
3897a97e38 Jean*6871 - Differentiated "regularization variables" from "floor variables"
d7d0e261c7 Patr*6872 * areaMin became SEAICE_area_reg (old A22) and SEAICE_area_floor
6873 * hiceMin became SEAICE_hice_reg (old hiceMin)
6874 (with _reg meaning regularization variable)
6875 - SEAICE_lhSublim becomes lhSublim, the sum of SEAICE_lhEvap and SEAICE_lhFusion
6876 so as to ensure energy conservation when going between phases
3897a97e38 Jean*6877 - A22 was not used anywhere
d7d0e261c7 Patr*6878 2) Changed regularization procedure for heffActual and hsnowActual to ensure
6879 well-boundedness and smooth adjoint in seaice_growth.F
6880 3) Fixed a bug where seaice_solve4temp would not recognize ice-free grid cells
6881 because the old regularization always set heffActual >= 0.05 cm
6882 4) Changed the model so that the default behavior is to put a small (10^-5) "floor"
3897a97e38 Jean*6883 on AREA when HEFF > 0.
6884 - went from requiring ALLOW_PRECLUDE_INFINITESIMAL_AREA to be defined to
6885 requiring that DISABLE_AREA_FLOOR *not* be defined
d7d0e261c7 Patr*6886 Affected verifications:
6887 - 1D_ocean_ice_column (output.txt output_adm.txt)
6888 - global_ocean.cs32x15 (output.seaice.txt output_adm.seaice.txt)
4c5a4fb4d7 Jean*6889 o pkg/diagnostics:
6890 - move MNC code from diagnostics_out.F into new diagnostics_mnc_out.F (2 S/R).
6891 - rename S/R GETDIAG to DIAGNOSTICS_GET_DIAG and change type of 1rst argument
6892 (was _RL, now integer) with option = 0 to retrieve all levels.
2d3c84b138 Jean*6893 - add pieces of code to compute velocity potential at each level (new diagnostics
6894 PhiVEL, works only when UVELMASS & VVELMASS are also turned on);
6895 for now, using same params as CG2D (target-resisual, max Nb of iter ...).
3897a97e38 Jean*6896 - fix few issues with counter diagnostics in diagnostics_setdiag.F &
6897 diagstats_setdiag.F (if diagnostic counter is itself a counter diag)
6898 and in diagnostics_fract_fill.F (do not need a valid pointer for the
6899 diagnostics counter-mate); check that definition of counter-diagnostic
6900 includes a valid counter-mate (in diagnostics_set_levels.F).
d2ffb46800 Jean*6901 o model/src (rStar):
6902 - add rStar scaling factor in diags_phi_hyd.F (similar to calc_grad_phi_hyd.F);
6903 affect solution only if z* with full pressure in EOS;
6904 update output of test-exp global_ocean.90x40x15.
6905 o pkg/seaice:
3b6fc6245d Gael*6906 - introduce siEps=1e-5 parameter
6907 - use areaMax in AREA update (part 4), consistent with ridging step (part 2.5).
d2ffb46800 Jean*6909 - introduce ALLOW_SITRACER and seaice_tracer_phys.F to handle generic seaice tracer.
3b6fc6245d Gael*6910 For now it covers, and was tested for, ice salinity and age (attached to HEFF),
6911 as well as ice cover age and ridging index (attached to AREA).
d2ffb46800 Jean*6912 For now the run time parameters (in data.seaice/SEAICE_PARM03) are
6913 SItrName (e.g. 'age') and SItrMate ('HEFF', which is the default, or 'AREA').
3b6fc6245d Gael*6914 Up to SItrMaxNum=3 tracers can be used simultaneously.
6915 o pkg/salt_plume:
d2ffb46800 Jean*6916 -introduce SPsalFRAC run time parameter that sets the fraction of the
6917 salt by-product of ice growth (SPsalFRAC*(1-SIsalFRAC)*salt typically)
6918 that gets vertically redistributed (fluxed down) by pkg/salt_plume.
43306f4baa Jean*6919 o model debug options:
6920 - Switch reading of debugMode from S/R INI_PARMS (parameter file "data", stored
6921 in PARAMS.h) to S/R EESET_PARMS (parameter file "eedata", stored in EEPARAMS.h).
6922 - Refine debug-msg printing selection (3 new levels):
6923 debugMode : controls printing of debug messages (sequence of S/R calls).
6924 debugLevel : controls printing of algorithm-relevant auxiliary/debug messages
6925 debLevZero = 0 ; /* level of disabled aux. msg printing */
6926 debLevA = 1 ; /* level of minimum aux. msg printing */
6927 debLevB = 2 ; /* level of low aux. print (report read-file opening)*/
6928 debLevC = 3 ; /* level of moderate debug prt (most pkgs debug msg) */
6929 debLevD = 4 ; /* level of enhanced debug prt (add DEBUG_STATS prt) */
6930 debLevE = 5 ; /* level of extensive debug printing */
6931 New debugLevel default: with default debugMode value (=F),
6932 = 2 (debLevB) or = 1 (debLevA) in case ALLOW_AUTODIFF is defined.;
6933 and if debugMode=T, default debugLevel = 4 (debLevD).
6934 Relation with previous settings:
6935 debLevB (=2) corresponds to former debLevA (=1)
6936 debLevD (=4) corresponds to former debLevB (=2)
6937 Note:
6938 a) if debugLevel=0, skip WRITE_GRID call when nIter0 > 0 (same as before);
6939 b) default debugLevel=1 is convenient in AD runs (avoid many file opening msgs);
6940 to recover previous default, set debugLevel=2 (e.g. AD-test hs94.1x64x5)
6941 - Add new parameter (printResidualFreq, read from PARM02 namelist) to print
6942 detailed CG solvers convergence; off (=0) by default, except if debugLevel=5.
8a9e9a473a Jean*6943 o pkg/obcs:
6944 - change OBCSfixTopo default from True to False (should not change the results);
6945 keep OBCSfixTopo=T in verification-exp. seaice_obcs.
cc3bbdb6bb Jean*6946 o pkg/thsice:
6947 - fix bug in thsice_calc_thickn.F (was introduced in version 1.18) in
6948 2nd layer seaice sublimation (unlikely to happen)
6949 - use Interior mask for OBCS in thsice_advection.F (similar to what is
6950 done in gad_advection & seaice_advection).
bd46b07a96 Patr*6951 o adjoint:
6952 bug fix spotted by Gael Forget:
6953 seaice_advection and thsice_advection still had
6954 legacy CPP options to avoid CS corner updates for adjoint
0c22b81a88 Jean*6955 o pkg/seaice:
6956 => Change some of the defaults (2011/05/29):
6957 - change SEAICEuseFluxForm default (from False to True)
6958 - change DIFF1 default (from 0.004 m/s to 0. m/s)
6959 And print warnings if DIFF1 is not set in data.seaice and centered
6960 avection scheme is used without any diffusion.
6961 also:
6962 - fix seaice_diffusion calls in default AdvScheme part of seaice_advdiff.F;
6963 - set SEAICEdiffKh[] default in the same way as SEAICEadvSch[]
6964 - stop if DIFF1<>0 with SEAICEadvScheme <> 2, if DIFF1<>0 with any
6965 other non-zero SEAICEdiffKh[] diffusivity, if SEAICEadvSalt=T with
6966 #undef SEAICE_VARIABLE_SALINITY, if SEAICEadvAge=T with #undef SEAICE_AGE.
6967 update results of test exp.:
6968 lab_sea: output.fd (switch to AdvScheme=33 with diffKh=20)
6969 output.hb87, output_adm.evp (SEAICEuseFluxForm=T and diffKh=200)
6970 output_adm.noseaicedyn (SEAICEuseFluxForm=T)
6971 offline_exf_seaice: output.seaicetd, output_adm (SEAICEuseFluxForm=T)
6972 seaice_obcs: output (SEAICEuseFluxForm=T)
6973 and prescribe old default for SEAICEuseFluxForm (=F) and DIFF1 (=0.004)
6974 for standard fwd & AD lab_sea tests (to keep the same output).
fc3b49c003 Gael*6975 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F:
0c22b81a88 Jean*6976 - use Ian Fenty's capping formulas for actual ice
fc3b49c003 Gael*6977 thickness thoughout EVOLUTION branch.
6978 - put treatment pathological case #2) in CPP brackets
6979 (ALLOW_AVOID_INFINITESIMAL_AREA, undef by default).
0c22b81a88 Jean*6980 - update global_ocean.cs32x15 and 1D_ocean_ice_colum results accordingly.
fc3b49c003 Gael*6981 o pkg/seaice:
6982 - seaice_diffusion.F : remove the min(DX,DY) factor permanently;
0c22b81a88 Jean*6983 pass the Laplacian diffusivity (in m^2/s) diffKh as a parameter;
6984 also pass fac as a param, which can be 1. (to update the tendency
fc3b49c003 Gael*6985 field) or the time step (to update the field itself).
0c22b81a88 Jean*6986 - seaice_advdiff.F: for multidim, call seaice_diffusion with
fc3b49c003 Gael*6987 e.g. SEAICEdiffKhHeff and with fac=1; for single-dim, call
6988 seaice_diffusion with e.g. SEAICEdiffKhHeff and with fac=time step.
0c22b81a88 Jean*6989 - SEAICE_PARAMS.h, seaice_readparms.F, seaice_check.F :
fc3b49c003 Gael*6990 hooks to handle SEAICEdiffKhHeff, SEAICEdiffKhArea, etc.
a6e3308c72 Jean*6991 o pkg/seaice:
6992 diffusion with centered advection scheme (diffus.F & advect.F):
6993 - simplify S/R DIFFUS (put deltaT & DIFF1 factor outside, move EXCH outside)
6994 to just compute the laplacian of input-field.
6995 - unroll k loop (harmonic,biharmonic diff) in advect.F to save 1 exch call.
6996 - fix flux-form version in diffus.F to conserve tracer.
6997 update output of lab_sea.fd & lab_sea.hb87 (1rst set of modif affects
6998 machine truncation) and lab_sea.salt_plume (conservative flux-form modif)
f23903c179 Jean*7000 checkpoint62y (2011/05/26)
b9ea5855ae Gael*7001 o pkg/seaice:
f23903c179 Jean*7002 - seaice_growth.F : in EVOLUTION branch, always include
b9ea5855ae Gael*7003 a_QSWbyATM_cover in qnet (as it should be).
7004 - verification/global_ocean.cs32x15 : update results accordingly
f23903c179 Jean*7005 (output.seaice.txt output_adm.seaice.txt).
665e1cc782 Jean*7006 o pkg/seaice + obcs:
7007 - use maskInW & maskInS in multi-dim advection and biharmonic diffusion:
7008 equivalent of assuming no tracer gradient outside the OB region.
7009 update output of seaice_obcs (uses DIFF1 <>0 => biharmonic diffusion)
7010 - remove calls to OBCS_COPY_TRACER after EXCH calls (no longer needed
7011 after changes above);
7012 - obcs+seaice cleaning: apply seaice-tracer OB values to tracer field
7013 only at OB location (instead of over a band of OLx width).
7014 o pkg/seaice:
7015 - fix wrong indices in old (non Flux-Form) diffusion default S/R diffus.F
7016 (dxG(I+1, ...) changed to dxG(I, ...), no impact on Lat-Lon grid)
ae7ba49648 Jean*7017 o pkg/obcs:
ae802b970e Jean*7018 - split header file "OBCS.h" into 4 separated files:
7020 Note: OBCS_PARAMS.h & OBCS_GRID.h can be included without OBCS_OPTIONS.h
435c8dd190 Jean*7021 (contain no conditional statement which depends on OBCS options).
7022 - move "useOBCSYearlyFields" from "data.obcs" (hold in OBCS_PARAMS.h)
7023 to parameter file "data.exf", namelist EXF_NML_OBCS (in EXF_PARAM.h).
ae802b970e Jean*7024 o ctrl, cost, grdchk & autodiff pkgs:
7025 - make options file more standard (like other {PKG}_OPTIONS.h file but
7026 with AD_CONFIG.h); clean-up some of the included header files.
7027 o pkg/obcs:
ae7ba49648 Jean*7028 - do not mask tracer when applying OB (tracer == 0 could generate problems)
7029 - apply tracer OB values to tracer field only at OB location (instead of
7030 over a band of OLx width)
7031 - clean-up obcs_apply_w.F & obcs_apply_eta.F (since less calls to these S/R)
7032 - remove OBCS_MULTIDIM_OLD_VERSION code in gad_advection.F and remove
7033 obcs_apply_tloc.F & obcs_apply_sloc.F
7034 o obcs in model/src:
7035 - call OBCS_APPLY_W only if NonHydrostatic.
7036 - call OBCS_APPLY_ETA only if NonLinFreeSurf.
7037 - reset dEtaHdt and wVel to zero outside OB interior region ;
7038 - leave tracer unchanged outside OB interior region: This has no effect
7039 on the solution but just to prevent unrealistic tracer value outside OB.
7040 - zero out velocity outside OB interior region: This has no effect on
7041 the solution but just to prevent unrealistic velocity outside OB.
1228ad56fc Jean*7042 o obcs and non-lin free-surf:
7043 move call to OBCS_APPLY_R_STAR from update_r_star.F to calc_r_star.F
7044 and call to OBCS_APPLY_SURF_DR from update_surf_dr.F to calc_surf_dr.F
7045 + add argument "etaFld" to OBCS_APPLY_R_STAR & OBCS_APPLY_SURF_DR:
7046 this fixes missing EXCH + get consistent eta OB value (+ fix restart).
7047 update results of test-exp. exp4(nlfs).
b642a711f1 Jean*7048 o exp4 (nlfs) test-exp:
7049 use OBC for Eta at Western & Eastern OB (to test prescribing Eta
7050 with NonLin-FreeSurf); update output.nlfs.txt
691f44a031 Jean*7051 o obcs and 2d/3d solver norm:
b642a711f1 Jean*7052 use interior masks (maskInC) to cancel out cg2d & cg3d matrix coeff at OB
7053 and outside OB interior region (will allow to place OB further inside the
7054 domain). Depending on the domain, can affects cg2d-Norm (previous
ae7ba49648 Jean*7055 cancellation outside OB was only partial), e.g. in exp4 & obcs_ctrl,
691f44a031 Jean*7056 and cg3d-Norm (previous Norm was computed before canceling OB terms),
7057 e.g. in tutorial_plume_on_slope.
7058 - update output of exp.: exp4 (x2), obcs_ctrl and tutorial_plume_on_slope.
6202f959ce Jean*7059 o pkg rbcs:
7060 - split RBCS.h into 3 files: RBCS_SIZE.h, RBCS_PARAMS.h & RBCS_FIELDS.h
7061 - add capability to apply relaxation to horizontal velocity uVel & vVel.
5f47d9d3a7 Mart*7062 o pkg/grdchk: add gradient check for control variable xx_shifwflx
7063 o pkg/shelfice/shelfice_init_fixed.F
7064 fix CPP-flag combinations
2706e7ceae Patr*7065 o pkg/seaice: Merge iceage code of Pierre Rampal
7066 * update/change/correct ice age calculations
b642a711f1 Jean*7067 * add age updates for pathological cases
2706e7ceae Patr*7068 Probably needs more testing...
5f47d9d3a7 Mart*7069
fb01456aea Jean*7070 checkpoint62x (2011/05/13)
7071 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
6202f959ce Jean*7072 high-order vorticity scheme: use interior masks (maskInW & S)
fb01456aea Jean*7073 to zero-out (outside OB) gradient of vorticity.
94a41b18e5 Jean*7074 o verification exp.:
7075 turn on "useEnergyConservingCoriolis" (better discretisation) in exp.
7076 hs94.128x64x5 and seaice_obcs ; update results.
abb2d742f7 Oliv*7077 o pkg/obcs:
7078 fix bug in OBeta for YZ sections in obcs_exf_load.F
94a41b18e5 Jean*7079 o pkg/ctrl, pkg/shelfice, and optim:
7080 - add new control variable xx_shifwflx (fresh water flux underneath ice
7081 shelves). This is almost as tedious as obcs-ctrl, because the
c39d626e4c Mart*7082 variables needs its own mask.
94a41b18e5 Jean*7083 - add a cost function term that penalizes the deviation of xx_shifwflx
c39d626e4c Mart*7084 from the first guess (zero) in analogy to other control variables
40171df3a2 Patr*7085 o pkg/shelfice:
7086 - start basic adjoint
94a41b18e5 Jean*7087 o pkg/ctrl:
a14e708176 Mart*7088 - remove extra 2D field "for good measure" when initializing in
7089 ctrl_set_globfld_[xy/xz/yz].F
00525899b2 Mart*7090 - replace hard coded precision 32 (a bug) in ctrl_map_ini_gen by ctrlprec
7091 - improve error messages in ctrl_set_unpack_*
cb8d4055f8 Jean*7092 o OBC implementation in momentum:
7093 use interior masks (maskInC,W & S) in momentum S/R:
7094 - multiply divergence, tension and some del^i.u or del^j.v by maskInC
7095 - multiply del2u,del2v by maskInW/S (biharmonic viscosity)
7096 - multiply horiz. grad of vorticity by maskInW/S (in Leith scheme)
7097 - multiply gradient of wVel by maskInW/S in del2w calculation (NonHyd)
7098 Motivation: fix/clean implementation of OBC with biharmonic-viscosity
7099 (and also with Leith/Smagorinsky harmonic-viscosity).
7100 Update output of experiment dome and exp4 (+nlfs).
19fda1148c Jean*7101 o exp4 test-exp:
ce8a4681c6 Jean*7102 - turn on: nonHydrostatic, exactConserv, viscA4 (with momDissip_In_AB=F)
7103 and prescribe time-varying OB (without pkg/exf) for zonal-velocity
7104 at Western & Eastern Boundaries (+/- 1 per-cent); Also prescribe
7105 time-varying OB at Western-side for wVel (NonHyd); update output.
19fda1148c Jean*7106 - add secondary set-up (.nlfs) using NonLin FreeSurf (z*) + mom_vecinv
ce8a4681c6 Jean*7107 and biharmonic-viscosity ; also use prescribed time varying OB.
19fda1148c Jean*7108 o pkg/obcs:
7109 fix bug in OBWeta,OBWeta indices in obcs_apply_r_star.F
cd0d82611c Jean*7110 o model/src:
7111 - fix startTime setting when baseTime<>0 & nIter0=0 are specified ;
7112 - initialise startTime & nIter0 with unlikely values: allows to set one
7113 from the other without ambiguity.
e27288cd7f Jean*7114 o seaice_obcs test-exp.:
7115 add small diffK4T,S to test biharmonic diffusivity with OBCS ; update output.
575d4c6487 Jean*7116 o pkg/obcs:
7117 - remove calls to OBCS_COPY_TRACER after EXCH for T,S & pTracer:
7118 no longer needed with maskInC,W,S in pkg/generic_advdiff.
81db1d5414 Ian *7119 o pkg/seaice:
575d4c6487 Jean*7120 - retired SEAICE_SALINITY and SEAICE_salinity in favor of
81db1d5414 Ian *7121 SEAICE_VARIABLE_SALINITY and SIsalFRAC, respectively.
575d4c6487 Jean*7122 - fixed bug in the initialization of sea ice salinity variable HSALT
81db1d5414 Ian *7123 in seaice_init_varia.F (removed dependence on ICE2WATR)
3fb96de6bc Jean*7124 o fizhi-cs test exp.:
7125 switch reference output convention for these 2 non-standard test-exp,
575d4c6487 Jean*7126 from: pgi 6.1-5 on faulks (FC.6, -of linux_ia32_pgf77+authors_fc5)
3fb96de6bc Jean*7127 to: ifort 11.1 on baudelaire (FC.13, -of linux_amd64_ifort11)
7128 reason: faulks might get retired soon and pkg/fizhi has still Pb with gfortran
38710791cb Jean*7129 o model/inc:
7130 - change type of PmEpR array (from _RS to _RL) to fix restart (with "-use_r4")
7131 of exp. global_ocean.90x40x15 (Suncronous time-stepping + Real-FW + NonLin-FS)
c5deacd5a8 Ian *7132 o pkg/seaice:
7133 - fix calculation of saltFlux and saltPlumeFlux when using SEAICE_SALINITY
7134 o verification/lab_sea, 1D_ocean_ice_column, seaice_obcs, global_ocean.cs32x15
81db1d5414 Ian *7135 - updated output*.txt files due to bug fixes in salt, saltPlumeFlux,
7136 and initial HSALT
c5deacd5a8 Ian *7137
1c58c84abe Jean*7138 checkpoint62w (2011/04/26)
0585a400b7 Jean*7139 o pkg/mom_fluxform:
7140 - fix calculation of del2u & del2v (no-slip BC) when using Non-Lin Free-Surf.
7141 - use parameter "sideDragFactor" in no-slip BC side-drag part.
7142 - update output of exp. global_ocean.90x40x15
f79fbf5b9f Jean*7143 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
7144 mask del2u & del2v (no effect on results, but cleaner & closer to mom_fluxform)
1c58c84abe Jean*7145 o update seaice exp.:
7146 use more consistent parameter values (remove "backward compatability only":
7147 ICE2WATR, SEAICE_lhSublim, SEAICE_cpAir, SEAICE_rhoAir + set rhoConstFresh)
7148 related to thermodynamics seaice. Update output (fwd+AD) of exp.:
7149 1D_ocean_ice_column (x2), lab_sea (x8), ioffline_exf_seaice (x2) & seaice_obcs
f79fbf5b9f Jean*7150 o update test-exp global_ocean.90x40x15:
7151 o use default CD_CODE_OPTIONS file (Adams-Bashforth on CD Mom & Coriolis).
7152 o increase Overlap size from 2 to 3 (to allow to test bi-harmonic Visc.)
7153 o new pickup-files from a 100.yr run with pkg/down_slope (input.dwnslp params)
7154 o turn on zStar & viscA4 in standard set-up (dir input/)
7155 and update output files: output.txt & output.dwnslp.txt
37df334812 Jean*7156 o new AD-test experiment: obcs_ctrl
7157 (From Matt MITgcm_Contrib/SOSE/BoxAdj) to test OBCS as control vector.
7158 o pkg/dic:
7159 fix two bugs in handling water vapour pressure in carbonate chemistry
7160 and air-sea fluxes. Found by Val Bennington and Galen McKinley
7161 (add DIC Option = WATERVAP_BUG to recover old results)
7162 update output of tutorial_global_oce_biogeo (fwd+AD) & tutorial_dic_adjoffline
7c642b2a2b Dimi*7163 o adding allowInteriorFreezing option to check for water below freezing point
7164 at depth and bring the negative heat anomaly to the surface level
37df334812 Jean*7165 o pkgs _fields_load:
7166 - extend GET_PERIODIC_INTERVAL to deal with non-periodic case (from pkg/rbcs)
7167 - use new S/R GET_PERIODIC_INTERVAL in pkgs:
62852f670d Jean*7168 bulk_force, cheapaml, cfc, dic, obcs (+ ctrl/ctrl_get_gen_rec), offline and
7169 rbcs to get interpolation weights and time reccord number.
37df334812 Jean*7170 - fix multi-threading in aim_fields_load.F
7171 - apply EXCH to temp arrays [0,1] after reading in dic_fields_load.F
83f3340abe Jean*7172 o external_fields_load:
7173 new S/R GET_PERIODIC_INTERVAL to calculate which time-record (and linear
7174 interpolation weights) to use in a periodic time-series ; do not divide by
7175 time-step to convert to integer:
7176 - this fixes case where externForcingPeriod is not multiple of time-step
7177 (Thanks to Christopher L. Wolfe)
7178 - this fixes case where externForcingPeriod is an odd multiple of time-step
7179 (was wrong by half of time-step); update results of tutorial_global_oce_in_p.
7180 store index of time-record which is currently loaded:
7181 - works without any assumption on sequence of calls to EXTERNAL_FIELDS_LOAD ;
7182 - needed for the adjoint but not yet used because of extensive recomputations;
7183 (to be fixed soon)
aea6723cc0 Jean*7185 checkpoint62v (2011/04/02)
d0b6c8f47c Ian *7186 o verification/1D_ocean_ice_column added to test Ian Fenty's
7187 pkg/seaice_growth.F modifications for improving sea ice code differentiability
aea6723cc0 Jean*7188 o update output of exp4, internal_wave, seaice_obcs, tutorial_plume_on_slope
7189 (new velocity statistics after changing maskInW & maskInS definition)
75620d6d39 Jean*7190 o pkg/generic_advdiff with OBCS:
7191 use maksInW & maskInS in advective flux and in biharmonic diffusion calculation:
7192 equivalent to assumption of no tracer gradient outside the OB region.
7193 This will affect the results if using obcs+biharmonic diffusion.
7194 update output_adm.txt of experiment bottom_ctrl_5x5 (not expected since no obc)
1634337404 Jean*7195 o pkg/obcs:
7196 change definition of maskInW & maskInS: leave OB edges inside (maskIn=1)
7197 (e.g., maskInW(OB_Ie)=1 ) so that velocity normal-component at OB is still
7198 in Interior region. No impact on solution but affects Velocity monitor stats.
5933dabdc8 Patr*7199 o pkg/ptracers (adjoint)
1634337404 Jean*7200 New option AUTODIFF_PTRACERS_SPLIT_FILES for writing separate
5933dabdc8 Patr*7201 tape file for each tracer
1634337404 Jean*7202 o model/inc/src and pkg/autodiff: add parameters that allow to turn
7203 of parts of the adjoint code at run time. For now, there are only
7204 useKPPinAdMode, useGMrediInAdMode, and useSEAICEinAdMode. These
7205 parameters are set in data.pkg.
7206 This is the lazy coward's version of doing this, but still useful for
7207 debugging. In order to do it right, everything needs to be moved to
d6ce1e6c67 Mart*7208 pkg/autodiff.
1634337404 Jean*7209 o pkg/autodiff: fix global_sum_tile_ad.F by resetting adsumPhi at
d6ce1e6c67 Mart*7210 the end; this fixes the adjoint balancing code for open boundaries.
ae6e7b0b9d Mart*7211 o pkg/ctrl:
7212 - change behavior of xx_${varname}period to be analogous to exf-conventions:
7213 xx_${varname}period = 0., means time-independent control part
1634337404 Jean*7214 xx_${varname}period = -12., means one-year-periodic monthly control part
ae6e7b0b9d Mart*7215 - introduce helper routine ctrl_init_rec (part of ctrl_init.F) to
7216 clean up ctrl_init a little, remove unused variables
e7fdbcdd62 Mart*7217 - ctrl_init: fixed the handling of the start/endrec for obcs-variables
ae6e7b0b9d Mart*7218 - move "call cal_GetMonthsRec" from s/r ctrl_get_gen to s/r ctrl_get_gen_rec
61d23e1802 Mart*7220 checkpoint62u (2011/03/15)
4866a81958 Jean*7221 o model/src:
7222 - for the adjoint, change NonLin-FreeSurf initialisation sequence: fill-in
7223 h0Fac from INITIALISE_FIXED and reset hFac to h0Fac in INITIALISE_VARIA ;
7224 - in initialise_varia.F (except for ALLOW_DEPTH_CONTROL) remove 2nd call to
7226 o pkg/ctrl/obcs/ecco:
633dbf7240 Mart*7227 - remove obsolete, unused, and partially broken code:
4866a81958 Jean*7228 ctrl_obcsvol/ctrl_obcsbal/ctrl_volflux and code within
633dbf7240 Mart*7229 ALLOW_CTRL_OBCS_BALANCE
4866a81958 Jean*7230 - put a stop statement into ecco/cost_obcsvol.F, but also add
633dbf7240 Mart*7231 cost_obcsvol to ecco_ad_diff.list
d9c90338d2 Mart*7232 o pkg/ecco: fix counting cost function contributions for obcs (code
7233 by Matt M.) and diffkr for diagnostics
a5506f4305 Patr*7234 o pkg/ecco, pkg/ctrl, pkg/grdchk:
7235 add cost penalty terms for initial uvel, vvel, eta controls
7236 and I/O for prior error files
a2fd64e7bb Jean*7237 o pkg/mdsio:
7238 move mds_check4file.F from eesupp/src to mdsio_check4file.F ; add option
7239 (new argument) to check for tiled file in mdsioLocalDir : this fix the
7240 restart from pickup_som , pickup_dic (& dic_co2atm) with mdsioLocalDir.
fbadcb8ae6 Mart*7241 o pkg/ctrl:
7242 - ctrl_obcsbal.F, ctrl_obcsvol.F: replace last calls of ctrl_getrec by
7243 ctrl_get_gen_rec, put a stop statement into ctrl_getrec. Remove
7244 unused and superfluous variables
7245 - ctrl_get_gen_rec.F: catch the case of xx_genperiod=0.
8bc4946ad4 Mart*7246 o pkg/ecco
7247 - enable adjoint of Stevens OB
a2fd64e7bb Jean*7248 o pkg/ctrl/ecco/grdchk:
ac86e3d04f Mart*7249 - remove global declaration of tmpfldx/yz and tmpfldx/yz2.
8bc4946ad4 Mart*7250 Fortunately, we do not have any tests for the numerous cpp-flagged
ac86e3d04f Mart*7251 option of "obcs as control parameters" so we will never know
7252 if this is an improvement (but at least now things compile).
7253 - remove an obsolete initialization from ecco_cost_init_barfiles.F
a2fd64e7bb Jean*7254 - fix some problems within never used ifdefs to make the code compile
7ee9bd2cad Jean*7255 o pkg/obcs:
7256 - Refine Interior mask definition to work with more complex OB (e.g.
7257 if OB_Ie < OB_Iw); In case default setting is not sufficient, allows to
7258 read in Interior mask from file. Check if Interior mask is consistent
7259 with OB list of indices.
19ebde807c Patr*7260 o pkg/seaice
7261 - beginning code for a seaice tracer package,
7262 but currently only used for seaice age: SEAICE_AGE
7263 SEAICE_num = 4
7264 iTracer = 1: area-weighted ice age
7265 = 2: volume-weighted ice age
7266 = 3, 4: template for one-year vs. multi-year ice
7267 data.seaice has new namelist SEAICE_PARM03 for arrays related to
7268 SEAICE_num
954840cffd Patr*7270 checkpoint62t (2011/03/05)
686e612f13 Jean*7271 o pkg/obcs:
289f5415be Jean*7272 - obcs_apply_uv.F: change to a 2 steps method, first tangential component;
7273 then normal component. This ensures that the normal component is set
7274 correctly even when it conficts with tangential setting from an other OB.
7275 Affects results of test-experiment seaice_obcs: update the output.txt
7276 o pkg/obcs:
686e612f13 Jean*7277 - add code to monitor statistics of dynamical fields at OB.
7278 - take OBCS_BALANCE code out of obcs_calc.F into new S/R OBCS_BALANCE_FLOW :
7279 - fix to OBCS_BALANCE code (right hFac ; deal with simple OB intersection).
7280 - change default: balance the Net inflow through all OB (instead of balancing
7281 each OB separately); keep the old method if setting OBC_balanceFacX < 0.
7282 - switch on useOBCSbalance in dome experiment: only correct Western OB outflow
7283 to match Nortern OB inflow (OBCS_balanceFacN=0).
7f2854329f Dimi*7284 o pkg/seaice:
7285 - redefined actual sea ice age to be ICEAGE/HEFF ifdef SEAICE_AGE_VOL
2afe30fba0 Dimi*7286 o pkg/seaice (seaice_growth v 1.113):
7287 - reverting seaice_growth to v 1.111 in order to have code with exact bit
7288 compatibility with MITgcm_contrib/ifenty/Fenty_seaice_thermo_code_merge
7289 CPP option SEAICE_OCN_MELT_ACT_ON_AREA removed in v 1.112 is reintroduced
7290 runtime flag SEAICEareaFormula is kept but is inactive
fa83c0daea Jean*7291 o model/src:
7292 - add new param to scale curvilinear grid distance and area when using
7293 a different sphere radius from the grid-files.
7294 - test/check multi-threads EXCH applied to local variable (cg2d_x)
878ab8c79d Patr*7295 o adjoint:
7296 - enable adjoint of Stevens OB
7297 - add dummy_in_dynamics to enable extraction of ADJrhoinsitu
7298 (a bit delicate because of potentially modified adj. common block structure;
7299 current switch is ALLOW_AUTODIFF_MONITOR_DIAG, could be changed later)
fa83c0daea Jean*7300
d6110c5749 Jean*7301 checkpoint62s (2011/02/15)
2afe30fba0 Dimi*7302 o pkg/seaice (seaice_growth v 1.112):
83f1d2d932 Gael*7303 - introduce SEAICEareaFormula run time parameter, which selects the recipe for
d6110c5749 Jean*7304 computing the ice cover tendency from effective thickness tendencies. Include
7305 Ian Fenty's formula.
7306 - remove 'undef SEAICE_OCN_MELT_ACT_ON_AREA' which may now be achieved using
7307 SEAICEareaFormula.
83f1d2d932 Gael*7308 - simplify notations for the various d_HEFF/d_AREA terms.
6555d1e696 Jean*7309 o pkg/gmredi:
7310 - add Boundary-Value-Problem bolus transport (Ferrari etal, OM 2010) code
7311 from Christopher Wolfe (UCSD); add partial cell factor in vertical derivative;
7312 add a verification test-run (front_relax.bvp) to test GM_useBVP.
2afe30fba0 Dimi*7313 o pkg/seaice (seaice_growth v 1.111):
dbc3f8d6b1 Gael*7314 - for SEAICE_DO_OPEN_WATER_GROWTH, replace Gael's implementation with Ian's.
d6110c5749 Jean*7315 - the new SEAICE_DO_OPEN_WATER_MELT allows open-water air-sea heat fluxes to
7316 also melt ice.
6555d1e696 Jean*7317 o pkg/seaice:
13127f64f6 Gael*7318 - McPhee formula for Ice-Ocean fluxes (provided by Ian Fenty).
7319 - can be used by #define MCPHEE_OCEAN_ICE_HEAT_FLUX in SEAICE_OPTIONS.h
6d3c37bddc Jean*7320 o pkg/cheapaml:
7321 - from Nico Wienders: New version of this package.
ffaad0659f Jean*7322 o pkg/flt:
7323 - add CPP options to prevent floats to re-enter the opposite side of
7324 a periodic domain (default: keep periodicity)
520f9effa6 Jean*7325 o pkg/gmredi:
7326 - apply exchange to GM_PsiX,GM_PsiY to get valid values near CS-corners
7327 (needed for multi-dim advection).
20e9cc15d6 Jean*7328 - switch on GM Advective form in global_ocean.cs32x15 and update output.txt
520f9effa6 Jean*7329 o model/src:
7330 - fix wrong re-setting of addMass array (ALLOW_ADDFLUID) for atmospheric run.
f40e476a49 Patr*7331 o tutorial_tracer_adjsens
7332 - extend to NLFS and replace maskC by hFacC
7333 (change reference output accordingly)
520f9effa6 Jean*7334
24aac58d71 Jean*7335 checkpoint62r (2011/01/24)
b8c827cb68 Jean*7336 o testreport:
7337 - add option -deloutp (-do) to remove output file after successful run
7338 - add option -mfile (-mf) for MPI machile-file and for each test-exp,
7339 extract exact list of procs from this file ; adjust COMMAND by
7340 replacing TR_MFILE & TR_NPROC with local machile-file & Nb of MPI procs.
ab3c25e729 Mart*7341 o pkg/ecco: replace old ineffective way of penalizing deviations from
7342 first guess (of obcs) with code by Matt Mazloff
b8c827cb68 Jean*7343 o pkg/ctrl: add code that allows the use of ALLOW_OBCS?_CONTROL without
aad046c5da Mart*7344 exf/cal
7345 - ctrl_init: fix initialisation (computation of diffrec) for obcs-ctrl
7346 and handle case of obcs?period == 0
7347 Not affected by these changes: There is still an inconsistency in
b8c827cb68 Jean*7348 the computation of start/endrec for the obcs variables for ALLOW_CAL
aad046c5da Mart*7349 defined (see comment by Menemenlis, 7-Mar-2003)
7350 - make S/R ctrl_get_gen_rec return something meaningful even if
7351 ALLOW_CAL is not defined
b8c827cb68 Jean*7352 - ctrl_getobcs?: simplify code so that it does not need to use
aad046c5da Mart*7353 S/R exf_swapfields
28266d9344 Jean*7354 o testreport:
7355 allow to test MPI with different number of processors for each experiment:
7356 create file "SIZE.h.mpi" in each build dir.
7357 Note: update of "-command" argument not yet implemented.
96bd925d69 Gael*7358 o model/src, pkg/autodiff, pkg/ecco, pkg/seaice:
7359 alleviate the need for additional 3D tapes when using
7360 the non-inear free surface in the adjoint. This is done
b8c827cb68 Jean*7361 by adding an 'update' of hfacc etc. to their current
7362 value at the beginning of forward_step.F.
484f2586c6 Mart*7363 o pkg/seaice
7364 seaice_lsr: move stress-divergence computations out of outer pseudo-
3d83c2ccc1 Jean*7365 timestepping loop
484f2586c6 Mart*7366 o pkg/obcs/obcs_prescribe_read.F: move 'CALL OBCS_EXTERNAL_FIELDS_LOAD'
7367 up, so that the calls of the ctrl_* subroutines are really at the end
7368 of the routine.
3d83c2ccc1 Jean*7369 o pkg/gmredi:
7370 allow to specify a 2-D horizontal map and a 1-D vertical profil
7371 as scaling factor for Isopycnal diffusivity (Redi) and GM diffusivity.
96bd925d69 Gael*7372 o pkg/seaice:
7373 move lsr iterations from seaice_dynsolver to seaice_lsr.
7374 o pkg/seaice:
7375 reduce memory footprint of seaice mutldim advection tapes,
7376 by using a 2D tape independent of the generic_advdiff ones,
7377 and setting GAD_AREA=1 etc. rather than GAD_AREA=101 etc.
484f2586c6 Mart*7378
aaf4b7889a Jean*7379 checkpoint62q (2010/12/29)
56906110dd Jean*7380 o model/src:
7381 - check horizontal grid-spacing for unset or zero/negative values.
7382 - change AD test hs94.1x64x5 to be truly a 2-D set-up.
9827e6a18a Jean*7383 o pkg/flt:
7384 - use (recent) mdsio S/R MDS_READVEC_LOC instead of local FLT_MDSREADVECTOR
7385 - precision of input and output files set according to readBinaryPrec
7386 and writeBinaryPrec (previously always 64.b), pickup remains at 64 bits.
7387 - initial float position from tiled file was not converted to index space
7388 (looks like a bug): fixed to make it similar to initial pos. global file.
7688b175d1 Jean*7389 o global_ocean.cs32x15:
7390 change SIZE.h of AD set-up to get same tiling as with MPI.
7391 Update output_adm, output_adm.thsice (pass@14) & output_adm.seaice (fail@11)
7392 o model/src:
7393 add flag to control printing of domain fields (bathymetry, hFac ...) in
7394 ini_mask_etc (call to plot_fieds_xy*).
7395 o pkg/thsice:
7396 if useEXF, some forcing fields are not valid in overlap: fixed by computing
7397 over the interior only + apply EXCH at the end (like with SEAICE advection).
71e006c2cc Jean*7398 o pkg/mdsio:
7399 - add 2 arguments to S/R MDS_PASS_R4/8toRL/S for overlap size of buffer
7400 to copy to/from, so that it can be used to replace MDS_PASS_WH_R8toRL/RS.
7401 - change barrier call for safe multi-threads access to 3-D shared buffer.
7402 - MDS_READ/WRITEVEC_LOC use buffers from MDSIO_BUFF_3D.h (instead of local ones)
7403 - replace call to MDS_PASS_WH_R4/8toRL with call to MDS_PASS_R4/8toRL and
7404 remove the 4 S/R MDS_PASS_WH_R4/8toRL/S.
1d0c7afaa8 Oliv*7405 o pkg/flt:
7406 - add fourth-order Runge-Kutta integration
7407 - add basic exch2 support (only 1 facet supported so far!)
824747e6ac Jean*7408 o pkg/mdsio+rw:
7409 new S/R to read local (or tile independent) vector (read counterpart of
7410 mds_writevec_loc, and front-end write_glvec_rl/rs).
1196ad766d Gael*7411 o global_ocean.cs32x15: additional input_ad.seaice experiment
7412 that uses pkg/seaice rather than pkg/thsice.
7413 (using multidim advection for seaice)
bba939b996 Jean*7414 o towards more F95 syntax for array specification in namelist:
7415 - change "data.diagnostics" (data.ptracers was changed before checkpoint62p)
7416 of all verification experiments.
7417 e.g.: line: fields(1,3)='ETAN ','ETANSQ ',
7418 was changed to: fields(1:2,3)='ETAN ','ETANSQ ',
7419 - finish adding "-DNML_EXTENDED_F77" to DEFINES list in pgf77 and g77 optfiles
a913ac327f Gael*7420 o global_ocean.cs32x15: additional input.seaice experiment
7421 that uses pkg/seaice rather than pkg/thsice.
bba939b996 Jean*7422
38e5b192c3 Jean*7423 checkpoint62p (2010/12/17)
b8373d841d Gael*7424 o pkg/thsice: rename (ad tape index) iicekey as ticekey, and move it
7425 to THSICE_SIZE.h to avoid conflict with pkg/seaice.
7426 o pkg/seaice: add seaice_diffusion.f seaice_map_thsice.f to adjoint.
7427 allow for use of multim. advection in seaice adjoint.
a71dccbd8b Mart*7428 o pkg/seaice: add diagnostics for snow precipitation and sublimation flux
7429 - first attempt to close budgets by taking into account the freshwater
38e5b192c3 Jean*7430 flux implied by the sublimation of snow and ice. So far only the
a71dccbd8b Mart*7431 volume budget is closed, turn on with soon-to-be-retired-again CPP-Flag
0e4cbd8946 Jean*7433 o eesupp/src:
7434 new S/R with new option (NML_EXTENDED_F77) to change array specification
7435 from F95 standard to commonly accepted extended F77 form.
7436 This would allow to use F95 syntax in namelist (needed with gfortran 4.4.5)
7437 and to revert back to the original syntax (with -DNML_EXTENDED_F77)
7438 for less tolerant f77 compiler (e.g., pgf77, g77).
8da37cabce Jean*7439 o globalFiles:
7440 commented out in parameter file "data" since it's not safe with MPI
7441 (e.g., wrong on aces); keep it if useSingleCpuIO=T (but not doing much
7442 in this case); no longer commented out in restart test (tst_2+2).
7443 o add adTapeDir to specify a special directory where adjoint tapes are
7444 written/read (adread_adwrite.F). adTapeDir is specified in data/PARM05
0e71fc82ff Mart*7445 and cannot be used together with mdsioLocalDir.
372ecbd193 Jean*7446 o nesting pkgs:
7447 - packages_init_variables : put call to OBCS_INIT_VARIABLES in last position
7448 - update Gianmaria's Nesting pkgs (from Contrib/nesting_sannino)
7449 - add parameter files + utils dir + output from short run on beagle.
99f78b5547 Gael*7450 o pkg/seaice:
7451 fix seaice_growth.F store directives; update results of exp. lab_sea.ad
372ecbd193 Jean*7452 o pkg/seaice: explicitly store tsurfloc in seaice_solve4temp.F to avoid
b3992b16ea Mart*7453 unnecessary copying in adjoint code, requires new parameter NMAX_ITER
810405d6e0 Jean*7455 checkpoint62o (2010/11/25)
b2aaf537fd Jean*7456 o pkg/exf:
7457 - change CPP option EXF_VERBOSE to run-time logical param exf_verbose.
810405d6e0 Jean*7458 o pkg/seaice:
7459 - seaice_ocean_stress: split a loop for better vectorization of the
7460 adjoint code
bb0aaa13c1 Mart*7461 - seaice_growth.F: fix bug in conservation of freshwater connected to
475a61469a Mart*7462 capping of heff, put contribution into d_HEFFbyNEG
bb0aaa13c1 Mart*7463 - replace irritating parameters SEAICE_latentWater/Ice and SEAICE_sensHeat
7464 by something more sensible (parameters that are what their name implies)
7465 - change some defaults, so that by default exf-parameters are used for
7466 things like rhoAir, cpAir,latent/sensible heat parameters, in order
7467 to reproduce the old results, many data.seaice now contain funny values
7468 for cpAir and latent heat of sublimation
810405d6e0 Jean*7469 o packages_readparms.F: move exf_readparms up in line so that
bb0aaa13c1 Mart*7470 exf-parameters are visible for other packages (e.g. seaice)
a7e5ab30a6 Jean*7471 o debugMode & debugLevel=2:
7472 - differentiate between debugMode & debugLevel=2:
7473 debugMode: controls printing of debug messages (sequence of S/R calls).
7474 debugLevel: controls printing of algorithm intermediate results and stats.
7475 - remove "if debugLevel=2 => debugMode" but keep "debugMode => debugLevel=2";
7476 => allows to print debug-stats without all sequence of call messages.
7477 - switch control of debug print from debugLevel to debugMode in many S/R.
7478 o pkg/obcs (obcs-sponge):
7479 fix bug that was introduced on Oct 25 (in dynamics.F v1.151): put back the
7480 call to OBCS_PRESCRIBE_EXCHANGES (need to exch gU,gV when using obcs-sponge)
db3f21a7ea Jean*7481 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
7482 - record overlap minimum size for each advection scheme;
7483 - refine criteria on overlap minimum size;
7484 - check and stop (in gad_check) if overlap size is too small.
7485 o pkg/obcs:
7486 - with ptracers: remove multiple calls to obcs_apply_ptracer (only done
7487 once, in ptracers_implicit.F)
7488 - with seaice: remove test on empty file name in obcs_apply_seaice (always
7489 apply OB values when tile has OB)
c4900f4204 Jean*7490 o model/src, coriolis setting:
7491 - integer parameter "selectCoriMap" (=0,1,2) replaces 3 logical
7492 useConstantF, useBetaPlaneF, useSphereF ; can now read coriolis from
7493 files (selectCoriMap=3) with any grid.
7494 - add parameter "fPrime" for constant second Coriolis coeff (default=0).
7495 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F:
7496 a few cosmetic changes that reduce the number of lines of code
36f4ad1be7 Mart*7497 o pkg/obcs: add boundary conditions following Stevens (1990)
7498 - the code follows old MOM/NAOSIM code
7499 - so far it is only implemented for the eastern and western boundaries
7500 and NOT for pTracers
3710b30939 Oliv*7501 o pkg/rbcs:
7502 - replace rbcsInIter by rbcsForcingOffset, the time in seconds at the
7503 beginning of the first rbcs forcing period.
7504 - add option rbcsSingleTimeFiles that makes rbcs read forcing data like the
7505 offline package, i.e., one file per time, labeled by iteration number;
7506 deltaTrbcs sets the timestep with which the data was generated;
7507 rbcsIter0 is the forcing iteration corresponding to rbcsForcingOffset.
7508 - rbcsForcingCycle=0 makes forcing non-cyclic.
7509 - make arithmetic safe for negative times and odd forcing periods.
19b92f2fb3 Jean*7511 checkpoint62n (2010/11/09)
501625885e Mart*7512 o pkg/seaice:
2a7b0e3fd3 Jean*7513 fix masking in free-drift S/R ; update results of exp. lab_sea.fd
7514 o pkg/obcs:
7515 New S/R to copy tracer value from the OB location to narrow band region
7516 (width = same as overlap) beyond the OB: preserve OB value (needed for
7517 high-order scheme) which were overwritten by EXCH call if in overlap
7518 region. Applied to theta, salt, ptracer and advected seaice variables.
7519 With seaice: use maskInC in similar way as in gad_advection.F,
7520 in seaice_advection.F and advect.F.
7521 Update output of experiment seaice_obcs and change exp4 to test OBCS with
7522 4th order Adv.Scheme. for pasive salt and ptracer.
7523 o tools/genmake2:
7524 - when looking for an optfile (not specified), only search for Fortran compiler
7525 (remove sym-link test + setting of CPP + makedepend check + C-compiler check)
7526 - in get_fortran_c_namemangling: use "$CC $CFLAG" to compile C test programm
7527 (instead of "$MAKE genmake_test.o" since an existing Makefile can be wrong)
7528 - set default for CPP to "cpp -traditional -P" (was the case without specifying
7529 an optfile, but otherwise default was just "cpp".
7530 - comment out PLATFORM=$p_PLATFORM (no idea where p_PLATFORM comes from)
7531 - when "CC" is not set in the optfile, look for possible C compiler
7532 (instead of just setting CC=cc)
7533 - put back version v.169 modif (from 2008/02/15), was dropped in v.173 changes:
7534 => add a ".F" to ".o" rule for source files with no "#include" (such as
7535 port_rand.F); otherwise, default ignores FOPTIM and just uses FFLAGS.
7536 - move gfortran before g77 in list of possible Fortran compiler (consistent
7537 with reference compiler switch from g77 to gfortran)
7538 o pkg/seaice:
7539 o remove SEAICE_OLD_AND_BAD_DISCRETIZATION-code, add a test to
501625885e Mart*7540 seaice_check that stops the model, when the CPP flag is used.
7541 o seaice_growth.F: make capping of ice volume conserving by returning the
7542 capped ice as freshwater to EmPmR. This does not change the verification
7543 experiments but will change runs where the capping is acutally active
b25aab9f85 Jean*7544 o change reference platform+compiler from faulks+g77 to baudelaire+gfortran
7545 (except the 2 fizhi test exp.); update output of exp.: bottom_ctrl_5x5,
7546 global_ocean.cs32x15 (icedyn, thsice, AD thsice), global_ocean_ebm (AD),
7547 lab_sea (fd, hb87, salt_plume), MLAdjust (3/5) and vermix (dd)
7548 o tools/genmake2:
7549 - merge genmake_warnings & genmake_errors into 1 log file: "genmake.log")
7550 - change DUMPSTATE default to false (can use "-ds" option to switch it to T)
7551 - clean previous genmake log files before anything else.
7552 - change Makefile to remove testreport log files (*.tr_log) and genmake log
7553 files only with "CLEAN" target (instead of "Clean");
8488313509 Jean*7554 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
7555 Change OBCS in multiDim advection (gad_advection.F):
7556 Use maskInC to prevent intermediate update of tracer-field in OB regions,
7557 thus keeping current-time-step OB values; and remove the call to OBCS_APPLY
7558 which were applying future time-step OB values.
7559 This way, all explicit calculations use current-time-step OB values
7560 (simpler and more consistent).
7561 Affects results when set-up uses time-varying OBC and multi-dim advection;
7562 update output of experiment seaice_obcs.
7b24ec4b62 Jean*7563 o pkg/seaice:
7564 move OPTIONS (formerly locally defined) to SEAICE_OPTIONS.h:
7567 Default (pkg/seaice/SEAICE_OPTIONS.h) is to define SEAICE_SOLVE4TEMP_LEGACY
7568 but leave SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY undef ; For now, keep verification exp
7569 unchanged (SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY defined in */code*/SEAICE_OPTIONS.h)
cc732d4fb4 Davi*7570 o pkg aim (2010/10/26):
7571 - Introduce ALLOW_INSOLATION, moving toward a more general incoming solar radiation
7572 formulation with obliquity, eccentricity, ... as run-time parameters,
7573 - Introduce diagnostics for top-of-the-atmaophere incoming solar radiation and
7574 upward shortwave radition at the surface (all-sky and clear-sky).
f84aaa453a Jean*7575 o pkg/obcs:
11aa53a8c7 Dimi*7576 - writing sections with globalFiles=T does not work: switch to tiled-files
7577 when writing sections for OBCS (change pkg/rw/write_rec.F accordingly).
7578 - fix index bug (OB_Ie -> OB_Iw_) in obcs_apply_uvice.F
7579 - apply OBCS_SEAICE_COMPUTE_UVICE to both uice and vice at all obcs
f84aaa453a Jean*7580
dfe4303922 Jean*7581 checkpoint62m (2010/10/21)
f4c40b0961 Mart*7582 o pkg/seaice: vectorize seaice_solve4temp.F
7583 - move iterations loops outside of i/j-loops
7584 - requires 2D arrays for TB and effConduct
dfe4303922 Jean*7585 - add 2D iceOrNot to replace HICE_ACTUAL.GT.0, as HICE_ACTUAL is
f4c40b0961 Mart*7586 modified in this routine
7587 - a little bit of clean up, adjusting indentation, etc.
dfe4303922 Jean*7588 - replaced a few TEN**a by exp(a*log(10.)) in new code for better
7589 performance and '**TWO' by '**2' (because TWO is a float),
f4c40b0961 Mart*7590 replaced ONE, ZERO
2708f6625c Jean*7591 o eesupp/src:
7592 fix flow dir for exch1_z_RX_cube, exch1_uv_RX_cube & exch1_bg_RX_cube
473a1d0f79 Gael*7593 o pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F
2708f6625c Jean*7594 Revision 1.89 of seaice_growth.F completes the overall october 2010 revision and
7595 merging process. The merged routine has two branches, and one activates the 'evolution'
473a1d0f79 Gael*7596 branch by setting SEAICE_GROWTH_LEGACY to undef (at the top of the routine for now).
7597 In summary, here is what the '10/10 revision' did consist of
2708f6625c Jean*7598 part 1: seaice_growth.F revisions 1.71 to 1.75
473a1d0f79 Gael*7599 - Preliminary seaice_growth.F clean-up, keeping test results strictly unchanged.
2708f6625c Jean*7600 The emphasis here was on improving readability (e.g. by trying to use meaningful
473a1d0f79 Gael*7601 variable names) and modularity (e.g. by adding arrays to store heff etc. updates).
2708f6625c Jean*7602 part 1.5:
7603 - revising the lab_sea experiment to make it a more useful (i.e. stable
7604 and representative of an actual model run). This was done by generating a
7605 (winter) pickup to start from, switching back the main experiment dynamic
473a1d0f79 Gael*7606 solver from evp to lsr, having one of the experiments use the free drift solution.
2708f6625c Jean*7607 part 2: seaice_growth.F revisions 1.76 to 1.85
473a1d0f79 Gael*7608 - Sorting out hard-coded constants that prevented heat and fresh water conservation.
2708f6625c Jean*7609 - Sorting out the various fields units and sign (set early on and reset at the end)
7610 to avoid numerous scalings/re-scalings. By v1.85 the basic unit for ice, heat and
7611 fresh water stock is 'effective ice meters', and >0 implies more ice/snow.
7612 - Using tendency terms arrays (d_HEFF* etc.) to alleviate remaining code locks,
473a1d0f79 Gael*7613 and simplifying logical expressions to further improve readibility.
7614 part 3: seaice_growth.F revisions 1.86 to 1.89
7615 - Re-organize the blocks of code more logically.
7616 - Merging the '_if.F' pieces that add something new.
2708f6625c Jean*7617 o pkg/thsice:
7618 - vectorize thsice_solve4temp and thsice_get_exf.
65de7ad9cd Mart*7619 Problem: thsice_solve4temp has an unvectorizable statement that
7620 might also be problematic for TAF
2708f6625c Jean*7621 - thsice_get_exf: add the ALLOW_BULK_LARGEYEAGER04 CPP-flag. This
7622 does not change the verifcation experiment, but will change all
65de7ad9cd Mart*7623 experiments that have this flag undefined (not tested in verification);
7624 a little reorganization to save a few 2D fields and recomputations
0d66e9256f Patr*7625 - 1st step of revisiting thsice adjoint (major recomp. sorted out)
07a36c38a7 Patr*7626 - 2nd step: fix some store dirs
7627 o seems to work somewhat, i.e. using ifort but not g77
7628 o likely cause are incomplete init. or recomputation
7629 o start verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input_ad.thsice
cce7f684db Oliv*7630 o pkg/obcs: add support for exch2
7631 - the position of the boundary and prescribed values are specified using
7632 a global domain with exch2 facets stacked
7633 - in x for N,S boundaries (like W2_mapIO=-1)
7634 - in y for E,W boundaries (so E,W boundaries do not overlap)
7635 o pkg/mdsio: add support for writing global sections with exch2
7636 file layout is as for obcs described above:
7637 - for x-z sections, facets are stacked in x (like W2_mapIO=-1)
7638 - for y-z sections, facets are stacked in y
8f33527490 Jean*7639 o pkg/thsice:
033392cf3f Mart*7640 - change a few routines for better vectorization: thsice_albedo.F,
7641 thsice_step_temp.F, and in thsice_calc_thickn.F. Results are
7642 not affected, but in particular the latter routine has changed
7643 dramatically (not necessarily easier to read now).
7644 - re-arrange calculation in THSICE_SOLVE4TEMP: move outside of i,j loops
8f33527490 Jean*7645 iteration loop and call to S/R THSICE_GET_BULKF & THSICE_GET_EXF.
7117852a81 Gael*7646 o verification/lab_sea:
7647 - overhaul of the forward model experiments. The main motivation
2708f6625c Jean*7648 for this revision is that lab_sea has proven quite fragile (when
7117852a81 Gael*7649 changing the sea-ice code, and switching platforms) to a point
7650 when failures were very hard to attribute to specific code problems.
2708f6625c Jean*7651 - the suspected reason for this fragility is noise amplification by evp so,
7117852a81 Gael*7652 to start with, we decided to replace evp with lsr in the main experiment.
7653 - the input.lsr experiment thus became obsolete and was removed.
2708f6625c Jean*7654 - it was replaced with the input.fd experiment that uses an
7117852a81 Gael*7655 analytical "free drift" solution as the ice velocity field.
7656 - Taken together, input (lsr), input.fd (free drift) and input.hb87 (evp)
7657 will hopefully allow us to discriminate problems due to dynamic solvers
7658 from problems due to the thermodynamic code. input.salt_plume (lsr) allows
7659 us to test additional options, along with the salt plume package.
2708f6625c Jean*7660 - Finally a pickup was generated (at the end of a one year run) to
7117852a81 Gael*7661 make the tests more representative of an actual model run. Previously
7662 the tests starting point was a 1m thickness of ice everywhere.
2708f6625c Jean*7663 o pkg/seaice:
7117852a81 Gael*7664 - introducing S\R seaice_freedrift.F that compute the
2708f6625c Jean*7665 analytical solution to an approximate ice momentum
7117852a81 Gael*7666 equation (i.e. the simple stress/coriolis balance).
7667 - define SEAICE_ALLOW_FREEDRIFT to trigger the computation
2708f6625c Jean*7668 of the free drift velocity field, and enable its use.
7669 To actually use the free drift solution as the model ice
7670 velocity field set SEAICEuseFREEDRIFT to .TRUE. in data.seaice.
9aa451bbe6 Mart*7671 o move "useOASIS" from PARAMS.h to EEPARAMS.h and read it from "eedata"
512c5638c7 Jean*7673 checkpoint62l (2010/10/04)
6915e96d9b Jean*7674 o pkg/seaice:
7675 -fix the USE_ORIGINAL_SBI version (for variable freezing point);
7676 -use "celsius2K" in SEAICE_VARIABLE_FREEZING_POINT and in new
7677 version (with USE_ORIGINAL_SBI undef);
ddb00487db Mart*7678 o add hooks for new packages OASIS, the package will follow
7679 (hooks exclude the seaice pkg for now)
63712fce08 Gael*7680 o pkg/autodiff: ALLOW_AUTODIFF_WHTAPEIO
6915e96d9b Jean*7681 Option to use mdsio_read_whalos.F/mdsio_write_whalos.F,
63712fce08 Gael*7682 rather than mdsio_readvector.F/mdsio_writevector.F, within
7683 adread_adwrite.F to read/write adjoint-related tapes to disk.
6915e96d9b Jean*7684 o eesupp and pkg/mdsio: ALLOW_WHIO
7685 Option to write/read 2D fields to files including tiles halos.
7686 The main purpose is for adjoint related "tape I/O".
b7f33b42e8 Gael*7687 The secondary purpose is for debugging phases.
7688 A word on those rather specifically intended purposes.
7689 The code was meant to be stripped down to the bare minimum.
6915e96d9b Jean*7690 Typically, there is a unique and basic mapping to the global
b7f33b42e8 Gael*7691 buffer (tile by tile, then proc by proc, then level by level), and
7692 byteswaps and meta-files are omitted. Indeed the (*_WH*) code is not
6915e96d9b Jean*7693 meant to generate user friendly outputs of various shapes and forms.
b7f33b42e8 Gael*7694 Rather it is intended, for the knowledgeabale developers,
7695 to be largely independent of the many mdsio options, to allow
6915e96d9b Jean*7696 outputs of tiles+halos in debugging phases and in adjoint runs,
b7f33b42e8 Gael*7697 and to allow some flexibility in tuning (adoint) I/O depending on each
6915e96d9b Jean*7698 file system behavior. With regard to tuning, most of the potential knobs
b7f33b42e8 Gael*7699 (to leave files open, to allocate the I/O indep. of usesinglecpuio,
7700 to specify directories, to specify the typical size of I/O calls, etc.)
7701 are not yet included, and will be added if they prove useful.
2ec921609d Jean*7702 o pkg/seaice:
65c3c27d2c Jean*7703 fix uninitialised arrays in USE_ORIGINAL_SBI version of seaice_solve4temp.F
7704 o pkg/seaice:
2ec921609d Jean*7705 new S/R seaice_solve4temp.F: this is the merged version of Ian Fenty
7706 code (seaice_budget_ice_if.F) which enable to recover old standard
7707 code (seaice_budget_ice.F) when option USE_ORIGINAL_SBI is defined.
7708 temporary: add "#define USE_ORIGINAL_SBI" at the top of seaice_solve4temp.F.
7709 o model/src (rStar):
7710 use simple average (not area weighted) of rStarFac at U,V point when using
7711 vectorInvariant and selectKEscheme=1,3 (consistent with mom. vertical advection)
7712 update output of exp. fizhi-cs-32x32x40 and fizhi-cs-aqualev20.
813dd65ac9 Jean*7713
e356351660 Jean*7714 checkpoint62k (2010/09/17)
05855df642 Patr*7715 o adjoint
7716 * changed verification/global_ocean.cs32x15 ; adjoint now tests
7717 Adams-Bashforth 3 + NLFS + RSTAR
7718 * some more modifs required for ECCO-GODAE v4
54f6436301 Dimi*7719 o pkg/seaice
7720 add SEAICE_AGE_VOL option to use volume instead of area for
7721 integrating SEAICE_AGE
a89a34c510 Jean*7722 o model/src:
7723 first check-in of sigma & hybrid-sigma coordinate code ; also includes
7724 non-linear free-surface parts ; but pressure-gradient not yet coded.
96a7eb29e8 Jean*7725 o pkg/ptracers:
7726 option for ptracer to convert Salt Relax into additional EmP.
7727 tested in exp. global_ocean.90x40x15.dwnslp (update output)
3eaaf3fa4e Jean*7729 checkpoint62j (2010/08/25)
4d3d3c392f Jean*7730 o pkg/ggl90:
7731 other minor changes: remove 3-D temp array gTKE (+ add argument myIter)
deff84d11b Mart*7732 o pkg/dic: car_flux.F, phos_flux.F
7733 - reduce number of exp-calls in order to improve performance
4d3d3c392f Jean*7734 - clean up a little (replace fields by their macros, etc., fix
deff84d11b Mart*7735 typo in CPP-flag)
fa4ac57b5c Gael*7736 o pkg/ggl90: minor changes
7737 - GGL90diffKrS was removed --> always use GGL90diffKr
7738 - GGL90viscAr was removed --> replaced with GGL90viscArU, GGL90viscArV
4d3d3c392f Jean*7739 - hack of mxlMaxFlag=2 --> ensure mixing between first and second level
7740 (commented out for now)
fa4ac57b5c Gael*7741 - change in max/min operations to ensure that smoothing is ok
7742 - smoothing of GGL90viscAr was moved to ggl90_calc.F (as done for GGL90diffKr)
7743 - always use diffKrNrT as background profile (i.e. never use diffKr field)
3983b1167c Mart*7744 o pkg/cfc: bug fix, AREA(i,j,1,bi,bj) -> AREA(i,j,bi,bj)
c3c9befee2 Mart*7745 o pkg/dic:
1cfcce3655 Mart*7746 - model/src/impldiff.F: if TARGET_NEC_SX, extend loop ranges for better
7747 vectorization
33b1baef56 Mart*7748 - small bug fix in insol for the unlikely case of a cartesian grid
7749 - towards vectorizing the dic package: bio_export.F, car_flux.F, phos_flux.F
7750 + now vectorize, which also removes adjoint recomputations;
7751 + replace integer maksp1 by _RL maskp1
1cfcce3655 Mart*7752 + replace a**x by exp(x*log(a)) in phos_flux.F for speed
c3c9befee2 Mart*7753
ee1e0f95df Jean*7754 checkpoint62i (2010/07/21)
1e3aeb8ba1 Jean*7755 o pkg/flt:
7756 - with OBCS: stop floats which enter the OB region
7757 o model/src:
7758 - use tempVertAdvScheme & saltVertAdvScheme (instead of horizontal ones)
7759 for implicit vertical advection.
ac416c45e2 Jean*7760 o pkg/seaice:
7761 - account for melting in seaice age evolution.
1e3aeb8ba1 Jean*7762 - remove double counting of seaice ridging effect on seaice age.
ac416c45e2 Jean*7763
283e101b7e Jean*7764 checkpoint62h (2010/06/18)
ad5bd052a0 Jean*7765 o pkg/exch2:
7766 - remove exch2_*xy_rx files: call was replaced with exch2_*3d_rx(myNz=1).
7767 o tools/genmake2
7768 - remove "-pdefault" option: redundant with the use of "packages.conf";
7769 - remove file pkg/pkg_default : set the default as a pkg group
7770 ("default_pkg_list") defined in pkg/pkg_groups;
7771 - fix for case pkg/pkg_depend is missing (was hanging before);
7772 - add option "-pgroups" to specify a different pkg_groups than the default.
82644c0ee5 Jean*7773 o verification/adjustment.cs-32x32x1:
7774 add a "minimal" set-up test (code_min & input_min) which only compiles
7775 eesupp/src and the 2 pkgs (exch2 & debug) which don't need model/src & inc.
f30b73b1e2 Jean*7776 o tools/genmake2
7777 - extend pkg_depend rules to model & eesupp (e.g., if model depend on [pkg]))
7778 - fix details of checking for mnc & profile pkg when NetCDF is unavailable.
c5f3ee7c60 Mart*7779 o pkg/exf: merge exf_bulk_largeyeager04 into exf_bulkformulae because these
7780 files are nearly the same anyway.
7781 Step 1: make exf_bulkformulae look like exf_bulk_largeyeager04:
7782 - redefinition of tau(i,i) (by a factor of ustar)
7783 - 1./exf(Const/T) -> exf(-Const/T) (big change in the results)
7784 - replace rhonil by rhoConstFresh in computation of evap (bug fix)
7785 - replace u/vstress=tau*rd*ws*cw by tau*rd*u/vwind (changes results)
6f9d992eff Jean*7786 - replace
c5f3ee7c60 Mart*7787 rd(i,j)= rdn(i,j)/(exf_one - rdn(i,j)/karman*psimh )
7788 shn = sh(i,j,bi,bj)*rd(i,j)/rdn(i,j)
7789 by
7790 shn = sh(i,j,bi,bj)/(exf_one - rdn(i,j)/karman*psimh )
7791 (changes results)
6f9d992eff Jean*7792 -> exf_bulkformulae v1.22,
c5f3ee7c60 Mart*7793 update verification experiments lab_sea, offline_exf_seaice, seaice_obcs
7794 (lab_sea: output.hb87.txt 1.11, output.lsr.txt 1.25, output.salt_plume.txt 1.13,
6f9d992eff Jean*7795 output.txt 1.63
c5f3ee7c60 Mart*7796 offline_exf_seaice: output.seaicetd.txt 1.7
7797 seaice_obcs: output.txt 1.10)
7798 Step 2: do the actual merge and remove exf_bulk_largeyeager04.F
7799 -> exf_bulkformulae v1.23,
7800 unfortunately requires updating lab_sea.salt_plume (6 matching digits),
7801 and global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn (only 11 matching digits)
6f9d992eff Jean*7802 Also update output_adm of exp. lab_sea (all 4) and offline_exf_seaice.
48a7bf5f11 Jean*7803 o adjoint of exch-1:
7804 - pass high-level EXCH S/R through TAF (eesupp/src/exch_ad_diff.list)
7805 (note: was already like this when using EXCH-2) and remove flow dir
7806 and hand-written AD version of high-level EXCH S/R (pkg/autodiff);
7807 - provide flow-dir for low-level exch1 S/R (eesupp/src/exch1_ad.flow);
7808 - update pkg/exch2 diff list.
1431f62bbf Jean*7810 checkpoint62g (2010/05/19)
0bb3693507 Jean*7811 o eesupp/src (exch-1):
7812 - split exch_rx.F into Forward S/R (exch1_rx.F) and Adjoint S/R (exch1_rx_ad.F)
7813 and remove argument "simulationMode"; same thing for all exch_*rx_cube.F
7814 (renamed to exch1_*rx_cube.F).
7815 - change accordingly exch_*_rx.template and AD version in pkg/autodiff
7816 to call new exch1 S/R ; update Makefile and .cvsignore.
7817 - replace call to exch2_xy_rx S/R with exch2_*3d_rx(myNz=1) (will remove
7818 exch2_xy_rx later)
7819 Note: after updating your code, need to run "make clean" in eesupp/src
71519bb137 Jean*7820 o test experiment bottom_ctrl_5x5:
0bb3693507 Jean*7821 new output_adm.txt with fewer grdchk & less monitor output.
71519bb137 Jean*7822 o model/src:
7823 remove the call to ini_cori in initialise_varia.F (just keep the usual one
0bb3693507 Jean*7824 in initialise_fixed.F). More consistent with coriolis & horizontal grid
71519bb137 Jean*7825 beeing treated in the same way (ini_grid is not called a 2nd time).
0bb3693507 Jean*7826 o pkg/exf:
1c4c64c172 Mart*7827 - rewrite exf_bulk_largeyeager04.F for better vectorization, changes
ba8369cbfe Mart*7828 global_ocean.cs32x15/input.icedyn (11 digits of agreement), updated
1c4c64c172 Mart*7829 - fix adjoint (used worked for ALLOW_ATM_WIND defined, works for this now)
a435e833b1 Mart*7830 - cosmetic changes to exf_bulkformulae.F to make it look more like
7831 exf_bulk_largeyeager04.F
f286872c74 Jean*7832 o eesupp/src (exch-1):
7833 - Fix AD EXCH code for 2-D domain special cases (Nx=1 or Ny=1).
7834 - Separate buffer filling and MPI sending: allow EXCH-1 to work for local
7835 array (non-shared) when using MPI+MTH. Also reduces number of BARRIER
7836 (even without using MPI).
7837 - Message mode: move RecvAck setting (indicator of buffer being ready)
7838 from send_put to recv_get S/R (was useless before, but not sure if
7839 it's much more useful now);
71519bb137 Jean*7840 - Switch the order of sync: MPI-proc 1rst and then threads;
f286872c74 Jean*7841 - take out spin-waiting code (#undef EXCH_USE_SPINNING), use BARRIER instead.
71519bb137 Jean*7842 - fix AD code for communication mode ='get' (but not used).
b74efa0efe Jean*7843 o model/src:
7844 initialise dPhiHydX,dPhiHydY inside calc_grad_phi_hyd.F (so that TAF does
7845 not drop it in S/R mddynamics, producing NaN in hs94.1x64x5 AD-test exp).
b42ffdc64e Mart*7846 o utils/matlab/rdmnc.m: adapt to be able to use the generic matlab netcdf API
46e98d66db Mart*7847 o pkg/ctrl: require a specific set of control variables and exf-flags for
7848 adjoint of seaice (stop in ctrl_check.F if conditions are not satisfied)
c3aa58ac7a Gael*7849 o model/src:
4caeefbbc4 Jean*7850 a) 1rst version of a new driver S/R to turn-off output freq and flags after the
7851 1rst forward sweep, to avoid over-writing output files during recomputations
7852 recomputations (& grdchk); called from cost_final.F (& ctrl_init_ctrlvar.F ?)
7853 b) 2nd version:
7854 - add specific pkg S/R for seaice & ptracers (called from S/R TURNOFF_MODEL_IO);
7855 - switch-off more output flags (exf_monFreq, chkPtFreq, dumpInitAndLast,
7856 writePickupAtEnd) + seaice & ptracers output;
7857 - do not switch off MNC flags (otherwise, won't get admonitor netcdf file)
958aba4d71 Jean*7858 o model/src:
c3aa58ac7a Gael*7859 - new S/R rotate_uv2en_rl (..._rs) that rotates vector fields.
7b55f0c147 Jean*7860 o pkg/exch2:
958aba4d71 Jean*7861 - remove "simulationMode" from arg. list of S/R EXCH2_RX1,2_CUBE ;
7b55f0c147 Jean*7862 - add argument "signOption" to EXCH2_RX1_CUBE (will be needed for SM exch).
6f7f051ae5 Jean*7863 o pkg/autodiff & exch2:
7864 process exch_uv_agrid_3d_rx.f & exch2_uv_agrid_3d_rx.f through TAF
7865 (for now, only if ALLOW_EXCH2 is defined).
72ca7aff83 Jean*7866 o pkg/autodiff:
958aba4d71 Jean*7867 - include PACKAGES_CONFIG.h in exch*ad.flow & exch*ad.F
72ca7aff83 Jean*7868 (not supposed to be in CPP_OPTIONS.h) to get ALLOW_EXCH2 defined correctly.
7869 + clean-up comments (_RS is not always real*4)
7870 - fix bug in ADEXCH_UV_3D_RX (without EXCH2, was calling the forward exch S/R)
7871 - add a stop in ADEXCH_UV_AGRID_3D_RX if trying to use it with EXCH2:
7872 was calling a forward exch2, which is wrong ; used in SEAICE & EXF pkgs.
e4c55a32ae Jean*7873 o testreport (AD-tests):
7874 no longer link files from dir "../input" (1rst link files from
7875 "../input_ad.[xx]" if secondary test "xx" and then from "../input_ad")
39ab2f324f Jean*7877 checkpoint62f (2010/04/29)
dd69ba5157 Mart*7878 o model/src/the_main_loop.F:
7879 adjust store directives for seaice evp and multicategory according to
7880 pkg/ecco/the_main_loop.F
ec74c4ec27 Patr*7881 o adjoint:
e4c55a32ae Jean*7882 global_sum_ad was incomplete (noted many times by many people ;)
ec74c4ec27 Patr*7883 nice description by Jean U. as follows:
e4c55a32ae Jean*7884 * allreduce(var) in global_sum.F can be interpreted as
7885 reduce(sum) followed by broadcast of sum.
7886 * The adjoint of that is
7887 sum(adjoint) followed by broadcast(summed adjoint value)
ec74c4ec27 Patr*7888 or in other words, allreduce(sum, adjoint vars)
7889 We were missing the sum(adjoint)!
7890 Benign, except(!) for "global" scalars appearing in tile loops (bi,bj)
7891 (noted by J.M. Campin, e.g., in cost_ssh_mean, variable offset).
7892 The fix should produce 16-digit accuracy between
7893 single-CPU multi-tile (e.g. nSx=2, nPx=1) and
7894 multi-CPU single-tile (e.g. nSx=1, nPx-2)
7895 We'll probably change this yet again shortly
3b017f85c7 Jean*7896 o eesupp/src:
7897 - fix global_sum_r4 (wrong from previous modif in Jun 2009; ever used ?)
94ec5b807d Dimi*7898 o pkg/icefront
7899 - ALLOW_SUBGLACIAL_RUNOFF option adds capability for time-evolving
7900 specification of addmass array based on a 2D field, which is added
7901 at bottommost wet level at each horizontal location.
c99b00e28d Jean*7902 o model/src:
7903 horizontal grid initialisation (other than curvilinear): add code for Exch2 IO
7904 layout; (not always compatible with delX,delY setting; commented out for now).
062357823a Jean*7905 o pkg/exch2:
7906 change tile to processor setting (case nSy*nPy > 1): allows default model mapping
7907 (myX and myYGlobalLow) to be used for simple (1 facet, no blank tile) config.
e98d34196c Jean*7909 checkpoint62e (2010/04/15)
a175514333 Jean*7910 o pkg/obcs:
7911 - fix wrong index in OBCS_SPONGE_V for Eastern-OB (reported by David Hebert).
6526bf38ab Jean*7912 o pkg/dic:
7913 -fix bug in fe_chem.F for multi-tile (nSx*nSy > 1) set-up;
7914 (note: not presently tested in any forward verification exp.)
7915 update tutorial_global_oce_biogeo AD output file.
7916 o pkg/exf:
a294fb3ca0 Gael*7917 - account for the variation of albedo as a function of zenith angle
6526bf38ab Jean*7918 by defining ALLOW_ZENITHANGLE in EXF_OPTIONS.h
e8d83fb93d Jean*7919 o build_options:
7920 - rename "linux_ia64_ifort+mpi_ice_nas" to "linux_amd64_ifort+mpi_ice_nas"
7921 o pkg/dic:
7922 change DIC atmos-CO2 box (method 3, dic_int1=3) initialisation & restart:
7923 - use binary pickup file for restart;
7924 - initialise atmos-CO2 box from dic_pCO2 parameter;
7925 - fix multi-threaded.
186276afbe Jean*7926 o pkg/rbcs:
7927 - clean-up RBCS code: add RBCS_OPTIONS.h file ; fix multi-threaded ;
7928 change (+ fix IO calls) type of array RBC_mask from _RL to _RS.
7929 - add RBCS to exp4 passive tracer 01 (rbcs was previously untested)
7930 and update output.txt
faaf90f2c5 Jean*7931 o pkg/kpp:
7932 - add diagnostics for KPP non-local flux of Temp, Salinity and pTracers;
7933 - change diagnostic of KPP non-local term: output average of KPPghat*KPPdiffKzS
e8d83fb93d Jean*7934 (= ratio of KPP non-local (salt) flux relative to surface-flux) when
faaf90f2c5 Jean*7935 using pkg/timeave & pkg/diagnostics (diag 'KPPghatK' replaces 'KPPghat ');
7936 - change pkg/offline to read-in average KPPghat*KPPdiffKzS from file
7937 KPP_ghatKFile (instead of the average of KPPghat from file KPP_ghatFile).
1a6563ae72 Davi*7938 o pkg/offline:
4daea5a88d Jean*7939 fix bug in S/R OFFLINE_FIELDS_LOAD regarding surfaceForcing conversion factor
7940 (bug was added in version 1.10 on 2007-08-23).
7941 o pkg/offline:
1a6563ae72 Davi*7942 - no need to specify periodicExternalForcing, etc ... to use offline pack
7943 - offline input files no longer just single prec --> parameter offlineLoadPrec
3d5d3248cf Patr*7944 o verification/lab_sea:
4daea5a88d Jean*7945 change AD test to multi-tile setup and update all 4 AD output.
3d5d3248cf Patr*7946 NOTE: while cost function values remain very similar,
7947 gradients are very different, although gradient checks are self-consistent
7948 Should try to get to the bottom of this (cost function summation order?)
0978c8a77f Jean*7949 o pkg/dic:
7950 in carbon_chem.F, replace log10 (AUTODIFF) with explicit form to avoid
7951 a weakness of TAF that drops part of double precision in log10 derivative.
d7e064ff4e Jean*7952 <= changes removed since problem has been fixed in current TAF version 1.9.71
0978c8a77f Jean*7953 update AD output of exp. tutorial_dic_adjoffline & tutorial_global_oce_biogeo.
5fd4ec8263 Jean*7954 o pkg/ecco:
7955 add missing "_d 0" in cost_readers.F, cost_readtopex.F & cost_readtopexmean.F
7956 update all 4 lab_sea AD output.
9f4cf29369 Jean*7958 checkpoint62d (2010/03/22)
7959 o build_options:
7960 remove '-r8' (and '-i4') from linux_*pgf and linux_*ifort optfiles.
b9024a78e5 Jean*7961 o remove unbalanced quote (single or double) in commented line of source code
7962 (may cause some warning with some preprocessor/makedepend versions).
7963 o pkg/seaice:
87ed893815 Jean*7964 fix seaice_model.F for adjoint (gael) and update AD results of experiments
7965 lab_sea (std + evp + noseaicedyn) and offline_exf_seaice.
3b0f45b28f Jean*7966 o testreport:
7967 add option '-runonly' (short: '-ro') to just do the run part (without make).
2956a926ec Jean*7968 o eesupp: remove JAM communication code (obsolete).
8194302c25 Jean*7969 o add option to genmake2 & testreport to switch "_RS" type to "real*4"
a435e833b1 Mart*7970 (if allowed in CPP_EEOPTIONS.h); update default CPP_EEOPTIONS.h and return
8194302c25 Jean*7971 to default CPP_EEOPTIONS.h for exp. inverted_barometer & solid-body.cs-32x32x1
7972 (update also the output).
f916330b2a Jean*7974 checkpoint62c (2010/03/02)
c805d90c6c Jean*7975 o tools/build_options :
7976 move (some) old optfiles from build_options/ to build_options/unsupported/
74230ba5cf Gael*7977 o model/src and pkg/exf
7978 surface relaxation -- separating data and data.exf options
7979 The point is to ensure that we specify the surface relaxation
a435e833b1 Mart*7980 either in data or in data.exf (but not half and half) and to
7981 avoid an accidental relaxation to 0 (which happened if a time
74230ba5cf Gael*7982 scale was specified but the file name was left empty)
4b97e458f0 Gael*7983 o model/src model/inc and pkg/mom_common
7984 ALLOW_3D_VISCAH/ALLOW_3D_VISCA4 => 3D specification of Viscosity
7985 => addition to the viscosity field as computed by others schemes
a435e833b1 Mart*7986 o tools/build_options:
076c0d73b3 Jean*7987 - rename "_generic_mpi" -> "+mpi_generic" (like other "+mpi" optfile)
7988 but keep the former optfile for few weeks for smooth transition
01d7251472 Gael*7989 o pkg/ecco
7990 - allow user defined cost function contributions
7992 USAGE: compute contributions in cost_usercost_all.F
01d7251472 Gael*7993 - note: this is identical to what ALLOW_GENCOST_CONTRIBUTION once was.
7994 the two options are complementary.
5939a6479f Gael*7995 o pkg/smooth
7996 - migration from contrib to the main repository
076c0d73b3 Jean*7997
e7a2735eaf Jean*7998 checkpoint62b (2010/01/26)
075e0d2187 Jean*7999 o pkg/monitor:
a435e833b1 Mart*8000 - change back mon_printstats_rl.F & mon_stats_rl.F and add a stop
075e0d2187 Jean*8001 (in case someone forgot to update customized pieces of code)
8002 o nonHydrostatic:
af06fd5b92 Jean*8003 - add Non-hydrostatic free-surface form (selectNHfreeSurf=1)(not fully tested);
8004 - add a simple 2-D experiment (short_surf_wave) to test it.
8005 o pkg/icefront:
8006 adding the shell of, and the hooks to, a new package that
5da8ce63fa Dimi*8007 will model melting and freezing of vertical glacier ice fronts
af06fd5b92 Jean*8008 o momentum:
451e002b6f Jean*8009 add diagnostics of momentum tendency from Hydrostatic pressure gradient
8010 (without surf.pressure term: would need a 2nd filling since implicit term).
af06fd5b92 Jean*8011 o add 3 "_d 0"s so that fizhi compiles with xlf on iblade, and replace
8012 two " &end" by " &" (in fizhi-cs-*) because S/R NML_SET_TERMINATOR
8013 cannot deal with the former
884840d195 Jean*8014 o cleaning:
451e002b6f Jean*8015 - remove all (except OpenAD) old TLM output from results_ad dirs.
884840d195 Jean*8016 - remove unused S/R (MDSWRITEMETA, DIAGNOSTICS_ADD2LIST, old DFILE IO S/R)
8017 - comment out maskH definition (replaced by maskInC)
8018 o pkg/monitor:
8019 - change mon_printstats_rl.F & mon_stats_rl.F (were similar to mon_writestats_rl
075e0d2187 Jean*8020 & mon_calc_stats_rl) to be the RL equivalent of mon_printstats_rs & mon_stats_rs.
884840d195 Jean*8021
0be9783367 Jean*8022 checkpoint62a (2010/01/15)
e95eb1d512 Jean*8023 o model/src:
8024 - bottom pressure diagnostic: correct for r* (when nonlinFreeSurf >= 4)
987f6e1ae3 Jean*8025 o pkg/diagnostics:
8026 - add optional level number diagnostics (i.e., level number to be define
8027 explictly with S/R DIAGNOSTICS_SETKLEV) with parser-code(10)="X".
8028 - strictly check for valid parser-code(10) ;
8029 - check if adding diag to the list from the right place.
09d7c96a8d Oliv*8030 o pkg/longstep:
8031 - change parameters and fix tracer conservation with rstar/nonlinear free surface
f8b182d288 Jean*8032 o diagnostics:
8033 - in all pkgs, replace remaining calls to old S/R DIAGNOSTICS_ADD2LIST with newer
8034 S/R DIAGNOSTICS_ADDTOLIST ; fix seaice VICE diagnostics.
75ecb6f722 Jean*8035 o pkg/diagnostics:
8036 - Add option for writing vertical integral (sum of selected levels) of an output
8037 field instead of writing output field levels. Activate this option on a per
8038 output-file basis, by setting the 2nd character of fileflag to 'I'.
8039 - Add field-specific information relative to level integral in 3rd postion
8040 of parser diagnostics code (gdiag): " "=cumulate levels, "R"=integrate
8041 vertically (x level-thickness x hFac), "r"=same but without hFac.
281db5ef19 Jean*8042 o do_the_model_io:
8043 - pass end-of-model-run flag as argument, from forward_step to diagnostics_write:
8044 in case useSIGREG, will write (averaged) diagnostics (if dumpAtLast) before
8045 writing pickups and stopping.
8046 o pkg/diagnostics (for now, only with mdsio):
8047 - write time information to meta file (and modify accordingly rdmds.m) :
8048 time-averaged diagnostics output: write starting and ending time of the
8049 time-averaging interval ; snap-shot diagnostics output remains unchanged;
e9ac57b72c Jean*8050 o pkg/timeave:
8051 - S/R TIMEAVE_NORMALIZ: change size of cumulated-time array (was previously
8052 always Nr), now assumed to be equal to number of levels of averaged field;
8053 only used for DIC_COST monthly mean arrays: this fixes dic_aver_final.F
8054 o pkg/sbo:
8055 - fix ocean bottom pressure global-average & 2-D time-ave output (was
8056 neither initialised nor filled).
8057 - add starting iteration in suffix of global-average output file
8058 (to avoid over-writing the file after a restart)
8059 - use standard MDSIO pkg S/R instead of SBO_WRITEVECTOR (fix byte-swap Pb).
8060 o time-average:
8061 - use simple cumulative-time array (no k index) in all pkgs: {PKG}_timeAve(bi,bj)
8062 (pkgs: aim_v23, bulk_force, dic, gmredi, kpp, land, ocn_compon_interf,
8063 ggl90, my82, opps, pp81, ptracers, sbo, seaice, shelfice, thsice)
8064 this fix DIC_COST cumulative-time array (previously: bi,bj,k)
8065 - fix 1rst call (nIter0) snap-shot output and accumulation (pkg/shelfice)
8066 - fix missing accumulation for pkg/opps.
8067 - cumulate fields only if doing time-ave output ({PKG}_taveFreq > 0)
8068 (pkgs: ptracers, kpp, ocn_compon_interf, ggl90, my82, pp81);
8069 - fix initialisation of time-ave vars and do only full time-step increment
8070 (i.e.: no first & last "half time-step") (pkgs: ggl90, my82, opps, pp81);
580b2d0e2d Jean*8071 o pkg/layers:
8072 - use standard RW pkg S/R to write the output
8073 and remove local write_fld version (which had a problem).
8074 - use simple cumulative-time array (no level index) to fix time-ave S/R calls.
8075 - fix LAYERS_CALC argument list.
8076 o pkg/timeave:
8077 - store cumulative-time in a simple tiled array (drop the level index)
8078 - add new S/R (TIMEAVE_NORMALIZE) which uses simple cumulative-time array.
b59b551857 Jean*8079 o pkg/ocn,aim_compon_interf
8080 - changes for multi-threaded coupled run. (tested with ifort-11 on danton)
6a7fcc88c2 Jean*8082 checkpoint62 (2009/12/23)
c32120bcda Jean*8083 o switch on useOBCSbalance in tutorial_plume_on_slope exp. and update output.
8084 (was not previously tested in any other exp.)
262f5d9bf0 Jean*8085 o pkg/monitor:
8086 - clean-up _RL/_RS version: add specific S/R for statistics with mask & volume:
6a7fcc88c2 Jean*8087 mon_writestats_rl/s,F mon_calc_stats_rl/s.F ; will keep the old one
262f5d9bf0 Jean*8088 (mon_printstats_rl/s,F mon_stats_rl/s.F) just for bare statistics.
8089 - use hFac & 2-D mask (instead of 3-D mask + hFac in previous mon_stats_rl.F).
8090 - change del2 calculation.
8091 - use interior masks (instead of maskH, <- to be remove).
8092 - shorter monitor suffix for forcing stats ("forcing" instead of "extforcing").
8093 o mask & obcs:
8094 - define 2-D "interior" masks (i.e., zero beyond OB) at 3 locations (C, W & S).
6a7fcc88c2 Jean*8095 - move global area computation from ini_masks_etc.F to ini_linear_phisurf.F
262f5d9bf0 Jean*8096 (called after packages_init_fixed)
3a86c9b47d Oliv*8097 o pkg/obcs:
8098 - move bi,bj loops into obcs_calc, so obcs_prescribe_read is called only once.
8099 Fixes bug in obcs+exf with nSx*nSy.GT.1
8100 - fix multi-tile handling in obcs balance code
c93c5f4bd8 Jean*8101 o nonHydrostatic:
8102 - Implement AB-3 for non-hydrostatic vertical momentum ;
8103 (change ordering of var. stored in pickup file when using NH)
8104 - move NH code from solve_for_pressure.F to 2 new S/R: PRE_CG3D & POST_CG3D.
8105 - add 2-D field to store Hydrostatic Surface Pressure adjusment from cg3d_x
8106 (in prep. for new NH free surface form).
4d27a257dc Jean*8107 o pkg/obcs:
8108 add files & OB-variables for wVel (Non-Hydrostatic) with useOBCSprescribe
6a7fcc88c2 Jean*8109 o model/src:
4d27a257dc Jean*8110 fix 2-D solver initialisation for deep-atmosphere (p-coord) with topography
0e6056cd20 Jean*8112 checkpoint61z (2009/12/01)
4848a3791a Jean*8113 o nonHydrostatic:
8114 Fix missing vertical flux of vert. momentum near surface (k=1). This fixes
8115 a spurious source of energy in simple baroclinic adjusment test case.
8116 Update all non-hydrostatic exp output.
8117 o model/src (3-d solver):
8118 Change again 3-D solver free-surface RHS term when exactConserv=T:
8119 simpler, consistent with exactConserv, and works with implicDiv2Dflow < 1
8120 (which was not the case with previous formulation).
8121 To recover previous version, just reset "oldFreeSurfTerm" to previous value.
8122 Affects results of exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4 & hs94.cs-32x32x5.impIGW.
8123 o nonHydrostatic:
8124 - compatible with implicDiv2Dflow < 1 ; + implement implicit factor
8125 for Non-Hydrostatic pressure gradient (similar to implicSurfPress).
8126 - change 3-D solver to work with r* (for now, only with linear free-surf.)
8127 - add few debug diagnostics (cg3d_x, residual)
85d256894a Jean*8128 o model/src:
8129 fix missing EmPmR in 3-D solver RHS (was in cg2d_b but missing in cg3d_b).
8130 update output of exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4
f470880b96 Jean*8131 o update output of exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn after removing
8133 o add entry points for Gianmaria's Nesting pkgs (from Contrib/nesting_sannino)
a435e833b1 Mart*8134 o mnc: add horizontal grid coordinates (XC,YC) and (XG,YG) to netcdf output
2a44bd20e3 Mart*8135 for complex grids, for now only to "state", "adstate", "adexf", "adseaice"
043540edbe Mart*8136 o model: add Christopher Wolfe's implemetation of the single reduction cg2d
f470880b96 Jean*8137 (d'Azevedo, Eijkhout, and Romine, 1999) with CPP-flag ALLOW_SRCG and
a435e833b1 Mart*8138 runtime flag useSRCGSolver. Modify verification experiment global_with_exf
f470880b96 Jean*8139 to test this code
eb4cdc75fa Jean*8140 o pkg/cd_code:
8141 Change defaut D-grid time-stepping to get the same for D-grid momentum as for
8142 C-grid momentum. D-grid velocity used to be stepped forward in time with
8143 Adams-Bashforth only on surface pressure term. Tests show that using AB on
8144 D-grid coriolis term improves stability (as expected from CD-scheme paper).
8145 To reproduce old results, add 2 options (in CD_CODE_OPTIONS.h).
8146 Update results of exp: global_with_exf (x2), ideal_2D_oce, isomip (x2),
8147 lab_sea (3 Fwd +3 AD), natl_box (x2), tutorial_global_oce_biogeo (Fwd+AD),
8148 tutorial_global_oce_latlon, tutorial_global_oce_optim & tutorial_tracer_adjsens.
8149 Keep old results by adding CD_CODE_OPTIONS.h in exp: cfc_example, exp2,
4d27a257dc Jean*8150 global_ocean.90x40x15(+AD), global_ocean_ebm(+AD) and OpenAD.
4a2ef1ee39 Jean*8151 o pkg/obcs:
eb4cdc75fa Jean*8152 - fix bug in initialisation (broken since Oct 1rst modification)
4a2ef1ee39 Jean*8153 for useOBCSprescribe without useEXF.
0e6056cd20 Jean*8155 checkpoint61y (2009/11/15)
10b70e5d9c Mart*8156 o pkg/seaice
8157 - change (once again) the discretization for the evp solver: rather than
8158 squaring the averages of strain rates, average the squares to give
8159 a better approximation to VP behavior (in simple test); this breaks
8160 verification experiments that use EVP (lab_sea and lab_sea.hb87)
8161 --> update outputs
dde99557d4 Jean*8162 o add CPP-flag (in mom_calc_visc.F) and TAF directive (in gmredi_slope_limit)
b2a741ef12 Mart*8163 to improve vectorization of adjoint code on TARGET_NEC_SX
29d62326d0 Davi*8164 o verification/vermix:
a435e833b1 Mart*8165 - change vermix to a more "classical" 1d column with high vertical
8166 resolution, seasonal heat flux forcing and constant wind forcing
10b70e5d9c Mart*8167 --> update outputs
6636ec7a94 Mart*8168 o pkg/seaice
8169 - fix diagnostics of principal stress components for EVP
8170 - add optional diagnostics of non-linear convergence for LSOR solver
8eb548676f Mart*8171 - make maximum zeta a runtime parameter
d7bdbe3409 Jean*8172 o model/src (3-d solver):
8173 Undo modif from Dec 12, 2005 (solve_for_pressure.F cvs version v.49),
8174 which consisted in removing the Surf. Non-Hydrostatic pressure from the
8175 whole column and adding it to Eta (inspired from Casualli, 1999):
8176 Only affects 3-D solver initial guess and only if using ExactConserv,
8177 but tests did show a degradation of solver convergence. For this reason,
8178 decide to disable this piece of code.
8179 to recover previous version, just set zeroPsNH = exactConserv (line 78).
8180 Update output of exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4 & hs94.cs-32x32x5.impIGW
a435e833b1 Mart*8181 o pkg/ggl90:
8f048929ff Jean*8182 - fix previous modif (unfortunatly has not been documented here).
ef30cce719 Mart*8183 o pkg/seaice/autodiff:
e69eb16cf6 Mart*8184 - add CPP flag to include clipping of zeta in EVP code;
8185 although clipping of zeta is not necessary for EVP and not recommended
8186 it was done by default, now clipping is disabled by default
d68173436e Mart*8187 - modify computation and store zetaC/Z in seaice_evp for TAF
043891c656 Mart*8188 - add CPP-flag SEAICE_ALLOW_CLIPVELS (undefined by default)
6636ec7a94 Mart*8189 - change seaice_calc_viscosities/strainrates for better
043891c656 Mart*8190 vectorization after AD by TAF
9fb8a4afa4 Jean*8191 - rearrange common blocks in SEAICE.h once again for easier dumps of
ef30cce719 Mart*8192 adjoint output, adjust adcommon.h and g_common.h
8193 - change flux form of default advection scheme for better vectorization
8194 of adjoint code
a435e833b1 Mart*8195 - modify lab_sea/input.lsr to test the flux form of default advection
ef30cce719 Mart*8196 scheme
8c04a08a06 Mart*8197 o autodiff: fix seaice fields in g_common.h (left over from 3 to 1 level
8198 transition in checkpoint61r)
0e6056cd20 Jean*8200 checkpoint61x (2009/10/19)
3ccf557bdf Patr*8201 o adjoint: adding two new verification experiments
a435e833b1 Mart*8202 * tutorial_global_biogeo: an online dic sensitivity experiment
3ccf557bdf Patr*8203 (work with G. Forget)
8204 * tutorial_dic_adjoffline: an offline dic sensitivity experiment
8205 (an update of the Dutkiewicz et al., 2006 paper)
8206 Both use the same CO2FLUX cost function, but different controls
8207 Gradient checks look good, but some recomp. could still be traightened out
8208 Should add xx_dic control variable to test at some point
51b66c683d Jean*8209 o model/src:
8210 add run-time parameters to check and/or mask initial Temp & Salt
7744ec9132 Jean*8211 o pkg/ptracers:
8212 apply zonal filter (if used) to all passive tracers
0e6056cd20 Jean*8214 checkpoint61w (2009/10/12)
d5930766d9 Patr*8215 o adjoint:
8216 * update and finish work on adjoint of dic package (G. Forget)
8217 * start adjoint of offline package
8218 * bug fix for cube-sphere TLM code (active_file_g.F)
5ff9d8d8a4 Jean*8219 o tutorial_global_oce_optim:
8220 now tested with 4 tiles (change data.grdchk and update output_adm.txt)
7784d9f62a Jean*8221 and add SIZE.h_mpi for MPI testing
442ec6ef47 Mart*8222 o pkg autodiff
8223 - fix bug in autodiff_restore
a435e833b1 Mart*8224 - make genmake2 remove comments and empty lines from ad_input_code.f in
442ec6ef47 Mart*8225 order to reduce file size (new script file remove_comments_sed)
54e442a4cf Jean*8226 o allows to specify vertical profile of vertical viscosity (viscArNr)
38d9d89a2d Mart*8227 o pkg autodiff
a435e833b1 Mart*8228 autodiff_ini_model_io: comment out writing of grid information to netcdf
8229 files, because at this time the grid fields are a bunch of zeros
8230 (this is analogous to ini_mnc_vars.F)
74b7cbac64 Mart*8231 o pkg seaice/autodiff:
a435e833b1 Mart*8232 left-over from removing the 3-time-level fields:
74b7cbac64 Mart*8233 - small rearrangement of common blocks (SEAICE.h)
a435e833b1 Mart*8234 - fix field declaration in order to get meaningful output in
8235 adseaice.*.nc (adcommon.h)
7532a9f33f Jean*8236 o pkg obcs:
8237 - go through NH code only if nonHydrostatic=T
8238 - fix restart for Orlanski (Hydrostatic; still to fix NH+Orlanski restart)
7784d9f62a Jean*8239 - move call to OBCS_CALC before SEAICE_MODEL which needs seaice-obc fields
53056a14f9 Jean*8240 => Update output of experiment seaice_obcs
8241 - useOBCSbalance: code is wrong with multi-tile / proc: add a stop.
8546425e3d Jean*8242 - fix NH+Orlanski restart (add wvel OBC value in pickup file)
6463eff00c Jean*8243 - fix restart for useOBCSprescribe + useEXF
793e0bf23c Mart*8244 o pkg ctrl
8245 - make obcs as control parameter work also with useSingleCPUio
8246 - replace a few sny and snx by Ny and Nx to be consistent with
8247 ctrl_set_globfld_x/yz.F
cffcf702d2 Mart*8248 o pkg seaice
a435e833b1 Mart*8249 - re-introduce global field frWtrAtm for the case of
cffcf702d2 Mart*8250 ALLOW_MEAN_SFLUX_COST_CONTRIBUTION defined (SEAICE.h, seaice_growth.F)
8251 - catch the case of an empty filename in seaice_cost_init_fixed.F
8252 o pkg ecco:
8253 - small bug fixes in the_main_loop
8254 . fix order of monitor arguments
8256 . move include DYNVARS.h up outside the ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC block so
a435e833b1 Mart*8258 - replace cos(yc*deg2rad) by _rA in cost_mean_heat/saltflux.F, fix the
8259 imbalance diagnostics for wmean_h/sflux = 0
cffcf702d2 Mart*8260 - add actual values to f_obcsn/s/w/e in ecco_cost_final.F
a435e833b1 Mart*8261 - catch the case of empty filenames in ecco_cost_init_fixed.F
cffcf702d2 Mart*8262 and ecco_readparms.F
8263 - fix the logic of wsalt=0.and.wsalt2=0 to wsalt=0.or.wsalt2=0 (and theta)
793e0bf23c Mart*8264 to make this statement meaningfull in ecco_cost_weights.F
339ad6c3b5 Jean*8265 o pkg zonal_filt:
8266 - change ZONAL_FILTER S/R interface (allows to filter 2-D fields)
8267 - when using rStar, filter uVel*hFacW instead of uVel
8268 (tested without topography: fix a Pb of growing instability with NLFS)
9fba1b3510 Davi*8269 o pkg/aim/thsice:
8270 -Add capacity to read a Q-Flux to be applied in slab-mixed layer thsice_slab_ocean.F
8271 (works as SST restoring)
55b32f1302 Davi*8272 o pkg/thsice:
8273 -add specific parameter for salt restoring in slab mixed-layer
8274 (by default equal to the temperature restoring)
0e6056cd20 Jean*8276 checkpoint61v (2009/09/21)
e5d361f9aa Mart*8277 o pkg/kpp:
a435e833b1 Mart*8278 -add double diffusive contributions as a hack, turned off by default
8279 for now, and the code can be excluded with a CPP-flag
8281 -add a verification experiments to "vermix" to test this code
f81982db08 Davi*8282 o pkg/mom_common:
8283 Move computation of length scales to mom_init_fixed.F (avoid recomputation
8284 at each time-steps*levels).
0dd6d0e826 Ryan*8285 o pkg/layers:
8286 Created a new package for computing volume fluxes in temperature or
8287 [not yet implemented] density layers, e.g. for calculating residual
a435e833b1 Mart*8288 overturning circulations.
8289 o pkg/diagnostics:
f4e6557763 Jean*8290 implement a RS type version for the set of DIAGNOSTICS-FILL subroutines
8291 o fix few RS/RL type mismatch (check with ifort 11.1 "-warn all" option)
f88b29d124 Jean*8292 o pkg/mdsio (& pkg/rw): rework high level S/R interface:
8293 To avoid mixing type (RS/RL) of input/output array argument,
8294 replace single mixed-type array with a pair from each type (RS/RL).
03e0cc6d31 Jean*8295 o setting pickupSuff force to start from a pickup (even if nIter0=0): this
a435e833b1 Mart*8296 is now implemented for all pkgs (previously only done for the main pickup)
03e0cc6d31 Jean*8297
0e6056cd20 Jean*8298 checkpoint61u (2009/08/25)
7b5bc55348 Mart*8299 o pkg/obcs:
23ff66f209 Mart*8300 - change OB?eta from _RS to _RL and put them into a separate commen block
8301 - add code to read OB?eta from a file via obcs_prescribe_read: the code
8302 compiles and does not destroy any other experiments, the data is read
8303 properly, but the code is not tested in actual applications
a435e833b1 Mart*8304 o ini_mnc_vars.F: if available (ALLOW_CAL), use startTime_1 and 2 to
8305 create a meaningful unit attribute for the time coordinate variable
b6045d9739 Jean*8306 o pkg/ebm: add plenty of missing "_d 0" ;
a435e833b1 Mart*8307 update results of experiment global_ocean_ebm (fwd + adjoint tests)
b6045d9739 Jean*8308 Notes: several pieces of code only works for (very) specific set up
a435e833b1 Mart*8309 (domain size, lat range, etc ...); should be documented & stop if one
b6045d9739 Jean*8310 of those assumptions is not meet.
6b1574ad60 Jean*8311 o pkg/seaice: add missing "_d 0" in HSNOW initialisation
a435e833b1 Mart*8312 update results of experiments: lab_sea (3 fwd tests + 2 adjoint tests)
6b1574ad60 Jean*8313 and offline_exf_seaice (seaicetd + adjoint).
70d7fbc59b Jean*8314 o add missing "_d 0" in ShortWave flux penetration (S/R SWFRAC):
a435e833b1 Mart*8315 update results of experiments: lab_sea (4 fwd tests + 3 adjoint),
70d7fbc59b Jean*8316 seaice_obcs, global_ocean.cs32x15 (icedyn & thsice) and natl_box (x2).
a435e833b1 Mart*8317 o few changes to pass when compiling with strick checking of arguments
70d7fbc59b Jean*8318 across S/R (allow to find few bugs in S/R calls).
d5724f98ed Mart*8319 o pkg/seaice:
a435e833b1 Mart*8320 - seaice_evp: move if-statement out of loop (TEM) at the cost of 11 new
d5724f98ed Mart*8321 2d-fields, for slightly better performance
70d7fbc59b Jean*8322
0e6056cd20 Jean*8323 checkpoint61t (2009/07/22)
a435e833b1 Mart*8324 o pkg/seaice:
f503466573 Mart*8325 - remove unused variables in seaice_evp
8326 - reduce number of SQRT in seaice_evp and seaice_calc_viscosities
570ee1ae01 Jean*8327 o eeset_parms.F, open_copy_data_file.F & ini_parms.F:
8328 named file replacing SCRATCH files (for TARGET_BGL & TARGET_CRAYXT):
5a08ea66a4 Jean*8329 each processor opens a different file (a fix from Matt).
78e9a5d276 Jean*8330 o cg2d:
8331 use simple EXCH (overlap size = 1 and ignore corners), like in cg3d.F :
8332 this reduces number of EXCH calls by 2 when using exch2.
a435e833b1 Mart*8333 For now, keep previous size array for gc2d_nsa.F to avoid Pb with store
78e9a5d276 Jean*8334 directives and missing simple EXCH (exch_s3d_rx) adjoint code.
a435e833b1 Mart*8335 o pkg/thsice:
78e9a5d276 Jean*8336 add code for Near Infra-Red albedo (from Jeff)
f3e78cec2b Jean*8337 (turned on with run-time flag: thSIce_calc_albNIR, in data.ice).
78e9a5d276 Jean*8338 o ini_model_io:
8339 move (from packages_readparms.F & initialise_fixed.F) to ini_model_io.F
8340 MNC & MONITOR initialisation calls; move MNC calls from {pkg}_readparms.F
8341 to {pkg}_init_fixed.F for {pkg}= kpp, seaice & shelfice.
f3e78cec2b Jean*8342
0e6056cd20 Jean*8343 checkpoint61s (2009/06/30)
2afd155f68 Jean*8344 o pkg/exch2 (exch2_rxN_cube*):
8345 remove last BARRIER (no need to synchronise after getting data from shared
8346 buffer (get) as long as any change to buffer (put,recv) is between BARRIER)
78c0da63a8 Jean*8347 o change tiling of natl_box (from 2 to 4 tiles) to get it tested with MPI+MTH
8348 and generate new output (for the 2 tests) using default rotationPeriod.
e33637256c Jean*8349 o pkg/exch2:
8350 - always call exch2_*_cube, not exch-1 anymore, if useCubedSphereExchange=F
8351 (was already the case with AUTODIFF_EXCH2 defined)
8352 - add bj in exch2 arrays and S/R.
78c0da63a8 Jean*8353 - can now use pkg/exch2 for regular (non CS) set-up; switch test experiment
8354 MLAdjust to exch2 (identical results except with MPI -> truncation diff);
e8488bfd93 Oliv*8355 o add pkg/longstep for ptracer timestep a multiple of U/V/T/S timestep
8356 - adds deltaT argument to the subroutines TIMESTEP_TRACER DWNSLP_APPLY
8358 - verification experiment natl_box.longstep
02bc4aeec0 Jean*8359 o build_options: ifort+mpi_aces optfile (following Constantinos advise):
8360 allow different versions of ifort (8 or 9) and different versions
8361 of mpi (mpich or mpich2) to be used with the same optfile.
8362 requires to load a netcdf module and set MPI_INC_DIR (see comments inside
8363 optfile). Change testing scripts (example_scripts/ACESgrid) accordingly.
a435e833b1 Mart*8364 o pkg/seaice:
8365 fix previous modif (3-level field removed) for old-pickup reading
02bc4aeec0 Jean*8366
0e6056cd20 Jean*8367 checkpoint61r (2009/06/25)
a435e833b1 Mart*8368 o pkg/seaice:
88ddcec046 Mart*8369 - clean up the 3-time levels of UICE,VICE,HEFF,AREA in three steps:
64469ab2ce Mart*8370 1. introduce fields for time step (N-1)
88ddcec046 Mart*8371 2. do not use levels 2 and 3 anymore (but keep them)
a435e833b1 Mart*8372 3. replace 3D versions of UICE,VICE,HEFF,AREA by 2D versions. This
8373 includes changes to pkg/thsice/thsice_get_velocity.F,
88ddcec046 Mart*8374 model/src/external_forcing_surf.F, pkg/obcs/obcs_apply_seaice.F, and
8375 pkg/obcs/obcs_apply_uvice.F.
8376 - completely remove code for leap-frog time stepping for second order
8377 advection
2e0a6baf06 Patr*8378 - adjusted adjoint accordingly;
8379 gradient checks have improved by an order of magnitude!
a435e833b1 Mart*8380
0e6056cd20 Jean*8381 checkpoint61q (2009/06/22)
bfa01eb1b6 Mart*8382 o pkg/seaice: fix bug in free slip boundary conditons for LSOR solver
8383 - the boundary conditions along open boundaries are unclear, because the
8384 associated masks are set to zero and are thus treated as closed when
8385 applying the slip-boundary conditions.
8386 - move initialisation of grid variables from seaice_init_varia to _fixed
14ff2fe9e4 Dimi*8387 o adding doc/diags_changes.txt
a435e833b1 Mart*8388 o model/src:
8389 do_the_model_io: rename few pkg S/R which are called from do_the_model_io,
dddd7d8ee5 Jean*8390 to avoid "_diags" naming if no relation to pkg/diagnostics.
a435e833b1 Mart*8391 ini_theta,ini_salt: fix (at least compile the code) reading from NetCDF
dddd7d8ee5 Jean*8392 file and only call PLOT_FIELD_XYZ if debugMode=T.
8393 remove few PLOT_FIELD_XY calls outside initialisation.
8394 remove few unnecessary BARRIER.
1aca59cbdd Dimi*8395 o pkg/salt_plume: add SaltPlumeSouthernOcean to allow disabling
a435e833b1 Mart*8396 of salt_plume package in Southern Ocean
8397 o pkg/thsice:
8398 - fix hOceMxL in overlap (needed for sea-ice advection);
a870da40f8 Jean*8399 update output of experiment global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn.
a435e833b1 Mart*8400 o pkg/seaice:
2fe56e7563 Mart*8401 - make the (placeholder-)tracer IceAge a little more meaningful
0ccf00deac Mart*8402 by avoiding ridging of age due to convergent ice flow
14ff2fe9e4 Dimi*8403 - add diagnostics for surface temperature, atmospheric and oceanic
8404 heat flux, and atmospheric and oceanic ice growth
0ccf00deac Mart*8405
0e6056cd20 Jean*8406 checkpoint61p (2009/06/10)
7b728547f6 Jean*8407 o eesupp (global_max & global_sum):
8408 - add one more element to buffer (start at index 0) for GL_MAX/SUM output;
8409 - remove starting & endding barrier (no longer needed)
4877fb20d9 Jean*8410 o pkg/mdsio, writelocal:
8411 works also in multi-threaded when LOCBIN_IO_THREAD_SAFE is undefined
8412 (remove the STOP): uses shared buffer IO to store data from all threads
8413 and then let master-thread write nThreads tiles.
1f0f779d4b Jean*8414 o pkg/mdsio (read/write field):
8415 - tiled IO done in 1 piece (all levels at a time);
4877fb20d9 Jean*8416 - new header file "MDSIO_BUFF_3D.h" with 3-D buffers.
1f0f779d4b Jean*8417 - multi-threaded: allow to read/write local (non-shared) array
8418 (was already working with singleCpuIO ; now works also without);
8419 => no longer needs barrier call after reading a file (added inside
4877fb20d9 Jean*8420 mds_read/write field).
1f0f779d4b Jean*8421 - move barrier calls outside gather/scatter_2d to mds_read/write_field
b54505b067 Mart*8422 o pkg/obcs/exf
a435e833b1 Mart*8423 - exf_getffieldrec.F: add a few ". _d 0" and
8424 add code to catch the case fldperiod = 0.
8425 - obcs_precribe_read.F: change if statements so that they match
b54505b067 Mart*8426 the variable type (_RL)
a435e833b1 Mart*8427 - add a separate exf_iprec_obcs to exf_set_obcs (by default equal to
b54505b067 Mart*8428 exf_iprec) as part of namelist EXF_NML_01
70cbc60ad4 Jean*8429 o pkg/mdsio:
8430 - read/write tiled (local) files: read/write 1-level tile chunk at a time
8431 (instead of segment of length sNx); expected to speed up tiled IO.
8432 o pkg/exch2:
c53c960d6f Jean*8433 - take buffer copy from/to array out of S/R exch2_send/recv into new
8434 S/R exch2_put/get ; Exch of local variable now works with MPI+MTH
8435 (tested by removing commom block statement in SOLVE_FOR_PRESSURE.h).
8436 - ad version of send/recv no longer needed (but needs exch2_ad_put/ad_get)
70cbc60ad4 Jean*8437 - simplify argument list of S/R exch2_get_uv_bounds and exch2_get_scal_bounds
c53c960d6f Jean*8438 (which replaces exch2_get_recv_bounds & exch2_get_send_bounds) by
8439 including Topology header file (and common blocks).
8440 - implement EXCH_IGNORE_CORNERS in scalar exchange (rx1);
8441 remove 2nd exch call in exch2_s3d_rx (no longer needed).
8442 - document S/R arg. list (+ update some comments)
1ce2a5cdfd Dimi*8443 o pkg/seaice:
8444 - added SEAICE_CLIM_AIR code, which permits modulation of surface air
8445 temperature and humidity over sea ice based on climatological values.
3827b3ff39 Mart*8446 - clean up computation of Hibler+Bryan (1987) stress coupling for the case
a435e833b1 Mart*8447 of LSR (this change is expected to change the results slightly because now
3827b3ff39 Mart*8448 it uses slightly difference moduli from the second last LSR solution, but
a435e833b1 Mart*8449 that is more consistent with the stress computations; this part of the code
3827b3ff39 Mart*8450 is not tested in the verification experiments)
7beac62984 Mart*8451 - fix diagnostics for flux of ice in case of B-grid
a435e833b1 Mart*8452 - turn strain rates eij and press into global fields within global
7beac62984 Mart*8453 common block in SEAICE.h for more straighforward diagnostics
8454 - fix diagnostics for principal stress components, press, zeta, eta
8455 to give something meaning full
607aea417f Jean*8456 o change tiling of global_ocean.cs32x15 (12 tiles, 32x16) and generate
8457 new output (all 4 tests) using default rotationPeriod.
37512d714c Davi*8458 o pkg KPP:
8459 - add flag (LimitHblStable) to avoid limiting BL depth under stable conditions
8460 - fix vertical indices in RI_IWMIX (match between KPP grid from 0 to Nr+1
8461 and normal grid from 1 to Nr)
6a8a92ceb1 Davi*8462 o Fix computations of L4rdt in mom_calc_visc.F
4444d50a00 Jean*8463 o eesupp:
8464 new S/R ALL_PROC_DIE (like EEDIE, without irrelevant threads err msg):
8465 should be called before a "stop" if we know that all process are going
8466 to stop; if one Proc does call this S/R, will hang in MPI_FINALISE.
0e6056cd20 Jean*8468 checkpoint61o (2009/05/26)
52b3903673 Jean*8469 o pkg/exch2: change check_depths to issue just a warning (instead of error+stop)
8470 o model/src/ini_curvilinear_grid.F:
680765c772 Mart*8471 compute angleSin/CosC when they are not read from a file
52b3903673 Jean*8472 o pkg/seaice:
680765c772 Mart*8473 add pseudo time stepping for LSOR
cfdf8f6dc3 Jean*8474 o pkg/exch2:
8475 temporary fix for exch2_s3d_rx; update results of exp. hs94.cs-32x32x5.impIGW
f834b21bef Dimi*8476 o pkg/seaice:
f81e0cd482 Dimi*8477 Adding separate sea ice albedo, drag coefficients, and HO in Southern
8478 Ocean from those in Arctic Ocean. See *_south in SEAICE_PARAMS.h
39f815874d Jean*8479 o SingleCpuIO:
8480 fix bug put before chkp61n (May 11), when more than 2 MPI cpu are used.
8481 o pkg/seaice:
affccff0e4 Jean*8482 put exchanged variable in (local) common block for MPI+Multi-Threads
8483 to work (necessary with exch1, and for now with exch2 too).
8d614a5ef7 Jean*8484 o verification: to get more experiments tested with mpi, mth and mpi+mth,
8485 change tiling of:
8486 aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel, aim.5l_LatLon, dome, exp4, global_ocean.90x40x15,
8487 hs94.cs-32x32x5, MLAdjust, offline_exf_seaice & tutorial_plume_on_slope
8488 update output of exp:
8489 exp4, global_ocean.90x40x15(+.dwslp), MLAdjust(all 5),
8490 tutorial_plume_on_slope and hs94.cs-32x32x5 (use default rotationPeriod)
8491 + ideal_2D_ocean: use default rotation period + test Global_Sum_SINGLECPU
8492 (note: output.txt generated on faulks using only 1 tile)
505fa6b5f0 Jean*8493 o eesupp & mdsio (SingleCpuIO):
8494 - remove MISSING_TILE_IO (from MDSIO_OPTIONS.h), replaced by run-time
8495 parameter "W2_useE2ioLayOut" (read from file "data.exch2").
8496 Note: was not effective for globalFile & useSingleCpuIO=F; now fixed.
8497 - move MDSIO_SCPU.h (pkg/mdsio) to EEBUFF_SCPU.h (eesupp/inc).
8498 - fix GLOBAL_SUM_SINGLECPU when using Exch2; re-use same buffers and same
8499 gather/scatter S/R as with SingleCpuIO (=> 1 less 2D global RL array).
8dd64871a3 Jean*8500 o pkg/exch2:
8501 - new code to set-up W2-Exch2 topology (replace matlab-topology-generator):
8502 read parameter file "data.exch2" if it exists; otherwise try default regular
8503 cube without blank-tile; new header file "W2_EXCH2_SIZE.h";
8504 - update matlab-topology-generator (exch2_setup_cs6_print.m) to be compatible
8505 with new code (not to be used, just as a backup solution).
a435e833b1 Mart*8506 - add examples (e.g., for lat-lon-cap_120) of parameter file "data.exch2"
505fa6b5f0 Jean*8507 in utils/exch2/input.
8dd64871a3 Jean*8508
0e6056cd20 Jean*8509 checkpoint61n (2009/05/12)
6805d023a2 Jean*8510 o eesupp & mdsio (SingleCpuIO):
8511 - move mapping to global io-buffer inside gather_2d/scater_2d: this save
8512 memory (1 less 2D global RL array); skip 1 buffer copy; and only send/
8513 receive real*4 array (instead of real*8) to read/write 32.bit files.
8514 (new template for gather_2d/scater_2d, new set of S/R MDS_PASS_R4,8toRL,S
8515 and remove new mapping S/R)
b983b0a9f3 Jean*8516 o pkg/mdsio: in preparation for topology-generator within pkg/exch2:
8517 - Change declaration of SingleCpuIO buffer, reduced to only 1 dim.:
8518 xyBuffer_size, which is set to W2_ioBufferSize from W2_EXCH2_PARAMS.h
8519 when using exch2. Add S/R to map global io-buffer to global model array.
8520 - uses exch2_global_Nx,y instead of exch2_domain_nxt,nyt.
0e6056cd20 Jean*8522 checkpoint61m (2009/04/29)
b983b0a9f3 Jean*8523 o write_utils : change WRITE_1D_R8 to WRITE_1D_RL
8524 and add 3 other S/R for other types (R4,R8,RS).
5ae9fbe2f9 Jean*8525 Change calls to WRITE_0D/1D_R[4,8,S,L] to match the type of argument.
8526 o eesupp/inc/CPP_EEMACROS.h (EXCH & GLOBAL_SUM/MAX macros):
8527 - ensure suffix (_R4,_R8,_RS,_RL) correspondance between macro and S/R ;
8528 - reduce number of macro definitions (keep only those which are used);
8529 can always call directly the corrresponding S/R if needed.
b983b0a9f3 Jean*8530 - everywhere in the code: change macros (EXCH & GLOBAL_SUM/MAX) suffix
5ae9fbe2f9 Jean*8531 _R4/_R8 to _RS/_RL when applied to _RS/_RL variable.
8532 Fixed wrong type of arg in:
b983b0a9f3 Jean*8533 atm2d/put_ocnvars.F cheapaml/cheapaml.F ocn_compon_interf/ocn_apply_import.F
5ae9fbe2f9 Jean*8534 ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_ecco.F seaice/seaice_do_diags.F seaice/seaice_model.F
8535 To fix: global_sum of var in common block is wrong (multi-threaded) in:
8536 dic/dic_atmos.F ebm/ebm_area_t.F ebm/ebm_zonalmean.F sbo/sbo_calc.F
8537 To fix: aim_v23/aim_do_co2.F (BARRIER & GLOBAL_SUM within bi,bj loops)
b983b0a9f3 Jean*8538 o adjustment.cs-32x32x1: test "blank tiles" when compiling with mpi; 2nd
8539 "nlfs" mpi test is going to stop when checking for unconnected tile egdes.
52af3a32f7 Jean*8540 o eesupp/src: new S/R to stop everyone when 1 (or more) Proc. find an error
8541 o pkg/exch2: new S/R EXCH2_CHECK_DEPTHS to check that unconnected tile
8542 edges are closed (zero depth); might happen with "blank tiles";
b983b0a9f3 Jean*8543 for now, disabled if using OBCS.
52af3a32f7 Jean*8544 o tools/gemake2: delete modifs from March 27-29 2009 (with option "-mpi":
855948c4e0 Jean*8545 link *_mpi files from "MODS" dir) to return to a strait-forward behavior.
52af3a32f7 Jean*8546 o move read_write.F to write_utils.F ; new parameter (maxLengthPrt1D)
6e7414edd7 Jean*8547 to reduce length of 1.D array print in STDOUT.
71c716cb9b Jean*8548 o adjustment.cs-32x32x1: changed to oceanic test with 1 continent
8549 + use 48 tiles (16x8): this will allow to test "blank tiles".
8550 o start to test MPI + multi-threaded (change testreport to skip tests
8551 where number of tiles do not match).
8552 o genmake2: add option "-omp" to turn on Open-MP ;
8553 passed to testreport (if using -mth) ; merge few (*+mth) optfiles.
0ab0cf443f Jean*8554 o pkg/exch2 (+ utils/exch2): ignore blank tiles (instead of removing them)
8555 and keep the original tile numbering. Note: compatible with old
8556 W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h & w2_e2setup.F topology files.
0e6056cd20 Jean*8558 checkpoint61l (2009/04/07)
5a8046a779 Jean*8559 o Overlaps had been forgotten in calculating ijk keys : fixed
8560 o fix cyrus makedepend for gcc 4.4
54b0077775 Jean*8561 o experiment fizhi-cs-aqualev20:
8562 switching to new version of S/R GETPWHERE (#define TRY_NEW_GETPWHERE)
71c716cb9b Jean*8563 and generate new output. Note: new output is much closer to the old
8564 one (v1.8) generated with pgf77 -O2 on Mar 14 2007 than it is from
54b0077775 Jean*8565 the previous one (v1.9) generated with pgf77 -O0 on Jun 13 2007.
8566 o pkg/fizhi:
8567 - change to avoid indices going deliberately over array-bounds
8568 - remove unnecessary MPI stuff
8569 - perpetual spring equinox with "#define FIZHI_USE_FIXED_DAY"
8570 - new version of S/R GETPWHERE available with #define TRY_NEW_GETPWHERE:
8571 does not go over array-bounds and therefore returns reliable output.
8572 - in fizhi_driver.F & fizhi_turb.F, fix "get_alarm" calls:
8573 this S/R has 4 output arguments, which are used inside "get_alarm";
8574 when it is called with the same variable "ndum" in place of several
8575 output arguments, this produces weird side effect inside "get_alarm"
8576 (e.g., datein=dates(n) is overwritten by timein=times(n) since both
8577 datein & timein, resp. 2nd and 3rd arg., are pointed to the same "ndum"
8578 address) and produces error.
855948c4e0 Jean*8579 o tools/gemake2: (March 27-29 2009)
a435e833b1 Mart*8580 with option "-mpi": link *_mpi files from "MODS" dir (this is what
855948c4e0 Jean*8581 testreport does).
405ae5a3ac Jean*8582 o lab_sea experiment: change from 2x1 tiles to 2x2 tiles and regenerate output
54b0077775 Jean*8583 o pkg/seaice: fix bug in new version of S/R SEAICE_LSR.F:
405ae5a3ac Jean*8584 update lab_sea.lsr & lab_sea.salt_plume results
a435e833b1 Mart*8585 o pkg/seaice:
90652fd079 Mart*8586 Major overhaul of the LSOR solver: change discretization from original
8587 finite differences to finite volume. The old routine is still in the
8588 file seaice_lsr.F and can be turned on with the CPP-flag
8590 Along with this change, the discretization of the strain rates is changed.
8591 The same flag turns on the old discretization in seaice_calc_strainrates.F
a435e833b1 Mart*8592 All verification experiments with seaice are affected (except for
90652fd079 Mart*8593 seaice_exf_offline); global_ocean.cs32x15/input.icedyn recovers the old
8594 results by setting the above flag.
8595 Further changes involve changes in defaults:
8596 - ALLOW_FLOODING is defined and turned on by default
f6450d3114 Patr*8597 - SEAICEadvSnow = .true. is now the default
8598 - SEAICEadvSalt = .true. is now the default
8599 - SEAICEadvAge = .true. is now the default
a435e833b1 Mart*8600 - SEAICE_clipVelocities = .false. is now the default
5d15d4162f Mart*8601 (as per J. Zhang's recommendation)
90652fd079 Mart*8602 - B-grid, and thus not tested: SEAICE_TEST_ICE_STRESS_1/EXPLICIT_SSH_SLOPE
8603 is defined, SEAICE_TEST_ICE_STRESS_1 is renamed into SEAICE_BICE_STRESS
8604 - seaice_growth: replace computation of UG by a simple copy from wspeed
0e6056cd20 Jean*8606 checkpoint61k (2009/03/18)
4acbf6fef8 Mart*8607 o pkg/seaice: a few bug fixes mostly concerning the metric terms:
8608 seaice_lsr: fixed a few metric terms,
8609 affects lab_sea.lsr, lab_sea.salt_plume, seaice_obcs
8610 add more debugging diagnostics
8611 seaice_evp: removed superfluous many metric terms of FV discretization
8612 of stress divergence
8613 affects lab_sea, lab_sea.hb87
8614 seaice_ocean_stress: removed superfluous many metric terms of FV discretization
a435e833b1 Mart*8615 of stress divergence for non-evp solver
4acbf6fef8 Mart*8616 (this part is not tested anywhere)
8617 seaice_calc_strainrates: fixed a bug in no-slip boundary conditions,
8618 they were effectively only half slip
8619 affects lab_sea.hb87
71a18d0f38 Jean*8620 updated all relevant verification experiments (except lab_sea//output_adm.txt
8621 which was left over, but fails at level 7 & 6)
4acbf6fef8 Mart*8622
0e6056cd20 Jean*8623 checkpoint61j (2009/03/17)
78416b4f31 Mart*8624 o pkg/seaice: turn a few hard wired parameters into run time parameters
a435e833b1 Mart*8625 o pkg/seaice/exf/monitor: turn netcdf coordinate variable T into model
3393e77079 Mart*8626 time in seconds as promised by the usints in seaice_monitor and exf_monitor
a32626876a Mart*8627 o pkg/mnc: fix the coordinate variables for multi-tile curvi-linear grids
8628 that are not cubed-sphere grids
f577077207 Mart*8629 o pkg/seaice: fix a bug for the rare case of SEAICE_VECTORIZE_LSR
2db8cfe50f Jean*8630 o pkg/ctrl:
8631 fix bug in ctrl_depth_ini.F (EXCH_XYZ was applied to 2-D field xx_r_low)
0ad8ad6f0c Jean*8632 o non-hydrostatic (calc_gw.F):
8633 fix viscA4 on CS-grid + fix diagnostics: Wm_Diss & Wm_Advec
8634 update output of exp. global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4
8635 o remove backward compatibility for thetaMin,phiMin
ece53aa93e Jean*8636 (replaced by xgOrigin,ygOrigin on Jan 27, 2009)
a435e833b1 Mart*8637 o pkg/exf: fix a serious bug in exf_set_uv.F: do a rotation of the
8638 interpolated wind field not only for curvilineargrid=.true., but also
514437540a Mart*8639 for a rotated grid (rotateGrid=.true.)
58378fc26e Mart*8640 o pkg/exf: add capability to bypass interpolation for runoff
8641 by setting yet another CPP-flag
ece53aa93e Jean*8642 o eesupp/src, B-grid exchange:
8643 add simple (6 tiles, non MPI) CS exch + standard interface S/R.
bb9388b6fb Patr*8644 o autodiff
8646 allows to switch to single-prec common blocks;
8647 corresponding switch occurs in tamc.h, integer isbyte
8648 TAF store directivs "byte" and "kind" seem equivalent;
8649 Most tamc.h have been updated correspondingly.
0e6056cd20 Jean*8651 checkpoint61i (2009/02/13)
05fc4302e4 Patr*8652 o autodiff:
8653 fix autodiff_sore/_restore indices for obcs
8654 (spotted by I. Hoteit, M. Mazloff)
685514cedc Patr*8655 o pkg/autodiff, pkg/ctrl:
a435e833b1 Mart*8656 Add flag to reduce all tapelev I/O to single-prec.
685514cedc Patr*8657 In data.ctrl set
8658 doSinglePrecTapelev = .TRUE.
ece53aa93e Jean*8659 o model/src/ini_curvilinear_grid.F, new grid-file format without EXCH2:
8660 check in hack for SX8 compiler (for dxV, dyU); remove it afterwards.
a435e833b1 Mart*8661 o pkg/shelfice: fix bug with SHELFICEconserve flag, prepare for
6870c5ed6c Mart*8662 real fresh water flux (not yet)
a94d876c45 Jean*8663 o pkg/mdsio & rw:
8664 - add argument & option to S/R MDS_WRITEVEC_LOC (avoid Open/Close & write-meta)
8665 - add simple interface S/R to MDS_WRITEVEC_LOC in pkg/rw: WRITE_GLVEC_RX.
6be08e3e5c Jean*8666 o pkg/flt:
8667 - replace FLT_INIT by 3-steps standard initialization S/R: readparms,
8668 init_fixed & ini_varia.
71a5d709a0 Jean*8669 - clean-up & simplify linear interpolation S/R:
8670 move flt_bilinear.F -> flt_interp_linear.F ; add arg. myThid.
8671 - fix some indices (mainly vertical index) ; add IMPLICIT NONE.
a94d876c45 Jean*8672 - more efficient I/O, using new options of MDS_WRITEVEC_LOC S/R.
b57550bbcf Jean*8673 - add vert. coordinate & horiz. indices to output files.
8674 - change vertical position in initial condition, from index to depth [m].
1cae6a1a9f Jean*8675 - store horizontal (decimal) indices i,j in common block (instead of coord. x,y)
8676 (easier to get to a curvilinear grid) ; delX,delY no longer used.
97caae06d7 Davi*8677 o pkg/ggl90: a few modifications:
8678 - fix bottom boundary condition, and interpolation of KappaE
8679 near top and bottom
a435e833b1 Mart*8680 - use same set of viscosity/diffusivity for TKE/momnetum/tracer
97caae06d7 Davi*8681 - add smoothing option as in Blanke and Delecluse (1993) (--> ALLOW_GGL90_SMOOTH)
a435e833b1 Mart*8682 - add a few options for mixing-length upper limit (--> mxlMaxFlag)
d236014eb6 Jean*8683 o rename thetaMin,phiMin -> xgOrigin,ygOrigin
8684 (maintain temporary backward compatibility, until next checkpoint)
0e6056cd20 Jean*8686 checkpoint61h (2009/01/27)
021d69ec69 Jean*8687 o pkg/diagnostics with "periodic averaging diagnostics":
a435e833b1 Mart*8688 fix S/R DIAGNOSTICS_COUNT ; hack diagnostics_out.F to get NetCDF output.
794d630b5b Jean*8689 o pkg/my82: add missing "_d 0" ; update output of exp. vermix.my82
de15b00af7 Mart*8690 o pkg/obcs: fix loop ranges for balancing code
de52daaeea Jean*8691 o pkg/flt:
8692 - improve criteria for finding which tile owns a float.
8693 - fix FLT_EXCH for case without MPI ; apply cyclic BC + fix also the MPI case.
d7a6322cee Davi*8694 o Add well-mixed CO2 box in aim_v23 (which includes changes in pkg
8695 aim_compon_interf, ocn_compon_interf, gchem, and dic to get coupling
8696 with ocean biogeo)
5de0afb7f6 Jean*8697 o pkg/flt:
8698 - do some cleaning and fix the restart ;
8699 - add output.txt in flt_example/results to get this pkg tested.
8700 o genmake2: add an EXTENDED_SRC option and flag.
8701 for now, cannot be turned on on command line (only through genmake_local)
b5cd61a537 Jean*8702 o pkg/mdsio: read/write vector:
8703 - singleCpuIO: fix RL/RS in MDSWRITEVECTOR by calling new S/R MDS_BUFFERtoRL/RS
5de0afb7f6 Jean*8704 - singleCpuIO=F: fix arrType & filePrec & _BYTESWAPIO in both MDSREADVECTOR
b5cd61a537 Jean*8705 & MDSWRITEVECTOR by calling new S/R MDS_RD/WR_VEC_RL/RS.
8706 - affects gradient of test-exp "bottom_ctrl_5x5" (not due to _BYTESWAPIO)
8707 (drop to 4 digits matching for grad). But this test does not look very
8708 reliable (was already failling on eddy, fc5, at 6.digits). Update output.
0e6056cd20 Jean*8710 checkpoint61g (2008/12/29)
ca04df591d Jean*8711 o pkg/flt:
8712 - move FLT_CPPOPTIONS.h to FLT_OPTIONS.h (standard name)
8713 + make OPTIONS file more standard.
8714 - rename S/R MDSREADVECTOR_FLT to FLT_MDSREADVECTOR (to mach src file name)
8715 - fix _BYTESWAPIO CPP-Flag
8716 - standard reading of file-parameter "data.flt"
b95b67d7aa Jean*8717 - fix argument list of S/R FLT_RESTART
ca04df591d Jean*8718 still need to fix _BYTESWAPIO in pkg/mdsio/mdsio_writevector.F
d67bffc17c Mart*8719 o pkg/obcs: fix a CPP-flag, bug reported by Jeff Blundell
46b3c62480 Mart*8720 o gather_2d.F/scatter_2d.F: suppress vectorisation on NEC SX in respond to
8721 a still unfixed compiler/optimization bug
0e6056cd20 Jean*8723 checkpoint61f (2008/11/21)
a435e833b1 Mart*8724 o pkg/seaice, LSR solver: fix bug in GLOBAL_MAX calls ;
45b6388240 Jean*8725 update results of global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn test.
aa713d5dbf Jean*8726 o move getcon.F from model/src to pkg/fizhi.
a435e833b1 Mart*8727 o pkg/exf: add parameter for extrapolation of temp up to the surface
df444da92e Jean*8728 and option to prevent negative evap (in bulk_largeyeager04 only).
a78ca545b5 Jean*8729 o Prather Advection scheme: fix tracer conservation for divergent flow
8730 (e.g., when using NonLin Free-Surface).
e18a7f3164 Davi*8731 o kpp: retire KPPmld diagnostics --> use MXLDEPTH instead
db624d91db Jean*8732 o gmredi (Visbeck-variable-K):
8733 - add more parameters to Visbeck-variable-K.
8734 - use a 5 points average for dSigmaR in Visbeck-K calculation
8735 (more "homogenous": same stencil and same weights as in dSigmaH)
8736 - update output of ideal_2D_oce experiment.
a435e833b1 Mart*8737 o fix CPP-flag REAL4_IS_SLOW, when _RS expands into real*4
8d0c7e204b Mart*8738 (#undef REAL4_IS_SLOW)
a435e833b1 Mart*8739 - pkg/mnc/mnc_cw_cvars.F: write _RS-grid variable as netcdf-real*4
8d0c7e204b Mart*8740 coordinate variable
a435e833b1 Mart*8741 - pkg/monitor/monitor.F: call mon_printstats_rs for _RS variables
8d0c7e204b Mart*8742 (surface forcing fields), removes some of the functionality
a435e833b1 Mart*8743 - model/src/write_grid.F: write _RS variables as RS-netcdf variables
8744 - model/src/diags_oceanic_surf_flux.F: fix a few diagnostics, but
8745 probably not all: copy _RS surface flux fields to RL field before
8d0c7e204b Mart*8746 calling DIAGNOSTICS_FILL
a435e833b1 Mart*8747 - model/inc/CPP_EEMACROS.h: make the _EXCH_*_RS macros expand into
c983541b6d Mart*8748 real*4 (CALL EXCH_*_RS) versions.
04c02cca57 Jean*8749 - tested in 2 experiments: inverted_barometer & solid-body.cs-32x32x1
8750 (generate new output).
8d0c7e204b Mart*8751
0e6056cd20 Jean*8752 checkpoint61e (2008/10/23)
c01397a2cf Jean*8753 o gmredi (Visbeck-variable-K):
8754 - fix the "OLD_VISBECK_CALC" option + move the #undef to GMREDI_OPTIONS.h
a435e833b1 Mart*8755 - change computation of Visbeck-K where Slope > Smax :
c01397a2cf Jean*8756 now: N*min(Slope,Smax) (similar to OLD_VISBECK_CALC with gkw91 taperFct)
8757 previously was: M*sqrt(min(Slope,Smax)) ; update ideal_2D_oce output.
bd21fff799 Jean*8758 o bottom-drag in P-coord.: change units of bottomDragLinear & bottomDragQuadratic
8759 to be the same as with Z-coord. (i.e., m/s & no-units respectively).
8760 o calc_viscosity: fix index range (was wrong for CD-Scheme & explicit Visc)
c3fe1ef4e7 Jean*8761 o pkg gmredi, linear & fm07 tapering: put an upper limit on Slope^2 so that Kwz
c01397a2cf Jean*8762 does not become too large (to avoid precision problems in implicit-diffusion
c3fe1ef4e7 Jean*8763 solver); update ideal_2D_oce output.
9b7442ecc8 Davi*8764 o pkg ggl90:
8765 - in ggl90_cal.F: compute only one set of visc/diff, used to
8766 step forward TKE/T/S/momentum
8767 - default value of GGL90viscMax/GGL90diffMax larger and equal (to
8768 have Prandlt =1)
c01397a2cf Jean*8769 o gmredi (fm07):
284c68fd43 Jean*8770 - add lower limit on Transition layer thickness + lower limit on 1/lambda
883da68718 Jean*8771 - allow to set few more params from data.gmredi
5c4169b4ba Davi*8772 o pkg ggl90:
a435e833b1 Mart*8773 - add missing sqrt(2) factor in computation of mixing length
5c4169b4ba Davi*8774 scale in ggl90_calc.F
8775 (see Eq. (2.35) in Blanke and Delecluse, JPO, 1993)
0e6056cd20 Jean*8777 checkpoint61d (2008/09/25)
900e7deb27 Patr*8778 o adjoint modifs
8779 - adapt to new field rhoInSitu
8780 - allow to revert from StoreDynVars2D, StoreDynVars3D
8781 to individual fields
9021e26bd9 Jean*8783 o store 3-D (in-situ) density in commom block (DYNVARS.h)
8784 - save 1 rho computation.
8785 - no longer modify T & S inland when using down_slope pkg.
a435e833b1 Mart*8786 o gad_som : allow to switch to SOM advection for T & S without corresponding
b3d25f406d Jean*8787 pickup files (using new S/R: MDS_CHECK4FILE).
8788 o keep removing _BEGIN/_END_MASTER between MDSIO S/R call
8789 (for useSingleCpuIO to work in multi-threaded)
30b946f21e Mart*8790 o pkg/shelfice:
8791 - disentangle parameters: retire shelfIceFile in data/PARM05 and substitute
8792 with SHELFICEtopoFile in data.shelfice
8793 - move code for reading ice shelf topography and modifying hFacC into separate
8794 subroutines of the shelfice package
8795 - separate initialisation of "fixed" and "variable" variables
8796 - kTopC is not (yet) replaced by kSurfC, although this is possible
b3d25f406d Jean*8797 o fix broken diagnostic SIatmFW and changed the units from m/s to kg/m^2/s
1c7cf036e1 Jean*8798 o add initialisation of deepFac if using Pcoords (new S/R set_grid_factors)
8799 and rename:
8800 ini_phiref.F --> set_ref_state.F (+ set anelastic factors)
8801 ini_reference_state.F --> load_ref_files.F (- set anelastic factors)
8802 o change FIND_RHO_SCALAR : return rho (instead of rho - rhoConst)
0e6056cd20 Jean*8804 checkpoint61c (2008/08/30)
a435e833b1 Mart*8805 o add option ALLOW_ADDFLUID and run-time selector "selectAddFluid"
8806 to add mass source/sink of fluid in the interior (3-D generalisation
f035afc50f Jean*8807 of oceanic real-fresh water flux).
8808 o pkg/monitor: fix recip_dr argument in mon_advcflw2 call (-> advcfl_W_hf_max)
aa106dc1b1 Jean*8809 o vermix test experiment: switch from LINEAR EOS to MDJWF (not tested before)
4d4605f96d Jean*8810 o new pkg: down_slope
8811 density-driven downsloping flow parameterisation (Tellus, 1999, 412-430).
8812 - presently, modify T & S inland (dwnslp_calc_rho.F).
8813 can be avoided if rho was stored in common bloc and used in calc_phi_hyd.
8814 - implementation for ocean in P-coords not tested.
8815 - add secondary test to global_ocean.90x40x15 (input.dwnslp) to check this pkg.
8816 o move kSurfC,kSurfW & kSurfS from SURFACE.h to GRID.h (next to kLowC)
50f1c7ab80 Jean*8817 (to facilitate conversion of oceanic pkg to p-coordinate).
a435e833b1 Mart*8818 o change FIND_RHO to FIND_RHO_2D :
f257f8b0f6 Jean*8819 pass arguments tFld & sFld as local (tile) 2D-arrays ; +fix EOS_CHECK.
8820 o new pkg: cheapaml
0e6056cd20 Jean*8822 checkpoint61b (2008/08/05)
a435e833b1 Mart*8823 o exch2:
37ee8575fd Jean*8824 change index bounds in rx2_cube exchanges (new S/R: EXCH2_GET_UV_BOUNDS)
8825 - no longer depend on the order sequence (N,S,E,W).
8826 - 3rd exchange no longer needed (tested with 24 tiles).
8827 - same modif to hand-written adjoint S/R (global_ocean.cs32x15: zero diff)
8828 - exch_UV_A-grid readily available (but not yet tested).
a435e833b1 Mart*8829 comment out 3rd exch call and remove copy of V to U at SE & NE face-corners
8830 (both are no longer needed) in exch_uv: no effect in forward run; but
37ee8575fd Jean*8831 get truncation error differences with adjoint exch.
a435e833b1 Mart*8832 o exch2:
0e9f2e49ad Jean*8833 - change index-bounds storage (moved from target to local tile,
8834 more intuitive this way) ; rename/remove some variables.
37ee8575fd Jean*8835 - change utils/exch2/matlab-topology-generator & code_mods accordingly.
0e9f2e49ad Jean*8836
0e6056cd20 Jean*8837 checkpoint61a (2008/07/29)
a435e833b1 Mart*8838 o exch2/matlab-topology-generator:
9d45a8c11b Jean*8839 fix bug in index bounds for N-S internal exchange (hard to tell if this
8840 had any effect on the solution).
677d07a6b5 Mart*8841 o pkg/mnc: small fix in mnc_handle_err: make sure that length of msgbuf
8842 is exceeded
a435e833b1 Mart*8843 o testreport: modify syntax of awk, so that it works also with
0d1768695f Mart*8844 awk, and not only with nawk and gawk
0e6056cd20 Jean*8846 checkpoint61 (2008/06/24)
0a92c8c20d Patr*8847 o autodiff
8848 Change default for TAF usage by removing argument '-nonew_arg'
8849 This changes TAF subroutine argument list (ordering of active var.)
8850 Omission of this flag leads to incompatibility w.r.t. TAMC
8851 To restore TAMC-compatibility, need following modifs:
8852 * use adoptfile tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_tamc_compatibility
8853 * use CPP option #define AUTODIFF_TAMC_COMPATIBILITY
8854 Tested TAF version is 1.9.22
8855 N.B.: exch2 hand-written adjoint code currently not TAMC compatible
0e6056cd20 Jean*8857 checkpoint60 (2008/06/19)
f8c2a15654 Patr*8858 --->>> This is the last checkpoint for which generating the adjoint
8859 --->>> is done via the TAMC-compatibility TAF-flag "-nonewarg"
8860 --->>> by default.
8861 --->>> Future checkpoints will ommit this flag by default.
40cd24c888 Jean*8862 o pkg/generic_advdiff, os7mp: simplify and avoid division by zero.
1b63dc87ac Gael*8863 o pkg/grdchk: Add gradient check to etan0 perturbations.
a435e833b1 Mart*8864 o pkg/exf: read ice area from file (#ifdef ALLOW_ICE_AREAMASK).
8865 o pkg/autodiff: more flexibility in zeroadj.
8866 model/src: modifying do_oceanic_phys.F accordingly.
fa59c87170 Gael*8867 o pkg/ctrl: Bounds for (kapgm,kapredi,eddypsi) parameter estimation.
8868 o model/src and pkg/gmredi: GMREDI_WITH_STABLE_ADJOINT CPP option
a435e833b1 Mart*8869 special setup of gmredi for which the adjoint is stable
fa59c87170 Gael*8870 enough for parameter optimization.
e67ddf28f4 Gael*8871 o bridging the gap between eddy stress and GM.
8872 -> eddyTau is replaced with eddyPsi (eddyTau = f x rho0 x eddyPsi)
8873 along with a change in CPP option (now ALLOW_EDDYPSI).
a435e833b1 Mart*8874 -> when using GM w/ GM_AdvForm:
e67ddf28f4 Gael*8875 The total eddy streamfunction (Psi = eddyPsi + K x Slope)
8876 is applied either in the tracer Eq. or in momentum Eq.
8877 depending on data.gmredi (intro. GM_InMomAsStress).
8878 -> ALLOW_EDDYPSI_CONTROL for estimation purpose.
8879 The key modifications are in model/src/taueddy_external_forcing.F
8880 pkg/gmredi/gmredi_calc_*F pkg/gmredi/gmredi_*transport.F
40cd24c888 Jean*8881
0e6056cd20 Jean*8882 checkpoint59r (2008/05/29)
0d306f558f Jean*8883 o new S/R (pkg/mdsio/mdsio_facef_read.F) reading of sNx+1 x sNy+1 array
8884 from per-face file (take S/R READSYMTILE_RS out of ini_curvilinear_grid.F);
8885 fix option to read coriolis(@ cell-corner) from files with CS-grid.
aa539d5971 Mart*8886 o pkg/mnc: add some attributes to standard 1D-coordinate variables
79e37afef0 Mart*8887 o pkg/diagnostics: enforce missing_value attribute for scalar variables at
8888 mass points, when using mnc for output
a435e833b1 Mart*8889 - add runtime parameter (missing_value, missing_value_int) to override
79e37afef0 Mart*8890 default (which is the value of getcon('UNDEF'))
8891 o pkg/mnc: prepare mnc for the actual use of missing values with the
8892 diagnostics package: small fix in mnc_cw_readwrite.template and more
8893 initialisation of never used fields
cebfffcf05 Mart*8894 - replace mnc_common.h and mnc_id_header.h with corresponding upper case
8895 versions
a435e833b1 Mart*8896 o pkg/thsice/thsice_ini_vars.F added default initial values so that
8897 thermodynamics sea ice solver does not blow up when some initial fields
cebfffcf05 Mart*8898 are missing.
87838921ba Jean*8899 o move from external_forcing_surf.F to ini_forcing.F
8900 the p-coord. hack consisting in using pLoad to set phi0surf ;
8901 update output of tutorial_global_oce_in_p (affected @ truncation level).
a435e833b1 Mart*8902 o Freshen up a bit hs94.1x64x5, notably:
8903 remove rotationPeriod and tRef=5*0. (adjoint only), and add
cebfffcf05 Mart*8904 exactConserv=.TRUE.
34e240c0d3 Jean*8905 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
8906 change option GAD_ALLOW_SOM_ADVECT to GAD_ALLOW_TS_SOM_ADV which only
8907 applies to files where Temperature & Salinity 2nd Order moments are used.
bc2cda07c1 Oliv*8908 o pkg/ptracers: add second-order moment advection schemes (80 and 81);
8909 this uses a dynamically allocated internal state data structure
a435e833b1 Mart*8910 (#define PTRACERS_ALLOW_DYN_STATE in PTRACERS_OPTIONS.h)
bc2cda07c1 Oliv*8911 and requires a fortran 90 compiler
0e6056cd20 Jean*8913 checkpoint59q (2008/05/06)
934822fb62 Jean*8914 o pkg/mom_vecinv: Add energy & enstrophy conserving scheme (selectVortScheme=3)
8915 (from Sadourny, described by Burridge & Haseler, ECMWF Rep.4, 1977)
bb5c940526 Davi*8916 o Refresh tutorial_global_oce_biogeo, notably:
8917 - change bathymetry (put back seamounts in ACC, use hFacs)
8918 - change EOS (POLY3 --> JMD95Z)
8919 - use Bryan-Lewis vertical diffusivity
8920 - use multidimensional advection
8921 - remove old virtual virtual in dic pkg, now done through ptracer pkg
8922 - change a couple of parameters in dic pkg
b488248973 Gael*8923 o pkg/ctrl: change formula in adctrl_bound.F and add a parameter to ctrl_map_ini_gen.F
a435e833b1 Mart*8924 o pkg/obcs: change default to OBCSfixTopo = .true.,
37d6577e8a Mart*8925 - set OBCSfixTopo=.false. in exp4/input/data.obcs to reproduce old result
8926 - replace "debugMode" with "debugLevel .GE. debLevB"
a435e833b1 Mart*8927 o implementation of TAF directives for gchem,cfc,dic
c668f876bd Jean*8928 o remove "exp5" (replaced by tutorial_deep_convection).
ba199509e7 Mart*8929 o pkg/obcs: add code to fix topography gradients normal to open boundaries;
8930 this requires computing the index fields OB_Jn/Js/Ie/Iw in obcs_readparms;
8931 the code can be turned on by setting OBCSfixTopo = .true. in data.obcs
68dbdb7bfc Mart*8932 --> changes results in exp4, seaice_obcs
c668f876bd Jean*8933 o tutorial_deep_convection :
4c59896cb2 Jean*8934 update the set-up and increase resolution and domain size ; start
8935 from pseudo initial conditions = output at t=120mn in order to see
8936 something happening when running testreport.
e3f6e77e00 Mart*8937 o pkg/seaice: add os7mp as an advection scheme
8938 add check for advection schemes
f414077a87 Mart*8939 add a flag for restoring T and S underneath sea ice
a435e833b1 Mart*8940 o pkg/my82: add netcdf-support and diagnostics
ea0ee0d61a Davi*8941 o thsice pkg:
ba199509e7 Mart*8942 - Now hsMax limits snow height by turning it into ice following
ea0ee0d61a Davi*8943 flooding scheme (and now conserving energy)
8944 - Slight rewriting of the formula in thsice_calc_thick.F
8945 - Parameter rhowi eliminated to be replaced by floodFac = (rhosw-rhoi)/rhos
a435e833b1 Mart*8946 --> changes results of global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn and global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice
ea0ee0d61a Davi*8947
0e6056cd20 Jean*8948 checkpoint59p (2008/04/10)
2fbf89db82 Jean*8949 o gchem / dic / cfc :
8950 - add useDIC, useCFC , read from "data.gchem" (& hold in GCHEM.h);
8951 - add new parameter files: "data.dic" & "data.cfc" ;
8952 - various re-arrangement in initialisation & header file ;
8953 - fix tutorial_global_oce_biogeo for multi-threaded test.
8954 o pkg/dic: test for "pickup_dic" file when restarting ;
8955 if no pickup-file, can restart with a re-initialised pH (same as it did
b3b930c218 Jean*8956 before) providing pickupStrictlyMatch is set to False.
eec9c6a066 Jean*8957 o change argument list of S/R PTRACERS_WRITE_PICKUP & MYPACKAGE_WRITE_PICKUP
8958 + fix call to S/R GGL90_WRITE_PICKUP & DIC_WRITE_PICKUP
9bfbe2231e Jean*8959 o add a "warning" (to Error msg file) when an Active Tracer is not using AB-2
8960 and staggerTimeStep is off (needed for stability of Internal-wave dynamics).
8961 o move out of PARAMS.h & data the last pieces of old-ptracer code: tauTr1ClimRelax,
8962 & lambdaTr1ClimRelax ; put those 2 params in PTRACERS_PARAMS.h & data.ptracers
8963 (note: not clear to me what lambdaTr1ClimRelax is still used for ...)
2f4da9d91b Jean*8964 o pkg/mom_vecinv: - new parameter "selectVortScheme" to select which
8965 scheme to use for vorticty-term ;
a435e833b1 Mart*8966 - compute upwindVorticity=T case within mom_vi_u/v_coriolis_c4.F
2f4da9d91b Jean*8967 (with default selectVortScheme, return to original discretisation)
8968 - remove weird combination (e.g.: upwindVorticity & highOrderVorticity)
0b784ff841 Mart*8969 o pkg/seaice: add a line to the summary to indicate grid type (B/C)
81ea2c715a Jean*8970 o in mom_calc_visc, fix average value of viscAh_W & viscA4_W next to the
8971 bottom ; only used with variable horizontal viscosity and non-hydrostatic.
8972 also fix diagnostics VISCAHW & VISCA4W.
0e6056cd20 Jean*8974 checkpoint59o (2008/03/07)
92268978d1 Jean*8975 o dome/code/obcs_calc.F: avoid division by zero (detected using gfortran).
360ad14abb Mart*8976 o change the loop ordering in most gad_*_adv_x.F to improve vectorization:
8977 move a few statemens out the main loop into separate loops
a435e833b1 Mart*8978 o pkg/shelfice:
8979 - sort out freshwater flux; convert freshwater fluxes to mass fluxes
674cb80ca8 Mart*8980 (kg/m^2/s), does not break tests, because in verification/isomip,
8981 rhoConstFresh=rhoConst (by accident)
e3465203db Mart*8982 - rearrange computation of tLoc, sLoc, pLoc to make code more efficient
8983 - move S/R find_rho_scalar, pkg/ecco/sw_ptmp.F, pkg/ecco/sw_adtg.F into
8984 new file model/src/seawater.F, so that they are available for all pkgs.
8985 - convert potential temperature into in-situ temperature. This changes the
8986 isomip tests => update tests
a435e833b1 Mart*8987 o add a flag writePickupAtEnd (default=true) to be able to suppress
97a8c939f6 Mart*8988 writing a pickup at the last timestep
a435e833b1 Mart*8989 o tools/mpack-1.6 :
7739cd8f78 Jean*8990 - disable automake (not working) and autoconf (not needed).
8991 - update to version 1.6.4 which fix MD5 code on some 64 bits platforms
8992 also cleaner with much less compilation warnings.
a435e833b1 Mart*8993 o pkg/profiles:
9e1d042ca2 Gael*8994 rename profiles_interp_mean_genericgrid as profiles_interp_mean_gg
8995 (for "less than 32 characters name" compiler requirement)
212017a383 Dimi*8996 o pkg/obcs and pkg/exf: added capability to specify seaice open boundary
8997 conditions that have a different sampling frequency than S/T/U/V obcs
a435e833b1 Mart*8998 o pkg/diagnostics (stats-diags):
cae4654411 Jean*8999 - fix global Min/Max in case 1 processor get only empty tiles
e89c0084d6 Mart*9000 o genmake2: replace (4 times)
9001 make genmake_tc_1.o >> genmake_warnings 2>&1
9002 with
9003 COMM="$CC $CFLAGS -c genmake_tc_1.c"
9004 echo $COMM >> genmake_warnings
9005 $COMM >> genmake_warnings 2>&1
9006 to make genmake2 always see the value of CC as specified in the optfile.
2c62398d5b Jean*9007 o generic_advdiff: - prather advection scheme (SOM) coded for CS-grid.
9008 - add diagnostics for 1srt & 2nd Order moments and sub-grid variance.
9009 - modify verification advect_cs test to test SOM-advection on CS-grid.
239c38208f Gael*9010 o pkg/ctrl:
a435e833b1 Mart*9011 - Rewrite of ctrl_map_ini_ecco.F,
239c38208f Gael*9012 introducing a generic routine (ctrl_map_ini_gen.F).
9013 - Modification of ctrl_bound/adctrl_bound handling control vector bounds.
2c62398d5b Jean*9014
0e6056cd20 Jean*9015 checkpoint59n (2008/02/09)
a435e833b1 Mart*9016 o pkg/diagnostics: for large number of diagnostics, store diagnostic mate
ae37e502a3 Jean*9017 number in dedicate array "hdiag":
9019 with 1 more argument (mate number); modify old version DIAGNOSTICS_ADD2LIST.
9020 - many small changes (integer format) for large number of diagnostics
9021 - start to use DIAGNOSTICS_ADDTOLIST (necessary for diagnostics with
9022 a counter mate) in pkg diagnostics, ptracers, thsice & aim_v23.
7514c1bd55 Mart*9023 o add parameter rotateGrid and Euler angles EulerPhi/Theta/Psi. For
9024 usingSphericalGrid, this allows to define the rotated grid coordinates
9025 via phiMin/thetaMin/dxSpacing/dySpacing, etc., but then re-compute the
9026 geographical coordinates according to the inverse of the rotation defined
a435e833b1 Mart*9027 by the Euler angles, so that Coriolis parameter and online-interpolation by
7514c1bd55 Mart*9028 exf works with the geographical coordinates on XC/YC/XG/YG.
a435e833b1 Mart*9029 Naturally, this feature does not work with all packages, so some
9030 combinations are prohibited in config_summary (flt, flt_zonal, ecco,
9031 profiles), because there the coordinates are assumed to be regular
9032 spherical grid coordinates.
c9e4a2e67d Gael*9033 o pkg/gmredi,ctrl,ecco,autodiff,grdchk and model/src,inc:
9034 - introduce isopycnal diffusion coefficient control.
a435e833b1 Mart*9035 o tools/adjoint_options:
c9e4a2e67d Gael*9036 - additional control vector components.
8b4eff4f81 Mart*9037 o pkg/mnc: have mnc create marginally meaning full coordinate variables
a435e833b1 Mart*9038 (that is the grid indices) if usingCurvilinearGrid and NOT EXCH2
9039 o pkg/mypackage:
9040 - add example of read/write pickup for state-var ;
1c85ab9892 Jean*9041 - add entry points to the main code for state-vars diags & write-pickup.
659d0ae881 Dimi*9042 o pkg/exf: rewrite of exf_getffieldrec.F to properly deal with year
9043 transitions for useExfYearlyFields
a435e833b1 Mart*9044 - add new subroutine that determines the file to read from for
510778fc01 Mart*9045 use*YearlyFields = .TRUE. and .FALSE.
a435e833b1 Mart*9046 - add a verification experiment to global_with_exf that tests
23f0d70669 Mart*9047 useExfYearlyFields with USE_EXF_INTERPOLATION defined
a435e833b1 Mart*9048 o pkg/obcs/exf: add useOBCSYearlyFields (=.FALSE.) to obcs with exf in
9049 analogy to useExfYearlyFields; rearrange obcs_prescribe_read: two new
9050 subroutines (which could be generated from a template, because they are
7c7f4c7f71 Mart*9051 almost identical), for now they are included in obcs_prescribe_read.F for
9052 simplicity
e189b52423 Mart*9053 o pkg/exf:
a435e833b1 Mart*9054 - add a little more diagnostic to exf_interp_read (in analogy to
e189b52423 Mart*9055 mds_read_field, can be turned off with debugLevel < debugLevA=1)
9056 - improve vectorizability of exf_interp for TARGET_NEC_SX, makes code
a435e833b1 Mart*9057 ugly but fast by unrolling short inner loops, inserting a unroll=8
4f5a52ae80 Mart*9058 directive in routine lagran, and splitting a loop and making do while the
9059 outermost loop (the latter requires the intoduction of index arrays)
0f64a7d6fb Dimi*9060 o pkg/obcs: replace obcs_apply_area/heff/hsalt/hsnow with obcs_apply_seaice
02aabb8fe5 Dimi*9061 o pkg/seaice: moved DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE from seaice_model to seaice_dynsolver
9062 http://forge.csail.mit.edu/pipermail/mitgcm-devel/2008-January/003173.html
3b88786c4e Dimi*9063 o verification/seaice_obcs: updated for restart test and latest options
dadd13178c Mart*9064 o pkg/seaice: add a new flag SEAICEuseTEM to use a slightly different
9065 ice rheology (so-called truncated ellipse, that gets rid of tensile stress);
9066 for now this is only available for the C-grid code and also within
9067 #ifdef SEAICE_ALLOW_TEM, because this option may slow down the EVP code
0e6056cd20 Jean*9069 checkpoint59m (2008/01/14)
b1bf47d3b3 Dimi*9070 o pkg/seaice: use different time constant for melting (SEAICE_gamma_t)
9071 and freezing (SEAICE_gamma_t_frz) ice due to mixed layer temperature
a435e833b1 Mart*9072 o gad_som : fix flux output (& diagnostics) to have same units as other
9073 advection scheme fluxes (was previously multiplied by deltaT).
41fb919ba6 Dimi*9074 o added verification/seaice_obcs both to test seaice open boundaries
9075 and to provide an example matlab scrpt for generating them
9076 o added verification/lab_sea/input.salt_plume for testing pkg/salt_plume
5968a91b01 An T*9077 o pkg/salt_plume: clean up salt_plume_frac.F to
9078 remove redundancy in PlumeMethod 1 and 4
30c6f5b1cd An T*9079 o pkg/kpp: added saltplume diagnostics
49834856da Dimi*9080 o pkg/obcs and pkg/seaice:
9081 - do not set uice and vice to zero when OB*icefile are unspecified
9082 - OBCS_SEAICE_AVOID_CONVERGENCE is undefined by default
9083 - moved seaice tracer obcs after call to seaice_growth
824966555a Dimi*9084 o pkg/salt_plume: added various options for salt plume depth
9085 criterion and for vertical distribution of the salt
c98c324ec7 Jean*9086
0e6056cd20 Jean*9087 checkpoint59l (2007/12/18)
94059a384d Jean*9088 o pkg/ptracers: new version of ptracers pickup:
9089 read meta file and write only fields which are needed to restart.
9090 ( same logic as main pickup file ; also using pickupStrictlyMatch )
e6b0d1006c Dimi*9091 o pkg/seaice:
f2446b8a43 Mart*9092 - add timescale for melting due to warm mixed layer as a means of
9093 setting SEAICE_availHeatFrac more conveniently
9094 - add a CPP-flag/runtime parameter check for flooding algorithm
e6b0d1006c Dimi*9095 - reformulated availHeat in seaice_growth.F to be independent of AREA
f2446b8a43 Mart*9096 o change units attribute of EmPmR netcdf variables to kg/m^2/s to reflect recent
9097 unit changes
00127a5872 Dimi*9098 o pkg/obcs: added OBCS_SEAICE_AVOID_CONVERGENCE constraint
ef5afff8c1 Mart*9099 o cg2d.F: add 3 compiler directives that speed up this routine by 30% on a NEC
9100 SX vector computer.
6eb23881b9 Dimi*9101 o pkg/seaice:
9102 - removed SEAICE_FFIELDS.h and seaice_get_forcing.F
9103 seaice forcing fields can now be read only through pkg/exf
9104 - removed some unused halos
21234f54a9 Jean*9105 o no longer write pickup from THE_MODEL_MAIN but always from FORWARD_STEP
0b49ffce6f Dimi*9106 o pkg/exf: added useRelativeWind EXF_PARAM.h option for subtracting U/VVEL
9107 or U/VICE from U/VWIND before computing U/VSTRESS
cd7677e357 Dimi*9108
0e6056cd20 Jean*9109 checkpoint59k (2007/11/30)
409b09eb42 Dimi*9110 o pkg/seaice: ICE2WATR=SEAICE_rhoIce/rhoConst for consistency between
9111 dynamics and thermodynamics. Set ICE2WATR=0.92 to reproduce older results.
62e148683f Jean*9112 o fix un-initialised variable problem (in mom_vecinv & shap_filt):
94059a384d Jean*9113 all experiments pass when compile with un-initialised var. checking option.
e4775240e5 Dimi*9114 o added pkg/salt_plume
c28f57ed2e Jean*9115 o script to test restart (for now, in MITgcm_contrib/jmc_script)
a435e833b1 Mart*9116 o pkg/seaice: new read/write pickup version.
c28f57ed2e Jean*9117 read meta file and write only fields which are needed to restart.
9118 ( same logic as main pickup file ; also using pickupStrictlyMatch )
df45546054 Mart*9119 o pkg/seaice: fix bug in seaice_ocean_stress (call of seaice_calc_strainrates)
b030fd2059 Jean*9120 o lab_sea.hb87: modify the domain & update output.hb87.txt :
9121 lat-long grid & no-slip BC in seaice-dynamics produce different sigma12
9122 at j=1 & j=Ny+1 : this case is not treated correctly in the restart
9123 process. Fixed here by closing the domain at the Northern boundary.
9124 o pkg/rw: cleaning-up: call directly new MDSIO S/R MDS_READ/WRITE_FIELD.
9125 o pkg/mdsio: add new arguments to MDS_READ/WRITE_FIELD for reading/writing
9126 a set of consecutive levels in/from a 3-D array.
a435e833b1 Mart*9127 o pkg/ptracers:
b030fd2059 Jean*9128 use a 2 characters string ioLabel to identify tracer (if more than 99 tracers).
74f73e83d7 Jean*9129 to-do: fix pkg/diagnostics when large number of diagnostics are defined.
0e6056cd20 Jean*9131 checkpoint59j (2007/11/09)
054a6ca04b Jean*9132 o in pkgs: dic, obcs, offline, rbcs:
9133 standard way to compute coeff. for time interpolation between 2 time reccords
9134 which retains full precision (& make results less dependent on compiler).
9135 update output of exp: tutorial_cfc_offline & tutorial_global_oce_biogeo.
f82f0d1e3a Mart*9136 o pkg/cfc: if compiled with exf and seaice, cfc now can use fields from those
9137 packages instead of reading ice cover and wind speed separately
dee09995de Jean*9138 o split PTRACERS.h in 2 header files: PTRACERS_FIELDS.h & PTRACERS_PARAMS.h
9139 (keep a temporary version of PTRACERS.h in verification/OpenAD/code_ad_openad
9140 to allow to compile customized code before the update)
a435e833b1 Mart*9141 o cleaning-up:
1330311b36 Jean*9142 - fix CPP instruction syntax in pkg/obcs
9143 - replace (some) call to MDSIO S/R with call to RW interface S/R ; and
9144 add #ifdef ALLOW_MDSIO elsewhere (allows to compile without pkg/mdsio)
9145 - fix some threads issue in IO parts.
7f2d5ae7b4 Davi*9146 o pkg/dic:
9147 - add tons of "_d 0" (--> much better testreports !)
9148 and then update outputs of tutorial_global_oce_biogeo
7d697fe457 Jean*9149 o pkg/mom_fluxform:
9150 add a special version of momentum advection intended to conserve momentum
9151 next to a bathymetry step or a coastline edge. (default = off = #undef)
715883b931 Jean*9152 o new read/write pickup version:
9153 - for now, only implemented for main (mdsio) pickup file.
9154 - write out only what is needed to restart; merge pickup_nh , pickup_ph
9155 and main pickup together.
9156 - read meta file; read only what is needed to restart; stop if a field
9157 is missing (if pickupStrictlyMatch=T, = the default) or try to restart
9158 if it make sense (even if the restart is not perfect).
9159 - if no meta file, assume that pickup to read corresponds exactly to
9160 a pickup that would currently be written.
9161 - read pickup written in the old format (until checkpoint59i) if it
9162 recognizes an old meta file (no field-list).
9163 - add a meta file in exp. which starts from a pickup: 2 cases:
9164 a) minimal meta file (with just file precision) + pickupStrictlyMatch=F
9165 e.g.: global_ocean.90x40x15/input/pickup.0000036000.meta
9166 b) a meta file describing the content of the associated pickup file
9167 e.g.: tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/input/pickup.0004248000.meta
9168 o pkg/mdsio & pkg/rw:
9169 - new routine to read a meta file ; new set of routine to read
9170 Multiple-fields file (with meta file).
5459643feb Dimi*9171 o added open boundary conditions capability for seaice
fa757486b0 Dimi*9173
0e6056cd20 Jean*9174 checkpoint59i (2007/10/21)
3420897bc6 Patr*9175 o adjoint:
a435e833b1 Mart*9176 * fix multiDimAdvection adjoint
3420897bc6 Patr*9177 (partial recomputation problem by TAF for fVerT(:,:,kDown)
9178 and comlev1 size definition (maxpass vs. max. number of tracers)
9179 * verification/global_ocean.90x45x15 adjoint now tests
9180 NLFS and multiDimAdvection using DST3 (=30)
9181 * verification/lab_sea now tests multiDimAdvection using DST3 (=30)
a435e833b1 Mart*9182 o pkg/kpp: add "_d 0" to real constant (if missing);
846ec3a65a Jean*9183 update output of exp: natl_box (10.digits); vermix (std, 7.digits)
9184 and lab_sea, 3.FW (only 6,4,6 digits match) & AD (8.digits).
97b9193f01 Jean*9185 o prepare for "clever pickup" implementation: add new header file "RESTART.h"
9186 for internal parameters related to restart process (formerly from PARAMS.h)
9187 and add startAB parameter to argument list of S/R ADAMS_BASHFORTH2.
9188 o more standard interface to {PKG}_WRITE_PICKUP with pickup suffix passed
9189 as argument. (only atm2d & obcs write_pickup have not yet been updated)
fc36747b80 Jean*9190 o pkg/monitor:
9191 - use GLOBAL_SUM_TILE instead of _GLOBAL_SUM
9192 - fix mon_stats_rs (statistics over the full domain, even where field is zero)
9193 - account for deep Atmosphere factor and density factor (anelastic)
b48f786726 Dimi*9194 o added open boundary conditions capability for seaice HEFF and AREA
11b7991b31 Mart*9195 o pkg/shelfice: add option for convservative form of Hellmer&Olbers (1989)
9196 thermodynamics
a435e833b1 Mart*9197 - requires a little reorganization, which affects the testreport results
11b7991b31 Mart*9198 of isomip.htd (only 7 digits of cg2d agree) => update/modify experiment,
9199 so that now the conservative form is tested
9200 - add a few comments
fc36747b80 Jean*9201 o add missing cvs Header: or Name: in eesupp/*, pkg/* & verification/code*
5cc78a2bb0 Mart*9202 o add a little bit of code to gad_os7mp_adv_?.F to help vectorization
37de51ebf5 Mart*9203 o add new diagnostics to seaice: advective, diffusive fluxes (only for
a435e833b1 Mart*9204 multidim-advection, for scheme 2 they are not filled) and transports,
37de51ebf5 Mart*9205 thermodynamic growth rates
5c9e11f575 Jean*9206 o change units of EmPmR (inside the code, + within coupling interface)
9207 from m/s to kg/m2/s (mass flux) but leave input file unchanged.
a435e833b1 Mart*9208 Affects results @ truncation level (cg2d match) and update output of
5c9e11f575 Jean*9209 experiments: lab_sea(6), global_ocean.90x40x15(10),
8106187dda Jean*9210 global_ocean.cs32x15(11x3,10), natl_box(11), tutorial_global_oce_latlon(11)
9211 + adjoint results: global_ocean_ebm(11) and lab_sea (12).
5c9e11f575 Jean*9212 Coupled set-up: allow to restart from previous pickups (cpl_oldPickup=T).
8106187dda Jean*9213 Next: will retire convertEmP2rUnit (simply using mass2rUnit instead).
0e6056cd20 Jean*9215 checkpoint59h (2007/09/29)
a435e833b1 Mart*9216 o pkg/exf:
97f0a6ab4c Mart*9217 - improve vectorization by moving if-statement out of loops in
9218 exf_mapfields, exf_radiation
9219 - exf_bulkformulae.F: introduce 2D fields and vectorize code
63ceaaa79c Dimi*9220 o pkg/kpp: added the salt plume scheme (ALLOW_SALT_PLUME) to KPP package
a435e833b1 Mart*9221 o testreport:
9222 - allow to test for Qnet & SeaIce monitor output; clean-up ALLOW_BULK_OFFLINE
b60e6e79c3 Jean*9223 monitor & update offline_exf_seaice exp. output.
9224 - AD testing: pass/FAIL according to Grad. output accuracy (instead of Cost)
f09197aee0 Mart*9225 o pkg/seaice:
9226 - bug fix in the evp solver: boundary conditions were affected be
9227 masking of zMax/zMin (changes results)
a435e833b1 Mart*9228 - minor bug fix in boundary conditions in seaice_calc_strainrates
f09197aee0 Mart*9229 (changes results for no_slip)
9230 - seaice_lsr.F: make interpolation of eta dependent on boundaries
9231 - replace hardcoded lower limit for zeta (zMin) by runtime parameter
9232 - add a test to lab_sea, that tests the Hibler and Bryan (1987) ocean
9233 stress formulation and no-slip boundary conditions
453b5521e5 Jean*9234 o pkg/ptracers: Temporary fix for PTRACERS_useGMRedi & PTRACERS_useKPP
9235 in gad_calc_rhs.F ; add few safety stops in initialisation phase.
e06023d8a7 Dimi*9236 o pkg/seaice: a first HSALT time stepping equation has been checked in
6aebec07e1 Dimi*9237 o pkg/seaice: replaced maskW with seaiceMaskU and maskS with seaiceMaskV
9238 in seaice_lsr.F; this solves the pkg/seaice-pkg/obcs problem
9239 without requiring DO-IF statements
acdf6745c2 Jean*9240 o pkg/thsice:
9241 use continuous power-law function for partition of energy between lateral
9242 melting/freezing and thinning/thickening ; old code using step function
9243 still available with #undef THSICE_FRACEN_POWERLAW
9244 update output of exp: aim.5l_cs.thSI, global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn & .thsice
9245 o testreport: change AD testing : check against results/output_adm.txt
9246 using same scripts as for forward test.
6aebec07e1 Dimi*9247
0e6056cd20 Jean*9248 checkpoint59g (2007/09/17)
6d61a12d79 Jean*9249 o adjoint testing: in preparation for changing testreport:
9250 - output format: cost and grad written on separated lines
9251 - ad output results in directory "results" (instead of "results_ad")
fdfa8e151f Dimi*9252 o pkg/seaice: adding ice salinity HSALT as a prognostic variable
06687b5615 Dimi*9253 o pkg/seaice: changes for using pkg/seaice with pkg/obcs
a435e833b1 Mart*9254 o pkg/ecco: allow user defined cost function contributions
a3953b5266 Jean*9255 o testreport:
9256 Allow to choose (per experiment) the list of tested output variables
9257 and the main variable (used to issue a pass/FAIL ) ;
9258 - for now, done by adding the specific list in file: [exp]/input/tr_checklist
6d61a12d79 Jean*9259 - default is unchanged: >cg2d< , (T,S,U,V,5 tracers)_[min,max,mean,StD] ;
a3953b5266 Jean*9260 Also modify printing of summary:
9261 a) ">" NN "<" indicates the "main" variable (used for pass/FAIL)
9262 b) echo the list of tested variables in the individual summary.txt of
9263 each experiment.
768f1a0767 Jean*9264 o new S/R GLOBAL_SUM_TILE to compute global sum independently of number of
9265 threads and number of processes (with #define GLOBAL_SUM_SEND_RECV)
9266 (but still depend on the tile decompostion of the domain).
a435e833b1 Mart*9267 o pkg/seaice: change a discretization detail to make the B-grid code
9268 "more symmetric". This change is likely to remove all "ridges/leads" that
9269 where quasi-aligned with the grid in B-grid solutions. It may also be
9890ce5b02 Mart*9270 the solution to the stress coupling issues with the B-grid.
746e4b22c8 Jean*9271 o each tested exp: add a "run" directory with a standard ".cvsignore" file ;
9272 remove .cvsignore from input dir. (since testreport no longer run here).
00f1a01b56 Jean*9273 o pkg/thsice:
746e4b22c8 Jean*9274 - cleaning: move common block out of "THSICE_2DYN.h" (removed) to "THSICE_VARS.h"
00f1a01b56 Jean*9275 - fix reshaping of sea-ice just after advection:
9276 melt all the ice only if ice-volume is too small.
9277 - re-visit lateral/thinning repartition of melting (modifs from May 04, 2007):
9278 prevent lateral melting if sea-ice fraction is too close to iceMaskMin ;
9279 and update experiment global_ocean.cs32x15.icedyn (+start from pickup files).
be8537d9a0 Jean*9280 o external_forcing_surf : extend the use of salt_EvPrRn & temp_EvPrRn (fresh-water
9281 tracer content) to linFS or no RealFreshWaterFlux ; default remains unchanged.
a435e833b1 Mart*9282 o define mass2rUnit & rUnit2mass as units conversion factor, used for surface
de702e22c7 Jean*9283 forcing. mass2rUnit: from mass per unit area [kg/m2] to r-coordinate unit
9284 (z-coord: =1/rhoConst ; p-coord: =gravity) ; rUnit2mass is just the reverse;
9285 and remove horiVertRatio (& recip_horiVertRatio). Affects truncation error
9286 of exp. global_oce_in_p: 10 16 16 14 16 13 16 16 16 13 13 13 16 13 13 12 16
9287 -> update output.txt
9288 o pkg/cd_code: add brackets in multiple terms sum (S/R CD_CODE_SCHEME):
9289 this affects truncation error: -> update output.txt of exp:
9290 global_ocean.90x40x15 (fw&adm), lab_sea (fw&adm) & lab_sea.lsr,
9291 ideal_2D_oce, isomip.htd, natl_box, tutorial_global_oce_latlon.
0e6056cd20 Jean*9293 checkpoint59f (2007/08/21)
a435e833b1 Mart*9294 o pkg/autodiff: zero_adj resets an ajoint variable to zero (in adjoint mode)
9295 o pkg/ctrl: ctrl_bound forces parameter corrections to stay in
5e4d837505 Gael*9296 a bounded range (in forward mode)
59227d8f71 Gael*9297 o pkg/ecco, ctrl, autodiff and mom_common:
9298 internal parameter controls, completements of implementations
7cb9ec3ac0 Jean*9299 o add few EXCH S/R (UV_BGRID, UV_DGRID, SM) for B & D-Grid velocity & 2nd Moment Sxy.
9e6f983930 Jean*9300 o use UV_BGRID exch for dxV,dyU: for now, only with pkg/exch2 & forward ;
9301 (not seem any difference in testing results).
a435e833b1 Mart*9302 o pkg/cd_code: use the right EXCH calls (for CS-grid); but problem remains
7cb9ec3ac0 Jean*9303 at face corners.
a435e833b1 Mart*9304 o pkg/generic_advdiff:
c3947d579e Jean*9305 - in GAD.h, define as parameters (iMinAdvR,iMaxAdvR,jMinAdvR,jMaxAdvR)
9306 loop range indices for computing vertical advection tendency
9307 and do the calculation in the interior only (no overlap) ;
9308 for now, only implemented for SOM advection (to save CPU time).
9309 - add argument "withSigns" to S/R FILL_CS_CORNER_TR_RL (needed for SOM_xy moment)
ffa5f4b126 Patr*9310 o exch2 adjoint
9311 First set of changes:
9312 - add exch2 hand-written adjoint templates
9313 - exch2 hand-written no longer use TAF-flag 'nownew_arg'
9314 This will require cleanup in pkg/autodiff/*.F
9315 (changed routines currently kept separate in verif. code/)
9316 - Comment all relevant #ifndef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC
9317 that used to hide exch2 or cubed-sphere specific code
9318 (commented via 'cph-exch2')
eb0337bb06 Dimi*9319 o pkg/seaice
9320 - Close southern and western boundaries for UICE/VICE when useOBCS=.TRUE.
a435e833b1 Mart*9321 o pkg/bulk_force: fix loading into Qsw of Short-Wave flux; and update
142f944c15 Jean*9322 output of global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice .
ffa5f4b126 Patr*9323
0e6056cd20 Jean*9324 checkpoint59e (2007/07/26)
eed8e492b5 Jean*9325 o exch2: new S/R that only use the cube-tracer (center-position) exchange:
9326 for B-grid vector (not yet tested) and C-grid vector (<- only used
9327 when option W2_USE_R1_ONLY in W2_OPTIONS.h is defined).
8c3259a14c Dimi*9328 o starting implementation of Duffy et al. (GRL 1999) salt plume scheme
9329 (#ifdef ALLOW_SALT_PLUME)
713e6ff2ab Dimi*9330 o gather_2d/scatter_2d: removed halo regions
ca76150054 Jean*9331 o gmredi: add option (GM_taper_scheme='fm07') for Ferrari & McWilliams 2007
9332 scheme and the corresponding test case (under front_relax dir). For now,
9333 only available with Skew-flux form and not yet tested in realistic set-up.
a614482486 Patr*9334 adjoint: store directives updated, but gradient checks deteriorated,
9335 so maybe GM/Redi adjoint is now broken.
7dadb0325c Patr*9336 o seaice adjoint
9337 * add AREA, HEFF, HSNOW as control variable
9338 (should not change lab_sea results)
9339 * CTRL_OPTIONS.h needs new flag: CTRL_SET_OLD_MAXCVARS_40
09379e5080 Dimi*9340 o pkg/seaice:
9341 * added computation of saltFlux in seaice_growth;
9342 For time being, sea ice salinity is assumed constant
9343 contribution of snow flooding to freshening of sea ice is neglected.
9344 SEAICE_salinity is set in SEAICE_PARM01 of data.seaice and it
9345 defaults to 0.0 in order to maintain backward compatibility.
9346 Typical values for SEAICE_salinity are 4 to 10 g/kg.
9347 * replaced dRf(1) with dRf(kSurface)*hFacC(kSurface) in seaice_growth.F
9348 * added SEAICE_availHeatFrac, which specifies fraction of surface level
9349 heat content used to melt or grow ice
c7cb92a732 Dimi*9350 * commented out cap of HICE: it helps keep ice thinner
9351 * reintroduced cap of HEFF via MAX_HEFF and SEAICE_CAP_HEFF option
a6d2313c04 Dimi*9352 * applied OBCS T/S mask to HEFFM sea ice mask
7dadb0325c Patr*9353
0e6056cd20 Jean*9354 checkpoint59d (2007/06/21)
d2b8341951 Jean*9355 o standard name: {PKG}_DIAGNOSTICS_STATE to fill diagnostics array
9356 for {PKG} state variables, and called from DO_STATEVARS_DIAGS.
9357 (keep {PKG}_DIAGNOSTICS_FILL for non-state variables diagnostics)
9358 o pkg/gmredi (gmredi_readparms.F): add some missing "_d 0"
9359 and change default value of parameter "GM_Small_Number";
9360 update output of exp: lab_sea (x2), cfc_example, global_ocean.90x40x15,
a435e833b1 Mart*9361 global_ocean.cs32x15 (x4), global_ocean_ebm, global_with_exf,
d2b8341951 Jean*9362 tutorial_global_oce_biogeo, tutorial_global_oce_latlon
f79922cd31 Gael*9363 o pkg/ecco: cost function when applying pkg/smooth to controls
9364 o pkg/ctrl: add forcingPrecond run time parameter
6ac96a67e3 Mart*9365 o pkg/seaice:
9366 - replace ZMIN=4.e8 with ZMIN=0. in dynsolver.F as in C-grid code
a435e833b1 Mart*9367 - fix bug in metric terms of u-equation in LSR solver (implicit part),
6ac96a67e3 Mart*9368 changes verification/lab_sea
9369 - rearrange implicit part of u-equation in LSR solver to make it easier to
9370 read, understand, and debug. This causes changes at the truncation level.
a435e833b1 Mart*9371 - fix (serious) bug in the boundary conditions (sign error in the implicit
6ac96a67e3 Mart*9372 part) of the LSR solver. Changes all LSR results.
de31ea8481 Dimi*9373 - fixed problem with HSNOW initialization to avoid thick snow when AREA
9374 is initilized with small values - does not change lab_sea results.
9375 - added HsnowFile initialization capability
a435e833b1 Mart*9376 o pkg/smooth: addition to model/src and pkg/ctrl so allow
bf0c19d334 Gael*9377 initialization of pkg/smooth and application to control vector
19ab789a27 Mart*9378 o pkg/seaice: fix another bug in the LSR no-slip boundary conditons
249fe8e752 Gael*9379 o dependencies: pkg/profiles requires pkg/cal
8d3088d3d7 Gael*9380 o pkg/profiles:
9382 -> pkg/profiles can thus be used with any grid (e.g. cs32x15) assuming
a435e833b1 Mart*9383 that interpolation information (grid points and coefficients) is provided
8d3088d3d7 Gael*9384 within the netcdf input files.
9385 -> sample matlab scripts can be found in MITgcm_contrib/gael
9386 that allow you to prepare netcdf input files.
a435e833b1 Mart*9387 - also modified: cleaner include statements, cleaner error print statements,
8d3088d3d7 Gael*9388 cleaner stops when error, and more tests of the netcdf input files consistency.
a0c93d7fd2 Jean*9389 o additional test (in global_ocean.cs32x15) using seaice+thsice pkgs.
04b45d6d21 Mart*9390 o pkg/seaice:
583c1cf330 Mart*9391 - move seaice-diagnostics from seaice_do_diags to do_statevars_diags; this
9392 requires a new routine: seaice_diagnostics_fill.F
acaec430f5 Mart*9393 - make sure that seaice does not move if not forced (pressure replacement
9394 method, Hibler and Ip, 1995), changes results
04b45d6d21 Mart*9395 - and new damping criterion for EVP solver according to Hunke, JCP, 2001
a435e833b1 Mart*9396 - SEAICE_evpDampC = > 0. turns it on (615. is the recommended value).
04b45d6d21 Mart*9397 It is turned off by default (=-1.), because it changes the results.
b1e9686d05 Mart*9398 - make it possible to read AREA from a file, too.
04b45d6d21 Mart*9399
0e6056cd20 Jean*9400 checkpoint59c (2007/06/04)
93133b7df9 Jean*9401 o add S/R and diagnostics for oceanic mixed-layer depth
9402 o move GMRedi call after all vertical mixing schemes (including KPP)
a435e833b1 Mart*9403 o pkg/thsice:
93133b7df9 Jean*9404 - ensure iceMask > iceMaskMin : this problem appeared after May-04 modifs
9405 (melt only laterally if thin ice): update output of global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice
de3611c1c1 Mart*9406 o pkg/obcs:
9407 - bug fix for balance code
2d85697240 Mart*9408 o pkg/seaice:
6bfbbed422 Mart*9409 - allow values of SEAICE_elasticParm > 1
a435e833b1 Mart*9410 - add new parameter SEAICE_evpTauRelax as an alternative
b559ca9c5c Mart*9411 to SEAICE_elasticParm
6bfbbed422 Mart*9412 - make lsr boundary conditions free slip (by default), changes result
887a79a904 Mart*9413 - add code for no slip boundary conditions for lsr
2d85697240 Mart*9414 - set minimum of zeta to zero (and not 4e8) (changes results)
b559ca9c5c Mart*9415 - add a cap on AREA after advecting AREA if seaice_growth is not called
04010225bf Jean*9416 o change calculation of Visbeck K:
a435e833b1 Mart*9417 - no longer depend on tapering scheme; instead, compute slope (limited
04010225bf Jean*9418 by GM_maxSlope). this is equivalent to what was comuted before with
9419 clipping or linear tappering.
93133b7df9 Jean*9420 - fix vertical averaging (wrong by 1/2 level)
04010225bf Jean*9421 - leave the old version (but will not be maintained) within
9422 #ifdef OLD_VISBECK_CALC / #endif
93133b7df9 Jean*9423 - update output of exp. ideal_2D_oce
ae6dbd4886 Mart*9424 o change error catch in calc_r_star to improve vectorization
fc0ec0c7ea Jean*9425 o exf runoff and seaice: remove ALLOW_SEAICE from exf pkg files and
9426 add #define ALLOW_RUNOFF in SEAICE_OPTIONS.h (when not using exf).
5728d4a98b Patr*9427 o adjoint:
9428 Re-organized adjoint checkpointing according to Matt Mazloff
9429 (but with modifs/completions/cleanups)
9430 Storing is now bundled into large arrays to optimized I/O
9431 (and second step in cleanup of the_main_loop)
fc0ec0c7ea Jean*9432
0e6056cd20 Jean*9433 checkpoint59b (2007/05/16)
59d7b34837 Jean*9434 o coupler (pkg/atm_ocn_coupler, pkg/ocn_compon_interf, pkg/atm2d):
9435 - export/import (between ocean & coupler) fields needed for ocean DIC.
a435e833b1 Mart*9436 o pkg/seaice:
9437 - get rid of three more exchanges seaice_calc_viscosities (required
17cb3b1135 Mart*9438 different loop boundaries in seaice_lsr and seaice_ocean_stress)
9439 - bug fix in seaice_ocean_stress (update of lab_sea required)
9440 - reduce loop boundaries to necessary minimum also in seaice_evp
a435e833b1 Mart*9441 - go back to the old way of computing deltaC/Z as the adjoint likes that
17cb3b1135 Mart*9442 better
ec0736eb1a Davi*9443 o Refresh of tutorial_global_oce_latlon (includes changing salinity-like
9444 passive tracer to an Age Tracer) + update output.txt
93f8102905 Jean*9445 o pkg/exf:
7bb7cdd467 Jean*9446 - implement A-grid / C-grid selection for wind-stress input files.
9447 - clean-up exf_wind.F (remove us, use wspeed instead ; add wStress)
9448 for now, in exf_bulk_largeyeager04.F only :
9449 - change implementation for case where windspeed + 2. components wind-stress
9450 are read-in. AND use rhoConstFresh to convert evap.
9451 o pkg/seaice:
9452 - use correct EXCH_UV for wind-forcing (on A-grid).
9453 - change SEAICE_OPTIONS.h to limit the number of option combinations (regarding
9455 o pkg/exf:
93f8102905 Jean*9456 - default EXF options are now set in EXF_OPTIONS.h (ifndef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC)
a435e833b1 Mart*9457 EXF_INTERPOLATION:
93f8102905 Jean*9458 - merge global_with_exf/code version of exf_interp_read.F
a435e833b1 Mart*9459 to the main code ;
9460 - Add new option: EXF_INTERP_USE_DYNALLOC to use Dynamical Allocation when
9461 reading the file ; Important: This options needs to be defined to recover
93f8102905 Jean*9462 previous code.
9463 otherwise, use fixed size array to read in (size=exf_interp_bufferSize).
9464 - no longer loose real*8 precision along the way when using exf_iprec=64.
2f88b60189 Mart*9465 o pkg/seaice: rearrangement of common blocks (really needs more cleaning up)
b3e6145587 Mart*9466 - change discretisation of evp-solver in order to avoid another exchange
9467 (changes lab_sea) and clean up a little
a435e833b1 Mart*9468 - replace SQRT(MAX(deltaC,SEAICE_EPS)) by MAX(SQRT(deltaC),SEAICE_EPS)
b3e6145587 Mart*9469 help the adjoint (this also changes the results slightly)
9470 - add a few "_d 0" where they had been missing in seaice_evp.F
9471 - cleaning up: remove unused seaice_calc_rhs.F
35a74aa2c2 Jean*9472 o pkg/exf: some cleaning-up:
9473 - change various "constants" into runtime parameters
9474 - cleaned-up Large&Yeager04 routine which should eventually
9475 replace exf_bulkformulae.F (changed names of S/R and CPP)
9476 and merged various ALLOW_ATM_WIND options
9477 only used with thsice pkg (in thsice_get_exf.F):
9478 - implement fixed turbulent transfert Coeff over ice (as in Large&Yeager04)
9479 which are used when useStabilityFct_overIce=TRUE (= the default)
9480 - change default values of ice & snow emissivity and scale downward LW
9481 by ice & snow emissivity.
9482 o pkg/thsice:
0a9955b282 Jean*9483 fix few little problems, in thsice_calc_thickn.F:
9484 - growth vertically (and not laterally) if iceFrac == iceMaskMax
93133b7df9 Jean*9485 - melt only laterally if hIce < hThinIce (as the comments say)
0a9955b282 Jean*9486 and in thsice_extend.F:
9487 - allow to form ice even when iceFrac == iceMaskMax (by increasing thickness)
9488 - start to form ice as soon as the minimum ice-volume is reachable.
a435e833b1 Mart*9489 update output of test-exp: aim.5l_cs(thSI), global_ocean.cs32x15(thsice),
0a9955b282 Jean*9490 and cpl_aim+ocn
66b38c4c51 Mart*9491 o pkg/kpp
9492 - move computation of surface related input fields to KPP into a new
9493 subroutine kpp_forcing_surf.F
0a9955b282 Jean*9494 - remove wrong (within bi,bj loops) EXCH calls.
9495 - little cleaning (add argument myThid in last position, cvs header ...)
a435e833b1 Mart*9496 - for now, fix conservation problem by exchanging KPPviscAz (may not
0a9955b282 Jean*9497 be the best fix)
f83c00719e Mart*9498 o pkg/seaice
9499 - check for inconsistent evp parameter/cpp-flag combination
9500 - remove leftover errIO flat for obsolete name list error handling
4b058176c1 Patr*9501 o OpenAD
9502 - changed verification/OpenAD to full baroclinic setup (including GM/Redi)
f83c00719e Mart*9503
0e6056cd20 Jean*9504 checkpoint59a (2007/05/01)
09e3b53265 Mart*9505 o pkg/seaice: some parameter clarifications and a little bit of clean up
f8fa27d193 Jean*9506 o pkg/thsice: rename run-time parameters:
9507 himin -> hIceMin
9508 himin0 -> hThinIce
9509 hihig -> hThickIce
9510 i0 -> i0swFrac
9511 transCoef -> bMeltCoef
9512 frac_energy -> fracMelting
9513 add new parameters: hNewIceMax, fracFreezing, dhSnowLin
9514 with default values (for now) that do not change the results.
9515 remove old version of thsice vars advection in pkg/seaice.
a435e833b1 Mart*9516 o in FFIELDS.h:
18ca872a92 Jean*9517 - replace #ifndef ALLOW_EXF by #ifndef EXCLUDE_FFIELDS_LOAD
9518 - make pLoad & sIceLoad always available (but still only used if
9519 ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING is #define).
fe66051ebd Dimi*9520 o pkg/kpp: replaced _KPP_RL with _RL
059d9fc14f Dimi*9521 o bug fixes for vertical diffusivity computations when both KPP and
a3b5d49db3 Dimi*9522 3D diffusivity arrays are used; pkg/kpp/kpp_calc_diff_s & _t.F
9523 are no longer updating the vertical diffusivity array
9524 (passed as argument) but are (re-) setting those arrays.
2e88c0564a Mart*9525 o pkg/seaice: fix bug in evp solver, while doing that
9526 - change (improve?) discretization of stress computations for both
9527 cgrid-lsr and evp solver
9528 - add a new routine to compute strain rates
ed84a09795 Mart*9529 - the above changes lab_sea results
9530 - add no slip conditions for evp solver (off by default), lsr-version
9531 may follow
9532 - fix exchange for shear at Z-points (does not change lab_sea)
9533 - retire SEAICEuseEVP, instead turn on EVP by setting SEAICE_deltaTevp
9534 (to force the user to pick a time step since there is not "safe" way
9535 of choosing it)
4686684434 Mart*9536 - add principal stress diagnostics
a435e833b1 Mart*9537 - rearrange fields for evp a little to avoid having to call a: too many
9538 exchanges and b: exchanges for stress trensor components which we do
fe367969c0 Mart*9539 not have.
9540 - modify Hibler+Bryan (1987) stress coupling so that it reuses information
9541 of evp, complete rewrite for lsr case (latter is does not yet work
9542 in all cases)
efab83c021 Mart*9543 o pkg/kpp: add code to have mixing in shelf ice caverns
cb6682d07b Mart*9544 - add myThid to all kpp routines (long overdue)
efab83c021 Mart*9545
0e6056cd20 Jean*9546 checkpoint59 (2007/04/19)
a435e833b1 Mart*9547 o pkg/exf:
62cf11cfe0 Patr*9548 - fix wind-stress location: defined on A-grid (if ALLOW_ATM_WIND &
9549 ALLOW_BULKFORMULAE or USE_EXF_INTERPOLATION), otherwise, defined on C-grid
a435e833b1 Mart*9550 - move exf header files from lower_case.h to UPPER_CASE.h ;
62cf11cfe0 Patr*9551 add missing cvs Header & Name
9552 - add adjoint routines and flow dirs for newly used exch_uv_agrid routines
d9a285b784 Patr*9553 - add namelist param. selectStressGridPosition, exf_monFreq
a435e833b1 Mart*9554 - retire many _CLIM routines, and remove data.exf_clim
d9a285b784 Patr*9555 + params moved to data.exf
9556 + climsst, climsss now handled by exf_set_gen, i.e.
9557 climss?period=0 refers to constant field,
9558 climss?period=-12 to monthly forcing
9559 - split up namelists in data.exf
e1d22dfae3 Mart*9560 o pkg/seaice:
9561 - remove seaice_exch and seaice_exch_uv
9562 - remove superfluous exchange of theta
9563 - add myThid to seaice_budget_ocean/ice
039e537654 Mart*9564 - add new interface for atmospheric wind forcing (C-grid only)
9565 + new routine
9566 + two new field (taux, tauy for stress over ice)
9567 + removed one global field (DAIRN) for C-grid case only
62cf11cfe0 Patr*9568 o pkg/thsise
9569 - 2nd set of modifs for thsice adjoint in conjunction with exf
d9a285b784 Patr*9570 o enable runtime flag useEXF (useCAL is set to .T. if useEXF=.T.)
e1d22dfae3 Mart*9571
0e6056cd20 Jean*9572 checkpoint58y_post (2007/04/15)
0aefc24df1 Dimi*9573 o Added capability for latitudinal dependence of Bryan and Lewis, 1979
e40c34e398 Dimi*9574 vertical diffusivity, similar to that in MOM4; turned on using
9575 #define ALLOW_BL79_LAT_VARY in CPP_OPTIONS.h and specified using
9576 diffKrBL79*, diffKrBLEQ*, and BL79LatVary in runtime data file.
a7c5f770ff Dimi*9577 o Added capability for 3D specification of background vertical diffusion
9578 coefficient. This is done by (i) #define ALLOW_3D_DIFFKR
9579 in CPP_OPTIONS.h and (ii) specifying file diffKrFile in runtime
9580 "data" file that contains the 3D vertical diffusivity coefficients.
a10167ebd7 Jean*9581 o ice dynamics (pkg/seaice) with thsice thermodynamics:
9582 - add code within pkg thsice to advect & diffuse sea-ice fields
9583 similar to (and will replace) what has been added in seaice_advdiff.F,
9584 but: - conserving Mass, Heat & Salt.
9585 - better when using non-linear advection scheme (not yet fully tested)
9586 - can also be used in atmospheric set-up (for now, only the diffusion).
bf363e629f Dimi*9587
0e6056cd20 Jean*9588 checkpoint58x_post (2007/04/04)
fa535b8213 Jean*9589 o IO option for global-file compact format:
9590 - add options when generating topology (utils/exch2/matlab-topology-generator)
9591 - add I/O capability (pkg/mdsio).
9592 - adapt utils/matlab/rdmds.m to read this format.
9593 for now long-line format not yet supported by pkg/mdsio (& exch2).
4c0efb30d8 Mart*9594 o shelfice: add a few diagnostics
0e6056cd20 Jean*9596 checkpoint58w_post (2007/03/13)
db8fa666e0 Jean*9597 o p-coord. non-hydrostatic using reference profile for w <-> omega conversion:
9598 rVel2wUnit & wUnit2rVel are computed from reference profile Tref,Sref
9599 (and replace horiVertRatio in NH code).
a435e833b1 Mart*9600 Update output of exp.: tutorial_global_oce_in_p (useNHMTerms !)
db8fa666e0 Jean*9601 and tutorial_plume_on_slope (sensitive to truncation)
2496f367f4 Mart*9602 o seaice: if ALLOW_ATM_WIND is undefined use wind stress
9603 directly to drive seaice model (C-grid only)
9604 o exf: when input wind-stress (#undef ALLOW_ATM_WIND):
a435e833b1 Mart*9605 - reintroduce computation of wind from stress,
9606 - compute tau (in exf_bulkformulae.F) from windstress averaged to
2496f367f4 Mart*9607 mass points to avoid tau = 0
b3d6cfe67b Mart*9608 - fix serious bug: (1/3) in Fortran is not the same as (1./3.)
2496f367f4 Mart*9609 o rdmnc.m: make it work with "global" files created with gluemnc
fedb0baa62 Jean*9610 o rdmnc.m : some improvements in dealing with singleton dimension
9611 (tested on all testreport mnc output files).
9612 o genmake2: disable pkg/profiles if netcdf test fails.
108c7eb2d4 Jean*9613 o cpl_aim+ocn exp.: use consistent rhoConstFresh in Atm & Ocn; update output.
462fd48b6a Mart*9614 o move call to cal_readparms up to make calendar parameters/variable available
9615 to all packages
0e6056cd20 Jean*9617 checkpoint58v_post (2007/02/08)
bafc84b6a4 Jean*9618 o change EOS (from POLY3 to JMD95P) in global_ocean.90x45x15 to get
9619 useDynP_inEos_Zc tested.
5d2261ac89 Dimi*9620 o pkg/exf: changes to properly interpolate/mask/scale initial fields
7c705f78f8 Dimi*9621 o utils/matlab/cs_grid/read_cs: routines to speed up reading of CS510 fields
9622 and portions thereof. See read_cs.txt for description and examples.
c4b9b1e3e9 Jean*9623 o utils/matlab/cs_grid/bk_line: to compute transport through passages,
9624 add a script (grt_circ_bkl.m) to generate broken-line between 2 points,
9625 following the great-circle arc between those 2 points.
9626 o trap un-initialized variable with pathscale compiler on weddell.mit.edu
9627 (thanks to Constantinos): fix few problems and get (almost) all exp to pass.
95c3249206 Jean*9628 o 2nd-Order Moment Advection Scheme (Prather, 1986): first check-in
9629 - enable by setting #define GAD_ALLOW_SOM_ADVECT (in GAD_OPTIONS.h)
9630 - used without limiter (AdvScheme=80) or with Prather limiter (AdvScheme=81)
9631 - still needs work (not working with some options ; efficiency to improve)
9632 and serious testing.
9633 - use this scheme for temperature & salinity in 2 advection test exp.:
9634 advect_xy & advect_xz, respectively.
0e6056cd20 Jean*9636 checkpoint58u_post (2007/01/12)
42a486092f Jean*9637 o new test-exp: fizhi-cs-32x32x40 (40 levels) to replace the 10 levels.
31fd7701e4 Jean*9638 o move call to INI_FORCING from PACKAGES_INIT_VARIABLES to INITIALISE_VARIA.
9639 o testreport: add option "-skipdir" to skip some test.
a435e833b1 Mart*9640 o exf: when input wind-stress (#undef ALLOW_ATM_WIND), by-pass turbulent
31fd7701e4 Jean*9641 momentum calculation.
9642 o gad_advection: fix vertAdvecScheme (if different from advectionScheme)
9643 o some cleaning: usePickupBeforeC35 no longer supported ; remove this option.
9644 remove checkpoint.F and the_correction_step.F (no longer used);
9645 do the k loop inside CYCLE_TRACER (supposed to be more efficient).
a435e833b1 Mart*9646 o add option (linFSConserveTr) to correct for tracer source/sink due to
31fd7701e4 Jean*9647 Linear Free surface
0e1f0a567f Mart*9648 o pkg/seaice: fix a bug in the flooding algorithm: turn off the snow machine
9649 o pkg/thsice: fix reading mnc-pickups
0e6056cd20 Jean*9651 checkpoint58t_post (2006/12/30)
62990a23c1 Jean*9652 o pkg/diagnostics: fix multi-threaded output (when singleCpuIO=F)
9653 o pkg/mdsio:
9654 - clean-up mdsio_readfield.F & mdsio_writefield_new.F and
9655 move to new files: mdsio_read_field.F (S/R MDS_READ_FIELD) &
9656 mdsio_write_field.F (S/R MDS_WRITE_FIELD);
9657 - fix multi-threaded singleCpuIO option in MDS_WRITE_FIELD
9658 - collect old S/R in one file: mdsio_rw_field.F (now just a call to
9660 - new S/R (to replace MDSWRITEMETA), which allows to write more
9661 informations (variable names, time ...) to meta files.
9662 - modify rdmds.m to give back the meta file content.
f0676079d6 Jean*9663 o pkg/diagnostics: change vertical interpolation to be safer, and more
9664 flexible (define p-levels to interpolate to in data.diagnostics);
a435e833b1 Mart*9665 add argument to S/R DIAGNOSTICS_GET_POINTERS to catch the right
f0676079d6 Jean*9666 diagnostic pointer.
494a260c71 Mart*9667 o pkg/seaice: more cleaning up of seaice_growth, added many comments
0e1f0a567f Mart*9668 o pkg/exf: put runoff0 and runoff1 into the appropriate common block
72f428a311 Mart*9669 o fix multi-category seaice:
a435e833b1 Mart*9670 - change cpp flag SEAICE_MULTILEVEL to more meaningful name:
72f428a311 Mart*9671 SEAICE_MULTICATEGORY
9672 - fix short wave heat flux
ac10466ef6 Jean*9673 o pkg/seaice: change default (SEAICE_OPTIONS.h): use C-grid dynamics
a435e833b1 Mart*9674 and allow to use EVP solver. Change forward lab_sea: test both EVP
ac10466ef6 Jean*9675 solver and LSR solver, and use C-grid dynamics (like lab_sea adjoint)
13ac555e3c Patr*9676 o Initial check-in of lab_sea adjoint
9677 (very similar to natl_box_adjoint/code_seaice)
9678 * used C-grid and EVP solver
9679 * used KPP, GM/Redi
9680 * uses inAdExact=.TRUE.
9681 * gradient checks fail for both ADM and TLM
9682 due to sensitive snow melt code in seaice_grwoth (look for "JZ")
9683 f.d. gradients actually seem more problematic than ADM, TLM gradients;
9684 issue is related to forward mismatch between g77 an ifort
66cb0aa2f6 Mart*9685 o pkg/seaice: overhaul of thermodynamics
9686 - growth.F and groatb.F are replaced by new routine seaice_growth.F
9687 - budget.F is replaced by two new routines seaice_budget_ocean/ice.F
9688 - move a few global fields out of SEAICE.h into seaice_growth.F and
9689 make them 2D (FICE/QNETO/ ...)
9690 - remove FO (it is the same as QNETO)
9691 - introduce a few local fields to avoid modifying external fields such
9692 as atemp, etc.
0e6056cd20 Jean*9694 checkpoint58s_post (2006/12/11)
58d34f56b6 Dimi*9695 o pkg/exf: moved exf_init_runoff.F to exf_init.F and exf_set_gen.F
9696 changed exf_set_gen.F so that
9697 genperiod=0 means input file is one time-constant field and
9698 genperiod=-12 means input file contains 12 monthly means
475943d866 Jean*9699 o CG2D: use pre-computed solver main-diagonal (stored in common block);
9700 this affects truncation error ; generate new output file for exp. which
9701 fails: exp4(12d), fizhi-cs-aqualev20(12d), front_relax(10d),
9702 global_ocean.90x40x15(10d), global_ocean.cs32x15(10d).thsice(11d).viscA4(10d),
9703 ideal_2D_oce(10d), internal_wave(09d), isomip.htd(11d), matrix_example(07d),
9704 MLAdjust(4x11d,12d), natl_box(11d), rotating_tank(12d),
9705 tutorial_global_oce_in_p(10d), tutorial_plume_on_slope(11d),
9706 vermix(12d).ggl90(12d).my82(11d).opps(12d).pp81(11d)
c5d33297c7 Jean*9707 o start implementation of deep-atmosphere and anelastic formulation
d83c991b0e Jean*9708 o verification: remove 2nd copy of input files and use script "prepare_run"
9709 to make a symbolic link to the 1rst copy (reduce downloaded size by ~81.M)
1c10df8cad Mart*9710 o mom_common/vecinv/fluxform: fix a few initialisation isssues
544c96562c Gael*9711 o profiles: fix for multithreaded case
43ae10a9d8 Jean*9713 o diagnostics: rename few diags:
9714 s/'PRESSURE'/'RCENTER '/g
9715 s/'TICE '/'oceFreez'/g
9716 s/'TAUX '/'oceTAUX '/g
9717 s/'TAUY '/'oceTAUY '/g
9718 s/'SWFLUX '/'oceQsw '/g
9719 s/DIFx/DFxE/g
9720 s/DIFy/DFyE/g
9721 and add few ocean-forcing diagnostics:
9722 atmPload, sIceLoad, oceQnet, oceFWflx, oceSflux, surForcT & surForcS
ab48336167 Dimi*9723 o modifications to pkg/seaice/growth.F and budget.F, which change results of
9724 lab_sea experiment: HSNOW was sometimes treated as effective and sometimes
9725 as actual snow thickness. It now refers everywhere to effective snow
9726 thickness, meaning that for non-zero AREA, actual thickness is HEFF/AREA.
43ae10a9d8 Jean*9727
0e6056cd20 Jean*9728 checkpoint58r_post (2006/11/17)
8307959141 Dimi*9729 o modifications to pkg/seaice/growth.F, which change results of
9730 lab_sea experiment: fixes pertain to melting snow over open water, to
9731 masking EVAP under sea ice, and to using the correct AREA variable for
9732 computations of EVAP, PRECIP, HSNOW, and GHEFF
5f4df5533c Ed H*9733 o add ability to read bathy, salt, and theta using MNC (off by def)
eefc792916 Mart*9734 o add flooding algorithm and advection of HSNOW for pkg/seaice;
9735 both are turned off by default and do no change any results
a435e833b1 Mart*9736 o seaice advection with pkg/thsice: a step toward the use of non-linear
cc4235ab79 Jean*9737 advection scheme, but #ifdef or commented out for now (requires more EXCH).
23209571d0 Jean*9738 o use standard version of PTRACERS_INI_VARIA in tutorial_tracer_adjsens
9739 (identical results) and the standard version of EXTERNAL_FIELDS_LOAD
9740 in natl_box (affects results @ truncation level: update output.txt)
9741 o multi-threading and IO:
ba51931058 Jean*9742 - replace some call to MDSIO S/R by the corresponding READ/WRITE_FLD S/R.
9743 - remove most of BEGIN_MASTER/ END_MASTER around READ/WRITE_FLD S/R calls
9744 (needed to work with SingleCpuIO): tested in all verif. exp.
874c68b9c9 Jean*9745 o GAD: use simpler DST3 formulation as default (old version left within #ifdef)
9746 affects the results (but none of the verification test uses this scheme).
9913de8fec Patr*9747 o Adding some pkg/diagnostics capability to pkg/seaice
9748 (will certainly be subject to changes)
983e72444d Patr*9749 o ctrl: adding new control variables:
9750 lwflux, lwdown, evap, snowprecip, apressure, runoff
9913de8fec Patr*9751
0e6056cd20 Jean*9752 checkpoint58q_post (2006/10/20)
f5cbf7b96d Dimi*9753 o added CPP_EEOPTIONS.h flag DISABLE_MPI_READY_TO_RECEIVE. Speeds up
9754 1/6-deg Southern Ocean configuration by 8% on IBM Datastar and
9755 high_res_cube configuration by 4% on Columbia.
a615280822 Jean*9756 o clean-up multi-threaded problems (reported by debugger tcheck on ACES);
9757 add (in global_with_exf/code) a version of EXF_INTERP_READ without
9758 dynamical allocation (seems to work in multi-threaded).
9759 o new function "MASTER_CPU_IO" (=T if master thread & master CPU, if using
9760 single CPU io) so that TAF does not have to see EESUPPORT.h
725982e0dd Jean*9761 o pkg/seaice: implement sea-ice loading (when using RealFreshWaterFlux)
0e6056cd20 Jean*9763 checkpoint58p_post (2006/09/08)
fc187b9c6d Mart*9764 o obcs: stop if obcs is used with useCDscheme = .true.
a435e833b1 Mart*9765 o shelfice:
4fd1c14d86 Mart*9766 - fix a sign error so that no slip at shelfice interface works
a435e833b1 Mart*9767 - remove stop for combination non-hydrostatic code and shelfice. That does
4fd1c14d86 Mart*9768 not mean, that the results are correct, but at least they are numerically
9769 stable
bd91f7dab7 Davi*9770 o diagnoctics: modify UVELPHI and VVELPHI to include hfac (i.e. mass-weighted)
9dd22fcf15 Patr*9771 o added adjoint exch routined for all exch*3d* routines
9772 and updated flow directives
bd91f7dab7 Davi*9773
0e6056cd20 Jean*9774 checkpoint58o_post (2006/08/28)
acd22c6e91 Jean*9775 o replace calls to EXCH_Z & EXCH_UV_AGRID: use the new _3D_ version ;
9776 remove old subroutines (_XY_ & _XYZ_); update the adjoint version.
d0ebb46870 Jean*9777 o change controling S/R for writing pickup file (new S/R do_write_pickup)
9778 and clean-up reading/writing of pickup files.
9779 o fix local version of read/write pickup (NH part) in rotating_tank/code
49423ca970 Jean*9780 o simplify EXCH interface:
9781 - change _XYZ_ interface to _3D_ subroutine (with 3rd dim in argument list)
9782 - not often used EXCH S/R (exch_z, exch_uv_agrid): keep only the _3D_ version
134f469a8d Ed H*9783 o added the regrid package
a435e833b1 Mart*9784 o shelfice:
29ffe622cd Mart*9785 - add a simple boundary layer scheme to reduce noise
9786 - fix the indexing in shelfice_u/v_drag so that there will be actually drag
49423ca970 Jean*9787
0e6056cd20 Jean*9788 checkpoint58n_post (2006/08/14)
a435e833b1 Mart*9789 o fix globalArea multi-threaded calculation: need to apply GLOBAL_SUM to
bbc1d9f1e8 Jean*9790 local variable (not in common block).
a435e833b1 Mart*9791 o lot of small changes for multi-threaded. Most tests (using OMP & ifort) pass.
9792 - still problems with pkgs: mnc, exp2, dic, cal, exf (and probably more);
da8bc3fbe0 Jean*9793 - still BEGIN_MASTER/END_MASTER to remove around READ/WRITE_FLD S/R calls
9794 to work with SingleCpuIO.
a435e833b1 Mart*9795 o add "_d 0" to real constant of pkg/cfc subroutines ;
d77b191e54 Jean*9796 update exp. cfc_exemple & tutorial_cfc_offline output files.
15d8704b4b Jean*9797 o multi-threading and IO:
a435e833b1 Mart*9798 - all threads call READ_FLD S/R (needed if using SingleCpuIO):
15d8704b4b Jean*9799 (no BEGIN_MASTER/ END_MASTER around the call, but inside MDSIO S/R.
9800 - barrier before and after reading.
9801 - stop if other than master is calling MDS_WRITELOCAL (if #undef IO_THREAD_SAFE)
9802 - avoid using MDS_WRITELOCAL for LAND pkg output.
9803 - new S/R AIM_WRITE_PHYS (replaces AIM_WRITE_LOCAL) to write AIM physics
9804 common-block variables ; Allows multi-threading with master-thread IO.
a435e833b1 Mart*9805 o change default MAX_NO_THREADS from 32 to 4 ;
9806 and stop cleanly when MAX_NO_THREADS is too small.
e20ba03425 Jean*9807 o add S/R BAR_CHECK to check multi-threaded barrier synchronization
0e6056cd20 Jean*9809 checkpoint58m_post (2006/07/17)
ade0862df3 Jean*9810 o add a Non-Hydroatatic test (with 3-D Coriolis, NHMTerms, biharmonic Visc.
9811 and side-drag) on CS-grid : global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4
4641b6f2a1 Jean*9812 o make "tutorial_global_oce_latlon" from standard "global_ocean.90x40x15" exp.
a435e833b1 Mart*9813 keep global_ocean.90x40x15 (for AD testing) with former secondary test
4641b6f2a1 Jean*9814 (".qshyd") as the main test (mv output.qshyd.txt to output.txt)
9815 o CVS modules: update MITgcm_verif_basic; remove MITgcm_verif_ocean & _verif_atmos;
9816 add MITgcm_tutorials (= code + all the tutorials)
61b89af843 Gael*9817 o ecco, option to compute cost for total ssh (mean+anom)
fe8bfd2a85 Gael*9818 o consistent with addition of ptracer and ssh in pkg/profiles
021f06a8d1 Gael*9819 o profiles: adding ptracer and ssh
a435e833b1 Mart*9820 o testreport: change multi-test output-file name
a91df43a18 Jean*9821 (from output.txt.{name} to output.{name}.txt)
da8bc3fbe0 Jean*9822 o profiles: now ok for mutli-tiles case
a435e833b1 Mart*9823 o seaice: add 4 parameters for different advection schemes for area,
1633c22cfc Mart*9824 (effective) seaice thickness, enthalphy, and snow height. Their default
9825 is the standard parameter SEAICEadvScheme
a435e833b1 Mart*9826 o calc_gw:
78de812e24 Jean*9827 - add cosFacU in zonal viscous flux (harmonic.visc.).
9828 - put back side-drag (call new S/R MOM_W_SIDEDRAG) and output.txt.
9829 of tutorial_plume_on_slope.
9830 o obcs_calc.F : fix index Pb in OBSeta & OBNeta (Thanks to Gianmaria).
1fa758ce8e Jean*9831 o calc_gw: true flux-form, account for horizontal grid spacing.
a435e833b1 Mart*9832 update rotating_tank results, but not plume_on_slope (affected at
1fa758ce8e Jean*9833 truncation level, 11 digits).
0e6056cd20 Jean*9835 checkpoint58l_post (2006/07/12)
a435e833b1 Mart*9836 o calc_gw:
1fa758ce8e Jean*9837 - take bi,bj loops outside calc_gw to fix Pb with local array KappaRU,V
9838 - remove side-drag for now (need to fix it); update plume_on_slope results.
9839 - fix for partial-cell & non-uniform dz; update plume_on_slope results.
066de0bcd6 Patr*9840 o commit code to make SST/SSS weights spatially variable
9841 (based on either variable in-situ or variable initial T/S weights)
9c7011b92a Patr*9842 o pkg/ecco:
9843 * commit code to relax deviations of xx_theta, xx_salt to 5*sigma,
9844 now based on horizontally varying weights wthetaLev, wsaltLev
9845 * cost_averagesflags now returns year indices in addition to day, month
a435e833b1 Mart*9846 * sflux balance is performed on annual basis
9c7011b92a Patr*9847 (sflxumm, sfluxmm2, bal_sfluxmm)
9848 * for SSH anomaly, separate more cleanly contrib from T/P, ERS, GFO,
9849 including separate counting and multipliers
11d329f17a Patr*9850 o pkg/rbcs
9851 * add all necessary infrastructure for pkg/rbcs levN adjoint checkpointing
926e82ae0e Jean*9852
0e6056cd20 Jean*9853 checkpoint58k_post (2006/07/06)
a75fd4a3a0 Jean*9854 o testreport:
a435e833b1 Mart*9855 - always build in dir. "build" (if not there, mkdir build instead of building
a75fd4a3a0 Jean*9856 & running in input)
9857 - run in dir run (if it exists), in build otherwise.
9858 - call prepare_run (if input/prepare_run exists)
9859 - run multi-threaded test (with new option: "-mth") if file input/eedata.mth exists.
6519624399 Dimi*9860 o pkg/exf modifications to interpolation and rotation routines for more
9861 reasonable treatment of North Pole singularity: for tracers North Pole
9862 value is set to northernmost zonal-mean value, for zonal velocity it is
9863 set to zero, and for meridional velocity it is set to northernmost value.
35141c3376 Mart*9864 o pkg/exf/exf_check_range.F
a435e833b1 Mart*9865 - add tile index to diagnostics and move stop statement to the very
9866 end of the routine.
05aa25be39 Jean*9867 o pkg/diagnostics: (diagnostics_main_init.F)
9868 define title of isomorphic variables according to the current config.
842bb5f1d9 Jean*9869 o pkg/thsice with pkg/seaice dynamics:
6789e1f33d Jean*9870 - fix domain of computation (interior only, required for exf) and do exchanges
9871 - seaice-dynamics forcing: add atmospheric and seaice loading to SSH gradient
ae35500ca3 Jean*9872 o towards a standard way of dealing with multi-threading in MONITOR
9873 and ${PKG}_MONITOR (all except ptracers_monitor) subroutines.
a435e833b1 Mart*9874 o Pass variable viscosities (vertical and horizontal, e.g., KPP or Leith)
9875 to W momentum equation in nonhydrostatic and quasihydrostatic runs.
6f6b52a4f5 Jean*9876 o make exf_monitor & seaice_monitor independant of the main (dynamics) monitor.
e03f83af3c Jean*9877 o pkg/seaice: fix SEAICEuseEVPpickup parameter (put it in a commom block)
9878 o generic_advdiff: DST advection S/R : use local copy of velocity to compute CFL
9879 (problems ? with gradient check in bottom_ctrl_5x5 adjoint test)
a435e833b1 Mart*9880 o tracer advection:
d8d36aa8bb Jean*9881 - clean-up and simplify calc_common_factors.F
a435e833b1 Mart*9882 - make a local copy of velocity and pass it (as u,v,r_Trans) to DST tracer
d8d36aa8bb Jean*9883 advection subroutine (but still not used within DST advection S/R)
2baa3a4f30 Jean*9884 o rename pkg aim_ocn_coupler to atm_ocn_coupler (later on, will be used without aim)
0e6056cd20 Jean*9886 checkpoint58j_post (2006/06/15)
95f2c2ae3f Patr*9887 o new driver S/R: LOAD_FIELDS_DRIVER to load external forcing fields
9888 from file (collects calls previously in FORWARD_STEP)
a0d26c252a Patr*9890 o adjoint store dir. adjusted accordingly
95f2c2ae3f Patr*9891 o genmake2
9892 replace target "ad_taf" by $(EXE_AD) ; add $(EXE_AD) to the make CLEAN list.
a0d26c252a Patr*9893
0e6056cd20 Jean*9894 checkpoint58i_post (2006/06/14)
a435e833b1 Mart*9895 o pkg/seaice: add parameter that allows to scale/turn off effect of seaice
c9058eda34 Mart*9896 on wind stress (SEAICEstressFactor defaults to 1.)
4a7f47048d Jean*9897 o Total number of Timers is finite (<=40): comment out 2 non-essential one
9898 in the_main_loop.F to avoid Pb (e.g., when running fizhi test)
a435e833b1 Mart*9899 o vector_invariant: fix highOrderVorticity(=4.th.Order) advection
b161d628fb Jean*9900 on CS-grid: no longer loosing mass.
6be7d7dc38 Jean*9901 o exf & curvilinear-grid: no longer modify longitude xC & xG.
5ea0c8294d Mart*9902 o pkg/ggl90: fix sloppy output and fix a bug
d558d05cf5 Dimi*9903 o pkg/seaice: added SEAICEuseEVPpickup parameter
9904 - Set to false in order to start EVP solver with
9905 non-EVP pickup files when using SEAICEuseEVP
b53f333527 Mart*9906 - fix sign error in diffusion in seaice_calc_rhs
5ea0c8294d Mart*9907
0e6056cd20 Jean*9908 checkpoint58h_post (2006/06/07)
4a4ac2b6f4 Patr*9909 * Modifications for bottom topography control
9910 o replace hFacC by _hFacC at various places
9912 o add non-self-adjoint cg2d_nsa
9913 o update autodiff support routines
9914 o re-initialise hfac after ctrl_depth_ini
9915 o works for 5x5 box, doesnt work for global_ocean.90x40x15
9916 * Adding verification for 5x5 box (4-layer) bottom topography control
0e6056cd20 Jean*9918 checkpoint58g_post (2006/06/07)
6f0ec9a199 Jean*9919 o pkg/diagnostics: implement "periodic averaging diagnostics" (e.g.,
9920 used for mean seasonal cycle, mean diurnal cycle); add an example
9921 in verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input.thsice/data.diagnostics
a435e833b1 Mart*9922 o pkg/ggl90:
2539abbd59 Mart*9923 - add parameter (minimum surface kinetic energy)
9924 - fix bug (avoiding division by zero)
a5d3c9e070 Mart*9925 o couple pkg/thsice to pkg/seaice:
9926 - modify advection in seaice to accomodate new scalar fields to be advected
9927 - only muliDimAdection scheme work with seaice/thsice
9928 - mapping of thsice-variables to seaice-variables, back and forth
9929 - does not break the verification experiments, but does not give the
9930 desired results either
9931 o pkg/seaice
9932 - make (default) second order advection a bit less confusing?
0e6056cd20 Jean*9934 checkpoint58f_post (2006/06/05)
a435e833b1 Mart*9935 o couple pkg/thsice and pkg/exf (as a preparation for coupling pkg/thsice
9936 to pkg/seaice):
25f8242518 Mart*9937 - new routines thsice_map_exf and thsice_get_exf provide the interface
a435e833b1 Mart*9938 - add an additional formal parameter to thsice_solve4temp
558a6f8862 Patr*9939 o pkg/exf:
9940 - add new fields wspeed, snowprecip (to be able to couple to thsice)
9941 - correct Stefan-Boltzmann constant
9942 - new parameter for longwave surface emittance
a435e833b1 Mart*9943 - separate some stuff from exf_bulkformulae into new routines
558a6f8862 Patr*9944 exf_radiation, exf_wind
a435e833b1 Mart*9945 - add new parameters and constants: longwave emissivity for ocean, ice
25f8242518 Mart*9946 and snow, evaporation parameters over ice
51cdae4cbe Mart*9947 - decouple wind/stress computation from ALLOW_BULKFORMULA: always compute
9948 either wind from stress or stress from wind
766e50be03 Jean*9949 o pkg/thSIce:
9950 - split thsice_step_fwd.F in 2 S/R: thsice_step_temp.F & thsice_step_fwd.F
9953 - for now, call to THSICE_GET_BULKF remains inside i,j loops.
9954 - add CPP option: ALLOW_DBUG_THSICE and header file THSICE_DEBUG.h
9955 to make debugging easier.
9956 - affects results (@ truncation level) of global_ocean.cs32x15.thsice: update output
a435e833b1 Mart*9957 o pkg/bulk_force:
9958 - clean-up comments and parameters ;
766e50be03 Jean*9959 - add new Bulk-Formulae from Large and Yeager, 2004, NCAR/TN-460+STR ;
086faee439 Jean*9960 o fix bug in aim+thsice albedo: snow & ice thickness arguments were switched;
9961 generate new output for test-experiment: aim.5l_cs.thSI
de56cb35d0 Jean*9962 o results_ad : rename "output.txt_adm" to "output_adm.txt" and change
558a6f8862 Patr*9963 testreport accordingly
de56cb35d0 Jean*9964
0e6056cd20 Jean*9965 checkpoint58e_post (2006/05/17)
23424617f8 Patr*9966 o SEAICE_CGRID adjoint done
f66b450460 Patr*9967 o R_STAR adjoint implemented.
9968 * Seems to just work (based on global_ocean.90x40x15/code_ad_nlfs/ )
9969 * need to sort out init. of h0facc, etc.
5ff8d4a5cf Patr*9970 o Make pkg/profile fully independent of ecco,cost, etc. stuff
9971 to be able to use it in pure forward.
2619b6fb59 Patr*9972
0e6056cd20 Jean*9973 checkpoint58d_post (2006/04/21)
3112405dc7 Jean*9974 o upgrade simple test-experiment to tutorial example:
9975 step.1: duplicate the experiment and (step.2) will remove the old copy.
9976 tutorial_barotropic_gyre <- copy of exp0 (R1:barotropic_gyre_in_a_box)
9977 tutorial_baroclinic_gyre <- copy of exp1 (R1:baroclinic_gyre_on_a_sphere)
9978 tutorial_global_oce_latlon <- empty for now (R1:global_ocean_circulation)
9979 tutorial_global_oce_biogeo <- copy of dic_example
9980 tutorial_deep_convection <- almost like exp5 (R1:nonhydrostatic_deep_convection)
9981 tutorial_plume_on_slope <- copy of plume_on_slope
9982 tutorial_tracer_adjsens <- copy of carbon (R1:tracer_adjoint_sensitivity)
9983 tutorial_global_oce_optim <- empty for now (David ?)
9984 tutorial_global_oce_in_p <- copy of global_ocean_pressure
9985 some tutorials (R1) were already checked-in under tutorial_examples in release1_branch
4c5f492b95 Gael*9986 o correct a sign problem in cost_scat.F
a435e833b1 Mart*9987 o obcs and ptracers: fix boundary conditions for advections schemes
9988 with larger stencil
2057f5cbae Patr*9989 o thsice adjoint: start
a435e833b1 Mart*9990 o mom_vecinv: add ISOTROPIC_COS_SCALING flags to mom_vi_hdissip for
9108661f3b Mart*9991 completeness
a435e833b1 Mart*9992 o mom_fluxform: fixing the mutual use of ISOTROPIC_COS_SCALING
562e0a15fe Mart*9993 and COSINEMETH_III, add comments in default CPP_OPTIONS.h
a4d028af27 Patr*9994 o ptracers adjoint:
9995 * avoid extensive recomputatations
9996 * fix missing re-init. of gptr (missed by TAF)
a435e833b1 Mart*9997 o obcs: add a flag (OBCSprintDiags, defaults is true) that allows
8ef23b4c75 Mart*9998 me to turn off the excessive output to STDOUT that this package produces
b030b75637 Jean*9999 o move NH metric terms & 3.D Coriolis S/R to pkg/mom_common
10000 and add those terms in Vector-Invariant formulation.
a435e833b1 Mart*10001 o in ctrl pkg, if ALLOW_CAL, use monthly mean controls
d4f53c1fd3 Gael*10002 if the control period (xx_hfluxperiod etc) is 0
10003 o in profiles pkg, clean routines and fix details
a435e833b1 Mart*10004 o in ecco pkg, reading ssh data:
d4f53c1fd3 Gael*10005 fix problem in case the model does not start at iter0=0
587564817e Mart*10006 o fix mnc-pickup/restart for ptracers
b970da0492 Patr*10007 o new package prifiles:
10008 code to compute profile-based cost by Gael Forget
01c71301a9 Patr*10009 (modifs in ecco, ctrl, autodiff)
b970da0492 Patr*10010 o Benign bug fix in initialization (spotted by M. Mazloff) of
10011 ctrl_set_globfld_xz.F ctrl_set_globfld_yz.F
01c71301a9 Patr*10012
0e6056cd20 Jean*10013 checkpoint58c_post (2006/03/23)
5f86d55b22 Patr*10014 o adjoint: finish NLFS adjoint and provide reference output in
10015 verification/global_ocean.90x40x15/results_ad_nlfs
a435e833b1 Mart*10016 o seaice: add an EVP solver following Hunke and Dukowicz (1997) and the
c401c03915 Mart*10017 documentation of CICE. Turn on by defining SEAICE_ALLOW_EVP in
a435e833b1 Mart*10018 SEAICE_OPTIONS.h and SEAICEuseEVP=.true. in data.seaice. Works only
c401c03915 Mart*10019 with SEAICE_CGRID defined.
eaf6816ef6 Jean*10020 o move calendarDumps from "data" to "data.cal" and clean-up the code
10021 with a simple call to pkg/cal S/R: CAL_TIME2WRITE
10022 o add useEXF & useCAL flags (for now, set in hard-coded way)
8f72ee0f86 Jean*10023 o add S/R to compute NH-metrics terms & Coriolis f' in vertical momentum
10024 (were missing in NH mode, and wrong in quasihydrostatic mode).
10025 waiting for Chris updated version of calc_gw to add those CALLs.
10026 o fix bug in quasihydrostatic S/R ;
10027 add a test for this option: global_ocean.90x40x15.qshyd
808cde9ea6 Jean*10028 o new S/R "SET_PARMS": set parameters that might depend on the use of some pkgs.
10030 o add on/off flag useOffLine for package OFFLINE
a435e833b1 Mart*10031 o seaice:
ed94531ee9 Mart*10032 - modify advection so that it works also on the C-grid
a435e833b1 Mart*10033 - extend loop ranges in seaice_lsr and seaice_dynsolver; fixes
ed94531ee9 Mart*10034 problem in multi-tile runs with C-grid
362dbfa680 Mart*10035 - add flags for clipping ice velocities and/or masking solver forcing
8582a6e33f Mart*10036 - fix drag (ocean on ice) formulation and a bug that caused noise in the
10037 C-grid solver
3dce9279c3 Mart*10038 - added a few comments to seaice_diffusion.F
10039 - separate C-grid and B-grid versions more cleanly (UVM and seaiceMaskU/V
10040 are now exclusive)
a435e833b1 Mart*10041 - add a new ocean-ice stress coupling method (Hibler and Bryan, 1987) which
3dce9279c3 Mart*10042 required re-ordering the code a little:
10043 + make DAIRN global variable (defined in SEAICE)
10044 + move computation of the viscosities eta and zeta into a new separate
10045 routine (because I need to recompute them in seaice_ocean_stress.F)
0946cb6a20 Mart*10046
0e6056cd20 Jean*10047 checkpoint58b_post (2006/03/13)
a435e833b1 Mart*10048 o AIM+thSIce: fix sign of Short-Wave through the Ice ;
12cf6f073b Jean*10049 update output.txt of exp. aim.5l_cs.thSI
9705a0d5c6 Ed H*10050 o various mnc cleanups and improvements:
10051 + shrink lookup tables by factor of ~4
10052 + better error reporting when running out of lookup space
10053 + able to handle longer path/file names (up to 500 chars)
07c24e37c2 Patr*10054 o adjoint:
10055 - Another overhaul of store dirs. for NLFS to eliminate "hidden" recomputations.
10056 - TBD: "hidden" mom_vecinv recomp. in dynamics
3975cf6076 Jean*10057 o change forcing_In_AB to affects both T,S forcing and Momentum forcing
10058 (allow to differentiate between forcing components using new integer flags:
10059 momForcingOutAB=1/0 & tracForcingOutAB=1/0)
10060 and add new flag to put Dissipation tendency out of Adams-Bashforth.
d7e0df64ad Patr*10061 o ecco
10062 - enable trend removal from SSH anomaly obs.
10063 o adjoint
10064 - a fix for PmEpR when #undef EXACT_CONSERV
10065 - fix of "hidden" recomp. in thermodynamics (no TAF warnings)
10066 - try to fix "hidden" recomp. in forward_step for NLFS
10067 (NLFS seems broken sometimes after I checked it in)
a435e833b1 Mart*10068 o seaice:
73792e16df Mart*10069 - add c-grid version of the dynamic solver:
10070 + three new routines that are the c-grid substitute lsr, dynsolver
10071 and ostres
10072 + put a few fields that were local to dynsolver into global common
10073 blocks, so that I can move the computation of stresses etc into
10074 seaice_lsr (saves coding but may break the adjoint).
10075 - replace more hardwired parameters by runtime parameters
10076 - add ice masks that mask the rhs of the implicit solvers where there
10077 is no ice (commented out in seaice_dynsolver, because i am not sure
10078 if this works properly), eventually this should replace the clipping
10079 of ice velocities in seaice_dynsolver to +/-40cm/s.
a435e833b1 Mart*10080 o remove the BUILD_INFO.h include from CPP_EEOPTIONS.h and explicitly
2f7dcdd863 Ed H*10081 include it only where its needed
a69f02f073 Mart*10082 o move balancing of fluxes before the call of external_forcing_surf
6ed81927e7 Mart*10083 o seaice:
10084 - correct units of turning angles (now they are really in degrees)
10085 - move computation of GWATX/Y out of main routine into dynsolver
10086 - initialize GWATX/Y in seaice_init
6f005fadde Jean*10087 o Apply mask on Fresh-Water flux (needed for SSH forcing).
a435e833b1 Mart*10088 update output.txt of exp. global_ocean_ebm & cpl_aim+ocn (affects cg2d residual)
03a9a80809 Mart*10089 o seaice: add runtime flags for turning angles (default to zero)
a435e833b1 Mart*10090 o Adding runtime parameter to exf/, ctrl/, to remove on-the-fly global mean
4bf6063982 Patr*10091 and trend from exf forcing and ctrl control adjustments
10092 o fix variable aliasing in gad_calc_rhs that cannot be handled by TAF
10093 (since checkpoint57x_post)
f5e99809b0 Jean*10094 o change the default rotation period to 86164.s = the Earth rotation
6fdf842d4f Jean*10095 o 1rst implementation of Implicit IGW using the 3-D solver (use3Dsolver=T)
10096 and based on a reference stratification. Tested within hs94.cs-32x32x5.
009bbbd3aa Mart*10097 o seaice advection: add code for choosing between the default (2nd order
10098 central differences) and multiDim advection schemes provided by
10099 pkg/generic_advdiff
7d6367e3db Mart*10100 o seaice:
a435e833b1 Mart*10101 - removed all references to SEAICE_GRID.h fields from
7d6367e3db Mart*10102 dynsolver, advect, diffus, lsr, without changing the results of lab_sea
10103 (cubed-sphere configuration will change a little)
10104 - grid computations in seaice_init are obsolete now.
10105 - cleaned up code a little so that is easier to read (hopefully).
009bbbd3aa Mart*10106 - added new (better?) discretizations of default advection and diffusion
10107 (turn on with SEAICEuseFluxForm)
10108 - replace 1 in 3d global fields by kSurface in growth.F
a435e833b1 Mart*10109
0e6056cd20 Jean*10110 checkpoint58a_post (2006/02/13)
14e9b6a754 Mart*10111 o seaice:
10112 - bug fix in advect.F
a435e833b1 Mart*10113 o shelfice:
10114 - separate shelfice load anomaly from pload (breaks with time
70b0991389 Mart*10115 dependent forcing), => introduce constant field shelficeLoadAnomaly.
10116 Its default is 0., but it may be computed more cleverly from (unknown)
10117 t- and s-profiles (tRef, sRef) and actual EOS. For now this has to be
10118 done offline. A good approximation of the pressure load anomaly is
a435e833b1 Mart*10119 necessary to avoid large initial adjustment processes underneath
70b0991389 Mart*10120 deep-reaching shelfice.
e5cc225f5e Mart*10121 - small fix in ISOMIP shelfice_thermodynamics
a435e833b1 Mart*10122 - add more sophisticated thermodynamics of Hellmer (1989), this is
e5cc225f5e Mart*10123 now the default
10124 - give a few constants more intuitive names
d5413e2490 Mart*10125 o add code to balance EmPmP and Qnet at the end of do_ocean_physics. Useful
10126 if bulk formulae are used in long integration (especially EmPmR). Turn
10127 on with balanceEmPmR = .true. or balanceQnet = .true. in data, PARM01
10128 if balancePrintMean, the imbalance that is substracted is printed to
10129 STDOUT.
48ddec2149 Jean*10130 o fix bug (typo) in obcs_apply_eta.F
506298a7d9 Mart*10131 o add a new package shelfice which enables us to model the circulation
10132 underneath shelf-ice with draughts of hundreds of meters.
10133 - works
10134 - to do: + include improved thermodynamics
10135 + check whether kSurfC (from model/inc/SURFACE.h) can be used
10136 instead of new field kTopC
a435e833b1 Mart*10137 + can we use topoFile, Ro_surf and existing code in ini_depth.F
506298a7d9 Mart*10138 instead of new field R_shelfIce and new code in ini_depth.F
10139 and ini_mask_etc.F?
70b0991389 Mart*10140 + adjust vertical mixing schemes?
a435e833b1 Mart*10141 o seaice pkg:
10142 - add a cpp-flag to include a simple formula for a salinity dependent
f2368faea9 Mart*10143 freezing point of sea water at the surface
10144 - change the contents of SEAICE_TEST_ICE_STRESS_1 so that zonal and
10145 meridional stresses are now different (and hopefully correct)
da87ea6f08 Jean*10146 o AIM pkg: change threshold on large-scale condensation to conserve Heat.
10147 update results of aim.5l_LatLon test ; fix title & units of AIM diagnostics
10148 and change 3 diagnostics names (OSR,OSRCLR,KM -> TSR,TSRCLR,DRAG)
a435e833b1 Mart*10149 o pkg/diagnostics: add options and parameters for regional-statistics
10150 diagnostics ; define regions by reading a region-mask from a file
575f9a835c Jean*10151 (might add other options later)
bae467ec49 Jean*10152 o pkg/bulk_force:
10153 - add option and parameters to use AIM surface-flux formulae.
10154 - Change loading part: S/R BULKF_FIELDS_LOAD only take care of bulkf_fields ;
a435e833b1 Mart*10155 others forcing fields (defined in PARM05, parameter file "data") are loaded
bae467ec49 Jean*10156 from S/R EXTERNAL_FIELDS_LOAD, as usually (with useBulkforce = T or F).
a435e833b1 Mart*10157 - initialise all bulkf_fields in bulkf_init.F ; do in-lining of exf_bulkcdn.F
bae467ec49 Jean*10158 - use the right EXCH call for uwind,vwind (to work on CS-grid).
10159 - re-arrange header files (move parameters from BULKF.h to BULKF_PARAMS.h)
10160 and parameters (note: calcWindStress replaces .NOT.readwindstress).
10161 - cleaner interface with pkg/thSIce (new S/R THSICE_GET_PRECIP).
0e6056cd20 Jean*10163 checkpoint58 (2006/01/12)
a435e833b1 Mart*10164 o add "--embed-source" option to genmake2 which, when the supporting
10165 tools can be compiled (as determined by genmake2) will turn on the
10166 embed_files package which then embeds the entire MITgcm source code
d79bbe5ed9 Ed H*10167 (*.[fFhc] + Makefile) used for the build within the executable
10168 - requested by CNH but off by default
10169 - adds a paltry <9MB to the mitgcmuv executable in most cases
10170 - only writes the output when useEMBEDSRC in eedata is true
f4ab189f71 Patr*10171 o clean up 3-dim. relaxation codes:
10172 * Fix I/O inconsistency in pkg/rbcs: replace precFloat32 by readBinaryPrec
10173 * Remove 3-dim. relaxation code from pkg/exf (now use only pkg/rbcs)
10174 * Thanks to Tom Haine for testing!
0e6056cd20 Jean*10176 checkpoint57z_post (2005/12/31)
b83f88edb2 Jean*10177 o make CG3D solver compatible with Free-surface at k > 1 (p-coordinate):
10178 affects output (@ truncation level) of exp. plume_on_slope ; updated.
b00d0b5f70 Mart*10179 o fix the pickup behavior for obcs in combination with ptracers
10180 o fix a bug in ptracers_external_fields_load
10181 o no AB-2 at the first iteration for Gw (consistent with Gu,Gv,Gt,Gs ...)
10182 affects results of NH experiments (but all our NH tests have Gw[it=1]==0 !!)
10183 o transfered surface NH pressure to eta field (if exactConserv).
0330ceca59 Jean*10184 o gmredi: fix bugs in slope tapering ldd97 (depthZ had the wrong sign)
10185 and update lab_sea output.txt file.
7276a6414c Patr*10186 o completing 3-dim. relaxation code: additional term
10187 1/tau*( theta(i,j,k) - thetaStar(i,j,k) )
10188 in S/R EXTERNAL_FORCING_T (file external_forcing.F)
10189 * At compile time, in "EXF_OPTIONS.h" set
10192 * At runtime in "data", under &PARM03 set (e.g., units in seconds)
10193 tauThetaClimRelax3Dim = 15552000.0,
10194 tauSaltClimRelax3Dim = 15552000.0,
10195 * 3 cases:
10196 1) Use a constant-in-time 3-dim. field
10197 2) Provide 12 3-dim. fields corresponding to Jan., ... , Dec.
10198 3) Real-time relax. to time-evolving prescribed field
a435e833b1 Mart*10199 o Adding Laplacian-type smoothness constraint on
3ed7687b4d Patr*10200 initial and boundary (forcing) controls (ic, bc)
a435e833b1 Mart*10201 * enable at compile-time via
10203 * enable at run-time via mult_smooth_ic = 1, mult_smooth_bc = 1
1014465bd0 Patr*10204 * Absolute scale somewhat unclear so far
10205 * no area weighting was included since no other cost term does so far
0330ceca59 Jean*10206
0e6056cd20 Jean*10207 checkpoint57y_post (2005/12/08)
3488aaba5f Patr*10208 First step for a NLFS adjoint
10209 o initially suppress rStar (new flag DISABLE_RSTAR_CODE)
10210 o new init. routines for calc_r_star, calc_surf_dr
10211 o still need to deal with ini_masks_etc
10212 o testreport seemed happy
0e6056cd20 Jean*10213 checkpoint57y_pre (2005/12/08)
7df36fd6a0 Patr*10214
94e76af995 Jean*10215 o obcs: always reset wVel & eta (to zero or prescribe it) at the OBs.
1023fa2ba2 Step*10216 o add new package rbcs (for relaxing ptracers at boundaries/depth/surface etc)
81b06b0cda Step*10217 o add new offset feature to offline pkg (plus minor cleanup)
10218 o cfc fixes for final year of integration
10219 o clean up GCHEM_OPTIONS.h/DIC_OPTIONS.h (all options should
10220 be in GCHEM_OPTIONS).
0e6056cd20 Jean*10222 checkpoint57x_post (2005/12/04)
7392df2720 Jean*10223 o fix testreport Pb in multiple test experiment.
4212cfbd21 Ed H*10224 o cleanup our namelist syntax in verification:
10225 - make it more F95 standards compliant (some work still needed)
10226 - allows the vast majority of our tests to work with gfortran
f3a828f7e4 Jean*10227 o Non-Hydrostatic:
10228 - put all NH variables (formerly in DYNVARS.h & GW.h) in NH_VARS.h
10229 - fix exchange calls for CS-grid using the new EXCH_S3D_RL.
f56826ff51 Jean*10230 o Allow to apply AB on T,S rather than on AB(gT,gS):
10231 - implemented within #ifdef ALLOW_ADAMSBASHFORTH_3
10232 - use the same arrays (gtNm,gsNm) to hold tracer field at previous
10233 time-steps (if AB(T,S)) and tendencies (if AB(gT,gS)).
10234 - need a "clever" read_pickup to restart from the other AB formulation
a435e833b1 Mart*10235 o move local commom bloc /GlobalLo/ (used for singleCpuIO) in EESUPPORT.h
31a33cd878 Jean*10236 o remove some unused variables (reduces number of compiler warnings)
812e613baf Patr*10237 o adjoint
10238 * Disable useVariableViscosity for adjoint for time being
10239 (there are a number of extensive recomputations)
10240 * Initialize certain variables needed for adjoint
31a33cd878 Jean*10241
0e6056cd20 Jean*10242 checkpoint57w_post (2005/11/03)
b0d5c3a79b Jean*10243 o pkg/mdsio: use MAX_LEN_FNAM (instead of hard coded 80) for file-names
10244 fix the singleCpuIO RS version of MDSWRITEFIELD
10245 and add a WARNING if using globalFiles=T with multi-processors.
1b9b94d610 Jean*10246 o write grid-file(s) in only one format (MDS or MNC): default=MNC (if
10247 using MNC); can force MDS output by setting writegrid_mnc=F in data.mnc
b0d5c3a79b Jean*10248 o tracer advection scheme:
a435e833b1 Mart*10249 add DST-2 (=Lax-Wendroff) & 1rst order upwind schemes (the way to get
10250 those 2 schemes before, changing GAD_FLUX_LIMITER.h + to recompile,
dcc36c3b47 Jean*10251 was not very convenient).
a435e833b1 Mart*10252 add implicit version for DST-3 & DST3_Flux_Limit vertical advection;
dcc36c3b47 Jean*10253 (further tests needed for the implicit DST & Flux-Limiter schemes).
1ccb4070a2 Mart*10254 o PTRACERS: added namelist parameter PTRACERS_ref in analogy to tRef
10255 and sRef for convenience, handy, when you want to initialize
10256 ptracers in a large domain with a constant non-zero value. Also,
10257 untangle ptracers_init.F a little.
0e6056cd20 Jean*10259 checkpoint57v_post (2005/10/13)
5e507d5445 Jean*10260 o change dome exp. to use variable viscosity in side-drag terms.
2f98dc7b12 Ed H*10261 o remove all the files from the cfc_offline test since they are now
10262 incorporated into tutorial_cfc_offline which has been producing
10263 identical results for a few days of testing
7053a0bdbe Jean*10264 o add new parameter: sideDragFactor to enable half-slip-side BC
10265 and change side-drag S/R to use viscosity from mom_calc_visc
a435e833b1 Mart*10266 (can switch back by setting sideDragFactor=0.); affects results at
10267 truncation level; regenerate output for exp.: global_ocean.cs32x10(x3),
7053a0bdbe Jean*10268 global_ocean_ebm, global_ocean_pressure, matrix_example & MLAdjust(x5).
a435e833b1 Mart*10269 o vorticity & strain are now computed without masking, to account for
cc95ee1c31 Jean*10270 no-slip-side BC in variable viscosity calculation ; mask is applied
10271 anyway later on, before computing advection/coriolis terms.
1ccb4070a2 Mart*10272 o modify exp4 to test new obcs support for reading from external files
58bf89d65c Mart*10273 and for passive tracers
a435e833b1 Mart*10274 o fix behavior of ptracers_monitor when monitor output is written to a
c760cf3af0 Mart*10275 netcdf-file; still not independent of monitor.F (writes in the same
10276 file).
a435e833b1 Mart*10277 o change default value of tRef (put a uniform, meaningful value for ocean
9807caa0b1 Jean*10278 & atmos) and initialize sRef (was missing, as Martin mentioned).
a435e833b1 Mart*10279 o Redefine viscC?Leith*. Change the coefficients of Leith viscosity
e2b2bf4d90 Bayl*10280 to be proportional to enstrophy dissipation length. Thus,
10281 viscC?leith?_new=pi*(viscC?leith?_old)^(1/3)
10282 This is now consistent with Smagorinsky and with the manual.
ca1cda04e8 Mart*10284 checkpoint57u_post
ae51cb4320 Mart*10285 o OBCS and PTRACERS: add open boundary support for passive tracers
a435e833b1 Mart*10286 - either use homogenous (pseudo) v.Neumann conditions or prescribe
ae51cb4320 Mart*10287 OB-values from file; this is not different from the way theta and salinity
10288 are treated
10289 - however, Orlanski-radiation conditions are not supported, and the model
a435e833b1 Mart*10290 will stop if you use pTracers and Orlanski at the same time.
ae51cb4320 Mart*10291 - beefed up the rountine obcs_external_fields_load: now only those open
a435e833b1 Mart*10292 boundary values are overwritten with values from files for which there
ae51cb4320 Mart*10293 are really files, otherwise the OB-fields remain untouched. This makes
a435e833b1 Mart*10294 it possible to use different OBs at different ends of the domain (as
ae51cb4320 Mart*10295 with EXF)
a435e833b1 Mart*10296 o reduce number of exch calls in shap_filt (s2).
10297 o CS-grid: fix divergence contribution to Leith viscosity. Affects (@
20e058fdde Jean*10298 truncation level) 4/5 MLAdjust test results (11&12 digits match).
0e6056cd20 Jean*10300 checkpoint57t_post (2005/10/03)
c126063c4a Jean*10301 o test biharmonic viscosity + no-slip with exp: global_ocean.cs32x15.viscA4
10302 o finish adding brackets (coriolis S/R, vecinv) in multi-terms sum to get
10303 same truncation, independent of the face number: affects affects several
10304 test. exp.: Update global_ocean.cs32x15 (+.thsice) & MLAdjust (all 5).
02b02f5c36 Jean*10305 o fix bug in mom_v_sidedrag (biharmonic viscosity was counted 2 times);
c126063c4a Jean*10306 note that biharmonic viscosity + no-slip was not tested in any experiment.
76b60848db Jean*10307 o fix bug in non-linear free-surf side-drag ; generate new output for
10308 global_ocean.cs32x15(+.thsice) & global_ocean_pressure.
b22b541fe9 Ed H*10309 o make mnc honor the writeBinaryPrec flag for most kinds of output
8b81bca38d Ed H*10310 o eesupp: split EEPARAMS into EESIZE/EEPARAMS and add a vector global sum
f28ad821d5 Jean*10311 o minor change in averaging W (mom_vi_?_vertshear.F) that affects truncation
10312 error; update output from global_ocean.cs32x15(+.thsice) & MLAdjust (all 5).
b39b0f289d Jean*10313 o add brackets in multi-terms sum to get same truncation, independent of
10314 the face number (manage to get exactly same value of gU,gV at the cs-edge)
10315 affects several test. exp. Update global_ocean.cs32x15 (+.thsice).
1e9e8678dd Bayl*10316 o Clean, new version of mom_calc_visc. Adds a new feature, viscAhRemax
10317 and viscA4Remax, which allow one to limit the minimum viscosity by specifying
10318 a maximum grid-scale Reynolds number. Also, changes all length calculations
10319 in the case of grid anisotropy to geometric mean of dx**2 and dy**2.
a435e833b1 Mart*10320 Suggested values of viscosity parameters found in mom_calc_visc.
1e9e8678dd Bayl*10321 Many new viscosity diagnostics available.
96c813b2a5 Jean*10322
0e6056cd20 Jean*10323 checkpoint57s_post (2005/09/20)
a435e833b1 Mart*10324 o Add clearing-house for viscosity calculations, mom_calc_visc and
10325 correct numerous bugs in LeithD and Smagorinsky discretizations.
10326 mom_calc_visc now allows for Smagorinsky, Leith and LeithD to be
10327 used simultaneously, and to be used in mom_vecinv and mom_fluxform.
188fd32c24 Bayl*10328 Mom_vecinv can be used with standard viscous calculation (mom_vi_hdissip.F)
a435e833b1 Mart*10329 and with Strain-Tension viscous term calculation (mom_hdissip.F).
188fd32c24 Bayl*10330 The Strain-Tension form is now called with useStrainTensonVisc=.true.
10331 ViscAhStrain and viscAhTension are now retired.
96c813b2a5 Jean*10332 o diagnostics "VISCAHD" & "VISCA4D" replace "VISCAH" & "VISCA4".
f7f6e70984 Ed H*10333 o In response to JMC's bug report, genmake2 now ignores any soft-links
10334 that it finds in the *current* directory when searching for files.
10335 Soft-links found in any other source directories will still work as
10336 they did before.
a435e833b1 Mart*10337 o add HAVE_SETRLSTK define and useSETRLSTK flag (eedata) which calls
df91541502 Ed H*10338 a C routine to unlimit the stack size
157ea9ae8e Ed H*10339 o mnc-ify pkg/aim snapshot vars
cf701ea57b Ed H*10340 o mnc-ify pkg/land as requested by Daniel
5bc9611487 Ed H*10341 o various changes to mnc including:
10342 - all files use the new "BASENAME[[.ITER].{t|f}NUM].nc" format
a435e833b1 Mart*10343 - output can now be grouped so that all files within a group
5bc9611487 Ed H*10344 change the ITER portion of their names in lock-step together
10345 - can now read ("global") PER-FACE (in addition to PER-TILE) files
10346 and works with both EXCH1 and EXCH2 (but needs more testing)
10347 - writing works for all verification test cases w/ g77 on Linux
0e6056cd20 Jean*10349 checkpoint57r_post (2005/09/07)
88d5fee2bf Ed H*10350 o make MNC variable initialization happen earlier
84386989cd Jean*10351 o add diagnostics for (almost) each term of the momentum Eq.
66f83c2ede Jean*10352 o remove SST,SSS,UVEL_k2,VVEL_k2 diagnostics.
2be058fac5 Jean*10353 o move pkg timeave out of pkg-groups "oceanic" & "atmospheric" (pkg/pkg_groups)
a435e833b1 Mart*10354 o remove MINIMAL_TAVE_OUTPUT option ;
2be058fac5 Jean*10355 add "dumpInitAndLast" to replace "nodumps" (and MINIMAL_TAVE_OUTPUT).
69a417565e Jean*10356 o move some basic S/R (used elsewhere in the code) from pkg/mdsio to eesupp/src
10357 allows to compile without pkg/mdsio (& test successfully hs94.1x64x5)
5d1838d198 Patr*10358 o add MNC output for adjoint of EXF (adexf), SEAICE (adseaice)
10359 o add time-dependent SST, SSS control
7e2510a0ae Patr*10360 o cost terms in ecco/ modularized (new cost_generic.F)
10361 o cost_averages routines are modularized (new cost_averagesgeneric.F)
10362 o new infrastructure for seaice model vs. obs misfits in seaice/
10363 * driver from the_main_loop.F is seaice_cost_driver.F
10364 * first term is AREA vs. SMR observation misfit (ALLOW_SEAICE_COST_SMR_AREA)
10365 * gradient check in Exp. 6a of natl_box_adjoint/
10366 o natl_box_adjoint input_seaice for Lab. Sea now available online via wget
10367 (see README file)
69a417565e Jean*10368
0e6056cd20 Jean*10369 checkpoint57q_post (2005/08/19)
fa355923ad Jean*10370 o fix initialisation Pb in calc_gw (get NANs in exp5 with g77)
1660a6b12d Ed H*10371 o fix annoying months-old bug in mnc/mdsio output for seaice pkg
10372 - bug was reported by Jean-Michel and Ian Fenty
e8d8f0b10f Jean*10373 o fix initialization Pb in AIM-Ocean coupled model (aim_sice2aim.F)
a435e833b1 Mart*10374 update exp. cpl_aim+ocn output.
9caa94febf Patr*10375 o Implement 4-level checkpointing: AUTODIFF_4_LEVEL_CHECKPOINT
a435e833b1 Mart*10376 Needed for high-res. runs with large global files
9caa94febf Patr*10377 to be able to limit tapelev size
10378 o Changed some tests for adjoint:
10379 * carbon/ now tests AUTODIFF_2_LEVEL_CHECKPOINT
10380 * natl_box_adjoint/code_bulk/ tests AUTODIFF_4_LEVEL_CHECKPOINT
10381 * global_ocean.90x40x15/ back to default 3-level checkpointing
9094bd878c Patr*10382 o Modifications to enable scripted COMMON to MODULE conversion
10383 * verification/OpenAD/code/ has necessary scripts and description;
10384 * converts, compiles and runs successfully;
9caa94febf Patr*10385
0e6056cd20 Jean*10386 checkpoint57p_post (2005/08/01)
62807350a8 Jean*10387 o reading of delXfile & delYfile moved from ini_parms.F to ini_grid.F
10388 o move ${PKG}_MNC_INIT from ${PKG}_READ_PARAMS to ${PKG}_INIT_FIXED
10389 (already the case for some pkgs, including recent MNC_init, e.g. thsice)
10390 o call CALC_GW from DYNAMICS (instead of from FORWARD_STEP)
f39b9d8a97 Jean*10391 o Dissipation & phiHyd gradient are always added to gU,gV in timestep.F
10392 (was already the case for dissipation with mom_vecinv,
10393 and also the case for grad.PhiHyd when staggered-timeStep)
10394 This will allow to put dissipation out-off the AB time-stepping.
10395 Unfortunately, affects truncation error. Update output of exp. that "fails"
10396 (cg2d matching number) and leave the others for later: front_relax(10),
10397 global_ocean_pressure(10),ideal_2D_oce(10),internal_wave(9),lab_sea(12),
10398 matrix_example(7!),natl_box(12),plume_on_slope(11),vermix(12x3,11x2).
0e6056cd20 Jean*10400 checkpoint57o_post (2005/07/30)
a435e833b1 Mart*10401 o fix MNC/MDSIO flags in PTRACERS so that (1) it works, and
50653b81f1 Ed H*10402 (2) its ready to be documented during the 20050801 DocFest
a435e833b1 Mart*10403 o MNC-ify the gmredi package -- tested and works w/ and w/o mnc
e2d47178e0 Ed H*10404 for ideal_2D_oce and lab_sea on linux_ia32_g77
f48a8b1137 Patr*10405 o set to #undef CTRL_SET_OLD_MAXCVARS_30
10406 in global1x1_tot/code_seaice_adj to access indices 32, 33
10407 (worth another tag)
e2d47178e0 Ed H*10408
0e6056cd20 Jean*10409 checkpoint57n_post (2005/07/29)
fbb2516727 Patr*10410 o adding precip control xx_precip 32
10411 o adding swflux control xx_swflux 33
53a1c5d19a Patr*10412 o Replacing 10 forcing penalty cost routines by 1 generic.
10413 o Implementing partitioning in time-mean and variable adjustment
10414 for atmos. state.
10415 o Time-mean constant error is now read in data.ecco (instead of hard-coded)
08f22f958d Patr*10416 o in natl_box_adjoint:
a435e833b1 Mart*10417 * updated exp 1 to 10
53a1c5d19a Patr*10418 (but does not have time-mean vs. variable split results yet)
455751fbdb Patr*10419 o updated global1x1/*_seaice_adj/
10420 to incorporate latest changes
df05ad6e2a Patr*10421 o enable useSingleCpuIO for mdsio vector routines
10422 (applies in particular to tapelev I/O)
10423 o removed inefficient K-loop in all active_file*control*.F
3d0327d769 Patr*10424
0e6056cd20 Jean*10425 checkpoint57m_post (2005/07/28)
c0c2091c08 Jean*10426 o re-arrange exp. adjustment.cs-32x32x1 (adjust_nlfs.cs-32x32x1 merge into)
10427 and advect_cs (use EXCH-2 and standard cs-32 grid files).
a435e833b1 Mart*10428 o pkg/exch2: filling of face-corner halo regions is optional
d6f0fdc2ab Jean*10429 (ifdef W2_FILL_NULL_REGIONS) and is turned off by default.
0e6056cd20 Jean*10431 checkpoint57l_post (2005/07/14)
a435e833b1 Mart*10432 tag before updating tutorials (pre-release-2)
9ce7209758 Jean*10433 o add cos & sin of grid-direction orientation angle (curvilinear grid only,
10434 for output and interpolation of input fields onto model grid)
10435 o fix radius in mom_v_metric_cylinder.F (wrong by dy/2).
10436 Affects results of exp. rotating_tank ; update output.txt.
27356e724c Jean*10437 o pkg/diagnostics: 2 new S/R to fill a diagnostics using a scaling factor
6e29458d64 Jean*10438 and taking the square quantity and/or using a fraction-weight field.
27356e724c Jean*10439 o fix aim_diagnostics_init.F mate numbers.
10440 o add mnc output capability to diagnostics/diagstat and update
106a65ba8a Ed H*10441 our cvsignore files for the ACSII output generated
0e6056cd20 Jean*10443 checkpoint57k_post (2005/07/02)
508b8225ad Patr*10444 o lab_sea now uses diagnostics package and provides a suite of
10445 new EXF diagnostics output.
0e6056cd20 Jean*10447 checkpoint57j_post (2005/06/30)
61b6aef6a7 Patr*10448 o exf
10449 * bug fix in exf_bulkformulae for psimh (spotted by Eliyahu Biton):
10450 Bracket missing in eqn. for psimh (eqn. 7 of Large & Pond, 1982);
10451 terms -2*ATAN(x) + pi/2 were added to both stable and unstable case.
10452 * extended diagnostics output
10453 - now includes all EXF variables
10454 - hs, hl moved to common block
10455 - separate S/R for diagnostics, called after ctrl vector is added
10456 - name changed for EXFsw -> EXFswnet, EXFlw -> EXFlwnet
10457 - EXFqnet contains true Qnet (i.e. includes qsw)
10458 * updated verif. lab_sea, global_with_exf
10459 * Rearranging hflux (exf_mapfields -> exf_getforcing)
10460 to ensure that diagnostics sees a true EXFqnet
f529aaf45d Jean*10461 o add matlab scripts for CS-grid vectors (in utils/cs_grid)
f4f7b96c0e Jean*10462 o diagnostics pkg: change pointers so that 1 diagnostic can be used
10463 several times with different frequencies.
df4e8f7bcf Ed H*10464 o mnc-ify the thsice package as requested by Daniel Enderton
10465 - the monitor--MNC output needs work
10466 - many attributes need to be added (most are currently blank)
10467 o mnc-ify theaim_v23 package as requested by Daniel Enderton
10468 - many attributes need to be added (most are currently blank)
24babd248d Jean*10469 o remove "groundAtK1" & "rkFac" (replaced by usingPCoords & -rkSign)
cafbc21546 Jean*10470 o add Sadourny like discretization to the 4th.O vorticity advection scheme
a435e833b1 Mart*10471 o fix bug in rStar code (calc_r_star.F) when used with topo/bathy.
a3075797a1 Jean*10472 update output.txt from: aim.5l_cs (& .thSI), cpl_aim+ocn,
10473 fizhi-gridalt-hs and global_ocean.cs32x15 (& .thsice).
85f899f51b Jean*10474 o fix few little things to avoid floating error with -ftrapuv (ifort v9)
10475 (ini_spherical_polar_grid.F, calc_r_star.F, monitor/mon_surfcor.F)
0e6056cd20 Jean*10477 checkpoint57i_post (2005/06/19)
d1a9b8a2b9 Andr*10478 o Diagnostics package was changed: diagnostic allocation is now deactivated
10479 by setting an empty file name in the namelist (used to be by setting 0 frequency)
78a781bbae Jean*10480 o momentum advection (VI form) options: activate 4th.O vorticity Coriolis ;
10481 add 1rst Order upwind vertical Shear.
eb47174845 Ed H*10482 o add a quick fix for A/B checkpointing in OFFLINE mode
4b08b6ee66 Ed H*10483 o add IGNORE_TIME define and -ignore_time option to genmake2 as an
10484 end-run around the C/Fortran linking horror in eesup/src/timers.F
2e9be4c81e Alis*10485 o added pkg/runclock: allows user to terminate run based on wall clock
10486 o added non-hydrostatic scaling parameter: nh_am2
8fef4b1a57 Mart*10487 o pkg/my82: futile attempt to make results compiler-independent by adding
10488 some "_d 0", etc. no effect.
a435e833b1 Mart*10489 o for mnc output, fill the 'T' coordinate var with myTime and create a
987ff12cb6 Ed H*10490 separate 'iter' variable for iteration count
a435e833b1 Mart*10491 o pkg/diagnostics:
37224b77cb Jean*10492 add new capability: output of Global/Regional & per-level statistics ;
10493 tested against monitor output (including land & thSIce) on various exp.
10494 o make seaice-pkg I/O type flags (MNC/MDS) more standard.
b9d81c4350 Jean*10495
0e6056cd20 Jean*10496 checkpoint57h_done (2005/05/19)
a435e833b1 Mart*10497 tag after changing user customized files (DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h,
74630d4888 Jean*10498 data.diagnostics, data.gchem, data.ptracers) is done.
a435e833b1 Mart*10500 o pkg/diagnostics: prepare for Global/Regional statistics.
10501 add 2nd namelist in data.diagnostics and update DIAGNOSTICS_SIZE.h
83f253cab3 Jean*10502 o remove "baseTime" (no used) from arg. list of DIFF_BASE_MULTIPLE
10503 and rename it: DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE
0e6056cd20 Jean*10505 checkpoint57h_post (2005/05/14)
8e5ee067a3 Jean*10506 o move tIter0 from data.gchem to PTRACERS_Iter0 in data.ptracers
0da48370b7 Jean*10507 o pkg/diagnostics: change output frequency, now in seconds (instead
10508 of Nb of iterations). This requires to change data.diagnostics.
0e6056cd20 Jean*10509 checkpoint57h_pre (2005/05/12)
51dd5bf40e Jean*10510
41ce3f2380 Ed H*10511 o in mnc, let the user create the output dir if both mnc_outdir_date
10512 and mnc_outdir_num are false
06fffa8fd5 Ed H*10513 o add fflags() to pkg/diagnostics which allows one to specify, on a
10514 per-file basis, the file precision [default behavior is unchanged]
7e819019d5 Dimi*10515 o added diagnostics to pkg/kpp, including computation of mixed layer
10516 depth based on a temperature/density criterion
10517 o updated verification/natl_box to test the new pkg/kpp diagnostics
7bc0d239f7 Jean*10518 o bugs fixed (with useAbsVorticity=T & with useJamartMomAdv=T)
300c0d54fc Jean*10519 o test AB-3 code with 4th.Order advection scheme (advect_xy/input.ab3_c4)
9a87ea5e43 Ed H*10520 o fix mnc flags in pkg/seaice so that they are "owned" by seaice,
10521 not mnc -- this mistake was found by JMC and is now corrected
0e6056cd20 Jean*10523 checkpoint57g_post (2005/04/15)
79e87d2e6d Jean*10524 o add Adams-Bashforth 3rd Order time stepping:
10525 - default remains AB-2 (#undef ALLOW_ADAMSBASHFORTH_3)
10526 - not yet implemented with NH, CD_Scheme, pTracers, MNC_pickup ...
0e6056cd20 Jean*10527 checkpoint57g_pre (2005/04/15)
af908d3f0e Jean*10528
5ab5d7f263 Patr*10529 o make lambda[Theta,Salt]ClimRelax spatially varying
10530 (default remains spatially uniform constant based on tau)
ce442b4534 Patr*10531 o added new control variables
10532 * init. uVel, vVel, etanN
10533 * lambda[Theta,Salt]ClimRelax
10534 o separate masks used for ctrl_pack/unpack 'from write_grid' output
10535 (suggested by G. Forget)
5ab5d7f263 Patr*10536
0e6056cd20 Jean*10537 checkpoint57f_post (2005/04/06)
a80a5e8cfd Jean*10538 o add parameter "baseTime" = model base time = time at iteration zero
a435e833b1 Mart*10539 new function DIFF_BASE_MULTIPLE (replace DIFFERENT_MULTIPLE) to
a80a5e8cfd Jean*10540 account for baseTime shift
10541 o move Coriolis arrays from PARAMS.h to GRID.h
0e6056cd20 Jean*10542 checkpoint57f_pre (2005/04/06)
ee61c20a30 Jean*10543
de859229b1 Ed H*10544 o mnc-ifying the seaice package
de01be390b Alis*10545 o introduced an alternative length scale calculation for use in the limiting
10546 maximum viscosity (off by default, see mom_vi_hdissip.F for details)
2d80ef5b25 Patr*10547 o S/R ptracers_calc_diff: argument list bug for CALL KPP_CALC_DIFF_S
a435e833b1 Mart*10548 o added modified Leith scheme with viscosity proportional to grad(Hdiv)
b4b9669a6b Bayl*10549 as well as grad(vort3). Made it compatible with both approximate form
10550 for the cubed sphere and full form of these gradients. Added flag
a435e833b1 Mart*10551 useFullLeith to select between approximate and full form.
02718ea810 Jean*10552 o add "d0" in getcon.F to reduce differences between compilers/platforms
10553 update output.txt of exp. fizhi-gridalt-hs
5103c42ce9 Jean*10554 o change port_rand funtion to allow to set the seed.
409155d7b6 Ed H*10555 o fix obscure MNC bug involving conversion between reals and integers
a435e833b1 Mart*10556 - it caused no problems with certain (eg. gcc, ifc) compilers but the
409155d7b6 Ed H*10557 new version is now more standards-compliant
4645654aba Patr*10558 o adjoint-related modifications
10559 * gad_dst3_adv_?: to be able to use advscheme=30 in adjoint
10560 * gad_calc_rhs: fool adjoint, revert to advscheme=30 in reverse when using 33
10561 * mom_vi_hdissip: to be able to use Leith scheme in adjoint
409155d7b6 Ed H*10562
0e6056cd20 Jean*10563 checkpoint57e_post (2005/02/28)
a4f6b487ba Patr*10564 o Adding eddy stress controls a la Ferreira et al.
5245708a89 Jean*10565 checkpoint57e_pre (actually was tagged: eckpoint57e_pre)
f30908c65d Patr*10566
eee5dc53df Jean*10567 o fizhi pkg: fix AtoC and CtoA when called with same input & output array
10568 update output.txt of exp. fizhi-gridalt-hs
2cc3b69a26 Ed H*10569 o add more "Z" dimensions and associated coordinate vars to MNC
c098ac3e0d Dimi*10570 o pkg/exf: added twoDigitYear capability for option useExfYearlyFields
fc64655a31 Dimi*10571 o parameter calendarDumps: when set, approximate months (30-31 days) and years
10572 (360-372 days) for parameters chkPtFreq, pChkPtFreq, taveFreq, SEAICE_taveFreq,
10573 KPP_taveFreq, and freq in pkg/diagnostics are converted to exact calendar
10574 months and years. Requires pkg/cal.
ee2e7fad64 Ed H*10575 o diagnostics: add pickup functionality
10576 - off by default for backwards compatibility
10577 - current version only uses MDSIO -- MNC will be added
9723cb5244 Jean*10578 o allow to use pkg diagnostics for LAND pkg output & Shapiro Tendencies.
26c7db4c78 Jean*10579 o pkg/shap_filt: fix for multi-tiles per face (CS-grid with EXCH2)
0e6056cd20 Jean*10581 checkpoint57d_post (2005/02/11)
06d5464476 Jean*10582 o pkg/thsice used in the ocean: fix tile Pb related to sIceLoad forcing
a435e833b1 Mart*10583 o modify verification/ideal_2D_oce so that it tests the creation of mnc
91cf1175df Ed H*10584 output from the diagnostics package
24ef99fe7f Jean*10585 o temporary fix in EXCH2_UV: add a 3rd call to fix the 24.tiles CS-grid set-up
6554790d1c Ed H*10586 o make genmake2 more portable by using ".$FS" instead of ".f" for more
10587 of the test compilations (eg. IBM xlf on Mac OSX w/HFS filesys)
e8743b4419 Ed H*10588 o add coordinate variables to the MNC output from the diagnostics package
a629410b0b Jean*10589 o change MNC-flags default value: true when useMNC=TRUE
e808c5b132 Ed H*10590 o add a "readgrid_mnc" flag to MNC and give model/src/ini_curvilinear_grid.F
a435e833b1 Mart*10591 the ability (off by default) to read the grid information using MNC
7a3f7c0b47 Jean*10592 o lab_sea: use LSR_ERROR=1.E-12 for testing ; update output.txt
0557aa5c83 Jean*10593 o diagnostics: fix a bug (sub-set of levels); keep full precision when averaging
a435e833b1 Mart*10594 o do snap-shot diagnostics at the middle of the time-interval (instead of
fde699a81e Jean*10595 at the end).
40893cb58a Jean*10596 o update exp. aim.5l_cs (use default LAND_OPTIONS.h file) and add
10597 new test for AIM with thSIce + slab-ocean
dd3fb239f5 Jean*10598 o cpl_aim+ocn test: update output (optfile & default GMREDI_OPTIONS.h)
440b7157f3 Jean*10599 o move state variable diagnostics to the beginning of the time step ;
10600 (note: still needs some work specially for snap-shot diagnostics)
10601 duplicate & replace UVELVVEL diagnostics with UV_VEL_C & UV_VEL_Z
0e6056cd20 Jean*10603 checkpoint57c_post (2005/01/27)
c130fcff71 Jean*10604 o Change testing option (-ieee) to get closer agreement between g77 & ifort
10605 o generate new output.txt files on faulks with g77 & the new -ieee option
0e6056cd20 Jean*10606 checkpoint57c_pre (2005/01/27)
7ba28f2af1 Jean*10607
10608 o add "_d 0" in freeze ; change some "FLOAT" to "DFLOAT" and went back (TAF);
5a35007c50 Jean*10609 update output.txt of exp. global_ocean.90x40x15
a435e833b1 Mart*10610 o fix in ini_eos.F (one "_d 0" was missing): now g77 & ifc give much closer
6643de8305 Jean*10611 results; update global_ocean_pressure & global_ocean.cs32x15 output.txt
5f46ec9135 Jean*10612 o add saltFlux(+File) forcing capability with periodicExternalForcing
97038d3c07 Jean*10613 o allow to use pkg diagnostics for GM-Redi & ThSIce output
10614 o diagnostics_fill: fill in up to sNx+1 or sNy+1 (if U,V or Z pt) for mnc.
35ef3a0982 Ed H*10615 o improvements for the MNC output from DIAGNOSTICS:
10616 - correct handling of the unlimitied dimension
10617 - all dims now have associated coordinate variables
10618 - variables located at U, V, and Corner ("Z") points are now written
a435e833b1 Mart*10619 with the correct horzontal dimensions (eg. 'Xp1', 'Yp1') so that
35ef3a0982 Ed H*10620 *all* data points are output
8d9f2d1888 Dimi*10621 o added seaice_summary.F and removed obsolete ALLOW_SEAICE's from pkg/seaice
e1a538cff8 Dimi*10622 o added pkg/seaice/seaice_monitor.F
fcf5946e08 Dimi*10623 o mdsio_readfield.F can now read files visible only to master MPI process.
714116e714 Dimi*10624 o pkg/seaice: some test code for ice-modified ocean stress
4aa81846e7 Dimi*10625 o exf_getffields interpolation defaults to bilinear for all scalar forcing
10626 fields (remains bicubic for wind velocity and stress). This avoids, e.g.,
10627 spurious negative numbers for precipitation and humidity. Will cause
10628 some small numerical differences for integrations using pkg/exf/exf_interp.F.
a3296ad516 Patr*10629 o pkg/ctrl/
10630 * Add ctrlvec diagnostics in pack/unpack for nondimensional I/O
10631 May be enabled via doPackDiag
a435e833b1 Mart*10632 * introduce z-scaling of
10633 + gradient (doZscalePack) and
a3296ad516 Patr*10634 + control (doZscaleUnpack)
10635 o pkg/mdsio/
10636 * enable useSingleCpuIO for state estimation (ctrl_pack/unpack) mdsio_gl.F
10637 * N.B.: leave tiled I/O for tapelev (i.e. mds...vector)
4aa81846e7 Dimi*10638
0e6056cd20 Jean*10639 checkpoint57b_post (2004/12/20)
0cf6e0ada1 Jean*10640 o simplify options in diagnostics_fill arguments (remove weird combinations)
2f38f768b3 Ed H*10641 o fix MNC coordinate variables so that they now contain per-face index
a435e833b1 Mart*10642 values (instead of xC,xG,yC,yG values) when run with EXCH2 since, in
2f38f768b3 Ed H*10643 general, EXCH2 grids are only aligned to a "local" coordinate system
34bd0f9de0 Jean*10644 o test diagnostics pkg in dic_example (no output) and ideal_2D_oce (with ouput)
10645 o Implement instantaneous output within pkg diagnostics:
10646 setting a negative frequency in data.diagnostics produces
10647 "snap-shot" output (as opposed to time-average if freq > 0)
ed27c6ee8e Jean*10648 o move out off EQUIVALENCE all diagnostics that fizhi does not use ;
a435e833b1 Mart*10649 NOTE: change ptracer diagnostics name: use 2 characters to work with
ed27c6ee8e Jean*10650 more than 9 tracers. Add also diagnostics of advect & diffus flux.
a435e833b1 Mart*10651 o more CF compliance: convert all MNC 'iter' variables to 'T' so that it
18eb3f79fd Ed H*10652 becomes the coordinate variable for the 'T' dimension
d77e828db7 Ed H*10653 o add CF-style coordinate variables to MNC
a435e833b1 Mart*10654 - just a first cut: numbers are meaningless on the cubesphere and
d77e828db7 Ed H*10655 missing along the T axis but otherwise it works!
e07cbe4110 Dimi*10656 o add surface flux diagnostics: TAUX, TAUY, TFLUX, TRELAX, TICE, SFLUX, SRELAX
047c5644f3 Jean*10657 o pkg/thSIce: read initial state from 6 files ; allow monitor to use MNC.
9a922069e0 Jean*10658 o add diagnostics of advective & diffusive flux for T & S (pTracers coming soon)
10659 this is based directly on what the model compute, so that the content of
10660 each diagnostics might be affected by switching options (e.g., implicitDiffusion)
10661 o small changes for diagnostics (gad_biharm_?.F, arguments of S/R impldiff.F)
a435e833b1 Mart*10662 o clean up build options files for SunOS, in particular
e8f00bfc75 Mart*10663 - remove -traditional from xmakedepend
10664 - change -xarch=v9 to -xarch=native for f77
10665 - restore use of make (not gmake)
10666 - add CC=gcc if using g77
7af35f0733 Ed H*10667 o changes per discussion of AM, JMC, & EH3 today:
a435e833b1 Mart*10668 - move redundant "grid" variables out of "state" -- in preparation of
10669 creating proper CF-style coordinate variables and in recognition
10670 that any/all grid variables can be easily copied (eg. w/NCO) from
7af35f0733 Ed H*10671 the grid files into any of the other NetCDF files
a435e833b1 Mart*10672 - *always* output grid variables with MDSIO (this will eventually be
7af35f0733 Ed H*10673 changed)
10674 - output MNC grid file if useMNC is true
a435e833b1 Mart*10675 o every instance of _END_MASTER() has been found and replaced with
10676 _END_MASTER( myThid ) in order to satisfy certain picky Sun
ea6e02f692 Ed H*10677 preprocessors
ee5c9de779 Jean*10678 o re-arrange diagnostics pkg initialisation:
10679 - allow each package to extend the available diagnostics list
10680 - add some checking and fix small problems (multi-threaded, ...)
10681 - new S/R diagnostics_fill (replace fill_diagnostics):
10682 look through the short list of active diag. (instead of the long list)
10683 create function DIAGNOSTICS_IS_ON to tell if a diagnostics is active
617e9c07f6 Ed H*10684
0e6056cd20 Jean*10685 checkpoint57a_post (2004/12/10)
6ff6896d7d Patr*10686 o this set of changes restores TAMC compatibility
10687 tested for global_ocean.90x40x15 adjoint on trough
10688 (what a pain)
0e6056cd20 Jean*10690 checkpoint57a_pre (2004/12/10)
4161b94ac5 Patr*10691 o some modifs in tools/build_options for sunos
10692 o call ctrl_pack for ctrl at end for optimcycle=0
0e6056cd20 Jean*10694 checkpoint57 (2004/12/09)
7bcb6cc723 Mart*10695 o add horizontal bi-harmonic viscosity for vertical velocity
10696 - new parameter viscA4W (defaults to viscA4)
10697 - affects only non-hydrostatic code
10698 - to be done: no-slip lateral boundary conditions
af994d39e8 Dimi*10699 o switch back to "sflux = sflux - runoff" in exf_getforcing.F
f9712caa2c Jean*10700 o implement Implicit Vertical advection for pTracers
2c4cea51ae Jean*10701 o depth convergence accelerator: replace deltaTtracer by dTtracerLev(k)
e97e7f4284 Jean*10702 (implemented also for implicit vertical diffusion & advection)
5428496056 Mart*10703 o OBCS: extend application of tracer open boundary conditions
10704 to a strip beyond the boundary of width Olx/Oly
14137e831b Patr*10705 o add call monitor to TAF set of required calls (flow directives)
10706 and include in natl_box_adjoint
10707 o untangle a few ifdefs related to cost, ctrl, autodiff
10708 untangel a few ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION
e5d44c8b0d Patr*10709 o Apply Cooper & Haines representative estimates also at sub-surface (k=Nr)
10710 (theta2, salt2 in ecco_cost_weights)
5428496056 Mart*10711
0e6056cd20 Jean*10712 checkpoint56c_post (2004/12/03)
93ea71777b Mart*10713 o OBCS as control variables
10714 - update ctrl_ad_diff.list, obcs_ad_diff.list
10715 - remove balance of obcs controls from default
10716 - fix index bug nobcs in ctrl_init
10717 - fix dummy fields filen in ctrl_pack
10718 - add dummy weights for obcs
10719 o lsopt: comment out fort.94 output
a435e833b1 Mart*10720 o optim:
93ea71777b Mart*10721 - remove unnecessary header files
10722 - adjusted namelists
10723 - add xerbla.F to Makefile
a435e833b1 Mart*10724 o exf:
93ea71777b Mart*10725 - multiple modifications of exf_check_range
10726 - unit change in exf_init_runoff from [m/year] to [m/s]
10727 o mdsio:
10728 - i/o-vector change debugLevel from debLevA to debLevB
0e6056cd20 Jean*10730 checkpoint56b_post (2004/12/01)
8a588e179e Mart*10731 o collect all ptracers output in an new routine (PTRACERS_OUTPUT) that
10732 is called from DO_THE_MODEL_IO
10734 - introduce new parameter PTRACERS_dumpFreq (defaults to dumpFreq)
10735 - clean up PTRACERS_WRITE_TIMEAVE a little
233b414ed8 Mart*10736 o add another verification experiment that tests both the cfc-pkg and
a435e833b1 Mart*10737 the gchem-pkg with GCHEM_SEPARATE_FORCING undefined, that is with
233b414ed8 Mart*10738 reactive tendencies treated inline with regular timestepping
d8c583b49a Mart*10739 o testreport previously did a lousy job of comparing small numbers, so
10740 we (Ed and Martin) changed the way the cut-off of 1.e-12 is
10741 implemented in the little c-progam tmp_cmpnum.c which is embedded in
a435e833b1 Mart*10742 testreport.
d8c583b49a Mart*10743 o ptracers_monitor: bug fix for MPI
0e6056cd20 Jean*10745 checkpoint56a_post (2004/11/28)
bdb2728325 Mart*10746 o GCHEM: finish reorganizating the package
a435e833b1 Mart*10747 - forward_step calls GCHEM_CALC_TENDENDY, which computes gchemTendency
bdb2728325 Mart*10748 (introduces another 3D-array for each passive tracer, but only if
10750 gchemTendency is not needed because the timestep is done separately)
10751 - gchemTendency is added to gPtr in GCHEM_ADD_TENDENCY
10752 - GCHEM is now---more or less cleanly---separate from PTRACERS
10753 - to bo done: handling of surfaceForcingPtr that is needed for KPP not
10754 so clear to me how that should be done in a general way.
10755 o CFC: improve formatting of output in CFC_ATMOS
10756 o PTRACERS:
10757 - rename GCHEM_MONITOR to PTRACERS_MONITOR and call it from MONITOR, so
10758 that ALL experiments with ptracers enable can be checked. This makes
10759 GCHEM_MONITOR obsolete.
10760 - include a runtime parameter PTRACERS_monitorFreq that defaults to
10761 monitorFreq
a435e833b1 Mart*10762 - set default PTRACERS_write_mdsio to false if PTRACERS_write_mnc is true
68c34fd102 Ed H*10763 o add PTRACERS (PTR0[1-5]) to testreport output
b3bbb0d458 Patr*10764 o exf_check_range:
10765 * default changed to .TRUE.
10766 * will check values for niter0 if debLevA, every timestep if debLevB
10767 * STOP in exf_check_range if 'out of range'
10768 * range chosen generous to allow for potential extema
10769 TBD: a version with stricter range
10770 permitted range would be runtime parameters
5f42c34bbe Jean*10771 o GMredi:
10772 - fix ldd97 slope limit ; extend valid domain of Psi-Bolus ;
10773 - change S/R GRAD_SIGMA to be valid in the overlap on CS-grid.
10774 - change the default GMREDI_OPTIONS.h: compile everything except Visbeck
a435e833b1 Mart*10775 o GCHEM:
31940778af Mart*10776 - move call to GCHEM_FORCING_SEP, so that it is now called before
10777 the blocking exchanges to avoid computing halos in GCHEM_FORCING_SEP
a435e833b1 Mart*10778 - introduced a useGCHEM runtime flag and applied it everywhere.
10780 this flag is now only visible within GCHEM-pkg routines.
10781 - moved gchem_forcing_int temporarily into ptracers_forcing, this will
a435e833b1 Mart*10782 be replaced by a 3D array that is computed before thermodynamics; for
26bcdcd4f0 Mart*10783 this, the tracer ID iTracer had to be included into the parameter list
10784 of ptracers_forcing
a435e833b1 Mart*10785 - set up forward_step to call gchem_forcing, that will replace
26bcdcd4f0 Mart*10786 gchem_forcing_int in ptracers_forcing
10787 - cleaning up
3e021cd85f Jean*10788 o small cleaning of exch2: remove files that are also in eesupp/src
30a55c64a0 Mart*10789
0e6056cd20 Jean*10790 checkpoint56 (2004/11/17)
0608749963 Jean*10791 o AIM: read land-Fraction earlier (from ini-fixed) and monitor land at nIter0
2f14a1f812 Ed H*10792 o mnc: cleanup "full" files--fixes out-of-memory problem
c715d0b027 Patr*10793 o ECCO-GODAE
10794 * model/, pkg/, code/, input/ now complete w.r.t. ECCO-GODAE production setup
10795 * fully merged and updated from SIO code
10796 windstress sign change affects
10797 - exf_inscal_[u/v]stress
10798 - sign of xx_tau[u/v] adjustments
10799 - signs in cost_scat
10800 * ctrl_get_gen: avoid update of tau[u/v] for first few days
10801 * natl_box_adjoint updated and compressed
10802 * 2-level checkpoint switch added
10803 (tested in EXP. 1 of natl_box_adjoint)
10804 * new switch doInitXX to avoid init. of xx_... in optimcycle=0
10805 o SVD
10806 * first complete, non-hacked version for SVD calculations
10807 * all interfaces clean w.r.t to handling of xx_..., adxx_..., g_xx_...
10808 performed via direct access files admtlm_vector.it????
10809 (via ctrl_[un]pack)
10810 * optimcycle is used for ARPACK iteration counter
10811 (note: adxx_... is iterated, rather than xx_...; latter is constant!)
10812 * EV problem ok w.r.t. L2-norm in tangent space; need to check other norms
a435e833b1 Mart*10813 and add linear transforms where necessary
c715d0b027 Patr*10814 * controls are initial/final SST, SSS (can be extended; need to check
10815 ctrl_set_[un]pack_xyz.F according to ctrl_set_[un]pack_xy.F
10816 o mdsio: filename info to both stderr, stdout
10817 o exf: exf_inscal_runoff: separated default conversion [m/year] -> [m/sec]
a435e833b1 Mart*10818 from sign change
2f14a1f812 Ed H*10819
0e6056cd20 Jean*10820 checkpoint55j_post (2004/11/10)
4c23dd3d61 Jean*10821 o isolate dissipation tendency (allow to keep it out off AB) in V.I form.
10822 affects (truncation level) output.txt of global_ocean.cs32x15(&.thsice)
617e9c07f6 Ed H*10823 o add consistent build directories and .cvsignore files to verification
070e727a0d Dimi*10824 o added viscA4GridMin and viscA4GridMax for more control on biharmonic viscosity
a435e833b1 Mart*10825 o make all subroutines 30 or less characters in length for certain older
10826 compilers to work (a thorough search only turns up two routines in
064f472621 Ed H*10827 pkg/ptracers)
a435e833b1 Mart*10828 o allow (vecinv only) a different horiz. viscosity for Divergence and Vorticity;
7066de6cf6 Jean*10829 affects (truncation level) output.txt of global_ocean.cs32x15(&.thsice)
0e6056cd20 Jean*10831 checkpoint55i_post (2004/10/28)
92cbe40bc9 Jean*10832 o change arrays for total vertical diffusivity (2.D if explicit,
10833 3.D if implicit) ; each ptracer uses its own background value.
73983c4f5f Ed H*10834 o added mnc/NetCDF output capability to ocn_compon_interf
a435e833b1 Mart*10835 - added bits to verification/cpl_aim+ocn so that it can run on
73983c4f5f Ed H*10836 ITRDA and other clusters without the mpirun "-wd" option
0de9c264f0 Andr*10837 o fixed wayward endif in mom_fluxform.F that messed up cyclindrical
a435e833b1 Mart*10838 configuration
10839 o give MNC the ability to create additional files rather than
10840 exceeding a specified file size limit "MNC_MAX_FILESIZE"
10841 - the default is just less than 2GB which is a practical limit
ab11ba1276 Ed H*10842 on many systems
a435e833b1 Mart*10843 o Compute the non-local term using either KPP vertical diffusivity (=default)
60fa91c126 Jean*10844 or the total vertical diffusivity (when KPP_ghatUseTotalDiffus=T)
9f675e95f9 Jean*10845
0e6056cd20 Jean*10846 checkpoint55h_post (2004/10/20)
19afae78f4 Jean*10847 o add verification test "vermix"
ff63a227b0 Ed H*10848 o remove all the *_ioinc flags and replace with the single global
10849 outputTypesInclusive flag
69377f8682 Jean*10850 o allow to set a vertical profile of vertical diffusivity for T & S
19afae78f4 Jean*10851 o call PACKAGE_BOOT & PACKAGES_READPARMS just after INI_PARMS
10852 o useMNC moved from data.mnc to data.pkg
69377f8682 Jean*10853
0e6056cd20 Jean*10854 checkpoint55g_post (2004/10/14)
6b1c25ae7b Patr*10855 o Renaming carbon AD experiments to comply with testreport conventions
10856 o Updating adjoint of Held-Suarez hs94.1x64x5
10857 o Fixing directives for non-ECCO forward_step, after ECCO directives
10858 have been fixed to avoid recomp. of do_oceanic_phys
10859 Works well for global_ocean.90x40x15,
10860 but recomp. issue remains for carbon
a435e833b1 Mart*10861 o Updating adjoint output for natl_box_adjoint after
6b1c25ae7b Patr*10862 pkg/ecco has been modified (see taga c55d_post)
0e6056cd20 Jean*10864 checkpoint55f_post (2004/10/13)
8a3e9d877a Ed H*10865 o rename to timeave_init_fixed
0e6056cd20 Jean*10867 checkpoint55e_post (2004/10/13)
d6be6cad8f Patr*10868 o some delicate re-shuffle of store directives to avoid one
10869 extra call of do_oceanic_physics
10870 affects ecco_the_main_loop.F, do_oceanic_physics.F
10871 checkpoint_lev1_directives.h
10872 o NB: this may break global_ocean adjoint temporarily,
10873 but it is clear how to fix it. Will do later, need this now.
0e6056cd20 Jean*10875 checkpoint55d_post (2004/10/11)
75d667876f Patr*10876 o ECCO specific cost function terms (up-to-date with 1x1 runs)
10877 o ecco_cost_weights is modified to 1x1 runs
10878 o modifs to allow observations to be read in as
10879 single file or yearly files
10880 o enable to read exf forcing fields as either
10881 single file or yearly files (flag useExfYearlyFields)
0e6056cd20 Jean*10882 checkpoint55d_pre (2004/10/08)
75d667876f Patr*10883
10884 o switch between 2-level and 3-level checkpointing
a435e833b1 Mart*10885 o add ability of MNC to write local and "partial" (eg. 2D slices where
cb356b4c5f Ed H*10886 the full 3D field is never actually stored) arrays to NetCDF files
a435e833b1 Mart*10887 with the correct (that is, the complete multi-dimensional) set of
cb356b4c5f Ed H*10888 array indicies
10889 - used in mom_vecinv() to write the diagFreq output
10890 - tested (demonstrated) in verification/aim.5l_cs
c9c3d7103f Ed H*10891 o further mnc-ification
10892 - add verification/lab_sea to the list with mnc setups
10893 - fix undefined mnc v-names in cd_code
10894 - add kpp to mnc output (both snapshot and timeave)
6deb815953 Mart*10895 o non-hydrostatic code
10896 - added horizontal viscosity parameter viscAhW for w, that replaces viscAh
10897 in calc_gw.F
10898 - defaults to viscAh
10899 - this is useful, when I want to use viscAh=0 (e.g., only biharmonic
a435e833b1 Mart*10900 friction or Leith) in non-hydrostatic mode, as long as there is
6deb815953 Mart*10901 no biharmonic friction and/or Leigth or equivalent for vertical velocity.
449f3c105b Patr*10902 o pkg/cost
10903 extend simple cost functions to treat time mean quantities
10904 (T,U,V) via cost_accumulate_state from cost_tile
4ddf54cc90 Jean*10905 o multidimAdvection on CS-grid: implement the full 3 pass ; overlap needs to
10906 be 2 times larger than the minimum size the advection scheme requires.
10907 now get a perfect conservation of salt in advect_cs test-exp (updated)
76f580e1f0 Mart*10908 o GGL90 (Gaspar's TKE mixed layer)
a435e833b1 Mart*10909 - add horizontal diffusion of TKE, requires exchanges in
10910 do_fields_blocking_exchanges, horizontal diffusivity is zero by
10911 default. In OPA there is no horizontal diffusion of TKE but the
76f580e1f0 Mart*10912 mixing coefficients are computed from a horizontal average of TKE of
10913 6 points or so. I think that diffusion has a little more physical
10914 justification.
a435e833b1 Mart*10915 - clean up ggl90_calc in the hope of reducing memory usage (this hope
76f580e1f0 Mart*10916 was in vain)
10917 - mask tke-variable in ggl90_init
3c38934f04 Jean*10918 o fix mask Pb in multidimAdvection on CS-grid (still a small Pb with ipass)
10919 o fix biharmonic diffusion on CS-grid.
78800a222d Mart*10920 o more obcs stuff
10921 - added obcs_external_fields_load as an alternative to the EXF-pkg option
a435e833b1 Mart*10922 for reading boundary values. This routine is called from
78800a222d Mart*10923 obcs_prescribe_read
10924 - updated obcs_check
965df15d92 Mart*10925 - changed sponge layer relaxation parameter units for days to seconds
10926 - turned off sponge layer by default
5720994acc Patr*10927 - changed argument list of OBCS_CALC to myTime+deltaTclock
b67ae883c8 Mart*10928 - fixed about 35 bugs in obcs_external_fields_load
78800a222d Mart*10929
0e6056cd20 Jean*10930 checkpoint55c_post (2004/09/23)
38224ac59a Patr*10931 o obcs stuff
10932 - new runtime flags useOBCSprescribe, useOBCSbalance
10933 - re-arranged obcs_calc
10934 - moved exf_getobcs to obcs_prescibe_read
10935 obcs_prescibe_read is called after ORLANSKI stuff
10936 and independent of it (executable can contain all).
10937 - updated obcs_check
64e4c8fd27 Patr*10938 - added exchanges for U,V,gU,gV for useOBCSprescribe=.TRUE.
10939 These may be necessary only if tangential velocities are
10940 prescribed at OB, not sure, needs testing.
2509c39694 Ed H*10941 o make the MNC_CW_ADD_VATTR_* subroutines all take scalar arguments
10942 which simplifies the calls and passes the ifc check-bounds test
0e6056cd20 Jean*10944 checkpoint55b_post (2004/09/22)
6fdcc18f80 Jean*10945 o add a 2D scalar, Z location, exchange_2 routine.
9f675e95f9 Jean*10946 o EXCH_UV for CS-grid: add one u,v in the corner-halo region, allows
10947 to compute vorticity on a wider stencil [e.g., vort3(0,1)&(1,0)]
10948 affects advect_cs results (for the wrong reason): update output.txt
a435e833b1 Mart*10949 o use a more standard discretization for biharmonic viscosity ;
df39a169f0 Jean*10950 (original version still available with #define MOM_VI_ORIGINAL_VISCA4 )
a435e833b1 Mart*10951 affects results of dome set-up: update output.txt
df39a169f0 Jean*10952 o fix gad_advection.F (CubedSphere part), back to version 1.23
10953 o fix bug in mom_vi_del2uv.F (CubedSphere part).
58031354dd Mart*10954
0e6056cd20 Jean*10955 checkpoint55a_post (2004/09/20)
a435e833b1 Mart*10956 o merged code to
96bbd4e2a5 Patr*10957 * prescribe/read time-dependent open boundaries
10958 (works in conjunction with exf, cal)
10959 * sponge layer code for open boundaries
10960 * each boundary N/S/E/W now has its own CPP option
10961 (healthy for the adjoint)
0e6056cd20 Jean*10963 checkpoint55 (2004/09/17)
334b55a5b0 Patr*10964 o up-to-date adjoint of previous breaks
10965 - natl_box_adjoint: problem for exp 12, 13: cost = 0. needs fix
10966 - global_ocean_ebm: adjoint still needs fix (TLM ok)
10967 - global_ocean.90x40x15: extended GMREDI_OPTIONS.h
10968 - carbon: * remove tr1-related adjoint verification
10969 * add ptracer as control variable
10970 o remove all tr1-related code (ALLOW_PASSIVE_TRACER)
10971 (adjoint stuff still has some tr1 'names', but all use ptracer arrays)
0e6056cd20 Jean*10973 checkpoint54f_post (2004/09/16)
d3c81fef04 Patr*10974 o in verification/carbin/ remove experiment related to
10975 ALLOW_PASSIVE_TRACER (array tr1 etc)
10976 code_ad/ input_ad/ results_ad
b8e554ea44 Mart*10978 o add two new packages
10979 - ggl90, TKE-model of Gaspar et al. (1990), Blanke+Delecluse (1993)
10980 + subject to optimization (memory)
10981 - opps, OPPS (ocean penetrative plume scheme) of Paluszkiewicz+Romea (1997)
10982 + subject to reordering (many GOTOs in the original code)
10983 + so far opps is called for every (i,j) point, and then operates in
10984 the vertical; one may want to reorder the scheme in order operate in
a435e833b1 Mart*10985 horizontal slabs at the cost of (a lot of) memory, at least ten new 3D
b8e554ea44 Mart*10986 fields)
e05d966902 Ed H*10987 o overhaul of IO so that we now have flags for MDSIO and/or MNC
10988 - all verification tests compile and run with linux_ia32_g77
a435e833b1 Mart*10989 - defaults are compatible with current input files--nothing
e05d966902 Ed H*10990 should change if you were not previously using MNC
10991 - MNC output has been added in numerous places (eg. timeave)
10992 but there are still a few writes not yet do-able with MNC
10993 (this is in progress)
a435e833b1 Mart*10994 - flags now allow for either/or/both use of MDSIO and MNC and
e05d966902 Ed H*10995 documentation will soon follow
10996 - numerous small formatting cleanups for ProTeX
1f6288729b Ed H*10997 o add version info (via BUILD_INFO.h) to MNC and stdout
0e6056cd20 Jean*10999 checkpoint54e_post (2004/09/02)
58031354dd Mart*11000 o add two new packages
a435e833b1 Mart*11001 - pp81 (Packanowski and Philander, 1981), Richardson number and
58031354dd Mart*11002 stratification dependent mixing
11003 - my82 (Mellor and Yamada, 1982) level 2 turbulence closure scheme
a435e833b1 Mart*11004 - these scheme operate in a similar manner as KPP (without ghat, of
58031354dd Mart*11005 course), however there is only one diffusivity that is used for both
58378fc26e Mart*11006 temperature and salinity (and passive tracers)
ff0dde6fdb Step*11007 o add offline package
c7bf664228 Ed H*11008 o add "verification/dic_example" which contains a dic-gchem-ptracer setup
11009 provided by Stephanie Dutkiewicz
e8a04cb645 Ed H*11010 o genmake2: add ability to search for C compilers and cleanup test output
11011 - fixes recent SX-6 problems and should help with others (eg. HP-UX)
0e6056cd20 Jean*11013 checkpoint54d_post (2004/07/27)
999e18a3ba Alis*11014 o data.diagnostics: if levels() is unspecified then ALL levels are diagnosed
a435e833b1 Mart*11015 o bug fix in pkg/cal/cal_addtime.F for TheCalendar='model' day count is wrong,
1c7ec5d18e Jean*11016 leading to additional shift by 5 days each year of integration
11017 (i.e. leading to considerable offset over the years)
3eb6e74bad Jean*11018 o update global_ocean.cs32x15/thsice: use z* + RealFW + staggerTimeStep
11019 o start with no AB and no initial filtering (staggerTimeStep):
11020 change the results of test-exp: hs94.128x64x5, hs94.1x64x5 & hs94.cs-32x32x5
11021 o move ocean specific S/R calls from forward_step.F to do_oceanic_phys.F
11022 (external loading & cpl import/export stay in forward_step.F)
11023 o update coupling interface to work with new staggerTimeStep
11024 o change MDSIO ptracers_pickup.
f8f693c946 Jean*11025 o fix a bug in Flux deriv. vs Ts (pkg/aim_v23/phy_suflux_sice.F);
353dc202ae Ed H*11026 o genmake2 fixes so netcdf now works on halem ("osf1_alpha_*")
f8f693c946 Jean*11027 o bugs fixed in kpp_calc.F (ustarY) and external_forcing.F (Qsw & Partial-cell)
353dc202ae Ed H*11028
0e6056cd20 Jean*11029 checkpoint54c_post (2004/07/18)
1a73c8a0cc Jean*11030 o replace surfaceTendency U,V,S,T,Tice,Ptr by surfaceForcing U,V,S,T,Tice,Ptr
11031 this affects (truncation error) output.txt of test-exp:
11032 global_ocean_ebm,_pressure,.cs32x15(&.thsice), lab_sea & natl_box
11033 o pkg/kpp: replace pMask by maskC to reduce memory size (one 3.D array)
b59159bd17 Jean*11034 o change Qnet to always be the net heat flux, (+upward).
11035 affects (truncation error) output of natl_box exp.: updated
43f9f92e51 Jean*11036 o define the max number of passive tracers in PTRACERS_SIZE.h
11037 o start to test mnc routinely in exp0
11038 o add sea-ice loading (sIceLoad) as a new forcing field.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11040 checkpoint54b_post (2004/07/08)
a435e833b1 Mart*11041 o add testreport "-j JOBS" option for parallel builds (tested and pretty
8c9e835c69 Ed H*11042 impressive on Altix and Opteron systems)
bc1bd3388a Ed H*11043 o diagnostics can now write NetCDF files through the mnc package
b71b8cc969 Jean*11044 o staggerTimeStep & NLFS: update pkg aim_v23 & thsice; update aim.5l_cs output
a435e833b1 Mart*11045 o staggerTimeStep & multi-Dim-Advec: Exch(U,V) added
f04695194c Jean*11046 o staggerTimeStep & NLFS: rescale T & S surface tendencies.
11047 affects (truncation error) output of lab_sea & natl_box exp.: updated
11048 o change pickup _cd & _ptracers (old pickup restart: usePickupBeforeC54=.T.)
0e6056cd20 Jean*11050 checkpoint54a_post (2004/07/06)
89aa0d86bf Jean*11051 o re-write staggerTimeStep: step fwd U,V and then T,S (reverse the order).
11052 o change pickup file (to restart from old pickup, set usePickupBeforeC54=.T.)
11053 o get a perfect restart when using RealFreshWaterFlux + NLFS (not finished)
11054 o update output of all exp. that use staggerTimeStep (except hs94.cs & 2D)
11055 + internal_wave (shift in writing cg2d_ini_res)
0e6056cd20 Jean*11056 checkpoint54a_pre (2004/07/05)
33e1cd7241 Jean*11057
0f1d4cfc8d Dimi*11058 o require forcing_In_AB=.FALSE. and remove surfaceTendencyTice from pkg/seaice
11059 - modified verification/lab_sea and natl_box_adjoint accordingly
0e6056cd20 Jean*11061 checkpoint54 (2004/07/02)
11062 checkpoint53g_post (2004/07/02)
e5b80f023f Jean*11063 o prepare splitting of thermodynamics: store convect.counter in common block
8ac0de89ba Jean*11064 o store d.etaH/dt (instead of Div.hV) in common ; affects (truncation error)
11065 output of: global_ocean.cs32x15, global_ocean_pressure & internal_wave
e73e2206ff Dimi*11066 o cnh's modifs to gad_advection.F for cube-sphere multi-dim advection
1cf497b67b Jean*11067 o new parameter "nShapS": allow to treat differently S from T (nShapT)
11068 o separate Vert.Advec.Scheme from horizontal Advec.Scheme (T & S)
9e38639d14 Patr*11069 o restore adjointability
1cf497b67b Jean*11070
0e6056cd20 Jean*11071 checkpoint53f_post (2004/06/25)
f4437bef13 Jean*11072 o modifications that affect AIM experiment results (update output.txt):
a435e833b1 Mart*11073 - no advection of S at top interface Nr (pkg/generic_advdiff)
f4437bef13 Jean*11074 - air surf. temp: use lower value between T0 & T1 (phy_suflux_prep.F)
71989a1d2f Jean*11075 o AIM pkg:
11076 - include stability function into surf.Flux derivative relative to Tsurf
11077 - calculate clear-sky radiation & surface temp. change (for diagnostics)
a435e833b1 Mart*11078
9583d821f1 Andr*11079 checkpoint53e_post
11080 o merged cylindrical coord configuration
11081 o added rotating_tank experiment
db2e27b728 Andr*11082 checkpoint53e_pre
0e6056cd20 Jean*11084 checkpoint53d_post (2004/06/14)
27134ca433 Jean*11085 o faulks upgraded: re-generate output.txt that have changed:
11086 global_ocean.cs32x15(.thsice), global_ocean_ebm, lab_sea, natl_box
19ec94aecc Alis*11087 o Added Bryan and Lewis, 1979, vertical diffusivity profile
a435e833b1 Mart*11088 o pkg/land: fix problem in land_impl_temp.F when Ts arround freezing.
5d5fff3a81 Alis*11089 o added Sadourny discretization of Coriolis
11090 - moved some PARAMETERS from mom_*_coriolis.F to PARAMS.h
11091 - re-enabled use of omega3 (useAbsVorticity)
e46ec53fc5 Alis*11092 o added Leith (Phys. Fluids, 1968, 10, 1409-1416) variable viscosity for
52f1ebc9d7 Jean*11093 vector-invariant equations
e46ec53fc5 Alis*11094 - note: does *NOT* yet use same variable visc. for no-slip BC's.
8a9329e700 Mart*11095 o recoded the lateral boundary conditions for non-hydrostatic w, this time
11096 hopefully without new bugs
11097 - still to do: biharmonic friction for non-hydrostatic w
4855f667f0 Alis*11098 o bug fix for mom_*_sidedrag: rA -> rAs,rAw
11099 o regenerated output for global_ocean_ebm (using -ieee)
647a06f20c Alis*11100 o fix mom_common/mom_*_sidedrag.F to recover numeric output prior to creation
11101 of mom_common/
11102 - simple re-arrangement of instructions within computing loop
0e6056cd20 Jean*11103 checkpoint53d_pre (2004/05/21)
647a06f20c Alis*11104
0e6056cd20 Jean*11105 checkpoint53c_post (2004/05/21)
1ad8306ce0 Jean*11106 o new version of coupler for AIM+thSIce and Ocean models
11107 - new fields (SSS,h_MixLayer ...) are exchanged through the coupler
11108 - land: change Evaporation of snow
11109 - aim with thSIce: fix bug in snow-precip.
fbdf55c31a Mart*11110 o changes to calc_gw.F
11111 - bug fix for w^2 term near the bottom boundary
11112 - (hopefully) improve the lateral slip boundary condtions for use with
11113 partial/looped cells
11114 - because the bug fix changes two verification experiments anyway (exp5
11115 and plume on slope), change the lateral boundary condition from half slip
11116 to the value of no_slip_sides
4e8c9bded2 Patr*11117 o ebm package wasnt quite up to the parallel task. Fixed that.
8c7ad6d151 Patr*11118 o Adjoint of EBM package + verification
11119 * TLM OK
11120 * ADM not sufficient accuracy yet (needs further testing)
fbdf55c31a Mart*11121
0e6056cd20 Jean*11122 checkpoint53b_post (2004/05/14)
f86a3c0e0c Patr*11123 o Commiting new energy balance model to repository
11124 * package is pkg/ebm
11125 * verif. is verification/global_ocean_ebm
11126 * references are in ebm_driver.F
11127 C * X. Wang, P. Stone and J. Marotzke, 1999:
11128 C Global thermohaline circulation. Part I:
11129 C Sensitivity to atmospheric moisture transport.
11130 C J. Climate 12(1), 71-82
11131 C * X. Wang, P. Stone and J. Marotzke, 1999:
11132 C Global thermohaline circulation. Part II:
11133 C Sensitivity with interactive transport.
11134 C J. Climate 12(1), 83-91
11135 C * M. Nakamura, P. Stone and J. Marotzke, 1994:
11136 C Destabilization of the thermohaline circulation
11137 C by atmospheric eddy transports.
11138 C J. Climate 7(12), 1870-1882
11139 o Will need long integration testing.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11140 checkpoint53b_pre (2004/05/14)
89dadec0f0 Patr*11141
9c05b3873e Alis*11142 o created pkg/mom_common in preparation for variable viscosity code
11143 o renamed and split ini_mnc_io
f4a07a4bc7 Jean*11144 o pkg/land: only liquid water can diffuse or run-off
11145 o AIM using land: soil wetness availability account for snow
53c7d996f6 Dimi*11146 o added printMapIncludesZeros to EEPARMS namelist
0e6056cd20 Jean*11148 checkpoint53a_post (2004/05/11)
e7f1536c88 Patr*11149 o restore TAMC compatiility for exf_constants.h
11150 (no usage of _d in .h)
11151 o Additional storing in KPP in an attempt to fix
11152 TAMC problem with adjoint of KPP code.
11153 (no success...)
11154 Identical code works fine with TAF.
0b07ed3507 Dimi*11155 o Fixed verification/natl_box_adjoint experiments.
11156 Initial conditions for Experiments 4 and 5 are now
11157 set to "SEAICE_initialHEFF=0", which is more reasonable,
11158 and hence gives results closer to that of Experiment 2.
11159 Experiment 6 requires "SEAICE_initialHEFF=1" and is working once again.
e7f1536c88 Patr*11160
0e6056cd20 Jean*11161 checkpoint53 (2004/05/06)
8522e3c798 Chri*11162 o stable checkpoint with up to date adjoint
11163 TLM tests only run for 1st grdchk at the moment. Its unclear if
11164 this is a code problem or a problem with resetting code for g_
11165 variables that is being autogenerated wrong.
11166 Otherwise:
a435e833b1 Mart*11167 o code is testing well on Linux (P4 and AMD), SGI Alitix and Irix.
11168 o IBM and HPQ tests could not be run because NCAR (IBM) and NCCS (HPQ)
8522e3c798 Chri*11169 are both still in chaos following their security messes.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11171 checkpoint52n_post (2004/05/06)
f989ca6313 Ed H*11172 o various build (mostly genmake2) changes including:
11173 - ability to build/run more easily within Cygwin and MacOS X
11174 - more complicated Makefiles with a stronger dependence on Gnu Make
4634ed4578 Dimi*11175 o pkg/seaice modifications
f4fcd985ee Dimi*11176 - added SEAICE_deltaTtherm and SEAICE_deltaTdyn in order to reduce cost
11177 of pkg/seaice. For time being, SEAICE_deltaTtherm = deltaTtracer
11178 and SEAICE_deltaTdyn must be integer multiple of SEAICE_deltaTtherm
a435e833b1 Mart*11179 - changed proxy for geostrophic velocity and updated
28d826540b Dimi*11180 verification/lab_sea/results/* accordingly
4634ed4578 Dimi*11181 - removed ADI dynamic solver from pkg/seaice
11182 - replaced all occurrences of 1/CSTICE or 1/CSUICE
11183 they caused a segmentation fault under certain circumstances
9976df0ac5 Mart*11184 - removed unused field WATR
b055761890 Mart*11185 o bug fix in exf-package:
11186 - u/vwind are defined at tracer/pressure points. The values of u/vwindmask
11187 now reflect that.
386eadb044 Mart*11188 o small fixes in the cal-package:
11189 - set reference date to first of January for the 'model'-calendar
11190 - failing of cal_CheckDate in cal_FullDate now actually results in a
11191 warning
df66ce88b0 Mart*11192 o small modifications in exf-package to increase flexibility:
11193 - change climtempfreeze from a constant to a runtime parameter that
11194 is specified in data.exf_clim (default = -1.9)
11195 - introduce runtime parameter windstressmax (default = 2.0) that is
11196 specified in data.exf
351ee82bec Jean*11197 o fix in pkg/thsice:
11198 - update Evap (Tsf changes) to be consistent with Latent heat flux
11199 - maintain snow precipitation unchanged (even if Tsf >=0).
11200 both affect global_ocean.cs32x15/(.thsice) results ; update output.txt.thsice
0e6056cd20 Jean*11202 checkpoint52m_post (2004/04/18)
329dcc48c4 Mart*11203 o commented out call to cal_GetMonthsRec in swfrac.F and added some comments;
11204 this does not change any of the results, because myIter=0 in swfrac always
11205 lead to jwtype=2 (the default anyway), but the call makes little sense
11206 as a default
222786db83 Jean*11207 o no SHORTWAVE HEATING lost at the bottom; affects lab_sea output; updated
1395c36e8a Jean*11208 o re-work pkg/thsice interface with ocean & bulk_force pkg to allow
11209 atmospheric model (AIM) to use it ; add a "slab ocean" component.
11210 o pkg/aim_v23 : add interface to call thermodynamic sea-ice (thsice)
11211 o update global_ocean.cs32x15/output (.thsice) after changes in pkg/thsice
7b6ef96a80 Dimi*11212 o extending useSingleCpuIO option to work with new exch2 I/O format
11213 - old-style, missing-tile I/O is still accessible by defining CPP
11214 option MISSING_TILE_IO in pkg/mdsio/MDSIO_OPTIONS.h
7e019df062 Ed H*11215 o monitor package can write to NetCDF files and/or STDOUT
11216 o fix re-definition bug in MNC_GRID_INIT_ALL()
8a37d3da43 Ed H*11217 o doc/api_reference added
11218 - a framework for building an API Reference Manual using all
11219 the "protex" comments embedded in the code
11220 - see pkg/generic_advdiff, pkg/mnc for examples
b297381f9a Ed H*11221 o MNC:
11222 - make myThid the last argument for all subroutines
11223 - new default for the grid files: NO halos
cba009f524 Ed H*11224 - add useMNC and other run-time flags
11225 - separate per-file-group handling of the unlimited dimension
a435e833b1 Mart*11226 - early initialization of MNC w/ flags read at the eeboot stage
cba009f524 Ed H*11227 and lookup tables set in initialize_fixed
11228 - write all MNC output to a freshly-created directory
47e4defd15 Jean*11229 o thermodynamics sea-ice (thsice) is now tested with testreport.
11230 o test exp. advect_cs: use the standard cs32 grid ; update output.
cd56948b28 Patr*11231 o Added functionality to grdchk:
11232 pick global i,j,k position (or nearest wet) where to perform check.
9fa8dff5bb Jean*11233
0e6056cd20 Jean*11234 checkpoint52l_post (2004/03/11)
63585e25d4 Jean*11235 o new land formulation:
11236 a) use ground enthalpy as prognostic variable to ensure exact
11237 energy conservation.
11238 b) account for water temperature and for latent heat of freezing
11239 in all processes (rain, run-off, ground storage)
11240 c) compute surface and ground temperature implicitly.
11241 o aim_v23 modification for new land model:
11242 a) Treat separately land / ocean / sea-ice surface fluxes
11243 to allow implicit computation of land & sea-ice surface temp.
11244 b) add snow precipitation.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11245 checkpoint52l_pre (2004/03/11)
9fa8dff5bb Jean*11246
af5663a801 Jean*11247 o fix problem (when 1 tile is empty) in min/max monitor.
a435e833b1 Mart*11248 o fix bug in timeAve (u,vZetatave in common block)
76a3a9dce3 Dimi*11249 o no restoring terms under ice for pkg/seaice
36f6faaf99 Dimi*11250 o moved SEAICE_DO_DIAGS to S/R do_the_model_io
11251 o bug fix for pkg/seaice pickups
070ec0f1ad Ed H*11252 o change MNC call locations and add coordinate attributes
3777bd4e33 Jean*11253 o mask vorticity at the corner ; affects global_ocean.cs output
11254 o fix ini_curvilinear_grid ; test CS experiments with mpi
831771ecb4 Jean*11255 o aim.5l_cs: modify sea-ice fraction input file ; update output
73ca73937b Patr*11256 o exf: Adding simple range check routine for exf fields after read
e06eab71ce Jean*11257
0e6056cd20 Jean*11258 checkpoint52k_post (2004/02/23)
c99437d93a Alis*11259 o removed top-level directory "diags"
11260 - we migrated these functions to pkg/timeave a long time ago
11261 o fixed bug introduced in pkg/monitor
171b0dbf72 Patr*11262 o accuracy ctrlprec = 32 insuffient for gradient checks using
11263 averaged fields (I/O via cost_averages)
11264 -> use ctrl.h in active_file*.F to control I/O precision.
11265 o paramter list of CALL ADTHE_MAIN_LOOP
11266 o added initial do_the_model_io to ecco
11267 o set all ...Freq to zero after cost_final
11268 taveFreq, dumpFreq, pChkptFreq
4f02768964 Patr*11269 o MAIN and ECCO differentiability restored
c99437d93a Alis*11270
0e6056cd20 Jean*11271 checkpoint52j_post (2004/02/18)
37b568618c Patr*11272 o fix nchklev in tamc.h for global_ocean...
11273 o Bringing flow and store directives up-to-date
11274 o Really weird thing!
11275 call do_the_model_io from the_main_loop with parameters
a435e833b1 Mart*11276 starttime, niter0, instead of mytime, myiter, screws up the adjoint:
37b568618c Patr*11277 TAF places a faulty re-call of initialise_varia
11278 after cost_final call which should not be there!
0e6056cd20 Jean*11279 checkpoint52j_pre (2004/02/03)
37b568618c Patr*11280
63ae023a6f Andr*11281 o tweaked pkg/mdsio/mdsio_readfield.F to have more useful logic and
11282 error messages
e06eab71ce Jean*11283 o fix errorMessageUnit problem. remove old version of mdsio from eesup/src
7ecbd3c2aa Andr*11284 o modified pkg/mdsio/mdsio_readfield.F -- commented out diskspace-eating
11285 debug output
bd481ce0ad Andr*11286 o modfied mdsio_writefield.F to handle non-global files under exch2
65c905ad22 Jean*11287 o update AIM Cubed-Sphere exp (aim.5l_cs):
11288 use land, p*, and Franco.M forcing fields with fractional land-sea mask.
11289 o update AIM Equatorial Channel exp:
11290 use standard aim_v23 pkg and change the SST fields to be more realistic.
6b7f81d27b Andr*11291 o globalFile now works with exch2
a435e833b1 Mart*11292 o merged mom_vi_calc_relvort3.F, mom_vi_del2uv.F and
e06eab71ce Jean*11293 mon_vort3.F to make exch2 friendly with >1 tile per cube face
e7f0a9dbe1 Dimi*11294 o limit timeave output for hi-res integrations
404487e0d3 Andr*11295
0e6056cd20 Jean*11296 checkpoint52i_post (2004/01/21)
6989afdf96 Alis*11297 o removed CPP_EEOPTIONS.h from verification/*/code
11298 o updated the tiling for global_ocean_pressure
0e6056cd20 Jean*11299 checkpoint52i_pre (2004/01/20)
6989afdf96 Alis*11300
a435e833b1 Mart*11301 o update aim.5l_LatLon using the standard aim_v23 pkg (instead of
1e2193d0c9 Jean*11302 the old pkg/aim).
0e6056cd20 Jean*11304 checkpoint52h_pre (2004/01/20)
27e400a76e Andr*11305 o shortened offending lines in exch2_send_rx?.template
8c93ce9839 Andr*11306 o modified W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h to reflect current topology generator
65592d1bf7 Ed H*11307 o genmake2: add build & execute test for NetCDF code
52d06eb5f9 Andr*11308 o modded aim.5l_cs and global_ocean.cs32x15 to use exch2, removed
11309 old grid files, moved CPP_EEMACROS.h to pkg/exch2
f02794c1c2 Dimi*11310 o added useSingleCPUIO flag to monitor.F and mon_out.F
d3ec31b5f6 Dimi*11311 o added temporary hack for sea-ice dynamics on the cube:
11312 metric terms are ignored and it is assumed that
11313 there is no sea-ice on cube faces 1, 2, 4, and 5.
f02794c1c2 Dimi*11314
0e6056cd20 Jean*11315 checkpoint52f_post (2004/01/09)
046fd16d1c Andr*11316 o added exch2 cube routines to pkg/exch2
11317 o modified hs94.cs-32x32x5 to use it
11318 o added new grid files to hs94.cs-32x32x5
0e6056cd20 Jean*11319 checkpoint52f_pre (2004/01/07)
046fd16d1c Andr*11320
0e6056cd20 Jean*11321 checkpoint52e_post (2004/01/07)
67b14118a3 Jean*11322 o first attempt to solve vertical advection (momemtum & T,S) Implicitly
11323 for now, only implemented with Lax-Wendroff (tracer) and VectInv (mom)
1cead955c0 Jean*11324 o step.1 : rewrite (as in MultiDimAdvec) explicit tracer stepping (gad_calc_rhs.F)
11325 to work with implicit vertical advection and AB ;
11326 o Implic. vert. advect. implemented with flux-limiter, c2, u3 and c4 scheme.
11327 o update output (gad_calc_rhs.F changes affect truncation error) of exp:
11328 front_relax, global_ocean .cs32x15 & _pressure, internal_wave, lab_sea, natl_box
0e6056cd20 Jean*11329 checkpoint52e_pre (2004/01/02)
caad9f4c67 Jean*11330
11331 o fix bug in impldiff when Nr=1 or Nr=2.
7d401e1f11 Jean*11332 o change the albedo in pkg/thsice (as GISS model); update output_thsice.txt
11333 o little changes (fftpack, aim/phy_suflux ...) to pass the "checkbounds" test.
157d0c5b42 Jean*11334 o fix deltaTfreesurf in update_cg2d.F (left from c45d_post): affects 2
11335 ocean exp. that use NLFS: global_ocean.cs32x15 & global_ocean_pressure
7e230c5c02 Dimi*11336 o added exf_offset_atemp for Celsius to Kelvin conversion of atemp
7fd609fd20 Dimi*11337 o eesupp/inc/EEPARAMS.h: MAX_NO_PROCS=1024
11338 o pkg/cal/cal_toseconds.F fix for long (>60 years) integrations
7e230c5c02 Dimi*11339
0e6056cd20 Jean*11340 checkpoint52d_post (2003/12/16)
8b7b5f4e88 Alis*11341 o re-tiled many expts to allow comparison in multi-processor mode
11342 - updated output accordingly
11343 - changed hs94.128x64x5 to use intial T from file rather than use the
11344 random number generator
bcea5a4765 Andr*11345 o add infrastructure in model routines for fizhi and gridalt packages
6b0a2bb136 Jean*11346 o change global_ocean.cs32x15 because of Pb with GM on CS-grid.
8ac0e9b3ce Dimi*11347 o changes to permit hi-res, cubed-sphere, configuration
11348 - added useSingleCpuIO capability to mdsio_readfield.F and exf_interp.F
11349 - added "#undef ALLOW_USE_MPI" support to eesupp/src/scatter_2d.F
11350 - added pkg/exf/exf_set_uv.F for on-the-fly interpolation and rotation
11351 of surface winds for the cube
11352 (A verification experiment, based on global_ocean.cs32x15, but with
11353 pkg/seaice turned on and with on-the-fly interpolation from the NCEP
11354 Gaussian grid is described in MITgcm_contrib/high_res_cube/README_ice,
11355 complete with example surface forcing files and matlab scripts to look
11356 at the output and compare it with that of global_ocean.cs32x15.)
4b82b202ac Jean*11357 o packages pickup: $PKG_write_pickup called from packages_write_pickup ;
11358 but call to $PKG_read_pickup remains in $PKG_ini_vars: change CD_code
11359 to conform to the common rule.
a435e833b1 Mart*11360 o check-in the first version of the coupler + interfaces for multi-components
bf18de4739 Jean*11361 set-up (Chris's version, adapted to work on cubed-sphere grid); use MPI.
11362 - imply modification in eesupp (MPI_COMM_MODEL < MPI_COMM_WORLD).
a435e833b1 Mart*11363 - atmosphere: use pkg aim_v23 ; no sea-ice for now.
bf18de4739 Jean*11364 - ocean and atmos. share the same horizontal grid (no interpolation).
11365 - exchanges between component and coupler is done in forward_step
a435e833b1 Mart*11366 o new verification experiment, cpl_aim+ocn:
11367 coupled ocean - AIM atmosphere on cs32 grid.
6b0a2bb136 Jean*11368
0e6056cd20 Jean*11369 checkpoint52d_pre (2003/12/06)
a435e833b1 Mart*11370 o surface flux time-av diagnostic modified for NLFS & RealFreshWater
803573887e Jean*11371 o add call to AIM pendant S/R in external_forcing & external_fields_load.F
269d31530a Jean*11372
0e6056cd20 Jean*11373 checkpoint52c_post (2003/11/25)
7c799abcad Patr*11374 o Fixing OPTIONS files for use of exf:
11375 - ALLOW_ECCO not needed
11376 - ECCO_CPPOPTIONS.h should not be included from
11378 as has been the case in the past
11379 - All cal/exf related options are currently set in
11380 single header file. Should remain so until we
11381 agree on a consistent new policy.
2a563ee529 Patr*11382 o Removed all CPP options for cal package.
11383 cal has no more CPP options.
9682a51356 Patr*11384 o modified STOREs in GAD_ADVECTION
11385 o corrected key comp. for passkey
7c799abcad Patr*11386
0e6056cd20 Jean*11387 checkpoint52b_post (2003/11/23)
dfac86e1ec Jean*11388 o new version: "thsice" of thermodynamic sea-ice pkg:
a435e833b1 Mart*11389 - only 1 call from "forward_step"; conserve energy, fresh-water & salt.
dfac86e1ec Jean*11390 - modify fluxes but do not change theta directly;
11391 - light cleaning of bulk_force pkg (still needed with thsice).
a435e833b1 Mart*11392 - add forcing fields + data files in global_ocean.cs32x15/inp_thsice
dfac86e1ec Jean*11393 + output_thsice.txt to test thsice & bulk_force pkgs.
11394 o put back grid & coriolis monitor output.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11395 checkpoint52b_pre (2003/11/23)
7966caf364 Jean*11396
a435e833b1 Mart*11397 o call "do_the_model_io" at the beginning (=> dump initial state)
7966caf364 Jean*11398 o use rhoConstFresh to define convertEmP2rUnit (was done only in ocean-P)
6dbdc867be Patr*11399 o sort out interplay between tamc.h and PTRACERS_OPTIONS.h
11400 (need info on NUMBER_OF_PTRACERS)
11401 o missing PTRACERS headers in some routines
11402 o default tamc.h in pkg/autodiff supposed to crash
11403 to ensure proper customization
0e6056cd20 Jean*11405 checkpoint52a_post (2003/11/17)
fa690556aa Jean*11406 o modifications to make FREEZE (_SURFACE) flux visible to pkg/kpp
9d36aec500 Dimi*11407 - moved surfaceTendencyTice from pkg/seaice to main code
fa690556aa Jean*11408 - subroutine FREEZE_SURFACE now limits only surface temperature
11409 and is called in FORWARD_STEP (if allowFreezing=.TRUE.)
11410 => new output.txt for global_ocean.cs32x15 & global_with_exf
11411 - keep the old version of FREEZE for backward compatibility;
11412 global_ocean.90x40x15 left unchanged using useOldFreezing=.TRUE.
915eb1cffa Patr*11413 - corresponding modifs for TAF directives
9d36aec500 Dimi*11414 o added surface flux output variables to TIMEAVE_STATVARS
11415 o time-averaged output for pkg/ptracers
915eb1cffa Patr*11416 o fix problem with ECCO-related divided adjoint
11417 snapshot file was missing some ad-variables,
11418 but no warning issued by TAF
fa1dae9534 Dimi*11419
0e6056cd20 Jean*11420 checkpoint52a_pre (2003/11/12)
fa1dae9534 Dimi*11421 o some bug fixes for #undef REAL4_IS_SLOW
aca4df70a2 Patr*11423 checkpoint52 = ecco_c52_e35
11424 o after testing adjoints of checkpoint51u_post
0e6056cd20 Jean*11426 checkpoint51u_post (2003/11/06)
909a9f878d Patr*11427 o this is the post-merge tag of the ecco-branch
11428 (needs another clean checkout and re-testing)
11429 o various natl_box_adjoint configs and results
11430 but no input fields
11431 o obcs adjoint not yet merged!
11432 o adding ECCO global 1x1 and 2x2 degree configs
11433 o updated/extended some store directives for seaice
11434 o pkg/ecco now containes ecco-specific part of cost function
11435 o top level routines the_main_loop, forward_step
11436 supersede those in model/src/
11437 previous input data.cost now in data.ecco
11438 (new namelist ecco_cost_nml)
11439 o in ctrl/ cleaned some cross-dependencies and updated CPP options
0e6056cd20 Jean*11441 checkpoint51t_post (2003/11/04)
909a9f878d Patr*11442 o this is the pre-merge tag of the ecco-branch
0e6056cd20 Jean*11444 checkpoint51s_post (2003/11/04)
ef651d0d5f Ed H*11445 o cleanup: removed various obsolete #define-s
909a9f878d Patr*11446 o pkg/grdchk
11447 - renamed 'ph-grd 3' to 'grad-res'
a435e833b1 Mart*11448 - merged from ecco-branch
909a9f878d Patr*11449 (remaining bug fixes for obcs gradient checks)
11450 - additional high-precision output for testreport
11451 (grep for 'precision_grdchk_result')
ef651d0d5f Ed H*11452
0e6056cd20 Jean*11453 checkpoint51r_post (2003/11/03)
16add2227d Ed H*11454 o cleaned up or removed CPP_OPTIONS.h files
11455 o updated results for some of the tests to reflect the new
11456 optfiles (-ieee: -O0 instead of -O3)
0e6056cd20 Jean*11458 checkpoint51q_post (2003/10/30)
cb574bfa04 Patr*11459 o cd_code:
11460 - moved cd_scheme.F -> cd_code_scheme.F
11461 - separate read_checkpoint from cd_code_ini_vars.F
11462 - separated cd_code part from write_checkpoint
11463 - updated AD_SOURCE, generated .flow
11464 - added CD_CODE_VARS.h to the_main_loop
11465 - Moving cd_code specific store dir.s to pkg/cd_code
11466 o ctrl package totally restructured
11467 - pack/unpack now optional and decoupled from
11468 xx_/adxx_ I/O
11469 - ctrl_pack/unpack cleaned
11470 (new routines ctrl_init_ctrlvar.F, pkg/ctrl/ctrl_init_wet.F)
11471 - confined inclusion of AD_CONFIG.h to where necessary.
11472 o genmake2: changed AD dependencies from SRCFILES to AD_FILES
0e6056cd20 Jean*11474 checkpoint51p_post (2003/10/30)
138482fdf6 Ed H*11475 o create initial cd_code package
a5bd9cbb61 Ed H*11476 - WARNING: the initialization of fields within packages
11477 is broken because INI_FIELDS (where READ_CHECKPOINT is
11478 called) is called *before* PACKAGES_INIT_VARIABLES.
11479 This seems to be backwards since
a435e833b1 Mart*11480 1) its important to initially zero the entire field including
a5bd9cbb61 Ed H*11481 the "halo" region
11482 2) zeroing needs to be done *before* reading pickup info
a435e833b1 Mart*11483 and the pickup call might or might not happen in any
a5bd9cbb61 Ed H*11484 particular run
11485 - this needs an overhaul for R2
138482fdf6 Ed H*11486 o cleanup verification/*/code/GMREDI_OPTIONS.h
11487 o cleanup testreport
0e6056cd20 Jean*11489 checkpoint51o_post (2003/10/27)
8a8c81fb3e Patr*11490 o bringing AD-related verif's up to date with genmake2
11491 - carbon/
11492 - global_ocean.90x40x15/
11493 - hs.94.1x64x5/
11494 - (front_relax/ )
11495 o (more) consistent directory structure for AD-related verif.'s
11498 o bug fix in find_alpha.F for MDJWF:
11499 - modif. to alpha = 1/D*( dN/dT - rho*dD/Dt) to account for
11500 change rho -> rho-rhoConst
11501 - replace call find_rho to find_rhonum
11502 o initialisation of rFlx extended to full array (required by TAF)
11503 and shifted to thermodynamics
11504 o removed PTRACERS.h in ptracers routine
11505 o added surfacetendencyPtr to S/R parameter list pracers_forcing
11506 o Correcting initialisations for fVerU, fVerV.
11507 o helping TAF to recognize dependency on kUp for
11508 fVerU, fVerV
11509 o Replacing delZ by delR in pkg/ctrl/
0e6056cd20 Jean*11510 checkpoint51o_pre (2003/10/24)
8a8c81fb3e Patr*11511
51701379d8 Ed H*11512 o undid all of cp51 pending some cleanups and discussion
a435e833b1 Mart*11513 o added the [#include "AD_CONFIG.h"] statement to all files that need
406902c2ea Patr*11514 it for adjoint/tl #defines
11515 o re-worked the build logic in genmake2 to support AD_CONFIG.h
11516 o removed tools/genmake since it no longer works
c9cb668a47 Dimi*11517
0e6056cd20 Jean*11518 checkpoint51n_post (2003/10/23)
c9cb668a47 Dimi*11519 o modifications to make FREEZE flux visible to pkg/kpp
11520 - moved surfaceTendencyTice from pkg/seaice to main code
11522 - subroutine FREEZE now limits only surface temperature
11523 (this means new output.txt for global_ocean.90x40x15,
11524 global_ocean.cs32x15, and global_with_exf)
11525 o added surface flux output variables to TIMEAVE_STATVARS
0e6056cd20 Jean*11527 checkpoint51n_pre (2003/10/23)
d7f6e03355 Dimi*11528 o added "#undef ALLOW_USE_MPI" support to eesupp/src/gather_2d.F
4a967b9107 Ed H*11529 o added [#include "AD_CONFIG.h"] to all files that use the following
11530 defines:
d7f6e03355 Dimi*11534
0e6056cd20 Jean*11535 checkpoint51m_post (2003/10/21)
668b211e58 Ed H*11536 o incorporating changes to get TAMC/TAF working in genmake2
11537 - added new TAMC/TAF targets to the Makefile
11538 - various cleanups related to package handling
fea3c3e36d Ed H*11539 - these changes should have no impact on the forward model
668b211e58 Ed H*11540
0e6056cd20 Jean*11541 checkpoint51l_post (2003/10/20)
c84f6b7c89 Dimi*11542 o changes to pkg/cal and pkg/exf that allow and speed-up long integrations
11543 - faster algorithm for cal_addtime.F
11544 - higher precision arithmetic, where needed
11545 - pkg/exf *startdate variables changed from calendar date to
11546 model integration time
0e6056cd20 Jean*11548 checkpoint51l_pre (2003/10/17)
d33aea2a79 Jean*11549 o add salt flux to forcing fields (used when salty sea-ice forms or melts)
11550 o enable to apply restoring on S & T only in a latitude band.
11551 o update output (external_forcing_surf modif. change truncation errors)
11552 global_ocean.cs32x15, global_ocean_pressure, lab_sea, natl_box
06c869d156 Patr*11553
0e6056cd20 Jean*11554 checkpoint51k_post (2003/10/16)
f9e188eb72 Jean*11555 o change default to: useNHMTerms=.FALSE.
11556 - new output.txt for atmos. exp (NHMTerms were wrong but now turned off):
11557 adjustment.128x64x1, aim.5l_Eq_Ch, aim.5l_LatLon, hs94.128x64x5, hs94.1x64x5
11558 - new output.txt for idealized oceanic exp (NHMTerms are now turned off):
11559 exp1, ideal_2D_oce
11560 - change data file of oceanic exp (leave the results unchanged for now)
11561 exp2, global_ocean[90x40x15,pressure,with_exf], lab_sea, natl_box
11562 o set gravitySign automatically according to the vertical coordinate used
11563 (and change sign: back to "logical" value: +1 when R increases downward)
a435e833b1 Mart*11564 o added an include barrier to the default CPP_OPTIONS.h and
9eb494b0cb Ed H*11565 removed the #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" from it
f9e188eb72 Jean*11566 o fix a bug in mom_fluxform (from chk51j_post)
9eb494b0cb Ed H*11567
0e6056cd20 Jean*11568 checkpoint51j_post (2003/10/10)
0b85d93038 Patr*11569 o Added some AD-related initialisations in mom_vecinv/ mom_fluxform/
11570 o adjusted some flow directives (dynamics, thermodynamics)
11571 o added cubed-sphere case to test cost function
11572 o heckpoint_lev?_directives.h now include
11573 pkg-specific directives, whenever those are enabled.
11574 o Moving pkg-specific flow directives to corresponding pkg
11575 Moving pkg-specific differentiation list to corresponding pkg
11576 Moving pkg-specific checkpoint-lev storing to corresponding pkg
11577 ---> conventions are
11578 - pkg_ad.flow
11579 - pkg_ad_diff.list
11580 - pkg_ad_check_lev?_dir.h
0e6056cd20 Jean*11582 checkpoint51i_post (2003/10/09)
6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*11583 o merge of the branch-genmake2
11584 - knowingly breaks the older genmake
11585 - automatic generation of all ALLOW_${PKG_NAME} defines
11586 - new testreport supersedes older testscript
11587 o large number of package inclusion and header cleanups
0e6056cd20 Jean*11588 checkpoint51i_pre (2003/10/08)
6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*11589
b95c3843ab Ed H*11590 o new output for adjoin of global ocean vector invariant
11591 o fix for checkpoint of thermodynamic seaice and bulk_force
11592 o Steph gchem various cleanups
46a4243beb Step*11594 checkpoint 51h_pre
b95c3843ab Ed H*11595 o fixed some single quotes
46a4243beb Step*11596 o modify gchem pkg to be more versatile
11597 o modifications to clean up dic pkg
11598 o add pkg/cfc
0e6056cd20 Jean*11600 checkpoint51g_post (2003/10/02)
8c13754326 Patr*11601 o provide links for ARPACK and ADM*TLM
11602 o start removing verification/vero/
11603 o update AD-related stuff
11604 (in particular some IF-statements in model/src/ routines)
11605 o adding to verification/global_ocean.90x40x15/ adjoint of
11606 vector invariant setup
0e6056cd20 Jean*11608 checkpoint51f_post (2003/10/02)
57c1eda489 Jean*11609 o update advect_xz/output.txt (left from chekpoint50f_pre, ini_vel modif)
6eb9516f3f Dimi*11610 o Mods and bug fixes to pkg/cal, pkg/exf, etc., needed for computation
34fdea0d95 Dimi*11611 of tracer Green's fucntions for ocean inversion project.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11613 checkpoint51f_pre (2003/08/07)
981f32514d Dimi*11614 o Added on-the-fly spatial interpolation capability
11615 "USE_EXF_INTERPOLATION" to pkg/exf.
bda7c25f4a Dimi*11616 - This is a temporary Cartesian-grid hack until
981f32514d Dimi*11617 the super-duper ESMF coupler becomes available.
bda7c25f4a Dimi*11618 - See verification/global_with_exf/README for usage example.
11619 - Removed obsolete EXFwindOnBgrid and SEAICEwindOnCgrid
11620 flags and modified pkg/seaice accordingly.
981f32514d Dimi*11621 o Bug fix to pkg/ptracers, pkg/generic_advdiff/gad_calc_rhs.F,
11622 and pkg/kpp/kpp_transport_ptr.F for dealing with tracer
11623 non-local transport term.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11625 checkpoint51e_post (2003/08/03)
a435e833b1 Mart*11626 o pkg/mom_vecinv:
542c6d36a4 Jean*11627 - changes related to hFac: use S/R from aim.5l_cs/code (coriolis & vort.advec)
11628 - add time-ave diagnostic of vorticity advection.
11629 o add diagnostic (instantaneous) of Shapiro Filter effect for T,S & UV.
a435e833b1 Mart*11630 o atmospheric geopotential: - include water vapor effect;
542c6d36a4 Jean*11631 - use p^kappa in p* scaling.
c886fcc85e Jean*11632 o land pkg: read initial state from files.
11633 o AIM : add stratospheric drag in the upper level
0e6056cd20 Jean*11635 checkpoint51d_post (2003/07/18)
c886fcc85e Jean*11636 o change function ILNBLNK (=> last non-blank char.) to return zero
11637 (instead of the string length) when the string. char is empty
8cd26a84aa Jean*11638 o fix bug in dxV,dyU definition of cubed-sphere grid (ini_curvilinear_grid)
06c869d156 Patr*11639 o modif's to restore TAMC compatibility
11640 - avoid "_d" constructs in PARAMETER declarations
11641 - avoid interrupting lines by comment lines
11642 o Use cluster local disks for purely local I/O
11643 vs. globally visible disks needed for ctrl stuff
11644 (merged from ecco-branch)
11645 - new active_file_loc... and mdsio_..._loc routines
11646 - affected packages: autodiff, ctrl, grdchk, mdsio
f171be8f2a Alis*11647
0e6056cd20 Jean*11648 checkpoint51c_post (2003/07/08)
494ad43bae Patr*11649 o introducing integer flag debugLevel
11650 - debLevZero: suppress all output
11651 - debLevA: standard
11652 - debLevB: equivalent to current debugMode=.TRUE.
11653 o introducing pathname variable mdsioLocalDir for mdsio
11654 that can be specified at runtime
11655 (relevant for cluster I/O to local disk)
11656 `
f35a23c575 Patr*11657 >>>checkpoint51b_post
11658 adjoint of ptracers
11659 o disentangled ALLOW_PTRACERS using new ALLOW_GCHEM
11660 o extended state in checkpoint_lev?, etc.
11661 o alternative ctrl/cost with tr1 or ptracer
11662 o new comlev1_bibj_ptracers
11663 o new ptracers.flow
11664 o made ptracers_forcing same as external_forcing_s
11665 o added verification for adjoint with ptracers
11666 - adm. grdchk fail so far
11667 - tlm. grdchk OK
11668 - checked tapelev/comlev recomputations: OK
11669 <<<checkpoint51b_pre
0e6056cd20 Jean*11671 checkpoint51a_post (2003/06/25)
f04468175c Step*11672 o added code for biogeochemistry package
11673 - new pkgs: dic, gchem
11674 - new subroutine in ptracers
11675 o modify code for biogeo packages
11676 - in model/src and pkg/ptracers
0e6056cd20 Jean*11678 checkpoint51 (2003/06/24)
5949b565e2 Patr*11679 o merged improved packages from ecco-branch (ecco_c51_e34) to MAIN
11680 - autodiff, ctrl, exf, grdchk, seaice
11681 kept separate packages
11682 - cost, ecco, obcs
f535eb56d5 Patr*11683 o updating verification/internal_wave, verification/lab_sea
11684 (all verif's pass on faulks.lcs.mit.edu RH7.3, g77)
5949b565e2 Patr*11685
0e6056cd20 Jean*11686 checkpoint50i_post (2003/06/23)
3cd89c6ea4 Patr*11687 o Preparing next differentiable checkpoint and sync
11688 of MAIN vs. ecco-branch
11689 - 1st step: this one is differentiable
a435e833b1 Mart*11690 - 2nd step: next(! not this) checkpoint will have updated packages
3cd89c6ea4 Patr*11691 from ecco-branch)
0e6056cd20 Jean*11693 checkpoint50h_post (2003/06/20)
8f5c8e08bc Jean*11694 o new package "land": provide surface BC for AIM.
11695 o pkg/ptracers: apply exchange to all tracers after reading a pickup.
a435e833b1 Mart*11696 o AIM: use true log-P extrapolation for near surface temp (= as in
568bb87ebb Jean*11697 F.Molteni paper) ; update aim.5l_cs output.
8aafdaabe9 Alis*11698 o New variable in PARM03 for more flexible pickups
61893791a0 Patr*11699 o somewhat cleaned package initialisation sequence for
11700 ctrl/ cost/ ecco/ in packages_... routines
568bb87ebb Jean*11701
0e6056cd20 Jean*11702 checkpoint50g_post (2003/05/23)
09510da3bb Dimi*11703 o merged with release1_p17 (pkg/seaice and verification/lab_sea)
11704 - added SEAICE_MULTILEVEL for 8-category sea-ice thermodynamics
11705 - LSR sea-ice dynamic solver moved to SouthWest B-grid location and
11706 made the default because of faster convergence than ADI
0e6056cd20 Jean*11708 checkpoint50f_post (2003/05/23)
5192502418 Patr*11709 o exf totally restructured
11710 - replaced all exf_set_ routines by one generic exf_set_gen.F
11711 and made sure it's still differentiable
11712 - split exf_getffields.F into new exf_bulkformulae.F
11713 - exf_inscal_/exf_outscal_ suffixes consistent with field names
11714 - updated adjoint/makefile and relevant verif. accordingly
0e6056cd20 Jean*11716 checkpoint50f_pre (2003/05/23)
b8d7339ac7 Jean*11717 o AIM: near surface temp evaluated from Pot.Temp: fixed for Part Cell ;
11718 + change Evap over land. (update aim.5l_cs output)
f171be8f2a Alis*11719 o added missing .cvsignores and made uniform across expts
11720 o changed configuration of tidal_basin_2d expt
11721 o added pkg/debug functions for tracing code in fatal crashes
11722 o tidied pkg/monitor to use MONITOR_OPTIONS.h
11723 o new fn in pkg/monitor to stop model if solution grows too big
11724 o removed lots of single quotes from comments
0e6056cd20 Jean*11726 checkpoint50e_post (2003/05/14)
1a1e1d268a Mart*11727 o make KPP work with PTRACERS
11728 - fix gad_calc_rhs to call new routine kpp_transport_ptr, which is
11729 nearly a copy of kpp_transport_s
a435e833b1 Mart*11730 - there is no analogue to SurfaceTendencyS, so I have to use
1a1e1d268a Mart*11731 gPtr(of the surface layer) instead
11732 o add a new platform SunFire+mpi (SunFire 15000) to genmake
0e6056cd20 Jean*11733 checkpoint50e_pre (2003/05/13)
1a1e1d268a Mart*11734
0e6056cd20 Jean*11735 checkpoint50d_post (2003/05/13)
a435e833b1 Mart*11736 o change kpp output from multiple-record state files to single-record state
3ff61f337e Mart*11737 files analogous to write_state.F
a435e833b1 Mart*11738 o reduce the output frequency of cg3d-related stuff to the monitor frequency,
11739 analogous to the cg2d-related output.
11740 o fix small problem with in ptracers_write_checkpoint.F: len(suff)=512,
1a1e1d268a Mart*11741 so that writing to internal file fn (with length 512) fails.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11742 checkpoint50d_pre (2003/05/12)
dd4e4e2846 Patr*11743
0e6056cd20 Jean*11744 checkpoint50c_post (2003/05/12)
36b01f3eb4 Jean*11745 o fix problem in ini_procs.F when using MPI (was there since checkpoint48f)
a07df11acd Jean*11746 o add monitor diagnostic of vorticity (mon_vort3.F) and potential energy.
956742bd08 Jean*11747 o add time-average diagnostic of U*V and vertical diffusive flux for theta.
11748 o bug fixed in convective adjustment diagnostic (multi-tile set-up).
11749 o 4th Order Adv scheme: return to previous (c40pre7) masking near boundaries.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11751 checkpoint50c_pre (2003/04/30)
460cb5f999 Dimi*11752 Merging from release1_p13:
11753 o bug fix for pkg/seaice dynamic solver
11754 o Added SEAICE_initialHEFF to pkg/seaice
0e6056cd20 Jean*11756 checkpoint50b_post (2003/04/17)
b95ba5a50f Jean*11757 o store u*,v* in gU,V instead of in guNm1,gvNm1
11758 o in order to put the momForcing out of the Adams-Bashforth:
11759 move forcing & CD-scheme calls from mom_fluxform & mom_vecinv
11760 to timestep.F
11761 o new flag "useCDscheme" (default=F); replace guCD,gvCD by local arrays
11762 o re-generate output for highly sensitive test-exp:
11763 global_ocean_pressure, ideal_2D_oce, lab_sea, natl_box
0e6056cd20 Jean*11765 checkpoint50b_pre (2003/04/17)
3228e22c96 Jean*11766 o restore the use of momAdvection & useCoriolis flags (mom_vecinv)
a435e833b1 Mart*11767 o corrected CPP option mismatch in exf_Bulk... functions for case
5ef1561d49 Patr*11768 #define ALLOW_ATM_WIND && #undef ALLOW_ATM_TEMP
0e6056cd20 Jean*11770 checkpoint50a_post (2003/03/21)
011884106d Patr*11771 o Bug fix for merging between c50 and KPP.
11772 ikey was passed from thermodynamics to kpp_calc via
11773 common block rather than being recomputed in kpp_calc,
11774 in contradiction with new key itdkey.
11775 New key ikppkey created, and tamc.h headers updated.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11777 checkpoint50 (2003/03/08)
19c7b39f75 Patr*11778 - 2nd step of merge with ecco-branch:
11779 merge changes in ecco-branch back into main trunk
11780 - bug fix in find_alpha
11781 - more storing in gmredi_calc_tensor.F, kpp_routines.F
11782 - avoid iterative loop in ini_pressure for ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC
11783 - merged some sliced AD support routines
0e6056cd20 Jean*11785 checkpoint49 (2003/03/06)
a2ac993b88 Patr*11786 merged from ecco-branch:
11787 o exf:
a435e833b1 Mart*11788 - Enable initialisation of forcing fields to constant
a2ac993b88 Patr*11789 (runtime) values.
11790 - in exf_getffields.F
11791 Reduce i-/j-loop to interior domain, discarding overlaps.
11792 That also fixes wrong TAF-key computations for key_1, key_2
11793 with bulf formulae.
11794 - exf_init.F modify #ifdef for exf_init_evap
11795 - exf_getffieldrec.F, ctrl_getrec.F
11796 The following INT-usages are not safe:
11797 fldsecs = int(fldsecs/fldperiod)*fldperiod
11798 fldcount = int(fldsecs/fldperiod) + 1
11799 and were modified.
11800 o autodiff: checkpoint_lev...
11801 - updated storing for bulk formulae (some arrays were missing)
11802 - added state for seaice package
11803 - synchronized with main branch
11804 o DIVA:
11805 Modif.s in
19c7b39f75 Patr*11806 - the_main_loop.F
11807 - the_model_main.F
a2ac993b88 Patr*11808 and added cost_final_restore.F cost_final_store.F
11809 o With these changes, it is possible to fully separate
11810 the first forward run to compute the cost function (mdthe_main_loop)
11811 and adjoint runs over individual DIVA intervals (adthe_main_loop)
11812 into separate model executions.
11813 This enables better tuning of DIVA to given queue sizes.
11814 o Loss of cost function value in consecutive DIVA runs is
11815 fixed by storing to 'costfinal' file.
a435e833b1 Mart*11816 o Appropriate call of ctrl_unpack/_pack,grdchk_main at
a2ac993b88 Patr*11817 beginning/end of adjoint integration is accounted for.
11818 The current changes apply to TAF-1.4.26.
11819 TAF has one remaining bug, requiring one manual change
11820 (see MITgcm manual).
11821 o cal: synchronized between MAIN and ecco-branch
0e6056cd20 Jean*11823 checkpoint48i_post (2003/03/05)
eae13cfd04 Patr*11824 o Changes to restore differentiability of code w.r.t. previous tag
11825 (mostly adding new routines to make list and replacing
11826 pressure by totPhiHyd).
11827 o Updated and merged grdchk package
11828 - has both ADM and TLM checks
11829 - works for single- and multi-proc.
11830 - output cleaned
11831 - worked successfully for parallel DIVA
11832 o genmake:
11833 - Adding -platform=SP4
11834 - Modif. for DEC Alpha (many don't have makedepend; use mkdep instead).
11835 o Modif. for DIVA:
11836 ctrl_unpack should not be called in intermediate DIVA interval.
11837 (similar thing would apply for active files such as
11838 tbar, sbar, psbar, which should not be reinitialised;
11839 only relevant for ecco-branch)
0e6056cd20 Jean*11841 checkpoint48h_post (2003/02/28)
c05a259eac Jean*11842 o improve "ini_p_ground" when using finite difference form for calc_phi_hyd
190e1777cb Dimi*11843 o Added net flux to downward flux conversion to pkg/exf/exf_getffields.F
11844 o Added SEAICE_initialHEFF to pkg/seaice
d0702b49e9 Dimi*11845 o ecco_the_model_main.F: SEAICE_WRITE_PICKUP must precede WRITE_CHECKPOINT
190e1777cb Dimi*11846
0e6056cd20 Jean*11847 checkpoint48g_post (2003/02/18)
2959c7b521 Jean*11848 --- EOS:
11849 o compute locally the pressure for use in EOS: UNESCO, JMD95P, MDJWF
11850 store total Potential in totPhyHyd for diagnostics & EOS.
11851 o fix restart and overlap Pb when using Z-coord and EOS funct. of P
11852 --- Pressure/geopotential gradient:
11853 o use Ro_surf & R_low instead of hFac in cal_phi_hyd:
11854 o NLFS + p-coord.: eta*Alpha' is not longer lagging 1.time-step behind
11855 ( changes results of global_ocean_pressure )
11856 o NLFS + z-coord.: add eta*Rho' contribution.
11857 o accurate phiHyd when using interface-W at the middle between 2 centers
11858 ( changes results of ideal_2D_oce )
11859 o includes r* 2nd term in potential gradient.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11861 checkpoint48f_post (2003/02/18)
6060ec2938 Dimi*11862 Merging from release1_p12:
11863 o Modifications for using pkg/exf with pkg/seaice
11864 - improved description of the various forcing configurations
11865 - added basic radiation bulk formulae to pkg/exf
11866 - units/sign fix for evap computation in exf_getffields.F
11867 - updated verification/global_with_exf/results/output.txt
11868 o Added pkg/sbo for computing IERS Special Bureau for the Oceans
11869 (SBO) core products, including oceanic mass, center-of-mass,
11870 angular, and bottom pressure (see pkg/sbo/README.sbo).
11871 o Lower bound for viscosity/diffusivity in pkg/kpp/kpp_routines.F
11872 to avoid negative values in shallow regions.
11873 - updated verification/natl_box/results/output.txt
11874 - updated verification/lab_sea/results/output.txt
11875 o MPI gather, scatter: eesupp/src/gather_2d.F and scatter_2d.F
11876 o Added useSingleCpuIO option (see PARAMS.h).
11877 o Updated useSingleCpuIO option in mdsio_writefield.F to
11878 work with multi-field files, e.g., for single-file pickup.
11879 o pkg/seaice:
11880 - bug fix in growth.F: QNET for no shortwave case
11881 - added HeffFile for specifying initial sea-ice thickness
11882 - changed SEAICE_EXTERNAL_FLUXES wind stress implementation
11883 o Added missing /* */ to CPP comments in pkg/seaice, pkg/exf,
11884 kpp_transport_t.F, forward_step.F, and the_main_loop.F
11885 o pkg/seaice:
11886 - adjoint-friendly modifications
11887 - added a SEAICE_WRITE_PICKUP at end of the_model_main.F
0e6056cd20 Jean*11889 checkpoint48e_post (2003/02/12)
6f90d97ce9 Jean*11890 o New S/R for diagnostic of bottom pressure (phi0surf was missing in c48d_post)
5f7a0a65d1 Jean*11891 o dynamics: change definition of computational domain & adapt mom_fluxform
a435e833b1 Mart*11892 accordingly ; when viscA4=0, allows to run the dynamics with Olx=Oly=2.
5f7a0a65d1 Jean*11893 o following exp works with Olx=Oly=2 (and pass through checkbounds option):
11894 adjust_nlfs.cs-32x32x1 adjustment.128x64x1 adjustment.cs-32x32x1
bc5ef4cea8 Jean*11895 exp0 exp1 exp2 exp4 exp5 hs94.cs-32x32x5 hs94.128x64x5 hs94.1x64x5
a435e833b1 Mart*11896 global_ocean.90x40x15 global_with_exf global_ocean_pressure
5f7a0a65d1 Jean*11897 inverted_barometer solid-body.cs-32x32x1
11898 (high order AdvScheme and/or multiDimAd works with Olx=Oly=2 ? not sure)
6f90d97ce9 Jean*11899
0e6056cd20 Jean*11900 checkpoint48d_post (2003/02/09)
fa86c7bd0e Jean*11901 o in preparation for r*:
11902 a) use pre-computed gradient of hydrostatic potential:
11903 changes in timestep.F & mom_cdscheme.F affects results of ideal_2D_oce
11904 b) move phi0surf from calc_phi_hyd to calc_grad_phi_hyd:
a435e833b1 Mart*11905 => affects results of glob_oce_pressure (different truncation error)
fa86c7bd0e Jean*11906 update output.txt of ideal_2D_oce & global_ocean_pressure
0e6056cd20 Jean*11908 checkpoint48d_pre (2003/02/08)
395300a99d Jean*11909 o in preparation for r*:
11910 new S/R (calc_grad_phi_hyd.F) to compute Hydrostatic potential gradient.
11911 pass the 2 comp. of the grad. as arguments to momentum S/R.
a435e833b1 Mart*11912 but for the moment, only used if it does not change the results.
395300a99d Jean*11913 o add finite volume form of calc_phi_hyd for buoyancyRelation OCEANIC & OCEANICP
0e6056cd20 Jean*11915 checkpoint48c_post (2003/02/06)
da25c1b1f0 Patr*11916 Modifications in treatment of initial flux forcing controls
11917 to avoid extra storing of flux fields.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11919 checkpoint48c_pre (2003/01/21)
6201ebed0f Alis*11920 o Added tidal_basin_2d experiment (currently 1D!)
a435e833b1 Mart*11921 o can use r* Coordinate with OBC (but Orlanski Rad. BC not yet implemented)
ed1ae133b9 Jean*11922
0e6056cd20 Jean*11923 checkpoint48b_post (2003/01/27)
1bf124dbfd Jean*11924 o r* coordinate added in #ifdef NONLIN_FRSURF block.
11925 (modification to pressure gradient not yet implemented)
11926 o mom_fluxform: new S/R mom_calc_rtrans.F computes vertical transports
11927 (for U & V) that are used for vertical advection of momentum.
0e6056cd20 Jean*11929 checkpoint48a_post (2003/01/24)
5c72e2cee7 Jean*11930 o In preparation for r*, use temp. array to compute vertical transport
a435e833b1 Mart*11931 in flux-form momentum pkg. => change results of few test-exp.
11932 Update output of: exp4, exp5, front_relax, global_ocean_pressure,
5c72e2cee7 Jean*11933 lab_sea, natl_box & plume_on_slope
0e6056cd20 Jean*11935 checkpoint48 (2003/01/23)
3fa5200144 Jean*11936 o fix small bug that was causing lot of warning (TIMER_STOP 'UPDATE_CG2D')
0e6056cd20 Jean*11938 checkpoint47j_post (2003/01/21)
d15fa5f8eb Jean*11939 o add new exp. (ideal_2D_oce) to test "exotic" parameters and options.
dd4e4e2846 Patr*11940 o moved adexch from forward_step to addummy_in_stepping
11941 o added exch in ctrl_map_...
11942 o aveFreq.=0. at end of cost_final to avoid overwrite in
11943 reverse checkpointing loop
11944 o Yet more changes in gmredi:
11945 * adgmredi_calc_tensor
11946 avoiding all recomputation of gmredi_slope_limit
11947 * adgmredi_x/y/rtransport
11948 added flag for excessive storing to avoid recomp. of
11949 u/v/rtans, dTdx/y/z
11950 -> this is not really necessary and very memory-consuming
11951 * adgmredi_slope_psi:
11952 consistency with gmredi_slope_limit in treatment of GM_slopeSqCutoff
11953 * gmredi_slope_limit
11954 re-activated full calculation of taperfct for case 'ac02'
11955 o updating verification/ adjoints of carbon, global_ocean.90x40x15
d537a7f0b2 Patr*11956
0e6056cd20 Jean*11957 checkpoint47i_post (2003/01/13)
a934d97f06 Jean*11958 o GM_EXCLUDE_() replace GM_TAPER_(): by default, all the code is compiled.
11959 o add GM_Small_Number & GM_slopeSqCutoff as run-time parameters (data.gmredi)
11960 default values = 1.D-12 & 1.D+48 (=> give same results as checkpoint47f_post)
a435e833b1 Mart*11961 o cg2dTargetResWunit: define tolerance using deltaTmom (and not deltaTfreesurf)
a934d97f06 Jean*11962 o gmredi: fix few bugs.
ba5e34915b Alis*11964 checkpoint47h_post (duplicate tag for PH's c48 tag, in order to move c48)
d537a7f0b2 Patr*11965 This will be a good checkpoint to plug into the ecco-branch.
11966 o few modif.'s to get latest version adjointed
11967 (mainly kick out code in ini_linear_phisurf)
11968 o modif's to run adjoint with exactConserv
11969 o case GM_BOLUS_ADVEC should be cleaned
11970 S/R gmredi_slope_psi should be cleaned
11971 o verification/carbon now has exactConserv=.TRUE.
0501ef9fb3 Patr*11972
0e6056cd20 Jean*11973 checkpoint47g_post (2003/01/10)
6d8d3f40dd Jean*11974 o time-average AIM output: becomes independent from statvars time-average
11975 (can be used with #undef ALLOW_TIMEAVE) ; add new variables (e.g., RH)
88844f54ad Patr*11976 o After TAF bug fix:
11977 Tested adjoint of gmredi package.
11978 Tests were done with checkpoint47 rather than with latest
11979 checkpoint47f_post since the latter is broken for the adjoint
11980 verification/carbon/ contains both ADM and TLM gradient checks.
11981 Here they are, before they get changed/lost/stolen.
11982 Mostly modif.'s to fix numerical sensitivities.
11983 Gradient checks OK for
11984 - GM_taper_scheme:
11985 * clipping
11986 * ac02
11987 * linear
11988 * glw91
11989 * dm95
11990 * ldd97
11996 in conjunction with data.gmredi parameters to be checked in
11997 in a few minutes under verification/carbon/code/
6d8d3f40dd Jean*11998
0e6056cd20 Jean*11999 checkpoint47f_post (2002/12/28)
cee16b76ae Dimi*12000 Merging from release1_p10:
12001 o modifications for using pkg/exf with pkg/seaice
12002 - pkg/seaice CPP options SEAICE_EXTERNAL_FORCING
12004 - pkg/exf CPP options EXF_READ_EVAP and
12006 - usage examples are Experiments 8 and 9 in
12007 verification/lab_sea/README
12008 - verification/lab_sea default experiment now uses
12009 pkg/gmredi, pkg/kpp, pkg/seaice, and pkg/exf
0e6056cd20 Jean*12011 checkpoint47e_post (2002/12/27)
2d0f62a494 Curt*12012 o created a tag prior to creating a branch
0e6056cd20 Jean*12014 checkpoint47d_post (2002/12/16)
a435e833b1 Mart*12015 o fixed bug in the oceanic pressure coordinates code: vertical viscosity
2672305b1d Mart*12016 at the bottom boundary had an erroneous half slip boundary condition
a435e833b1 Mart*12017 o added bottom drag and no slip boundary condition capabilities to
2672305b1d Mart*12018 oceanic pressure coordinates code
12019 o added new verification experiment global_ocean_pressure, this experiment is
12020 also described in the tutorial section of the manual
0e6056cd20 Jean*12021 checkpoint47d_pre (2002/12/16)
2672305b1d Mart*12022
0e6056cd20 Jean*12023 checkpoint47c_post (2002/12/16)
03456d021e Curt*12024 o Added a verification experiment for a global cubed-sphere ocean run
12025 - verification/global_ocean.cubed32x32x30
12026 - uses pkg/therm_seaice and pkg/bulk_forcing
4195ef17c2 Jean*12028 o allow to run AIM physics with SPEEDY input files (from Franco Molteni)
12029 o allow a more accurate definition of Ro_Surf (selectFindRoSurf=1)
12030 when using P-coordinate; only implemented for atmospheric config.
12031 o OCEANICP & realFreshWater: include P-E direct effect on wVel ;
12032 NOTES: requires option NONLIN_FRSURF to be "#define".
12033 o update advect_xz/results/output.txt (left from checkpoint44g_post)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12035 checkpoint47b_post (2002/12/05)
baa476eeba Dimi*12036 Merging from release1_p9:
12037 o pkg/seaice
12038 - removed GOTO's and added taf directives
12039 - double precision constants to reduce the g77 (Linux)
12040 to F77 (SGI) differences reported in release1_p8
12041 o tools/genmake
12042 - added SGI options
12043 o verification/testscript
12044 - updated to that of checkpoint47a_post
12045 o verification/global_ocean.90x40x15/input/eedata
12046 - modified for SGI f77 compatibility
12047 o verification/lab_sea
12048 - added description of sea-ice model
12049 - added missing matlab routines
12050 - added test of thermodynamics parallelization
0e6056cd20 Jean*12052 checkpoint47a_post (2002/11/23)
a435e833b1 Mart*12053 o new pkg: aim_v23
12054 = F. Molteni atmos.physics (SPEEDY, ver23) adapted to MITgcm.
9a923a4cdc Jean*12055 for now, keep the same surface forcing as before.
12056 - Part-Cell implemented into AIM; check that Heat & Water are conserved
12057 - aim.5l_cs: use new aim pkg (run 10yr & get better results than before)
12058 - aim.5l_LatLon & aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel are still using old aim pkg
12059 o add diagnostic of surface correction term in monitor output
a435e833b1 Mart*12061 o bulk_force and therm_seaice
c9bad82272 Curt*12062 - Two packages: bulk_force (Bulk forcing)
12063 and therm_seaice (thermodynamic_seaice) - adopted from LANL CICE.v2.0.2
12064 - Earlier integration from Stephaine Dutkiewicz
12065 and Patrick Heimbach.
12066 - Two ifdef statements for compile time,
0ae80337bd Jean*12068
0e6056cd20 Jean*12069 checkpoint47 (2002/11/15)
d66d6a3f19 Patr*12070 differentiable version of checkpoint46n_post
12071 o bug fix in quasihydrostaticterms
12072 o * "clean" adjoint code (in terms of extensive recomputations)
a435e833b1 Mart*12073 can now be obtained for all GMREDI options (i.e. for
d66d6a3f19 Patr*12074 - GM_VISBECK_VARIABLE_K
12077 - GM_BOLUS_ADVEC )
12078 * However, wrong gradient check problem remains unsolved.
12079 * New CPP options have been introduced for different
12080 tapering schemes
12081 o external_fields_load now part of differentiation list
12082 o pressure needs multiple storing;
12083 would be nice to have store_pressure at beginning or
12084 end of forward_step, e.g. by having phiHyd global (5-dim.)
12085 (NB: pressure is needed for certain cases in find_rho,
12086 which is also invoked through convective_adjustment).
a435e833b1 Mart*12087 o recomputations in find_rho for cases
d66d6a3f19 Patr*12088 'JMD95'/'UNESCO' or 'MDJWF' are OK.
12089 o #define ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING should be differentiable
12090 o ini_forcing shifted to begining of initialise_varia
12091 o Incorporating QNVS line search routines into MITgcm
12092 (this is separate code, and therefore not under pkg)
12093 lsopt/, optim/
12094 o Updated verification/carbon/
12095 - #define GM_VISBECK_VARIABLE_K
a435e833b1 Mart*12096 - GM_taper_scheme = 'ldd97'
d66d6a3f19 Patr*12097
0e6056cd20 Jean*12098 checkpoint46n_post (2002/11/12)
5553098c72 Patr*12099 Merging from release1_p8:
12100 o verification/natl_box:
12101 updating new external_fields_load routine
12102 o New package: pkg/seaice
12103 Sea ice model by D. Menemenlis (JPL) and Jinlun Zhang (Seattle).
12104 The sea-ice code is based on Hibler (1979-1980).
12105 Two sea-ice dynamic solvers, ADI and LSR, are included.
a435e833b1 Mart*12106 In addition to computing prognostic sea-ice variables and diagnosing
12107 the forcing/external data fields that drive the ocean model,
5553098c72 Patr*12108 SEAICE_MODEL also sets theta to the freezing point under sea-ice.
a435e833b1 Mart*12109 The implied surface heat flux is then stored in variable
12110 surfaceTendencyTice, which is needed by KPP package (kpp_calc.F and
12111 kpp_transport_t.F) to diagnose surface buoyancy fluxes and for the
12112 non-local transport term. Because this call precedes model
12113 thermodynamics, temperature under sea-ice may not be "exactly" at
5553098c72 Patr*12114 the freezing point by the time theta is dumped or time-averaged.
12115 N.B.: fairly large differences in accuracy occur across
12116 different platforms/compilers; comparison between
a435e833b1 Mart*12117 g77 (Linux) and F77 (SGI Origin 2000/MIPSpro)
5553098c72 Patr*12118 generated output gives:
12119 T S U V
12120 C D M c m s m s m s m s
12121 n p a R g m m e . m m e . m m e . m m e .
12122 f n k u 2 i a a d i a a d i a a d i a a d
12123 g d e n d n x n . n x n . n x n . n x n .
12125 Y Y Y Y 5 5 7 7 7 8 10 9 6 6 6 6 7 5 7 5 7 FAIL lab_sea
a435e833b1 Mart*12126 o GAD:
5553098c72 Patr*12127 - generated new common blocks to account for call of
12128 same gad routines with differing traceridentities
12129 (needed to modify tracerIdentity indices in GAD.h)
12130 - generated separate common blocks for case useCubedSphereExchange
12131 (Department of Futurology)
12132 - parameter lists to gmredi_?transport: added tracerIdentity
12133 - added new key indices to tamc.h
12134 o external_fields_load:
12135 - added this routine to TAF list
12136 - needed to make some common blocks global and additional storing
12137 along the same lines as exf package (checkpoint_lev?_directives.h)
12138 o exf:
12139 updated external forcing package
12140 - bug fixes carried over from ecco-branch
12141 (missing OBCS_OPTIONS.h in two routines)
12142 - enable easy to use "no forcing".
12143 - added exf I/O for atmospheric loading
12144 - added exf I/O for runoff data
12145 - transfered scaling between exf <-> MITgcm to exf namelist
12146 o Adding new verification experiment global_with_exf.
12147 This verification experiment is almost identical to the
12148 global_ocean.90x40x15 experiment, except that it uses
12149 the exf (and cal) package instead of the
12150 external_fields_load routine (cf README file).
0e6056cd20 Jean*12152 checkpoint46m_post (2002/11/07)
a435e833b1 Mart*12153 o modified testscript to return -- when there are no lines of "%MON" output
775ad00e06 Alis*12154 o added new flag "quasiHydrostatic" for QH mode
12155 and new routine quasihydrostaticterms()
c5990018f4 Alis*12156 o added 2*Omega*Cos(phi)*W to u equations (non-hydrostatic Coriolis term)
12157 New routine: mom_u_coriolis_nh()
8d87f02f4b Alis*12158 o fixed sign of non-hydrostatic metric terms in u and v equations.
12159 Depend on correct sign of gravitySign.
574be91465 Alis*12160 o added work.pc* to .cvsignore in aim directories using ifc
faaa70ed68 Alis*12161 o introduced flag for controllin non-hydrostatic metric terms
a22df31c5b Alis*12162 o removed gravitySign from PARM04
4cc3ac93d0 Alis*12163 o switched to g77/ifc from pgf77 in aim experiments
0e6056cd20 Jean*12165 checkpoint46l_post (2002/11/01)
59e59b79d8 Mart*12166 o made convective adjustment work with pressure coordinates:
12167 - changed the direction of k-loop in convective_adjustment.F for the
12168 case of pressure coordinates (OCEANICP,ATMOSPHERIC buoyancyRelation)
12169 - adjusted the reference pressure k-index in convective_adjustment.F
12170 - adjusted the convection condition in convect.F (in analogy to
12171 calc_ivdc.F)
12172 - convective_adjustment no longer computes anything on the halos
12173 - removed the warnings about negative salinity from find_rho.F and
12174 find_alpha.F; instead the new routine look_for_neg_salinity, called
a435e833b1 Mart*12175 at the beginning of find_rho, find_alpha, and find_beta, does a
12176 check of the entire slice, if CPP-option
59e59b79d8 Mart*12177 CHECK_SALINITY_FOR_NEGATIVE_VALUES is defined
0e6056cd20 Jean*12178 checkpoint46l_pre (2002/10/23)
59e59b79d8 Mart*12179
0e6056cd20 Jean*12180 checkpoint46k_post (2002/10/23)
19ec7ca2f5 Mart*12181 o fixed the verification/global_ocean.90x40x15 experiment:
12182 - new bathymetry (the world according to A., JMC, and M.)
12183 - new initial fields and forcing fields (*.bin files)
12184 - new POLY3.COEFFS (for the next release one should switch to a full
12185 equation of state: JMD95P or MDJWF)
12186 - fixed several errors and redundancies in the data file
12187 - experiment uses looped cells
12188 - added matlab directory with diagnostic scripts for plotting of output
1b947e4f16 Jean*12190 o S/R aim_initialise.F replace S/R aim_init from file aim_do_inphys.F:
12191 - read AIM physics parameters from a file (data.aimphys)
12192 - set defaults values = F.Molteni paper (Clim.Dyn., 2002)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12194 checkpoint46j_post (2002/10/07)
3d1716969e Jean*12195 o split calc_exact_eta in 2 S/R : integr_continuity & update_etaH
12196 o move wVel computation at the end of the time step, in S/R integr_continuity
12197 o create specific S/R to exchange T,S before DYNAMICS (for stagger time step)
12198 o update timeave pkg for wVel diagnostic.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12199 checkpoint46j_pre (2002/09/27)
3d1716969e Jean*12200
0e6056cd20 Jean*12201 checkpoint46i_post (2002/09/25)
e16ef9be6a Jean*12202 o Clean up AIM package (and keep the results unchanged):
a435e833b1 Mart*12203 include CPP_OPTION and use IMPLICT NONE in all routines ;
e16ef9be6a Jean*12204 declare all the variables _RL ; use _d 0 for all numerical constants.
12205 use ifdef ALLOW_AIM everywhere. And now AIM can be used with g77 !
e305438401 Mart*12206
0e6056cd20 Jean*12207 checkpoint46h_post (2002/09/25)
a435e833b1 Mart*12208 o cleaned up the use of rhoNil and rhoConst.
12209 - rhoNil should only appear in the LINEAR equation of state, everywhere
e305438401 Mart*12210 else rhoNil is replaced by rhoConst, e.g. find_rho computes rho-rhoConst
12211 and the dynamical equations are all divided by rhoConst
a435e833b1 Mart*12212 o introduced new parameter rhoConstFresh, a reference density of fresh
e305438401 Mart*12213 water, to remove the fresh water flux's dependence on rhoNil. The default
12214 value is 999.8 kg/m^3
12215 o cleanup up external_forcing.F and external_forcing_surf.F
12216 - can now be used by both OCEANIC and OCEANICP
0e6056cd20 Jean*12217 checkpoint46h_pre (2002/09/18)
e305438401 Mart*12218
12219 Added code to convert surface volume flux (fresh water) into
12220 a mass flux when using P coordinates in the ocean (OCEANICP).
12221 Note: It assumes you have set rho0=rhoConst=density of fresh water.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12223 checkpoint46g_post (2002/09/18)
60c223928f Mart*12224 o Include a new diagnostic variable phiHydLow for the ocean model
12225 - in z-coordinates, it is the bottom pressure anomaly
12226 - in p-coordinates, it is the sea surface elevation
12227 - in both cases, these variable have global drift, reflecting the mass
12228 drift in z-coordinates and the volume drift in p-coordinates
12229 - included time averaging for phiHydLow, be aware of the drift!
a435e833b1 Mart*12230 o depth-dependent computation of Bo_surf for pressure coordinates
60c223928f Mart*12231 in the ocean (buoyancyRelation='OCEANICP')
a435e833b1 Mart*12232 - requires a new routine (FIND_RHO_SCALAR) to compute density with only
12233 Theta, Salinity, and Pressure in the parameter list. This routine is
60c223928f Mart*12234 presently contained in find_rho.F. This routine does not give the
12235 correct density for 'POLY3', which would be a z-dependent reference
12236 density.
12237 o cleaned up find_rho
12238 - removed obsolete 'eqn' from the parameter list.
12239 o added two new verification experiments: gop and goz
12240 (4x4 degree global ocean, 15 layers in pressure and height coordinates)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12241 checkpoint46g_pre (2002/09/16)
60c223928f Mart*12242
0e6056cd20 Jean*12243 checkpoint46f_post (2002/09/16)
77d659325b Patr*12244 o Enable tangent linear (forward mode) gradient checks:
12245 - extended active file handling to g_... files
12246 - added TANGENT_SIMULATION to theSimulationMode
12247 - extended grdchk package accordingly
12248 o added tangent linear setup in verification/carbon/code_ftl
12249 o added adjoint setup in verification/front_relax/code_ad
0e6056cd20 Jean*12251 checkpoint46e_post (2002/09/05)
31a5949e20 Mart*12252 o Added new equation of state -> MDJWF
12253 - EOS of McDougall et al., 2002, JAOT, submitted
12254 - caveat: the equation of state is only valid for a smaller (more
12255 realistic?) range of values than JMD95P/Z and UNESCO
12256 - added masks to the calculation of pressure in store_pressure
a435e833b1 Mart*12257 - added more check values for density in check_eos (ini_eos.F), some of
31a5949e20 Mart*12258 the old check values are out of the range of the MDJWF-eos, so don't
a435e833b1 Mart*12259 expect perfect matches for those
0e6056cd20 Jean*12260 checkpoint46e_pre (2002/08/19)
31a5949e20 Mart*12261
0e6056cd20 Jean*12262 checkpoint46d_post (2002/08/19)
9b1fb10894 Mart*12263 o fixed store_pressure to work with both buoyancy relation = 'OCEANIC' and
a435e833b1 Mart*12264 'OCEANICP', also initialised field pressure correctly in ini_eos in the
12265 case of pressure coordinates. eosType='JMD95Z' in
9b1fb10894 Mart*12266 combination with buoyancyRelation='OCEANICP' now causes an error.
12267 o Changed p = pressure(i,j,k,bi,bj) to p = pressure(i,j,kRef,bi,bj)
12268 in find_alpha/beta.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12269 checkpoint46d_pre (2002/08/15)
9b1fb10894 Mart*12270
12271 o Changed p = pressure(i,j,k,bi,bj) to p = pressure(i,j,kRef,bi,bj)
a435e833b1 Mart*12272 so that JMD95Z and JMD95P give approptiate static stability in find_rho.
9b1fb10894 Mart*12273
0e6056cd20 Jean*12274 checkpoint46c_post (2002/08/15)
9e5f2093d3 Alis*12275 o Changes necessary for ocean in p-coordinates
12276 - Added new buoyancy relation = 'OCEANICP'
12277 - Added new parameters = gravitySign (this used to be contained inside
12278 the factor dRdZ which I added when we first switched to R coordinates).
12279 X GM/Redi is not compatible (yet)
12280 X bottom drag and no-slip need to be debugged.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12281 checkpoint46c_pre (2002/08/07)
9e5f2093d3 Alis*12282
0e6056cd20 Jean*12283 checkpoint46b_post (2002/08/07)
a37a13034c Mart*12284 o Added new equation of state -> JMD95Z and JMD95P
31a5949e20 Mart*12285 - EOS of Jackett and McDougall, 1995, JAOT
a37a13034c Mart*12286 - moved all EOS parameters into EOS.h
12287 - new routines ini_eos.F, store_pressure.F
a435e833b1 Mart*12288 o Added UNESCO EOS, but not recommended because it requires
a37a13034c Mart*12289 in-situ temperature (see JMD95)
12290 o Modified formatting for knudsen2.f in utils/knudsen2 and added
12291 unesco.f to be used with POLY3
0e6056cd20 Jean*12292 checkpoint46b_pre (2002/07/31)
a37a13034c Mart*12293
0e6056cd20 Jean*12294 checkpoint46a_post (2002/07/31)
395b093796 Mart*12295 o Added (atmospheric) pressure loading
12296 - new field in FFIELDS.h, etc...
12297 - new cpp flag ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING
12298 o Changed hFacC to _hFacC in calc_phi_hyd.F
12299 o Added SHORTWAVE_HEATING to some files for consistency
0e6056cd20 Jean*12300 checkpoint46a_pre (2002/07/13)
395b093796 Mart*12301
0e6056cd20 Jean*12302 checkpoint46 (2002/07/13)
0501ef9fb3 Patr*12303 further merges from release1_p5
12304 o new ctrl package
12305 - adopted from ECCO environment to enable optimization
12306 - added Eliassen Palm fluxes to controls
12307 o added Eliassen Palm flux controls to gradient check package
12308 o cost package
12309 - Compatible with new ctrl package
12310 - added Eliassen Palm cost hooks
12311 - modif's of existing cost functions
12312 o Adjoint-related bug fixes in kpp:
12313 - kpp_calc: sore of kpphbl avoids recomputation/call to S/R kppmix
12314 - kpp_routines: store of Rib avoids partial recomputation bug of TAF.
12315 o autodiff package
12316 - flow directives:
12317 + new for S/R do_the_model_io
12318 + enhanced for S/R checkpoint
12319 + new gmredi.flow
12320 - Introduced CPP option ALLOW_AUTODIFF_MONITOR to
12321 disable adcommon.h/g_common.h by default.
12322 - fixed problem for adjoint of global_max
12323 o modified verification/carbon/
12324 o New setup for adjoint of global_ocean
12325 o added hooks for Eliassen Palm fluxes (dynamics.F, ini_fields.F)
12326 o cleaned TAF keys iikey, idkey (dynamics.F, thermodynamics.F)
12327 o incorporated hooks for sponge layer code (external_forcing.F)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12329 checkpoint45d_post (2002/07/12)
9d1e859170 Jean*12330 o import 2 fixes from release1_p5 (CG2D.h & packages_readparms.F)
fe84d1c123 Jean*12331 o use recip_dx*,recip_dy* instead of /dx*,/dy* in orlanski_E,W,N,S
12332 (affects plume_on_slope "cg2d" output)
9d1e859170 Jean*12333 o add new parameter deltaTfreesurf for free-surface time stepping
a435e833b1 Mart*12334 o exchange gT,gS when using staggerTimeStep & GM & Oly<4
40a013c787 Jean*12335 o NONLIN_FRSURF: rescale gNm1 to get a better conservation with A-B
5a6e38b5cb Jean*12336 o change phiMin in exp1 (to agree with documentation)
a435e833b1 Mart*12337 o add new flags:
5a6e38b5cb Jean*12338 - T,S forcing inside/outside Adams-Bashforth
12339 - turn off temp,salt advection and/or forcing
12340 - for each tracer, define internal flag for multiDimAdvection & A-B
12341 o monitor: change definition of KE to check conservation of Energy
fda4da40f3 Jean*12342
0e6056cd20 Jean*12343 checkpoint45c_post (2002/05/30)
cda7963c0f Patr*12344 o Removed f90 comments ("!")
12345 o Modified initialisations to enable exf package for MITgcm
12346 (without invoking ECCO_PACKAGE).
12347 o modifications to gradient check package (Martin Losch)
12348 - enable centered differences
12349 - modified format of standard output
0e6056cd20 Jean*12351 checkpoint45b_post (2002/05/30)
778263fdd2 Patr*12352 o cleaned exchange calls in cg2d
12353 o Included CPP option ALLOW_AUTODIFF_MONITOR in forward_step
12354 o included CPP option SINGLE_LAYER_MODE in thermodynamics
12355 to configure barotropic setup (Martin Losch)
12356 o moved some initialisations within bi,bj loop in dynamics
12357 (TAF flow dependency)
12358 o in initialise_varia, moved call packages_init_variables
12359 before convective_adjustment_init
12360 (corresponding adjustment of TAF tape initialisation).
12361 o in calc_diffusivity/calc_viscosity extended domain to full overlap.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12363 checkpoint45a_post (2002/05/01)
23b8953dcb Jean*12364 o compute Rho over the whole domain (extend iMin,jMin indices)
12365 o specific exchange for X-slice domain (case Ny=1)
58071f7ded Jean*12366 o argument futureIter of S/R obcs_calc missing in exp4 & internal_wave /code
12367 o solve_for_pressure : set cg2d_x to zero where OBCS are applied
f2f05cab96 Patr*12369 checkpoint44h_post = checkpoint45
12370 o Fix to restore differentiability:
12371 place at which packages_init_variables is called in
12372 initialise_varia is crucial for reverse control flow.
12373 o modifications in GMRedi to enable stable adjoint
12374 (corresponding modif's in thermodynamics, dynamics)
12375 o added missing hook for sponge layer code in external_forcing
12376 o modified test cost functions
12377 o storing in gad_advection (plus removal of write(0,*)!
12378 o missing headers TR1.h added in convective_adjustment routines
12379 o errorMessageUnit set non-equal zero in eeboot
12380 (conflict on some platforms, e.g. IBM SP3)
12381 o modified carbon verif.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12383 checkpoint44h_pre (2002/03/14)
e5968d5db8 Jean*12384 o vertical grid option: allow to put the Interface at the middle between
12385 2 cell-centers ; replace delZ in pkg/kpp by drF.
3f61bba06d Jean*12386 o GM Advective form: Tracers are advected using the residual transport (=
12387 Euler+GM-bolus); set param GM_AdvSeparate=T to return to previous form.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12389 checkpoint44g_post (2002/03/05)
a435e833b1 Mart*12390 o fix surface correction term in multiDimAdvection (affects plume_on_slope
d459353a4c Jean*12391 results) ; ifdef missing in thermodynamics.F
5c43c390b6 Alis*12393 checkpoint44f_pre,checkpoint44f_post
12394 o added PTRACERS package
12395 This allows an arbitrary number of passive tracers to be integrated
12396 forward simultaneously with the dynamicaly model.
12397 + Implemented so far:
12398 - basic forward algorithm (time-stepping, advection, diffusion, convection)
12399 - I/O and checkpointing
12400 - GM/Redi *but* using the GM/Redi coefficient of Salt
12401 + Not implemented so far:
12402 - KPP
12403 - OBCS
12404 + No specific example supplied (yet) but global_ocean.90x40x15 has the
12405 necessary data.ptracer file. Simply use -enable=ptracers and uncomment
12406 line in data.pkg.
12407 + This package is disabled by default since it increases storage.
658a1753bb Alis*12410 o testscript: added -cleanup option
f4ba6d3695 Jean*12411 o Shap_filt: a) new shap_filt S/R to use no-slip BC with S2 filter
12412 b) enable to filter 2D fields.
d427b861ca Jean*12413
3e6bf4af46 Alis*12414 checkpoint44e_pre,post
12415 o re-wrote convective adjustment to use pre-calculated weights
12416 Affects: model/src/convective_adjustment.F, convective_adjustment_ini.F
12417 Adds: model/src/convective_weights.F, convectively_mixtracer.F
12418 Original calls to convect() still in place.
2014c6d62b Patr*12420 chkpt44d_pre,post
12421 o added missing EXCLUDE_MONITOR flags
12422 o changed "e" to "_d" in gmredi_slope_limit, gmredi_slope_psi
12423 (incompatible typ in MIN/MAX expressions caused problems
12424 on IBM SP3)
12425 o in genmake added variable MAKEDEPEND
12426 plus resetting for case SunOS
12427 o added timer_stats.c routine for IBM SP3
12428 o removed variables in dynamics
12429 !!! I forgot to create tag chkpt44d_pre !!!
12430 !!! But chkpt44d_pre = chkpt44c_post !!!
f4ba6d3695 Jean*12432 o real fresh water flux implemented with non-linear free-surface.
d645283517 Jean*12434 chkpt44c_pre,post
a435e833b1 Mart*12435 o few fix (mask in shap_s2, EmPmR in external_field_load,
12436 USE_NATURAL_BCS in solve_for_P);
d645283517 Jean*12437 o add arguments myIter & myTime to S/R obcs_calc & solve_for_P
de416ebcde Patr*12439 checkpoint44b_pre/_post
12440 o merge of relevant stuff from the ecco-branch:
12441 - genmake: removed $S64 overwrite for case SunOS
12442 - pkg/exf: update and corrections for field swapping and obcs
12443 - pkg/ecco: parameter lists for the_model_main, the_main_loop
12444 harmonized between ECCO and MITgcm
12445 - pkg/autodiff: added flow directives for obcs, mdsio_gl_slice
12446 updated checkpointing_lev... lists for obcs
12447 - model/src: minor changes in forward_step, plot_field
12448 added directive for divided adjoint in the_main_loop
12449 - pkg/mdsio: added mdsio_gl_slice
fda4da40f3 Jean*12451 o check parameters & config (chkpt44a_pre,post)
5fc9e00fa1 Jean*12452 o OBC and NonLin_FrSurf.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12454 checkpoint44 (2002/01/18)
beeff87535 Jean*12455 o fix bug in mom_vi_del2uv
5fc9e00fa1 Jean*12456 o select when filters are applied ; add options to zonal_filter (data.zonfilt)
12457 o gmredi: fix Pb in the adiabatic form ; add options (.e.g. Bolus advection)
12458 o update AIM experiments (NCEP input files)
12459 o improve and extend diagnostics (Monitor, TimeAve with NonLin-FrSurf)
b07345cdda Patr*12460 o added some stuff for AD
84a1eca0f1 Patr*12461
0e6056cd20 Jean*12462 checkpoint43 (2001/09/28)
7205c731d1 Alis*12463 o added two new advection tests
12464 o added global 4x4 degree ocean test
12465 o added test of H&S94 with free surface on cube
12466 o some final mods for gradient check, adjoint,...
0e6056cd20 Jean*12468 checkpoint42 (2001/09/27)
9620337c26 Patr*12469 Fixed AD-related problems:
12470 o Store directives up-to-date with re-arranged Adams-Bashforth
12471 (mainly thermodynamics.F)
12472 o New store directives for multi-dim. advection schemes
12474 * new common block and key passkey
12475 (mainly gad_advection.F)
12476 o Modified store directives for split of dynamics/thermodynamics
12477 for the case ALLOW_KPP
12478 o Cleaned argument list for timestep_tracer.F
0e6056cd20 Jean*12480 checkpoint41 (2001/09/27)
aafb52f44c Alis*12481 o re-formatted/added comments in prologues of key subroutines
12482 to work with protex
0e6056cd20 Jean*12484 checkpoint40 (2001/09/27)
07eb89f7e7 Alis*12485 o moved calc_gs, calc_gt and calc_tr1 back to model/src
12486 o added FLT (floats) package from Arne along with demo. experiment
12487 o re-arranged Adams-Bashforth scheme for tracers to allow easier
12488 implementation of forward-in-time forcing terms
12489 o more mods for non-linear free-surface including new variable
12490 o modified multi-dim method to work on cube
12491 o bug fix in KPP (from DM)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12493 checkpoint40pre9 (2001/09/27)
76bfa80e3f Alis*12494 o added DST advection schemes
12495 o fix MPI bug on SGI's
12496 o modifications for non-linear free-surface
12497 o fixed conditionals for fixed flow/passive tracer only mode
12498 o added tension/strain form of stress tensor
12499 o changes to commenting of arguments for TAF/TAMC
12500 o added/updated many matlab scripts
07eb89f7e7 Alis*12501 o added multi-dimensional advection method for tracers
a435e833b1 Mart*12502
0e6056cd20 Jean*12503 checkpoint40pre8 (2001/09/05)
c710cbecfb Patr*12504 o new package rw/
12505 Added method for dumping intermediate local arrays:
12506 mdsio_writetile - same as mdsio_writefield except works from inside
12507 bi,bj loop
12508 mdsio_writelocal - same as mdsio_writetile except works for local
12509 arrays
12510 write_local_r? - higher-level wrapper for mdsio_writelocal
12511 Controlled by diagFreq. Defaults to zero (ie. no dumps)
12512 Example given at end of mom_vecinv.F that dumps some local arrays.
12513 o replaced calc_mom_rhs.F by mom_fluxform.F/mom_vecinc.F to
12514 control flux-form versus vector invariant code.
12515 Switch is runtime flag vectorInvariantMomentum (defaults to false)
12516 or genmake -DISABLE ...
12517 o TAMC-related update to cope with mom_fluxform.F/mom_vecinc.F
12518 (additional storing is now needed for case vecinv;
12519 currently nothing implemented to switch this storing off
12520 in case fluxform is used since no CPP flag available).
0e6056cd20 Jean*12522 checkpoint40pre7 (2001/08/14)
11252a3870 Patr*12523 o bug fix in dynamics.F
12524 calc_viscosity called before k=1,Nr loop.
12525 o added some #ifdef's ALLOW_PASSIVE_TRACER
12526 o cleaned initialisations in ctrl_map_ini
12527 related to TAF
0e6056cd20 Jean*12529 checkpoint40pre6 (2001/08/13)
b2d3fccd49 Patr*12530 o split dynamics into thermodynamics & dynamics
12531 o corresponding split of calc_diffusivity into
12532 calc_diffusivity, calc_viscosity
12533 (kpp_calc_diff, kpp_calc_visc).
12534 o Added diffkr, kapgm to control variables
12535 o bug fix in gmredi_slope_limit for ldd97
0e6056cd20 Jean*12537 checkpoint40pre5 (2001/07/31)
2277c012d1 Alis*12538 o proper initialization of Adams-Bashforth time stepping
12539 + uses forward step for very first step of model (iter=0)
12540 o re-generated *all* output since almost all output is modified by this
12541 change (sorry but we've been putting this one off for about 2 years)
12542 + natl_box, aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel and aim.5l_zon-ave were
12543 *not* regenerated since they are already out of date and I don't
12544 want to create the impression that they are suddenly working.
12545 o removed KAP stuff for DEC's
12546 o modified/added many .cvsignore files in */code and */input
12547 o added new expt "solid-body.cs-32x32x1"
12548 + this uses an alternative form of ini_curvilinear_grid.F which
12549 is not necessarily any better than the current one...
0e6056cd20 Jean*12551 checkpoint40pre4 (2001/07/30)
84a1eca0f1 Patr*12552 o added re-initialisations of utrans,vtrans,rtrans in
12553 calc_common_factors which are crucial for TAF.
12554 o extended iMin,jMin range for calc_common_factors,
12555 calc_diffusivity
12556 o added option ALLOW_PASSIVE_TRACER
12557 o a few minor updates and fixes
0e6056cd20 Jean*12559 checkpoint40pre3 (2001/07/13)
8970237877 Patr*12560 o created calc_gtr1.F for gad package
12561 o split the_main_loop and re-introduced forward_step
12562 o some recomputations of nIter0 for TAMC
0e6056cd20 Jean*12564 checkpoint40pre2 (2001/07/13)
12b269a63b Patr*12565 o Updated to latest branch of AJA, JMC
12566 o Added gradient check package
12567 o Added routines for passive tracer handling
12568 o Added carbon sequestration sensitivity experiment
0e6056cd20 Jean*12570 checkpoint39 (2001/05/14)
0a8108926c Patr*12571 o Modifications and fixes to support TAMC
12572 (mainly missing or wrong directives)
12573 o Corrected common blocks when fooling TAMC to produce adjoint I/O
12574 in addummy_in_stepping
12575 o Updated verification/vero/ (bug fixes in code/, correct pickups in input/)
12576 o Enabled "sliced" (xz-,yz-) exchanges, needed for obcs.
12577 o Included following packages:
12578 cal: calendar
12579 exf: external forcing
12580 ecco: essential routines to control use of cal, exf
12581 (NB: this is not the full ECCO environment)
160e0619c9 Patr*12582 o disabled some packages by default in genmake
0a8108926c Patr*12583
0e6056cd20 Jean*12584 checkpoint38 (2001/04/10)
2cfc9d59a2 Patr*12585 o see notes_c37_adj.txt
12586 o corrected wrong layer index in external_forcing_t
12587 o replaced the_main_loop/forward_step by the_main_loop
12588 o removed forceoutput from write_state
12589 (replaced criteria for initial/final state)
12590 o added runtime flag for pre-C35 pickups: usePickupBeforeC35
b7a12fbe29 Chri*12591
0e6056cd20 Jean*12592 checkpoint37 (2001/03/13)
2a60a6d948 Jean*12593 o mdsio.F routine split and packaged in pkg/mdsio
12594 (mdsio.F and mdsio_gl.F still exist in eesupp/src but are not
12595 used unless genmake -disable=mdsio)
12596 o allow a more precise surface-geopotential gradient for the atmosphere
12597 taking into account the change in space of Alpha (=1/rho) at the surface.
12598 o variable "etaN" (replace cg2d_x) is the surface R-anomaly [r unit]
12599 (ocean: sea surface height [m] / atmos: surface pressure anomaly [Pa])
12600 o Change units: Phi_Hydrostatic (=phiHyd), Phi_Surface(=cg2d_x) and
12601 Phi_NonHydrostatic (=cg3d_x), all have now the dimension of a potential
12602 [m2/s2] (pressure/rhoConst in the ocean ; Geo-Potential in the atmosphere).
12603 o Time-Average diagnostics defined as a pseudo package "timeave".
12604 o pickup files : old pickup (before c35) did not work with new code (c35
12605 and after) unless activating 2 commented lines in initialise-varia.
12606 o Non-Hydrostatic pickup file Pb fixed.
a435e833b1 Mart*12607 o bug with Rigid-lid version (since c35) fixed.
2a60a6d948 Jean*12608
0e6056cd20 Jean*12609 checkpoint36 (2001/02/20)
2a60a6d948 Jean*12610 o implement Crank-Nickelson barotropic time-stepping
3d3ffaaedb Jean*12611 o recover Time-Average diagnostics
a435e833b1 Mart*12612 o fix Pb in checkpoint (PR#19)
3d3ffaaedb Jean*12613 o AIM become a standard package ; clean unused CPP_kees
0e6056cd20 Jean*12615 checkpoint35 (2001/02/08)
47b446e27e Jean*12616 o subtantial rewrite of dynamics.f
12617 o allows staggered time-stepping
12618 o packaged obcs, aim (Atmospheric Physics), zonal_filt, shap_filt
12619 o added bottom drag (linear + quadratic)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12621 checkpoint34 (2001/01/30)
ea8b6560ce Patr*12622 o Modified exchange routines for correct reverse simulation.
12623 o Added verification output to comply with bug fix in impldiff.F
12624 as of c33 (exp2, natl_box).
12625 o Corrected store directives in dynamics.F
12626 o Corrected array boundaries in impldiff.F
12627 o Corrected array dimensions in gmredi.
12628 Added temporary scalars to avoid storage by TAMC (gmredi, kpp).
c3ddfd9c4c Patr*12629 o Added routine GLOBAL_SUM_INT to global_sum.F
ea8b6560ce Patr*12630 o Added mdsio_gl.F for ECCO purposes.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12632 checkpoint33 (2000/11/30)
7a9ddade78 Alis*12633 o Fixed bug in lower BC in impldiff.F
12634 o Fixed confusion about units of forcing arrays in FFIELDS.h
12635 namely Fu,Fv,Qnet,Qsw,EmPmR:
12636 - Removed verification/natl_box/code/external_fields_scale.F
12637 (did not differ from that in model/src)
12638 - Changed units of fu,fv,Qnet,Qsw,EmPmR back to proper units
12639 (see FFIELDS.h for description)
12640 - Scale fu,fv,Qnet,Qsw,EmPmR when used in external_forcing_surf.F,
12641 kpp_calc.F and kpp_transport_t.F
12642 - Removed model/src/external_fields_scale.F and calls to it
12643 - verification/natl_box uses flux data with "atmospheric" sign so
12644 a special version of external_fields_load.F is used to
12645 change the data as it's read in. This way, the arrays
12646 have the right units and signs at all times tha a user could
12647 possibly use them.
12648 o Corrected genmake to delete a temporary file during configuration
0e6056cd20 Jean*12650 checkpoint32 (2000/11/13)
cfb3cd1ea2 Patr*12651 o Scaling of forcing fields moved from external_forcing.F to
12652 external_fields_scale.F, called directly after loading fields.
12653 o Surface relaxation terms added to surface tendency fields in
12654 extra subroutine.
12655 o impldiff.F changed to avoid storing by TAMC of huge intermediate
12656 fields.
12657 o Changes in GMRedi to comply with packaging structure.
12658 o Modifications and bug fixes in KPP package.
12659 o Verification experiment for KPP added (verification/nat_box/)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12661 checkpoint31 (2000/09/11)
dde6192d54 Patr*12662 o Packages interface brought in line with defined standard
12663 -> new routines packages_...F
12664 -> changes in initialise_fixed.F, initialise_varia.F
12665 -> enables initialisation interface for ECCO package
12666 o Rescaling of external forcing fields immediately after read
a435e833b1 Mart*12667 (removed from external_forcing.F)
dde6192d54 Patr*12668 -> new: surface_fields_scale.F
12669 -> affects ini_foorcing.F, external_fields_load.F
12670 o Computation of surface tendencies before tendency updates.
12671 -> new: external_forcing_surf.F
12672 o Change of variable names useGMRedi, useKPP, useECCO
12673 o Further changes in dynamics.F, impldiff.F for TAMC
12674 o Tested for experiments 0, 2, 4.
12675 - not yet tested for GMRedi.
12676 - not yet tested for KPP.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12678 checkpoint30 (2000/07/13)
7eedb26c3d Alis*12679 o Updates for OBCs
12680 o New experiment for test OBCs (internal_wave)
12681 o New output.txt in verification/exp4/results/
12682 o Updates for KPP: calculation of viscosity corrected, new variables
12683 kpp_dumpFreq and kpp_taveFreq
12684 o CPP'd calls to system routines for TARGET_CRAY_VECTOR (P.H.)
12685 and entry for T90 in genmake
0e6056cd20 Jean*12687 checkpoint29 (2000/06/21)
c53ad8dc62 Alis*12688 o packaged KPP and GM/Redi
0e6056cd20 Jean*12690 checkpoint28 (2000/06/09)
56096ca40a Patr*12691 o Corrected initialization of hFacMin for difference vertical coordinates
12692 o Modified calculation of partial cell thickness to more robust algorithm
12693 o config_summary.F: replaced write_1D_... by write_0D_...
12694 read_write.F: added subroutines write_0D_...
12695 o routines calc_common_factors, calc_gs, calc_gt, calc_phi_hyd, find_rho:
12696 included some initialisations required for TAMC.
a435e833b1 Mart*12697 o routine calc_isoslopes: modified sqrt computation to make it
56096ca40a Patr*12698 differentiable for zero argument.
12699 o routines dynamics, impldiff:
12700 included store directives and tape key computations required for TAMC.
12701 o ALL TAMC related changes are between ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC
0e6056cd20 Jean*12703 checkpoint27 (2000/04/10)
5b679adde0 Alis*12704 o fixed calc_isoslopes() to so that cancellation of terms in tensor
12705 formulation works properly with variable resolution.
12706 o restructured the calling tree between the_model_main() and dynamics()
12707 o split initialise() into initialise_fixed() and initialise_varia()
12708 o introduced initialization file pSurfInitFile for free surface (cg2d_x)
12709 in new routine ini_psurf()
0e6056cd20 Jean*12711 checkpoint26 (2000/04/05)
ab1673a65c Alis*12712 o moved some #ifdef in optional routines to encompass everything
12713 except the argument declarations. This was using up some memory.
12714 o fixed macros like _ADT to work with both versions of Linux cpp
12715 o cleaned up some unused and uninitialized variables
12716 (helps when debugging with strict compile options)
12717 o split up CPP_EEOPTIONS.h into options and macros
12718 (macros are now in eesupp/inc/CPP_EEMACROS.h)
12719 o patch for 2 processor JAM mode
0e6056cd20 Jean*12721 checkpoint25 (2000/03/15)
c19cdd9408 Alis*12722 o updates for OBCs and NH
12723 o dramatically reduced memory usage
12724 o added "JAM" routines for use on Artic network
12725 o parameterization of convection by implicit vertical diffusion
12726 o added a diagnostic of convective index
12727 o moved call to calc_divg_hat() from dynamics() to solve_for_pressure()
12728 (this is was partly for OBCs and NH but also in anticipation of
12729 an explicit free-surface option)
12730 o initial state input files for U and V
0e6056cd20 Jean*12732 checkpoint24 (1999/08/02)
090b7007c7 Alis*12733 o Removed some spurious "REAL"s
12734 o Updated KPP to latest version from JPL
12735 o Added a COS(latitude) in horizontal viscosity
0e6056cd20 Jean*12737 checkpoint23 (1999/05/26)
8f6e5ef29b Alis*12738 o Added del^4 diffusion for salt and temperature
12739 o Multiple minor fixes (implicit none's, arguments to global_sum, etc.)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12741 checkpoint22 (1999/05/18)
b3d4b567f6 Alis*12742 o Made many small changes: implicit none, format(i5), etc...
12743 o Introduced KPP mixing scheme (compiles and runs but *not* tested)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12745 checkpoint21 (1999/05/18)
dccdad8bbd Alis*12746 o Introduced new I/O package that supports direct-access records (mdsio.F)
12747 o Split-up mid-level I/O routines
12748 o Updated input data for experiments 0,1,2,4 and 5
12749 o Finally removed the genmake.* scripts (everyone seems happy with genmake)
0e6056cd20 Jean*12751 checkpoint20 (1999/03/22)
e92aabed24 Alis*12752 o Tidied up open-boundaries some more
12753 o Added non-hydrostatic code
12754 o Fixed some input data
12755 o Modified MPI start-up to work in "coupled" context.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12757 checkpoint19 (1998/12/15)
337ad8328b Alis*12758 o Tidied up directory structure for verification experiments.
12759 o Added new code for open boundaries.
12760 o Corrected advective terms near boundaries.
12761 o Added CPP flag for "old UV" geometry and corrected spherical geometry.
12762 o Implemented free-slip/no-slip BCs and del^4 dissipation.
e92aabed24 Alis*12763 o Split default parameters out of ini_parms.F into set_defaults.F.
337ad8328b Alis*12764
0e6056cd20 Jean*12765 checkpoint18 (1998/11/30)
a435e833b1 Mart*12766 o Further changes for optional code generation with
632baf6c85 Chri*12767 CPP - ugh!
0e6056cd20 Jean*12769 checkpoint17 (1998/11/03)
6d71ac9cce Chri*12770 o Beginning to incorporating modularity
12771 for supporting atmos. and ocean configs.
12772 o Small changes for TAMC complinace
12773 o New ultra simple test case. Barotropic box
12774 configuration "exp0".
0e6056cd20 Jean*12776 checkpoint16 (1998/10/28)
a435e833b1 Mart*12777 o Minor changes to exchange routines to support
8c88443df3 Chri*12778 accumulation in reverse mode. Adjoint of an
12779 assignment is an addition.
a435e833b1 Mart*12780 o Changes to support compilation by TAMC (LR(1)
8c88443df3 Chri*12781 syntax) and by g77 under Linux ( 72 character
12782 limit ).
0e6056cd20 Jean*12784 checkpoint15 (1998/09/29)
048ce7bdb7 Chri*12785 Rewrote exchange routines to allow
12786 o General tile <-> tile connectivity.
12787 o TAMC reverse mode flag ( is this really needed? )
12788 o Variable width overlap and exchange region widths.
a435e833b1 Mart*12789 o Hooks for sharing data via DMA, Arctic, Memory Channel,
12790 shmput/shmget, VIA, SYSV shmem and every other cool
048ce7bdb7 Chri*12791 communication method.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12793 checkpoint14 (1998/09/09)
e83f632bdc Chri*12794 Consistent isomorphism chages made. These allow dynamical core
12795 to support both pressure and meters as a vertical coordinate.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12797 checkpoint13 (1998/07/17)
b472be50f6 Chri*12798 Release which corrects global_max problem and a couple
12799 of KGM time-averaging diagnostic errors. Also contains
12800 a double-gyre experiment setup as well as the baseline
12801 4 degree global template. The double gyre template is
12802 organised to allow it to be applied automatically to
12803 the baseline configuration.
6b85e5319c Alis*12805 branch-point-rdot
12806 A few tidy-ups have been made bt the real point of this
12807 check-point (excuse the pun) is to allow a branch to be
12808 made for the purposes of adding the rDot alterations.
12809 I don't want to commit the rDot to the main-trunk until
12810 we've actually tested it...
0e6056cd20 Jean*12812 checkpoint12 (1998/07/08)
713eeb0b71 Chri*12813 Tidy up and added generic genmake script (formerly
a435e833b1 Mart*12814 configure script).
713eeb0b71 Chri*12815 Released to testers.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12817 checkpoint11 (1998/07/02)
8e14856263 Alis*12818 Re-arranged initialise() and introduced ini_vertical_grid()
12819 and ini_masks_etc().
0e6056cd20 Jean*12821 checkpoint10 (1998/07/01)
bef276faee Alis*12822 Introduced the configure script.
12823 Separated out the diags package.
12824 Added template for writing time-averages of tile/intermediate quantities.
12825 Updated SIZE.h in exp2 and made the data big-endian.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12827 checkpoint9 (1998/06/22)
455e14887b Alis*12828 MPI fix. Filename changes (meta/data). salbin*y stuff.
12829 General tidy-up.
12830 SST.bin SSS.bin added to verification/exp2
0e6056cd20 Jean*12832 checkpoint8 (1998/06/22)
81be42c716 Alis*12833 Inludes time-dependant forcing and time-averaging.
12834 Works at 4x4 and 2.8125x2.8125 global
12836 checkpoint7-4degree-ref
12837 Branch from checkpoint7. Released for application to
12838 global modeling and general modeling - process studies, regional
a435e833b1 Mart*12839 model etc..
81be42c716 Alis*12840 Configured for verification/exp2 - 4 degree global, two process.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12842 checkpoint7 (1998/06/15)
42bd47f06f Chri*12843 Created by cnh
a435e833b1 Mart*12844 Simple 4 degree global simulation
42bd47f06f Chri*12845 configuration.
a435e833b1 Mart*12846 Includes climatological wind,
42bd47f06f Chri*12847 hydrography, bathymetry etc
12848 Does not include Heat Flux and E-P
0e6056cd20 Jean*12850 checkpoint6 (1998/06/08)
a82990e8c1 Chri*12851 Created by cnh
a435e833b1 Mart*12852 merged checkpoint5 with CD and
12853 spherical polar code.
a82990e8c1 Chri*12854 Still some problems with GM Redi
12855 abd full topography.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12857 checkpoint5 (1998/06/08)
41a4b13446 Chri*12858 Created by AJA
12859 contains updates to GM Redi
12860 and reordered timestepping loop
12861 for Implicit Diffusion.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12863 checkpoint4 (1998/05/30)
b7a12fbe29 Chri*12864 Created by cnh
12865 Contains memory saving macros ( _rdxc etc..) for when
12866 grid variations are limited.
12867 Contains polynomial coeffs for EOS and knudsen program
12868 for generation.
0e6056cd20 Jean*12870 checkpoint3 (1998/05/26)
addde852ed Chri*12871 Created by cnh
12872 Added extra flags for runtime options
12873 Added this file
12874 Added implicit free-surface
12875 Added pre-conditioner
12876 Put compare01 into repository ( compare01/... )
12877 Put data and eedata into repository ( verification/exp1 )
12879 checkpoint2
12880 Created by AJA
12881 Added GM/Redi
12883 checkpoint1
12884 Created by AJA
12885 Restructured kloop in dynamics.F
12886 Added non-linear EOS
b7a12fbe29 Chri*12888 baseline
12889 Original checked in code