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f67abf1ee3 Jeff*0001 Solution strategy
0002 -----------------
0004 The method of solution employed in the **HPE**, **QH** and **NH** models
0005 is summarized in :numref:`soln_strat`. Under all dynamics, a
0006 2-d elliptic equation is first solved to find the surface pressure and
0007 the hydrostatic pressure at any level computed from the weight of fluid
0008 above. Under **HPE** and **QH** dynamics, the horizontal momentum
0009 equations are then stepped forward and :math:`\dot{r}` found from
0010 continuity. Under **NH** dynamics a 3-d elliptic equation must be solved
0011 for the non-hydrostatic pressure before stepping forward the horizontal
0012 momentum equations; :math:`\dot{r}` is found by stepping forward the
0013 vertical momentum equation.
0015 There is no penalty in implementing **QH** over **HPE** except, of
0016 course, some complication that goes with the inclusion of
0017 :math:`\cos \varphi \ ` Coriolis terms and the relaxation of the shallow
0018 atmosphere approximation. But this leads to negligible increase in
0019 computation. In **NH**, in contrast, one additional elliptic equation -
0bad585a21 Navi*0020 a three-dimensional one - must be inverted for :math:`p_{\rm nh}`. However
f67abf1ee3 Jeff*0021 the ‘overhead’ of the **NH** model is essentially negligible in the
0022 hydrostatic limit (see detailed discussion in Marshall et al. (1997) :cite:`marshall:97a`
0023 resulting in a non-hydrostatic algorithm that, in the hydrostatic limit,
0024 is as computationally economic as the **HPEs**.
0028 .. figure:: figs/solution_strategy.*
0029 :width: 100%
0030 :align: center
0031 :alt: diagram of basic solution strategy in MITgcm
0032 :name: soln_strat
0034 Basic solution strategy in MITgcm. **HPE** and **QH** forms diagnose the vertical velocity, in **NH** a prognostic equation for the vertical velocity is integrated.