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view on githubraw file Latest commit f67abf1e on 2018-02-08 20:01:33 UTC
f67abf1ee3 Jeff*0001 Global atmosphere: ‘Held-Suarez’ benchmark
                0002 ------------------------------------------
                0005 A novel feature of MITgcm is its ability to simulate, using one basic algorithm, 
                0006 both atmospheric and oceanographic flows at both small and large scales.
                0008 :numref:`cubic_eddies_figure` shows an instantaneous plot of the 500 mb
                0009 temperature field obtained using the atmospheric isomorph of MITgcm run at
                0010 2.8° resolution on the cubed sphere. We see cold air over the pole
                0011 (blue) and warm air along an equatorial band (red). Fully developed
                0012 baroclinic eddies spawned in the northern hemisphere storm track are
                0013 evident. There are no mountains or land-sea contrast in this calculation,
                0014 but you can easily put them in. The model is driven by relaxation to a
                0015 radiative-convective equilibrium profile, following the description set out
                0016 in Held and Suarez (1994) :cite:`held-suar:94` designed to test atmospheric hydrodynamical cores -
                0017 there are no mountains or land-sea contrast.
                0020   .. figure:: figs/eddy_on_cubic_globe.*
                0021     :width: 60%
                0022     :align: center
                0023     :alt: cubic eddies figure
                0024     :name: cubic_eddies_figure
                0026     Instantaneous plot of the temperature field at 500 mb obtained using the atmospheric isomorph of MITgcm
                0029 As described in Adcroft et al. (2004) :cite:`adcroft:04b`, a ‘cubed sphere’ is used to discretize the
                0030 globe permitting a uniform griding and obviated the need to Fourier filter.
                0031 The ‘vector-invariant’ form of MITgcm supports any orthogonal curvilinear
                0032 grid, of which the cubed sphere is just one of many choices.
                0034 :numref:`hs_zave_u_figure` shows the 5-year mean, zonally averaged zonal
                0035 wind from a 20-level configuration of
                0036 the model. It compares favorable with more conventional spatial
                0037 discretization approaches. The two plots show the field calculated using the
                0038 cube-sphere grid and the flow calculated using a regular, spherical polar
                0039 latitude-longitude grid. Both grids are supported within the model.
                0041  .. figure:: figs/u_cube_latlon_comb.*
                0042     :width: 80%
                0043     :align: center
                0044     :alt: hs_zave_u_figure
                0045     :name: hs_zave_u_figure
                0047     Five year mean, zonally averaged zonal flow for cube-sphere simulation (top) and latitude-longitude simulation (bottom) and using Held-Suarez forcing. Note the difference in the solutions over the pole — the cubed sphere is superior.