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view on githubraw file Latest commit 0bad585a on 2022-02-16 18:55:09 UTC
1c8cebb321 Jeff*0001 .. _sec_tracer_adj_sens:
                0003 Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for Tracer Injection
                0004 =================================================
d67096e55c Jeff*0005 
                0006 (in directory: :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/`)
                0008 MITgcm has been adapted to enable AD using TAMC or TAF. The present
                0009 description is specific to the use of TAMC or TAF as AD
                0010 tool. The following sections describe the steps which are necessary to
                0011 generate a tangent linear or adjoint model of MITgcm. We take as an
                0012 example the sensitivity of carbon sequestration in the ocean. The
                0013 AD-relevant hooks in the code are outlined in :numref:`sec_ad_tlm_and_adm`
                0014 and :numref:`sec_ad_finalize_contribtuions`.
                0016 Overview of the experiment
                0017 --------------------------
                0019 We describe an adjoint sensitivity analysis of out-gassing from the
                0020 ocean into the atmosphere of a carbon-like tracer injected into the
                0021 ocean interior (see Hill et al. 2004 :cite:`hill:04`).
                0023 Passive tracer equation
                0024 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0026 For this work, MITgcm was augmented with a thermodynamically inactive
                0027 tracer, :math:`C`. Tracer residing in the ocean model surface layer is
                0028 out-gassed according to a relaxation time scale, :math:`\mu`. Within the
                0029 ocean interior, the tracer is passively advected by the ocean model
                0030 currents. The full equation for the time evolution
                0032 .. math::
                0033    \frac{\partial C}{\partial t} \, = \,
0bad585a21 Navi*0034    -\mathbf{U} \cdot  \nabla  C \, - \, \mu C \, + \, \Gamma(C) \,+ \, S
d67096e55c Jeff*0035    :label: carbon_ddt
                0037 also includes a source term :math:`S`. This term represents interior
                0038 sources of :math:`C` such as would arise due to direct injection. The
0bad585a21 Navi*0039 velocity term, :math:`\mathbf{U}`, is the sum of the model Eulerian circulation
d67096e55c Jeff*0040 and an eddy-induced velocity, the latter parameterized according to
                0041 Gent/McWilliams (Gent and McWilliams 1990 :cite:`gen-mcw:90`; Gent et al. (1995) :cite:`gen-eta:95`). The
                0042 convection function, :math:`\Gamma`, mixes :math:`C` vertically wherever
                0043 the fluid is locally statically unstable.
                0045 The out-gassing time scale, :math:`\mu`, in :eq:`carbon_ddt` is set
                0046 so that :math:`1/\mu \sim 1` year for the surface ocean and
                0047 :math:`\mu=0` elsewhere. With this value, :eq:`carbon_ddt` is valid
                0048 as a prognostic equation for small perturbations in oceanic carbon
                0049 concentrations. This configuration provides a powerful tool for
                0050 examining the impact of large-scale ocean circulation on CO\ :sub:`2`
                0051 out-gassing due to interior injections. As source we choose a constant
                0052 in time injection of :math:`S = 1`  mol s\ :sup:`-1`.
                0054 Model configuration
                0055 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0057 The model configuration employed has a constant
                0058 :math:`4^\circ \times 4^\circ` resolution horizontal grid and realistic
                0059 geography and bathymetry. Twenty vertical layers are used with vertical
                0060 spacing ranging from 50 m near the surface to 815 m at depth. Driven to
                0061 steady-state by climatological wind-stress, heat and fresh-water forcing,
                0062 the model reproduces well known large-scale features of the ocean
                0063 general circulation.
                0065 Out-gassing cost function
                0066 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0068 To quantify and understand out-gassing due to injections of :math:`C` in
                0069 :eq:`carbon_ddt`, we define a cost function :math:`{\cal J}` that
                0070 measures the total amount of tracer out-gassed at each timestep:
                0072 .. math::
                0073    {\cal J}(t=T)=\int_{t=0}^{t=T}\int_{A} \mu C \, dA \, dt
                0074    :label: cost_tracer
                0076 :eq:`cost_tracer` integrates the out-gassing term,
                0077 :math:`\mu C`, from :eq:`carbon_ddt` over the entire ocean surface area,
                0078 :math:`A`, and accumulates it up to time :math:`T`. Physically,
                0079 :math:`{\cal J}` can be thought of as representing the amount of
                0080 CO\ :sub:`2` that our model predicts would be out-gassed following an
                0081 injection at rate :math:`S`. The sensitivity of :math:`{\cal J}` to the
                0082 spatial location of :math:`S`,
                0083 :math:`\frac{\partial {\cal J}}{\partial S}`, can be used to identify
                0084 regions from which circulation would cause CO\ :sub:`2` to rapidly
                0085 out-gas following injection and regions in which CO\ :sub:`2` injections
                0086 would remain effectively sequestered within the ocean.
                0088 Code configuration
                0089 ------------------
                0091 The code customization routines are in
                0092 :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad`:
                0094 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/COST_OPTIONS.h`
                0096 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/CTRL_OPTIONS.h`
                0098 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/CPP_OPTIONS.h`
                0100 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h`
                0102 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/CTRL_SIZE.h`
                0104 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/GAD_OPTIONS.h`
                0106 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/GMREDI_OPTIONS.h`
                0108 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/SIZE.h`
                0110 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/tamc.h`
                0112 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F`
                0114 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/ptracers_forcing_surf.F`
                0116 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/packages.conf`
                0118 The runtime flag and parameters settings are contained in :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input/`
                0119 and :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/`, together with the forcing fields and and
                0120 restart files:
                0122 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data`
                0124 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data.cost`
                0126 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data.ctrl`
                0128 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data.gmredi`
                0130 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data.grdchk`
                0132 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data.optim`
                0134 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data.pkg`
                0136 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data.ptracers`
                0138 -  :filelink:`verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/eedata`
                0140 -  ``verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input/topog.bin``
                0142 -  ``verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input/windx.bin``, ``verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/inputwindy.bin``
                0144 -  ``verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input/salt.bin``, ``verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input/theta.bin``
                0146 -  ``verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input/SSS.bin``, ``verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input/SST.bin``
                0148 Below we describe the customizations of this files which are specific to
                0149 this experiment.
                0151 File :filelink:`code_ad/COST_OPTIONS.h /<verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/COST_OPTIONS.h>`
                0152 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0154 This file contains package-specific CPP-options (see :numref:`pkg_cost_description`).
                0156 File :filelink:`code_ad/CTRL_OPTIONS.h /<verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/CTRL_OPTIONS.h>`
                0157 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0159 This file contains package-specific CPP-options (see :numref:`sec:pkg:ctrl`).
                0161 File :filelink:`code_ad/CPP_OPTIONS.h /<verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/CPP_OPTIONS.h>`
                0162 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0164 This file contains model-specific CPP options (see :numref:`customize_compilation`).
                0165 Most options are related to the forward model
                0166 setup. They are identical to the global steady circulation setup of
                0167 :filelink:`verification/global_ocean.90x40x15/`. The three options specific to
                0168 this experiment are as follows.
                0169 ``#define ALLOW_PASSIVE_TRACER`` enables the code to carry through the advection/diffusion of
                0170 a passive tracer along the model integration.
                0171 ``#define ALLOW_MIT_ADJOINT_RUN`` enables the inclusion of some AD-related fields concerning
                0172 initialization, link between control variables and forward model
                0173 variables, and the call to the top-level forward/adjoint subroutine
                0174 ``adthe_main_loop.F`` instead of :filelink:`model/src/the_main_loop.F`.
                0175 ``#define ALLOW_GRADIENT_CHECK`` enables the gradient check package. After computing the
                0176 unperturbed cost function and its gradient, a series of computations
                0177 are performed for which:
                0179   - an element of the control vector is perturbed
                0180   - the cost function w.r.t. the perturbed element is computed
                0181   - the difference between the perturbed and unperturbed
                0182     cost function is computed to compute the finite difference gradient
                0183   - the finite difference gradient is compared with the
                0184     adjoint-generated gradient.
                0186 The gradient check package is further
                0187 described in :numref:`ad_gradient_check`.
                0189 File ``ECCO_OPTIONS.h``
                0190 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0192 The CPP options of several AD-related packages are grouped in this file:
                0194 -  | Overall ECCO-related execution modus:
                0195    | These determine whether a pure forward run, a sensitivity run or an
                0196      iteration of optimization is performed. These options are not
                0197      needed in the present context.
                0199 -  | Adjoint support package: :filelink:`pkg/autodiff/`
                0200    | This package contains hand-written adjoint code such as active file
                0201      handling, flow directives for files which must not be
                0202      differentiated, and TAMC-specific header files. ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC`
                0203      defines TAMC-related features in the code. ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING`
                0204      enables the checkpointing feature of TAMC (see :numref:`sec_autodiff_storage_v_recompute`).
                0205      In the present example a 3-level checkpointing
                0206      is implemented. The code contains the relevant store directives,
                0207      common block and tape initializations, storing key computation, and
                0208      loop index handling. The checkpointing length at each level is
                0209      defined in file :filelink:`code_ad/tamc.h <verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/tamc.h>`,
                0210      see :ref:`below <tut_tracer_adjsens_tamc>`. The out and intermediate loop
                0211      directives are contained in the files
                0212      :filelink:`pkg/autodiff/checkpoint_lev3_directives.h`, :filelink:`pkg/autodiff/checkpoint_lev2_directives.h`.
                0213      ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_AUTODIFF_MONITOR` enables the monitoring of intermediate adjoint variables (see :numref:`sec_autodiff_output_adj_vars`).
                0214      ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_DIVIDED_ADJOINT` enables adjoint dump and restart (see :numref:`sec_autodiff_diva`).
                0216 -  | Cost function package: :filelink:`pkg/cost/`
                0217    | This package contains all relevant routines for initializing,
                0218      accumulating and finalizing the cost function (see :numref:`pkg_cost_description`).
                0219      ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_COST` enables all general aspects of the cost function handling, in
                0220      particular the hooks in the forward code for initializing,
                0221      accumulating and finalizing the cost function.
                0222      ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_COST_TRACER` includes the call to the cost function for this particular
                0223      experiment, eqn. :eq:`cost_tracer`.
                0225 -  | Control variable package: :filelink:`pkg/ctrl/`
                0226    | This package contains all relevant routines for the handling of the
                0227      control vector. Each control variable can be enabled/disabled with
                0228      its own flag:
                0230    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0231    | ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_THETA0_CONTROL`   | initial temperature                    |
                0232    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0233    | ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_SALT0_CONTROL`    | initial salinity                       |
                0234    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0235    | ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_TR10_CONTROL`     | initial passive tracer concentration   |
                0236    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0237    | ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_TAUU0_CONTROL`    | zonal wind stress                      |
                0238    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0239    | ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_TAUV0_CONTROL`    | meridional wind stress                 |
                0240    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0241    | ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_SFLUX0_CONTROL`   | freshwater flux                        |
                0242    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0243    | ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_HFLUX0_CONTROL`   | heat flux                              |
                0244    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0245    | ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_DIFFKR_CONTROL`   | diapycnal diffusivity                  |
                0246    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0247    | ``#undef`` :varlink:`ALLOW_KAPGM_CONTROL`     | isopycnal diffusivity                  |
                0248    +-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------------+
                0250 File :filelink:`SIZE.h <verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/SIZE.h>`
                0251 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0253 .. literalinclude:: ../../../verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/SIZE.h
                0254     :linenos:
                0255     :caption: verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/code/SIZE.h
                0257 The file contains the grid point dimensions of the forward model. It
                0258 is identical to the :filelink:`verification/exp2/`.
                0260 File :filelink:`/pkg/autodiff/adcommon.h`
                0261 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0263 This file contains common blocks of some adjoint variables that are
                0264 generated by TAMC. The common blocks are used by the adjoint support
                0265 routine :filelink:`/pkg/autodiff/addummy_in_stepping.F` which needs to access those variables:
                0267 +-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
                0268 | common /\ :varlink:`addynvars_r`\ /       | is related to :filelink:`model/inc/DYNVARS.h`   |
                0269 +-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
                0270 | common /\ :varlink:`addynvars_cd`\ /      | is related to :filelink:`model/inc/DYNVARS.h`   |
                0271 +-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
                0272 | common /\ :varlink:`addynvars_diffkr`\ /  | is related to :filelink:`model/inc/DYNVARS.h`   |
                0273 +-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
                0274 | common /\ :varlink:`addynvars_kapgm`\ /   | is related to :filelink:`model/inc/DYNVARS.h`   |
                0275 +-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
                0276 | common /\ :varlink:`adtr1_r`\ /           | is related to ``TR1.h``                         |
                0277 +-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
                0278 | common /\ :varlink:`adffields`\ /         | is related to  :filelink:`model/inc/FFIELDS.h`  |
                0279 +-------------------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+
                0281 Note that if the structure of the common block changes in the above
                0282 header files of the forward code, the structure of the adjoint common
                0283 blocks will change accordingly. Thus, one must make sure that the
                0284 structure of the adjoint common block in the hand-written file
                0285 :filelink:`/pkg/autodiff/adcommon.h` complies with the automatically generated adjoint common
                0286 blocks in ``adjoint_model.F``. The header file is enabled via the
                0287 CPP-option :varlink:`ALLOW_AUTODIFF_MONITOR`.
                0289 .. _tut_tracer_adjsens_tamc:
                0291 File :filelink:`code_ad/tamc.h <verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_ad/tamc.h>`
                0292 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0294 This routine contains the dimensions for TAMC checkpointing and some
                0295 indices relevant for storing ky computations.
                0297 -  | ``#ifdef`` :varlink:`ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING`
                0298    | 3-level checkpointing is enabled, i.e., the timestepping is divided
                0299      into three different levels (see :numref:`sec_autodiff_storage_v_recompute`). The
                0300      model state of the outermost (:varlink:`nchklev_3`) and the intermediate
                0301      (:varlink:`nchklev_2`) timestepping loop are stored to file (handled in
                0302      :filelink:`model/src/the_main_loop.F`). The innermost loop (:varlink:`nchklev_1`) avoids I/O by
                0303      storing all required variables to common blocks. This storing may
                0304      also be necessary if no checkpointing is chosen (nonlinear
                0305      functions, if-statements, iterative loops, ...). In the present
                0306      example the dimensions are chosen as follows:
                0308      ::
                0310         nchklev_1 = 36
                0311         nchklev_2 = 30
                0312         nchklev_3 = 60
                0314    | To guarantee that the checkpointing intervals span the entire
                0315      integration period the following relation must be satisfied:
                0317    | :varlink:`nchklev_1` * :varlink:`nchklev_2` * :varlink:`nchklev_3` :math:`\ge` :varlink:`nTimeSteps`
                0319    | where :varlink:`nTimeSteps` is either specified in :filelink:`input_ad/data <verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/input_ad/data>`
                0320      or computed via:
                0322    | :varlink:`nTimeSteps` = (:varlink:`endTime` - :varlink:`startTime` )/ :varlink:`deltaTClock`.
                0324 -  |  ``#undef`` :varlink:`ALLOW_TAMC_CHECKPOINTING`
                0325    |  No checkpointing is enabled. In this case the relevant counter is
                0326      :varlink:`nchklev_0`. Similar to above, the following relation has to be
                0327      satisfied:
                0329    | :varlink:`nchklev_0` :math:`\ge` :varlink:`nTimeSteps`
                0331 The following parameters may be worth describing: :varlink:`isbyte`, :varlink:`maxpass`.
                0333 File ``makefile``
                0334 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0336 This file contains all relevant parameter flags and lists to run TAMC or
                0337 TAF. It is assumed that TAMC is available to you, either locally, being
                0338 installed on your network, or remotely through the ’TAMC Utility’. TAMC
                0339 is called with the command ``tamc`` followed by a number of options. They
                0340 are described in detail in the TAMC manual (Giering 1999 :cite:`giering:99`).
                0341 Here we briefly discuss the main flags used in the ``makefile``. The
                0342 standard output for TAF is written to file ``taf.log``.
                0344 TAMC:
                0346   ::
                0348       -input «variable names» -output «variable name» -i4 -r4 ...
                0349       -toplevel «S/R name» -reverse «file names»
                0351 TAF:
                0353   ::
                0355      -input «variable names» -output «variable name» -i4 -r4 ...
                0356      -toplevel «S/R name» -reverse «file names»
                0357      -flow taf_flow.log -nonew_arg
                0359 -  ``-toplevel «S/R name»``
                0361    Name of the toplevel routine, with respect to which the control
                0362    flow analysis is performed.
                0364 -  ``input «variable names»``
                0366    List of independent variables :math:`u` with respect to which the
                0367    dependent variable :math:`J` is differentiated.
                0369 -  ``-output «variable name»``
                0371    Dependent variable :math:`J` which is to be differentiated.
                0373 -  ``-reverse «file names»``
                0375    Adjoint code is generated to compute the sensitivity of an
                0376    independent variable w.r.t. many dependent variables. In the
                0377    discussion of :numref:`chap_autodiff` the generated adjoint top-level routine
                0378    computes the product of the transposed Jacobian matrix
                0379    :math:`M^T` times the gradient vector :math:`\nabla_v J`.
                0380    «file names» refers to the list of files ``.f`` which are to be analyzed by TAMC.
                0381    This list is generally smaller than the full list of code to be
                0382    compiled. The files not contained are either above the top-level
                0383    routine (some initializations), or are deliberately hidden from
                0384    TAMC, either because hand-written adjoint routines exist, or the
                0385    routines must not (or don’t have to) be differentiated. For each
                0386    routine which is part of the flow tree of the top-level routine,
                0387    but deliberately hidden from TAMC (or for each package which
                0388    contains such routines), a corresponding file ``.flow`` exists
                0389    containing flow directives for TAMC.
                0391 -  ``-i4 -r4``
                0394 -  ``-flow taf_flow.log``
                0396    Will cause TAF to produce a flow listing file named ``taf_flow.log``
                0397    in which the set of active and passive variables are identified for
                0398    each subroutine.
                0400 - ``-nonew_arg``
                0402   The default in the order of the parameter list of adjoint routines
                0403   has changed. Before TAF 1.3 the default was compatible with the
                0404   TAMC-generated list. As of TAF 1.3 the order of adjoint routine
                0405   parameter lists is no longer compatible with TAMC. To restore
                0406   compatibility when using TAF 1.3 and higher, this argument is
                0407   needed. It is currently crucial to use since all hand-written
                0408   adjoint routines refer to the TAMC default.
                0410 File ``input/topog.bin``
                0411 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                0413 Contains 2-D bathymetry information.
                0415 Files ``input/windx.bin``, ``input/windy.bin``, ``input/salt.bin``, ``input/theta.bin``, ``input/SSS.bin``, ``input/SST.bin``
                0416 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                0418 These contain the initial values of salnity and potential temperature (``salt.bin``, ``theta.bin``), surface boundary values (surface wind stresses
                0419 ``windx.bin``, ``windy.bin``), and surface restoring fields (``SSS.bin``, ``SST.bin``).
                0421 Compiling the model and its adjoint
                0422 -----------------------------------
                0424 The build process of the adjoint model is slightly more complex than
                0425 that of compiling the forward code. The main reason is that the adjoint
                0426 code generation requires a specific list of routines that are to be
                0427 differentiated (as opposed to the automatic generation of a list of
                0428 files to be compiled by :filelink:`genmake2 <tools/genmake2>`). This list excludes routines that don’t
                0429 have to be or must not be differentiated. For some of the latter
                0430 routines flow directives may be necessary, a list of which has to be
                0431 given as well. For this reason, a separate ``makefile`` is currently
                0432 maintained in the directory adjoint/. This makefile is responsible for
                0433 the adjoint code generation.
                0435 In the following we describe the build process step by step, assuming
                0436 you are in the directory bin/. A summary of steps to follow is given at
                0437 the end.
                0439 Adjoint code generation and compilation – step by step
                0440 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                0442 1. | ``ln -s ../verification/???/code/.genmakerc .``
                0443    | ``ln -s ../verification/???/code/*.[Fh] .``
                0444    | Link your customized genmake options, header files, and modified
                0445      code to the compile directory.
                0447 2. | ``../tools/genmake -makefile``
                0448    | Generate your Makefile (see :numref:`genmake2_desc`).
                0450 3. | ``make depend``
                0451    | Dependency analysis for the CPP pre-compiler (see :numref:`building_quickstart`).
                0453 4. | ``cd ../adjoint``
                0454    | ``make adtaf`` or ``make adtamc``
                0455    | Depending on whether you have TAF or TAMC at your disposal, you’ll
                0456      choose adtaf or adtamc as your make target for the ``makefile`` in
                0457      the directory adjoint/. Several things happen at this stage.
                0459   -  | ``make adrestore``
                0460      | ``make ftlrestore``
                0461      | The initial template files ``adjoint_model.F`` and
                0462        ``tangentlinear_model.F`` in :filelink:`pkg/autodiff` which are part of the
                0463        compiling list created by :filelink:`genmake2 <tools/genmake2>` are restored.
                0465   -  | ``make depend, make small_f``
                0466      | The bin/ directory is brought up to date, i.e., for recent
                0467        changes in header or source code ``.[Fh]``, corresponding ``.f``
                0468        routines are generated or re-generated. Note that here, only CPP
                0469        pre-compiling is performed; no object code ``.o`` is generated as
                0470        yet. Pre-compiling is necessary for TAMC to see the full code.
                0472   -  | ``make allcode``
                0473      | All Fortran routines .f in bin/ are concatenated into a single
                0474        file called ``tamc_code.f``.
                0476   -  | ``make admodeltaf/admodeltamc``
                0477      | Adjoint code is generated by TAMC or TAF. The adjoint code is
                0478        written to the file ``tamc_code_ad.f``. It contains all adjoint
                0479        routines of the forward routines concatenated in ``tamc_code.f``.
                0480        For a given forward routine subroutine routinename the adjoint
                0481        routine is named adsubroutine routinename by default (that
                0482        default can be changed via the flag ``-admark «markname»``).
                0483        Furthermore, it may contain modified code which incorporates the
                0484        translation of adjoint store directives into specific Fortran
                0485        code. For a given forward routines subroutine routinename the
                0486        modified routine is named mdsubroutine routinename. TAMC or TAF
                0487        info is written to file ``tamc_code.prot`` or ``taf.log``,
                0488        respectively.
                0490   -  | ``make adchange``
                0491      | The multi-threading capability of MITgcm requires a slight
                0492        change in the parameter list of some routines that are related
                0493        to to active file handling. This post-processing invokes the sed
                0494        script :filelink:`tools/adjoint_sed` to insert the threading counter
                0495        :varlink:`myThId` into the parameter list of those subroutines. The
                0496        resulting code is written to file ``tamc_code_sed_ad.f`` and
                0497        appended to the file ``adjoint_model.F``. This concludes the
                0498        adjoint code generation.
                0500 5. | ``cd ../bin``
                0501    | ``make``
                0502    | The file ``adjoint_model.F`` cnow contains the full adjoint code. All
                0503      routines are now compiled.
                0505 N.B.: The targets ``make adtaf/adtamc`` now comprise a series of targets
                0506 that in previous versions had to be invoked separately. This was
                0507 probably preferable at a more experimental stage, but has now been
                0508 dropped in favor of a more straightforward build process.
                0510 Adjoint code generation and compilation – summary
                0511 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                0513 ::
                0515       cd bin
                0516       ln -s ../verification/my_experiment/code/.genmakerc .
                0517       ln -s ../verification/my_experiment/code/*.[Fh] .
                0518       ../tools/genmake -makefile
                0519       make depend
                0520       cd ../adjoint
                0521       make adtaf <OR: make adtamc>
                0522            contains the targets:
                0523            adrestore small_f allcode admodeltaf/admodeltamc adchange
                0524       cd ../bin
08815fc806 Jeff*0525       make