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1c8cebb321 Jeff*0001 .. _sec_global_oce_optim:
d67096e55c Jeff*0003 Global Ocean State Estimation
0004 =============================
0006 (in directory: :filelink:`verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/`)
0008 Overview
0009 --------
0011 This experiment illustrates the optimization capacity of the MITgcm:
0012 here, a high level description.
0014 In this tutorial, a very simple case is used to illustrate the
0015 optimization capacity of the MITgcm. Using an ocean configuration with
0016 realistic geography and bathymetry on a :math:`4\times4^\circ` spherical
0017 polar grid, we estimate a time-independent surface heat flux adjustment
0018 :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}` that attempts to bring the model climatology
0019 into consistency with observations (Levitus and Boyer (1994a,b)
0020 :cite:`levitus:94a,levitus:94b`).
0022 This adjustment :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}` (a 2-D field only function of
0023 longitude and latitude) is the control variable of an optimization
0024 problem. It is inferred by an iterative procedure using an ‘adjoint
0025 technique’ and a least-squares method (see, for example,
0026 Stammer et al. (2002) :cite:`stammer:02` and Ferriera et a. (2005) :cite:`ferriera:05`.
0028 The ocean model is run forward in time and the quality of the solution
0029 is determined by a cost function, :math:`J_1`, a measure of the
0030 departure of the model climatology from observations:
0032 .. math::
0033 J_1=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \left[ \frac{\overline{T}_i-\overline{T}_i^{lev}}{\sigma_i^T}\right]^2
0034 :label: cost-temp
0036 where :math:`\overline{T}_i` and :math:`\overline{T}_i^{lev}` are,
0037 respectively, the model and observed potential temperature at each grid
0038 point :math:`i`. The differences are weighted by an *a priori*
0039 uncertainty :math:`\sigma_i^T` on observations (as provided by
0040 Levitus and Boyer (1994a)
0041 :cite:`levitus:94a`). The error :math:`\sigma_i^T` is only a
0042 function of depth and varies from 0.5 K at the surface to 0.05K at the
0043 bottom of the ocean, mainly reflecting the decreasing temperature
0044 variance with depth (see :numref:`tut_global_optim_errors`\ a). A value of :math:`J_1` of order 1
0045 means that the model is, on average, within observational uncertainties.
0047 .. figure:: figs/Error.png
0048 :width: 80%
0049 :align: center
0050 :alt: A priori errors on potential temperature and surface hf
0051 :name: tut_global_optim_errors
0053 *A priori* errors on potential temperature (left, in :sup:`o`\ C) and surface heat flux
0054 (right, in Wm\ :sup:`-2`) used to compute the cost terms :math:`J_1` and :math:`J_2`, respectively.
0056 The cost function also places constraints on the adjustment to insure it
0057 is “reasonable”, i.e., of order of the uncertainties on the observed
0058 surface heat flux:
0060 .. math:: J_2 = \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N \left[\frac{Q_\mathrm{netm}}{\sigma^Q_i} \right]^2
0062 where :math:`\sigma^Q_i` are the *a priori* errors on the observed heat
0063 flux as estimated by Stammer et al. (2002) :cite:`stammer:02` from 30% of local
0064 root-mean-square variability of the NCEP forcing field (see :numref:`tut_global_optim_errors`\ b).
0066 The total cost function is defined as
0067 :math:`J=\lambda_1 J_1+ \lambda_2 J_2` where :math:`\lambda_1` and
0068 :math:`\lambda_2` are weights controlling the relative contribution of
0069 the two components. The adjoint model then yields the sensitivities
0070 :math:`\partial J/\partial Q_\mathrm{netm}` of :math:`J` relative to the
0071 2-D fields :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}`. Using a line-searching algorithm
0072 (Gilbert and Lemarchal 1989 :cite:`gil-lem:89`), :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}` is adjusted
0073 then in the sense to reduce :math:`J` — the procedure is repeated until
0074 convergence.
0076 :numref:`tut_global_optim_tutfig` shows the results of such an optimization. The model is
0077 started from rest and from January-mean temperature and salinity initial
0078 conditions taken from the Levitus dataset. The experiment is run a year
0079 and the averaged temperature over the whole run (i.e., annual mean) is
0080 used in the cost function :eq:`cost-temp` to evaluate the model [1]_.
0081 Only the top 2 levels are used. The first guess :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}`
0082 is chosen to be zero. The weights :math:`\lambda_1` and
0083 :math:`\lambda_2` are set to 1 and 2, respectively. The total cost
0084 function converges after 15 iterations, decreasing from 6.1 to 2.7 (the
0085 temperature contribution decreases from 6.1 to 1.8 while the heat flux
0086 one increases from 0 to 0.42). The right panels of :numref:`tut_global_optim_tutfig`
0087 illustrate the evolution of the temperature error at the surface from
0088 iteration 0 to iteration 15. Unsurprisingly, the largest errors at
0089 iteration 0 (up to 6 :sup:`o`\ C, top left panels) are found in
0090 the Western boundary currents. After optimization, the departure of the
0091 model temperature from observations is reduced to 1 :sup:`o`\ C
0092 or less almost everywhere except in the Pacific equatorial cold tongue.
0093 Comparison of the initial temperature error (top, right) and heat flux
0094 adjustment (bottom, left) shows that the system basically increased the
0095 heat flux out of the ocean where temperatures were too warm and
0096 vice-versa. Obviously, heat flux uncertainties are not solely
0097 responsible for temperature errors, and the heat flux adjustment partly
0098 compensates the poor representation of narrow currents (Western boundary
0099 currents, equatorial currents) at :math:`4\times4^\circ` resolution.
0100 This is allowed by the large *a priori* error on the heat flux :numref:`tut_global_optim_errors`.
0101 The Pacific cold tongue is a counter example: there, heat
0102 fluxes uncertainties are fairly small (about 20W m\ :sup:`-2`), and a
0103 large temperature errors remains after optimization.
0105 .. figure:: figs/Tutorial_fig.png
0106 :width: 100%
0107 :align: center
0108 :alt: Surface HF and Temp Iter 0 v 15
0109 :name: tut_global_optim_tutfig
0111 Initial annual mean surface heat flux (top right in W m\ :sup:`-2`) and adjustment obtained at iteration 15 (bottom right).
0112 Averaged difference between model and observed potential temperatures at the surface (in :math:`^\circ`\ C)
0113 before optimization (iteration 0, top right) and after optimization (iteration 15, bottom right).
0114 Contour intervals for heat flux and temperature are 25W m\ :sup:`-2` and 1 :sup:`o`\ C, respectively. A positive flux is out of the ocean.
0116 Implementation of the control variable and the cost function
0117 ------------------------------------------------------------
0119 One of the goals of this tutorial is to illustrate how to implement a new
0120 control variable. Most of this is fairly generic and is done in :filelink:`pkg/ctrl`
0121 and :filelink:`pkg/cost`. The modifications can be
0122 tracked by the CPP option :varlink:`ALLOW_HFLUXM_CONTROL` or the comment
0123 ``cHFLUXM_CONTROL``. The more specific modifications required for the
0124 experiment are found in
0125 :filelink:`verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad`. Here follows a brief
0126 description of the implementation.
0128 The control variable
0129 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0131 The adjustment :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}` is activated by setting ``#define``
0132 :varlink:`ALLOW_HFLUXM_CONTROL` in :filelink:`code_ad/CTRL_OPTIONS.h <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad//CTRL_OPTIONS.h>`.
0134 It is first implemented as a “normal” forcing variable. It is defined in
0135 :filelink:`model/inc/FFIELDS.h`, initialized to zero in :filelink:`model/src/ini_forcing.F`, and then used in
0136 :filelink:`model/src/external_forcing_surf.F`. :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}` is made a control
0137 variable in :filelink:`pkg/ctrl` by modifying the following subroutines:
0139 - :filelink:`pkg/ctrl/ctrl_init.F` where :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}` is defined as the control
0140 variable number 24,
0142 - :filelink:`pkg/ctrl/ctrl_pack.F` which writes, at the end of each iteration, the
0143 sensitivity of the cost function
0144 :math:`\partial J/\partial Q_\mathrm{netm}` in to a file to be used
0145 by the line-search algorithm,
0147 - :filelink:`pkg/ctrl/ctrl_unpack.F` which reads, at the start of each iteration, the
0148 updated adjustment as provided by the line-search algorithm,
0150 - :filelink:`pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_forcing.F` in which the updated adjustment is added to the
0151 first guess :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}`.
0153 Cost functions
0154 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0156 The cost functions are implemented using :filelink:`pkg/cost`.
0158 - The temperature cost function :math:`J_1` which measures the drift of
0159 the mean model temperature from the Levitus climatology is
0160 implemented in :filelink:`/verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/cost_temp.F`.
0161 It is activated by ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_COST_TEMP` in
0162 :filelink:`code_ad/COST_OPTIONS.h <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad//COST_OPTIONS.h>`.
0163 It requires the mean temperature of the model which
0164 is obtained by accumulating the temperature in :filelink:`pkg/cost/cost_tile.F` (called
0165 at each time step). The value of the cost function is stored in
0166 :varlink:`objf_temp` and its weight :math:`\lambda_1` in :varlink:`mult_temp`.
0168 - The heat flux cost function, penalizing the departure of the surface
0169 heat flux from observations is implemented in :filelink:`/verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/cost_hflux.F`, and
0170 activated by ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_COST_HFLUXM` in
0171 :filelink:`code_ad/COST_OPTIONS.h <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad//COST_OPTIONS.h>`. The
0172 value of the cost function is stored in :varlink:`objf_hfluxm` and its weight
0173 :math:`\lambda_2` in :varlink:`mult_hflux`.
0175 - The subroutine :filelink:`pkg/cost/cost_final.F` calls the cost function subroutines
0176 and makes the (weighted) sum of the various contributions.
0178 - The various weights used in the cost functions are read in
0179 :filelink:`/verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/cost_weights.F`. The weight of the cost functions are read in
0180 :filelink:`pkg/cost/cost_readparms.F` from the input file :filelink:`verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.cost`.
0182 Code Configuration
0183 ------------------
0185 The experiment files in :filelink:`verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/`
0186 and :filelink:`verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/` contain the code customizations and parameter
0187 settings. Most of them are identical to those used in the Global Ocean (
0188 experiment :filelink:`verification/tutorial_global_oce_latlon/`). Below, we describe some of
0189 the customizations required for this experiment.
0191 Compilation-time customizations in :filelink:`code_ad <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/>`
0192 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0194 In :filelink:`code_ad/CTRL_OPTIONS.h <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad//CTRL_OPTIONS.h>`:
0196 - ``#define`` :varlink:`ALLOW_ECCO_OPTIMIZATION`
0198 .. _tut_global_oce_runsect:
0200 Running-time customizations in :filelink:`input_ad <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/>`
0201 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0203 - :filelink:`input_ad/data <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data>`: note the smaller :varlink:`cg2dTargetResidual` than in the
0204 forward-only experiment,
0206 - :filelink:`input_ad/data.optim <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.optim>` specifies the iteration number,
0208 - :filelink:`input_ad/data.ctrl <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.ctrl>` is used, in particular, to specify the name of the
0209 sensitivity and adjustment files associated to a control variable,
0211 - :filelink:`input_ad/data.cost <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.cost>`: parameters of the cost functions, in particular
0212 :varlink:`lastinterval` specifies the length of time-averaging for the model
0213 temperature to be used in the cost function :eq:`cost-temp`,
0215 - :filelink:`input_ad/data.pkg <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.pkg>`: note that the Gradient Check package is turned on by
0216 default (:varlink:`useGrdchk` ``=.TRUE.``),
0218 - ``Err_hflux.bin`` and ``Err_levitus_15layer.bin`` are the files
0219 containing the heat flux and potential temperature uncertainties,
0220 respectively.
0222 Compiling
0223 ---------
0225 The optimization experiment requires two executables: 1) the MITgcm and
0226 its adjoint (``mitgcmuv_ad``) and 2) the line-search algorithm
0227 (``optim.x``).
0229 Compilation of MITgcm and its adjoint: ``mitcgmuv_ad``
0230 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0232 Before compiling, first note that in the directory :filelink:`code_ad <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/>`, two files
0233 must be updated:
0235 - :filelink:`code_ad/code_ad_diff.list <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/code_ad_diff.list>` which lists new subroutines to be compiled by the
0236 TAF software (:filelink:`code_ad/cost_temp.F <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/cost_temp.F>`
0237 and :filelink:`code_ad/cost_hflux.F <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/cost_hflux.F>`),
0239 - the file :filelink:`code_ad/ad_optfile.local <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_ad/ad_optfile.local>` provides a list of the control
0240 variables and the name of cost function to the TAF software.
0242 Then, in the directory :filelink:`build <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/build/>`, type:
0244 ::
0246 % ../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code_ad -adof=../code_ad/ad_optfile.local
0247 % make depend
0248 % make adall
0250 to generate the MITgcm executable ``mitgcmuv_ad``.
0252 Compilation of the line-search algorithm: ``optim.x``
0253 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
0255 This is done from the directories :filelink:`lsopt/` and :filelink:`optim/` (found in the top MITgcm directory). In
0256 :filelink:`lsopt/`, unzip the ``blash1`` library adapted to your platform (see :filelink:`lsopt/README`), and change
0257 the ``Makefile`` accordingly. Compile with:
0259 ::
0261 % make all
0263 (more details in :filelink:`lsopt/lsopt_doc.txt`)
0265 In :filelink:`optim/`, the path of the directory where ``mitgcm_ad`` was compiled
0266 must be specified in the ``Makefile`` in the variable :varlink:`INCLUDEDIRS`. The file
0267 name of the control variable (here, :varlink:`xx_hfluxm_file`) must be added to
0268 the namelist read by :filelink:`optim/optim_numbmod.F`. Then use
0270 ::
0272 % make depend
0274 and
0276 ::
0278 % make
0280 to generate the line-search executable ``optim.x``.
0282 Running the estimation
0283 ----------------------
0285 Make a new subdirectory ``input_ad/OPTIM``.
0286 Copy the ``mitgcmuv_ad`` executable to :filelink:`input_ad <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/>`
0287 and ``optim.x`` to this subdirectory.
0288 ``cd`` into :filelink:`input_ad/<verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/>`. The first iteration
0289 is somewhat particular and is best done “by hand” while the following
0290 iterations can be run automatically (see below). Check that the
0291 iteration number is set to 0 in :filelink:`input_ad/data.optim <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.optim>` and run MITgcm:
0293 ::
0295 % ./mitgcmuv_ad
0297 The output files ``adxx_hfluxm.0000000000.*`` and ``xx_hfluxm.0000000000.*``
0298 contain the sensitivity of the cost function to :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}`
0299 and the adjustment to :math:`Q_\mathrm{netm}` (zero at the first
0300 iteration), respectively. Two other files called
0301 ``costhflux_tut_MITgcm.opt0000`` and ``ctrlhflux_tut_MITgcm.opt0000`` are
0302 also generated. They essentially contain the same information as the
0303 ``adxx_.hfluxm*`` and ``xx_hfluxm*`` files, but in a compressed format.
0304 These two files are the only ones involved in the communication between
0305 the adjoint model ``mitgcmuv_ad`` and the line-search algorithm
0306 ``optim.x``. Only at the first iteration, are they both generated by
0307 ``mitgcmuv_ad``. Subsequently, ``costhflux_tut_MITgcm.opt`` :math:`n` is
0308 an output of the adjoint model at iteration :math:`n` and an input of
0309 the line-search. The latter returns an updated adjustment in
0310 ``ctrlhflux_tut_MITgcm.opt`` :math:`n+1` to be used as an input of the
0311 adjoint model at iteration :math:`n+1`.
0313 At the first iteration, move ``costhflux_tut_MITgcm.opt0000`` and
0314 ``ctrlhflux_tut_MITgcm.opt0000`` to ``input_ad/OPTIM``,
0315 move into this directory and link :filelink:`input_ad/data.optim <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.optim>`
0316 and :filelink:`input_ad/data.ctrl <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.ctrl>` locally:
0318 ::
0320 % cd OPTIM/
0321 % ln -s ../data.optim .
0322 % ln -s ../data.ctrl .
0324 The target cost function :varlink:`fmin` needs to be specified
0325 in :filelink:`input_ad/data.optim <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.optim>`: as a rule of
0326 thumb, it should be about 0.95-0.90 times the value of the cost function
0327 at the first iteration. This value is only used at the first iteration
0328 and does not need to be updated afterward. However, it implicitly
0329 specifies the “pace” at which the cost function is going down (if you
0330 are lucky and it does indeed diminish!).
0332 Once this is done, run the line-search algorithm:
0334 ::
0336 % ./optim.x
0338 which computes the updated adjustment for iteration 1,
0339 ``ctrlhflux_tut_MITgcm.opt0001``.
0341 The following iterations can be executed automatically using the shell
0342 script :filelink:`input_ad/cycsh <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/cycsh>`. This script will take care of
0343 changing the iteration numbers in :filelink:`input_ad/data.optim <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/data.optim>`, launch the adjoint
0344 model, clean and store the outputs, move the ``costhflux*`` and ``ctrlhflux*``
0345 files, and run the line-search algorithm. Edit :filelink:`input_ad/cycsh <verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/input_ad/cycsh>` to specify the
0346 prefix of the directories used to store the outputs and the maximum
0347 number of iteration.
0349 .. [1]
0350 Because of the daily automatic testing, the experiment as found in
0351 the repository is set-up with a very small number of time-steps. To
0352 reproduce the results shown here, one needs to set :varlink:`nTimeSteps` = 360
0353 and :varlink:`lastinterval` =31104000 (both corresponding to a year, see :numref:`tut_global_oce_runsect` for further details).