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view on githubraw file Latest commit a99d7059 on 2022-03-25 19:27:01 UTC
a99d705983 Jean*0001 Atmosphere-Ocean coupled set-up example "cpl_aim+ocn"
                0002 ================================================================================
                0003 using simplified atmospheric physics (AIM), in realistic configuration (orography
                0004 & continent) with land and seaice component, on cubed-sphere (cs-32) grid.
                0006 ### Overview:
                0007 Uses "in-house" MITgcm coupler<br>
                0008 (pkg/atm_ocn_coupler, pkg/compon_communic, pkg/atm_compon_interf, pkg/ocn_compon_interf )<br>
                0009 with each component config and customized src code in: code_cpl, code_atm, code_ocn ;<br>
                0010 and input parameter files in: input_cpl, input_atm, input_ocn.
                0012 - Atmos set-up and parameter is similar to "aim_5l_cs/" experiment
                0013 - Ocean set-up and parameter is similar to "global_ocean.cs32x15/" experiment
                0015 Requires the use of MPI; as default, use 1 proc for each component.
                0017 ### Instructions:
                0018 To clean everything:
                0019 ```
                0020   ../../tools/run_cpl_test 0
                0021 ```
                0023 Configure and compile, e.g., using gfortran optfile:
                0024 ```
                0025   ../../tools/run_cpl_test 1 -of ../../tools/build_options/linux_amd64_gfortran
                0026 ```
                0028 To run primary setup, thermodynamic seaice only (no seaice dynamics):
                0029 ```
                0030   ../../tools/run_cpl_test 2
                0031   ../../tools/run_cpl_test 3
                0032 ```
                0033 Step 2 above copies input files and directories, step 3 runs the coupled model.
                0035 To run secondary test (with seaice dynamics as part of ocean component), using input parameter files in: input_cpl.icedyn, input_atm.icedyn, input_ocn.icedyn:
                0036 ```
                0037   ../../tools/run_cpl_test 2 icedyn
                0038   ../../tools/run_cpl_test 3
                0039 ```
                0041 Results are written in rank_{0,1,2} dir, for coupler, ocean and atmos comp. respectively
                0043 There is comparison output corresponding to primary set-up in the directory:<br>
                0044  *results/atmSTDOUT.0000* & *results/ocnSTDOUT.0000*<br>
                0045 and for secondary test, in the same directory:<br>
                0046  *results/atmSTDOUT.icedyn* & *results/ocnSTDOUT.icedyn*
                0048 Note:<br>
                0049 To check the results, monitor output could be compared to reference (in results/) using "run_cpl_test", step 4.<br>
                0050 For primary set-up:
                0051 ```
                0052   ../../tools/run_cpl_test 4
                0053 ```
                0054 and for secondary test:
                0055 ```
                0056   ../../tools/run_cpl_test 4 icedyn
                0057 ```
                0058 but this requires, in your path, a simple comparison script "comp_res"
                0059 (which is not provided here but could be found in:
                0060 ), along with some other files found in this archive.