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view on githubraw file Latest commit 95edcfd9 on 2024-06-18 17:05:14 UTC
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0001 import sys
                0002 import re
                0003 import glob
                0004 import numpy as np
2436bf20b6 Oliv*0005 from operator import mul
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0006 
                0007 debug = False
                0009 ################################################################################
                0010 # metafile parsing
                0012 # for python2.5
                0013 try: next
                0014 except NameError:
                0015     def next ( obj ): return
                0017 _currentline = ''
                0019 class ParseError(ValueError):
                0020     def __str__(self):
                0021         metafile = self.args[0]
                0022         lines = self.args[1:]
                0023         try:
                0024             name =
                0025         except AttributeError:
                0026             name = metafile
                0028         return '\n'.join(('in metafile: '+name,)
                0029                          + lines
                0030                          + ('in: ' + _currentline,))
                0033 # these deal with comments in the metafile
                0035 _comment_pattern = re.compile(
                0036         r'//.*?$|/\*.*?\*/|\'(?:\\.|[^\\\'])*\'|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"',
                0037         re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
                0038     )
                0040 def _comment_replacer(match):
                0041     s =
                0042     if s.startswith('/'):
                0043         return ""
                0044     else:
                0045         return s
                0047 def strip_comments(text):
                0048     """ strips C and C++ style comments from text """
                0049     return re.sub(_comment_pattern, _comment_replacer, text)
                0052 _string_pattern = re.compile(r"'(.*)'$")
7621b5d564 Oliv*0054 def _parse1(s):
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0055     """ convert one item to appropriate type """
                0056     m = _string_pattern.match(s)
                0057     if m:
                0058         s =
                0059         # unquote quotes
                0060         s = re.sub(r"''","'",s)
                0061         return s
                0063     if '.' in s or 'e' in s.lower():
                0064         return float(s)
                0065     else:
                0066         try:
                0067             return int(s)
                0068         except ValueError:
                0069             raise ParseError("Cannot parse value: " + s)
                0072 _closing = {'[':']',
                0073             '{':'}',
                0074            }
                0076 def parsemeta(metafile):
                0077     """ parses metafile (file object or filename) into a dictionary of lists
                0078         of floats, ints or strings
                0079     """
                0080     global _currentline
                0082     try:
                0083         lines = open(metafile)
                0084     except TypeError:
                0085         lines = iter(metafile)
                0087     d = {}
                0088     for line in lines:
                0089         line = strip_comments(line)
                0090         # skip empty lines
                0091         if re.match(r'\s*$', line):
                0092             continue
                0094         m = re.match(r' *(\w*) *= *(.*?) *$', line)
                0095         if m:
                0096             key,line = m.groups()
                0097         else:
                0098             raise ParseError(metafile,line)
                0100         # look for the opening delimiter ('[' or '{')
                0101         opening = line[0]
                0102         try:
                0103             closing = _closing[opening]
                0104         except KeyError:
                0105             raise ParseError(metafile,line,'Values must be enclosed in [] or {}.')
                0107         # read more lines until a matching closing delimiter is found
                0108         while closing not in line:
                0109             try:
                0110                 nextline = next(lines)
                0111             except StopIteration:
                0112                 raise ParseError(metafile,line,'No closing ' + closing + ' found.')
                0114             line += ' ' + strip_comments(nextline).rstrip()
                0116         if line[-2:] != closing + ';':
                0117             raise ParseError(metafile,line,
                0118                              'Values must be enclosed in "[ ];" or "{ };".')
                0120         # remove delimiters
                0121         line = line[1:-2].strip(" ,")
                0122         _currentline = line
                0124         if opening == '[':
                0125             # [] can contain any type of values, separated by commas
7621b5d564 Oliv*0126             val = [ _parse1(s) for s in re.split(r'[, ] *',line) ]
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0127         else:
                0128             # {} can only contain single quote-delimited strings separated by space
                0129             val = [ s.rstrip() for s in re.split(r"'  *'", line.strip("'")) ]
                0131         d[key] = val
                0133     return d
                0135 ################################################################################
                0137 def message(*args):
d9f2883c13 Oliv*0138     sys.stdout.write(' '.join([str(s) for s in args]) + '\n')
                0141 def warning(*args):
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0142     sys.stderr.write(' '.join([str(s) for s in args]) + '\n')
7621b5d564 Oliv*0145 def _aslist(i):
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0146     """ if iterable, turn into list, otherwise put into list """
                0147     try:
                0148         res = list(i)
                0149     except TypeError:
                0150         res = [i]
                0151     return res
                0154 def fromfileshape(filename,dtype,shape=None,**kwargs):
                0155     return np.fromfile(filename, dtype, **kwargs).reshape(shape)
                0158 def scanforfiles(fname):
                0159     """ return list of iteration numbers for which metafiles with base fname exist """
                0160     import glob
                0161     allfiles = glob.glob(fname + '.' + 10*'[0-9]' + '.001.001.meta')
                0162     if len(allfiles) == 0:
                0163         allfiles = glob.glob(fname + '.' + 10*'[0-9]' + '.meta')
                0164         off = -5
                0165     else:
                0166         off = -13
                0168     itrs = [ int(s[off-10:off]) for s in allfiles ]
                0169     itrs.sort()
                0170     return itrs
                0173 def readmeta(f):
                0174     """ read meta file and extract tile/timestep-specific parameters """
                0175     meta = parsemeta(f)
                0176     dimList = meta.pop('dimList')
                0177     # pythonize
                0178     gdims = tuple(dimList[-3::-3])
                0179     i0s   = [ i-1 for i in dimList[-2::-3] ]
                0180     ies   = dimList[-1::-3]
                0181     # remove file-specific parameters
                0182     timeInterval = meta.pop('timeInterval', None)
                0183     timeStepNumber = meta.pop('timeStepNumber', None)
                0184     map2gl = meta.pop('map2glob', None)
                0185     # put back only global dimensions
                0186     meta['dimList'] = list(gdims[::-1])
                0187     return gdims,i0s,ies,timeStepNumber,timeInterval,map2gl,meta
                0190 _typeprefixes = {'ieee-be':'>',
                0191                  'b'      :'>',
                0192                  '>'      :'>',
                0193                  'ieee-le':'<',
                0194                  'l'      :'<',
                0195                  '<'      :'<',
                0196                 }
                0197 _typesuffixes = {'float32':'f4',
                0198                  'float64':'f8',
                0199                 }
                0201 def rdmds(fnamearg,itrs=-1,machineformat='b',rec=None,fill_value=0,
                0202           returnmeta=False,astype=float,region=None,lev=(),
f9fdb96e02 Oliv*0203           usememmap=False,mm=False,squeeze=True,verbose=False):
7621b5d564 Oliv*0204     """
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0205     Read meta-data files as written by MITgcm.
7621b5d564 Oliv*0207     Call signatures:
b63a5f2e9d Oliv*0208 
7621b5d564 Oliv*0209         a = rdmds(fname,...)
b63a5f2e9d Oliv*0210 
7621b5d564 Oliv*0211         a,its,meta = rdmds(fname,...,returnmeta=True)
b63a5f2e9d Oliv*0212 
7621b5d564 Oliv*0213     Parameters
                0214     ----------
                0215     fname : string
                0216         name of file to read, without the '.data' or '.meta' suffix.  If itrs is
                0217         given, the iteration number is added to `fname` as well.  `fname` may
                0218         contain shell wildcards, which is useful for tile files organized into
                0219         directories, e.g.,
                0221           T = rdmds('prefix*/T', 2880)
                0223         will read prefix0000/T.0000002880.*, prefix0001/T.0000002880.*, ...
                0224         (and any others that match the wildcard, so be careful how you name things!)
95edcfd937 Oliv*0226     itrs : int or list of ints or np.nan or np.inf
7621b5d564 Oliv*0227         Iteration number(s).  With itrs=-1, will try to read
                0229           fname.meta or fname.001.001.meta, ...
                0231         If itrs is a list of integers of an integer, it will read the corresponding
                0233           fname.000000iter.meta, ...
95edcfd937 Oliv*0235         If itrs is np.nan, it will read all iterations for which files are found.
                0236         If itrs is np.inf, it will read the highest iteration found.
7621b5d564 Oliv*0237 
                0238     machineformat : int
                0239         endianness ('b' or 'l', default 'b')
                0240     rec : list of int or None
                0241         list of records to read (default all)
                0242         useful for pickups and multi-field diagnostics files
                0243     fill_value : float
                0244         fill value for missing (blank) tiles (default 0)
                0245     astype : data type
                0246         data type to return (default: double precision)
                0247         None: keep data type/precision of file
                0248     region : tuple of int
                0249         (x0,x1,y0,y1) read only this region (default (0,nx,0,ny))
                0250     lev : list of int or tuple of lists of int
                0251         list of levels to read, or, for multiple dimensions
                0252         (excluding x,y), tuple(!) of lists (see examples below)
                0253     usememmap : bool
                0254         if True, use a memory map for reading data (default False)
                0255         recommended when using lev, or region with global files
                0256         to save memory and, possibly, time
                0258     Returns
                0259     -------
                0260     a : array_like
                0261         numpy array of the data read
                0262     its : list of int
                0263         list of iteration numbers read (only if returnmeta=True)
                0264     meta : dict
                0265         dictionary of metadata (only if returnmeta=True)
                0267     Examples
                0268     --------
                0269     >>> XC = rdmds('XC')
                0270     >>> XC = rdmds('res_*/XC')
                0271     >>> T = rdmds('T.0000002880')
                0272     >>> T = rdmds('T',2880)
                0273     >>> T2 = rdmds('T',[2880,5760])
95edcfd937 Oliv*0274     >>> T,its = rdmds('T',numpy.inf)
7621b5d564 Oliv*0275     >>> VVEL = rdmds('pickup',2880,rec=range(50,100))
                0276     >>> a5 = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=[5])
                0277     >>> a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=([0],[0,1,5,6,7]))
                0278     >>> from numpy import r_
                0279     >>> a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0,lev=([0],r_[:2,5:8]))  # same as previous
                0280     >>> a = rdmds('diags',2880,rec=0)[0, [0,1,5,6,7], ...]  # same, but less efficient
                0281     >>> a = rdmds('diags',2880)[0, 0, [0,1,5,6,7], ...]     # even less efficient
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0282     """
8db0c6507a Mart*0283     import functools
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0284     usememmap = usememmap or mm
                0285     if usememmap:
                0286         readdata = np.memmap
                0287     else:
                0288         readdata = fromfileshape
                0290     # add iteration number to file name unless itrs is -1
                0291     additrs = itrs != -1
                0292     if itrs is np.nan:
                0293         # all iterations
                0294         itrs = scanforfiles(fnamearg)
f9fdb96e02 Oliv*0295         if verbose: warning('Reading {0} time levels: '.format(len(itrs)), *itrs)
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0296         returnits = True
                0297         itrsislist = True
                0298     elif itrs is np.inf:
                0299         # last iteration
                0300         itrs = scanforfiles(fnamearg)
                0301         if len(itrs):
f9fdb96e02 Oliv*0302             if verbose: warning('Found {0} time levels, reading'.format(len(itrs)), itrs[-1])
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0303         else:
f9fdb96e02 Oliv*0304             if verbose: warning('Found 0 time levels for {}'.format(fnamearg))
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0305         itrs = itrs[-1:]
                0306         returnits = True
                0307         itrsislist = False
                0308     else:
                0309         returnits = False
                0310         itrsislist = np.iterable(itrs)
                0312     # always make itrs a list
7621b5d564 Oliv*0313     itrs = _aslist(itrs)
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0314 
                0315     allrec = rec is None
7621b5d564 Oliv*0316     reclist = _aslist(rec)
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0317     if not isinstance(lev,tuple):
                0318         lev = (lev,)
7621b5d564 Oliv*0319     levs = tuple( _aslist(l) for l in lev )
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0320     levdims = tuple(len(l) for l in levs)
                0321     levinds = np.ix_(*levs)
                0322     nlev = len(levdims)
                0324     if usememmap:
                0325         recsatonce = True
                0326         readdata = np.memmap
                0327     else:
                0328         recsatonce = allrec
                0329         readdata = fromfileshape
                0331     try:
                0332         typepre = _typeprefixes[machineformat]
                0333     except KeyError:
                0334         raise ValueError('Allowed machineformats: ' + ' '.join(_typeprefixes))
                0336     arr = None
                0337     metaref = {}
                0338     timeStepNumbers = []
                0339     timeIntervals = []
                0340     for iit,it in enumerate(itrs):
                0341         if additrs:
                0342             fname = fnamearg + '.{0:010d}'.format(int(it))
                0343         else:
                0344             fname = fnamearg
                0346         metafiles = glob.glob(fname + 2*('.'+3*'[0-9]') + '.meta') or glob.glob(fname+'.meta')
                0347         if len(metafiles) == 0:
                0348             raise IOError('No files found for ' + fname + '.meta')
f9fdb96e02 Oliv*0350         if verbose: warning(metafiles[0])
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0351 
d9f2883c13 Oliv*0352         if debug: warning('Found',len(metafiles),'metafiles for iteration',it)
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0353 
                0354         for metafile in metafiles:
                0355             gdims,i0s,ies,timestep,timeinterval,map2gl,meta = readmeta(metafile)
                0356             if arr is None:
                0357                 # initialize, allocate
                0358                 try:
                0359                     dataprec, = meta['dataprec']
                0360                 except KeyError:
                0361                     dataprec, = meta['format']
                0362                 tp = typepre + _typesuffixes[dataprec]
                0363                 size = np.dtype(tp).itemsize
                0364                 if astype is None: astype = tp
                0365                 recshape = tuple( ie-i0 for i0,ie in zip(i0s,ies) )
8db0c6507a Mart*0366                 count = functools.reduce(mul, recshape)
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0367                 nrecords, = meta['nrecords']
                0368                 tileshape = (nrecords,) + recshape
                0369                 if allrec:
                0370                     reclist = range(nrecords)
                0371                     recinds = np.s_[:,] + levinds
                0372                 else:
                0373                     recinds = np.ix_(reclist, *levs)
                0375                 if region is None:
                0376                     ri0,rie,rj0,rje = 0,gdims[-1],0,gdims[-2]
                0377                 else:
                0378                     ri0,rie,rj0,rje = region
                0379                     if ri0 < 0: ri0 += gdims[-1]
                0380                     if rie < 0: rie += gdims[-1]
                0381                     if rj0 < 0: rj0 += gdims[-2]
                0382                     if rje < 0: rje += gdims[-2]
                0384                 assert nlev+2 <= len(gdims)
                0385                 rdims = levdims + gdims[len(levdims):-2] + (rje-rj0,rie-ri0)
                0386                 # always include itrs and rec dimensions and squeeze later
                0387                 arr = np.empty((len(itrs),len(reclist))+rdims, astype)
                0388                 arr[...] = fill_value
                0389                 metaref = meta
                0390             else:
                0391                 if meta != metaref:
                0392                     raise ValueError('Meta files not compatible')
                0394             datafile = metafile[:-4] + 'data'
                0396             if region is not None:
                0397                 if map2gl is None:
                0398                     # overlap of tile with region:
                0399                     i0 = min(rie, max(ri0, i0s[-1]))
                0400                     ie = min(rie, max(ri0, ies[-1]))
                0401                     j0 = min(rje, max(rj0, i0s[-2]))
                0402                     je = min(rje, max(rj0, ies[-2]))
                0403                     # source indices
                0404                     I0 = i0 - i0s[-1]
                0405                     Ie = ie - i0s[-1]
                0406                     J0 = j0 - i0s[-2]
                0407                     Je = je - i0s[-2]
                0408                     # target indices
                0409                     i0s[-1] = i0 - ri0
                0410                     ies[-1] = ie - ri0
                0411                     i0s[-2] = j0 - rj0
                0412                     ies[-2] = je - rj0
                0413                 else:
                0414                     raise NotImplementedError('Region selection is not implemented for map2glob != [0,1]')
                0416             sl = tuple( slice(i0,ie) for i0,ie in zip(i0s,ies) )
                0417             if map2gl is None:
                0418                 # part of arr that will receive tile (all records)
                0419                 arrtile = arr[(iit,slice(None))+sl]
                0420             else:
                0421                 ny,nx = arr.shape[-2:]
                0422                 i0 = i0s[-1]
                0423                 j0 = i0s[-2]
                0424                 ie = ies[-1]
                0425                 je = ies[-2]
                0426                 # "flat" stride for j
                0427                 jstride = map2gl[1]*nx + map2gl[0]
                0428                 n = (je-j0)*jstride
                0429                 # start of a jstride by je-j0 block that contains this tile
                0430                 ii0 = min(i0+nx*j0, nx*ny-n)
                0431                 # tile starts at ioff+i0
                0432                 ioff = nx*j0 - ii0
                0433                 # flatten x,y dimensions
                0434                 arrflat = arr.reshape(arr.shape[:-2]+(nx*ny,))
                0435                 # extract tile
                0436                 arrmap = arrflat[...,ii0:ii0+n].reshape(arr.shape[:-2]+(je-j0,jstride))[...,:,ioff+i0:ioff+ie]
                0437                 # slice non-x,y dimensions (except records)
                0438                 arrtile = arrmap[(iit,slice(None))+sl[:-2]]
                0439                 del arrflat,arrmap
                0441             if recsatonce:
                0442                 if region is None:
                0443                     arrtile[...] = readdata(datafile, tp, shape=tileshape)[recinds]
                0444                 else:
                0445                     if Ie > I0 and Je > J0:
d9f2883c13 Oliv*0446                         if debug: message(datafile, I0,Ie,J0,Je)
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0447                         arrtile[...] = readdata(datafile, tp, shape=tileshape)[recinds + np.s_[...,J0:Je,I0:Ie]]
                0448             else:
                0449                 f = open(datafile)
                0450                 for irec,recnum in enumerate(reclist):
                0451                     if recnum < 0: recnum += nrecords
                0452           *count*size)
                0453                     if region is None:
                0454                         arrtile[irec] = np.fromfile(f, tp, count=count).reshape(recshape)[levinds]
                0455                     else:
                0456                         if Ie > I0 and Je > J0:
d9f2883c13 Oliv*0457                             if debug: message(datafile, I0,Ie,J0,Je)
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0458                             tilerec = np.fromfile(f, tp, count=count).reshape(recshape)
                0459                             arrtile[irec] = tilerec[levinds + np.s_[...,J0:Je,I0:Ie]]
                0460                 f.close()
                0462         if timestep is not None:
                0463             timeStepNumbers.extend(timestep)
                0465         if timeinterval is not None:
                0466             timeIntervals.append(timeinterval)
                0468     # put list of iteration numbers back into metadata dictionary
                0469     if len(timeStepNumbers):
                0470         metaref['timeStepNumber'] = timeStepNumbers
                0472     if len(timeIntervals):
                0473         metaref['timeInterval'] = timeIntervals
                0475     if arr is None:
                0476         arr = np.array([])
                0477     else:
                0478         # squeeze singleton iteration, record and level dimensions like matlab version
                0479         dims = (len(itrs),len(reclist)) + levdims
                0480         if squeeze:
                0481             # squeeze all singleton dimensions
                0482             squeezed = tuple( d for d in dims if d > 1 )
                0483         else:
                0484             # squeeze all that came from scalar arguments
                0485             keepers = [itrsislist, np.iterable(rec)] + [np.iterable(l) for l in lev]
                0486             squeezed = tuple( d for d,keep in zip(dims, keepers) if keep )
                0488         arr = arr.reshape(squeezed+arr.shape[2+nlev:])
                0490     if returnmeta:
                0491         meta = dict((k.lower(),v) for k,v in metaref.items())
                0492         return arr,itrs,meta
                0493 #    elif returnits:
                0494 #        return arr,itrs
                0495     else:
                0496         return arr
                0499 def wrmds(fbase, arr, itr=None, dataprec='float32', ndims=None, nrecords=None,
                0500           times=None, fields=None, simulation=None, machineformat='b',
                0501           deltat=None, dimlist=None):
7621b5d564 Oliv*0502     '''Write an array to an mds meta/data file set.
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0503 
7621b5d564 Oliv*0504     If itr is given, the files will be named and
                0505     fbase.0000000itr.meta, otherwise just and fbase.meta.
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0506 
                0507     Parameters
                0508     ----------
7621b5d564 Oliv*0509     fbase : string
                0510         Name of file to write, without the '.data' or '.meta' suffixes,
                0511         and without the iteration number if itr is give
                0512     arr : array_like
                0513         Numpy array to write
                0514     itr : int or None
                0515         If given, this iteration number will be appended to the file name
                0516     dataprec : string
                0517         precision of resulting file ('float32' or 'float64')
                0518     ndims : int
                0519         number of non-record dimensions; extra (leading) dimensions
                0520         will be folded into 1 record dimension
                0521     nrecords : int
                0522         number of records; will fold as many leading dimensions as
                0523         necessary (has to match shape!)
                0524     times : float or list of floats
                0525         times to write into meta file.  Either a single float or a list
                0526         of two for a time interval
                0527     fields : list of strings
                0528         list of fields
                0529     simulation : string
                0530         string describing the simulation
                0531     machineformat : string
                0532         'b' or 'l' for big or little endian
                0533     deltat : float
                0534         time step; provide in place of either times or itr to have one
                0535         computed from the other
                0536     dimlist : tuple
                0537         dimensions as will be stored in file (only useful when passing
                0538         meta data from an existing file to wrmds as keyword args)
ae10cb9ac4 Oliv*0539     '''
                0540     if type(dataprec) == type([]): dataprec, = dataprec
                0541     if type(ndims) == type([]): ndims, = ndims
                0542     if type(nrecords) == type([]): nrecords, = nrecords
                0543     if type(simulation) == type([]): simulation, = simulation
                0544     if type(machineformat) == type([]): machineformat, = machineformat
                0545     if type(deltat) == type([]): deltat, = deltat
                0547     tp = _typeprefixes[machineformat]
                0548     try:
                0549         tp = tp + _typesuffixes[dataprec]
                0550     except KeyError:
                0551         raise ValueError("dataprec must be 'float32' or 'float64'.")
                0553     if ndims is None:
                0554         if nrecords is None:
                0555             ndims = min(3,len(arr.shape))
                0556         else:
                0557             # see how many leading dims we need to make up nrecords
                0558             dims = list(arr.shape[::-1])
                0559             n = 1
                0560             while n < nrecords:
                0561                 n *= dims.pop()
                0563             assert n == nrecords
                0564             ndims = len(dims)
                0566     dims = arr.shape[-1:-ndims-1:-1]
                0567     nrec =[:-ndims], dtype=int)
                0568     if nrecords is not None and nrecords != nrec:
                0569         raise ValueError('Shape/nrecords mismatch')
                0570     if dimlist is not None and tuple(dimlist) != dims:
                0571         raise ValueError('Shape/dimlist mismatch: {} vs {}'.format(dims, dimlist))
                0573     if arr.ndim > ndims + 1:
                0574         sys.stderr.write("Warning: folding several dimensions into record dimension.\n")
                0576 #    arr = arr.reshape((-1,)+arr.shape[-ndims:])
                0578     if times is not None:
                0579         try:
                0580             iter(times)
                0581         except TypeError:
                0582             times = [ times ]
                0584     if deltat is not None:
                0585         if itr is None:
                0586             itr = int(times[-1]//deltat)
                0587         elif times is None:
                0588             times = [ deltat*itr ]
                0589         else:
                0590             sys.stderr.write('Warning: discarding deltat.\n')
                0592     if itr is not None:
                0593         fbase = fbase + '.{:010d}'.format(itr)
                0595     with open(fbase + '.meta', 'w') as f:
                0596         if simulation is not None:
                0597             f.write(" simulation = { '" + simulation + "' };\n")
                0599         f.write(" nDims = [ {:3d} ];\n".format(ndims))
                0601         if max(dims) < 10000:
                0602             fmt = '{:5d}'
                0603         else:
                0604             fmt = '{:10d}'
                0606         fmt = fmt + ',' + fmt + ',' + fmt
                0608         f.write(" dimList = [\n " +
                0609             ",\n ".join(fmt.format(d,1,d) for d in dims) +
                0610             "\n ];\n")
                0612         # skipping m2gl
                0614         f.write(" dataprec = [ '" + dataprec + "' ];\n")
                0616         f.write(" nrecords = [ {:5d} ];\n".format(nrec))
                0618         if itr is not None:
                0619             f.write(" timeStepNumber = [ {:10d} ];\n".format(itr))
                0621         if times is not None:
                0622             f.write(" timeInterval = [" +
                0623                     "".join("{:20.12E}".format(t) for t in times) +
                0624                     " ];\n")
                0626         if fields is not None:
                0627             nflds = len(fields)
                0628             f.write(" nFlds = [ {:4d} ];\n".format(nflds))
                0629             f.write(" fldList = {\n")
                0630             for row in range((nflds+19)//20):
                0631                 for field in fields[20*row:20*(row+1)]:
                0632                     f.write(" '{:<8s}'".format(field))
                0633                 f.write("\n")
                0634             f.write(" };\n")
                0636     arr.astype(tp).tofile(fbase + '.data')