#ifndef ADSTACK_LOADED #define ADSTACK_LOADED 1 /** Push of int (4 bytes int) array */ extern void pushInteger4Array(int *x, int n) ; /** Pop of int (4 bytes int) array */ extern void popInteger4Array(int *x, int n) ; /** Push of long (8 bytes int) array */ extern void pushInteger8Array(long *x, int n) ; /** Pop of long (8 bytes int) array */ extern void popInteger8Array(long *x, int n) ; /** Push of float (4 bytes real) array */ extern void pushReal4Array(float *x, int n) ; /** Pop of float (4 bytes real) array */ extern void popReal4Array(float *x, int n) ; /** Push of double (8 bytes real) array */ extern void pushReal8Array(double *x, int n) ; /** Pop of double (8 bytes real) array */ extern void popReal8Array(double *x, int n) ; /** Push of char (byte) array */ extern void pushCharacterArray(char *x, int n) ; /** Pop of char (byte) array */ extern void popCharacterArray(char *x, int n) ; /*** There is no primitive complex type in C ***/ /* extern void pushComplex8Array(ccmplx *x, int n) ; */ /* extern void popComplex8Array(ccmplx *x, int n) ; */ /* extern void pushComplex16Array(cdcmplx *x, int n) ; */ /* extern void popComplex16Array(cdcmplx *x, int n) ; */ /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c (mostly) * Push an array of any type onto the main stack */ extern void pushNArray(char *x, unsigned int nbChars, int checkReadOnly) ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c (mostly) * Pop an array of any type from the main stack */ extern void popNArray(char *x, unsigned int nbChars, int checkReadOnly) ; /** Display the maximum size reached by the main AD stack */ extern void adStack_showPeakSize() ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c (mostly) * Display the total amount of memory pushed */ extern void showTotalTraffic(unsigned long long int localtraffic) ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c (mostly) * Display in detail the contents of the AD stack */ extern void showStack() ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c */ extern void showStackSize(int i4i, int i8i, int r4i, int r8i, int c8i, int c16i, int s1i, int biti, int ptri, int pos) ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c */ extern void startStackRepeat1() ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c */ extern void startStackRepeat2() ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c */ extern void resetStackRepeat1() ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c */ extern void resetStackRepeat2() ; /** Utility for OLDadBuffer.c */ extern void endStackRepeat() ; #endif