#include "THSICE_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_EXF #include "EXF_OPTIONS.h" #endif CBOP C !ROUTINE: THSICE_MAP_EXF C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE THSICE_MAP_EXF( I iceMsk, locSST, O totPrc, snowPrc, qPrcRnO, flxSW, I iMin,iMax,jMin,jMax, bi,bj, myThid ) C !DESCRIPTION: \bv C *==========================================================* C | S/R THSICE_MAP_EXF C | Interface S/R : map Precip, Snow and shortwave fluxes C | from pkg EXF to thsice variables C *==========================================================* C \ev C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE C == Global data == #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "PARAMS.h" #include "FFIELDS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_EXF # include "EXF_CONSTANTS.h" # include "EXF_PARAM.h" # include "EXF_FIELDS.h" #endif C !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: C === Routine arguments === C iceMsk :: sea-ice fraction: no ice=0, grid all ice 1 [] C locSST :: local Sea-Surface Temperature [deg.C] C totPrc :: Total Precipitation (including run-off) [kg/m2/s] C snowPrc :: Snow Precipitation [kg/m2/s] C qPrcRnO :: Energy content of Precip+RunOff (+=down) [W/m2] C flxSW :: Downward short-wave surface flux (+=down) [W/m2] C iMin,iMax :: range of indices of computation domain C jMin,jMax :: range of indices of computation domain C bi,bj :: current tile indices C myThid :: Thread no. that called this routine. _RL iceMsk (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy) _RL locSST (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy) _RL totPrc (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL snowPrc(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL qPrcRnO(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) _RL flxSW (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) INTEGER iMin,iMax INTEGER jMin,jMax INTEGER bi,bj INTEGER myThid CEOP #ifdef ALLOW_EXF C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| C === Local variables === C i,j :: current grid point indices INTEGER i,j DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax #ifdef ALLOW_ATM_TEMP totPrc(i,j) = precip(i,j,bi,bj)*rhoConstFresh #endif #ifdef ALLOW_RUNOFF totPrc(i,j) = totPrc(i,j) + runoff(i,j,bi,bj)*rhoConstFresh #else STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R THSICE_MAP_EXF: ALLOW_RUNOFF undef' #endif #ifdef ALLOW_DOWNWARD_RADIATION flxSW (i,j) = swdown(i,j,bi,bj) #else STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R THSICE_MAP_EXF: DOWNWARD_RADIATION undef' #endif ENDDO ENDDO #ifdef ALLOW_ATM_TEMP IF ( snowPrecipFile .NE. ' ' ) THEN DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax snowPrc(i,j) = snowPrecip(i,j,bi,bj)*rhoConstFresh ENDDO ENDDO ELSE C If specific snow precipitiation is not available, use C precipitation when ever the air temperature is below 0 degC DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax IF ( iceMsk(i,j,bi,bj).GT.0. _d 0 & .AND. atemp(i,j,bi,bj).LE.cen2kel ) THEN cML & .AND. atemp(i,j,bi,bj).LE.Tf0kel ) THEN snowPrc(i,j) = precip(i,j,bi,bj)*rhoConstFresh ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF IF ( temp_EvPrRn .NE. UNSET_RL ) THEN C-- Account for energy content of Precip + RunOff : C assume 1) rain has same temp as Air (higher altitude, e.g., 850.mb would C be better); 2) Snow has no heat capacity (+ is counted separately) C 3) no distinction between sea-water Cp and fresh-water Cp C 4) Run-Off comes at the temp of surface water (with same Cp) DO j = jMin, jMax DO i = iMin, iMax qPrcRnO(i,j) = HeatCapacity_Cp & *( atemp(i,j,bi,bj) - cen2kel - temp_EvPrRn ) & *( precip(i,j,bi,bj)*rhoConstFresh - snowPrc(i,j) ) & #ifdef ALLOW_RUNOFF qPrcRnO(i,j) = qPrcRnO(i,j) & + HeatCapacity_Cp & *( locSST(i,j,bi,bj) - temp_EvPrRn ) & *runoff(i,j,bi,bj)*rhoConstFresh #endif ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF #else /* ALLOW_ATM_TEMP */ STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R THSICE_MAP_EXF: ATM_TEMP undef' #endif /* ALLOW_ATM_TEMP */ C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----| #endif /* ALLOW_EXF */ RETURN END