C *=============================================================* C | GGL90_OPTIONS.h C | o CPP options file for GGL90 package. C *=============================================================* C | Use this file for selecting options within the GGL90 C | package. C *=============================================================* #ifndef GGL90_OPTIONS_H #define GGL90_OPTIONS_H #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h" #ifdef ALLOW_GGL90 C Package-specific Options & Macros go here C Enable horizontal diffusion of TKE. #undef ALLOW_GGL90_HORIZDIFF C Use horizontal averaging for viscosity and diffusivity as C originally implemented in OPA. #undef ALLOW_GGL90_SMOOTH C allow IDEMIX model #undef ALLOW_GGL90_IDEMIX #ifdef ALLOW_GGL90_IDEMIX C The cvmix version of idemix uses different regularisations for the C Coriolis parameter, buoyancy frequency etc, when used in the denominator # define GGL90_IDEMIX_CVMIX_VERSION #endif C include Langmuir circulation parameterization #undef ALLOW_GGL90_LANGMUIR C Replace MAX(mxl,mxlMin) by SQRT(mxl**2+mxlMin**2) to help adjoint #undef GGL90_REGULARIZE_MIXINGLENGTH C recover old bug prior to Jun 2023 #undef GGL90_MISSING_HFAC_BUG #endif /* ALLOW_GGL90 */ #endif /* GGL90_OPTIONS_H */