#include "CPP_EEOPTIONS.h" #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h" CBOP C !ROUTINE: INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT C !INTERFACE: SUBROUTINE INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT C !DESCRIPTION: C *==========================================================* C | SUBROUTINE INI\_THREADING\_ENVIRONMENT C | o Initialise multi-threaded environment. C *==========================================================* C | Generally we do not start separate threads here. C | The separate threads a spawned at later on. C | Here we perform initialisation of data-structures C | that indicate which of the nSx x nSy tiles a thread is C | responsible for. C | The multiple threads are spawned in the top level MAIN C | routine. C *==========================================================* C !USES: IMPLICIT NONE C == Global data == #include "SIZE.h" #include "EEPARAMS.h" #include "EESUPPORT.h" C !LOCAL VARIABLES: C == Local variables == C bXPerThread - Blocks of size sNx per thread. C byPerThread - Blocks of size sNy per thread. C thId - Thread index. Temporary used in loops C which set per. thread values on a C cartesian grid. C bxLo, bxHi - Work vars. for thread index C byLo, byHi range. bxLo is the lowest i index C that a thread covers, bxHi is the C highest i index. byLo is the lowest C j index, byHi is the highest j index. C I, J - Loop counter C msgBuf - I/O buffer for reporting status information. C myThid - Dummy thread id for use in printed messages C ( this routine "INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT" is C called before multi-threading has started.) INTEGER bxPerThread INTEGER byPerThread INTEGER thId INTEGER bxLo, bxHi INTEGER byLo, byHi INTEGER I, J CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_MBUF) msgBuf INTEGER myThid #ifndef ALLOW_EXCH2 LOGICAL flag #endif CEOP C-- Set default for all threads of having no blocks to C-- work on - except for thread 1. myBxLo(1) = 1 myBxHi(1) = nSx myByLo(1) = 1 myByHi(1) = nSy DO I = 2, MAX_NO_THREADS myBxLo(I) = 0 myBxHi(I) = 0 myByLo(I) = 0 myByHi(I) = 0 ENDDO myThid = 1 commName(COMM_NONE) = 'none' commName(COMM_MSG ) = 'messages' commName(COMM_PUT ) = 'put' commName(COMM_GET ) = 'get' C-- If there are multiple threads allocate different range of the C-- nSx*nSy blocks to each thread. C For now handle simple case of no. blocks nSx = n*nTx and C no. blocks nSy = m*nTy ( where m and n are integer ). This C is handled by simply mapping threads to blocks in sequence C with the x thread index moving fastest. C Later code which sets the thread number of neighboring blocks C needs to be consistent with the code here. nThreads = nTx * nTy IF ( nThreads .GT. MAX_NO_THREADS ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A,2I6)') & 'S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT:', & ' Total number of threads exceeds MAX_NO_THREADS', & nTx*nTy, MAX_NO_THREADS CALL PRINT_ERROR(msgBuf, myThid) WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') & ' Needs to increase MAX_NO_THREADS', & ' in file "EEPARAMS.h" and to re-compile' CALL PRINT_ERROR(msgBuf, myThid) eeBootError = .TRUE. STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT' ENDIF C-- Initialise the barrier mechanisms C BAR2 will eventually replace barrier everywhere. CALL BARRIER_INIT DO I=1, MAX_NO_THREADS CALL BAR2_INIT(I) ENDDO C-- Initialise exchange mechanism CALL EXCH_INIT IF ( nThreads .NE. nTx*nTy ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,A,I5,A,I5)') & 'S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT:', & ' Total number of threads is not the same as nTx*nTy.', & ' nTx * nTy = ',nTx*nTy,' nThreads = ',nThreads CALL PRINT_ERROR(msgBuf, myThid) eeBootError = .TRUE. STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT' ENDIF bxPerThread = nSx/nTx IF ( bxPerThread*nTx .NE. nSx ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,A)') & 'S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT:', & ' Number of blocks in X (nSx)', & ' must be exact multiple of threads in X (nTx).' CALL PRINT_ERROR(msgBuf, myThid) eeBootError = .TRUE. STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT' ENDIF byPerThread = nSy/nTy IF ( byPerThread*nTy .NE. nSy ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,A)') & 'S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT:', & ' Number of blocks in Y (nSy)', & ' must be exact multiple of threads in Y (nTy).' CALL PRINT_ERROR(msgBuf, myThid) eeBootError = .TRUE. STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT' ENDIF IF ( .NOT. eeBootError ) THEN byLo = 1 DO J=1,nTy byHi = byLo+byPerThread-1 bxLo = 1 DO I=1,nTx thId = (J-1)*nTx+I bxHi = bxLo+bxPerThread-1 myBxLo(thId) = bxLo myBxHi(thId) = bxHi myByLo(thId) = byLo myByHi(thId) = byHi bxLo = bxHi+1 ENDDO byLo = byHi+1 ENDDO ENDIF DO thId=1,nThreads CALL INI_COMMUNICATION_PATTERNS( thId ) ENDDO C-- Print mapping of threads to grid points. WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') &'// ======================================================' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') '// Mapping of tiles to threads' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) C o Write list of tiles each thread is responsible for WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') &'// ======================================================' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) DO I=1,nThreads WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,I4,A,4(I4,A1))') & '// -o- Thread',I,', tiles (', & myBxLo(I),':',myBxHi(I),',',myByLo(I),':',myByHi(I),')' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_BOTH , 1) ENDDO WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') ' ' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) #ifndef ALLOW_EXCH2 C o For each tile print its communication method(s) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') &'// ======================================================' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') '// Tile <-> Tile connectvity table' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') &'// ======================================================' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf, standardMessageUnit, & SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) DO J=1,nSy DO I=1,nSx WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6,A)') & '//',' Tile number: ',tileNo(I,J), & ' (process no. = ',myPid,')' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT , 1) C o West communication details IF ( tileNoW(I,J).NE. NULL_TILE ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6,A,A)') & '// WEST: ', & 'Tile = ',tileNoW(I,J), & ', Process = ',tilePidW(I,J), & ', Comm = ',commName(tileCommModeW(I,J)) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6)') & '// ', & ' bi = ',tileBiW(I,J), & ', bj = ',tileBjW(I,J) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) ELSE WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') & '// WEST: no neighbor' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) ENDIF C o East communication details IF ( tileNoE(I,J).NE. NULL_TILE ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6,A,A)') & '// EAST: ', & 'Tile = ',tileNoE(I,J), & ', Process = ',tilePidE(I,J), & ', Comm = ',commName(tileCommModeE(I,J)) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6)') & '// ', & ' bi = ',tileBiE(I,J), & ', bj = ',tileBjE(I,J) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) ELSE WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') & '// EAST: no neighbor' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) ENDIF C o South communication method IF ( tileNoS(I,J).NE. NULL_TILE ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6,A,A)') & '// SOUTH: ', & 'Tile = ',tileNoS(I,J), & ', Process = ',tilePidS(I,J), & ', Comm = ',commName(tileCommModeS(I,J)) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6)') & '// ', & ' bi = ',tileBiS(I,J), & ', bj = ',tileBjS(I,J) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) ELSE WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') & '// SOUTH: no neighbor' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) ENDIF C o North communication method IF ( tileNoN(I,J).NE. NULL_TILE ) THEN WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6,A,A)') & '// NORTH: ', & 'Tile = ',tileNoN(I,J), & ', Process = ',tilePidN(I,J), & ', Comm = ',commName(tileCommModeN(I,J)) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) WRITE(msgBuf,'(A,A,I6.6,A,I6.6)') & '// ', & ' bi = ',tileBiN(I,J), & ', bj = ',tileBjN(I,J) CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) ELSE WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') & '// NORTH: no neighbor' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE(msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO WRITE(msgBuf,'(A)') ' ' CALL PRINT_MESSAGE( msgBuf,standardMessageUnit,SQUEEZE_RIGHT, 1) #endif /* ndef ALLOW_EXCH2 */ C-- Check EXCH-1 options #ifndef ALLOW_EXCH2 IF ( usingMPI .AND. useCubedSphereExchange ) THEN C- not working with multi-procs (checked within EXCH1-CUBE S/R) and C- if compiled with MPI (without EXCH2) safer to set usingMPI to False. WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'EXCH-1 useCubedSphereExchange', & ' unsafe with usingMPI=True' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT' ENDIF IF ( nThreads.GT.1 .AND. useCubedSphereExchange ) THEN C- multi-threads not working for local arrays; could remove the stop if C we are sure that only shared array (=in common blocks) are exchanged. WRITE(msgBuf,'(2A)') 'EXCH-1 useCubedSphereExchange', & ' unsafe with multi-threads' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT' ENDIF IF ( nThreads.GT.1 ) THEN flag = .FALSE. DO J=1,nSy DO I=1,nSx flag = flag & .OR. tileCommModeW(I,J).EQ.COMM_GET & .OR. tileCommModeE(I,J).EQ.COMM_GET & .OR. tileCommModeS(I,J).EQ.COMM_GET & .OR. tileCommModeN(I,J).EQ.COMM_GET ENDDO ENDDO IF ( flag ) THEN C- multi-threads not working for local arrays; not safe neither for shared arrays WRITE(msgBuf,'(3A)') 'EXCH-1 using Comm = ', & commName(COMM_GET), ' unsafe with multi-threads' CALL PRINT_ERROR( msgBuf, myThid ) STOP 'ABNORMAL END: S/R INI_THREADING_ENVIRONMENT' ENDIF ENDIF #endif /* ndef ALLOW_EXCH2 */ RETURN END