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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for in

Type Member of File Line
global or module variable /utils/knudsen2/knudsen2.f 65
local and common block variable /utils/knudsen2/knudsen2.f 464
global or module variable /utils/knudsen2/unesco.f 66
local and common block variable /utils/knudsen2/unesco.f 467

4 declarations in 2 files.

References to in

File Line
/eesupp/src/nml_change_syntax.F 142 198 219
/eesupp/src/timers.F 352
/model/inc/SIZE.h 2 4 5
/pkg/atm2d/OCNIDS.h 2 4 5 6 7
/pkg/atm_ocn_coupler/ATMIDS.h 2 4 5 6 7
/pkg/atm_ocn_coupler/OCNIDS.h 2 4 5 6 7
/pkg/atm_phys/dargan_bettsmiller_mod.F90 136 137 138 142 143 144 145 489 490 491 495 496 708 710 711 792 858 872 873
/pkg/atm_phys/diffusivity_mod.F90 150 276 277 278 279 282 283 361 362 364 365 460 461 463 464 519 520 521 523 597 598 600 694 696 722 723 725
/pkg/atm_phys/gcm_params_mod.F90 61 63 65 66 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 86
/pkg/atm_phys/lscale_cond_mod.F90 91 92 95 96 97 216 217 219 220 262
/pkg/atm_phys/mixed_layer_mod.F90 94 96 98 100 245 246 251 254 259 260 262 408
/pkg/atm_phys/monin_obukhov_mod.F90 84 186 188 189 263 264 266 267 335 337 375 376 378 417 418 420 526 527 528 568 569 570 609 610 611 683 684 685 754 757 774 779 805 806 808 826 827 832 858 859 861 862 884 885 887 904 905 907 923 927 943 948 966 967 969 990 992 1013 1014 1016 1037 1039 1056 1058 1075 1077
/pkg/atm_phys/my25_turb_mod.F90 116 117 118 119 121 122 123 545 671 672 673 675 768 770
/pkg/atm_phys/radiation_mod.F90 107 108 109 111 113 231 233 234 237 238 239 247 602 604 605 606 607 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619
/pkg/atm_phys/shallow_conv_mod.F90 74 164 166 460 461
/pkg/atm_phys/simple_sat_vapor_pres_mod.F90 79 94 109 124 142 157 172 187
/pkg/atm_phys/surface_flux_mod.F90 75 76 88 89 253 254 266 267 352 353 365 366 390
/pkg/atm_phys/vert_diff_mod.F90 73 74 75 76 77 132 133 148 162 190 191 192 197 201 209 211 280 281 282 284 285 287 322 323 325 326 333 335 366 367 369 370 372 374 406 407 408 412 414 472 473 474 477 479 520 521 522 525 527 587 588 589 595 597 652 653 654 659 661 720 721 722 728 730 731 800 803 804 832 833 834 836 837 870 871 873 903 905 926 928 954 956 975 978
/pkg/atm_phys/vert_turb_driver_mod.F90 102 104 105 106 108 115 116 117 355 357 358 527
/pkg/autodiff/tamc.h 21 23 24 26 27
/pkg/obcs/obcs_readparms.F 511
/pkg/obcs/orlanski_east.F 94
/pkg/obcs/orlanski_north.F 86
/pkg/obcs/orlanski_south.F 86
/pkg/obcs/orlanski_west.F 96
/pkg/opps/opps_calc.F 655
/tools/OAD_support/OAD_active.F90 248 249 257 258 266 267 275 276 284 285 293 294 302 303 311 312 320 321 329 330 338 339 347 348 356 357 366 367 375 376 384 385 393 394 409 410 418 419 427 428 436 437 445 446 454 455 463 464 472 473 481 482 490 491 499 500 508 509 517 518 526 527 536 537 552 560 568 576 584 592 606 615 630 639 648 663 672 681 737 742 747 752 757 762 767 772 778 783 788 793 798 803 808 813 819 824 829 834 839 844 849 854 860 865 870 875 880 885 890 895
/tools/OAD_support/ad_inline.F 214 215 235 245 255
/tools/OAD_support/revolve.F90 184 185 188 262 263 273 448 514 565
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/OLDadBuffer.h 57 60 63 66 69 72 75 78 81 84 87 90 93 96 99 102 130 137
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/OLDadStack.h 34 56
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/admm.h 7 10 30 31 33 50
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/adTool/support.h 5 23 64 168 194 231 289 290 298 301 302 339 399 405 458 466 477 487 500 514 535 541 578 590 602 603 616 617 629
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/ampi.h 5 15 20 26 32 43 45 47 50 67 79 89 347 349 350 355 356 361 364 365 367 369 371 488 502 509 512
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/bookkeeping/support.h 5 37 61
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/libCommon/modified.h 5 602 669
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/libCommon/st.h 5
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/tape/support.h 5 21
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/activity.h 5
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/libConfig.h 5
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/modified.h 5 80 208 227 248 269 290 309 328 343 362 380 386 407 414 435 456 475 498 520 544 551 558 565 570 588 598 606 628
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/nt.h 5 15 74 81 88 95 100
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/pairedWith.h 5 24 44
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/passThrough.h 5
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/request.h 5 17 18 19 93 103
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/st.h 5 15
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/window.h 5 15 24
/tools/cyrus-imapd-makedepend/def.h 6 13 14 36 38 40 49 54 59 60 61 64 65 66 88 140
/tools/cyrus-imapd-makedepend/ifparser.h 5 12 13 35 37 39 46 47 49 56 58 59
/tools/mpack-1.6/common.h 6 8 9 18 20 22 39
/tools/mpack-1.6/macICAPI.h 6 8 9 18 20 22 26 61
/tools/mpack-1.6/macICKeys.h 6 8 9 18 20 22 26 149 164
/tools/mpack-1.6/macICTypes.h 6 8 9 18 20 22 26 57 67
/tools/mpack-1.6/macmpack.h 8 10 11 20 22 24 32 33 34 41 44 45
/tools/mpack-1.6/macnapp.h 8 10 11 20 22 24 32 33 34 41 44 45 106 221 297 310 316 374 480 485 523 528 560
/tools/mpack-1.6/md5.h 9 14 21
/tools/mpack-1.6/part.h 9 11 12 21 23 25
/tools/mpack-1.6/version.h 6 8 9 18 20 22
/tools/mpack-1.6/xmalloc.h 6 8 9 18 20 22
/utils/knudsen2/knudsen2.f 65 191 202 407 464 508 509 513 523 537 547 589 629 741 832
/utils/knudsen2/unesco.f 66 194 205 410 467 511 512 516 526 540 550 592 632 744 835
/verification/flt_example/extra/cvfloat.F90 430 431
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_ad/cost_test_local.F90 33 34 35 36 38

778 references in 63 files.