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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for head

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 57
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 113
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 171
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 268
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 324
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 379
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 436
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 493
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 550
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 611
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 694
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 750
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 806
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 859
local and common block variable /eesupp/src/write_utils.F 940
class, struct, or union member _ADMM_List /tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/admm.c 46
class, struct, or union member binhex_state /tools/mpack-1.6/macbhex.c 93
local variable /tools/mpack-1.6/macfile.c 94
local variable /tools/mpack-1.6/macfile.c 198

19 declarations in 4 files.

References to head

File Line
/eesupp/src/write_utils.F 26 57 65 82 113 121 138 171 197 199 240 268 279 296 324 334 351 379 391 408 436 448 465 493 505 522 550 562 579 611 636 661 694 705 717 750 761 773 806 817 829 859 878 889 910 940 959 970
/pkg/mnc/Makefile 81
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/admm.c 46 80 85 95 107 120 137 155 167 172 173 228 229 231 232 233 236 240 299 302 304 308 310 312 316 386 389 391 395 397 399 403 642 659
/tools/cyrus-imapd-makedepend/pr.c 118 119 124 126 127 128 129 130
/tools/mpack-1.6/macbhex.c 93 134 169 170 171 177 192 193
/tools/mpack-1.6/macfile.c 94 135 136 137 138 139 142 158 198 215 216 219 224
/tools/mpack-1.6/macnapp.h 233 234

98 references in 7 files.