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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for chfr

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /pkg/diagnostics/diag_vegtile_fill.F 49
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/do_fizhi.F 57
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_driver.F 60
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_earth_coms.h 10
global or module variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_earth_coms.h 14
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_init_veg.F 60
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 128
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_utils.F 567
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_utils.F 613
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_utils.F 675
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 861
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 993
local and common block variable /verification/fizhi-cs-aqualev20/code/fizhi_init_veg.F 60
local and common block variable /verification/fizhi-gridalt-hs/code/do_fizhi.F 57
local and common block variable /verification/fizhi-gridalt-hs/code/fizhi_init_veg.F 60

15 declarations in 11 files.

References to chfr

File Line
/pkg/diagnostics/diag_vegtile_fill.F 7 49 159 168 227 241 249
/pkg/fizhi/do_fizhi.F 8 57 242
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_driver.F 6 60 199
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_earth_coms.h 11 14
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_init_fixed.F 103
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_init_veg.F 5 60 170 188
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_readwrite_vegtiles.F 99
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 29 128 429 466 1147 1149 1151 1154 1157 1160 1162 1190
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_utils.F 538 567 577 582 613 630 637 666 675 689
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_wrapper.F 265
/pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 114 126 142 818 861 910 923 935 947 961 993 1022
/verification/fizhi-cs-aqualev20/code/fizhi_init_fixed.F 82
/verification/fizhi-cs-aqualev20/code/fizhi_init_veg.F 5 60 124
/verification/fizhi-gridalt-hs/code/do_fizhi.F 8 57
/verification/fizhi-gridalt-hs/code/fizhi_init_fixed.F 82
/verification/fizhi-gridalt-hs/code/fizhi_init_veg.F 5 60 134 152

67 references in 16 files.