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Identifier search

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999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for c1

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /model/src/seawater.F 153
local and common block variable /pkg/aim_v23/phy_shtorh.F 40
local and common block variable /pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_sh2rh_aim.F 40
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 611
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 3836
local and common block variable /pkg/gmredi/gmredi_calc_eigs.F 84
local and common block variable /pkg/gmredi/gmredi_calc_geom.F 110
local and common block variable /pkg/kpp/kpp_routines.F 994
global or module variable /pkg/my82/MY82.h 35
local and common block variable /pkg/openad/seawater.F 148
local and common block variable /pkg/sbo/sbo_rho.F 22
local and common block variable /pkg/seaice/seaice_solve4temp.F 117
local and common block variable /pkg/streamice/streamice_init_varia.F 35
local and common block variable /pkg/thsice/thsice_solve4temp.F 182
local variable /tools/mpack-1.6/codes.c 50
local variable /tools/mpack-1.6/decode.c 1039
local variable /tools/mpack-1.6/decode.c 1094
local variable /tools/mpack-1.6/strcasecmp.c 57
local variable /tools/mpack-1.6/strcasecmp.c 71

19 declarations in 17 files.

References to c1

File Line
/model/src/seawater.F 153 167 180
/pkg/aim_v23/phy_shtorh.F 40 48 64 67 81
/pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_sh2rh_aim.F 40 48 64 67 81
/pkg/fizhi/co2-tran3.h 1 19 37 55 73 91 109 127 145 163 181 199 217 235 253 271 289 307 325 343 361 379 397 415 433 451
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 611 810 822 1452
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 3836 3840 3841
/pkg/gmredi/gmredi_calc_eigs.F 84 291 292 306
/pkg/gmredi/gmredi_calc_geom.F 110 283 293 303 598
/pkg/kpp/kpp_routines.F 994 1002 1076 1077 1083 1084
/pkg/my82/MY82.h 35 40
/pkg/my82/my82_init_varia.F 36 37
/pkg/openad/seawater.F 148 162 175
/pkg/sbo/sbo_rho.F 22 34 35
/pkg/seaice/seaice_solve4temp.F 117 172 387 514
/pkg/streamice/streamice_init_varia.F 35 201 203 227
/pkg/thsice/thsice_solve4temp.F 182 289 290 461 462 480
/pkg/zonal_filt/fftpack.F 211 217 308 309 318 319 320 321 330 331 332 333 344 355 356 368 369 637 643 659 670 671 683 684 693 694 695 696 705 706 707 708 719 720 1140 1144 1235 1236 1245 1246 1247 1248 1257 1258 1259 1260 1271 1282 1283 1295 1296 1552 1556 1572 1583 1584 1596 1597 1606 1607 1608 1609 1618 1619 1620 1621 1632 1633
/tools/mpack-1.6/codes.c 44 50 54 57 61 63 84 86 87
/tools/mpack-1.6/decode.c 1039 1045 1046 1063 1067 1069 1094 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1107 1112 1113 1116
/tools/mpack-1.6/strcasecmp.c 57 58 62 71 72 77

204 references in 20 files.