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Identifier search

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Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for a1

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /model/src/gsw_teos10.F 51
local and common block variable /model/src/seawater.F 153
local and common block variable /model/src/swfrac.F 60
local and common block variable /pkg/atm2d/init_atm2d.F 50
local and common block variable /pkg/atm2d/read_atmos.F 32
local and common block variable /pkg/atm2d/read_atmos.F 115
local and common block variable /pkg/cfc/cfc11_forcing.F 74
local and common block variable /pkg/cfc/cfc12_forcing.F 75
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 617
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 2299
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 3836
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 868
local and common block variable /pkg/frazil/frazil_calc_rhs.F 41
local and common block variable /pkg/kpp/kpp_routines.F 1367
global or module variable /pkg/my82/MY82.h 35
local and common block variable /pkg/openad/seawater.F 148
local and common block variable /pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 98
local and common block variable /pkg/thsice/thsice_solve4temp.F 182
local and common block variable /utils/knudsen2/knudsen2.f 468
local and common block variable /utils/knudsen2/unesco.f 471

20 declarations in 18 files.

References to a1

File Line
/model/src/gsw_teos10.F 51 65 80
/model/src/seawater.F 153 159 178
/model/src/swfrac.F 60 75 102
/pkg/atm2d/init_atm2d.F 50
/pkg/atm2d/read_atmos.F 32 92 115 127 128 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 164
/pkg/cfc/cfc11_forcing.F 74 123 124 125
/pkg/cfc/cfc12_forcing.F 75 124 125 126
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lwrad.F 617 1179 1185 1191 1197 1203 1209 2267 2299 2314
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_turb.F 3836 3837 3839 3846 3848 3876
/pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 868 871 886
/pkg/frazil/frazil_calc_rhs.F 41 43 85
/pkg/kpp/kpp_routines.F 1367 1524 1528 1529 1530 1582 1585 1586 1587
/pkg/my82/MY82.h 35 36
/pkg/my82/my82_init_varia.F 32 33 36 37 39
/pkg/openad/seawater.F 148 154 173
/pkg/shelfice/shelfice_thermodynamics.F 98 185 193 516
/pkg/thsice/thsice_solve4temp.F 182 287 290 458 462 477 480
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/OLDadBuffer.f 849
/utils/knudsen2/knudsen2.f 468 601 603 608 611 614 616 618 621 623 628 948 949 950 953 954 955 970 972
/utils/knudsen2/unesco.f 471 604 606 611 614 617 619 621 624 626 631 951 952 953 956 957 958 973 975

139 references in 20 files.